HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-7-27, Page 2it; CRAPS ARE A GOOD YERA11E Expert of Agricultural College Makes. Prediction. despatch h Profess r C. A, Zavitz, of the O. C„ says the crop of Ontri.rie or, the whole, b,e a good nr'- arege this year. —The recent rains, !<f eoerse, had their greatest iaflu- snce oe the posture, which was be- ing badly burned up by the heat, musing a ahrinkagc in the milk sup- ply, which was :felt all over. Next this the greatest influeuce will ea to the potatoeo end root erreps and corn, which were badly in need of rain, '`The grain crap," he said, "is very well advanced, and it would not do eo much good as to the stets. The straw of the Winter • Guelph says 11 wheat is uniformly good over the •avinee, except in some districts avl i. W11 Whiter killed. The sera t s stet 1. I1ring straw is short, hart the; heads are filling out well, and the Yield of ;grain will be good, though the; stea.w will be light. "Harvesting has gether'ally com- menced in this section, in'ducting.. Wellington., Perth, Weter•1oo, and on to Middlesex, and the harvest ii a goad ore, and on the whole the eroT s will .e well u 1 to last t 4 rr 1 year, except in strew, kpl)les, the principal orchard crop in this dis- trict, will be light. Raspberries are fresher in. Raver since the re.. cent BASKED BANDITS HELD UP A TRAIN Robbed Passengers in Day Coach and Sleeper of About $500 A despatch Froin Gritald FOr -s r N. I7., says; Train No. 2, the east- bound North h C'oast Limited, on the Nortl' tern Pacific Itaw'ilrsaad, was''. held up by three masked robbers near Buffalo, North Dakota, about 11 o'clock Thursday night.. The robbers secured about $500 in. cash, by going through the pas- sengers, and shot EngineerS. P. Olsen., of Fargo, twice, in order, to make him stop the train, and made a. suecessiul escape in to au- tomobile, which they had await- ing them near the scene of the roktbery. The performance 1 as executed was one of the most daring ever perpetrated in this part of the coun try. Heavily a,r:med and shooting recklessly, in order to intimidate. the passengers, they first lined the train crew up at one end of the liar, and then proceeded to search the passengers in the day coach one by one. In all they secured about $500 from this part of their rob- bery. The sleceing car sva entered, and, .in order to awaken the oc- cupants of berths, a shot was fired down the eentre'of the aisle. After searching the occupants of the berths they elimbed • ut the diner, and over the baggage' and the express car to the engine. They ordered Engineer Olsen -to stop the train_ so they could get off, and when he 'refused to comply with their wishes : two shots were fired directly at him, one glancing off his watch, and the other striking him on a rib,, injuring him slight- ly. After being wounded, and seeing that the men were desperate. En- gineer Olsen- stopped the train, and the 'three meet, who were all euaskcd with polka-dot handker- Pchiefs, jumped quickly from the train. ROP ON APPLES WILL - LIGHTER eport of Conditions Canada by Department f Agriculture A despatch from Ottawa says The report of the fruit -di-vision of the ;Department of Ag r'ieultu:re state that s l< t iltG prospect for apples bus diminished slightle since last month's rr'i'vet, eXcot,t in fir tiyi,i Columbia, where prospects have rather unproved, and it is now -es- timated that shipments from that province will be 455 per cent. of. last year's -crop, which was very heavy. The hot, dry weather does not appear to havematerially affected the apple crop