HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-8-17, Page 1TWENTY-FOURTH YEAR. EXETER, ONTARIO, TI URSDAX, AUGUST 17> 1911, SA Els & QnEEo Local Items The naian who mistakes himself at home doesn't siccesearily make the home, Mr, and Mrs. Simon Campbell and daugtrier Miss Vera, returned Tuesday evening frona two ntontls visile i n Regina.. \Ve are indebted to, Mr, W., H. \',Teazel of Crediton, who is now on a prospect- ing tour throughout the west, for a copy of a ,Saskatoon paper. Mr. Geo.Mantle, •has been ca - du ting a 'flour at,t feed business in connection with coal and wood, will dis- continue the. former and will continue the coal and wood business in the old , Axtadnn. HICKS'` FORECASTS FOR AUGk:ST.-,- A regular stornn period covers the 20th to 25th, central oaarlthe 221$d. fial'th'a autumnal equinox will 'bear en per- iod, ;Moen toeing in pellifee and new, Tidal dangers and equine; tat atoraana are ir. rated tom the gulf regio is at dabs tinne. A. seismic wave le also coincidsl ant with this storm) period, central on! the 23rd, Prematurely soot weather and 'rivets are apt, to weer over much of the interdor and north during the per- lead front the 20t,la to 26tt , BOWLING TOURNAMENT. ---on T tors day and Friday of atexel week, August 24 and 25, the Exeter,Lawlta Bawling AseoO lotion .wilt InOld their first tournament, open to ricrika fro)n: any club in the world. Three events will be payed in the rink competition, for, which valuable prizes will he given, Ia addition the "Paden Trophy", a large and hand- sa'nno ^alRyer cup, presented: by „iter, $, G: Bowden, will go to Alto 'wineers of lite' first event, tela br4 head for Pate yt'ar, The ropily 'when woo, three t1rtnea h' elle club laeeanles the? proparty 'or that club, Twelve Rosana are beiltg put its first class condliton,' and it 1e expected that a large number of rinks will lake part in the competition+ ESTIt,A1 STEER, Strayed from W. N. Quinton's pasture farm, on or about July 115, 19JL7„ tial ,alcor, color red, weighing between 1200 and 1300 pounnfs, the property of J. T. Morgan. any person furnish- ing information that will lead to the ,recovery oL sante will be liberally re- warded, 3, T. yiosa;an, I1ay P, Q. Northwest lands, Unimproved Lands s in Saskatchewan n and ,Alberta for sale. iiaflway fare refunded to pireitaserc. MONEY 'TQ LOAN. ERNEST ELLIOT. oS.fiq'.o'opposite Central Ftotel, Exeter. SCOTCH DOUBLES—Mr. James I Baw,. The Greatest Treat in Many Years den last Weele presented the: aBowline club with two handsome gold watch chains _ chains for pa local competition in 'You are all invited to attend the Rarch to the Srotela Doubles, The first draw was - mi rountdsa L. I1. Dickson immediately made and it is desired cetatioaa and Bead Colwell to be held will be the ehairma.n of the evening.; that. .the 'wholeE eo nipetitton .be complet- on the Fester ,Seheoi Grounds on the W. H. Lovett, as acting reeve, will wet - Y ell this week, ' )R.ANI ,BLUE y1TROL.—Mr, James 'Willis of Exeter North oat'Wedanesday of fast week made an (unfortunate mistake, which 111Wt easily, have prevcTfatal. d tie was assistiaag Mr,. James Jeckell London Bead North; in his farmwork; and desiring a drintk he. proceeded to find a bottle'of eider, which was there "or the purpose, but unfortunately he slot linob1 of a siraxilar bottle containing' blue vitrol, and took sa mouthful before be found leis mistake, - FA. doctor 'was inata'-ne,4iately summoned. and a enema -oh Mimi? put las operation, Relief ,'was at 'a o'n 44 once ;givo;n and Zvi,tea .,. alt eeae pt1 , as e nn9uth and throat Ai'r, 'Willie was low dans e,ijoy in gl fair health, wain DEATH. ©le MRS. FIARVEX,—There passed away at the home of her sea - in -law -Kr, 1\T. J. Ilewey, on Thu re. last, an old and much esteemed resident of tlsborne l;l the per,sQn of Caroline Wake lin, widow of the late Richard Harvey who passed away after e. comparatively short Illness caused by ar accident About