HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-8-10, Page 2'14,1 Hints for Busy liousekeel)ers Redpes d Other Valtia.ble fnfermatIma of Particular letterest to Womee Folks. mormse.m...monassa.........mnagoserpsualaw,opams,ftwasamnosao matmammoommil DAINTY' DISHES, . Sie all eold vegetables, icud'- ng ehep them, then fre" the 'all aliberel seasoning of salt and pepper. Bice reed Raisin Pedd-Make a rive pudding in the usual wey. When balf eooked add a goed bandrui kitunled raiaies, site in carefully, cover the top of the pud- ding with a thin layer of bread - crumbs, and on it put little bits tef butter. Bake till the rice is e‘oked thoreughey„ Grape jam should be made from fraft growe out of doore. Waeh the fret ,t;':4it-4111,y ad $tew geetly till tender, then peas through a. / sinleve.a To every pound of pelp allow eie poued uflealoaregar. Brieg to the bail end eeok fast for mil/tires, Pour into pets ver tonee With egged 1, a liet'o len/tee-peel ) the preaerve, y be e Se‘eryree i a i'ery nee ebange IrLm the ordinate- rlee peeldieg. Wesh tree *emcee of riee and boil it in mill; till quite temier, ad- ding pepper and st Butte dish, f-pl:"Z;t1 halg the rhe un it, ene oneee of cheese tm edd the rest of the rive, Feltter the st of the eheese en the top, put t tie bits of butter over, and brown a quiek even. The rice may be okediu stink with a tlavorieg of -egetables instead of milk. t' vest -a- Thie is e geed ray v,f.tJ a. P. *-- insert a knitting-eeedle, and if, it is perfectly ean, then the cake is done, 'USEFUL HINTS, A little lard in the starch will do much toward keeping irens from sticking to the clothes. ' Save the far from all meats and poultry and use in place of lard, exeept for pie and biseuit. Steanueg is far better than lami- ng for fiehfowl, and meat. Try is Inethed and you will be unwil- flng to give at up. To stop nosebleed -Place a piece of brown or 'tissue paper over the I teeth ef the upper jaw and the bleedieg will stop at OP.ee. Oae honsekeeper says she pats a rolled reeker into a squash pie for thickening when she has no egg, aed the reselt is good. To Fry Been 'Without Shrivel - e -Lay amps with edges aliginly overlappmg in a cold fry pan and fry slowly until erisp. When the drawers of the ser. chiffonier, etc„ stick, remove the drawer and rub the slide$ well with paraffin and savo yaur tem- per, TIIE SIJNOAY SCI1001. STUDY TE1LN 'ilTONAL LESSON, ALTOUST 13. Lessen TIL-Jeltoialtim, Beres the Prophet's Book, Jere 36. Golden Text, Ise. 40. 8. Verses 1-10-Jeremia1i'a roll dic- tated to Baruch, and read to the people. 1, The fourth year of Jehoiakina- About B. g. 005, :It is likely these events occurred after Jerusalem became subject to Nebuehadnezzar. Jeremiah had already prophesied this disaster and the prolonged eap- tivity which was to follow. The people were in a state of fear, anti it was aa= opportune moment for the prophet to repeat the -warnings whieh he had -tittered from time to time for many years. 2. Take thee a roll,. And write -A similar command came to Isaiah, but in his ease the roll was rather a tablet, covered with wax. Jeremiah's roll was made of pieces of elain stitehed together, and at- tached to rollers of wood on each end, On this, in columns parallel -t the rollers; he was to inscribe the words of his propheeies, utter- ed during the twenty-three years of his public eareer. These utteranee$ are recorded in the chapters precede this one. NO doubt there • e certain amount of condensation A strip of emery taeked to a small as he would have to rely partly up - square beard is almost intlispen- OP memory and partly upon frag- sable in the kitchen, for one can menters records. quickly aharpen the earving knife 3. It may be that the hoese of •el. it. Judah will hear -The same offer of When stewing pears add the nue pardon as was made previously hallo)/ and the grated rind, and u (compare Jer. 26. 3). The attaele -o inches of cinnamon to everal by Nelmehadnezzar ought to have , iglit or twelve pears, accortlieg to inteesified this appeal. size, 5. 1 an shut up -Not imprisoned I Witle-meuthed bottea l 11 (ace verse 10), as in jer. 33. 