Exeter Advocate, 1911-7-20, Page 4atter truorate,1 Sanders tae Creed, Props. THURSDAY, JULY 20, '11. ORGANT:ZATIoN •� .^,Ete; ever; general election the Po1l- .'icai doctors of the Oefeated panty hold ."a.: post roetenn to, decide ,„hat caused tkte disaster. They invariably returi the verdict "Lack Lade of Q a :.L � n. a,.iona,” era e. tempted :o wonder dvr?ny these' otaa a+:res do not now and then held a eQ .satation before death; if thea is arty r re wrote; with the partywills n trieke ;i d -asynesis wee,;: thee, ea 'inn to aPPIY a 'remedy, • ' Dees Vie Conservative pally ufr rem lase'organization.? S pct* W,, � of o1'£�'alalza,lF;pn , c ,a r,. :'E: apt to assume t..a� the Gov, eramein party ie organized aerate -it -It" =a the w atural teough 'trait of hunilat:n Mere ;onoverrate tine tetras. It le snot et. had ti•aief is is certainly preaerable nder3'atitagg the enetuy. It we assume eine Liberals are orgatitzod, it ie us_ we aeeuttro that the Goveraanaee t "uE:h Pt'aein,,e, itZgluence Ana mon; -ea re Perfect. an Qn$',ardeatio tbrangli- seat the country Sonne people ,get tato the wa7- of attPliasin '#1141 a Goverr. iAxetnt can never be defeated, .Til, Gov- are overthrown and °hopeless- d iia spite of their itnfluetice, tuQreY and a,.oa,nizat on, Ira 3905 the 9s government or Gutari)rat, Clad au elabaarate apaelliate, It ltenoritted treat ttn4 PollioF SIi Str Qit'vzr eaTowet. wh e t centralized all Power be Toronto. Yet 'tate ,organization proved abeulu els naee- iess agef let the pnnblie Qpi'nfont; Whicit t the Roes Govtlrtnrtetel run paw 'Xtavenerated the ' ititneyr GQw; th a nlagniticcnt majority. In 790$ tl«e OQvernment et Sir Tanner Whit 1107 waS co)tfiranted in, power, rot !V to - niezation, 'but by the force of Public tat tae which manifested instil lyre live or party in EkiwAj Otatariv`a Sere- radar an env/vatted majority, ,As a matr ter et tact Cenektyatitaea le the rank and file have com lained that the Whit= nee- Government was net interesting itsa elf in carrying. thet :electtaat. The pee- 1-,owever. were et* tkloraughly a teeltRd to Six James seed els peliviee that ".hey tie* caa+ei ot'ihe reeulte with; east 444 trOlnY the politiciatta, lief elle y the Liberals, ,heOveve ld nave kept 'Rem Stn peewee' Eould 3aaraa defeated Whit -t :e Cettteervaldiea backed by a us puislte .aPixtitnn were able !(k,: ,S' wso^t,a'Q the Rasa government ,t 19 0,5 exam„ tee Whitney Government' len 49(1'1. 1t 1y ,no „leans tollowe that -- is uce ay, Itnteletan vtor.: cite 1a'L. T`ra ettlti+.raelp ted,�t.d a ao titre"13: Jet So./, , ,,. to require the aid of p ; t. nut it, 14,.nclae the leee s are net made bY praycra` are lamely made by o `"organizatio::"' i laoiaely used, stany Nettle co)npistnt or ot, or„a.nizatiotz with,aut being at all n to pont out things could have been better chane. It iseelear at tate out-' stet that every : National party. ,entering a National campaign should have some National organize 4i . The party Ir control oL the Gi)verr.ment ltae this al - moat automatically. Tee sixteen nn'.nie- teas o_ the Crown reside at Ottawa ail the year with large t,alratries, +with all tie tearieal help paidby the Govern- ment attd with (very opportunity to tapalte a platform for the party and to Ioo ti after its ca ndidatea ar, various .e couetry. Ti F 01"Pos;t'le:rn ale; o; a arras ro su°'la advantatge. The, Lt'acl^r gist