HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-7-20, Page 51 rofesetonai Cards.. Dr. G, -6". RCl1%4STON, L.D.S., P.D.S. DD N, T I S: T , Kelliher of the R.C,D.S. of Ontario and Honor Graduate of Toronto University,, Office, -Over Dickson, & Calling's law optics, Cloned Wednesday afternoons, U t. A, k. KLNsmAii, L. 1). S., D. P. 8., Honor graduate of Toronto liniveriaty. OE NTTJST. teet0 extracted without any pain; or any bagel/eats (Mel aye rQiadniao ,4r Stonbury'aot1 ee, Main street prefer Medical R , BRIGHT, M. D„ M. 0. P. & S;, HONOR Qrare.sidentphysici n Itoyaluate of trAlexandrito 1Hos ital,Twoyears etc. Oileeand Residence ,Dr; Anioe' Old Stand, Andrew treet ,EXETER,, D1„, quAcKENBLLSII, Physician, Surgeon, An. couchette, °Rice, Dr Rollins' old office; Main Street, Residence, earner Sanies and 'lli3eztstreets opposite James :.street Methodist paiaonage. Phone poise, s9 a; Residence 39 b. ite=at TAI0,KSON, a CARLING, BARRISTERS SOLIDI 1.3 'gory, Notaries, Conveyancers, Commissioners Bello/Cors tor Maisons Brank, etc vlotloy to Loata at lowest rates of steres offices, Main street, .Exeter, R. Cantina, B.A., L H. btcitsox istO,NEV TO LOAr[,, we have atargeamount ot private funds. to Loan 9 !trim and villa ,e'propertieset tow rates ofinter st, GLADMAN, STAlyI11HW Barristers, Salicitors.Uaie et.. Exeter iia J. SENIOR Agent Ctonfederation Life Assurance Qotupany. also Fire Insurance in lead- ing Canadian and British Companies. his,in-St,, Exeter. 11, CARLING Arlt$, Fire, Accident and ;date G laseTn u!a_c , Collecting accounts, and uai"i- ductint; auction sales. -, Zzeter, Ont, C. A, HOME. V. S. Graduate of Ontario, Veterinary Col- lege ; member Ontario veterinary Med- tcai Saolety~ 1 treats all diseases of do- mesticated lrnlmaals on scientific prin- ciples : modern surgery a specialty, :pp-. emanons on 'hump Jaw guaranteed sat- lsfacafary, orals lay day er Wight prc:+naptly attended to. Dales-Matn-st., Exeter, Or. Ranaaay's old stand, ^P'horae In ootirrection, FARM FOR SALE. T'ie undersigned offers his fine far'tn, eoraaistiiia snf alaout 1. acres, adjoinlak; the town sof Clinton, for sale,, The tarns le in a good state of cultivation, and ttas good buildings, brick house, bank barn, driviti,;, house, pig pen, etc. all comparatively new Aiirst-ciae yowl.; aarchard, aontaininb all kinds of fruits azd also small fruits, The ;arm 19 well fenced and drained and Js ai very desirable home. For further par= ticutlra apply on. the Premises or ad- dressJOHN TORR \NCE, Clinton. x Y'I,L TFR1t 0l:IIIIS ..1 CGUST Ei.-1617 L� deetri:,4'lr TORONTO, ONT., •etalnds to -day without a ,superior in Canada. Graduates always successful. Catalogue free. Horses for Sale 1laaYe a sxuxvber of;fir,st-class horses for sale. Call at the stades and see thorn. We are also purchasing horses th a`t .are sound and Lrt good y'dnditiod. from 4 to 10 yearns of age. Parties having horses Lor sale will do 'welt to can o.' write the undersigned, 1'ho,te 41, M, M. DOYLE, Exeter. Notice to Creditors OF ANNIE GIDLEY, DECEASED. Pu-ouant to Sec. SS of Chapter 129, of the Revised Statutes of Ontardo,1997 notice Is ;hereby given that all credit - ,ors and others having claims against the estate of Annie Gidley, late of the” Village o1 Exeter, in the County or I-Tu- ron. married woman, deceased, who died ,on or about the 12th day', of June, 1911 are on or before the ,Firs I, day 'or .Aug- ust, .A: