HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-8-10, Page 7TRiED TWO DOCTORS WITH NO BENEFIT Then Br. Williams' Pink Pills Wrought a Lasting Cure Dr, Williams' Pink Pills have made so many remarkable cures in seri- ous cases that people are liable to overlook their value as a tonic for the blood and nerves in debility and general rite -clown conditions. That such conditions are the cause of much misery and unhappiness is fully known to those who suffer from them and the need of dating, them is as vital as is relief from diseases with higher sounding names, We commend the follow- ing statement to any one suffering from weal,:, thin blood, or shatter- ed nerves. Mrs. Mae Macabe, Gleichen, Alta., says., "A. few years ago 1 became run down, not seriously ill, but just tired and weak all the time, 1 eonsuited our family doctor, who gave me tonic after tonic with no effect, 1 gradt- all* got weaker and weakerant I could not do my work. Then 1 went o tt . t ,tarotlaer doctor, wlao. pro- nounced nil" case one of decline, and recommended a warmer climate with complete rest, This I eouid not afford, and I began to worry and fret, until I became a eonl lcte nervous wreck. One day while visiting a neighbor an old' gentle- man who was taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for partial paralysis ren eoinrnended them to me, I sent outl and got three bodes, but without nnUeh faith that they would help me, but before they were gone I noticed an improvement and 1 � continued taking the Pills, cont, stantly growing stronger, until l� had Taken seven or eight boxes, 'a � when I was cenrpletely curer. I could stet ark Work as easily as ever 1 had donna in my life, and the doc- tor told me that be could seareely believe the change in me, as he had not had the least hope that I would, Ire strong .again. Now I always' 3ce.tep the Pills on hand and if I feel, fatigued or weary take *heart Thr three lar• :four days so as aaca to, get ruga down," Sold by all medicine dealers by mail at bQ emits a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The :lair, Wil- lianms' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. "Whim a hideous ruffian therm - sutler is," whispered the oral lady at the pollee -court, "I feel quite afraid when I look at him." "Hush :" said :her'lrusband. "That's not the,, prisoner. That's the judge!" A Pill That Lightens Lire, --Tit the man ,vho is a victim of indi- gestion the transaction of business becomes an added misery. He can- not concentrate his, mind upon his tasks and loss and: vexation: at- tend him. To such a man Parme- 1ee's Vegetable Pills offer relief. A course of treatment, according to direction's, will, convince him of their great excellence. They are confidently* recommended because they will do all that is claimed for them. A good bait for: a rat trap is a paste, made of cornmeal and eggs. Every packet of Wilson's Fly Pads will kill more flies than can possibly be eattght on tlhree hun- dred sheets of sticky paper. 'My hair comes out in handfuls: If it keeps on I'll soon be bald," "Nonsense; if it keeps on you can never be bald." REST AiLD HEALTH TO MOTHER ARD CHILD. .VIAS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP has beer. 'used for over SIXTY YEARS by MILLIONS of MOTHERS for their CHILDREN WHIL$ TEETHING, with PERFECT SUCCESS. It SOOTHES the CHILD, SOFTENS the GUMS, ALLAYS all PAIN: CURES WIND COLIC, and is the best remedy for DIARRIHEA It is ab- solutely hartplesS. I3e sure and ask for "Mrs. 1Vinslow's Soothing`, Syrup," and take uo other. kind. Twenty-five cents a bottle, QUITE TRUE. ``,Worry wears out more people than work ;does,", said the_ready- made philos.�pher. ``Of course it does," replied Mr. GI' o'woher : ' for the simple reason that so many - of us would ;rather ''put in our time Worrying about work than doing C HORSEFLESH IS CICEAP. Is Eaten by Poor J'eop14 oR Most ]European Countries. The sending of British commis - Siena and delegations to Germany. to investigate material conditions has been all the fashion, Political parties and leagues and -societies advocating this or that have had inquisitors ransacking the father- land from frontier to frontier, and. tier findings hate been embodied in tons of reports, some instructive, but angst of them unconvincing and stupid. Hundreds of "Free Trade Leag- uers'' and "tariff trippers" have sought the secret of German pros, perity, and their junketings have Produced deductions wonderfully expressed, as might have been ex- pected, the, predilections of the vis- itors have found ample