HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-7-27, Page 5roresaio1 al;.chrcta.,' G. F. ' 1t?ttJtSTON, L,p.S., D.D.S.1 DENTIST '. Member of the R.C.D.S. of Ontario and Hatter Graduate: of Toronto UniversftY. Office, -Over Dickson Rs Carling's law office. Closed Wednesday afternoons, Da. A, #.'MSIM'iS3IAII, L. L, S., U. O. s., honor graduate of Toronto Univeristy, DENTIST, Teeth extracted with out any pain, or any :bail a heels Office ore rQladman k StaltUury's otltce, blain Street liters; PriOdiera nt R, BRIGHT, .3t, D„ 31. 0. P. & S , TION011, Len Graduate or Toronto University, Two years re [dtphysician Royal Alexandra hospital, eta. OtHee and Residence ,Or, Anuoy' Old Stand, Andrew treet ,EXSTEI It. %1UhG'Ii^� Bi S1I, Physician, Surgeon, Ac l r coucheur, Ot .ce, Or. Rollins' old ofllce, Main Street, Residenee,corner James and; Albert streets apposite -James street „Methodist parsonage. 1'iteae Offiice, 39 a; Residence 39 b. r-regxal ,i;LJliS01v tt OA11LLSG, BARRISTERS, SOLWI Iorg, ;$otaries, 0otinviZ cern, Oommissionere. B iii:hors nor 3folepns flank; etc Koxtoy to Lorex At lowest ratea of nterea OiSees, Slain street. Bxeter. til• t7sar,rrc+, B.A., R. lakes -vs GNEF 2O GOAti, Wit have aterge amount' of private funds to loan o firm and village properties at low rates or inter est. QbJAM'AN do S NBURY. Barrtatera, .t,oit..itare, blit et., Sxeter 0n J. SENIOR Agent Confederation Life Assurance Oornnany. also Fire Insurance in lead- ing tlanadian and British, OQmpantes;. iSisiu $g.. BxPtdsr, T. B', CARLING Lire, Fire, Accident and Plate Glade Insurance, Collecting accounts, and con ducttne auction sales. Exeter, Ont. C, a1. 7I0D2E, V. S. Graduate of Ontario, veterinary lege: member Ontario Veterinary Med- ical Society; treats all diseases of do- mesticated animals on. selentrltc prin- eipies ; modern surgery a specialty, Qp. eratlana en Lump. Jaw guaranteed sat- isfactory, Galls by day or night ptrntptiy attended to. Office-Main-st., Exeter. Dr. Ramsay's add stand. „'hone In connection. I AI%ac FOR SALE. Tec undersigned offers hla Ono farm, cozr nistln:, of about t35 acres,. adjoin- irf. ale town I7f 'Clinton, for sale, The farm Is in a goon state of cultivation, and has good buildings, brick house, • bank barn, drivinfi house, pig pen, etc. ;tit comparatively now. Aflrat-claa1 Your, „rchard; containing all kinds of fruits and also small fruits. The farm N well fenced and drained and ,ia. a, very desirable home. ,.For further par- ticultry apply on the promises or ad- dress JOHN TORI;:ANCi3, Clinton. FALL, TERSI OPENS ATJGL'ST 28 EL.IOTT TORONTO; ONT, stands to -day- withou a superior in Canada. Gratxuatetr always successful. Catalogues free. HOBOS for Sale I have a number of ,first-class horses for sale. Call at the stades and see them. ' We are also purchasing horses that. are • sound and- in' good oomiitiori from 4 to 10 •yearns of age. Parties having horses Scor sale Will do wed b's call or write the undersigned. Phots 41.: 'M. °Mai. DOYLE, Exeter. Notice to Creditors OF ANNIE GIDLET, DECEASED. Pursuant ' to Sec.� 38 of Chapter: 1_9, of the' Revised Statutes' of Ontarlo,1997 notice ds hereby given that all credit ors :arid 'others • having claims against thef:estate of Annie Gridley,. late of the Village ge of Exeter 'in',the County of Hu - rens:: married woman; deceased, Wilt10 died. on tfr about"tlae, 12th, day of June, -1911 are: on or' ''before the ,F'i'at day of Aug- ust, - A. ugust,'•A re" 1 11 AO' ;Send .