Exeter Advocate, 1911-8-3, Page 5erefesatei ne 4`u 11s. De. G. F. RiXI,I4M,OI?I, L°D.S„ )D.D.S, DgioTrs101 glen ber of the R,O.D.S.,of Ontario and 3;Onor, Graduate. at Toronto tYniverei;ty'.. Office: -Over Dickson & Carling -"e law office„ Closed Wednesday afternoons. gig Da. A, R. KINSMAN, L. A d„ D• D. 8., Honor graduate of Toronto Guiveridty. 111111101 DENTIST. aethextrected: without any pain, or any bads dects OBee eye raladman i 8tanbury's office. Main street Beets! Medical' n R,BRIGIHT, AL, A., M. G. P. duS., Beeson, e Graduate pf Toronto University, Two years resident pb si ian Royal. Alexandra Hospital, etc. Office and Residence ,Dr. Amos' Old Stand, Adrew erect .EXETER QUAOKENBUSR, Physician, Surgeon, Ac- eoucheur, Office, Dr. Rollins' old office, Main Street.Residence; corner James and Albert streete oppositeJatneastreetbletlamest parsonage. Phone Ofece, S9 a; Residence 39 b. asegal. Te101i9Qli ce CARLINO, BARRISTERS, SQLIOi; i! sore, Notaries, Convepaneers,Cowmissionere Solicitors for Molsons Bank, etc Sauey to boats at lowestreteaof ateree Offices. Male serest, Exeter, a. if/kltutid, B,4,,, L.U. Dienes ANET TO LOAtd. We have etarge amount of privatetumid to louts a tuna and village properties at low rates of inter, set. OI,ADMAi r S'TAtiBUBY, $arresters, Solicitors,Sfain at,, Exeter On 3, SENIOR Agent Confedet'ation Life Assurance Company. also Fire Insurance in lead - Eng Canadian, and 13ritish Oon pan>:es. Exster, LICENSED ACICTIONWM Wp , ANDERSON. Licensed Auctioneer for llusers County, Terrns reasonable, Oates can be mads at the Advo sate, Exeter,. or Henry Miter's Orrice, Cred- lion. T. B. CARLING L1 e, Fire, Accident, and Plate Glass Insurance, Collecting accounts, and con- ducting auction sales. - Exeter. Ont, C, A, HOUZE, V, S. Graduate at Ontario, Veterinary Col- lege; iuenber Ontario Veterinary �ied- Ical Society; treats ail diseases at do- mesticated animals on scientific prin- ciples ; modern surgery a specialty. Op- erations on Lump Jaw guaranteed eat- istactorY. Calls by day or night promptly attended to. Ottice-)fain-st,, ID:eter, Dr. Ramsay's old stand. Phone In connection. FOR. SALE. The undersli$ned otters his tine farm, con misting of about 13;a acres, adjoin - the town of Clinton, for sale. Tile tarn n is in a good state of cultivation; and haw good buildings, brick house, bark barn, driving house, pig pen, etc. all comparatively now. Afirst-class you ,°r .nehard, containing all kinds of .fruity and ,also small fruits. The farm is well fenced and drained and ,is a very desirable home. For further par= ticut t,rs +apply on the premises or ad- dree.a JOHN TORRANCE, Clinton. LMJ . ILLUSTRATED a dies' CATALOGUE COLLEGErRo .St.' ' ion�las,OnYE" MIESI FALL TEAM OPEN,SeAUGUST 28 ELI-LOTT TORONTO, ONT., stands to -day without asuperior in Canada. Graduates always successful. Catalogue free. Horses for sale I have a nun>,lber of first-class horses for sale. Call at the stables and see them. We are also purchasing horses then are sound and in good gondition from 4 to ip yeaatsr of age. Parties having horses for sale will do well to call or write the undersigned. Phone 41. M. M. DOYLE. Exeter. ESTRAY STEERS., There strayed from the farm of the undereiigned,. Lot 30 Con. 3, Usborne, on or about, July 118eh, a pain of year- ilt g steers, apotted red and white. Kind- ly send info-mation to DAN: DEW, laueondale, P. 0. FOR SALE The undersigned is offering for sate that 'beautiful residence north of the bridge, Exeter. ,Hard and soft water in the house ; and everything in good repair ;- with four lots, a good barn, all kinds of fruit trees, bushes and grape vines. Anyone wishing to see the place or know rhe terms will call at' the