1 and ' better for keeping tacka than 1nres,elsewhere, but restrained by some The one ean tell at a glance IA cause, pre$uniably by the people's ether the inek Is of the desired indignation over his recent predie- ;length, tions. A ' good -1 'ti a eabbage is 0. The fastaday-A day eapecially -tile as follows: One egg, tme appointed in coeneetion with the blespoon -mustard, imlf cup /ennational danger. ate, half cup sweet milk, salt and 0. In the ninth month -December. epper to taste. It was perhaps the first aneiver- Bicarbee'ate vf soda hou1d be sary of the capture of the city. The und in every house, and in a only stated legal fast took place in conspicuous place. F ir burns there the seventh month. is nothing better, as it quickly re- 10. Gemariah-He was brother of lieves the peel, the friendly Ahlkam, mentioned in Rot water .in mixing batter has a the last lesson. The place of read= tendency to make cake whiter. ing described was one that would Spenge cake. which sboeld be as be most likely to bring the mes- / vellow as peasible, is better made sage 'ithin the bearing of all the with cold water, people coming in from the cities of Tv prevent. matting from becom- Jedali at the new gate. ing yellow on the floor, wash off 11-19-lbe roll also read in the oceasitmally with a large coarse Presence of the Princes. eloth which has been dipped in a 11. Micaiah-11; WitS in the door strong aolution of salt water, of his father's chamber that the When eggs are frozen in the wie- book was read, and the son car- ter putting them in cold water will vied the news of what had taken draw out the frost. If a frozen place to ' is father, who was other - egg must be boiled, put salt in the wise engaged in another chamber water and it will not run out of with the princes of Judah. For the the shell. position of these leading men, see Cook a can of tomatoes slowly last lesson. with several slices of baton. if E. He went down -From the already fried, all the better. Add temple to the king's house, which an onion cut fine, bread crumbs, stood on lower ground. Elnathan and seasoning. Makes an appetiz- was spoken of in the last lesson. ing change. 15. Sit down now, and read it -- a When the knob comes off your There are seral evidences that granite pot lid, leaving a hole for steam to ceeape and burn your fingers, take a common screw, put up from underside, screw into a cork-, and behold a TICW lid! Gut new napkins apart; double them lengthwise and dip the raw edges into boiling water to the depth of one inch; then hang them up to dry without wringinc, They will fold ,and hem easily. Borax, in the first place, is one of the most powerful antiseptics known. When used to wash the head -as much as one can hold in the hollow of the hand to about a quart of water -it d stroys dan- druff. . Most eurinary failures eeme from the habit of guessing. Weigh ev- erything, that is to be weighed and measure carefully all the other in- gredients. Do this even if you have made the article repeatedly. Tbe poisonous articles to keep mice away are dangerous if there are children. Mice do not like the smell of peppermint, and a little oil of peppe,rmint spread around and this was filled with Charcoal their hiding places will keep them (much like a warming -pan) for heat- away.-ing purposes. Jehudi had unrolled . Good Furniture Poish-Drain only a few coltunns (leaves) when of your leftover coffee, and when the king, in spite of the interces- you have a c uart mix with a table- sion of sonic of the princes ruth- spoonful of sweet oil. Wash •the lessly cut the roll into shreds with 13 xtb Put t ere berween two eroutous, them together. &atter j ars veeh, and if you ean spare it seine chopped hnrd-boiied eggs.,..71lake het, and serve. Vegetable Seep. -Place an ()epee of butter in a frying -pan. Slice into it a small = nice/. one carrot, lane tortilla zind two putatoea. Stir till ;ill the Vt:gettibles are slightl,‘ broweed, then plate them in a stew - pan, add two tableePneauls of rice tied two quarts of cold water. Simmer gently for one hour and a half and strein through a wire -ieve. Return to the sauce- pan, add two tablespoonfuls of cornflour meletened with cold water. Stir continuously till it then add a seasoning of pep- per and salt, and serve. Meat jelly is most no-urishing for 4111SoTle who has tired of beef tea Cut two pounds of shin of beef into ama31 pieces about the size of nets, teieefelly rejecting all fat; add a lite salt, place it in a eovered jar. which put into a saucepan of boiling water, and let it stew gent- ly for eight hours, adding more water to the saucepan when re - mitred. About an hour before tak- ing it up stir in half an ounce of isinglass: strain and press through a sieve. then put aside for use. Be- fore serving, scrape off every par- tiele of fat that