HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-7-20, Page 8THE EXETER ADVDEATEy 'THURSDAY, JULY 21],
El 11
Ttie 1
to weather i$ with usagain
are you prepared for it We are.
What you need is a summer suit to
help you to keepcoa1. We have to
goods to suit and we make
to suit. Let us demonstx
facts for Von,
thea up
; ercbatnt Tailor,
t ei
70 75
otatoes,per bag,,,,,. 76 00
Ray, per ton .,,.., ..:., 50 1000
Mie, per cwt.. family 2 40
Flour, low grade per cw 1 45 1 z
Butter... I7 18
ehogs, per owt .- 7 05
Shorts per 'ton-. ., 22 00
P+rS.n2 per tan 2(l Oil
Wool..,,,, ., ,. 18 20
WOol. unwashed' 11 12
Mrs. ;.lames. 131,ssett, Who '}las . teen'
Attnite, #1l, i slowly improving',
The Entrance Exanikna.i4 n ,reports wilt
probably be publii:�ghed next week.
A rink of two of Exeter bpwlers. will
go to the Lond'an Tounlannent ne=t week
The 1.0.0.P. of Wi t hca:13 are .^.oldfn„
to e-curalon. to Sarnia. sial Detroit on
tugust 5th.
Fred Kerr WI; M., Wee last week
eted representative to the Masenic
nd Lodge at St. Catha;ti*tes
Rev, Powell preached at the union
?services of the liaA„l, street 'afethodr.st
sand Presbyterian churches on Sunday,
Mr. S:=nnuel Sanders. Pluton St,. Inas
x en lid hoose ;3 fresh Boat Qf paint,
wit4ch adds nnuch• to the appearance or
rs;c place
A large n' tnn'ber of ? =peter people arc
ra rnpin:; 0,t the .Bend at present.
Tey ?tire continually morals' to and
fro and we e44/10t tltaPe ;o keep track
hem n all.
uharh 'adieu cica+noa will rszake a
h kczr is 'to :serve 'wtt:I par-
a fruit pudding sauce, and
1 i.jatri made of rhubarb or
Neel or figs, retakes a delicious
dei=ttan to the fruit, closet.
when .n about to yet out of the huggy
: t e, 'agate In i`sbor `one slay last
ws'xk rias'l1orsta, ran. 'away :A.•td Mrs. W.
T l o:d was t arownn Out. curtaining a
spza, ea ankle and several bruises,,
T .e bugs.' was badny sPnasaed.
Af Aj'ilt Bissett of 'Winnipeg, son et
lir etid ltry: George 111asett et 1�*itnn;
peg, formerly- o1 Exeter, vras, en Wednnes
day married to Miss' Mabel Treble et -
C, v stat Cit, . Gly Mends' here will wish
• young couple every lnn,pp.nes,s and
34ord ';has been received that the re..
cent tstorar 1111 t"ne 'west hailed out the
crop or Mr, Taros. Ogden. formerly of
Exeter, and Mr. Thos. `Dickens. former -
Pr Salniabury, botftof 'whore# are Hove
;VSidennts of Iiuronville, Sask. Many et-
itt the neighborhood lead Int>teh tai
badly` damaged by the 1aa 1.
a exchange sayn, 72ne^e , More
• :ri a: Pr'in'ting tticd over one sinner
rat pay's in adva.'izue and abuses tits
onevery posedble occasion, than
the rnlnety and zinc 'wino laosrPw
and slog its.n.ai'ees without
t-0trlhruSils a cert to keep it out of
We will: parry till Thursday Pntxt, tk
Mowing for live poultry in trade.,
Old fowl 10c per pound.
Old roasters Sc. per poured,
aprixig chicken 1911 hatch 15c. per lb.
}r/ckling: 19c. per pound,
ucls 10c, per pound,
turkey 122, per. pournd;
tiaese Fowl must be alive in trade
((1dl token to be 4 l to the pair,)
(Duckling to bel lbs to the parr.)
We cannot pay cash during the hot
weather as the shrinkage is so great
When cool weather coupes and: the
danger of dying; from heat is ovex
we` will again pay cash.
'I'llCIt2 l4'WANT il?
For Union Seholo1, Pday and phenn,
=ilea West axe►Inrco it
cat. atr
'Eacte North.
State Salary, qualifications, and send
testimonials. Apply' to tiT. E, SANDERS
See?: .'y P. 0. t.
Stewart's :speciail 30c. Teas
are equal to any 40c. package'.
