HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-8-10, Page 6TIIBEE NATIONS APS UNITED'
Pacts Between Britai
n, France and United
Sates Signed at Washington
Fr ,
1 a 5litn'TE t)
says In President Tafts study in
WhiteI�uaiSe onT1t,ar>akat„ a.-
ternoon :z remarkable swezte
t , n , ' Bi
enacted, wit 1 t'a^�ce, Gaeat
t:i,in and the United States pledg-
ed their faith in the substitution
of arbitration for bloodshed in the
settlement of ailinternational d s-
The two tr4-'az es–the' forst
their kind ever entered' into be-
tween any two eatii?ns o,f the
world—were signed shortly after
8 o'clock tat, Thursday afternoon,
The taft}ranality and 5h—tin—Hefty of
the e rertat+ny added to its?Minxes-
-each Government at \e1ti York,
.i seeond Secretary Qvey, of
rit'Si s - who st ess-
I3 -t..l I;r11baSSa 'y too *,y$4'�a._'yN
the signatures of their veru^.
ecrot 'a)y had prov;cied a
special pen f4yr ria uceasiun. but
Mr. -Bryce picked' up 4tl,e at ran
di}n1, stud finning its point dant tta.
his lilting, reached f(kr another,
Then he begat over the tre?sty, and
'caetary .Knox f,1114awed his, c =
an112?G", These w'a n1,1 feather S(l11n4
room11 aS th4 pens scratched
over the parchment. 11r, Base
laid Hewn his pen fizsan and: e
tended laia hand to the President,
Saaretary Trow, then laid aside
�e .;+:;xpy '„:£ the Aatglu-Amexiean
rtszity and nodded to Viscount De
pt The latter 1aoveai
) closer to the de .. -.1; and wit.ae sed
„ignature as \Ir. )Moat's pen
vied over the second doct'iat ant.
:dent Taft immediately after
he signing of the treaties affixed
signature to the la e a, es off
ransmitta1 %itb h con�ltl tezi
•an leme*rts for sending riga flsnefs
the Senate.
The entire eevez ion; dicl not ems-
tend over an toroth,
s'.de;s 01 i:he tabic*. I'rc'si
stood on Secretary Knotis sigh
and near him were VisetQulat De
Saint ' Phal:e, vice CQUi UI of the
Mr. Cawthra Mulock of Toronto
Announces Plans for Establish-
ment by New Company of Mod-
ern Plants in all the Larger
Cities of Canada.
Y � 7n
Toronto, u`. (Special).•.The
establishment of another Large in-
dustry for Canada will result, from
the negotiations closed here to-
day by Mr. Cawthra Mulock, for
the organization of Canada
Bread Compaby, Limited. The
company will, have modern bread
manufacturing plants in Montreal
Toronto and 'Winnipeg, and it is.
the intention to arrange in the
near future for the erection of.
plants in all the other larger
cities of the Dominion.
Thecoal ane, when immediate
plans of extensions and new plants
are completed, will have a weekly
output of 3,0011,(100 loaves, giving
it an annual production of about
50,000,000 loaves.
According to announcement made
here to -day by Mr. Cawtllra Mu-
dock, included in the new company
are fire of among the largest bread
manufacturing e,ortipa.nies in Can-
ada, among them 'being the Isrecl'in
Bread Company of 'Toronto ;
Stuart's, Limited: Montreal; Geo.
Weston, Limited, Toronto, known
as the "Model Bakery" ; W. J.
Boyd:Winnipeg, Winnipeg, ` and H. C. Tom-
lin, Toronto, known as the Toron-
'3,to Bakery Company. The busi-
s tatn 'over have all grown
Isom: yelp small beginnings, ,anti
are to=day among i lie most` success-
ful i1a thea.r respec'ciye field •in the
country "; The services' of the men
rho `}''take:
made the different busi-
nesse,s ,pre-eminently successful are
i s it ue;ci tn
to the new copaay,
Mr." Mar- 13redin, head, 01 the
Bx celin • B,l cod Company, Toronto,
and regaftldd as perhaps the iuost
5ucce ssr.ul bread manufacturer
that Canada has yet had, will be
general manager. while the Board
Of Directens will include Geo.