may have risen to the top. cape-) nec ne ant 4 but: taste. HINTS ON CAKE -MAKING. In every branch of cookery the greatest care must be exercised to follow the rules exactly, and in- gredients must all be weighed, not thrown in haphazard quantities anyhow but precisely in the man- ner indicated. Attention to little things may mean the complete sue - cess of the cake. , Everything used in cake -making must be perfectly free from damp. or the result mill be heaviness and generally a "sad" condition, as "Yorkshire people say. In mixing sugar and butter heat the latter gently before beginning and in mixing eggs and sugar do not attempt to add more than three eggs without adding a little flour every now and then. Some fruits, such as cherries, are better when rubbed with thin.' so as to prevent their sinking to the , bottom of the lin. Flour should be perfectly free 'from lumps:, currants and raisins cleared and dried. All tics should be well buttered and in case of scorching it is a good plan -to cover them with a piece of parchment paper. As much care is necessary in the baking as 3n the mixing. Sponge and all /light cakes, with those small ones baked in patty tins, re- quire a quick ovee, Whilst ordi iary cakes of the sill Lana and seed species are most successful when cookcd in a moderate oven. The even sheuld not be opened until nt least twenty minutes after the ealic'hao been put in, and if it hag be closed again it nmst be done ge.tt,y. thc cake npjieari, eoked the princes looked with favor upon Jeremiah and his attendant. Baruch's position was the one or- dinarily assumed by an Oriental teacher (see Matt. e. 1). * 17. How.. clitist thou write ?--Tney desired to know precisely how intum responsibility rested upon Baruch', and how much upon Jeremiah, in order that they Might give a true account to the king. 20 -20 -The reading of the roll be- fore the king. 21. Stood beside the king -L. -Liter- ally, "above the king,' be being seated; while the princes were standing. 22. The winter-libuse--Both suip- mer and winter houses were joyed by these people of the EaSts:,; But .they Were .altiost always sep- arate parts of the Same house. lin general, the inner, ,ot protected portion, of the house, was Used in winter, While the external (Often. upper) ,and airy peet of the house seiA,ed for summer. 23. The brazier',A deptess3on was built in the centre of the- room furniture with this and polish with a suite's knife (penknife) and a dry cloth. TI the co.ffee' is strong threw it into the fire. it will cover all seratelie.S. 24. They Were not afraid --- The If buttonholes ha-ve to lae made On king's contern it for Jehovah's mes- a material that frays badly, pro- sa., inspired them with t ern wi no error. ceerl as follows Mai* tifie P'esitlion Howc't' iffercnt had been the con - of buttonhole with a thread, then d,, ,t of j hefak;,,,, father, Josiah run a line of machine stitching around the thread.' Then cut the hole an..d buttouhole it -in the usual mariner. . A white felt hat which is requir- ed to do duty for a second ',season maic- be easily cleaned witb •pow - .when the Bock of. the . Law was, found. . With a.,'sad 'heart'he rent Pis 'garments. Through this act' was proclaimel 'the.,sealing of its doom' It. Wag' Ged"s fitial'rircriff er''Of inereY' --tO dered it with 'cold wale.. „ over the concerning the- • f ' . . a. paste 0.1". Write the., - to• :adtt*-a'thre'et'' soiled parts: When quite dry.brushtei,ty. it of 'with.a clean. bnnsh. 2TliekingOf. Babylon shalF certainly come. This, of course, does not mean that the Babylon- ian king had not come already. His His attack upon Jerusalem in the first instance, a year or so before this, was by no means as severe as that which Jeremiah here pre- dicts. The fulfillment took place in a few years, in the reign of Je- hoiakim's son, Jehoiachin, and still further in the wasting of the city at the end of the reign of Zedekiah. 30. one to sit upon the throne of David-Jehoiachin, within three months from his accession, -was hur- ried -away a captive to Babylon. No child of his suCceeded to the throne. MAKING SAFE INVESTMENTS DISTRthunos OF RISK 'FIRST AIM OV WISE INVESTOR. Investing Not So Easy as It Soends --Why Farm Investnienta are Not More Popular -Return Too Low -Reason Small Investor Should Try Something: Else. There is, in Chnada, a growing amount Of capital. wilieh. is seeking investment, The experience of the United St.vms aur. His dead body ahall be east out ing a similar period of an existence, When -The assertion in 2 Kings 24. 