HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-8-10, Page 4e ..ywe
Sanders ez Creech., Props.
'THURSDAY, AUG, 1(➢, '11
The Times last week cotntai;x
• aciu;b itn vsln.lc at states ;that the 1 a
JoinA, Macdonald, in his last elec t
• t,ion address roras4 in slyer of Reciproc-
ity, OM' cornte:npora'y in its'.'ever..
3v etming desire to show that Sir Joh„;
cavo::d Reciprocity in his ,ast el(s titan
£altilii;";„ is x,17_ .g w go to ary ;e° :t
trnr: are viral t „ge The Times to pzeve
t..t_.. S?.,..�:, :3 T'' 411�ACd;a 'from
Ss, : ol.t.
to r ;i t is ata stt:es
ss .rvor rig n
§�:y,„`,j a•sS ts-
Our` lit:ri is pu°:�, . r•aaid'..e.., r:3
'On r,. par w1tT the statall boy's' say':
"yet,a.n. ;as' ais.:plr 3x lase: ,,E y..
.A=a'1;Yi.A .,, 4;. r
rt T; ;nes, and tt,ry
got deny ._ wil?:out peeve ..cn-; the
ori' :deep ws"th, the absQlute-
19 to ,• _ en e that heti obi ItY
reduwt,o;: of taxes. to the •he
;a.ZC?3nt of .$7,,000,000, ante t o.t two
Ul.tl*ets a're betterr than eo e, There
t 44;41,feh. fit; tl«t? s?s
wl&l la.i ui savla ?�
*axes, aaad *.lei tw o faitvice argument
Tp.ies tin +1to a41v'i84t3>e to be a <1.0il tai
lite t",tted Stites, �a1no hay.
more to sell flits we lfavr;
fail to hear the London City
Band ou the School, Grounds, Exeter, on
Thursday eveiiina, Aug. 17, Ott the ac-
casion of the receptionnt to Grand Master
1>oplestone. .Admission, ;free. See partie
Mars in another col•unun..
fir, Rg7 t, Heyloek, Qbief of the Nor -
End IP ire: Departlnent, London, rand,
,I, ilex, Borlannd, Chief of the 1Sood-
stock Fire Department, are visiting :err,
and Mrs, t ew Wein.
Th;,eshin.g has commenced. Threshes,
lives are busy ones. He is cacpeecte& to'
b on. tte :tnovt? day __:c? Tru
:a. -s :'got is a 'ul.rd one.
E k2.S oI NO irk o o, S1) ;n1
days Er. t r,f27 pant
T lartchar stop n.as,t
C:':b". .?,. a -ti'.- - _al ba:Lei stnprove-
M7. Detro:t,
asLd EdgerS.. , reLur,led to Ham
E:.be; ,.d o. ^e, frifT.Ue for
k. T ..y ,, ere acco_.,panied by
i C.',•e' � bx s
s brother e
wd ,r,bo^ +'21 tl..at eft?
rt,".0 t._..z ,p 7°.€5r' +o »'c. .n; t bay,:
0 ..:',1 .a ...^.e i ;l`i`t
trfs:. .'•R'•: ti c ort pie !.,,� atne� ,.,sale
da,txto Dome , c re
• o Tuesday
z •,
ter se
Des ^ f :l to
hear the London City
IDand, o„ ,<e School•Grounds. Exetc..r, on
Thursday eve'i,r,;, Aug. 17. on the oc-
casion of the reception to Grand Master
T'optesto::e. Adtalesioa free, See partic-
articula 's :r, another celurnn.
id: a ,d I73, V1041, Eltinutm and
'Ira, icl and Baker west Sundt '
of +dr.
and Mrs, ,'tola,n
Cred(rto --- c•tiaa Daisy
aaragtt iia viscart ;• irk" arda hi
-.Trac 'Evattgelival
t; 4s p;aee'will observe Child
Sandi;'. Auauuz 211, when
o -da o, Zur:e`.n and Burls of
"412.1 speak la the afternoon.
and t„ e eve^ nit aa, program wilt be
give:: b;' lira e't;ielrcza„^=!Ir. and idre..
T*;t,., a.^f'e (roma Alberta, who spc- e a few
days et, + <{ t trme of Mrs. Torraure's
a,s:+er I•trs, iv. I,. iehert left Tuest30.y
{peed tarn
e urged k:ondf• Tue'.