;West on, President of Geo. Weston,
'Limited, H. C. Tomlin, of the To
lova) Bakery Company, and W. J.
oydBakerof 'Boyd's Pak • y, ��'iiln[i-
peg. ' Canada Bread Comlan
Llrnited is at the outset being
/Awed in a verystrong financial
position bythe, p sum of $1,000,000
beinglaced in the treasuryto
provide for
the erection of new
plants cs and the ceftension' of the”
nt and, the
present ones t le ^ same
supply ample 'wort
hen seen to -day,
Bredin, :lie General tdu3aaxc
pointed out that the new big
company, .with its modern up -to- ,
11I.1:`, (LUPI; IN A
Canada, the Empire and the World
iu General Before Your
Montreal's population is now
placed at 554,000 fey tho new direc-
Chatham is to have a tea -thou-
sand tin beet= sugar faetorynext
3", A. D. McCurdy, the aviator,
was robbed of :?150 at his hotel at
Australian capitalists are con-
sidering investment in Alb rta
London Mau . dva oes Claim to Three
E1.ndred Aores
A despate;la from London, Out.,
says; If what David Welch, a 5':11
Dufferiu ,A,Yerme7 says is true, he
owns a, large-sized ei'unkk of Ham -
and he to going to try t'tl re-
cover wbat bel.mg, to hint right
away. li'elclt says he holds deeds
to 400 acres ;it:lat. •d in the heart
if the _ lubitivns City, which :Is
a grant. n3>a
:a century ago to oit t 1e4 1 ey
neids. The . 1>a =nce of the. g .'alnt
elaaa E� li ' nd >. dt`,9S» al ,, b:Yt. 1V elebt
whose, yi-fe is an heirof Reynolds,
claims that the 300 acres referred
to were not sold,, but wore squat-
ted son, and that the present
deeds .are 'let good. 'no land: is
satt?ated along Burlington Bay,
and iael,ldes tench property, a
1-ough estimate of the v:date of
la haell. is '5 0,0aai000, C'aivb Rey -
was a. 1,•n.:_ted Empire Loy-
aa , and aft1 losing everything
:he American Revolution, 1'e
excite acati^ss the border, and the
Government made him, a grant 4f
s ?reral hundred .acres.
e Custom
Tceipts at Moat'
ltfor Jul were $ ,550.4 an in 1.
a , O1'"I',Ll't"_r l',1)'„lS�£15.x_m' _9"i'i'<,Ai"iIfl`tS,
ease' of S20 717 over Jerks 1910
Four 0. P. 11. employes have
been sentenced to imprisonment at
Kenora, for thefts from (reign
ben Class, a convict at St. I'm,
eent de Paul Penitentiary, hanged
himself iaa ids ceti with a towei,
Two Arctic explorers, Christian
Leden and Trarold Thaubow, are
sta.lting from Montreal on an ex-
teiaded tour of the C'anadiau north
Tenders .hare been opened for
ivcark on the Hudson.. al I}ailwav,
z,d work t:� c�xllacctc•tl. to begin la,
ptcrmbhr 1 at tite Saskatehewau
d of the line.
British Parliament will hu'
aan as
(Iver 6t),000 4
st•tike at Lain
)l,anl l I ' eerat�
The Being"s,
Cowes Iteglatta
g ra;ld's .Ketch
Ma'. Balfour
move .y, :"urge
date plants, would be ina position
to turn out a more uniform and
better grade of bread;, while the
systematizing of the , distribution
will insure to the company the saw-
ing, of eno'fmaus suras that are now
being wasted, owing to the eusto-
niers of the different bakeries' be
lag' very largely spread over all
sections of a. city,
Oiiici.al Report of Cases and :`ivan,
ger of Deaths.
A despatch from Chiassd, Swit-
zerland, says: An official eonamuni-
cation from the Italian Govern-
ment shows that from July 21 to
July 26 inclusive cholera cases were
reported as follows: Naples, 68
cases and 20 deaths; province of
Naples, 157 eases and 78 deaths;
town of Palermo, 130 oases and 64
deaths; prot'inee of Palermo, 75 •
eases and 33 deaths; province of
Aveliino, 7 cases and 3 deaths;
province of Benevento, 3 cases and
no deaths; C'alltanisetta, 11 cases
and 4 deaths; province' of Campo-
basco, 5 cases and 2 deaths; ,prov-
ince of Caserta, 30 eases and 14
Motorman, Conductor andv 1.