Of tea on the market. Try a
Our wedding stationery is of Hie lat-
est, types of the best, w,arkmanshlp un-
surpassed and prices right, Prospective
brides should eall at the Ad ,mate and
see tor themselves.
$35.00 China dinner sets -
White body - Gold Traced -
Gleaning at .$25.00 -Stewart's
FLOUR AND PEED.-Eaving put in
a stook of FIour and Feed 2 solicit
your patronage. Stand one door north
or Hcaman's Hardware -Rivers' old
stand. Jos. Davis.
Ladies Lisle Hose Regular
25c. lines, our price 2 pairs
for 25c. -Stewart's
The undersigned 'Is offering for sale
that beautiful residence north of the
bridge, Exeter. Hard and soft water
in the house; and everything in good.
:repair; with four lots, a good barn,
all kinds .of fruit trees, 'bushes and
grape vines. Anyone washing 'to see
the place or know •`Che terms will call
at the •residence, Maim-st., .Exeter.
Redpatdz's Extra 'Standard
Granulated Sugar 54.39 per
h u n deed. -Stewart's
Apply be D. Si Perrin; & Company,
Limited, London, Ont.
Take your live poultry, to
StteWart's-That's the spot for
Big values. -Stewart's
MARRIAGE LICENSE. -Get your mar-
riage license at the Advocate Office.
On July llth, July 25th and August
8 t1, through tourist' Pullman ,sleeping
cars will leave Torontd 11 p.m. for Win-
nipeg and points on Grand Trunk Pac-
ific' between Wen.rntpeg and Edmonton.
Car wi'11 run, via! (Grand Trunk Railway
System to Chicago, thence connecting
lines in connection, with ' I3omeseeker's"
excursions. The rates to Western, Can-
ada, are very low-Winn3peg •and re -
urn, ,47.00 Tickets' good'. Lar 00 days
Proportionate rates: to other ppi:nts in
Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta.
Totirlst ear will bo fully equipped' with
bedding, etc. and porter in charge.
Berths- 'may ,lie i secured at a Jow rate.
'WInnipeg Exth,1.b111ton dates, July 12= --
Fun particulars and tiCic.ets from
Grand Trunk Agents or address 3, D
1McDonald. District Passenger Agent,
orosato, ,Ont.
ted in Z`'eante
was see
to lee a buss fl;
est of Hipper., The
t3io week. end, however
ertinguis red it.
have been real
t but with aro:
a large fire
grid it proxy
]ilii lsg veers,
ve apparently
Over ;WO blacksmiths doing business
'troughout the Province of QOntarlo have
;F;atlized and 'will apply; at the :next sco-
ot the
co-otthe Lesislatuxe for ine,orporatlr
as an association, They will ask power.
to compel all blacksmL a 'who ala}aq
horses to pass an exam nation., Efforts
ye been made aims early in the year
to form an organiottibn.
A reactionary storm period'fa11s on the
24th, nth and 2Qth, This period fella
at 'the centra of the Mercury period, ail
the close of the Venus period, and at
rew Moon, An perigee and at extrema
north declination. Expect excessive heat
at 'kinks time, With low :barometer and
fierce thunder gusts, Squalls and loc-
w lil visit :localities, but
fart -reach ng general rain's, are not in-
n-d cated. Mercury cloudiness arid mod-
ooderate drizzle may touch must parts for
several days, including much of the mer-
cury period. A seismic- period' of very
positive character extends from the
22nd to 28th, eenftral 'on the 25th.
rinks of bowlers who went to sear:
forth Tournamet4 1d'ti not get in thet
money, although W. W. Taman"=sr rink,
got into the semi fi faala in the. Conso-
lation "Event, atter having lost in' the
first round of the Trophy ,and the'
third round or the Association; al-
together winning three' and dositig three.
Rev. D. W. Collins? ar'In',k, (won la the
first round of the Trophy Event, least
in the second, and ;lost }int the Second
round of the Aesociatipo?l, both lasses
being rather severe; andi'fearing to loses
our reputation altogether we did not
rernairi for the Conisolatipn. Gregg' of
Seaforth won the Trophy, Best of Sear`.
forth the Association, axed ' TeDer of
Stratford the Consollatfjan-
WEXLER-SOLOKO'F-A, very pretty
wedding was ,celebrated atalas home of
Ms. and Xs. $. Lew'iis,' 174 1 amilton.