Snider tiv;
somettm`r Fta,
tial as `o be
e: ora Twzsday.--'lir,'
ap$li o.'. Tavi9!or^k
l:c zt of lir. and
k;--\fr,. Pit lip Vas-
's care havitts.` an
This la' tt,e
”.e a this etrlada•d
wok. A.nd
pr( crtat'on
June 'I:- aapet:
sbl.• ,: zo rt
and ':rare..
sold is u" e'• t'*
a.tarlx or Typ said'
time tre
dosease r.,.€f gets S,a lSs
ase's ;i8 caused...
trat•e , It would be a *treat
e .r rate would pump out tite
and, clear out C 3.1 th toa+
the summer- .mr. Rossetti, will have
the Syrnpa.:.5 o. be entire ttlla, , avid
eoana :ass I+S in Lis 11it.eas•—Messr s Dr.`
McLaughlin and Herman Zithd ser took
rt `I k
Old Boy's re -union at LtrAdo;1°
tr ; Wed esd;a} t --*dr,. wrtillant flee dis—
posed of Lis village property 'to hlr.
Johns He d ;,Tr Ilse Intends purchasing
More property near Gra td Send and go-
ing more estc.sively into tlee raii.sing of
go.rdel stuff and fruit.
From. another source.
Mrs. Geo. Staub of Buffalo
i' the %z>�# d
is theta*s r
arev5X t tat e, a
Mrs. Jacob Kuntz„—Mrs. ;1icCr w of Da-
trott is s tires with. her parents, ;,ir.
and Si s. V. Ritter. -Miss Lily Daws
w:io has 'beer: ssitbng her parents, re-
turned to Lon.dor, Monday„—Miss Ada
Siebert o:' Toronto spent Sunday under
the parental roof. --Rev. Eifert, sr., son
Arno d and daughter Alma of Floradale
are visiting in this vicinity;, Rev. Eifert
preached a very pleasing sermon In
the Lutheran church,' Sua_day.-Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Kuntz of Ereter were here
Surida5.—iir's. J. Kuntz, who attended
the funeral of her `sister in, Detroit, re
turned to her ,home'Tuesday. -The Mis-
ses Cora and Susie -Schafer of Parkhill
are visiting friends in town.—Mr. and
Mrs. Jonas Hartleib visited in Hick=
son the fore par4'of the Week.
have b ❑
Our Seven Colleges h e ee es-
tablished ' during the past 30
years. The Largest trainers in
Canada. Owing to our connec-
tion all over Ontario, we do bet-
ter for our graduates than any
other School. You may study
all at borne or partly at borne
and finish at, the Coll ge. Affil:
iated with The Commercial Edu-
cators' Association of Canada.
It would be well for you to in-
vestigate before choosing. Ex-
clusive right for Ontario of the
world-tarnous Bliss Bookkeeping
System, whichis unequalled- It
is Actual Business from Start to
Finish, and the Students keeps
same books as Chartered Banks
and Wholesale Houses. Enter
any time. Individual instruction
Fall Term From Aug, 28
Write, nail or phone
Miss B. F. Ward
er e
0 0,
tz:e.'e e
eat very ttnuc
Pot rt}_. Cap..og and dau{
to"i' are 1'_'3 relatives ,
zVes.. T_c ,t, . vk. of DetrolT i3 vis,
> his bro!..;.er Thomas tsar a few
Council nice _ 'was held Ont Monday,
�o-n aiderablo hu,,, Tees was transacted,
Work Issa Tina eerrnii; eed nt UIC PP-
krui;d of e G church' sheds. Building
o:: i„tee Las adopted a new rstyle of.
:-uss for the roof and work will be
it«`Sr £.ii '3:3 soo : as tho lumber can he
p `a', erred.
Maste.r Nat
uncle and
a.z»'brook is visiting
t i i •Woedha a ih's
Tie a slumber of our people are
akin, Advtaatnile of the cheap rates
a Lindon this week to do their• basil
ess and then take in the Old Boys
Re Tl'uton.
Mr, ;and Mr'* Garnet Baker have
returned to Ltutdon after a week's via-
is with friends in town,
.lbertllorlocl; is getting his pw
auto doctored up. It was brought t
him in pieces but by patient and di,
ligrrlt work, be bas got his "Betsy'•
is running, order. Ae made a record
run through town to -day.
Mrs, August Ewald was in London
this week visiting her daughter l%Irs.