residence, Main-st., Exeter. ALE3d. McPHERSON. PASTURE ''r0. LET The 'undersigned will pasture stpckon "hiss farm or :Lake Road, Lot 11, South :Boundary, Hay, by 'the n1o�'I�th,-payable in advance. Apply to JOHN FORD, Exeter Nortlh; or Hay'P. O. HOUSE FOR SALE Tame undersigned is of."erirg for sale, that, �esarable'. Pro erhY an .r mt. beink, .'a Ione - artd .:half storey brlek house :n celi lxty'ldndi:iorr;, {,ogether •wittn two iota: a �a1tlI.. Alco' two :17‘10.4A ipply to i7TSIIPA } FARM LABORERS' EXCUSIONS SElAFORTH-Tare wedding of Miss fsa bells, Cardno, daughter of Mr. Ale This year's wheat crop, according to Cagdno, to Mr. Johan; Crouse, of Lon- a conservatnve katnmate, will be two hundred million 'bushels, and ,,the Mani- toba, /Saskatchewan and Alberta gov- ernments advise thee fifty,thousand' men, will be required.The majority of these willhave to be recruited•from Ontario, and the Canadian, Pacific Rail- way are running exeurs1Ons;to Winnipeg and 'west at $10, Free tickets will he supplied at. Winnipeg to:destinatlons in Western, Canada st of Morose Jaw Saskatoon and leea'nches. Special throw gh trains to. Winnipeg 'will be rtu'i{, byt the the only through line on the following dates. Aug. 3, from all .points on all lines; in, Ontario !south rto s tl,, sof the G.T.R. Main lino Torox'tha: to Sarnia, This includes C, P. R. station's south of Guelph and Rran,ptoll, Aug, lA„2 , from all point's in Ontario north of the G, 'r B, main Bare Tioronto to Sarnia, :which includes all branches and the Toronto -Sudbury line. Aug. 16, 'from pofnts 'in. Eastern Ont. turlo. Aug 23, from alllpolnts. West of Tor- onto in Ontario. Aug. 25 from all !points East of Tor- onto in Qntatiei and Quebec. Through trains will be run from On- tario pointa op the abeYe dates to W inilipeg, sAQiding all transfer tar elle, tomstroubles en, route. Ask any agent for Circular giving rates, whiff tions, special trains service, etc., from Toronee and points in %aerie or Write to R. I-, Trolupeteli, P,P,A,. C. Peg, Toronto. CtdJRlw'S !OTICE OF' FIRST PPS' el OF VOTERS" LISTS. voters' Lists, 1911, Municipality The Village of Exeter County of #IurOn. of NOTICE is hereby „ivee that,i have transmitted or delivered to the personsmente mod in Sections s and a of "The Voters' List Act' the reple9 required. byte said section tube so transmitted or delivered of the list made pursuant to said act, of all persons appeer,ny, by the last revised Assessment Roll of the said 3iumeipaluy to be entitled to vote in the said Municipality at Elections for members of the f egiela, tive Assembly and at elupieipal Elections, and that saidlistwas first pe tedup at my office at Main street, Eseter, on the:Nth day of July of ,tell, and remains there for iuspeptton, ejectors are called upon to examine the said List, and if any oufissinn or other errors are found therein, to take immediate proceedings to have the mid etrorscorreeted according to law. T. B, CARLiNCI bated this lith day of Julk y, 1911'id 3futti4ipalit} FOR 'SA1.131 Ono of the best farms ;in I;uron or 'liddle-sex. convenient to markets, to churches and schools, being Lot 9, N. D. 13is uipill, in the County of Mid- dlesex, containing 164 acres, On the' premises are situate a good brick, house, three bank barna .on stone four.j dations, 34a5440x32, and 70x40, good' wells, windmill, and the property is well drained. The whole or this farm is In grass excepting 25 acres. Posers ion or house given immediately, and com- plete possession of farm, given Nov. 1st 1911, and purcbasee will be allowed to do fall plowing before last mentioned date, For further particulars apply to Joaep`l E. Keliey. Esq., Lucan P.O. Ont. Jnrnes .Kelley Esq,, Lucan P. 0., Ont. or