6 th4. the. lack: of investment lotowletige enabled 4. sharpers of the "get-richi-quielt" type to he "slept with his fathers" is in steal hundreds of millions of dolle:rs from no way controdictory to this pro- Itee isNe11747e,o‘for .(111'hrif".' has lifIlloatIIP:v5d1. pheey. The same account is silent future some space ersicr rerekt(t)ot C011eerrring his burial, The fact that Barech Mcluded this in Jeremiah's prophecies, after the death of Je- hoiakim, shows that he felt no dif, fiellity as to its fulfillment. Kiags and Chronicles both give only brief Recounts of these times. 32. Another roll -Its contents are doubtless preserved for as, to a large extent, in the book of Jere- miah as we have it, eheptora 1-35, MODERN IDEAS ABOUT SLEEP.. Many Persons Take TOO :11.11011 Olt -The Nature of Dreama. lieation ot investment information. To this end they haye secured tho services of one of the foremost financial writers in Canada to fill this column each week with general information on financial subjects in the hope that it will prove useful in twining Our readers to Judge for themselves the merits of investments. The fonowing article is introductory in nature. During the nextfew mouths the Various kinds of investments will be dealt with and their good and bad points criticized. For example she merits of mortgages will be contrasted with those of bond n and investment storks of various sorts, Tile proper sort of izavestiteents for women will also cowin for SonSider:A^ tiOn, These will not be dry, teepppoo artietes hot will be interesting and situ - pe anti may save ,-on front muting, your faolleY into losing ventures at some ammo time. The impartial and reliable oharfleter of the information in this ea - man may bo depended upon.The writer af OleSu artielea una tite publisher of tins paper have no other interests to sere in qouneotion with tins matter. - - (By ''Investor-') The man who remarked, Al- mts'-t any fool ean make a fortune, but it takes a wise man to keep Sleep is PO longer imlefinitely considered a wandering abroad of the S0111, writes Fred W. Eastman in the Atiantie, but i$ tiow known to be a temporary poisoning of the brain cells by the waste products resultingaeti‘tiofidtliit-eboingtchiyeidnagyenfie-oriartl, tho it," was much mare than half in held in her hand would sink on Thus when a muscle, cell or a feottir-tnueeset.*N‘oll-ellet $'11bikneedeeKteaetiloltgolat' nerve cell nets nutritive material of sanjoge, doe a not mean reerelY stored. within its walla is broken keeping it Safe. A well-ehosen Itole dowe into ,substanees that are of no 'in the ground will do that. But, Boiling water \nos, used in or, Nrla. 0210tillorteila141011y14 ticrees:c'eelll ao to noveat ones money that it not washed out by the blood stream ?,11111?:1 sr171171slit:::isti'74311";1,c°bIlulte''aliscwabil;h1Qgl'is- nwen,iyenechttfotiz, sannindo„,istimilnealpki,soietistel t<q11 whieh takes much thought. purified by the excretory organa', "'Iovestthacl:11.7algiaes no '° man, thc t:leeralTir In the course of the day, bow- 111Illee"TaInsInfit*e ji‘lSlaQtrt.tehl.411' shlalAo'et, we"11:1' the lungs and the kitineya. neivoe/%1Pailluteltiel tilsmileVogxgal34 01 fffereet- the tientlnal 11"siliPcjiletgl l't?tlelkl:'-w'NI:lelnielevinl in oh3f. tliaretaigeuesubilsitametelee is manifested vulvas taking a eertain amount of soles and brain; chance -would be inueli teo mild a the extreme degrees of which re- word, To others. investment at sults, in the latter organ, in the in- once briegs up thoughts of wort - ability to ad, which NVO now know gages, yet between these two ex- tremeS-the well-seeured farm mortgage on the one hand, and the highly speculative mining stock on the other -lies a great field of op- portunity supplying a variety of in- vestments to suit all taates and all requirements. lug always ain't to divide the risk, This "distributiorr of risk," as is called, is the first step of the wise man who aims to keep hit "fortune" big or little. TRIALS ET WATER. A Dia-fiat:11y Unpleasant Way of. t previug One's Innotenee. Throwing people into Ole, water i to let it determine their innoeence; or guilt was widely in use in the,/ I seventeenth and eighteenth cell, - tunes, A Synod of West Prussia. . forbade its use in 1745. Sporadic' cases however, occurred during' the w'hole of the nineteenth een- tury. ;1 Prof. E. P, Evans wrote in 3.895' of its use in Dalmatia, where