Miss ' Obrissy Brown and Miss
Krug of Ohesley are visiting the for
en's parents.
On Monday g evenin Miss Ella Link
gaye her visiting cnusitas a "Ilaard
time party". Each guest was ob.
liged to wear same costun]e stew-
ing the hard and strenuous tithes of
life. They were certainly very pic-
turesque and caused as great deal of
amusement, Lunch was served on
plates of ancient date. All hadd a
very pleasant time indeed. It is re•
ported some good flashlights were
taken of the Jully crowd.
Free Trade of No Benefit to the Pro-
decer Here, as the United Slat .s
Has a Surplus Production
The p ssrt i"ies of Canada gsining
,.e trade in wheat with the
..tat;.s as,ere_a,r
s, n in theto-
ora in„ extract from an article lash
niched a fortnight ago in The Toronto
"So far as wheat Is concerned, and
it is the chief breadstuff that tni,ed
;States would like to get from Canada,
aur neighbors do not need Cana ;an
wheat for their own _consumpt:oa.
Ther; chief purpose in getting fr,e
'vbeat from Canada would bs to •c_
port it through their ports, and to u e
:t for milling purposes, thus bent_it-
.ing their own courses of transporta
Prices would not be helped in
ct5'' vay,'tbecause. the United Staters
-.Kea a sutglus production of wheat the.
vial make that country an exporter cf
lour and grain for the next hundred
;cars. The following figures show
ow the volume_ of ,,wheat producton
s inereasing in the States:—
Eush els
J 654,000 tes
01i 6 s 000,0 0
✓_@ 737 0 0,00
In or.,nr t cn with these :eta i_t:cs
an iT� vile increase in the total an
al r i el of wheat :n the I.n_:ed
les it is MOS t important to no:e
1.e 'Wards of Mr. C. L. Olmsted, chief
tite Bureau of : Statistics at Wash
;m who has gest recently issued
`e stilts of',a study of the subject
popif ation • and subsistent:a. He
^`chats the View that aa-riceltu-si
rc c ctaan will fail to keep pace with
be growth of population, and 'ne
that the ` agriculture of the
Etltss, after passing throuuh
a'n se of decadence, incident to Gte
faiirn of new land, has obtained
s cure footing_in the contrary threc-
en toward imp, o': e,._tnt
''The e ge eral ;rend of p •odncti; n
pr -r
attre was a declining one duh r.g
It. two decades 1816-1885 and 1385
but in -the decade 1896-1905 and
„.n 908.1505 the mean produc ion,
her acre has steadily increased. Mr
1 n'sted shows that the mean produc
.n per acre for the four years, 1906-
has inceased over the preceding
tet t years as follows:—
at (per acre) .. 0.6 per cent.
Corn 7.1
Is se 6.5
Fil clew neat" 6.6
T o to t0es 15.15
1'ntia,cca 6 7
Do:t't fn`l to hear the London c)IIy
Band on the Sellool grounds, Exeter, on,
Thursday eventng, Aug„ 17, an the oe-
casionof the receptiosnl to Grand Master
Poplestone, Adnnission;' frees. See partic-
ulars in another column.'
Quite a large number from the vio-
nity attend the Old. 'Boy"s' re; -union in
Longo- this weeks--- ss Vena Essery
is spending a couple 'weeks visiting
wixIt her cousins at Gd,1B.end - Sr,.
1Z es. T'a,rltall is home froth the 'west
visit 11.3s 'brother Charles, It i
ter 1.5 years since Mr. :i, aIr tall yea
He notes a good awry changes,ap ,:
Blatchford fo; d ,las pun-,
hisses a beautiful darer from ;:€r.I3ert,
tit rite of F'Iensanll. The ma,focity of the
:a ,s.-re:rn MLTs xctn'ity will fntaksl up
e harvest thla week. --;Hiss ere TE''l-
.o.s of Londarn, spent 'a couple of day's
uad, the parental:: roof—Mr, ivllt an»
Blair of St, Tii.anas open; the paSt Week
bretaers, and leaves, an the
1.1.^ tor the weal ,to:, help harvest the
h -g crop ou; as -:ere.
Deafness Cannot be Cured _
ed portion of the ear. There is only one way to cora
bylocs ayplieatious,astheycannotreach the diseasHE N
deafness and a
t t,i s by constitutional statutsonat resnedtas.