ts.' Opfrce1ttoan and the Chief 'Whip are cele tie :u Ottaw.t and in close touch. w'?'ln one another' and with, Oppos.ti}pin members. of Parliament. They must, as things are at present, onstitnte tlMni-e delves a National eEeei tivc eo0i n tare and sew that the, organization of the party .s: perfected, TOO DRY FOR BIG YIELDS ay scene a little bit like rubb n to make any extended conn- Iron alit, 1>ot 'welth:r of the past and the p.alonlged season dry eati.er, 'ctsp3 ;slay .an Qatari*. And yet far-rcaehiing importance. In 5 so , - parts o£ the 'country the probable ylvid from hay and grain craps has been cut in two. }ray has been cut a couple of 'week's earlier than ,.usual, owing to the Lotdry weather makcir it lee sssary if the lacmer desired to get any 'crop at all. 'Pall wheat has ripened earlier also, and last week saw the 'harvesting of tills crop pretty general all over Western Ontario. The; Goole, weather; at the Enid of the week ma., i.elp the grain to fill out .better titan if the hot spell had been prro- lcinge3, but even this wild not make up for the general shrinkage in yield 6eeauae of the want of *rain. Spring preps also are suffering, and the re- turns from this season's harvest In "-Ontario are likely to be considerably zed -aced. . Fruits, corn and root" erupt are alsosuffering, and the out; loot. le anythdrt but optintistic. Pas- tures too are dryling: up, anti ,there as. talk of a milk fana°ine in Toronto and elsewhere. On the whole this,dry, hot spell has been more serious in its; effect upon the caop in Ontario than any eape'rienced for some years 'past. It 1 -ns been pretty geuwrai in its ar. ;. plication, and' few Partners have escar add zuric'h HAIR FAUTIFIER :REFINED WOMEN TIIE WORLD OVER ,USE IT. r..wom_ln kiow's that there is ":oth tng so good for hair and scalp' trouble ; Parisian? Sage 1 Parisian Sat is used two o, three me a week it wv l' kap the' scalp nice and clean anxL 'rc..iixvzi ' dandruff. ` it makes tl-e halts4',9,astraus, and fluffy., and 'keeps it .IrL%C i'`.fMiling . '4 tree ever; worna,n who lova A4;1, Ascpne;tin,, ir hatwo a; los ..,1r• Y1nCe`pd^ fi y �, A eerta zi l eittlematn, Aar, J. E. Thonap- .:aii o't Norfalk County, a fruit grow"- has, row "h ,. .s, according to the Times, always been. a Conservative, and now proposes to =mite for' the I,eciprocaty party. A l':alt columta tel deviated°to the case. U i- loubtedly there are half -a -dozen other, cases of thils ldinjd, itx :Ontario, The r len may be sincere too, and, on the ^3t b - c Ind, they na:ayi be soreheads, which a3 bard to fell at this distance. ever a. few s:u:ihe eases do not amount to much as ronnpar^ed to the great dr:- titzit.Lon from 'e Liberal party or the wit* et`on of Ree paoei'ty What about lane si ee.n pronn,.tzent L,b rals itt Tar" onto? What about tate. Liberal M. Vs., Stn and Gern'ratn, whose eritietems et pact have never yet been answered? LI,1 4 TIONS ONLY SP. 'WEEl>S OFF awa, CiaL July* J?. -Front titrect. to s.x wweel.S runout and then a geeftraa et.`.,onn, 'IA t.11 :Ec:i Zeit as The issue p Y be ttaw: ;accepted, proga'ataame for data*. 