Rd., London Sunday when'Mi,s's Rebecca
Solokoff was 'tinted an marriage lad'
Mr. Maurice Werner, of Exeter: ' i
wedding peremony was performed by
Rabbi Philipp. ` The bride, who was
,diaintaly gowned .in, white mull, with
wedding veil and wreath of lily of the
valley, was attended by, Miss, Ethel Siej
kind and Afriiss Mollie Fisher. The',
groom was assisted by Mr. Eymie
White and Mr. Israel Leff. The bride
was given away; by Mrs. S. Weinstein.
Followi»eg ,+the ceremony a delightful
wedding ° dinner was, served, about 75,
guests being. present EronY Neve York
Chicago, London, Exeter,: Toronto, and
Detroit. Mr. and . Mrs. Wexler left on
Tuesday on a wedding tour to western`
points. On their return they ' will .re-.
.side in Exeter.
of Centralia had rather a thrilling ex
perience ;while `driving - into i town from
the west yesterday forenoon., As , he
approached the railway crossing on
K'.Og street the south train was ap-
proaching.; O'Brien was warned to look
out, , but nothing daunted drove 1n frlont
of the. engine.. In a(v instant the whole
outfit wwa's!'sholt over 'the fence, Into the
ditch. O'Brien had the skin; knocked of
hips hand but was otherwiseuninjured;
the horse had . a strip of flesh torn
from its side . but wttl repo, er, the
buggy was a total wreck. The: escape
of the mar aril horse from serious
inju-e or death was something wonder
fur. Those, who witnessed the" occur.
;ronce closed t.h'. tr eyes When the' en-
gine struck the rig' wleile ao/lne of the
lad ea nearly fainted O'Brien - hin'iself
seemed onclinad to lick ' upon the ' ecr
rurr€,ice as a huge joke.. --From The
Fhen_sall Obsery
Mx. A, Iters 'was Lon Clot I S'atur
d v.
Ccrr. t Caa'g of London was Innis
over SU -n.0, -
'BIZ.: :1
u :daRa.: I- oolue_ .s horns line i Lo
dost Co ate
Alias Georgina. It#i i; -t retuned eq
Ilderto.l Satu da'y.
A. Stewart and fatalytoo an auto
E t ,*sive iniProventents. are being
made in the -way of exterior and interior
ptin :.a.y and 'interior papering and do-
corating at ,41'..e Commercial 'Hotel, the
work 'Maio dot's by Bert Clark.
P to Lo*tiIet, Sunday, There are brat few ,sure thlog.e Stn t?)i''s
1', RelX, Leathoro returned Wedtnes- old world. One of then: is' the unser-
r' froth a vtpdt in London, tainty of a wotnan,s age,
The hi,sses Cole of Bowmainvilto i,re .f1 peck of trouble .100(4 like a 'bushel
to the mart 14.10 is: up against it,
People who marry for aJake XI St
''^ave a an`sWit sense of humor,
Isn't it queer hove narrow nnanded the
people are who. argue with you?
Never tell a matt Keele a fool; he'll
srgt 'believe you. and you will make an.
eizenay of Mein,
'Y449da Sonne things welt and Sonne
other. vM ~e -diet What's your average.
In the liitt1e matter of ,making fools
prosperity* can puff: it `all over adversity.
Perhaps a dollar doesx't ge far, but,
-a very seldom coran€e hack.
Telling ;a: mann, that he is a, tool may
be called useless 'infortuaion.
A bachelor Is a mate Who has 1at:kcd,
the courage of his coinvfcti.r s.
n,ieti; may to de.kribed as
4'ondltion Qf m pd a plan .1$) ?n wltFa
IS wondering if his wife is arwake.
Exeter goes to Ailsa Craig this after
too to play a psatne, e'I baseball.
There are'many different lander.
Bare. Some men, tell "tisk stories a
some rave about claseleal' mettle.