support as a consequence of the investigation. Free traders discovered that Ger- many was not prospering because of protection, and vice versa, Em- ployers of labor invariably learned that the toiling masses were poor- ly paid and worked more hours than at home, In fact, every in- vestigator seemed to discovers what be wished to find. Nearly: every delegate published his "report" with the 'result that kin land rials had a aleaflets, t ,cis is l1 l e d'urr r aleof .. es, nd k g j described what they believed they saw, but one tripper tersely told what he did not see, and this was the hest report of the avalanche, Here is what he said of Germany ; "No unemployed standing at street corners, No drunkenness or brawl- ing, No hooliganism, No shams of poverty, as in England, No dis• eoaartesy, No begging or hawking, No deformed persons, No land out of cultivation, Ne ragged children, No late trains:' The alarming discovery was made that thousands of poor subsist on horseflesh, and, to prove the hor- ror: scores of investigators brought home the publa'e advertisements of horseflesh merchants, , These pro- duced an outburst of righteous in- dignation, About ,a hundredth part of thE meat eaten in Germany is horseflesh. It is sold openly as such, and it is held to be whole erne and palatable, and is rigidly inspected by health officials, Pro- bahly- every Continental country has peoplewho eat horseflesh. on Recount of its cheapness (in Ger- many it sells at & or 10 cents 1l. pouud). Other British investigat- ors pounced capon the black bread. as unfit , for human beings, cow - paring it detrimentally with the armor -coated loaves of rural; Eng- land. --Review of Reviews. A Powerful Medicine. --The heal - ng properties in six essential oils are concentrated in every bottle of :Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil, forming one of the most beneficial liniments ever offered to' the use of man. Thousands can testify as to its power in allying pain, and many thousands more can certify that they owe their health to it. Its wonderful power is not expressed by its cheapness. Public baths for dogs have been, opened at Munich, in Germany. Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. During the month of April, gold weighing 18,081 ounces, and valued at $373,295 was found in New Zea- land. TRY MURINE EYE REMEDY for Red, Weak, Weary, Watery Eyes and GranulatedEyelids. Murine Doesn't Smart—Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists Sell Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25c, 50c, $1.00. Murine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubes, 25c, $1.00. Eye Books and Eye Advice Free by Mail. Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago. THE CRY 'HURRAH!" "Hip 1 Hip 1 Hurrah 1"—the dis- tinctly British cry—is surprising.l.y, modern. The "Hip!" and the "Hurrah !" do not seen* to have come together before the nine- teenth century. In the eighteenth "Hip!" amounted to just "Hi 1" or "Hullo !" while ' 13urrah!" was then usually "Huzza 1" It is very like the Cossack shout "Ora 1" but it is supposed to have been a Ger- man cry of the 'chase, adapted by German soldiers to war, and bor- rowed from them by the British,. perhaps first ofallat the time of the Thirty, Years' War. , `Hurra 1" is said to have been the battle -cry of the Prussians in the War of Lib- eration (1812-13). Still, the curious fart that seventeenth and - ,eight- eenth century writers call "Hui za 1" a sailors' shout lends support to the conjecture that it may really have been the hoisting cry, "His_.. as !" HAD, NO CHANCE...,. A husband was being 'arraigned.;) in court in a tsuir brought by his wife flor, cruelty. "I understand, sir," said' coun- sel, addressing the husband; "thatl one of the indignities you have showered . upon your wife is that,l you have not spoken to her for, three vearss ,that so ?" ls,''7 . ~quic ly answered the husband. "tWe11 sir," thundered :the �ounsel," ``why didn't yen speak to- hErrelrrtiY ais ,r : replied. the - husband, I'°hecewse 1 didn't want to toter - FSS [J E: 32-:21.1;rupt herJ - Cie dismissed- It 1s; lr Is the bit ro _e r known for sun heat ,rashes, eczema, ,sore feet, stings end 1bIister's. A skive food! .411 I3rrygetsta and ;5toree.