five 'weeks ago Mrs, kla.rveY while going down .t. short- stair fell, with the result that nee hip joint was fractured. At the time the fracture was reduced it was expected, Sl:c would reeovcr, bu! seenlingly-her advane ed ago 'was against:her, end after a per- iod or tlnten,so suffering she 'passed away. She had been visiting the different btonnea of her relatives in this locality and had lust about completed the rounds wizen the ace deati happened. The late AJra. Harvey was a native of England and cane to Canada when quiet young Sirat settling rear Bowmaroville. Early] in tea Vomit -lea she marded her late ausbard, Richard Harvey', who pro- eed her a little over eight yearn. Shortly often° their utarriage'they moo - to Uaborne, wizen she h as corr tinuously resided ever since. She a kind hearted neighbor, a good 'wife and mother and commanded the respect of all who formed her acquaintance. Six!, was the mothor'of thirteen children, ten of 'whom aro living. She is also survived 'by three fosters. The funeral tooIt place to the Exeter cemetery end Saturday. The 25c. pays for T Advocate to Ja.n.l CARLING'S PRONE i8 Dress Goods At Cost Price Now that August is half gone we are offering all our summer Dress Goods at cost . price such as Mulls Foulards and Muslins, etc, WHITE LAWN WAISTS Regular s, ,. ., $2.00 2.50 2.25 2,00 1.75 1.50 1.25 1.00 for $1.85 1.00 1.35 1.20 1.15 1.05 .. .80 I' .75 LADIES DUTCH COLLARS' AND JABOTS Regular 50c. for 40e. 25e. " 20c.. 15c. " llc. Also Wash Belts ' regular 25c for 20c., WHITE UNDERSKIRTS Regular $8.75 for $2.75 2.50 " 1.75 2.25 " 1.60 2.00 't 1.30 1.25 " ,89 ‘'" 1.00 .70 All corset covers to be cleaned out at cost. it st Balbriggan underwear in Egyptian thread and porous knit regular 40c. a garment for 30c. a garment, Gents pure silk half hose reg- ular 50c. for 40c. also Lisle • half hose regular 50c. for 40c. regular 25e. for 20c. We have just received a few lines of Fall Goods in Plaids;.and checks suitable for children's dresses for schoot of, 12 and a half cent and -;15c ;a,,rard. Spooiel—We have just received several pieces of � 1 Flannelette 34 inches wide re u ar 12..c. weight, for 10c. This is a good time to buy your Flannelettes for fall before they are sold out. Farmers—We now have the celebrated Beebe ants and smocks. ' These are made from the heaviest p s deiinim and also, made to fit. Highest prices paid for all kinds of Produce,�' R evert -jog of August 17th, !n honor of Mr. conte the guests; on behalf of the tow S, A. Popestore, who has teen elected to the oitice, of Grand, :Master of tate India, pendent Order of Qddfetlow-s of ()Mario; O of Sic Lo a rd n' s best city 'wino bands be in attendance•. An informal reception will be held at the Railway Station alt; 6 e'elock, u.m., on the arrival of the baud, the honored ianest, and othere, The gue+si'S will be taken to thetr stopping t places in ta' O.fes. A Precessioa will leave tae LO.O.F., Flap at 7.30 aatd Ir G. Siaaabury 'w'ill welcome and cons S'ratulate the Grand Master on. hehalt of the lodge. Past Grand Master Bro; leve#t K. C,, of Stra#Ford will .R.% a, a n deliver an oration own Qddfeilw s .p, Short Speeches aand a first-class ^lo. i.. Band Convert, such, as the people have Mot heard !tit; years in Deter, will be the prograain o the ewe/Mtg.. Faieryhody welaeuno 1 Everybodyon Everything free, GRAND MASTER S. A. POPLE$TONE. We notice by the ratautes of the re- aCe' Gran.islali:Th of "t i nt0ddfeliows Grand Lodge yfeettng tanaue co nnmittee a strong t Niagara th1vtn addition to Bra S A. growth, at�tat the Ontario z o I'oplestone holding high office, Ero.Per- wa:s never in4 a betteri condition. Sixteen ry T. Coupland of St, ltarye to Etre lodges ware Instituted dur rg the year, Grand Warden, and Bre, IL S. Crocker and at the,, orad ",of June tine:- were 383 of Toronto, formerly of Exeter, is the lodges, ;aving a mennbership of '40,'100. report THE EXETER SCHOOL. The Exeter School Board