HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-8-10, Page 5Profeselonttl Garda. r. G. F, RgL.TL, QN, L.}J.S„ D.D.S. DENTIST, ifiea%ber of. the R.C;D,S. of Ontario and Honor Graduate Of Toronto University. Office -Over Dickson, ,5c Carling's law Office.. Closed Wednesday afternoons, OR. A, &, KINSMAN, L. 1D. 8., D. 0.8.. ilouor graduate of Toronto Uatyeristy, DENTISTk' ! eetitt extracted without any pain, or any bade tfects Otnee ore rQladman 4 Stanbury'a oi3zce, main screet T,>ratar Medical. R, DRIGHT, M. D., 'M: C, P. & S;, HONOR Qraduatn of Toronto University, Two years residentphysi0ian Royal Alexandra Ifospital, etc. Office and Re idenee,t)r_AtaoeOtd Stand, Andreae reef ,EXETER DR.QUAGKENtitiail, Phjsiciaaa, Surgeon, Ae- coucheur, od'tce, Dr, Rollins' old Wilco. Main ,Street. Residence, corner TJames and Albert streets posit!: e James streetMethodict parsonage , Phone Office, 3) a; Residence 39 b. Legal yOKSON C OARLISO, RARRISTERS, SOL10l �.! -Join, :votaries, LOnveyancers, Conrtniaaipnera solicitors for broisona Bank, etc Soucy to Lout at loweat rest rates of nteres Otlieee, Main Street, Exeter, &. OARIGIN , B,A,, L. '$. Ds@aso:x lir emu TO T.OA,S, W. have al arge amount of private foods to loan a !Arm and village properties at low rates of inter tad,. GI:.,ADSMAN is STANEU1tY, Barristers, Soliciters,3lainet,.Exeter On J. SENIOR Agent Confederation Life Assurance Compaliy, also Fire Insurance its lead, ing Vana,dian i,nd British Ootupi)nte9, lFi:t:iu-St,, Exeter. L10ENS4D AUCTIONEER WM, P.1'IDEItSON Licrins.1 fiiictiOntfer for Huron County. Terms reasot,able. Dates can be made at the ,Advo^ate„ Exeter. or henry L+'tlber's Ottice. Cred- hon, T. 0, CARLINGt Lite, Fire, Accident and Plate Glass insurance, Collecting accounts, and con- ductinc auction stales. -- Exeter, Ont. C. .,A. .i JOUZF`, V. S. Qraduato oil Ontario, Veteri:rary Col, leve; tnetnber Ontario 'Veterinary Med. ical Society; rrcata all diseases or do- motivated o- n ea l � ' > tea d , to atainiaia on acicntltic pile, ctpies modern surgery a specialty. Op- erattans on Lump Jaw guaranteed sat- isfactory, Calls by ,day or night promptly attended to. Ottice-3ialn-st., Exeter, Dr. R:aInrsay's old stand. Phone In connection. 1?, RM von s.1, undes'si ned otters Mira rine farm, Ming .ot about 135 acres, nd,Joln- ltatr tele town ,of Clinton, for sale. The fa In le In a toad state of cultivation, sa,ttd 'buildings, brick house, bank b1:, driving house, Mg pen, etc. all comparatively now. Durst -email 4u a: arc'a;ud, containing ail kinds of truly; az,d also snail fruits. The farm ly K� I f 1 �c^di d t nn drain_d ;and ,is a{ very' desirable honfe. Far further par- ticulars apply on the premises or ad- dres.s JOHN TORRANCE, Clinton. LL A L a dies' (OLLEGE St. Thomas,®Ii•t. iLLUSTRATED CATALOGIPE FREE Can worn ?ALL TERM OPENS „ L-G'f1ST 28 ELLIOTT TORONTO, ONT., stands to -day without a superior in Canada. Graduates always successful. Catalogue free. Horses for Sale I have. a nunntber of first-class horses for sale. Ca11 at the stables and see them. • We arc also purchasing horses • tinati are sound and in good gondit;on from 4 to 10 reams; of age. Parties having horses for sale will do well to call or^write the undersigned. Phone 41. M. M. DOYLE. Exeter. ESTRAY STEERS. There strayed from the farm of the undersigned, ` Lot 30 Con. 3,-Usborne, on or about July 118th, a pair of year^ ling steers, apotted red and white. Kind- ly send inzo-•mation tla DAN. DEW, Hurondale P. 0. FOR SALE The undersigned is offering for :'sale that beautuful residence north • of the bridge, Exeter. 