-500 4 { x Globetrotter—"You say this is a healthy climate, but look at your graveyard, It's full of graves." tt r., h'{�i._?n' (,ovtibo}-- That ain't got to do with the climate. None o' them fellers died a natural death." A Safe Pill for Suffering Women, :The secluded life of women which permits of little healthful exercise, is a fruitful cause of de- range rents of the stomach and laver and isi accountable for the pains and lassitude that so many £ them experience. Parnelee's Vegetable Pills will correct irre- gularities of the digestive or•gaos c The and restore health and vigor. n most delieate woman can. use thew zvath safety, because theirs action,. while Effective, is mild and saloth- ing Mrs. Dunnit---•"How did you make your husband cut off his beard?" Mrs. Sto .pit^ --•"I gave him diamond scarf=pii: for a r birthday present,'" MInard's Liniment Cures Distemper, "'Mamma, mayn't I go to the fancy dress ball as a milkanaid l" "You are too small," "Well, can't I be a condensed milkmaid I" Peevish, pale, restless, and sickly children owe their condition to worms Mother Graves' Worm Ex- terminator will relieve them ,and restore health. The way out of trotlhle is aoatglr r than the way in, Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, Etc. HIS BIT CIE LUCK. After suffering a roaring tooth- aehe for fourteen Clays, Tommy consented to visit the dentist's. "But he'll kill mel." asserted the nervous youngster on the verge of tears, "I know he'll kill me l" But it was a curse of choosing be- tween two evils. Ile went with his nurse, and when. he returned, greeted his mother beamingly. • "\rot death" bantered mamma. "No," o," answereCl Tommy ; , t 'cos just before the dentist killed me the toof came out !" • A BIT TOO BAD. COULDN'T BELIEVE HIM. 33i11 was a Far West cowboy, and noted for his craftiness. It was im- possible to trust him. Ile got fin- ally into the toils of the law, and at his trial he pleaded guilty, He did well, for the case against him, was strong and irrefutable. Nevertheleiss,: the jury in its ver - diet declared him innocent. The Judge was thunderstruck, "Innocent!" he said,. "I:nnocentt But the man himself pleads guil- ty!" "We know that," said ;the fore- man of the jury, "but he is such a F liar that we can'tbelieve him!" Very many persons die annually from cholera and kindred :summer 1 complaints, who might have been saved if proper remedies had been used. If attacked do 'rot delay in getting a bottle of Dr, J. 1). Kel- logg's Dysentery Cordial, the me- dicine that never fails to effect a I cure. Those who have userav it say a it nts rem tl £ a , d t ro e _ p I? 3, n lzo archly 1 subdues• the pain and disease.. "" U ' Dir t _-___.� mope around the adhouse, Tommy. Why don't g d � , .r< vola §o and ,' " a 'play vvitle, Zi;'illto? �" Gras I played with Willie yesterday,er< at an d1 don't snppcse he's well enough yet," "You look very tired," remarked James to his friend Pilson. "I'm nearly dead," replied the tired one. "Last night I didn't get a wink of sleep because Johnson's cat was howling so." "Couldn't you do anything?" "Wait. I got up, opened my window, and heaved a boot at the cat, just as Johnson came out to bring the cat in." "Wasn't that all right?" "No. The boot' hit. Johnson, and he threw it back over the wall and broke my cucumber frames. But that wasn't the worst." "What happened then 1" "Why, he went back indoors and left the cat howling away outside!" `That' Good' Is often said of ost Toasties when eaten with ` cream or rich milk and a sprinkle of sugar. That's the one for house- keepers who Want to please the -whole family. Post Toasties are ready to serve direct from the package Convenient Economical Delicious "The Memory Lingers"', SOLD BY GROCERS. Canadian Posen* Yrreal Company; linite'tt,• Windsor, Ont. 3littard'n Iiittirent Co,, Limited, Ctr.ntlemen,-'-I have used 111 ARR.'S LINIMENT 00 any ,vessel and in my fam- ily for sears, and for the everyday Ws and accidents life cousider d Sof fo 1 eons der it bas uo 1 would not start on a vo'rage without it. if it cost a dollar a bottle, CAPT, F, R. DESJARDIN, Sen'. "Storke, 4t. Andre, Kawouraska urs." happily "Thank band is ay s your daughter 1" married Mrs, Bee-- aoo<loess, yes! Her haus- ed to death of her." Corns and warts disappear whe. treated with Holloway's Corn Cur without leaving a scar, Mlnard's Liniment. Cures Carget In Cowa, Johnny --"The camel can go eight days without water." Freddy --"So could I if ma would let me." Vigorous� r -the power to enjoy to fie full life'* a work 2nd pleasure—cornea only ariYn i good digestion. DRUWSPEPSIBLETS tone up weak stomachs—supply the digestive juices which are lacking- ef.4ure your food being properly converted into brawn and sinew, red blood and kjue brain. 