prospects in East- ern Canada, although correspon- dents especially in Ontario, have exhibited apprehension that the crop will be very much shortened. There are reports of sun scald in the counties north of. Lake Erie, and the counties on Lake Huron and inland to York County. Nova. Scotia still expects to have the greatest crop on record, due partly to the increased acreage, but also to the heavy yield. Pears will be light in all sec- tions. Plums promise to be a fair to medium trop in Ontario and Nova Scotia. Early and late peaches will be a good crop. Peaches of the Craw- ford type are reported as some- what light., There is an increased acreage of tomatoes in Ontario. WOMAN AVIATOR KILLED. Was `.Prying for Pilot's License at School When She Fell. A despatch from Par s says Denise Moore, who is described as an American sports -woman, resi- dent in Algiers, was killed this af- ternoon at Henry Farman's avia- tion school at M'ourmelou. She fell a distance of 120 feet. She was trying for a pilot's license. TIIVIBER i,iMITS lilt t1 FireCauses Damagein r rush Columbia. A..rle5pa:tch from Vancouver, B. C., says: Damage estimated at half ;z uTillion has been caused by forest fires art Sc,,uazaisii, according to ad- vice brought by the. Government launch Skinner, which arrived in. e scene 'Vancouver from til _ ce n , c c,f the conflagration Thursday night. The ti a .belt through -which the flames fought. their way, it is stat- ed by officials ia,ls . , tit_ a Of the I rovinci`al' Timber llispcl iox , s Office. is one Of the finest -iuBritish Columbia, The fire wh oi, is .said to have origina tete• , ea.r i the Iiinits of the et Carn n o a. ,. la. s ,rl?nouu at of tt (.ampn 11} is.l'tate iBE: THE NEWS IN PARABRAPH PRICES OF FARM PRODUCTS elPP'YE:IN Gs F11.03 ALL OTEil THE { LOHR I A NUTSHELL, Canada, the Empire and the World in General Before Your' Eyed. GAN ADA. The new $4.„000,000 paper mill is to be built at Sault Ste. Marie, Out. Sugar priees in Canada were ady-aneed on Thursday by Ise. per hundredweight. Master Giles Wright, a New- koro boy, had his les badly mang- led in a mowing machine. Hubert Reeves, a voung Eng- lishnian was killed while eialking, on the railway near Keeora, An epidemic of black -leg is re- 1,ortedortland, amOnt.ong young cattle Hear P A company, capitalized at $200,- 000, has been formed at Brockville to manufacture automobiles. Through the explosion of a gee treater, an, le, Comstock, ex-.M,P. of a Brockville, reccraed tt. Qash on the head, The Canadian bank statement tor, the month of June shows the ef- of gene gal expansion '11 bhhsi Hess throughout the country:. John Oliver, of Leamington,: 1lei 5' swallowed strychnine and died itis being sentenced' re jail for drunkenness, He was 72, Tramps are said to be connt- ting many depredations near New-', born, Ont,, where 0. N. It, con struetion work is going on, GREAT BntT':1IY. The House of Lords passed the hied reading of the veto bill with- a1t a divisi(te. Canada lost; the Biolapore Cup to ;nglaed at Risley by the :narrow - r -margin At London it is claimed that Right Hon. James B1yee wilt leave Washington when the arbitration treaty is concluded. UNITED STATES, There will be n4 general et'Ikel of miners on the opening cif the lteNemera trial, Masked 1obbors held up train en the Northern Pacific near Buf- falo, 'North .Dakota, The steamship Senator has rived from Nome and St. Michael with $50,000 in gold and $250,000 worth of furs. At Union Town, Pa., Mike Kon - dor, a Pole, was shot and fatally injured by Constable George Tho- mas in a pistol duel. At