S:bortly after a romantic girl faces
tITQ Parson with tate n Pf her eboiee
1,or teMalnc:e evaporates,
visiting' Miss Edith Parsons,
!` A
,and , Beldon and _ r
o -day :or a -vest:. Inge sof,
Mr. and Mrs J, G. Stao,bury and fanl.V
ly' Nvene '^.x Batfieljd over Su._,d><.y,
Mr. and Mrs, W. J. Ile.a,man returned
from a trip to Cleveland Monday,
Mr. and )Star Percy Pollard returned
Saturday to their home 'In Windsor,
) ar?y Ca ling' and, Clarence Pickard
are t o _ from Ergntrord Collegiate,
cix. r rra:;k Ferguson os Chatham vie-,
ceJ over Sunday' nti Mr. Mate Rirfere,,
Mir, Geo, if wkt a and Miss Hegel
I'. o wMang are wtatthrg, in Part Martin,
P. . Mag'izNn4 of Teranit, Is the
gees. of 'his parents here for a -week,.
and Mrs. Milburn of Paris ore
arab -air, and, Mrs A. J,
Foxell, Mrs. 1Powell and `ills
IPA Titu,o$14y or' an auto tri
O livtlle,
Miss Mabel aieTaggart of?Gina,tbann,
v'aitinng her permits, air, aro )xrs,
afcTa Bart,
e Lois Birne}'! oi# Wtncleor is siten'
ing a couple weeks' vvCA1'011 at 1a4
home here,
Dolly Div <sott left Thursday for
, 'vri:ere rite will visit : 1'or
weverat ^peaks.
1Mr. John Norry lett Thursday last
tor Tavt5tock, 'where i 'will, be engaged
for some type.
Yrs, J, C. Inwood .and laugher re
turned to 1.o'atdo"tt Saturday evening. atTM
ter a visit et' *wet wee here.
)rigs Susie tae left 1?iattAl tdsy to v.
7J for a couple wed at 1lorelnest+sr,
Ingersoll and tort Colborne,
Mr. Frank Alm of Torontpa arrived rias
Saturday evening to v'ss!t with, firs. Elite+
and other relatives for"two weeks.
larut* Andersen of.. tial Bank el
Commerce at 0tto.vwa, nshoolr hands w➢iii
old friends here dudes the week.
Use Sinclair of Lozndar(az,4 Miss Dar -
villa of Calgary, graduge enurscs, visit-
dC ru Y the
week' with, 'Ws. (Dr,)
dc -
Mr. S. yuan:r retureed hy'olandaY frown
a vis t In Owen Sound. :Aire: Fite:el on
Tuesday left for the sante town 10
visit .tor a titins,`
Mr, and afre. Robert .Elsie and A, 'E
of ilterre11, Sicb,, matoxed here Moe -
day end spent the day with Mr . l.laie'a
sister, Tire. G E, .A.ndersop.
Mr, Wal'ace £',ttatter of i`tontreal, 'who
has been visiting hie parents hero, 're-
turned to Idonireal on Saturday. alis
lady friendreturned with, film to Lon-
a#r. and Mrs; R. F]. Ma rmbrg arriv-
ed :home last Friday, night and are naw
ge ti rLg comfortably 'settled in their
hbme on Victoria Street.-Clinte» New
Mrs. Tinos. Atklnsolnt and two sons of
Manitou, Man., arrived Monday night to
visit lir. and Mrs /ass Atkinson, .' Twe
daughters, came as fair as London and
will arrive :'sere; later.
Mr. John Delbridso of Iisborne lcit
Monday morning for Chatswlorth, Ont.,
where he will procure for himself an
artificial steel ;hand, 'which no doubt
will assist Binz materially in .nanny ways
t woman get as Imueh'tfurn oat of
alaopptng expert ikkif as a hist) doer
#lnrough stnleaking down bade alley's to
watch a chicken f,gbt,
The small boy who has to wheel the
baby around the block white the team
Practicing in the park, »lay never
have heard of rare suicide, but be
tyelievea in it.
Made in Canada
Not Patent 'Miedicines or Cure•alie
but indivldustl tested prescriptions,
prescribed by rpe.. idiots of the bigh-
t*. Absolute satisfaction is
seared by our"money back guarantee
Hot Weather Specials
Violet .Dulce Talcum,.
Straw Hat Cleaner, ..
Cream of Almonds.......
Shaving Lotion........,,.
Foot Powder .. ......
Tooth Paste...,, ..... ..22e,
Tan and Freckle Lotion ..,.,..,.,.2ic.
Once used always in favor
. Cole Pit
The Rexall Store
(July and August)
Little money goes far here
Crofts and Reeds
Fancy and med-
i c a t e d Toilet
Soaps --
200 boxes Reg-
ular 15c. cake -
Sale price 10c., 3
for 25c. assorted.
36c. bottles per-
fumes 25c.
(No Coupons)
Hair Pads ---15c.
Back Combs --19c.
Side. Combs -10c.
Hair Pins 3--5c,
boxes for--- 10c.