announces , h High School or elle -act o the k d l re -opening f p � g Continuation Class fah -*-tar Monday, 8eptennber 3th•, at a.m.,, when all in- tending student's are desired to be pres- ent. The atm of the board is to pro- vide a thorough education for the var- ious walks at life—Commercial, Indus- trial and Profes'sHonal, and to train carefully those under their care for a goad, true, and ltonombie Canadian Citizenship. The course covered is complete foil Model, Normal and University En- trance. Special emphasis is given, to the Commercial department. Students are given a complete Commercial train` log. As a rural Xt!gh School,fu11 attention Is given to the special needs at the and artisan - The :armor n rn The School stands government approv ed, and is thoroughly equipped as to play grounds, labratory needs, library; and staff. The work has received full. o i approval from both.public and c nt riu- ation ci spectors. The results at the last departmental examinations rank the Ex- eter School among the first in the Pro- vince. ; The staff remains, with one change, as before, and stands for the H. - S: Section as follows,—W. 13. Wetdethann- mer, B.A., honor graduate of Toronto University, Specialist in Moderns and English, takes charge of Modernis, High.. er English, Mathematics and Science; Miss E. M. Robb (First-class) Classics; English, History and Reading ; Mise M. Campbell (Furst -class) the Commeroi dal and Junior Work. The H. S. Sec- tion is open to all who have passed the H S. Entrance, and parents ,and guardians are asked to ,see that regist; ration of stude4n(t's ' is made twith the least possible delay. For information as to Courses apply to the principal. J. Grigg, Sec. BARN Bi?RN'ED The 'barn owned by Mir. Wes. C.f Huston, and leased by Mr. Wm; Robin- son on the 3rd con. of Stephen," • Was struck by lightning during the electric- al and rain storm early Tuesday inorn- ing and- was burned to the'ground,tor, gether with the contents, --a large quare tity or pressed straw, owned by Mr. W. T. Colwill, Which had been pressed and packed in, the barn the previous day. The barn was not rnuc'ii used, consequently there wars no insurance on it. The' 1oas to Mr. Colwili is consid- rable,. en to the principal and staff of the H. S. Section, for their' success int the ,recent d,epartmeretal examinations. Per MATRI,CUI,:,tTION I7XAl!!NATIONS The tallow!ng aro the successful eta tr<`ui tia onmdidatos in Huron. . Group A„ coutar;'_• ,. none: Of those who passed in all the eleven) subjects, Group 11, vontainns the namesor those who passed itt at least ttght,..subjects. Group C, contain's the harass of those whq wrote own' less than; eleven subjeets and pas sed on all. an wheh they wrote.— A.—H G Armstrong, .1 S Arnmtrong, L E Armstrong, 0 13 Armstrong, J A 13rem er M. E. I3 •oz,^ J 13uo to au n x at . J. 1 n A. Bell; E. D. Berry , R, M. Best, J. A. Cara'we11, F. N. Chaff, H S Copp, 13 M Currin EIV "Deadman, W A Data°, A W Dick, .A, Dickson, A 3 Forrest, A W Gardiner, Wt H. Gulad, R. Geiger, L 0 Gaisk(cfr, T P Gleet, A Grand, D II :Hardie, N I Harta•y, G ;I3 Jones TJ H 7ordan, J C Jordan, J R Jones, J. H, Kerr, W. la ,heirs, F I. Knig'ltt, L.L.i nklate, E M Levo E G Levy C S Leckie, A 3 McPherson, F McKay, P McEwen, H . A Mutton, T A Melody, 34 Peck, R E RLver's, P floss L A' Ross, E Stewart, W. G. Strong, E. 1I Sontea vine, L A Snili:llie, J A Sturdy, R pI Simpson, E til Twjner, L 3 Wasman. B.—L Beaton, J.E. M 'Brown., al I. Braun, H R Canteion, A (Finkbeiner, B C Hoggarta IT Of 'Jones, G Kestle, W Ir McCutcheon, J F; t,McNaught, M. Shackleton, 3 ,E $rvrartz, 71 B Snarling, T M Thomson, R S Warwick. C.—M A Durnitn,, V I. ; rsard, M L Jewett, W. C McKee, 11: ,A Roadhouse. J Q Strot�hezjs, H 7E Thompson;, J A Walker, R N Welsh r EXETER SCHOOL BOARD Aug. 14.