-'by postprey paid;' to••:Messrs.. Dickson &` ,Carling,/,' of the Village of :Exeter, /in the County of, Huron, Solicitors for Norman .T: McKee Executor of the.last ,will and testament' of the said deceased;' their christian nam es and' surnames, addresses and des- cript3ons, the full .particula.rs of their claims,, a statement of their accounts and the nature ,of the securities',if any;, held by,,,thenn, 'and rtnat after the day last aforesaid the said Norman T. Mc- , - Kee :will proceed to distribute the as'' sets ;o . _the' said deceased among the parties entitled • thereto, `having regard - and y ; to such cla'.nis of 'which 'notice sha11;' have been given 'as . above i;equir=, ed; and the ' said Norman T. McKee will' not be liable for the ;said assets or any part 'thereof,'to any persa'li or persons of whose claim or claims ,noti'ce shall not nava been received by him,.,the said No -man, a,t ' . ' cI ee., aLFthe time of suc1' d sir' 6u Q 1 vt • ISa.ed at F7'rettl rtl, astLtin'tial • - July A.• D:; 11 ,1 NOR tt 1.N T.. MoKEE c 13Y nee Solicitors; DTCK$ON 4pc CARLING: x rs 0 ICE TO DDDT'ORS a �` �rebY: b}u.e n, fh t ' all f1� estate of the ,said. upaid ed must b ►u,��� C ?link Sal ciarB ic6 ee, t,kie-;e-ecutor'at Wore the •list Tti sietCEE B, 0 9c'tor ' t n7i.s,t�,S ] dei Ari 1 ate rr�ttty 11-A.NTQ1 -A letter .Was- received 0;2, Sato, dx from Roy Westman, wh ' was' tireranging at Sout-h. Porcupine. He lost most of his outfit' ;by the fire and only Saved 'his ,life by swimming out into the late, ESTRAY STEERS. There strayed from the farm of the undez'sil'ned, i` tot 30 Gon. 3, Lsborne, 00 or about July )18th, a pair of year ting steetts, apettcd red Said white. Kind- ly send information ta DAN. DEW,' Hut;ondale R. 0. FOR SALE The undersigned is 3iferinss for sale that beautiful residence north o£„ the bridge, Exeter.. Hard and softwater in .the house; and evex.r thj?n, in food repair; whin ;foul lots, a Rood burr,, all, kinds .of fruit frees, bushes and grape Y1Itas. Atayoue wishing to see the place or know i.he 'terns Will call at the residence, Main-st., Exeter, .ALEX. McPHERSQ i. of WANTED for the Junior 7.lepartnte er Public Seholal • to , J. GRIGG, Sec.. SE 1'Oit S;1I+E The undersigned is offering for sale, that desirable property on William st, being a Ione: 'tad "half storey brick house In excellent' condition, together with two lots of land. Also two va- cant lots on Huron Street. Apply to MISS POLLY FXSHFiit, Exeter LICENSED AUCTIONEER. WM. ANDE1tSoN. l.,tr•z ,sed Auctioneer for Iluron County. Terms reasonable. Oates" can be made: at thea , Advo ate, Exeter, or Henry Eilber's' Office, Cred. tort.. PA,5'I`I1XtE IFET The, undersigned will pasture stock on his farm on Lake Road, Lot; 11, South Boundary, Iiay, by the'nonth,-payaile In advance. Apply to JON Felt"D, Exeter North, or Hay F. O. Ono of 'ty±e boat farms JnHuron' car itildclleaex, convenient to markets, to ehurehesand schools, 'bei'n'g. Lot il, N. 3. F3!Adulph, in, tiro County of Mid- dlesex, containing 1.64' acres, Ont tits premiers are situate a good brick, houxe, three "bank barna on stone tenni dations, 34x34, 40x32, and 70x40, good" weUIa, wtndinin, and dhe property ki well drained. The whole of tells farm is 1n grass excepting 25 acres. Possession of house given 'immediately, and coin filet° po:isesston of farm, given Nov. let i:1U, and pacrchaserr will be allowed to do fall plowing before last menti;ontd date. For further particulars, apply to Joseph E. ,Kelley,' Esq., Lucan P.O. Ont: James Kelley, Esq., I.ucan F, Q:, Ont, or Dickson & Carling, Exeter, Ont. FOR SALE BY TINDER. Up to Sept. .at, Possession given this f311. .This farm contains int) acres being lot 9, Coir: `x, 1-Iav, and is iit. splendid location,;being half way be- tween Exeter and Hensall on the Lon- don Road. On the premises there is a good bank barn 10x55, finished inside with cement floors; agood briclt'house two storeys, ;slate roof, good cellar; good root house under gangway of barn, made of cement and brick; and a good drive shed • also good orchard, 2 never faihsyy wells spring creek, never dry good fences; 7 acres bush land with good grass. 