1 -lard and soft' water in . the house ; and everything in good repair ; with four lots, a good barn, all kinds of frtia trees, bushes Arid grape vines. Anyone wiLshdag to . see the place or lonow ,the terms will call at- the. residence;. Main -sit., Exeter. 'ALEX. 1VIcPHERSON. PASTURE T'0 .LET The undersigned will pasture stock on his .farin on Lake Road, Lot 11, South Boundary, Hay,, by the • month, -,-payable zn advance. Apply to: • JOHN FORD, Exeter ;North, or Hay' P. 0. HOUSE FOR SALE The urdersnmiie3 isofforiny tor sale, that desiirable property on 4S'illiann et, being a one and half: 'storey' brick House in .; excellent. condition, togetherl with two lots .of. land. Also two .va- cant 'lots on Huron Street. .Apply to. MISR POL t Y FISHER, Exeter HENSA1,.L Don't fail to hear, the London City Band on tine• School Grounds, Exeter, on Thursday evening, Aug. 17, 011 the oe, Basion of the receptdon to Grand blaster Popiestone. Admission, free. See Partic- ulars in another column. Miss Caldwell left last week far the test. --hilts. Hui+ ' ;1 cDAnald is 'visiting relatives in ,Detroit: --•Mrs. Dave Can, telon and son are visiting Clinton re. la ti vex, -airs. Chas, 'tXcDomell, and children are visiting friends' in Forest •irs,. Clark. 4f Dettloff, ,isvisiting cher mother Mrs. Ragan, at,Hi,lisgreert -Miss Ietia Swa*,n, Who ha's 'been nfoli,da ing with her another has returned to Tor onto.- .i'3evaax Kink, or, Kineardine, baef been sPollding a £e's days 'witty Itis brother A, IL ,--Mrs, E. bic(,r Smith wb c, ?.as been visiting her fatter at Ltaca,n', 2eaa returned laonye,- Tis, 'Mamas form-.. �•ly btfss rester 41'neaq Varna, is haat from Brandin, Mall. and is the guest of �. McPherson,. -'bliss Millie Petty who bas resided in Winnipeg ^fox about sev on years, and little sister Gladys, are visiting here, -Mrs 'hoes of Livin;Eton brontas a is visiting, her ,briother Robert Bonnthnan and outer relatives and fri- ends in this section, --Witt S'IeQuera„ B, Nsbitt, 1T , i'31arshali, of Hensatl, Canyeron, of 1 i,Ppen. Geo, if -Torten, Fred Simmons, Juin. Horton from the coun- try, left Thursday, for !the West on ibe. Farmers" Excursions, ZUT1TICF . Dean't tail to' hetar the ,ondip CITY iia d o1n o n oho ou 4 scln 4 Gr de. EXeter. on Thursday evening. Aug. 17, cart cite oc- ranioln of the receptions to Grand Manter. Poplestpne, Admisaion. tree. See Partic- ular's in another column. bliss Nettie Well of i etttait is vis, itinp bor parents, Mr, and lira, 11 Welt. -air. Jacot, ILaberert had his wind- mill blown nl5W41l b3" the storm of last ergs,.. --sir, and bSz's. D. H. Steinbach of Detroit are visiting relatives and friends to town. times week.-Meesra Lamont, t .„ Campbell, A. F. l-Iess and Dr. 3teKtnnwnt attended tne.latowlina tour nanrent at Goderickt as Week.-- Mfr, F. I.1ess- 'nas Passed ,tn1 ipo cqurs* Pl Ele.. sanentary Agriculture aged. Hprtietlturc. wlnleh: the education department regular tS4t}st recluiro tion Normal trained tea. ci;era, •-Mr. a'wlb, G'bettler Calitearnl,a; visiteds i;k tial sectlen, last; week; --lir, nand Mre, Walter Whyte of hate, :4ta% ,tnaait;2bi, fr zstted ii fir- Jae., LSrhyta"it a tew days last weak Myr, 11 r 'Griry.4 lana ; taoti d KernKerntvar R, } earn. -.Mrs, Krueger of Detrtait, daughter o$ :krr;s. SipPel af' tttsisi'iraWan. died on T'uea- dart atter : short 44lneas.