Anderson, S. 0, in a fit of jealous rage, Samuel N. Hyde shot his wife and her' father, both of whom are dead. At Brewster, Ohio, Earl Stowe fell and broke his neck while show- ing some friends how a man would hang himself. Another ship from the eholera country anchored in quarantine on Friday. The new -comer was from Geseoa, and Naples. Four men were killed, two an- jured, and another is unaccount- ed for as a result of the wreck of a fast freight train at Bryant sta- tion,. near Pittsburg. GENERAL. - Ague Prieta, Mexico, is under martial law. The Schwaben T., the newest Zeppelin dirgible balloon, left for Lucerne, Switzerland, carrying eight passengers. OI'EE!TE ONPRINCE lAlt1E. Spanish Queen Takes 'Young Son to Switzerland. A despatch from Geneva, Sivit- zerland, says: Queen Victoria of Spain arrived here Sunday with Prince Jamie of Spain, who is suf- fering from a serious nose and throat affection. The Prince is to undergo treatment at the Laryn- gological Clinic at Fribourg, and probably will be subjected to an operation. The Oueen will re- main at his bedside until danger is passed. Prince Jamie of Spain, the second son of King Alfonso -g ' a nih and :.Queen, Victoria, was horn June' 22. 1908. es large- holdings in the Squirt/nisi) district :and had over 120 men em- ploy -ed sat the time the fire; broke out. Since Monday; last week,, when the outbreak was first portel, every mar, in the camps, ' together with a -large -force. offire wardens, has been fighting the flames .in an etfort to protect the timber still. standing. When the outbreak was found to be uncontrollablenth e, .1ot71ccv en- gines used c ed iia the .,cam/is,.,:were. buriedin mud and left these, at- tention beipg; turned to 69vi:d . t'ho horses :at4 souse of., the sigh tee parts of the ca:m 'e iii user t, The,p p . stx ,1 d die i'" a o s ;t t 1, t.,e a J es, r lsoen iT r`it tl, as rill'.; s, its X1118 at JiJ IRISH ROYAL RESIDENCE. Official Home .ol Eine-anis Queen to the Erected in Ireland. A 'despatch'from' London says A Royal residence in Ireland has sheen 'suggested in the:,' highest quarters, says the Dublin c.orre- spor0tent of ; the Times, and the idea 1tos been accepted. ANBtSSADOR IIECALLED, Genera Consul Ilan I leenBusy 'Booming G>,si °5 Interest. A despatch from err Morocco 7 says: Dr, ,Vassel the German Con- , sul here, has, been reeafled. He i ,h.iis lieefn very r1 canine,r t,;1r( r [ ,k g ftf iI;I'd;l ltTS E'g ear THE LEA D IN G - TRADE CENTatES Old AMERICA. eiees Of Cattle, Grain, Cheese and ,Outer Produce at Homo and Abroad. BREADSTU kS, Toronto...July 90 peh' cent patents, > lour set'Winas wheat. $350,'3lontrc l reht5 chat Manitoba •23 t are ttu han eft, a r teOUTS $5,10; second patents.o 4.60,k rt,t patents, bakers '54,40, on track, Torouto. strong Manitoba Wheat No. 1 Northern quoted at 99 12t, Bay Ports, o 2 at 96 isli t anti N. 3 t 93 1-2e, Ontarto wheat. -.-No, 2 red and elute are. quoted outside a 82e,. and mixed at 8alo,. outside. Nese wheat quoted at 76 to 7$e outside, Barley—The ,market: is dull, with prices nominal. Oa is 39c ex~•tszde for No. 2, and,at 41e. on track Toronto" No 2 WG. oats at 40 3.4e. ants No 3 at 39 3-4e, Bay ports, Corns No, 2 American yellow quoted at 67 1-24, Bay Parts, and 72 1-2a, "1'or040, Teas—✓nominal,rhe 7rlarizet is dull, with prices; purely and shorts z$2 .lie $20. gin Toronto. OPnt- ario brae, $29.50, in bags. Toronto. DAIRY 3.4.11 >'E'P- er-^Dalry prints. Pt to 19e; inferior, 1a to '16c, Cro at:wry t,tioted at 21, u 745 per er tails, and at 31to 22e for solidi, Stri4:tl,y new -laid, 20 to 2t0, and res11 at, 15 to 19eer (knoll. e p d tit , 1n sus. sats. ($11 -Large, 13 :1-2c, s.ud twins, 22 3.1e )e r BOG P1t0R1=t'TIS. Macon --hong clear. 