8. acres ready for wheat. .First-class soil. Terms easy. Alpply to R. N. ROWE, Exeter_ • Fresh` Groceries We are now well establish- ed in business and we1. be neve: on the best of authority (nam. rely that of a daily increasing business) `that we -are meeting along *felt want, and. giving 'the 'best of 'satisfaction. Remember• Our motto t FresliGroceries all the tithe. All kinds 'of produce 'taken' in exchange. JAS. OUJLI) .....,....................1 Manure Liltersu eatty Bros.' Feed. and. Litter Carriers Overhead Conveyors. eatty Bros.'Steel Malls &ztancb.elns can be itlstalied'as cheap as ` and last forever. lumber e . Beatty Bros.' Load Binder 4 I • These three things _are great labor-sa:vers for fartilers and tee- - c essities on a farm. For safe by y. Pm.Gille i E e sex w , PGONa> a1; Give a reckless man rape enough and n he will pawn it fQr a drink., t1 GUII, IGEl. Mrs. McCort/110c has t)ad'a plateglass front put into her restattrant,--Miss I. Welt of Ta't'oat() is vxaiting her parents air, and Mrs. H. "Siren. blr, J. J. Merner left lasts week with another ear of horses for the 'West. -Miss Nora Set\-: hent of $agi' y evr is visiting .her Par- ents ar- „ t Met na, Iz aid MnA., tn, town for a few weoks.-Mrs. .David • Getts-- chalk of Fad Axe, 311011,, aecompan1ed by her parents, Mr, and Mrs. A. Let - AT 'WORK and other triends, -3le,ssrs J. lianas & Co, of the, Zurich grist installed a Leonard autonkactr t'ilte .--Alfred yfortz' of Guelph was operated on fox- appendicitis, at the Guelph Hospital, an Sunday, His u anY. friends here wilt be pleased to know- t at he `s dour,? well. to*y� N iLt, • tarid was utu I.k by the. ;iron: handle f. "the windlese with su+rh. force that so i'L-r of �r..,; 'b`lind$ of hi$ ri were i'*ured and he'will lee; unable to use for some trl"me. Miss Kixrg who has the guests :•s o-' her nephew,1 1Z; 1* for t„o: wee;t;"4.left t`a visit in Toronbe.-.k`uesday everybody went to Golieriels on the union S. S.' excursion. Macdlartnid was ILe .repress i,t- a ive of Zmich Lodge t•d the 'Masonic Grand Led -e. --gra "McIntyre who has been the ;;u-st of Mrs. Shi.rray and daughters, returned home to Detroit ac-. compan:ied by airs. Sh ra.y--lljss Ortrvrein who has been visiting. i.i Isar lila has accepted a position there as saleslady, in a 1e ad1n: dry goods is-. ta,'bttStalteitnt. Kenneth Pope lt3s bee,13 laid up for 80018 daY Joi atestai has returned from Vrolads'tock, where he was viallin•, It itt daughter Mrs. ;short, ^-Gibb D;.:ck ;s making- slow progress Cowards recovery. --While ass -sting soate wo knnan w,np was drilltni " the wen ran. ..ed "-with his residence, Geo. Suthe,- KR:! f k32 4 .Wurih of Father orrdsc#'s "No. 7S1 Cured Her of inflammatory Rheumatism. Irs.Agnes Edgar,of Grand roll had, a terrible time with InflaneInat(rry I?Ieuza'ati In s Anyone who has had this most painful disease will u2341erstalz•ci her angering --and her joy whet; she found rather A:iorriscy's "No 7" a,„4l cured her. She says: "ItoolFather Iorrlscy'sPrescriptio1l for Xnflatun,aatory Rheumatism. 11 had suffered everything with it, hitt in three we$ks after Starting Father Morrlecy`u Fre3eriptiOn 1 was able it- tlo my Za'Coii., 411(1. after t.;; iu; four donrs worth of medicine X wl tell. I `hi; lily It coat- tuenditany at tfarec'withRheumatism.'" RIleltrnati.rt costes from hat'. il: Svc, me poisonous t ric4(e 1 which , Should r'en10 e stays in theblood accumulates in Jot Lis i ra i ; ' 1 causes agony, Pat to Mot w . "`No.7"T' puts t1t . kaanr s rt dlr '4:074 tlte''Uric k1,oa 1 1 •0111 Liv .01,1 1„ a th waoiasystear a dcuyu t (. at n i .zz'..