D. 1911, to ,send by post pre- paid to 'Alessi's Dickson & Carling, of the. Village of Exeter, an the County of Huron, Solic'itors for Norman T. McKee Executor of the last .will and testament of the said deceased, their christian Pam •es and sumnanies, addresses and : des- criptions, tine full particulars `of their claims, a statement of thein' accounts and thio nature of the securities, if any, held by then., `and ;that altde''the day last aforesaid the said Var'n:inn T. Mc- Kee ,will nrocesd to distribute bi.c as- sets of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to such claims _0ff. w'hsch notice .shall have been given' as a,bove recline - ed, and the said Norman T. McKee will not bo 1 able .for the ;said assets or any pant 'thereof, to any person ,otr persons .of whose snail; or "cla:hns i>ati'ce shall not have been received by him, the said Norman T. McKee, at the Lime of such din triburn Dated at Exeter this-:lilth day of .Tuly A. D,' :1911. NORMAN T. McKEE 13y nils Solicitors, DICKSON ,¢:,:CAiIL1NG NOTICE TO DEBTORS No ice' is also hereby given .that ail debts owing for the estate of . the said Annie C,idley, deceased,, must hs paid to Messrs. Dicks oft & Carling, `Sol icitmra for, Norman T. McKee, he executor_ of the said.. estate on or- before the. First bay of August, A. D. 19A1.- t IyOTttiIAN 4T NIcKEE, ' By his SolLore DICIISON t %'AIii.rNG F-lENSALL Miss Flossie Foss left ,Thureday to visit relatiives in Bay City, Fairgrove and Napier, Mien, -Dr. Sellers, wife and children left on Tuesday evening on a,rtwo weeks, vacation; at Centre island Toronto. -Hal 'White and Pete Buchan- an returned Front Bo'vr Park Farm Brantford, -where they have been fo several weeks, --•While at wotk,,en Tues- day Sam. Coulter ,had hits' wrist hurt by a long ladder falling over and strik- ing 'it. -J, B. McArthur has located it Vancouver, B, 0, and has' purehased a 4esidellee.-,-Frances Almada, infant child of Mr. and Mrs, Jas. hpggarth, :pass,. ed away last week. Muth 'synipatii y is felt for the bereaved parents. -Charles McAllister of Hillsgreen has recovered from the injury received when urnpirag out of lois' buggy,'on the day 'o.dthe fun:- ral of the late a - e ? � e T�Irv. R. ;SzuAt,z, AIiss� Fd- na Sylveste` of Detroit is the auesi of laic Misses Shirray. 3. E. McDonell and sister, :less McDonell, and David Cant- elon went to Seatorth 'an Tuesday aright and left tiles next ".nor ni!ng en 1olite for the West. ---Wm, 1'. Marshall, Li* Male son of Frank Marshall,„" wile was run over by'the `L„ EIfi; and 11.'1raiN on Meer day evening, succumbed to his terrible Injuries and shock Wednesday 'at Clin- ton. hospital, The pear .child Was only three 'ateans and 11,ine xlbQlrtlls Old, The bereaved llarerats have the synnpathy of. sit ire 'the"nr great sorrow;-Ojn. Friday evening some of the noigbbors observed smoke issuing. frciti the ;stable ill the rear of Albert Wteside's residence,, Clpaer itis liMi allowed that tise in- terior o t1aQ '1 alltVov Wais ,on rice, After an a ppl,ietttion of several pails of water, the fire wsr;s. extit guislied ;lust its the nick of hinge, The fire is. suppos- ed 'to .have been started 'by children playing with .matches: -The Hopssl2 troop of the ilsay'Scouts hats been form- ed or m ed with an enrollment of about 24. This r o to c n ' p on.pzlses ;limes patr+ola, kna�rl'i as Raven, Wolt and Wood Pigeon, ,with leaders, I