Dickson & Carling, Exeter, Ont. FOR 'SALE BY TENDER. Up to Sept. let. Possessiongiven this fall. This farm contains 100 acres being lot 9, Cort: 1, Hay, and is in splendid location, ibeGrg half way be- tween Exeter and Hensall on the Lon- don Read. On the premises, there is a good 'bank barn 36x55, finished inside with cement floors ; a good brick house two storeys, • slate roof, good cellar; good root house under gangway of barn, made of cement and brick; and a good drive ,shed; also, good orchard, 2 never failing wells, spring creek, never dry ; good fences ; 7 acres bush land with good grass. 8 acres ready for wheat. First-class soil. Terms easy. Alpply to B. N. ROW E. Exeter. Fresh. G=roceries We are now well establish- ed in business and we believe on the best of authority (nam- ely that of a daily increasing business) that we are meeting a long felt want, and giving; the best of satisfaction. Remember our motto, - "Fresh Groceries all the time." All kinds of produce taken in exchange. JAS. COULD don, Ont., was celebrated at the lie -rue: or; 'aiie 'bride on Tueaday, July 25th, et high noon. CLINTON.-A quiet wedding was cel- ebrated by Rev, T. Wesley Cosens, on Wednesday afternoon, 'w'he'w Milss Jert- ale May Currie of Ba,yticid became the bride et Mr. David Gemmell of Tucker:. smith. Mr. and Mrs. Gemmell will set- tle down to the realities of married life on the 'groom's farm in, Tucker - smith EXCURSIONS TO WESTERN CANADA The Grand Trunk Railway System an» pounce that on Tuesday's, "June .27th, July 11th and; 25th, August 8th and 22nd, September 5thl and 19,th, 1911, idomeseeker's< excursions ;will bet;t'un' to Western Canada from all stations , in Ontario and Quebee, via Ohicago and Duluth, or iviat phicaga,'St. Paul apci. Minneapolis, at reduced round trip fa res. " The well-kpown double track'iine of the Grand Trunk front the east to Chic- ago appeals to the traveller, and with tete superior traits service that is offer., ed by Leis line, including the Sanious "International Limited" from Montreal daily at 9,00 sin., tend, v✓edeh, Is thef fin- est and fastest brain' in Canada, many passengers will be attracted this way. The route vias Chicago 'i.s a moat inter" eating one, taking passengers through the principal cities and towns In Canada arid in the Statest bf Michigan and Indi- ana. In addition to this',n, choice seven lines` -between Chicago and St. Paul and' Mtnnespolis ea efLored. Owing to the greats n-iurnber of Calrad tans, who resides In Chicago, ,St. Paul, Minneapolis, Duluth and otherttcittes en route, there he no seeubt that, the Grand, Trunk will find many, patrons c who will take advantage of the,'opportenity thug afforded them for a brief visit at the staticene with •their. friends, Another feature that. will Iappeal to the ttomeseeker is the comfortable transfer at points like Chicago, St, Paul, and De- luth into freshly ventilated clean cars, avoiding the necessity of travelling a long distance in the same car. In addition: to the above routes, the sale of tickets le also authorized via Sarnia, and the Northern Navi.gaeion Company's magnificent Steamers across Lake Huron and Lake Superior. For furtrierto apply to ASV parti>wu ra pp y ..y Agent of the Grand Trunk Railway Se's - tem, or write toiMy. J. Quinlan, District Passenger _ Agent, Benaventure Station Montreal, or Mr. A. E. Duff, District Passenger Agent, -Union. Station, Toron- to, Canadian National Exhibition: August 26th , - TORONTO - September 11th CORONATION YEAR LEADS MEM ALL liN�Sl ii 116 -•- Ali, Gems from Euro- Maelactins - Greatest teelt liner on cantle- titan galterles-mas_tere display ever shown . in Special Frites of fivin, best 'collections in Anierrcal Goods man - 1 each.. .Increased Radar and United ufactured while you Itc all classed. 