•r 500, a box at )O..1', do .te,"t,, r,l t^,� ., . Father A frriiey : MleLiietne Cu. Canadian National Exhibition August 26th TORONTO TSeptember 1 I th CORONATION YEAR, LEADS THEM ALla lin Stock aiiti *g€ filturc — All—Gents front Euro-, — Greatest Greatest show on contin- pean galleries-Ianastera display ever shown in • ent. Special Prizes of from best collections in America Goode man- $ OO each, ` Increased Canada and United Alfa (it tared while you, ';' Prir.sinall classes. states. wait, 'TREE GRgekT SPECIALS Festival of E ie-Fictur- Ctdstream Guards Batt— War Rosati; the jaIf s-- ing the g€acids otthe,Cor- Musicians of the Royal SPowing a battlebetweett °nation ceremonies. 1,500 Household, by sp eta l a, ,Dreadnought and a performers to uniform, perrnission of.the King. Submarine. ROSIN .or °Tues ATTRACTIONS ltttpttta-Atiaktio Sports. -flay Scouter Rnricvt•-qaltdev11l4` •71Oaatas Irirenatbk�^+ Twelve» Military Aand T2ottinz and 1'ad s Races, etc, ach as am ake a re uta' meal - me habit of this at c�t- t e e tI beverage Absoiutelypure, mild>melio? rat delicious. It ouris1Zes, atzd i spgciany good for eople who don't sleep well order sQIE to -day, At all Dealers JLGNIFICENT DISPLAYS OF CORONATION FIREWORKS rot or information write Af* agel, J. O. ORA. City Ball, Toronto, A load man Isn't a° good It. ,,1'cia ::T .he d1%ferr,,ee 'between 0„ ,ite.yd an and a good "t sdtzlme3t, II Acid water to toil You weaken them`,„ Add soft wheat to flour— You weaken your flour. Cheapens it too. Soft wheat costs less -worth less. Soft wheat flour has less gluten less nutriment: Your bread is fess nutritious sustaining, economical. Soft flour has leas strength, less quality gluten. Giving less good things for your money and things. less good. Use Manitoba flour -Manitoba hard wheat flour. Having everything the soft stuff lacks. Five Rosea is all Manitoba. Without a grain of cheaper wheat. Strengthen your food values. Use FIVE ROSES. IiiIItIlIIOJfJIOOhJ lOII[ 00”„ 1111 n��iuimu1Wl�V�iuiiu1���m0�"„���V Ot 931ead 11111111111111111111111111 LA■e 6. 011r, 11111 1111111111LuumIuln,fIIII MIL ,FD COMP, L,.,,to aDN TSEAt ST. MARYS-It its Beldon that man and wife can equal thro'trecord. of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bradley, a highly esteem ed couple Who a make thettr home -with th thelr'son in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Constable.: Z11ii aged cou= pie :'7,40 still enjoy 'a Pair degree' "of ;health, were married sixty-seven' years ago: thismonth, having' 'celebrated- their golden .wedding no less tlhaln seventeen, years ego- TUCKERSMITFI.-The voters' list for this township was; first posted ,up' in the clerk's office on Wednesday of thils -weak, and remains there for n 9 tion and nd all interostedh u d B 4 1 Ex- i a m.h e.th e• List to Bae 'f n his name is properly .entered. -If not he should take the necessary steps to have his name, added. There are 793' names.' en' the lists.•- Of these, 610• are entitled .