in some districts it was still custom- ary to throw all the women into' the water on a, specified day to see whether, they would sink or Swim.' A rope was attached to each in order to save from drowning time° who proved their innoeence by sinking, while those believed to be guilty because they floated wero alao rescued and. made to promise to forsake their evil ways oe pain of beieg stoned. A traveller has described a nod - 03:11 survival of the -ordeal used in detecting thieves in southern Res. sia, says the Diotetie and Hygi- enic Gazette, All the eeevante of the household where the robbery occurred were assembled and as many balls of bread were made as there were auspected peraoris. A soreeress then addressed each one of the number, saying that the particular ball of bread whieh she swim as the party addreased was guilty or innoceut, She then filing it into tlio water, as :deep. The third of our time tus spent out of commission is I therefore eeally due to the inade- qiuley of, the excretory organs for purifying the blood. Perhaps, on account of popular opinion and personal habit, we waste nanch time in a jellyfish con- dition that would be more profit- ably spent in active pursuit of our ambitions. The answer of course depends upon the nature of our oc- eupation, If there is nruch muscu- lar effort involved with a corms- pondieee large amount of waste in the cells and blood, eight hours' or more are probablypiecessary. But if our work: is Of a fietlentary nature and mainly of the brain there is .naturally a smaller quan- tity of accumulated waste and less time is required for its removal. Many are the instances of great men, past, and present; who have lived healthfully and worked un- ceasingly and strenuously on only four or five hours sleep, or half the laborer's portion. Dreams are due to an increase of sensation and circulation over that which exists in profound sleep. Observations made upon. patients with cranial defects show that when -we are dreaming the brain is greater iri volume than in deep sleep, and less than when we are awake. Thus this intermediate volume of blood would indicate that dreams are an intermediate stage between unconsciousness and wakefulness, and,-_ their incomplete and irregular intelligence would indicate the same thing. 'This increased circulation is us- Aally due to sensory stimulation af- f4scting the Yasoinotor centre and &using a return of blood to - the head, With resultant increased con- sciousness. Contrary to popular belief dreams, in ;themselves do not contribute to light or broken sleep ity•whieli they are present. Such, a ,coriditOn is due to the ever present stimuli, ' Which ,Jiccord- ing.to their Strength or th.e degree Of irritability:Of the bells .maintain even in sleep a varying' degree of cons.eiousneSs, of whibh.. the dreabs- are merely a manifestation. -fore the, fatiguing ' effect often also attributed to -drezins is not due to them but to the lighter degree of sleep,and less complete ecu teStor- ation Which -they', a:aeon:many, anti which are .due to ,serne irritation. LONDON:S. GREAT ECII1',SALES. An interesting sight in London' is deals by the Persiana and it is referred to itt the. Aveeto„ It eon- tained both the saered elements, water and fire, Suggesting the tie, Inge past and the fiery doom of the future. In the simpleet form of the riot Water tea the bare arm was plunged to the wrist in trivial, eases, and to the elbow in more aerious trials, usually to bring out 'rings er mills thrown therein, In Tibet plaintiff and defeedant settle their cause judicially by plunging their arms into hailing water containing a black and a white stone, when he who brings up Hie white stone wins the verdict. A King of the Goths in the seventh century. /rith the sanction of the Council of Toledo, recommended the bailing test for crime. INTERron or TILE EARTH'. WHAT ARE INVESTMENTS? Hardly as Mit& Known About it as 41L1/ About the Stars. Now, as to what constitute in vestments. Strictly speaking, an investment is anything which we may buy that will bring us in an income, and retain its value, i.e., can be dis- posed of withont material loss. Thus, the purchase of a good farm which may be leased or worked so as to bring in a good return an its cost, is an investment. But this is a very small and relatively unimportant field for the investment of our money. Not •everyone has sufficient capital to buy a farm, and, as a rule, the rental of a farni is not a high enough