-}Ir, and ;ors. I3u.rgesst and family oiw Ttarollto, ate viallI at the Dominion. Nouse.- WANTED r� teacher for the Junior Dep: or the Exeter Public Sebolal Apply to J GRIGG, 'tt CLEI11ti S NOTICE 00' 'FIRST :POSTING OF VOTERS' LISTS. Valera' Lists, 1911, ;•funicipality of The Village of Exeter County of Huron, SOTICF. is hereby given tient I have transmittedl or delivered is s n o to the iK , on me ti nt:t[ in Sections S and P of "The Voters' List net" the espies required by the said section to be so transmitted or delivered of the Iistmade pursuant to said set, of all persons appearing by the last reviscd:lsseasment Totl of the said Mugu 9paiity to be entitled to vote In the said Municipality at filectious for members of the Legislte too Assembly and nt Munitipal Elections and that said list \V55 brat posted up at ma otliee at Main. street. Exeter, on the 21th day of luh or 1911 and rennins there tor inspection lacetorsnre capes' upon to examine the said. List, and if nny omission or other errors nue found therein, to take immediate proceedings to have the said errors corrected necozdln;; to law. T Il CARLINC' Clerk of the said Municipality. Dated this 34th day of July, 1311. FOR SALE Ono of the best farms •.in, Huron or Middlesex, convenient to markets, to churches and schools, beiing Lot 9, N_ B. Bid,dulpih, in the County of Mid- dlesex, containing 164 acres. On the premises are situate a good brick house, three 'bank barns on stone faun i dations, 34x54, 40x'32, and 70x40, good' wells, windmill, and the property is welt drained. The whole of this farm is in grass excepting 25 acres. Possession of house given immediately, and com- plete possession of farm given Nov. 1st 1911, and ,purchased will be allowed id do fall plowing before last mentioned date. For further particulars apply to Joseph E..Kelley, Esq., Lucan P.O. Ont. James Kelley, Esq., Lucan P. 0., On't. or Dickson & Carling, Exeter, Ont. FOR SALE BY TENDER. Up to Sept. lst. Possession given this fall. This farm contains 100 acres be;mig lot 9, Cop. 1,' Hay, and is i;n splendid location, !being half way be- tween Exeter and Hensall an the Lon- don Road. On the premises there is a good bank barn 36x55, finished inside with 'cement floors ; a good brick house two storeys, slate roof, good cellar • good 'moot house under gangway of barn,': made of cement and brick ; and a good drive shed ; also good orchard, 2 never failing wells, spring creek, never dry ; good fences ; 7 acres bush lad with good grass. 8 acres ready for wheat. Fust -class soli. Terms , easy. Apply, to 'R, N. ROWEL. Exeter. 'resh roceries We are nova well establish- ed in business and we believe' on the best of authority (nam- ely ely that of a daily increasing business) that we are meeting a long felt want, and giving; the' best of satisfction, lielTl8nik3et' our motto,— c ,ie time," "Fresh Groceries .all ,toe. All kinds of produce taken t' in exchange,. JAS..: OUL Mrs. F. Witwor accompanied. by .her daughter b¥rs. D. Boehler, ,left on Mout. day for -Windsor, havAny;°? been. stu nnnen, ed,. owning r,a the, illness of her daugh- ter; Mrs. Northcwlood. Mr, and Mrs. G, Appel of ? fitoheII, are to tjowo; this week, renewing acqua'intance,s.