- to vote'at• both : rnuniapal and pat-Ileant- ' ary elections* 151'; at -municipal eicc- tions' only and 32 at parliamentary el ectigns only;; 419, are 'qualified tto serve as, - jurors. L-ABQR-ER-S , FOR HARVESTING IN WESTERN, CANADA Goi.na Trip 1 Adrl;<ti©net- for Return on Follovvinft Conditions: '. GOING DATES .. AUGUST 3rd -Frog all stations, on all lines on ;arid South of the Grand Trunk Main Line, Toronto to Sarnra,including all stations n C.P.R. Toronto to Detroit and Branch Lin es including Guelph sub division from' Guelph South and Brampton South. , -AUGUST 12th -Frani alt stations North', of Grand Trunk "Main' Line, Toronto to Sarnia, including C.P.A. points, Poston Jct;, and west ; also Grand Trunk points, Toronto toaI C Lndar inclusive. AUGUST 16th—Prom .:alt stations in Ontario, Toronto, and:'Ea_t,`Orilliaand Scotia Jct: and East on G.T.R. also Azilda and Eastern Ontario. ' AUGUST 23r3 --From` all stations Toronto to North Bay inctusivc and West. AUGUST 25th -From all stations Toronto and .Gast iu Ontario and Quebec, also East of Orillta, Scotia'Jet. and North Bay, • • ONE•WAY SECOND.CLtSS' TICKETS 'WILL BE SOLD 10 ,WINNIPEG ONLY Representative farm,ers, appointed by Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta Govern ments will meet and engage laborers on arrival 'at Winnipeg. free -trans ortation wnllbe fi rnislted at:�'inni e >- • .. P ,...,.. S p .�`tu points Canadian ,-.. Where P nhhcs,aan1at"C: eat laborers are needed east o ti o ' foe' aw a d Sa i,ztaon.'n J a t cludin ,branches and at'rnre cent a mile each way west thereof lin Sas1m chetvan and 11bei to A Certificate 0 furnished t l cvr U each ticket; and this cerufica,c; When executed by farmer showiag.'that laborer' has warted thtity days or rnore,'wiit;_be;honored:from that a point.fa. ' .secoidcla'sslticlet'back:'to`5tartitig`pointsinOntario,at$1$:b0','..prior'to;Nov.36th;-:1911... -- Ticket's are ' good only on special barm,Laborers•trai'alsi whid.: wilt be run from Toronto and Ontario paints to Winnipeg without, change maliiig•triri in about 39 hours, and will ire issued' to women as• well as to men, but will not'be at half„fare to children. ' --” For full particulars - see near`e,,';0 P R '.f etft o ,w;,, pzii,z a ;;, It. (' IRuIYA-O.Pwit... Toronto .........., MEN-WEt-AN OOREYU YOU FINEST WE DICE � , L �Sa��c�r� rc AMERICA OWNED AND, QCCU:PIED BY DRS. v ' YOUNG OR IVILDDLEAGEMNREN who need theservices of expert specialists 'why waste your money iqtrea,i:;g with: • ductors ycu know nothing of, why waste • your money with worthless elect.'ic belts or drug store nostrums, when you can get, ruaranteed, relialtle, successful treatment from. theso Master Specialista. Drs, K.& K. have treated patients throughout Canada for over i.0 years and aro responsible finan- c.aliy. They accept only durable cases and hocld your case prove incurable it need u t cost ycu a cert, If you are unable to cad tour cf ccforap ruom.lexar.firration pro will scud aQuestion Lt„ tfor you bf.aupfror-which Locan c.r no,eyaot .t you 'whether you are curable ornot. ts hen wo wi 1 rresieribe specific remedies for your you` eau tare t 1 or e 1 Wo have no curease -all remedy that we send- to everybody alike as most specialists do, but we pr scribe,.thc'rrem- e 103 required for each tndtvitlual case to complete atcure. That's s of our wonderful success v where ethers fails Me Sennd f(illor oder 1'. ce Booklet on Diseases of ustrated.) EURESGUARANTEED en NO PRY iVe Guarantee to'C:aro Nervous Debility, B1ocd Diseases, Varicoze Veins, Kidney:.., triadder and Urinary' Diseases CONSULTATION FREE E enalsI to calf, write for at Question Blank for Home Trentrnent Cor. Michigan .Ave. and Griswold Sten Detroit, >Mich, . _.I . Ad letters tern fr0 ; Canada mast. se addressed res s d , our Canadian Correspondence L'epari-,;,. nicht in `Windsor On'. see 'us personaily call at our Medical Inst„ ,,y desiredr at UI ' as we +.. rho patients in ours \%ind r ,. _.. shdence and. fio4 offices t-,hz�.li are z,3r C•arrsspondence arid; I bnratory, for. Canadian' I lsinesa Only. ,., .., y. Address, all ,-,,-iters as follow '•" DRS KENNEDY., & 1ENNED Y9 Windsor, Ont. Le for oar private address..tr,r�sti frzi 3,1 z^�at fl' r1 ��itF�4�4