elmnQtlr Tana -1111x, Earl Mil ler and l`rank Nesbit, A local Connell Was organized on ,Menday AVM, Gores listing of Rey. W, T, Do'.hel,'ty, I'fost- , r n d L1cENSED AUCTIONEER ,v Li, Al+tt)EltLicensed Auctioneer lir Btrro,. County. Terms reasonable, Oates can be made at tte ; tweets, Ixeter. or Usury 1liher''s 011tee. Creel, ton. Auction Sale OF HOUSEHOLD GOODS & CHATTELS Tile Executor of the Estate of t9ie late Annie Gilley has Instructed Thos, 1;1. Carling, Auctioneer, to sell by Pub-, !1l' Auction on Saturday. the 22nd day 0f July, A. D. X.1)4'11, at two o'cltocic. p.im. at tier late resident:a in The VU-. lase 01 Exeter, the household pads & chattels of the said. deceased. {#t the sante tin ! and place will be offered for ' clone those tw`o valuable residential npropertics In the Villageof Exeter and which naay be better des- er bed in parcels as tallow's,-.Pat'cel. No. 1, being composed 01'I{at No. 42, on. the North Side of Victoria Street and t'le East Side aY William street, in the said Village of Exciter, Carlkng's Sur,• vey of Part er Lot, Nto. 2:1, In the .let concessions of the Township of Stephen, On RhVe lard is a good : brick, house; l9vu ae ;stable and good well, and this property is centrally located, and is Convenient to churches, scholar !and eta- Hon. taHon. Parcel. No. II. being composed of Lots Nos 50, and a0 on the gauth side of Albert Street and, the west side of \Valiant Street in, tho 'said Village of Exeter. On this land is an up-to-date, frame cottage in, Til',@t6,1x9,8 repa,�rr'both sort asci lrtrd wafer' in;sidc the v house;. goon cement cellar and splendid drain age. Terms of Sale -Chattels, cash; Land, to per cent. seal; on day of Salo, and balance within ;30 days; other condit- ions of sale of land will be made known on day of sale. For "further particulars apply to THOS. E. CARLING, Auet. N. D. IIURDON, Esq., Exeter, Ont NORMAN T. McKF E, 150 Chatham? st "Windsor, Ont.' DICKSON & CARLING, Solicitors for Executor. Fresh Grr'ceries Look at the Wheat! There's a deal to know about wheat. If I didn't select the wheat I couldn't guarantee the flour. Cream of the West Flour comes from. Cream of the West Wheat, And it certainly does make good bread! Cream West Flour the hard Wheat flour guaranteed for bread You just try it. i1 it doesn't give you right down satisfaction your grocer pays your money back, That's the guarantee with every bag. The Campbell Milling Company, Limited, Toronto ARefil$ALO CAMPBELL. President 107 dent; ;Ale=, Murdock. Treas.: Rev. El Ic L. Smith, :,ec'y :. Ftev. 7, D../.af-:d Yard. MAP.: 0, C. Petty, R M. ti4t Ksey n and Thos, Palmer. Tt, ;Morrison was potarted ;Scan; Mader, Moro loy,s aro wanted to jell) idle Scouts, the age lit. it `la;'ing front Wine to eighteen years. I',rlli,I+;NIK.'I,.-,•The home orR, Saulier,I Parkhill, was the scene ora quiet wedd't Ing, when, their' tauGhter, Sus:;; Robe/la': was united .n narr a^e to Dr. Calvin! l S ,McCpnz'b, of D1:kAcl Rive 'eon ,or r, and Mr.e. T It. McComb. of Lusa T#i,Q:ceremony ' wascQndueted by tile: Roy. \'na, GOaw n, EXCC;fSIONS TO WESTERN CANADA The Grand Trunk {atlwac Sys e t to. an-' r,nunce that ,Qnl Tuesd:lys.. Ju .e e7ttt, July '11¢,a and, 25th, August 9th ac;cl 22nd, September 5th.. and 19t11, 1911, Eig111 seelcees eXeurelond •will ba ;run tel Western aa•nxda, fres; all stations O'liar.Q and Quebec, via Qh10ago aft Duluth, or vial Chicago, 'St. Paul