-3frs. J, TJeix nix of Gatt accaompanied by iter chilk dice, is risltinn with her parents, sir: and A1r8, 0. IToltznrari,, We Told You .Sof LABATT'S LAGER NQW 'erfeeted-Tine lest Qn. the Market! TRY IT John Labatt, Ltd, Alit. _ � � s. t S01.111ENTI14— (New Idea Series) - —I eants quick sales 'There you have the decisive verdict of a practical builder and contrac- tor -the tar ofedt verdict of a MOR Snrl[ose knowledge of the seiennn of beating largely determines his income, Her always installs' the SOUVENIR in houses Mille en spec' /Or the simple reason t ll a t this furnace means guide sales. The SOUVENIR. I<uree-con. ; ltructed ifs, such a n Stay tai hathisG maxi. mune cleat diffusion is secured with Pltaimurn fuel consumption, SOUVENIR Grates Are simple, strong and easy t4 aper. ate. It's always safe; to install a SOIJVE:NIRfur. nam because it is generally known to t..,ssessesmany points ofgtlperiaraty effect a saving of 25°%3 to 50ria ill that appeal strongly to discrimitt- 'url consumption, Let its esad you aur sting buyers cue sight, new is QTJV. lite Tire pot---ti3e heart of the"The l on.vl sto furnace is mads ly lliam"slton. rho stone centre cf �Ganada, by THE JIAMILTON STOVE & HEATER COMPANY tp s uerss.Pra to f,¢rneff.'r'ifdegq Ce, Malted Every buyer of a Souvenir Fwrrsace it drerantcd with 4 [coal bond on doss of ser - chars; guaranteeing.J regal ogtunrc crooks or breaks of any kind for Canadian National Exhibitkm August 26th _ TORONTO September 11t CORON TON' YEAR. LEADS THEM ALL r -- - 141—everns.frOm Euro- ibeciztates G r eate. st nllettes•eastors display ever shown I Proof hest t:cttections in America Good man I#tertxased Canada and United ufactured while you axes. States, wait, TREE GREAT SPECIALS etS an C len. tt lx p'X19 ri�?c'c'tiatl; Festival at t--?intur- ing time glofi i of the Cor- onativnl c teraonies.. 1,500 petferme`;s its uniform. I,,1 RA R Ciistream Guards Bart— War beneath the Warns Musicians of the Royal Showing a battle between Household, hold, by specs, l a Dreadnought and a rserrtsission of the King, Submarine. limns OF O?HZ* A?T1tAC'TION$ t xanhWSlaFireworks-- Twe aeed Mil Military l ottngs?acS Races. etc. MAGNIFICENTDISPLAYS OF CORONATION FIREWORKS !'cr qtl lalo,usaU. write Meer Y. 0, ORR, Cit? hell, Toronto, i MOUNT CARMEL. hearty welcome awaited ytou, such ^es John Collins, an old and much re, !brought light and eFaeer to many a l •spected pioneer •df this place 'expixedi heart and soul. lint fact the many well on ;Monday.. night. That Iris days were beaten paths to his 'door may be looked uunibe'ed was known. Jiohn',s door. upon as sp many tokens of esteem :n wets open fp' ode and ?all,-'aiid there a which lye wars' held. 5;i,000 FARM LABORERS WANTED FOR HARVESTING N WESTERN CANADA 10 G®in id. 1 Trip'r`lt� Additional for Return on. Followind'Conditions: GOING DATES AUGUST 3rd -Prom all stations on all lines on and South of the Grand Trunk Main Line, Toronto to Sarnia, including all "stations on C.P.R. Toronto to Detroit and Branch Lines including Guelph sub -division from Guelph South and Brampton South. AUGUST 12th -Prom all 'stations North of Grand Trunk•Maln Line, Toronto to Sarnia, including C.P.R. points. Balton Int. and west ; also Grand Trunk points, Toronto to Calendar inclusive.' AUGUST 165h -From all stations in :Ontario, Toronto and. East, Orillia and Scotia Jct. and East on G.T.R.: also Azilda and Eastern Ontario. AUGUST 23n1 -From all stations Toronto