Sic cl a
Passengers ' Injured.
A despatch from Hamilton
A very. serious aeeid•enb • occurred
about 10 o'clock on Wednesday
night near station twelve on the
Hamilton Beach, where two radial
rears collided. The accident oc-
eurred during a heavy fog, which
hung over the bagel: all night: bar
305 was standing at station, twelve,
when car 307 ran into it. Motor-
man B'"aver and Conductor Moore
of the rear car were badly injur-
ed, and several passengers were
also bruised. The rear of car 305
and the front of car 307 were de-
molished. The injured men were
:taken to the City Hospital.
N. Y. Cfl'Y POPUL:I,ftiON.
Five Million 3larIc Accord-
ing to Census Figures.
A des patch from New York says:
The population of New York city
passed the firs i lie,
l C ij,, m l cn matte cn
August 1, according to figures pre-
pared by the :Halt.' , Depariiment.
Thestatistician estimates that the
ci ': now has 5, 000,400 'residents
tX , , a
gain' of about 230.000 for the past
year. The, official figure of the
United States census for 1910 was
4, 706, 883.
ae at
G1: laborers a:re
n, i ng, The f t
and ltx.
:v lair Al auric
given notice t
ensure on t
aa)'ding the advie
!S(*reagti in re1ntiuta
il.tter is .lventa.One `Feet :,fewer,
ct,‘-,patch 1.,com Ottawa saYs;
;1n examination sok the 1.'oekmas,-
�6 � ',. b 1 ax fact.
t� „ 1 1L3 x_343 . ,, 1 ti E_ .I r
'� x l� t
its d
t -:tat the wac.: r in the, Ottawa
;taus asalal,: aborti t. e.`ent `„orK,
feet •tine last May. Last'May the
water •s.0Cd twe;tty'-eight 'lis` f ee 't eight
=ecl•z.: in the Ottawa lFi;°or. Since
that time it has been sinking rap,
div, until now the water stands
al st v't n Net eleven itti:laes, and
bas r fair to go. laaaaeh lower if there
is no ,crzu+ls 1•aailtfall. i)t tl)u Ota.
, t.twa River it has not affeeGed Oa-
:1: far. Irl the I1e')eatl the.
water k extremely low" and it hag's`
I}s'a."a.t.1P<r it"i„f,:('R'-).,s .;or the boats of.
Nayigntion (warn -
ally 'ttR aalai e t iw r try 5. ,
I"ite 1
j l :11' e "1 "w
4 ile,, >ata.ela from
lac lliard cif' i
have tba
:;Tine will be no United States
qti°gal aniiitia :manoeuvres on tyle
eat lakes this year.
tdecided clasp sa-
tnc ilt Fatore from seven o'clock
,3134, till six in the. morn-.
George Prentice and .-Mary De.
Witt were married over the tele-
phone at their remective 'homes
near Coin, Ia.
The United States Senate passed
the farmers' free lh t`lr`ll, adding
one amendment admitting fresh
and cereals free fron, Can -
The Moroccan crisis is believed
to be over.
A rising has. taken place in Cuba
against the Covernnlent of Presi-
dent Gomez.
r 101.1.0 t V
0 133 G.
Beetle Discovered Which WillEx-
terminate Other Pests.
A. despatch from Lond n, Ont";
says: : Edward H. B. McI one, a
science teacher, of this city, has
discovered what he believes to be
a. new species of beetle so far as
this country is concerned, and
`which will in time wipe out the
Coloradobettle,' better known as
the potato, bug. The new beetle
resembles a milk leaf beetle, ,and it
preys upon potato bugs, destroy-
ing many of the pests in twenty-
four hours. It was found in a
potato field near Devizes, a, short.
distance, from London, and ` it is
said that where the .'newcomers
were pientiful'the Colorado beetles
were scarce. Several specimens.
have been sent to the Ontario A
ricultulal College, Guelph.