1„M fluters who nae to o the capital for the re- mpt:on of bus% nese, Where it was ropv'ed on May 1leap:, when the adjourn took place. PRICES IN THE STATES Consumable Commodities That Have Dropped in Price Since April, 1910 twine:e has been d ided rrlcessioln .i alloy yentas markets :for cotcsu;mablg CR tttedities la the United states since a year ago, when the great body a>' E'Ansuknert in different parts of the republic 'pro, 'tasted against the high coat of living in the form of anti=meat-waling leagues and bY many petitions to the Government s1 Washington. an. The, Pioneer Press of Rt,. Paul i u teta, recel}ty pubi ed tb, following table which shows prices of -various cotntnoditiee In April, 1910; sad. April, 1911 1910. 1911. Anril, April, gars bee's, per bush $255 $2.25 Oct nmeal, per bush.. 2,10 1,50 Lard, per lb ., , .1S .12%-.15 (lheese ,11 nae ,13 Salmon, per dor, 2.1b clans 1Zolled ea' abs, 2,50 Bata (whole) itllSTM Bacon ,1$tr Flour (arrest.) per bbl, 6,00 Eggs , . - ,25 Butte 33 s Butter be a � •rat1 c i , . ;3a Chickens , . 24 Sirloin. steak .. , , . .22 Porterhouse .. ,,,, .26 The .Pioneer Press 1,65 2,00 1.00 ,13zr .14 :5,00 ,15-,16 -S .18 .20 ,24 cies bi' "Butcher, grocer and eansnmer ex pros Gratifie:rtion at the showing that the month of April makes in comparison to the saute meeth to 1910. The dealers, espeektlly, expretat themselves as well pleased with the 'drop,' because more goods will be sold and business will be better than for some time,” GRAIN AND BR1ADSTU1FS GRAND BEND, Mr, and Mrs. C. Laugafon or, Parkhill are visiting at Cyprus Gl'eetn,`s.-yfr; Jas. DDrophey of Greenway visited with Mrs. Ed. Gill Saturday. --Mr. and Miss Dodds of Seafortb are vftsltinig at Fia6nk. Ger- rnett'e,-,Mr. Jos. Gill and son were in Exeter Saturday -Mr. Sam. Pedier, who has been visiting relatives {,around here, %returned to itis home ini, Ailsa Craig Tonday.--=A welcome rain Yell here dur- ing Saturday and Sunday, f JRKTON. Mr. Robert Fletcher of ,.Outlelok, ;Sack; spent a 'week wit'tt Irtenrds;•'atnd relatives °)a tl.s vf.cini y. Mr. Fletcher was for the greater part otllife one of Feirkt^au'a arrest teslteciea residents, but 1110Y01 west with the younger naenibersi of his fenaily.. k letc er says That condiiioua in his :-tan at' the come ry;ere fine unix year 11 . left for the, „%rest on Tuesday of last week, cuiter3as rrnn ar, Dove* a former well-known and popular E4rkt n young man and principal of Dresden pub1;,' school was waltz 3" tn• xuarriar e a y,, Metttodist parsonage, Dresden, e•t Tue,::day. July line by 'Hes. Mr. Te.re;n: ro Ali.ss Phaebe Bartren, or Dsezd Mr. Daupe w it have the beet w"v1.eee o: E is many friends Loth berg arra t' Deed ., Foe a happy and peas -1 Per pus .wedded kite,. Arm Brake„,-:lirs, Dee: Mien of Bleier shard bad it the misfortune an alontla3 Q f ,hsv.nni; 41i3 arm tbroken, 1Ee was en- 1.aged in /manors- lin grate wheat See team ran away and, Ire warl thrown off load, wee lite above= result. :4 deer. was eallea ar i 4re46e4 the injured hut it will .be Sonne time before to will bavl the use of it again, Field Crop Competition, --Thea Feld -op Competition :in which'ee nsiderable lite esc lane been centered was ,judged week by lir. Stadde.111 of Brad;— - 1st Rob rt I3erry° (variety) Abula : :,'ltd 11a�, paw.. Golden Mart; 3rd I.V.Ilbut' Spar , de., 4i11 Geo. Kemp, . {lo,;; 5th Kennedy: do, lii;;,hly recommend- Ktrk and I1ugb Berry, .Abut:, gcatiori ere beiriz nna1e for the celebration of the Ii'eborne and Blanshard Old Boys' Re -union on, Lab- ; Day, Septeirieer 4th, iI M. Charieawerth of ,Blyth, is vis- flag` Mrs, Campbell, thin week. -Mita/ dlth Gesell° Qf the BBrelnan Lille, la. 