—Meeting held In the Town Hall at 8 p.m. Absent H. Huston. The *foliowialg is the order of business duly submitted' and approved. Per chaar—Mir_- utes of previous meeting. Reports of Committees, Repairs --Furnaces ;not yet inspected; Principal—No applying for Normal Entrance 11, No. passed 8, with honors 7 n e No. for .Jr. Matriculation 11, passed 7; all .requisites for Science department ordered; two 8 -in. globes a -i so a set of, weights and -measures for Miss Kinsman's department. -Per Car; ling and Wood -That the principles and practice of, oral reading - ,and Wrong's 'British Nation be,corttinued, in use as. !tent books in fornt' Pel .,Caraing and Gladman-That Wrong's British Nation, 'be contilnued in -ulse in 'Form 3, Per, ( Carling and Wood—That the report of 'the principal be accepted in full, and that Inc congratulations of ` the'board be g-iva- ST7CCESSFUL STUDENTS The iollo;wi;n(g Sat the full;,lis., of suc- cessful students at the Exeter School for Normal Entrance and Junior :gat- ;ri'ulataon, NORMAL ENTRANCE. -Boilers, A. rth H. Jones Dov'r' Ga se g teW. Mon- teith; Marchand, A McPherson, Pass, W. Bosley, JUNIOR MA'PRICtiLATION Com" • alete t,o 19] 1,s --D, Gaiser, S=T. .7otiee, :4 Mdi'herSon -Comb e with": ',Frenchrata` p-revious , enantQtnatio;;y;' W. • Z3irney, : , A Dow,. I Mas•C,hand, ;3"lo,t,terth ; Passed 511 e ,gJ1it ;or mote' subjects, G. Kestle, bI Braun, M. Filt!kbeainer R. C. I-logb'aith.' Mr: _Hrnest Davis and Bess JennieB'roek. of town were'quietly married i,n, Lnndo,n on" Thursday evening last. 'Pha r'ourtg ro p)e will have; the `pest wia les of 'the r friends for their future .happl nests' and prosPeLlity. Ms.rtin and Gladnian—That such adver- tising a' tisi i - may s n y bd`useful .'be prepared byl the ,principal and ,,.even threw "insertions in the following papers,—Times, Advoc- cats, Exposit,or, and, Creditou1 Star. , Per Carling and; 1\4.artiit-That Mian Quack- enbush be engaged at a salary of four hundreddollars. perannm it 1, to fill the vacancy caused by the,'resiguation 'Of - Miss Alenander,-Per Cas'11ng and, mar- tin: -.=-That the deferred aa'spectOral 'visit o4T:the board ba made Tuesday morning at: 9 ann.' Pzi"Mariin'kkd•Wvod That the t secretary ''tie'. authorized to secure an additional .supply of Commercial cer titrates. Pel 'Wood and Carling -;:"That all non-resk1ents be i-equlrecl io turn lab, certificates Of admission to the tea Chi :5 in : change at lire ,boinmeilcenncnt o•f'each.term. Per. Martin.land' Gladman =That tite`foliowing parrnants, tie a - 'proved,—Times,t;blanks 0.75 , J. IA. S;tew- ar ; sutad;'ses, •AQc,,.r5 Saiitdet , 1elegraIn B'. J. Iieaivan, 6,53. Per Car- ling, g, ;adjout tmentl J - Grigg, Sec. 1lre. Hy. Smith visited 14 Lotndontu. miss Martha Lewis is ,visiting in De- t roLLt. Miss Hilda Phillip was in London .on. Sunday. Miss Stella Gillies is visiting lb, Port Huron, Miss Annie Sanders will. return ; #o Jarvis to -day.: \1 ss iaTary Acheson has returned firm a )(Is r. dna London,,, Miss. Hunt of Seafora,'a is wisitict„ glia Misses Armstrong. Ntre., dra tusalo:: letK SY A'lda dor ;a trip to Winnipeg, ylr, Percy Gillies is home' trona 0'a Sound for a few days, Miss Murray of Dundas as, visiting her ousist Miss Joann 1fttrrag, ' Miss Edith .Liddbeo<t of Lando.; is visiting .tiss 'Lela Gould heaver of Grand' dead tai speo(t- a day o:- 'two tint, town, lTs. L, Billings leaves to -do -y. for St. V ontas and Detroit to visit, Miss Stella Wilson of Hostas)] visited her stator her over Sunday, tilos Jean Martin 01Mt„ 'Fal"eat Is be ',;;nest of Miss Edna Dow. Mr, and 'Mrs. E. P. Howe of Toro:a10 ora visiting Mrs. 11',nn, Jkeli, Mr alined ltowey spent Suwiday and day' here with his family. jfr. and M4, Samuel Gldley or Biy t3 ted' relatives here this week-. 1Ir. as d Mrs, Herb' Mitchell of Loa - on are visiting relatives in lov,'rt, tiia°, la ilii un Slewartr of Detroit "dolt ,ed "",s 11O'ates ilex. o a ;esday- Misscs Lida awn ce .a d !,jyd4 Ralli;ts ..'.n :d, t-- the millinery caheptings Rn Too, onto. 