Deafness ha is caused by an inflamed condition of the
mucous linin; of the Eustachian Tube. When s
is- TbWhthis
tube inflamed you bave t b ae asound or ire•
hea m•" - -
perfect i,.,andwhenttasent{relyctosed,l)eaR
taken outthe suthtindunlestoredt itsnorioncanbe SIR EDMO D WALKER, C.V.O•, LI -.D„ 0.0,L, PRESIDENT
and this tube restored to its normal condi,
tion,hearingwill be destroyed forever; nine cases 't, ALEXANDER LAiRD, GENERAL MANAGER
ou o . ton are caused by Catarrh, which ills nothing
butan in$anaed condition of thea-ueoussrtaces.
SlesvllR^^ive One Hundred Doll R R
Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be Cured
by Hales Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars free.
F- J. C11ENEY 4 Co., Toledo, 0.
Soidby Druggists, Tae,
Take Hall's Fatuily Fills for eonstipaticn,
A'r"1ItI E'1T.
I fan.. TO 1'.
a>a: lite ,I adidel d C _
d ola the School Grrsounds, E,=eter. eh
Tb ursda} evening, Aug, 17, on the oc-
easaoy, of the receptiorl,to Grand diaster
Pop'est0a:e, AdazniasForc ?re' dee panic-
es 3 s ,:: ar,ottor C0{unin-
D,.alL. of Miss ' 3r1, It is our sad
duty this weak to reword the death of
a tnetel esteemed and r°esperte3 res:,
dent of this _teighborhot=d in the Per-
son of :4 ss 'Carrie W. ll rni:c a. Earl
daughte o1 tl;<• late Wiliam Ka:". of
t: abrp . 'fiber deceased ',na s :e'en a
long and patient suffer, ,cuss. a rael 'was
first « z„Tac%ed 1417,13 King's -evil which
µaids de:elopR4 into cancer, About
a ya sr ago s3=e was ,operated an
at t;Ie Lotndoa Ilospaal for the re -
naval 01 the trouble, but this only luno-
gin; temporary relief. soon tier conadit,,
n became serioas, her affliction on
t ares being alnnoet un bearable, hence
death chair. as' a' haI{pyr relief to her
sufferings, Miss Earl_ was Highly re-
speeted by all who formed her assualrek,
auee and deep sorrow prevails at her
death. Besides her moiler She is sup-
vfved by Yiv:, sisters and two brothers.
She was a„ed ttel years, 11 months
and 21 days, Fu;a oral today (Thurs-
day) a= 1.31 u ¶he Erete; eetirtery.
Sir. and liths.
Deb -of Donna to are
e:a:.:s; r'ard`
Mr.3, T. ?riot.
after v°
on. i`r gait=' to tfie ld
harvest exenrsios,--Mes. .�
ark°;d111, has returned blame
say n, 13, V. Marr,
weeks;—Mrs. Jpnes'
adtard, 2s spend-
holidays here at the
'William Gilmore and.
have gone to \tarsi-
s' 10 manage -se•par.
threahln'.-- tr. R.
o take a trip to Brit-
1ri -his daughter.--
ber oz matt • getting
rverit Excursion to the
fir, J'ohr; :ger
ix.* Cann,
`aha f,ar tad
cur i dur;n
mpson ria gra
Columbia. U
'l ere are a fauna
ready for tate Ha
\Veet an August
ill stns is vialtl ag itis mother and
brothers here.—The grain is -abaut 'all
cut irouam 1 < e,: excel: elute late vats,:.
and threshing' has begun. The Rall
wheat aIni,
Jal the sprtag crone ps are
fairly goad —Mrs, Morley is visiting 1:er
daughters in Lo::cian.—Miss Mary Jai]
o_ Galt and her rime. Mlsa Hall, are vis -
:tit.; old f ic.-d'a and'neighbers of this
f"'a to hearC''
faiiea ane. London al}
Band on the Sea ooi Grounds, Exeter, on
Thursday eve :res., Aug. 17, on the oc-
casion of tl.e rece..piioreto Grand Master
Poplestotte. Adnnission free. See partic-
ulars in another column.
The farmers are almost Reigned har-
vesting, and Mr. J. Simpson and Son
are busily engaged hreshiti in the
neighborhood. Very good craps are re-
ported. "sir. Guy Harrison left last "Wed
nesday for the North til est and Mr.