11 1.2o per 14 its caro lots, Pork, short, cut, $23. llama—Medium to light, 16 to16 1.2e: do., heavy, 13 1.2 to 14r; rblls. 11 to 11 1-3e; breakfast bacon, 17 to 19Q; bay", 19 1.2 10 20e, i.ard •'Tb' changed. timeraersht,ct10 i1-4iet tisan1d peas, 10 34e, , COUNTRY PRODUCE. Car lots are quoted at $1,93 to $1,75, auti ;:nail lots. $1.90 to :•51,95, • iothey—hxtt'aeted, in tics, is quoted at, 10 to 11e per lb, Combs. 51,75 to 52,25. Baled hay—,No. 1 is. quoted at 51, to 6? n Baled straw -56 to 514, on track, and ;3o. 2 at 510 to$11. 3 .w0, atP traek. `nor starts. Potatoes7-0111 (2itote'd a# 51.75 per 11n_, lebbirl ^way. ew is h4rre1A, 50.511, Poultry--Xearleng eluelse>;a, 14 to 15t;t liprinl; chickens, ,W.3 to e, ;sail turkeys,. 18 to 19e per Ib. BtY 1N1;sS AT .110:N'➢'i ts,,1T<, 3tontreal, a111v 23'Onts—Cartadlan West, eru.: o. 2, 4„ 1-7 to 41c, ear Tot i, ex at+arr; extra. ;``o, 1 fzsA, 4t 3.4 to 42 1.4e; No. 5 ('. W., 41 to 41 1-4e. Flonr-palanitol ;i Spring wheat latents, firsts, $5,30; do.. seconds, 54,60; Winter Wheat Patents. §4•'69 to 54.75; strong bakers. 84.01; straight rollers54.10 to 54.25; do,, iu bags, 51,55 to 52, 'Rolled oats—Per barrel. 754,55; bag of 90 lbs., 52.15. Guru—;twerieau No. 31 yellow, 70e. 3lillteed'-13ran, Ontario. 821 10 521 Manitoba, $20 to 521; middlingsOntario $3.3.50 to 523;, Alerts, 31anitoba, r5. naut11c `;St e 31, UNITDT) STATES 51Aftll"F1:S. Minneapolis. July 25. ..-, wheat -- Tu1x, 94 1.8c; September, 93 7.8 to 94e: Decent - her, 95 1-4e; No. 1 hard, 96 7-8c; No. '.1 Northern, 95 to 96 3.8r; No. 2 Northern, 92 1-2 to 94 7.85; No. 3 wheat, 90 1.2 to 92 7.8e., Coru—No, 3 yellow, 6'1 12 to 65e. Optfl-,\o. 3 white.'IUtc. 41 x.40 to 43 o•4e. ,Nn. 2 ,. rye -78c. 78c. Brau--$E0 to $20.50. .Flour --First patent$• 54,90 to 55,10; [+econd patents, 54.40 to 54,65; Rrst ideare. 55.75 second clears, 52,25 to 52.40. Duluth, l;finn July 25.—Close—Wheat No, 1 ]card, 99 14o; No. 1 Northern. 98 1.40;' No. 2 Northern, 95 1.4 to 99 1-4c; July, 98 1.4r; September, 95 1-4ct asked, Buffalo N,1.. July 25,—Spriutt wheat-- Dull; Nt,. 1. :Northern, carload, store, $1,03 1.2c; Winter easy; No. 2, red, 87e; No. 2 white, 86e. Cora—Lower; No, 3,ye1-. low, 67 1-2c; No. 4 yellow. 65 3.4e: No. 3 corn, 64 3 -le; No. 4 corn, 62e, all on traek, through. hilted. Outs --Lower: No. 2 white, 47 1.4e; No. 3 white, 46 1-Ec; No, 4 white, 45 1-2e. LIVE STOCK MARKET. Montreal, July 25:--(lholee teens Fold at 6 1.4e, good at 5 1.2c to 5 3.40, fairly good at 5 to 5 1-4e, fair at 4 1.2 to 4 3-4e, and common at 4 to 4 1.40 per lb. Cows brought from 3 1-2 to 5 1-4e and bulls from 3 1-4 to 5c per lb, as to quality; sheep, 54.50 to 56; lambs, 53.50 to 55.50; calves from 53 to *6 each, as to size and quelity. Bogs—selected lots, at $7 to 57.25 per ewt. weighed off cars. Toronto. July 25. --Export cattle, choice. 35.80 to 86.20; do., buns, 54.75 to 55.25; butchers' cattle, choice, 35.85 to $6.10: do., medium, 93.60 to 65.80; do., common. $5 to 55.50; hulls, 54.50 to •85: cows, $4.80 to, 55.25; do., common and medium, $3;50 to 54.75; canners, 51.50 to 52.50; short -keeps. $5.50 to 55.60; feeders. steers, $5 to 55.25; do., .bulla, 54 to 55; stockers. choice, 54.50 to 64.75;do., light, 53.50 to $4; milch Bows, choice, 530 to 855; do., common to med- ium. 520 to 525: springers, 530 to 540; sheep, ewes, 53.50 to' $4.50; do., buck6. $2.50 to $3; lambs, 57 to $8; Logs„f.o.b., $5 57.35;to do.56,:50. fed arid- watered, 