60c. a box at your druggist's or front - National Drug and Chemieat Co. of Canada, Umtted, ONTARIO \' ThRINA V COLLEGE Temperance Street, Toronto Atlliia ted with the University of Toronto, and under the control. of ' anent of Agriculture fns Deuxr3. of Outariv, Infirmary for sack Animals at the; ColloSe, COLLEGE RE -OPENS OCTOBER 2nd. 1911. N.ia. Calendar on alapl,ica,tion. E. A. 1 (..f ANCE, V.f., Princliaaii. During last year 476,083 aliens ar- rived in Great Britain. The destruction of the house fly is a public duty, -Almost every American State Board of Health carry=ing on a crusade against him. His filthy origin and habits, and the fact that his body is gen- erally laden with disease -produc- ing gerrns, makes him one of the greatest enealies of the human race If the housekeepers of Can- ada will, use' �1'ilscan. s lily rads persistently, this *peril would be tremendously reslne'4, / 1 A CEY., TI QRS. litilfPS,, etc, In, tern&l and ssterpal, cured without Hain by our hotne treatment, Write us before too late. D. 13elrman Medical Co., Limited, Colingwood, Ont„ 4ITI; us te-day for our choice list of lgenta' SSup,ilies, No outl nj cessaryy, They are 224oney makers, A,p ply B. C. I, Co, Ltd,, 2,Albert 'St,. Ottawa, Ont. EL,IALI@TS ADVICE PEED. Consult us in regard to any disease, Lowest prices hi drugs of all kinds. ].'ruses fitted by mail. Send measure. meat. Glasses fitted by are, Write today for anything sold to first-class drug stores to Dr. Denman, Collingw•ood, Ont, CLEANING LADIES' WALKINC OR OUTING SUIT Can ba duce ntl.:4t1y by uutr Frese3p:vetea, Try ir. British American Dyeing Co. Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa and Quebec. The Heart'ofa Piano isth Action. insist on the ' 'OTTO HI EL Piano Actioni FARMS FOR RENT ANI) SALE. ASK DAWSON, HE KNOWS. T.P. you want to sell jt farm, consult., me, ITyou ova me, t to buy ,a fa ult 1 I1AY"5 some of the best Fruit, Stock,,. Grain or Dairy Farms in Ontario, tend prices right. }T. ii , I} Oiv Sox. Ninety 3l. Street, Toronto. Colborn( CDS are c an A.TOON d to none. hence the z sonsf y1t ^a■^, i. 14 +1,t .. li...prosperity . to"a our farms, ers. Why be ono of those who knows 114, Can do bstc,r, yet; laacl,, tl:c ;.Dir“, to try,, E'ltt, c is no risk, Alexi who come herd retili,f now much of lite they have waste ed elsewhere Better tcltte. CO'a'S11' SIO t. 1;it, BOARD OF PRAlal }q esterti , aaakattaoaz, S. . katebew sn. C snada, AGENTS WANTED. {i G.l;NTS W ANTia).—A, study o ' othet, ti Agency propositions Convinces In that none cut equal ours You will al, ways regret it if 'son don't apply fol p zrtirulars to 1'ravellera' Dept.; Albert St., Ottawa, MISCELLANEOUS. lETAY and 'FARM SCALES. 1yilSon'b. reale Works, 2 Esplanade, Toronto. I331I34,I'u, interior trim. doors, flooring, sash:. Prase quoted at your station. small or ;large orders. P, W, T, Rosa, Toronto. d"IUT YOUR GI/AtS AT 110}IF.--Qur low � ++ "led neva*" Ulass Cutter eats wired lass, plate glass, smoked and window glass. By matt tae. W., k7, Potter 3a Gm* '4 Benoit fit,. Montreal, 113OuLTItY WA 7TRD •Mt't hest prices i paid for poultry, tin ,, rabbits: prompt return- get price list; it will say you, 1leDulf A Co,, T?b 'at, Dominique „street, Montreal. ��vi ArV111II.T, MACIU EERY, Portable - or s heavy, Lathe lulls, Shinele hills. Engines and Boilers, Sidi Suppilea. Thr. E. Lon,; Manufacturing 0o„ Ltd„ Wes)Street, Orillia, Ontario. . TON SCALE 01.7A AN1'EFD. 'Wilson's 0 Seale Works,9 Esplanade, Toronto. ANIIFACTII i:-iNG IN i� ST Y Canada Bread Company, Lknited, With its Plants in Larger Cities of Canada Will irl aye Output of 1,0)90,000 Loaves Per Week, or Annual Production of 50,000,000 Loaves. Company is in Strong Financial Position. Toronto, Aug. 7 (Special).—It was a happy suggestion for the consumer of bread which was made to Mark Bredin, of Toronto, some time ago, which suggestion, taking root, has, with the co-operation and financial assistance of Mr. Caw,thra Mulock, resulted in the formation of the Canada, Bread Company, Limited. It was only to be expected that sooner or later scientific and sani- tary methods, would be adopted in the manufacture of the most essen- tial article in the diet of the na- tion, namely, bread. \Vhen one considers the enormous improve- ments which have been made dur- ing the past decade in nearly every branch of industry, he is simply astounded that such an important industry as that of the manufacture of bread should so long have been neglected. I,n the iron indu:etry, the textile industry, and in scores of other industries there has been introduced during - the past few years speeializatioa "aad standard- ization. Economics have been ef- fected