'gi,tilla Telativee tend friends in, haslet few weelsa..--:Ntarellall !eller lett Friday for :tterlin ;to speltd the OM nae, viralio:i, with his grand-Aareutra; 15r. and Mr,tr, L. B;, Marshall,. --ars, C)laries Stickles of Detroit, Avcowpani- 1 by her two sons, ,le visiting ;with naotlter. 1f,re. 1'?;onry Grob--G.eorsEf of Dedro.t w+.t5tlted his molter et : Voli1)nd the past two weeks.' was accompanied by his nephew) ied. :t1ioa Gertrude imago] of Illetrolt visiting relatives and: friends here, at lnresent.-- On July Oth alter! several months' DI - less, our esto;nted;townernan, Ztr, Jacob Ort 'breatlred hips inst. 1l' had reached the age at 4S `years and 27 da5'a. and Wee than a year eget. he wan ronsld- ered one of the strongest lot men, with 1111 cxtreme1y rugged eonatitution, 'Sonne month a ago he Iowan to ettp•er elms of tltitnfi health and he gradually .t;ruw weaker, leis ,ilIness being , caused . b a growth forming In tate ;kidneys. Hot leaves 'tv anourn mils loss a widow end a ;grown up family o°f (,,ons and dau-il ghters, ;who have the sincerest sympa thy of all In tracer bereavemeet. 'Phe der - ceased came to ;chis section about ten years ego from Oxford County. 1 Some Figures of the Trade in These Commodities. The Canadian Miller, in its May number ,contains the fallowing his- torical sketch of the grain and bread. stuffs trade between Canada and the United States, showing the gradual increase in imports from the latter country..— .A brief Senors wry of the develop ment of trade between Canada and the United States in grain and bread stuffs since Confederation may be of interest ju$t now, Statistics are not complete, and there have b• -en changes itt classifleattan Winieb alt the results in some items. In 1874 our imports of dutiable breadstuffs of all kinds were $64,328 from the 'United States. 13y 1880 these grew to over a million dollars, and from that down to 1896 they ranged from a million and a, quarter to over four million dailars per year. They then dropped below the million mark till 1902, when they were $1,220,000, and they 'have risen steadily, till in 1910 these im- ports fro lathe United States were $1,740,000 out of a grand total of $2,589,000 from all countries, The list of free breadstuffs imported from the United States made a total of $15,447,- 000 in 1874, and these large imports were maintained till' 1879, ' when the National Policy was enforced, when they dropped to nothing for three years, and the grand total up to 1889 was only about $10,000 of free bread - stuffs. The imports were small till' 1896, when they were 899,288, and next Year they jumped to $720,000, and in 1898 they jumped further to '86,968,- 000. S6 968,000. The free imports have ranged slime then from two millions to eight millions a year, thefigures in 1910 being $4,636,000. These figures in- clude raw grain as well as manufae- tured cereal 'products. " Turning to exports, we shipped wheat to the United States to the val- ue of 92,494,000 in 1868, and,this varied ;from a few thousands in ome years to over two . million dollars, averaging about a million till 1894, when • it dropped to 976,000. Since 1903 it has ,ranged, all the -w ay from 9100,,000 to nearly. ;three millicri:- Taking all grains, otni•. exports in 1862 to the United States, were .96,699.,090, and varied from