'airs, Orville I sen d3 and fwro llatie dtu,alatcrs or Tavas.ocia are i ues$s at Mr, Jaa, Scott's, T:tos. Handford left Monday Fairhaven, Muskoka, 'where he main a short time - Mr , inse.Mrs- Thos. Snell andiMlss Anne Sm dors, returned Tuesday evening frosa a ten days' stay tab Landon. Mrs. Geo Hawklike and MI se Hazel Browning nave returned from a %tait in Port Huron: and Detroit. s Mies Mary Iaek returned to Toronto .ionday evening, after holidayipg at 'Mr ltottne here for a few' weeks. sirs. ,A. Sheer° arrived hone' Tuesday frown Fort William, w er"e rhe visited her son :Nelson, for some weeks. Miss Tilly Balkiw111 and ttrientl ltitot Helen Watson, of Hamilton are vicitinl; friends »ri town for a few days. :.1rs. Ericson, after a visit wig" ails and Mrs. W. C. l3issott, returned to rtes home in Rochester, N.Y., on. Monday. Dr. WIll IKTliSitt returned Monday from Calgary, wilero he wrote on his Council Examination, the report of which is not yet out. Mrs. Wm. Daw, who has Leen visiting friends and relatives in and around Ex eter, returned to her hones in Salttond on Saturday evening - Mr. W. It, Taft 'of Toledo, Ohio, who with his wife, visited friends at Cen- tralia, was a pleasant railer at the .Advocate on Tuesday. Mr. Daniel Grahamof Clifton, tKansas, , who has been visiting; at his old ]tonne near London, vfsited his uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. Wrn. ,Bagshaw, last week.. Mrs. John Westlake, who has been vis Ring her daughter, Mrs, David McNicol of Stratford, has returned to her home .accompan°pd by Miss Florence Gel- dart. Mr. and Mrs. John Westlake visited their daughter, Mrs. James Whyte, on Friday, who recently underwent an op- eration for appendicitis in ,Gunn's Hos- pital, Clinton. MissAlexander, who taught lin the Exeter public school, is visiting friends in town. After` the holidays, she will leave for the west when 'she has accep- ted a position as teacher. About sixty tickets were sold at this station on Friday for the west, among the number from here bentg, Roland Brintnell, Garnet Cram, Ms. T.',Elliott and sons Elder and Jahn, Geo. Moir and son, Bert Rivers, Peter 'Moir, T. Kernick. 7 Mr. C. N. Senior, of the reportial staff of the Mail and Eanpire, Toronto, is vilsitiing his uncle, Mr. Joseph Senior,. Mr. Senior ba.s accepted a ;simili ar posit- ion tan on the Brantford Expositor and after his holidays will 'commence his duties. Mr. and firs. Alex. Yager, who have been visiti'niy with the fornmer's mother here and 'at the latter's home :near St. Marys, left on their return; ,trip too Swift Current, Sask., om Thursday last, accompanied by Mrs. Yaeger ,,and Jeer'' daughter, Miss Tillie.. BIRTHS Taman -In Exeter, August 10, to Mr: and Mrs. W. W. Taman, a ,sae. Dearing -In Daslhlwood, Aug. 13, 'to Me and Mt's. Fred Dearing, 'a sell,' McNicol—In Stratford, August 2, tito Mr c of a and Mrs. Daviid M Nnc 'son. Walter—At the Bronson, Line, Hay, on the 5th inst., to Mr. and Mrs. Herman Walter, a dautghter '(died same day). MARRIAGES Davis—Brock—In London, August 10t'h,. Mr. Ernest Davis of 'Exeter North, to Miss Jennie, second dauglhtter of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. -Brock, Huro,n Street. Totten—Fifkbeiner,—In Stephen, on Aug. 7,6,. by Rev. Mr., Burin, , Creditain,.,M George Totten of Weyburn, Sask., to Miss •;;Clara, -eldest dau,g ter of Mr. and Mrs'. Christian • T mile t er. ' DEATHS Harvey -In -Exeter, Augirrat 10, Caroline W,i„keliR1 •relict of •'tbe late Richard ,Harvey, aged 791 years, 11 months. Welsh,—IIt:•Exeter, August 12,, Mary; Thontas r,elictit of they tato -til illra.rn Welsh;, 4ged 'e3 years, ;1xniomit, tit days. -• • lG Best Chance Ever Offered To en To put i z a supply of cloth- rivear., Shoes Hats d Caps,, SON, Ties. Everything a rna wears. At a price guaranteed to be below the Actual ost Frac Boys Clothing Sacrificed This sale may be end- ed any day. And you will certainly regret it if you do not buy now. - Men's an Boys' Furnish- ings Quitting Business ash The Clothier Exeter 1