1a s.ail Maier-
lest on 5a.dav — >ss
Loretto Glavin is gone to spend a few
weeks with friends itt Detroit.—Miss
Ahna Nell is visiting friends in Port
Huron.—Murray Nell of Otta^xa is spend
irg his vacation with this parents here.
—The lasses Mabel and Bessie Brunt -
well of Birr caled on friends here last
week.—After two week's' visit with her
sister, Mrs. J. Neil, Mrs. Drummond
has returned to London.—Mr.,W. Thatr
intends lea`vina- for Kalamazoo, Mich.,
shortly.—Miss K Farrell of `Oshawa is
vielting her brother here.—Mr. and Mrs
Dati. Lewis of Crediton spent Sunday
here.—Miss Hodgins spent Sunday at
her home in Clandeboye.
D ^3' .set to ;ear the .I;o:ndon City
I , aando . G. ,• e rt.00l Grounds, Exeter, on
T2 ursday rSCIi_eti , Aug, 17, on the oc-
rosion of the reeeptieet, io Grand Master
1'olilestane, idmissio;r fres, See parile-
mat's In another column,
Miss Clara Rote. of Toronto , spent
Sunday with Die ;ds here.—Master Harry
I.,ippert spent a few' days -last week «.t
E el;wood,—Piss Enann = McCertttlelt was
visiting he; sister, Mrs. McEarbeln, .in
Pankt :i
Friday.—Mr, and Mrs, James
O'Rourke o> L
London spent a few days
last � lk mi
Mrs, g. I Aannv-1
rs- 13,
Gunning:cant and Enuna and Fred spettt
Tuesday in Exeter , with Mrs, Yager,-'
;ear. ti^zm, 1 cC"a n of Humber Bay nrie-
it>ai zientds oven Sea:Rday.—:t number
from :ere -spent Sunday at the Rend,.
Cl -1..1S, LHL'RST
Don't fail to aver the L,cetaort Cbtj
B r.c1 ow the &hood grounds, 1teter, o,
Thursday evening, u • 17, os Hie Pee.
caalon. or Iho reeeptiare to Grand Master
I'opiestotte. Admission fr-er, See partic-
ulars in aauother cQiunan.
Mr, George Wren the well lotown treed
er of and horses, sold an extra'
ie t;aree year g'eldfng to Mr, Jameo
Morris ,of Mitchell, for wiliclt
ceivt d the handsome 'aural of S300, This
gelding wzhen in moderate eandItion
weighed 1,600 poarids.
No Appetite
you have na appetite for meals, can't,
wo;k, ere 't rest and are annoyed with.
ma 4'e -covet urination and a burning,
se a.il^c tda.tn iti4/ting passages.
t ,,l „alt lit y €Ru retire, h spilus for sleep
Id. sou
,d'a,y trout.
nd tt 'c d Boris's
+,id1:er Pills the
a t'er•d ressely.
:ail - Ittdeey
bl.idd'� 1:ou-
f»w doses
Q''n'9 K d ,1,
will wake up the sluggish kidneysa
re -font,' the urine. Continued treat-
menl. ill cure and heal the weakened
k.d tey's and restore tate appetite 10 the
Pp ,
natural way. Sold everywhere ft/ cents
box, ae poytpald front Tito 11. T. Rooth
Cn., Lrd., b`arr Erie, Ont. 1,'rce trial sent
•v': appll.^.tti30. i
Sold and guano aced in Exeter by
W. S. Cole.
bi •
CAPITAL - $10,000,000 REST, - $8,000,000
The Canadianadian Dank of Commerce extends to Farmers every facility
for the transaction of their banking business including the .discount and
collection of sales notes. Blank sales notes are supplied free of charge
on application.
Accounts lts n ay be opened at every branch of The Canadian Tan Bank of
Commerce to be operated by mail, and will receive the same careful
attention as is given to all other departments of the Bank's business.
Money may be deposited or withdrawn in this way as satisfactorily
� �y as
by a personal visit to the Bank,
Exeter 73r,canch—W,, fi, Collins
Branch also at Crediton,
Incorporated 1855
Capital (paid up)
Rest Fund -
Total Assets Over
Flas'lS ,Bratnches in Canada, and Agents and, Correspondents in alithis
Principal Cities in the World.
alt all Branches, Interest allowed at highest current rate.
Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government.