'niter,, wait. THREE GREAT SPECIALS fId t ff--Pictur- Citilit'l alll Calx -- far DiIteat ,tai. #dtlklf .--- tx ofthe _Cox - Musicians' of the Royal Showing a battle between monies,' 1.500 IfroIIchold, by special a Dreadnought and a in uniform. Ottsissiern ()Idle King. Submariie, mom of O MER ATTRACTIONS Regatta-Athklir Sets. -71)* SOW,' 8trit4l+I(sadeve**4*011 ,1 Timbre Daiwa *mazy im al-°Trottlas sad I'retit RaceK etc MAGNIFICENT DISPLAYS OF CORONATION FIREWORKS For all information wine 3tagater 3. i?, OXU , Gill► .flail, Toronto. in; Ol Perfeetner reiirorlai-- when yoct are jaded --your appe- tite poor your whole system weary -just try a glass of Labatt's Ale and Stout IYt'leases thepalate, refreshes the body,agrees with the weakest stomach. A truly wholesome bever age that really nourishes. For a milder drink try Labatt's London Lager Equal to the, finest German brews, Has the true smack of choice hops. Very light, palatable, satisfying. Look for the lavender label, Comet Bee I(LAGER TY ) A temperance brew --tastes and looks like choice lager, but has less tit a e reforesf proofs; spgiirveit.ds Quenches b.'e, Order some today. Premier Beer (ALE STYLE) The newest non -intoxicant, mild and delicious, with the real flavor and quality of good ale. Complied with local option requirements and may be openly sold anywhere. Order any Labatt product from your dealer, or direct from For ZURICH. A pretty wedding was performed at the home of john fGascho, Bronson Ike, when his daughter, Edith,' was united in marriage to John Jan,tzi, 'of Baden Ont.:Bi;shop Stauffer, of the Mennonite Church, performed the ceremony. -Ed- ward Appel ins 'spending a few weeks in N,ew Hamburg, Stratford and Der - lin. -The heavy storms- on: Lake Huron at the beginning of ,lase week did con- (siderable damage to the dock at. St.. i. Joseph Some of .the framework and planking were washed away.-� hilq passing through the; lettle swamp on Sunday night, E. Haherer land two BIS-. fern ;rad a narrow escape from serious. injury. The horse took, fr,i1g lit at an, ob- ject -beside b-Sect`-beside .t,h.. road ,and ran away. The buggy was upset and' badly dgrnaged- but '.luckil, the occupants escaped with a few bruises. -Mrs. W Watkins and daughter of Detroit,, Ivlach.,"were guests a, the home Of 'M, C. Eilber, over -Sun- day.-Mr. E. Gieb, .of, Kalamazpe, Mach;,, i+a spendint; 'a few weeks at his home 'sere. -Mrs. I. Well, of To,;onnnto, is : vis- ing., ?her parents lir towtr.- ir. E., Holy manof Galt, 1, ssp iditu.afew weeks nL mh wi d' �iris ihomehere:'S' -h h�, rt ore Monday and Tuesday' has greatly; dam-- ,a d' small :oro ` did, not aged, the apple. n p promise to 'be a- large one and now. near ty every orchard hales -been stripped: -Mr, and Mrs. D. ;Ste nbac,c of Detreat Mint. a e here fur n short`vtswt.reietivcs ,ods tAY N Satisfaction or Your Money Back! il,�ill11IllII That's the condition that goes with every bag of Cream of the West Flour. It's a fair, square -guarantee, and I want you. to take it to mean just what, it says. ream of the the hard Wheat flour '-uaranteed for b cad Give Cream of the West a fair, square trial. If you don't have satisfaction in bakingbread, you'll youI1 get sat- ' isfaction at€. our grocer's. We guarantee one or the y other. Cream of the West:, is a superior bread flour. Improve � our home-made bread by, using i t. TheMilling CampbellCompany, Lint ted Tor®n#., ARCHIBALD CAMPBELL.]Presisnt •: . cACIAHl, ;PAC$FTC:' RAILWAY. ,oa RM WANTED FOR HARVESTING IN WESTERN CANADA Sufi • 'IS) Trip Additional for Return on Folio arilid Conditions: GOING DATES AUGUST 3rd -Frog: all -stations