ail, W4inettpolis. at reduced round Fri. Cares. t The well-known double track 'line o die Gt'alnd Trunk: from the east to Ctllc "W -� „a ier.pealtr to tis# traveller, and wkt, the superior .train, servrlce that is otter +R c h as c aad wItelesosiae The most digestible of nourishing beverages ALE and STOUT Creates appetite; makes meals taste better; brings healthy sleep- Keep it always in the house. ' Your dealer sells it, or you can order direct. ed by this line. ltla udtng late:national X4ltnljo4" fr daily at 9,OQ+: a,tm,, a4 n* est and fastest'' trate," In Canada, , . Passengers will bo attracted this way^. The '„t-orrt:o via 0erieago "Is.. £t n*as ate ne, talydng passengers ttarovgll 311ai Otte* arkl. towukc lb, Canatllt atttieet4i 'iliichigali, Rtrcl 441» ddt'tion to this' a ellolcg seveW es between Chicago and $t, Paul awl. l:atleap013s !s offered. ii Cawing' to t great ,,number of tt;allatl laIs. wilt) Testae; in Chicago, St, Paul, 14x11 .plis, 'DuluthandpFbaz1cities en remelt;, there isro.,slou�rt that the Grand Trunk will find many. patrons who will talo advantage of tile , r oppartulaltyF thug, atforded theta for a Mulct visit at the ce lansous at ta- t their rleada eature that '4li3; i�"4xL1,,�r3K.Gktf,'•R'. a, Er',e. Cpia3Eprlaril+" t caraees. at points like Chicago, St. Paul. and laitrr Into freshly VP+lt la€fal she axe ea• o:volditu the neirettgly 'of trAve!ting Iter , distance in tilt 'sunt ear. T z ,a,ddltiti4 ha the/ anions; routes, I x saltt telt *WO to alkti authorized via, ,'�aeaLai, and tl;e Northern AI vi' t.Qa coLnpany°e mac-nit/cent Steamers across Labe Huron, and Lake Superior, Per turther particulars apply 10 Agent {ttho Grand d : L'k PRaI Wa Ys X'' tem, str write toiytr, L glalalttn, D atrtet Pa00eldtaer Age.tt, Denaventure Station 4+i1 +'al.' or 'Mr. A'., Ir7,, :Puri. Pitttsicr, Va,fiseit er Agent, Union Station, 'raron< t'Oft a. i ; , a 111111111111111111111 �1lt?di "lf�ty; + A it contains so in h llt * toga► wheat is waste glutens gluten, And, think of it, FIVE ROSES Is millai>4 xclusioely from the very cream or the isnitoba wheat berries, FIVE ROSES must be awfully thirsty, t't you see. your mixing bowl it greedily absorbs more water. S you get more loaves than usual without using more flour. You use less. Your flour lasts longer, doesn't' it? trips to your dealer. 'halt's how FIVE ROSES saves money. •lctually saves YOU money. Use this economical flour. nl�f0' IIIhilHhIIIllltllllilllluhiiIHillI IIII�Iiiillii�iilllf IlluiillllliIhi mmiml111111 ilmioi����uu mimlllll� We are now well establish- ed_ in business and we believe on the best of authority (nam- ely that of a daily increasing business) that we are meeting a long felt want, and giving the best of satisfaction. Remember our motto,-- "Fresh otto,-";Fresh Groceries all the time," All kinds of produce taken in exchange. • JAS GOULD anure ie ea,tty Bros.' .Feed. and Litter Oarriers Overhead Obnveyors, Beatty eros.' Steel Stalls & S'tanchions can be installed as ,cheap as lumber and last,forever: eatty Bras,' Load Binder These three things are great labor -savers for fanners and ne. - cessities on a.faran. For sale by Gills Abe.:Exeter ,p p PHONE 51. a. LAKE. OK. tMe w000a 1.1‘.1.1ma OOMPAtt ,r a r,0 LUCAN-'carton Smith, blacksmith, of Granton Village, appeared Dolor' Pollice l 'Magistrate ila'wkshaw, on Friday ard was fined i-,1;10 and costs. The charge I I was on' cit assault preferred by Thos. Marlton. a farmer of Didduiph Powr.