four millions to th,'r teen millions till 1893, when for the first timeit was under two million, since which it has in some years gone - es low as 9204,000. "7t frost;`however, from $635,000 in 1908 to $2,958,000 it 1910. Our exports of wheat ,flour in 1869 to the United States were 9423,0.00, and remained above the 9100,000 mar:.'' till 1878, since when .they have hEen insignificant till 1904, when they wer again above 9100,000. In 1908 • Cana da exported flour.to the value of 9122,0'0 and in 1910 9571,000, Our export there of all -other, manufactured. grair products wv ere. $86,000 in 1896, . and have been small all, the way;down the: 1, years till 19`10 The grand =total our`,' exports` of "grain products we 9850,000 in 1.868, hut since the'i h c- f Were ' below 9100,000, except.. in ^ pan. year,; down to 1904. In 1908 elle', ere 1126,000, and 'in 1910.; $582 00;`•II These returns are given in round n sr leers,. How's. This? weolferOee Hundred 1)otlarshewardfor any ease. ofCatarrhhthat eaunot be cared by Hall's Catarrh Care, F. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, O. we the dexsignedlievetnown F, T. Chenel°Por the last I ti (,ears, andbclievg hint perfectly honorabke in. all unsiaess transactions and flnam ia?ly able to aures out'anyobligatigns made by his $rut. Weaoiso, Ilttks &s Mssrna, "Wholesale Druggists, Toledo. 0 flail's Catarrh Care is taken internally, acting d recta, on the blood and n'lueous surfaces of the sy^steto. Testimonials sent free. Price 75e, per bot- tle, Soidby all Druggists Tube 1It1t'SFa.tall' fills far eonstipation. k TILLATiTON,-A (neat wedding took .Plate on July 11, at the farm borne of I'r, and Mr -e'.. Jabal I>,idd. , Fuliayton, a- bout two tittles frown Alleettel;l when Hath^ daughter, blorernee, 'was 'welted in alae bends of metrinaolny i,o Joseph Lee aanaasr proslaet'uus farmer of 'Pieken inn !ownsla p. A WINDSOR LADY'. Ak'PE v,L To 411 W oranenn--I will send free with feu instructions, my home treatment %%Melt pasitively cures Loueorrhoen, El., ceratin , DlsPlacynnerts. Falling or to womb, Painfull er :irregular Perin -ds, Litertiee and Ovarian Tumors or growths to by lfot Flushes, Nervousness. mel- ancholy. Pains in the 'Head, ,,Back or Bowels. end $ladder troubles, where caused by weakness peculiar to our sex oy can contipl;e treetnlent et home at a cost of eAtrobout 12 eelats a wok My book; " WetRIt'1,n," s Owren Medtoal 4ti- viaer," algia sent free on r e:Lueat. Write to -day. Address, ;airs, M ,Sutnnaers Roe, 11, $4f) Windsor, Ont.. Gllnnore and daughter aliaa P..e,741 tf Clare zI#a 1r, aro visiting re- latives and tritndlic In this vicinity of harpies. Grand Bend and Brewster,-- Mi.,s Lydia B. Sherritt "Teacher" is speatdn;x her taoliday.ei Ylatting ''relatives through lchigan,--Tohn Sherrill has urreaeee.0 a new 0aso1'i!ne Ervine .ter to puolp water oa lel,* Erase farnn,--^ A:a the weather has conthnued so dr'' the showers over Suindey were wecontect,. HOW TO I$VE LANG Vith healthy kidneys one Stas a Q^ood elnansal) kin "live longs hut 'alk ltldtleyei af- flict old ale with great diecorforlts, The back brcames beret a.nd lame, rheuma- tism is E:1>.^onZe, eyesl;;bt Sail a Q:r lev; luntarie wad to) frequent'Passages of: u:•I:; s:fuse cna- httrasscurne by d<<y and Iona .91 :Sleep At tarn. k3o” ,t's del,trtey- Ixiile h='"ln.T new strength to ahl backs std quire relief to weakened' kidneys backache and rheumailc the bladder and urine. 