on all lines on and South of the G,end Trunk Main Line, Toronto to Sarnia, including ail ,stations on c.i' a. Toronto to Detroit and `Branch Lines including Guelph sub -division from Gueiph', South and Brampton South, AUGUST 12th -From all stations North of Grand Trunk Main Lino, Totonto'to Sarnia, including C..P.R, points, Bolton Jct, and west ; also Grand Trunk points; Toronto to Calendar inclusive. AUGUST 56te-From all stations in Ontario, Toronto and East, Otrillia and Scotia Jct. , • and East on. G T.R. also Aziltla and Eastern Ontario, AUGUST aura -From all stations Toronto to North Bay inclusive and West, AUGUST: 25th -From all stations Toronto and. East in Ontario and Quebec, also East of Orillia, Scotia Jet. and North Bay. ONE-WAY SECOND•CLAS$ 'TICKETS WILL 'QBE' SOii) TO WINNIPEG ONLY Representative farmers, appointed by Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta Govern- ments ov rn- nients will, meet and'' engage laborer;; on arrival at.. Winnipeg. Free; transportation will be furnished at Winnipeg to -pc'inlru on Canadian Pacific where tof Moose 7 awand Saskatoon,including bre, dies, and at one cent laborers are needed, gas a mile each way west thereof ,in Saskatchewan and Alberta furnishedwith each ticket, and this crrtifcat , a: i,.rfe..ccutel by farmers Acertiflcato is voter,- a from that.-Joint.'a- showirg.tbat laborer has Worltethi t days or more, Fvuh be honer,- point forrs; second claps. ticket back to starting pouts u, Ontario, at 511, Ot pn , io Nov, '36th, 1911, Tickets are good on special Farm Laborers trains, whet, will ba run from Toronto io in Winnipeg ':without change, making trip; in' about ;111 beige,', and will be and Ontario points to issued to women es well as to inen, but wilt not be issued at half fare to children.. For #uil;particutars see newest U P Anent, or write- PSO a. L. T310MN ; O.Yc .A,, C P.R.:"6"arramtua I' .-s1-..,.... -, _ _ 11 111111 ill 11 III 1111111111111 ill ,111I11111 I l I IiI 111 I )l III ,,1, !tl ,, ;I . 11(1111,1111111111111111111111111111i1111111 ii.II 1 1 iiii10I111111.1111111.111111f 11 , I11III Maybe the dough had forgotten to rise. _='M i � -. §t .. .S i {4,.. �•. .u•V py"i `. fry , ., r; r''°,y► #4111 y��-, 4? t yill:104 �-r 4 I I •� Or had risen quickly overnight and fallen again---- To rise nevermore. Twas weak flour, of course. Meaning weak in gluten. But FIVE ROSES is strong, unusually strong. With that glutinous strength which compels it to rise to your surprised delight. Stays risen 'too. Being coherent, elastic. And the dough feels springy under your hand. Squeaks and cracks as you work it. I Feel the feel of a FIVE ROSES dough. Note the wonderful smooth texture -soft -velvety. Great is the bread born of such, dough - Your dough! Try this good flour. i l `' ,, V II i111ill 111111lllifillglIIIIIIIIIIMMIR 11111 11I411I11IIIl i i , • ill.1111111lll1 111iI1l ®1 "nlipi iIllil INl illlomiiiiliIIIIiilipiilil 110144 lilaliiIIINIIIIillilililllll�Il„l JJ 11 � lIII�(l'i1►i1 �i I 411, „niI !11 I!1111I� 1111]JJJJJIJIIUIIQ1IIIIIIJMIIIIIIIHoeI1 ,444444i4` !II ((Ill,il,llilll� XOt jI1 I�iliil(IIIiI!!{l���l illliiillliiiiN111IlIlilillBilli11iiIi (IIIIIIiiI � �1111 I I I� • Iilrlll� jd I1 liil ih[ til 1 lill��IIIIIIi1l,il1iil_ll_111 �..-' I. i.,,,o WON rae.l LASE OS ME WOODS p,lL,NO COMPASS ZURICH. A pretty wedding was performed at the home of john fGascho, Bronson Ike, when his daughter, Edith,' was united in marriage to John Jan,tzi, 'of Baden Ont.:Bi;shop Stauffer, of the Mennonite Church, performed the ceremony. -Ed- ward Appel ins 'spending a few weeks in N,ew Hamburg, Stratford and Der - lin. -The heavy storms- on: Lake Huron at the beginning of ,lase week did con- (siderable damage to the dock at. St.. i. Joseph Some of .the framework and planking were washed away.