either through the merging of various interests '; in such a man- ner as to distribute operating costs over an enorrnously larger ontpu;t than previously, or by various Me- thods which the pressure of com- petition or the strenuous methods of modern life have''brought about' It would almost seem as though the only business to be neglected was the most important and basic industry of all., namely, that of the nsanuf.a;dture of bread. LARGE CAPITAL REQUIRED. would the That success ti of d attend efforts of anyone having the capi- tal and the courage to'adopt mod- ern methods in the conduct of the hreadindustry was a for ego ne con- clusion, but, for .some reason or other', although the -di'a had fre- quently been dismissed re-quently.been:dismissed and several efforts were made,.•owards i.I1e end' referred to. all of these came tq nought until Cawthra MukoI , co- operat,i,ng with Mark. Bredim .and rl other enterprising bread mann- ' facturers, devised a plan to bring together several of the largest and. moat up-ito-crate plants in the city of Toronto. In order to get the full advantages for the purchasing department, it was advisable to bring in also -as many of the busi- nesses in other cities as were ac- ceptable, th.e result being that a large Montreal bakery and a- large Winnipeg bakery were included. COMPANY IN STRONG POSITION. The Canada Bread Company starts with an enormous advantage over any other business of a simi- Iar character in the Dominion of -Canada. Alt the outset is its enormous requirements, and the advantages which, will result in the purchasing depar~tme•nt. In a, busi- nesss which expecte to shortly con - ;n snnr.e snclr enormousquantitiesws 520,000 bags of flour, 364,000 pounds each of compressed yeast and malt extract, and 57i,000 pounds each of sh'ostening andsugar, to say no- thing of coal foie fuel, it can be readily ` appreciated what advant- ages will accrue in the matter of discounts and cost 'of material. It should not be forgotten, also, that the busineise starts with an ample capital to accomplish its financing in the moat.adaan-tageious man nen After paying fat of',various plants whichase• bung "ta1_�eri into the eons*lidation, $],000,000, •vl ill , re- main in Mire treasury ofthe eb2n- pany for the 'carrying on of 'the, business and for ftintlier exten scions, from time to time, to plats, as the same may be decided n, dr'eat as these 'advant•ages.:r%lay be; they are not one whit greeter than those which will goer ue from` the adaption of ,scientific raeith de cif manufacture, and from the luso e'er eysternartipn :aha m'fty reaclily.b,e fan«.gined ;the co''2' cf fuel is one of the principal ,ateiits, in; the cost' of 'bread. IFR ' how- ever,, who have not', paid a•oi.r..e - siderable of,tentionto the qu'eeeion, will be aware of the enormous sav-' ing which can be effected through the use of the modern oven—one in which- one batcsh of bread may fol- low the other without refiring the furnace. It is stated on the best of authority thstt the etmhloyrnent of these "continuous oven&" re- duces the cost of fuel from 15c. per barrel of flour to Se per barrel. The probabilities are, however, that the greatest saving of all may be effected in the =,titer of de]iv- ery. It would appear that -the wagons of the average small bake- shop deliver an average of 1800 or, say, 3000 loaves of bread per week. It is a certainty • that the Canada Bread Company will deliver at least an average of over 4000 loaves per week. These paiaticulars go to show what nece.seity there vvas from the ,sear 1poiaet of the consumer for such an organization as the Canada Bread Company, and, at the same time, what profits, there will be from the standpoint, of the share- holder. With such economies as referred to above, it is not difficult to see that an enormous future is in, store for the Canada ,,read Company. `Because of the adoption of the lateee, type of machinery and most modiern systems,, it will not only be able tie' srapply a better quality of bread, but, the cost of ,production and de'livery will be enorInone y reduced. It is the ex- pectation of th'e directors that, flim time to time, plants will be established lin other centres and that the plants already taken over in the cities of Toronto, Montreal a;qd Winnipeg will be added l;o at the earlireat possible Moment.;' The company, : with its exoisting plaints and those: which will be in- m,pdiately erecter*•: in .Mozrtreal' and .. inWgin`iiipseng at'nwinlul 1voutput as,.lh00op;0rrd,o0ld0y0 heiatoiveae,n eaaoa•fw, et- 50,000,000 loaves. 4 •