Tgyage(1y ,:Discovered anti Body„,
'victims to
( ]_•ll (1I a d
� a ed.
nireal ea,
ha+ taken
Are depart-
sp-to-()gaga azl
Icing to call
r ftti•tz automobile fare.
Iei and tuo of the
t)attalaps. ".Macy will in;.
tlac' e ieiel;+:;y of UK: brigade
aaut3anlubUe °truck t'u
ita:l ladder, (ane autt�mota)legalilc
o haul the 1,200 gallon steam
tz'ne eornbinatian engS,ine.
;ttltac&ty of 1,000 imperial
one antra: hose wagon to
Barry 1,000 feet of hose, one auto
waggon to carry 24.000 feet of how,
sane 1,000 Canted States gallon
steam ",pomp, and one SOO United
States steam pump.
i, lt'li t
Only Ili iety-ll, e Days Between
Seeding and Cutting.
A despatch from 13ran,clon, Man.,
says: Unless there is something
freakish about, the growth of the
new unnamed variety of wheat just
cut at the Experimental Farm,
farmers` will undoubtedly be much
interested in this grain. This new
variety of wheats was sown at the
Experimental Farm in. April and
was cut en July 31, so that there
are only ninety-four or ninety-five
days between seeding anal cutting.
Last year Marquis -wheat, which .s
a very early variety, occupied ono
hundred and seventeen days be.
tween :seeding ;and cutting, and
Red Fife -was one hundred and,
twenty-three days. If the new va-
riety, which is n't yet named, lives
up to the record it has this year,
farmers may find it a much more
suitable variety for the country
than is other spring wheats.
'`There is no. doubt about it,"
said Mr. Nater, "he is a cultivat-
ed musician." "And what is your
idea of a cultivated musician?"
asked his friend. "One who plays
things you don't care to hear, and
talks about them in a way you
can't `understand."
i1"a,'o Weeks of Solid Enjoyment at
C. N. E. Thhs Tear.
Tho Canadian N'otiOiiallt .:Bibi-
th n of 1018 fairly Bristles with.
,l, t. °i
fit ta^ n -. � Thg, I ee,�l gat a utl , � .e C"ox'capa,
R tion Proce$F,iont, an exact repro-,
dtleafa to of tette: t,aatld4rt pageant,
fetus the hill, but it has a cl ase
'competitor . in the Festival of Em-
pire with its hundreds of troops in
all the varied uniforms of the ,war„
vice and its twelve )unitary band
to furltisla the neeets;ar 4 rl)l
Tbc aqleatie ca ,3t s, rt;a,
1 . t .gal t eons a_ y(a i)a1<>~,IIll:
tr+lltal yacht races, aaa eanht•oallreeel
race between t e all-cQzagatezd g
Argonauts of Tori nto and a picked
crew, from the crack New York;
club' , a single seull race betwe n
I.11aatloa', i?atanap,un Of A),atirsc4a, and
' winner of t; e Diamond
S ;at etala»y, war canoe- rases,
;ara(i Ill boat sae "s. Add to 'tbe'se
�ho , 40105 oX' a ag,ibit` , the machin -
cry its n, tb 110r'so laces and
all»�lrMe and tire.
)Teta; a d and one
91<e1 °,7tfiaa4etieans of rite Baa 'ail',
)goatee he aacisialtt,d that two
meat have been
))oda'. ais of thou-.
II %' (U II I N t
u 5t; i)09.f1P Company ny Ostd
by flaws:lozn1.
;1. <tirslat4) ,i :roan. 'taa'�;,)n C�l*;°,
1,'l,'., says; The biggest mini))
concern ever orgautired for the Yu.
ken, ,'exceptixig the Yukon Gold
11inin Company of Guggenheim's,
is a new eight, 'million dollar eol11-
patty reported from London by
cable. as having been formed by
South. African Gold Field Com-
pany's capital, oil ads'iees of
John Bays D°anintond. Lt: is believ-
ed Isere that the concern takes 'ex-
tensive holdings on •['pion Quartz
and other cheeks orga,nized du ring
the hast two years 1)y .a1.ar'thur N.