-� hilq passing through the; lettle swamp on Sunday night, E. Haherer land two BIS-. fern ;rad a narrow escape from serious. injury. The horse took, fr,i1g lit at an, ob- ject -beside b-Sect`-beside .t,h.. road ,and ran away. The buggy was upset and' badly dgrnaged- but '.luckil, the occupants escaped with a few bruises. -Mrs. W Watkins and daughter of Detroit,, Ivlach.,"were guests a, the home Of 'M, C. Eilber, over -Sun- day.-Mr. E. Gieb, .of, Kalamazpe, Mach;,, i+a spendint; 'a few weeks at his home 'sere. -Mrs. I. Well, of To,;onnnto, is : vis- ing., ?her parents lir towtr.- ir. E., Holy manof Galt, 1, ssp iditu.afew weeks nL mh wi d' �iris ihomehere:'S' -h h�, rt ore Monday and Tuesday' has greatly; dam-- ,a d' small :oro ` did, not aged, the apple. n p promise to 'be a- large one and now. near ty every orchard hales -been stripped: -Mr, and Mrs. D. ;Ste nbac,c of Detreat Mint. a e here fur n short`vtswt.reietivcs ,ods tAY N Satisfaction or Your Money Back! il,�ill11IllII That's the condition that goes with every bag of Cream of the West Flour. It's a fair, square -guarantee, and I want you. to take it to mean just what, it says. ream of the the hard Wheat flour '-uaranteed for b cad Give Cream of the West a fair, square trial. If you don't have satisfaction in bakingbread, you'll youI1 get sat- ' isfaction at€. our grocer's. We guarantee one or the y other. Cream of the West:, is a superior bread flour. Improve � our home-made bread by, using i t. TheMilling CampbellCompany, Lint ted Tor®n#., ARCHIBALD CAMPBELL.]Presisnt •: . cACIAHl, ;PAC$FTC:' RAILWAY. ,oa RM WANTED FOR HARVESTING IN WESTERN CANADA Sufi • 'IS) Trip Additional for Return on Folio arilid Conditions: GOING DATES AUGUST 3rd -Frog: all -stations on all lines on and South of the G,end Trunk Main Line, Toronto to Sarnia, including ail ,stations on c.i' a. Toronto to Detroit and `Branch Lines including Guelph sub -division from Gueiph', South and Brampton South, AUGUST 12th -From all stations North of Grand Trunk Main Lino, Totonto'to Sarnia, including C..P.R, points, Bolton Jct, and west ; also Grand Trunk points; Toronto to Calendar inclusive. AUGUST 56te-From all stations in Ontario, Toronto and East, Otrillia and Scotia Jct. , • and East on. G T.R. also Aziltla and Eastern Ontario, AUGUST aura -From all stations Toronto to North Bay inclusive and West, AUGUST: 25th -From all stations Toronto and. East in Ontario and Quebec, also East of Orillia, Scotia Jet. and North Bay. ONE-WAY SECOND•CLAS$ 'TICKETS WILL 'QBE' SOii) TO WINNIPEG ONLY Representative farmers, appointed by Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta Govern- ments ov rn- nients will, meet and'' engage laborer;; on arrival at.. Winnipeg. Free; transportation will be furnished at Winnipeg to -pc'inlru on Canadian Pacific where tof Moose 7 awand Saskatoon,including bre, dies, and at one cent laborers are needed, gas a mile each way west thereof ,in Saskatchewan and Alberta furnishedwith each ticket, and this crrtifcat , a: i,.rfe..ccutel by farmers Acertiflcato is voter,- a from that.-Joint.'a- showirg.tbat laborer has Worltethi t days or more, Fvuh be honer,- point forrs; second claps. ticket back to starting pouts u, Ontario, at 511, Ot pn , io Nov, '36th, 1911, Tickets are good on special Farm Laborers trains, whet, will ba run from Toronto io in Winnipeg ':without change, making trip; in' about ;111 beige,', and will be and Ontario points to issued to women es well as to inen, but wilt not be issued at half fare to children.. For #uil;particutars see newest U P Anent, or write- PSO a. L. T310MN ; O.Yc .A,, C P.R.:"6"arramtua