57.65; calves, ar FINED FOIL POACHING RUT. Newfotte lla.nd Court 'Inflicts Pen- ally on ti.S. Fishermen. A despatch from St. John, N. B.. says: Pleading guilty in lcourt here on Thursday to charges of killing bait illegally- off Cape Race, 17 members of the crew of the Gloucester, Mass., fishing schooner Arethusa were fined $50 each or three months' `'imprison- ment and their dories, seines, and gear were confiscated. The Arethusa is anchored at the. French IsIand`of St: Pierre and it is believed hero” that the owners of the vessels will pay the•fines of their men. llIM 1lIS 1)ASHED TO 1)1 A'TII, Cage Rope Snapped Feet. Men l''eil 1,5 .rtDt1-c(l, 11 Ililligirdgr 011I111110111111111114 Priva k %tEtl#tnit2lll!fl ll{[it 41C 'S 'RtZE FOR CANADIAT Clifford of the Royal Grenadier Empire's Best Shot e deepatoh from Risley, En, .: /and, segs; Of the Itllltdred conn e - p titvrs ft'.uu all parts of the:EmilI Lire who shot in the final stage of the Frog's Prize. snatch on Saturday, Private W. J. Clifford' of ihe loris Royal Grenadiers, Toronto, proved the Hest, With a ecore of :.119 sprit of a possible '4 0, ,be has outstrip- ped his: nearest 4011ipetitor iri tt►4 race bv six points. While his Ma - jests 's prize at 4450 has on two previous eecasions come it 0 'all• arta, the other winners. of it have been Caitadi:4ns ooiy by adoption. It has now for the .first time 1itr o. Soon by a Matic" -bore C enudiau, Laid Kitchener, wlto tris visit - the ranges;, with Lord ('heyles- re. Ri-ateborl C'litiord's t'iesil rata its being evident that won 1115 Lordship shook itlt the latest King's Prize- ' ea rize-ii1a hila eongratulationu.. t bra*telt of maple leases is, Clifford was then rind around: the eamp by has. comrades, the band playing "Sae the Conquering Here {:,Thalee,'' .Later in the afternoon Lose1 Kitchener distributed' the prizes, hose when t•teas il<t t" A. despatch Pion Bessemer. Mich, says: The rope y ore attaei:red:. io 1 a' cage in whi• 1 c twelve miners r tiers were descending; into the Anvil mine here. this afternoon parted he _inn half- va w way ,town. Two of the - men, klsth fore;gnners were rill, Ir,- t ed .over t- ie slide. and fell to the 'hottein of the sh"g.ft, 0 d: ,r.ae,e ef fftoon huu4red feet, being dashed t.6 pinoe,5. -'lzi8 !G2,fy£ vaa i svrth> tee- , arches and, fell - Pi e „z w ; le ma o""r c, t,sCo stration 911 faa'or of the (.'anucrk.," 05 C'li€ford lt:ta r• bt' kuow.► :tt htsi lir Pits the Ding's Priv • C.`litfv'ctt s the Staitclerti of Empire t11h, whlclt i5 ,away"led (0 elle member of the ovcrsete lltiliti , eking the highest score in the in;'s Prize, It is dttttbtftll if the t e of this Toronto a ttr;Sts Winning both the King",y Pru+, d the Prinee of Wales Prize will be repeated le many years by y tattadian. ithas never been dr,hla Lieut.. F. H. Norris of the tett :Regiment, Eowvm;invillo, wh.a is th'? next C"aal'rdi4U i11 itrder, wee tenter for the :King's Prize, He w'ae :fried r1r the ellete competition last: y^eaar; he WP19* tate Standard of Ent, Aire ('up. 119 t0T4ing 1aailGh tater King's Prize end the Prinoe of Wales' Prize 1u- gether with Iris either willrtiege its other matches Clifford will brieg home with Wet iO the neighbors hood of 1;.2,1)0+) le prize -money, ney, in eddit'lttll to: medals fx varioue dei, rrptio :s His will be alma Use, largest individual wieeiegs' by any ("estetlia71 is reveals a:*ear.,.. T'0 -NEW VESSELS Fill H PACK Ras Ordered Steam- ers ers for Service to Japan A despatch from M '11t1eal, Que., say : "So far, as Canadian steamsips are concerned no ar- rangements have been remits for