- n tip. The trouble took place at Smith's ''one, and, according to the evidence, .e assault was unprovoked. Father Morriscy's Prescriptions have been curing for 3o years, and are curing to -day, all the common ailments that come to every family. We have hundreds - of grateful letters to prove this. • Father Morriscy's No. 7 tones up .the Kidneys,, re- moves Uric Acid , from the blood, and cures Rheumatism. In tablet form, 5oc. .,rw res. '.iffiri+:4;' .,'crib;,. 9 iUUT=. TED ('o ; YOUNG MEN AND MIDDLE-AGED° ltifiLN, the victims of early indiscretions and tat.r etc ces5es, who are failures In life -you i the ones we can restore to manhood and ta vire the spark of energy and vitality. ,I' _ire up in despair because you have treat tfl With other doctors, used electric bails alitl tried various drug store .nostrums, Our New Method Treatment has snatched tched hundreds from the brink of c esna ir. °i .s re- stored happiness to hundreds of hems s and has made successful men of those vi,o were 'down and aut." We preser be specific rem- edies -for each individual rare acccr,rr; • to the: symptoms and com li ~tion, -,:•e have no patent medicines, 'Ibis is one f the se •rets of our wonderful success as o' r treatment. can- not fail for -we prescribe remeel:; ada>.tel to each individual case. Only cot able cases ac- cepted. 'We have dine business throughout Canada ear over 20 Ycara. CURABLE CASES - GUARANTEED OR NO PAY Are you a victim? EbIve you lost DER QQ� i, Lt's hope? • ere you intending to marry ibis your blood been ctiseased? Have you any weakness? Our New Method Treatment'wild cure What it has done for others it will do for you. Consultation Free. No matter who has treated • you,; write for an honest opinion Free of Charge. Books Free "Boyhbori, Manhood. Fatherhood." '(Illustrat- ed) on Diseases of Ecu, NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. No names on boxes or envel- opee. Everything Confidential, Question. List and Cost of Treatment FREE FOR HOME TREATMENT. Father MOrrISCy'S No. 10 is a most effective and reliable cure for Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma, and Whooping; Cough. A real Lung Tonic. Trial Bottle, 2,5c, Regular Size, 50. Father . Morriscy's No. 11 Tablets relieve and ,'cure Dys- pepsia and all forms of Indigestion. Each tablet will digest I / pounds of food. Per box, 5oc. Father Morrisc ''s No. 26 positively cures . Catai rld, A combined 'treatment—tablets for the' blood, and a healing Salve for the affected parts. Tablets and salve,together, 50c. Father I orriscY's Liniment is a household standby for all Y sorts of aches andpains. " Pleasant to use—lick:�to relieve. q ler. bottle 25C At your dealer's. Father €Viorriscy'Medicirie Co., Ltd., . MoN1.'i1F At S. Howey, Sold and uaranteed in 'EEcete 0E. Dps.KE141,>. vrSK Cor. Michigaii Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mk as NOT re till letters froiti Canada roust be lresseti ` 116P116,, to our Canadianand tat.r etc cesSes, wmiesontesamizzo rent in Windsor, GuI. .It you desire, to; see -us•personally call at our Medical Institute r. i,: trott as we see at d treat no patients in oar., Windsor_ offices which are br c_,'rresponoevice and Laboratory for !Canadian- business only. ,Address a1, letters as folio ws: DRS..KEN! EDY &KENNEDY, Windsor, Ont Write for our private address. :',.., ,