HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-7-27, Page 1ti si TWEA'TF^^FOLTRTH T AR. EXETER, ONTARIO, THT: RSD A Y, J L ' 27, 1911.. Local Items There was a young lady name -d Banker, r, ^Si _.g slept 'while tiro ship, '.ay at, arrc:h4r She wrote iiq disina5^ When she heard 'tine teats say "'pow ,Hoist up tlrc top sheet and sPasaker: n� r 1i . Welsh, Aiiiliam Street, is again very i13., Lyman Palmer t'etu:'3 Yd Tuesday UeSila.% , e tQAa2 trip :to m , V � Pe '7• T egrfst mill willshut G be down next .astk for t^egat6rss. The MIsses I9 oke sChicago are guests at the aorn4 of lfr, T::s. Horton. . ie Rohl- -•n I _ r �Pa Ld suffered _t Ped a Sud t de n at .Ei{ o- heart trouble on Monday sive enteg and µ;45i to ba 435:4/ed 10 bed; l fe is now reeove . , a"d able t.;a kit; cant a '1lttPe_ 'The delay el mentioned last t '.e F 1 ' Cgnect g"t 1 i7 t the waterworks test was riot at the time ,of the leaf, but late: ^ufterr the C(rnrn=: s ©:icr wa4 ask€'d to start 4i-( err,` iti4 by band. The voters list: Q a J.iQr the township gf Stelihen has just been issued s silyd ellowa ii -t0 total nuinber of tiotera t0 bela27, ttct ,74rr7e;aid:,larri year. 'Isere Brei 949 Hants# tai, part one. 1998 in 1 t'w at' two and 08, itten ar" three i . P t The h t' o .tal nunftrer 9T persona entitled to orve as jurors in 588. J. W. 'Taylor, ree'e of Exeter, Oiat,. aria, 'who le visiting' his daughter, Miss Kande Ta.7,zior,59 r 9 13a.raAi,t 'r:e averu 5 e, La on a ' tivo months' trip through rho west and e;'t ;~s to visit It ia,ce ztr4=' pert, I'or9lased. scalds, Victoria, and, other plotli,a of interest. This 'being ice first visV. ftp l o city in dean ,ye ars, is 'very enthusiastic liver the dcr°elop- lne,.nt of Ole city duriars; his absence.1 Mr. Tay?x,r reports that there was ani excellent -:°>41t oR strawberries -in ,atiuQ cast his year, Ito having secured 8,800 boxes in hie' owl t n,rdensR;—W.ihnipeg Fa,M filet Ft Ilk CrtST,ck' FOR AUGUST -- A :Regular torn • in, T 8re Ss Ire lose e o« Tui ill bring \ r. i eurlal cloudinesss ;and si to: #7 lta1ito or the ckauntry; dor lea tis first? two ',or three 'daays, of a1,u- hu;;. • tThe r luadrature of Jupiter, blend- IKd th other Tattoos, will aggravate,avt td, 1110 a at t l urlh�Rrs+ec49 about titris time. A reactionary Storni Porio4lies Zia I:entco", an the 5th and f.1;ii. On and touching tl e era dates, loplc Aar niarkrd Increase of temperature, railing barometer and moderato to indite misty rains: Wo do tial believe that radia;::}will be 'sufficient tor crs* s that aro ��t neatu zed by 25�� � a s dor Tie: early August, c±ecpt in narrow local t on s and ;tlo t', the 'middle 'eastern sec.: ' Advocate to Jan.1 The man who lo not on good terms wrath his moth:or in-law Is not ]#vftag", up to his topnortunnfies. ST. MAT'I'I-TEwrS' DOWL,DRS —The visit of the St., Matthews' bowie or Taranto on Wednesday and Thur day of last week, was the occasion a very Pleasant time. although a clow pour f 4 O 'tk7' �1 r § k ,.vlenth *- e annex were le than half through, broke up the ga for Wodresday everting. " The visitor nufrlberi ng' twenty in, all, were on a to of Western; Ontario, and Played ir; W a o t- ¢. , Bt ]..1, Stratford. M'ltCheJl, Se Cir"toil, Goderach, Exeter, Lo n5esa'il, WQ0distosk and Bran ,'"1 oy Were, a firo.. lot: of .PIaYe but .rad bee unable to win mita th Bt uck C oderic:n where ` ,< w e e tis came er- i o on top by a steal. cleared+/, On aEo4u riot• 4V/or/nese of tie eyeutng' b... c the visitors gave the boys ,k,t e i ;.taut ,a a 9 nursday 11ta'ritiat . S 2 i,ttl.'F,w w t a 'i. u was >o..Q 4u all ot, p �l F 'YF z . c r a1 lac3t.i games, Morning- an , , r rntn� d 'eY ening, A pieaeant feature et the vie waste fact 4alat Messrs;.. Will and Tons Jackcion. Ott the Jackson Manufac ming Co,, ur to ., Carnet f 7ted owrl r47n Clinto with the visitors and made enjoy oen for everybody, At 8 o'clock the visit ors -were entertained to. supper at th Control idptcl, .attar" wh.lch an hour wan e nt 4 f t eoch "- v lr a n e Po. D and, Ao b local t u men Messrs. A 7 Jackson,a v d e, ,Ir. B e n R edk of the. St. Matthews Club. The tourin bowlers expressed themselves as greatl pleasod with thou'' visit to Exeter, an t co7npl.tnented the local .lull on the con dit t e 471 g trey c ainti lir �' , l ns..that was the beat they had played on duritr tt;r tour. "Billy" Jackson theug,ht' th grass was 7t,sarwy' perfect, taut hardly equal to Clixlfo i a. The vlattora 'v<e greatlA^ delighted With ""Capt." 1 urderaa*. Bowling, Song, and applied thetasselve eo diligently tit Warning it, haat leavdtag town at U3 o'clock on 'itursda7 tnnorn(n , tansy had tune and words learn- ed ear ed so well that they were forreddaeble rivals of the "C,'tpt't�"' ow.a1, Particular "Bowling, bowling, bawling on! tlre8;rt n xYl : A 13 1 wl k,o ,tr the bet u v n'�^, , best you've e � y rtes na 4 O«n, nothin>a can aaurpar3xa Bowling on true grmaa; That 6'ood 401d ancient game calls,/ bowling." IT re, an or 0 - es ale s, ur a- 0- t-, r� eY" U rt game e'. 0 t, n Entrance Examine tons The f i' aliowi n dr,, high scha41 E11tr.s't7.r7& candidates or 1.9X1 have been, passed Sir Jahn Macdonald John Bell 2�?; J. 1 ell x19.25 Jos Against p�t �1ts5lf rocs by the e=ambners! for ,West Huron, and t�5 as, of th . T i aye also 1?eern approye.l by tine ?Tihlster TinavR of ',apt ,re -aye o? ,Education. uas :'a aside' 3 Ely ntodlLit,d to; its t o A . •'a * Yil " to 2 the marks. a prescribed as ia.. i r 6:' d .J � , t k� in t klub- .F,! :e� 13 each 11 p e.I ra z "scope, coin spa 9'°' 'WI wa will b2 sent o a.tris, ,s r ! uneuccesBful Candid-. vritF, .ts article in a pa'evious mamba. i It Is certainly Pati:e,ie `to Watclt. Che The certificates' of the successful'"cad;: ti a s, q . t de of the ,,,ode nitae;a? and '�$e as d"dates will be sent to the teacherof porters toward the great. a f -°rail raucs seg :•et arY Of the school hoard early >r• tion fro :; u'i;; with c7t*se tuesret?s, tu;