an increase in rates either for passengers ur freight, as the re- sult of the increased wages to v'ari- alis employes since the recent sea- men's; strike,T" said "Vice -President G., itiI, Bosworth, of the Canadian Pacific Railway, en, hi.s return from a business trip to England on Fri- day. As far es he knew nothing had been done in' this co0lle.,tion and he was not in a position to predict a change. Two new steamships for the Pa- cific, to be delivered in the, Spring of 1913, had been ordered, ,to cost $2,500,000 each. The new vessels will be' put on the Vancouver ser- vice to Japanese and Chittese: ports, and a fortnightly service will be inauguratetr: One of the present Empresses will be taken off that service and placed on an- other Pacific route. CHOLERA SUSPECT DEAD. Member of the Crew of Ocean Line1• Dead. A. despatch from Quebec says: . Alexander Harm a.,,u, the sailor who with the rest.of the crew was taken from the+ steamer ,$endo at the because he was supposed to be stricken with Asiatic cholera, died {, m on l rlda night. His bodywas i - 3 e terrace there. C. ECIGARETTE . IFOR BUSH 'FIRES hies Forester Atkinson i1Z vestigates the Situation at Porcupine A despatch horn P0,ren hiale I , Ont., says; With a view of devising orae means to prevent forest flrOlt in this district, l?, V. Atkinson, (`1lief Forester of the Dominion Conservation OommisaitMl, and al- ro honorary inspector for the Que- bee Government, came to camp. 11r. Atkinson cut short his .eiit- days to make the trip into Pomo- pine immediately following the fire, and since then has covered considerable territory 41nd made meaty pertinent suggestions. Hie claim is that with the proper regu- lation, fires, which ultimately re- sult seriously, earl be prevented, While the .argument is by no meant original with him, Ir. At:t iusen speaks • most bitterly against the eareless cigarette smoking; in the bush. He claims teat this is the origin' of hundreds of -fires-, where cigar or pipe smoking would not Start 000. Mr. Atkinson believes that a patrol system should be organized anis that such an organization should be as active as a City fire department, seizing . every oppor- tunity to exting*u. n a fire where one is reported, no matter how small it may be. Such an organ- ization is suggested with, a `chief head and sub -chiefs,: each respon- sible to :the chief and each hav- ing charge over patrol men. Now that the bush fires in the north country; have wrought so much. n dama„e and have incurred such a loss of life, it is likely that some suggestion, of this kind may" be acted upon. Mr. - Atkinson has been a forester and a- Conserva- tionist for 30 years and he mains tains that disastrous bush- fires can be prevented :in practically every instance. John Somers, of Montreal, re- ceived a telegram that his sister, Mary, was dead. He left to at- tend the funeral' at Plat£sburg; but fell off ''the train and was killed. OF CO t iisco°v'or got ,Made in 13ighorn v Basin, Alberta, A despatch' from Ottaw, c: > That alarmists who predictCan- del _ - 7o C,ai f_c;r supply F ,1 > 1 _C on .the verge 4 ;f e _aaastion ;' will bero ,ets l7 p -vi tli' ut honor in thein own ot, trt> for ,shone lit 1 Lz r ttime L" its y is t . q fi tt 1li : ft?7 Ito wlte,e g in it is e,i,itna ed there dye' G riO(1 a 000,000 long 'tons of Coal' in"as1',- area ef:a,bout 7 h• f.i 87 s.gtlare miles t ,i , are worlrab}e. 131 la rn'is, - t , g : 4 basin .. alio . sarlas nor - . lt3a.'Rl , 1nt1 • Y FS i t9 ,5 •414 1 I: dm1a eriPiFillO" n Nov' 'runle„&, N ,, Y.,. 3 ., ithe ye celeste.. Mad a. ( tlt fi s}i 4R