Hair Pine 9 Bun -
dies for-- 10c.
Hat Pins 4 for 8c.
During July and Aufgust, two are ga
ng to ,sell goo?3s at startling prices:
We have "'too n .s !i of many lines and
we need both the room and the money,
and 'we would grasp this opportunity
to get both. We have stuck the Bax-
gain knife 3n nio(e of our China, Tin,
Graniteware and S'taftionery, Etc., Etc.
As one lot of 'goods are sold, out others
will be ;'put in {their places, COME
GAINS. Many tsrnall articles can be.
bought now for Xmas, presents. Keep
this fact fin nihil,, Thing 'ire= friends,-
it wµ11 do you ,a4. I44sd to see tine
:stuff }anyway. 35c. buys 1 lb of
Superior mixed rhocolates',(15 Fiavore)
1 lb lotei dnly.
85c, dolls ---05c.
75c. dolls --59c.
IOc. Writing Pads
for -------8c.
10c. Envelopes -8c,
Water sets, with
tray only --66c.
Do ---85c.
Glass Table sets 4
pieces ----45c,
China Table sets
4 pieces ----50c.
China Butter
dishes ----25c.
Fr os ted Lamp
Glasses- 12c
Powell's Bazaar. Remember the place, Open nights..
rn le tints &Budgies
Our wareroonati are now completed and we wish to invite y(ou ter inspect aur
STOCK of IMPLEMENTS and BUGGIES Besides fine Maui -Street Wareroioms
we have leased the .longe brick build ing en James Street, and this, enables
us to keep a full stock of Implements al ways an, hand.
McCormick I pleinenis
Binders, Mowers', Rakes, Manure Spreaders, tilling toais> etc,'-
Cocksh tt• Plows.;
A fullline of Cocksh utt Plows and Re
The first car of Gray & Sezn'is bug glee are about gone, but there are more
to follow. You v✓ill field ii worth white to call and :see there.
tte ftwhishing
PIs, pay particular attention
meats handled by us.
WE, HAVE SC e E rELLRNESS .NL) HIPS that you should see.
et repairs for all imp)e'i
gyre's Why WE
, r Your
reweiry Business
It's an oft- told -tale, but it should never grow
uninteresting to the buyer who would be econo-
mical, n.plical,
On' pricers are right, Prove it for yourself' by eo »paz.,
,son withvarietyto ethers, Our selections are large, giving: you a large
ohoosefrom -again the proof Is by cotxlparison. Our
oodsan'eof fine quality. We back this statement with our
guarantee. Don't these things give us aright to expect from
you a fair consideration of our goods,
A. IVIareh nd E e er
Jeweller 84 Optician
put to go housekeeping tor the lust time xe
to furnish the h411e with. We have a full 1i110 o
which cannot tae r s , the � � 'taClunty, No Mautns.ri, r;,uiCwi,
your circumstance s ria, be we have a hale to sant yon, Or
A New Parlor Shite New Bedroom
Suite, A Couch or Rocker,
Something for the
Kitchen or Dining
will, be in order. We cau. suit your r taSt'e*t '
inaxil, ` l:l
anything in the line of furniture.
The Deadin fol ie Furnishers and Funeral Directors,
This is the month for us to reduce our Summer stocks in all
lines. We are offering very Special Prices in order to clear them out.
All Ladies White Skirts,
Gowns, Corset Covers and
Drawers at Reduced Prices.
In S tripes or Plaids. The
seasen's best patterns and colors
all to go at Reduced Prices.
One for each Dress. We
want to see them all go and
have cut the price on all.
Getting pretty well sold out
-out all that are left to clear at
Reduced Prices
In many of the best colors
They are always good buying
while they last at Reduced
We have only a few trimm-
ed Hats and Shapes left but
you can have your choice of
them for half price.
Carpets, Rugs
IN .
Lace Curtains, Wall Papers
Gent's Shirts, Collars and Ties
This Warm weather makes an extra supply necessary. We are
showing all the new colors in Shirts' in Negligee or soft collars. Nice
low collars for the warm weather and Fancy or Wash Neck Ties.
W e
the eel-
' e b rat
ed. W.
G. and
R. Shit'
is and
Dorollar s
ter. On-
in the
a e 1 Is
amp .1.1(n3,Ce-This store closes every Thuya dog Afternoon 'duz'ing the
monops of July and August.
Eleadq-uarters for the celebrated W. E. Sanford Clethisl