Treadgold itt his giant fight against
Yukon Gold. It is also reported
that the ' company absorbs the
Northern Light, Power tt Codi*
Company, whic'i) invested three
million souse years ago, installing
eieetrie power. Treadgold had al-
ready acquired vast holdings of the
Canadian Klondike Mining Com-
pany, including tile Boyle Conces-
sion & Dredges.
Revolver Beside liiin But Cause
for Suicide Unknown.
A despatch from Lethbridge,
Alta., says: Hugh B. McLaughlin,
;teller and accountant of the Mai-
sons Bank at Diamond City, was
found lying dead o» a bed in his
room at the rear of the office on
Wednesday night by D. C. Morri-
son, Manager, when he returned
from lunch. A revolver lying be-
side McLaughlin showed • the cause
of death, but whether it was,
,throughsuicide or accidental is
uncertain. No cause for suicide
is revealed, as the teller's accounts
are correct.
.'A despatch from St :.John, N.B.,
says' The, finding of :a man's hat
and coat on the cowcatcher. f ;,
locomotive which was being cleaned
at Moncton oil Thurseday told the
tale of an awful accident. A search
revealed the body of a man lying.
near the track at Sunnybrae, a
suburb of Monc'fon, in a fearfully
mangled condition. The bones of
the lege were forced through his
:trousers,; both legs were cut off,
and the :trunk so badly crushed
that identification was impossible..
li:aa Caught ilt Montreal and Fiired
for It.
A despatch from Montreal
William' Brennan, who claimed to
have no permanent address, ' was
on Thursday mornin • fined $500 or
6 ,
three months in jail on a charge
1:4 peddling cocaine in the streets,
Modern Fire -Proof Two -Storey Structures
May Replace Old Style
Y pY
A despatch from Hamilton says:
It is quite possible that the disas-
trous fire at ' the lusane Asylum,
3 >.
which •caused the death. of eight
patients; will result in a complete
,change of policy in the erection.' of
,sLlum buildings. The old three,
four, andfivtt=:s$torY structures will
likely give'plaee to two-story
er1 steel fireproof buildings with
iron 'stairways and -a - ;halcony.
around the exterior of the second
story-, the same , as a number of
asylum buildings in the States.
'Provincial . Architect ,Heakes • dis
oussesd the ;matter with Building
Inspector Anderson and Col. John
S. Hendrie. Chief Ten Eyck says
that if there had been a balcoaly
around the top floor of the builo-
ing here more lives would have
been saved, as it would have been
easierfor the men. to run' up the.
stairs 'and rip off the screens. As
it was, many of the firemen had to
risk their livres climbing along -tlie
coping en the outside to get to
windows whero patients were
pontreAd up. Attention has been
called to the fact that the asylum
hose -was rotten•, bursting At almost
every ieugt'h`> under" the,•pressilre.
S s Y{ s r ae Va:rscae i,E
'40al( i'If�III1! ,III
Orli :hae g'soaB
„„,...„.,..k.,2.:::::- �,' !+
soemggll lt�: outer ,
,,,alt„ p t ttii,pttuul,e+ ti 'Rtll
- i(,? t1.
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'081$ 'fUG LEADING
tees of a:rule, Grain, {"bees~
4 Other Produce at thorns
and Abroad.
Il1tF..1,DSiTti FS.
Aug. 4.–Winter 'wheat. 50 p
anai, *3.50 to $1.45, 3tt*ntl al
flours-First 1 0 nlienar
x]:4.40. on truck. Toronto.
abs,, 'wheat- No. 1 Northern. 8101,
r.64 No. 2 at 5 e. and Q. 3 8t: 97e.
rio wheat -No, 3 at 79 to 803, out.
n4 gold, at 02 to 022. outside.
' t1ia market is dull. with prices
" 39 14 to
a and at 42
to 430, on l,riiok.
+a; No, 2 W. 't'. oats me 43 1.2c. and
,1$0, 131ay :aorto..
Ea(eaa•-a'he marmot Is dull,with prices
purely nominal.
'nye There in nano oircring, andprices
are nominnL.
