HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-7-13, Page 8u1'xiI'Y%e1" Clothing The warm weather is with usagain are you prepared for it? We are What you heed is a summer suit to help you to keep coal, We have the goods to suit and we make . them up to suit. Let us demonstrate these fasts for you.. NAT TANI_ N Merchant Tailor, .: Exeter, „ u .5rarlf). a+ EXETER MARKETS. C,,UANj ED E,&C WRD'NSD Wheat E eat.' ,. 0.5♦ h Y,.,. 82 Harley .5.. ,..,., 3uckwheat 1.11.1, 4S Gats, ,.., 5 70 Potatoes per bag ,»,, ?h 90 ey,perton,.,,,,,..,..,, 0 TO 1000 Flour, per cwt„ family 2 40 `lour, low grade per ew 1 45 1 45 aatxtter, ,,, 1? IS 0 05 2200 2000 20 12 vh n. r, a',,, » 5 Live hogs, per cwt Shorts per ton,,.,.,,.., Brans per tart,. .,»..,, Wool..,.,.... ...,. I'S Wool unwashed"... THE EXETER ADVOCATE, LOOAL DOINGS o O h tae and Oshawa published 'their n, - et F assess -meat rolls ill the local press l iSs M, Jetrnso;i, teacher, has resign- ed, but her resignation has rot yet been ccepted. Mr, Jos, Senior who has been .quite iS',, with rheenlatiellt, is able to be out of doors :,or a short time each da.y.. r t iiaa' l st a Yale -able colt Friday through death. T lte pt'avaous day e was offered x«25.00. for the animal, l' e Truitt Memorial Church Sunday Scheel. will hold there annual picnic at Grand Vend on 'Treuxnday next, u1y as. The I-Iu o ; Old Soya of T;o oltto e -oSed their annual ercui'sion to Burt oa C-ou . y from Saturday ;, Tuesday. hetn aln -e^ i vass,izag sere l.tG tae 1. Airs- Mu ?roe has returned f3o.a vs;,it In London, ,dins :Emla Seldon of ;Ingersoll v ,, e- tit el 'here, a ' b .+L:L. Miss ltlildred Marchand is kasiii with friends in Buffalo.. Ale. Hugo McKay of Detroit is vis ng with friends in, town. se :day Armstrong -of Laleka x; i rag at her home here. Miss Beatrice Pavia of: London guest of 'Miss Maude Elliott, Whitby Miss Olive \\.,.it'by ov. Paris.. her 'b>rothe, here over Sunday. Miss ,F, 'Westland of Wyoming icing at Mr, W,. G. Biasett's. Mr. Q, Soutarott leaves, today holiday trip to Muskoka. Lakes. TULJRWJA'Y, JULY 13, 1911 ron , Mrs. i-louso of Newt York is +he guest ! of, her •fluter, Mrs A. Cottle. Miss Newell, of Stra ford is visiting i iter brother at 1.17.,,e. CoY,anaerciai Irs. A. G. Dyor left last week to alt with lth s, Ed. Dyer at Braait- Lord, ng Miss merle Could, after spend ng tine lnmrllinnery season et I3eavertora,, returned - home last week. \rr. and Mrs, W. 3. Beaman left last rove ie :evening for Cleveland, Ohio., 'bete !they will spend a week, is the ( }Itis Walker of Chicago and Misses' Margaret and Flossie T3onithaon,'iof ilei. vtsiie<• sail wee guest of the he .zs s s Lean .ve tae latter part of last week, 3i,. and Mrs. Cooper of Sylvania, 0., s yrs-; Mr, and Mrs;. Harry' Alboai and Mr, and \.irs. Earl Boa• aY\Toledo, and Mrs. Maz snali Bax of London, wino are making a tour of Ontario, in,9aaa auto, were here Miss Martha Carling, nurse. of N yesterday, They speak a?t l,ig1I praise of visiting, her parents here- !i Ontario roads and the country generally. Airs. W. P. Clarke ani soh Gale rc,- i Mr. Jabez Wolsia and daughter Miss" a `<e Prior of the Fire Hall Las been turned troop a visit, its; Lollelda Saturday; iGate of Ea)antazoo, Mich., are vi itirg, beatriffed by a coat of paint, and : ft ]s Pq ,!'1r Tia r T3etinett of To*azita' 1$ vis- ` • Uh ,Ir. W. J, ".7 eat. idr. Welsh is. lhteatlell of the firer/eato outer - i tang his daualite^, 9Srs, `J, A. Stew. rt, Lan D, -e'er told I3ov, but left these parts au^*Adv the roan: .t _ g C, H. ?l'IcAvoY •etur_ted to Toronto,'tray nears a =a or t?ae stages, Ids xe- \Pool, pu«?l:s er 4af Alae St, 11st week, after €en days, holidays _here ay.e'a s »nan3of r...e k;ay-hood ex)=erteneea ro old ,, ,,,own with pleasure, "toew for St. \fairy s. tai fill the ;:1. aft s, (Dr.) Sweet a couple ay s E caused by the death I of..el. ages, xtas beet Agtpointed ens, l,,trs.' the 0 Gere, Crawley of Luca= visited l "-Al se v 4as week. Mrs, Brown and daughie aItss Janret urs ed last week -trent a v.sii in West - Canada, oda, 1' Vera t.b Miss e a Hurt and hoz .tot'r.er. Clic- rad of Seafortb, visited at, Mr. I arra.. a;ag's Sunday. 1): and Mrs, Aquitla. Shell or Win- to peg are fossas of t,ho rormer's parents dr and ';•Irs Jo9:n Snell Mrs, J, E. Jordan of yLendan, with, her daughter is. the guest •ot her parents, .1r, and Mrs, Jalil,es Murray, Mr, Reginald Elliot, after visitingleis v.- anroi e,, v.io ., qu.;lF 11 :etura:c tl t9 =ts hoarse in Nor •h ick, Tuesday. 