& CARLING, Solicitors. 14'.. D. HVRDON Manager,
•67e1/11,44ed,e- e
Y, M. C. A. 131.1)G.,
Registered last season upwards of 300
students and placed every graduate. Seven
specially qualified regular teachers. One
hundred and fifty London firms employ
our trained help, College in session from
to June 30. Enter any time.
Catalogue Free.
Forest City College
Chartered Accountant. Principal.
Vice Principal. 15
There is a great demand' upon usfor
trained help. I3usitiess men state that
our graduates are the best. We have
three departments;
The tuition for sir months is $55 and
for one"year $80. Investigation will
prove to your satisfaction that there is
no better Business College in Canada.
Get our free catalogue now.
D A. McLACHLAN Principal
Do you own a
or are you a Slave to
A "Parkyte” Sanitary Chemical Closet in your home is the strongest
kind ofinsur nce ,against the germs of:disease. Ib is a preventative against
epidemics and contagion in the Summer, and an absolute necessity the
year round.
Requiresqneither Water nor Sewae;-can, be placed in an: ' art of your
hornet ost less than :a Cent a day,and lasts a lifetime, - P
Endorsed by the leadioc, Physicians, and Health Officials Specified 'b
the most Prominent,Artbitects; and adopted by whole Municipalities.
Over 15,000 have been installed in Cananian Homes in less than one year
Ask your dealer for prices,
The "Parkyte" Sanitary Chemical Closet is made in Canada by
Parker -Whyte ;Limited, Winnipeg, Man.
Branches -Toronto, Montreal, Calgary. - and Vancouve
au d is sold by
JHEANIAN, Exeter, Ontario
Farm Laborers'
s or,
0.00 to Winnipeg,
Including t> +in,ra on Grand Trunk
Pacific Ry. via Chicago, Duluth and
Fort Francis S18 00 Additional. Re-
,1,LCGUST t'2th—prom all stations
north of Gut not including Aram Liner
Toronto to Sarnia Tunnel, -v1a. Stratford
to and including the lino from Tarot: -
:to North Bay naid 'west in Ontario. 6
AUGUST 15tin—Prom Toronto and
stations cast din Ontario; also east of
(Willa and Scotia Junction In Ontario.
AUGUST 'and—Krona all station's Tor
North th Bay
d west
In Ontario,
e1.11GUST ittith—From all station Tor-
o -
onto abd meat of Orillia and Scotia
Junction n in Canada,
From allstations itt Canada west of
Cornwall and Ottawa,
Literature and full information from
an'1 Grand Trunk Agent,
et or
address essA.
E. DLT P, District Passenger Agent, at
Toronto, Ont.
J. J. KNIGHT, Agent, Exeter.
Miss Maud lint .has been under the
care of the doctor ;and nurse for the
last three weeks suffering from typ-
hoid fever. She is n;ow +improving 'nice-
ly. Last week her sister sliannah was
taken down the isanie way. It is
thought the case will. 'Hist be so se-
vere. -4 company sof mein from Hibbert
have begun agaiaii the work on their
contract,Tier deepening Fish Creek:
Chance for Piano
A new uptight Grand Piano Reg-
ular priceS32 z Sale Price $229.
Only one instrument will be sold
and that to the first buyer,
Call early and let et itis drw-
monstrate* its merits to you.
This instrument is on ex-
hibiton at our store the bal-
ance of this week,
A number of organs
3.., to' • cr ,,
b no
Payable 50c, a week.
g Flour
k, Several Brands. Manitoba
QJ a specialty.
qq� Lime
to A good stock always on hand.
el • Durham National Partland
Cement is the best.
R. G. Seldon, Exeter
Last year they; began on Capt. Camp
bell's farm of the 18th concession. -Now
they have crossed tate {Base Line and
will extend 'this isnprovemen,t tit the
boundary 'near Kirkton. When. com-
pleted the cost will' total kso'rne -$5,000.
ooh-z.o .
London, Canada, Sept. 8, to ,-16.
Exi i
tar � tlon of Live Stock, The best . ever seen in
Many Unique < Special Attractions including
Aerial Military y sid Hydro Electric F?
Jumping' and Speeding Contests
Big Dog and Cat Show=-FOUr Splendid Bands
A most attractive midway, Best ever seen in London
Reduced Rates on all Railways.
Prize Lists, Entry Forms, slid a01 other information from
W. J. REED,'' President A. M. BUNT, Secretary