'F3ootln's I.id ,ey Pills, are foe sick kid- ateys in old or :,Touns. and are guaranteed by the pr'oprietare, The R. T. „I3ooth Co, Fort Eric," Ont. Sold everywhere :,t.. bps. Free trial sent on request. Sold and Guaranteed in Exeter by W. S. Cole, They banish aln, regulate Canadian National Exhibition August 26th TORONTO - September 11th CORONATION YEAR LEADS THEM ALL Live Stock and Agticuiture Art—Gems from Euro- Manufactures — Greatest Greatest show an contin- pean galleries -masters display lever shown in ent! Special Prizes of from best collections in America. Goods man - $500 each. Increased Canada and United ufactured while you Prizes in, -all classes. States. wait. THREE GREAT SPECIALS Festival of Enipire--Pictur- Coldstream Guards Band— 'tar Beneath the Waves — ing the glories of the Cor- Musicians of the Royal Showing a battle between enation ceremonies. 1,500 Household, by special a Dreadnought and a performers in • uniform. permission of the King. Submarine. HOSTS OF OTHER ATTRACTIONS L.Y,R,A. Regatta -Athletic Sports -Boy Scouts Review-Vaudeville-fapanese Fireworks- Twelve Massed Military Bands -Trotting and Pacing Races, etc. MAGNIFICENT DISPLAYS OF CORONATION FIREWORKS For all Information write Manager J. 0, ORR, City hall, Toronto �l TSE' GREAT EXHIBITION l:h'V ViTId THE :ondon, to 16. 9 IN -PRIZES AND ATTRACTIONS Exhibition of Live -Stack, The best ever seen in Canada ' Many U'nique Special Attractions, including Aerial, 'Military 'and Hydro Electric Features Jumping and Speeding• Contests Big and Cat -,Show ---Four •o Splendid Dog E bil Bands ost attractive midway., Pest ever seen in London on I$educt cit;Rat'es on all Railways. atnnd'al-I other inforrnation from ED' �resi� .lent , A; iRT: � , � -HUNT'Secretary: RV.1 HE CAVADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE SIR EDMUND WALKER, C.V,O.,LL.D., D.C.L., PRESIDgNT ALEXANDER LAIRD, GENERAL MANAGER CAPITAL,' - $10,000,000 REST, $8,000,000 BANK DEPARTMENT �� E 'moi A1P�r I N 11F 1�S. . of The Canadian Bank of Commerce will receive deposits of Si and, upwards? on which interest is allowed at current rates, There is no delay in withdrawing the whole or anyportion of the deposit. Small` p. deposits are welcomed. A234 Cc nts may bein thenames of two or mor persons,to � au n} opened t e be operated by any one of the number or by the survivor, £1joint account of this kind saves expense in establishing the own°ersk ip of the money Y after death, and is especially useful when a mail desires to provide for his wife, or for others depending upon him, in the event of his death. Exeter 13raneh-W. %I. Collins, Manager. Drancb also at Crediton, The Molsons Bank Incorporated 1255 a al (paid d u Rest Fund Total. Assets Over $4,000,000 $4,400000 4,000,000 Has 78 Branches in Canada. and Agent and Correspondents itt „lithe Principal, Cities in the World. A GENERAL $A'Nlill°0 BU 1NE5S TR 11SACTED. SAVINCS BANK DEPARTMENT at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate. EXETER BRANCH �» Agents at Exeter for the Dominion, egvernmelzt. D1cs.so\ , Q4RLIVVI Solicitors. N. D, BUR ox - Managera +n� RAILWAY G SYSTEM 011011 TOURIST NIL SLEEPERS WINNIPEG AND EDMONTON R 11 p.m, JULY 11 and 2,, ; AIX, ells: Via Chicago, St. Paul nullMinneapolis le wrates WINNIPEG E X IIIIITIOl'1 DATES