to North Pay inclusive and West. At1GUST',23th-From all stations Toronto and: East in Ontario and Quebec, also East of Orillia, Scotia Jct. and North Bay. ONE-WAY SECOND•CLASS TICKETS WILL BE SOLI) TO WINNIPEG ONLY Representative' farmers, appointed by Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta Govern- ments will meet and engage laborers on arrival at Winnipeg. Free transportation will be furnished at Wiitnipci to points on Canadian Pacific where laborers are needed,, east of Moose Jaw and Saskatoon, including branches, and at one cent a mile each way" west thereof. in Saskatchewan and Allierta: A crtificate is furnished with each ticket, and this certificate, when executed by farmer showing that laborerhas worker thiety days or more, will be honored from that point for a second class ticket' back to starting points 1,1 Ontario, at $1$;00, prior to Nov. 30th, 1911. /tickets are good only on special Farm Laborers trains, which will be run from Toronto and Ontario points 15 Winnipeg withoutichange, making trip in about 36 houjs, and will be issued to women as well as to men, but will not be issued at half fare to children. Farina particulars see nearest C. P.R. Agent; or write- R. L. TI0Ob1PSON. i1„P.A.Y .C.P.R.. Tomei 5 There are many prepar- ations that will relieve a cough —few that will cure it. The first class, containing such. drugs as Opium and Mor- phine, simply deaden the irritation and stop the cough, but do little or no permanent good. does not contain a trace of these dangerous drugs, but is an absolutely safe and . scientific:pre preparation of Nature's ow,n, remedies—Herbs, Roots and Balsams, It entirely removes the irritation tliat caused the cough by cleaning out the mucus, stopping the inflammation and: healing the delicate membrane of throat and lungs. Moreover, it tones tip and strengthens the whole system, y particularly the lungs, and protects against future g P g coughs' and colds, Trial size ze a a per bottle.,; r 5 Regular $l re •,oc: At our dealer's. Y3 2 Father Morriac Medicine Y Co. MONTREAL, QUE. Sold and guaranteed i•n E-ze td. by W. S. t-Eowey. .... , _ i . t 1111111 111111E1I t �III �11111 , � @,IIIIIII_II ILII I 111111111!11111ll ..»d II MB i } :t t Vr \1 t t' �'/� Gk, ‘ .1k .., � Si .� ., ' „ { ( ,.; ,�. +' r ``�` �/ 1never. •'��.-. � _ e'" ,•No i ,,, �, � ti *I 1� r , f 1, i1 ill It x19, mli llFIVE .1 �j i 1 Peep See loaves now No, Because is till This from All Never Yours ' Crinkly Golden Snowy Try in it those fat—rounded—substantial. they eaten. sturdy unsightly risen heavy-soddon--song,=inaigestiLrle. are brown of ROSES soon. again you've the FIVE dropping ipp 18 evenly—to the end appetizing cruaab--light a in your oven. loaves, those made. wont fall when colder. Manitoba strength ROSES will hold elastic gluten has flat in the oven. �J y holes 'twixt crust stay risen. FIVE ROSES loaves-- of crust, and tender, as thistledown. helps a lot. pleasing that them up kept them and crumb— a ggt, I i'f , a II 1 a ' ll'Iwr 1111 1111111111111 R I11 h* I ' Ir iI{IIlmi�Illi'tP�l���11a •- • l -- L I ee hug � u f i owe, 'Il� � iil. i�i110-411lIII.n11i1t1l1��I i ' lli OE (. lill MIIIif�lllfd � ,talilt ll' , A ®_ II 11 1110POMPIMilli Pi 1Illtiil(� - IAIIi��ilillllili1111iliI�l11►I1 1 4.1 iti li81�l{i�l t li d'rat anecteltecl 111&IAGj "N41/41'Yil. vtg drat '10elln/Cloed 1111111 lil-- 1110•1111101110110 111 