return on the investment to make it worth while. For one must remember that out of tine return sufficient must be laid away each year to rebuild all buildings at the end of, say, thirty years. Part of the re- turn from rent represents a- pay- ment for depreciation on buildings, etc., which, despite repairs every year, eonie that much nearer the time when they must be rebitilt. Perhaps if they are well consttuct- ed, thirty years is too short a time I to allow, but it is never unwise to err on the side of safety. There is, however, in addition to the small return and the risks of a dishonest or unfortunate leasee, one very sound reason why a per- son with limited capital should not invest in farm real estate, unless, of course, he is a farmer, who in- tends to Operate it himself; and in this case a high return - on the amount invested ,represents bo no small extent the payment to the farmer of his own salary --though many do not reallize this faet-----and varies in proportion with his skill as an husbandman, as any farmer knows. Everyone kn )vs the 1,1 adage, that it is foolish to pat all one's eggs in one basket; theSaille applies to investments, but with greatly increased forlce.1 One should never, under any circumstances, So invest money that, should a fire, a failure. or other unforeseen acci- rj e of the great pe no ea,es o \':etaini.1 ti 1.`f,vi'Lb'itii.idel sib e, \o,e1.1;:ys:•samOadlii_.. wmaamrielFlkotii,Isse jainctl,hfueristy'nelidheatmaagf,itii:sho,uld be -erse fill e And in this ,distribu_ tude of the trade and the ,vast amount of money involved would it be remembered to $urprise any one who yi.$itecl one, sr/lean cover a wide ii,-lc''- nlv of ftlp,icrs,eoms.ia,.e,essiIfI,oc,t.r ItelaetfiQristt:ctrilm,e6 :0\in 7:L10011.1i ,ctaa:/:,osj this mther, etn affect Centr would they once elk/tiled lived. croo mci- sands of skins until °le bet,in- would not affect b wpolioTen:ealvn: tlINIalnitetii:e:u„:faaronli:c311:cou3preofieotflOi , sf the urei . „ Ell). 2 ' ISSUE '31- 1- tholailit of, -Thee rti 4f11 # v asent1nte Arneiea, Te interior of the earth is scarce - more, accessible than the stars to direct experimentation, and is less known through valid indirect evi- dence. Some information is given by earthquake shocks which, though local in origin, shake the whole earth. By collating the re- cords of seismegraphs in various places it has been learned that the velocity of the earthquake wave is three or four iniles per second in the upper strata, of the earth and more than ten miles per second in the central nucleus. The earth, as a whole, may be compared to a great spherical bell which when struck makes only two or three complete vibrations per hour. As the .note emitted by a piano string depends on its length, thieltness, and tension, so the "note" of the earth bell and the velocity of waves .in its different parts give some indication of the state of the concentric strata of which the -earth is composed. The information thus obtainedis very incomplete, and scientists have endeavored to fill its voids by meanv, of Various plausible hypotheses. A review of our present knowledge of the earth, recently presented to a French Scientific Society, contains two remarks of especial interest, concerning the variations et] grav- ity.rr,aiondpressure in the earth's .interior. If a shaft were, sunk vertically to the centre of the earth antl an objeet, suspended from a spring balance, were lowered doWn the shaft, the weight of the object, as indicated by the dial of the bal- ance, would first increase, as the descending object approached the deeper and denser strata. After passing a 'certain depth, however, the weight would begin to diminish to the centre and it would continue to diminish to the (-.:entre of the : airretcht,ioNnv.here its value would be there be equally attracted in every zero, because thobject would e, The pressure increases enormous- ly with increasing depth below the earth's surface'. It must be about 200,060 atmospheres at a depth of 400, miles (3-10 the earth's radius), 4,000,000 atmospheres at 2,000 miles (half the radii/0 and more than 1,- 000,000 "atmospheres at the centre. At such pressures the materials of the earth uhough heated -above their meltin" points, 'are, itrobably, or steel. Hence 'the 'velbeity of 'quasi -solid and as as ,.glas.s ed theveloeitfY .sott'irtelsiain'toisrtd'eulx-- propagations , )) a ion , ary ,s6lids such as at iron, in which it is 20,000 feet per seond.• e t. 15