11ne'1tw1seat' 4 thine niterinr.
draw • alanitala:is SA82s
to4. 1. In bags,
Toronto, and'9hnrtO s. 8233, in bags. Toron.
to. Ontario beau, 321, in bags, Toronto,
;,n, 2 Ameraeain yellow, 67c, 11sy
and 70e, a'oro,nto.
GOC:\"1iLt P1lODUCE.
Ens-rt+trictly now laid, 22 to 21e ilex
dozen, in caro lots: frRslt natliered, 18 to
Butter- Creamery prints," 23 to tae; do.,
sands. 21 ,o gaol dairy starts, 18 to 19u1
inferior ibalcert+'1, 15 to lbr,,
iioultry•.•(,'taickens. 15 to 18e per 11): Iowa
14 to 150; (tricks. 18 to Ole; lire weight, .
to oe less.
Cheese- ,New twins, 13 1.4c; Bets' large,
ISanOy Who1esulers are selling built•
wheat et 6 to ?o a ground in tins, and
3 -le in barrels, while strained closer bolo.
('S IS 100 a pound in 00.140)1nd tins:.5 01
10 pound, lie. No. 1 coral) :coney is nnoted
PA 32 to 52,23 a dozen.
Potutots- Wliolesale quotation8 overage
84.50 per barrel for new potatoes out o!
store, .New Canadian potatoes, 51.50 per
Them s•-51,83 for primes .o 52 per bushel
.for hand-pieked.
Bacon -Long clear, 11 1•E0 per 1b, iaa' ease
lata. Pork, short tut 5255.
Ita(ni5 --\tedium to light, 17 to 17 1-2c;:
do., Meaty, 14 1.2 to 15 1-2e; 3.0110, 11. 1-2 to
12e; breakfast baron, 17 to 18c; hacks,
19 1.2 to 20e.
Lard–Tierces, 10 1-4c; tubs, 10 1-2c; pails,
10 3-4e.
UNITED STATES i ra1t:fiJ6Ts.
Minneapolis, Aug. 8.--Wheat--Septem-
ber, 51.00 7-8 to 81,01; beeenther, 51.02 to
51.02 1-8; May. 51.05 7-8 to 51.06; No. .t
hard, 51.04 3.8; No. 1 Northern, 51.02 3.3
to 51.04 1-8; No. 3 wheat, 97 3.8 to 51.00 7-8e;
No. 3 yellow corn. 63c. No. 1 ,white oats,
40 to 40 1-2c. 'No,. 2 rye, 79 to 79 1.2e. Bran
--020.60 to 521. Flour -First patents, 55.10
00 55.30; second patents, 54.60 to 54.85;
first clears. 53.45 to 53.65; second clears,
B.45uffaloto42, A65nsi 8.–Spring wheat–No.:1
Northern, carloads, store, 81.00 1-2c; win-
ter–No. 2 red, 91e; No- 3 red, 840; No. 2
white, 903.. Corn --No. 3 yellow, 69e; No. 4
yellow, 64 1.-40; No. 3 corn, 66 3.4c. all on
track, through billed. Oats–No- 2 white,
42e; 'No. 3 white, 41e; No. 4 white. 40c.
Montreal, Aug.1n 8.–Sales of steers were
evade at prices ranging from 5450 to 05.90,
cows, at from 53.50, aid bulls at front
53 to 03,75 per 100 lbs- Shecp sola at
3 1,-4c to 4c, and lambs 3 '1.2c to 4c nor
100 lbs. Calves about steady and sales
were made at from 52.50 to.$6 each, as to
size and quality. Themarket for .bogs:
was weaker, and sales of nixed li'e4uv!
weights were made at .from $5.75 to 86
per 100 lbs. weighed off the cars.
POLaC'li' DESTROY i'r115Jafl, a-'.
Three IIitndretl lilattles Confiscated
and Sellers 1'inail.
A::3l•espatch from Porcupine says :
Th1e., 11a iudred bottles of con6s-
cated whiskey were destroyed an
Wednesday morning by the police
authorities. C. Demetro was fined
$100 and costs for selling liquor
without a license,license, and P.
was: fined ;$200 and costs for 'the
same• thing. Napoleon Giroux
skipped his bell for the saltie of:
fence, which•, the .authotdtias hays
eoll,ecf ed; -it irras..e�o"V.