III�►11„i"„71-:: lel I 11 111101 IIIIIiIIIiII�iI1181 IIIIi Qil LAKE OF ,,,E. WOODS M,ti.NO COMPANY L,.., O MONTREAL a i MOUNT CARMEL. hearty welcome awaited ytou, such ^es John Collins, an old and much re, !brought light and eFaeer to many a l •spected pioneer •df this place 'expixedi heart and soul. lint fact the many well on ;Monday.. night. That Iris days were beaten paths to his 'door may be looked uunibe'ed was known. Jiohn',s door. upon as sp many tokens of esteem :n wets open fp' ode and ?all,-'aiid there a which lye wars' held. 5;i,000 FARM LABORERS WANTED FOR HARVESTING N WESTERN CANADA 10 G®in id. 1 Trip'r`lt� Additional for Return on. Followind'Conditions: GOING DATES AUGUST 3rd -Prom all stations on all lines on and South of the Grand Trunk Main Line, Toronto to Sarnia, including all "stations on C.P.R. Toronto to Detroit and Branch Lines including Guelph sub -division from Guelph South and Brampton South. AUGUST 12th -Prom all 'stations North of Grand Trunk•Maln Line, Toronto to Sarnia, including C.P.R. points. Balton Int. and west ; also Grand Trunk points, Toronto to Calendar inclusive.' AUGUST 165h -From all stations in :Ontario, Toronto and. East, Orillia and Scotia Jct. and East on G.T.R.: also Azilda and Eastern Ontario. AUGUST 23n1 -From all stations Toronto to North Pay inclusive and West. At1GUST',23th-From all stations Toronto and: East in Ontario and Quebec, also East of Orillia, Scotia Jct. and North Bay. ONE-WAY SECOND•CLASS TICKETS WILL BE SOLI) TO WINNIPEG ONLY Representative' farmers, appointed by Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta Govern- ments will meet and engage laborers on arrival at Winnipeg. Free transportation will be furnished at Wiitnipci to points on Canadian Pacific where laborers are needed,, east of Moose Jaw and Saskatoon, including branches, and at one cent a mile each way" west thereof. in Saskatchewan and Allierta: A crtificate is furnished with each ticket, and this certificate, when executed by farmer showing that laborerhas worker thiety days or more, will be honored from that point for a second class ticket' back to starting points 1,1 Ontario, at $1$;00, prior to Nov. 30th, 1911. /tickets are good only on special Farm Laborers trains, which will be run from Toronto and Ontario points 15 Winnipeg withoutichange, making trip in about 36 houjs, and will be issued to women as well as to men, but will not be issued at half fare to children. Farina particulars see nearest C. P.R. Agent; or write- R. L. TI0Ob1PSON. i1„P.A.Y .C.P.R.. Tomei 5 There are many prepar- ations that will relieve a cough —few that will cure it. The first class, containing such. drugs as Opium and Mor- phine, simply deaden the irritation and stop the cough, but do little or no permanent good. does not contain a trace of these dangerous drugs, but is an absolutely safe and . scientific:pre preparation of Nature's ow,n, remedies—Herbs, Roots and Balsams, It entirely removes the irritation tliat caused the cough by cleaning out the mucus, stopping the inflammation and: healing the delicate membrane of throat and lungs. Moreover, it tones tip and strengthens the whole system, y particularly the lungs, and protects against future g P g coughs' and colds, Trial size ze a a per bottle.,; r 5 Regular $l re •,oc: At our dealer's. Y3 2 Father Morriac Medicine Y Co. MONTREAL, QUE. Sold and guaranteed i•n E-ze td. by W. S. t-Eowey.