JUL,"1- 12 to Ary' '11IP01 UL,AR RO0TE TO hIUSI>QK4, LAED OF 'nAYS, TEM- AGA11I, ALGONQUIN PARE., GEORG- I.AN 13AY, >A,W.ltT1L' Lits .ES, Ma„- anetztwan ltivor, French' River, Etc. Low Round Trip Tourist ' Rates, Connen.Terlt Train Service. Literature and Lull information trent any Grand Trunk Agent, or address A. 19, WIPP, District I'aeeenger Agent, at Toronto, Ont. Purchased BUS and DRAY Business Having purchased the BUS and DRAY business of MR. W111. ARNOLD, I desire to announce to the Public of Exeter that I am prepared to give you the best of satisfaction in work connected with the business. For the pres- ent orders left by phone or other- wise at THE ADVOCATE OFF- ICE, PHONE 25, will receive prompt attention. T. G. Creech LOTS For Sales Lots, First class lots in the Great Northern addition within the city limits of Calgary This is what the C. P. R. states.— •'You can recommend this property to your clients as a good in- vestment both safeand profitable. These lots are selling now at I755.00 each. One-third down and balance in six, twelve and eighteen months, 6 per cent interest.". If you want to make some money don't delay in looking me up as this is a chance of a lifetime. Don't for- get that we have farm lands to sell` as well, of.the very best and splendid ly situated. T. B. Carling S Flor' n.i � G9 5 Several Brands. ` Manitoba 0 a specialty. pxq. tkaleays n Iand. a goodsocrr� .e, : en DurhamNatio n l I arthrnds Cement Is the best," Chance for Piano A new upright Grand 114110 ;Reg- a lar priee$9'2-a Sale Price $229. Clens one instrument will be sold s�ntl that to tiro .first buyer, Cali early and let us de— monstrate its merits to you. This instrument is on ex- hibiton at our store th bal.- t; anee of this week. menn S. A A number of good organs b fol' sale $12 to $25 no higher"Payable SOe, a week, ++++4,44,44**.14H4+444.+444440 3 CENTRAL G��G Cs� fJ,r�. d/LC i CTR+A`r 0RD, ONT. T.I1111 B lST',SCS OOL Our graduates are be demand, Busi- ness men state that 'they are the best. Students from the class room were planed rec ),tiy at $ik5, $54, $60, and $70 per month. A graduate with tient() experience was placed recently at ;+1800 per annum. .all graduates :secure poaition;s. The demand in past year was sit times the alurn"ber `graduating. We have three departments,- Commercials Shorthand and: Telegraphy. Getaur fres catalogue . I7 A. 1OEcLACHLAN, Principal. SUV[VIE SESSI' Students may enter any day. Open entire year. Wow is a good time to enter. Largest trainers in Canada. Graduates get best positions. Thousands studying at borne. Exclusive right of the "Famous Bliss Book -Keeping System" for Ont- ario, "Actual Business from Start to Finish." Write for particulars. CLINTON BUSINESS COLLEGE (affiliated with Clinton Business College) GEO. SPOTTON PRINCIPAL SAINTsiJLRY Mc, Rhee T1od„ins 'celebrated his 72nd 4 birthday .an eventing la st, hid immediate "fainly and a Sew., ,7t lrisl friends: ` etinu '`• ,i al tea idaLice and etpeitt a very, :pleasai time. -aims many iriends • will vJ,isa that he May long :' be, apareo to, cel.trtate many more einiilar events: - At r:- and Garfield Nce(halti of T3a1- lyinote were."viG4t.or's. a Mr. nodgins' o✓e Suinciay `.Mrs. Rolandsor and''s'ow ot,.Str:a-ford 'v3,saied friend'sc a":lo`t- caIi9fy last week t "vim :tLcSmite ,tstal renfaiei to ins bed through illness. e e1do11: i Exet .: 1