111. and Itc. \Z', "II, Hill of Toronto, formerly of D'xcler. sa:1 onr the 12th inst. from, Jontrea.l for England, via $, S, Royal Edward," Dr, Burdon and tan:tly of t.oazdorn,• motored here on Sunday and slttrni the day with ,AIr, and ?1cs. J. .'1.. Stewart, ,faster Turk accoupanying tirert. hotz;e, Mr, Win ,May left Mo .day for S'hal- 1^tart to PO`alrn as' far ati Graaad Lend the yacht purchased by hitt father ..d Mr, J. G. Jortoa far their urea at red need Knight was In lawn o'.* Mon- day.Ho left Tuesday from "London far tf;a1gary wwerc ale will 'remain about gaix Ts -Its and will try Medical Council Ex- nntnationrt. for Alberta Province. The Mi=sses I:aura M. and F1ore tee oven, da,ugltter lot the Rev. "Wesley own of aNapir e, are visiting at the home or their grandmotlii:r and gum, "Mrs. . C. Tom. and Mrs. •W. D. leo, Miss S, McEoncll left Tuesday morn- ing for Calgary, Alta., where she will ytelt Iter sister, Mrs. i3ennett. Sire in- tends remaining for several months and before returning will take let trip to the Coast. Mrs. Joseph Cobbledick of Calgary, Alta., who has' been visiting with rola- tives in Bo vmanyil]e, spent. a few days to Exeter taro latter part of last week; leaving on Monday for; Sarnia, where she in company with' ' tfr. and Mrs. Nelson ;Cobbledick of Tolionto, took the boat for a trip lup the_',lake`s. The following were ticketed at irh station Monday evening* for the \vest;— Mr. and Mrs.'Silas Stanlake, Sr., Ste- phen, to Stottlor, Alta.; Mi'ss Charlotte. Dearing and Mrs. Percy Webber to r Mr.M . F. Prince Albert, ,Bask. ; wig . s,s W. Baker and daughter Ella, to :Moose:- jaw, oose jaw, Sask.; =Ss Agnes Bray of Us.; Uborne, and Mile. Jahli Bell of town to„ Edmonton, Alta.; :dr. and Mrs. Roger Northcott to Outlook, Sask. •_ Lks of Toroara Bowlers vv;o icier an auto ,tour through Nest- cTit Ontario ',ler!, week, will play here olt 1S ird nesda5 afternoon -or evening, as alt. Twp pin s of bowlers, eot sistiog of the following players wettt b Seatorth Taeesday to take, part in the tournament, J. A. Stewart, W, W, ialnaat, W. D. Clarke. I«. G, Seldom, R, ,N, t~rech, C. B, Snell, \i°, 1, Btatchtord, Rev. 1), \\*, f:"olt''ints, \S`[+ oo','i ;atltl'i*t: Was Ida Arg rstrong of btatnting° liar life teachers certific- ate last 'wrek from the Le don N.onna], also ^Liles May Jor.es on obtaining an • re; int teacher's certificate, and Miss. I+da I«owe of obtaining a rive--yearner- iimrt'a .0 AS teacher, Rev, S, F Sharp left oil Mettdav snout-. n* 'tor r tttaurlit, N. T., *here he „w1,11 t iso a special stunmer cettresIn, .tire rY,>late.y a; the L3alvers)ty, after which e w:El vfstt a t IIoa1; . 1 . Y. with Mra. laughter, Miss Margaret, izay Ieft for` that place wit's Mr, Sharp For the let tour days of next wee 01d fowl 9c. per pound, Spring ehie3,;ean 191113ateh I nc, per lb. DucWin g 13c. per pound, Haack cJ , per pound. Turkey 12c, per, poured; These Fowl most be alive in ,trade Chicken to be -4 lb to the pair,) Duckling to be 7 lbs to the pair:'.) ( We cannot pay cash during the hot weather as the shrinkage is so great, When cool weather comes to the danger of dying from heat is over we will again pay cash, JONES & MAY BIINCFI :KEYS LOST—In Exeter, in the month of Jure, a burcb of keys with: chain attac cd. Finder will coir ler a favor by leaving .arae at this bilks. PANAMA 11AT LOST. --Between Dash. :wood and Exeter North en the evening of July let. Finder rewarded by leav- ing eaving sante at thas.office. Our edaL rg st„t4onterY Is .c*I the lat- est, types of the best, worknisr.ship un- surpassed and prices right. ProsPective brides should call at the Advocate .and, see for themselves. FLOUR AND FEED,---PlavIng, put in a ato k of Flour and Peed 1; eo t'lt your patronage. Stand one door north of 33ea:•an's Fiard:warc—Rivers' old stand. Jos. Davis. DENTAL OFBICE CLOSES KINDLY TAKE NOTICE that my of- fice is closed every Wednesday after- noon, DR. ROULSTON. FOR SALE She undersigned is offering for sale that beautiful residence north of the bridge, E_eter. Hard and soft water in the house; and everytiaing in good repair ; with ,four tots, a goad barn, all kinds .of fruit trees, 'bushes and grape vines. Anyone •W4shing to see the place or know .;the terms will call at the residence, Mann-st., ;Exeter, ALEX. Me HERSON. GIRLS WANTED Apply to D. 5: Perrtt & Company, Limited, London, Ont. faint loan favored v,iat n ,the arty treat of tomatoes by Mr. rt Foreman `C, T. orae 'of the ng always ,in ly tom toes, and an aper t2illtt fact is thAt the ' Advocate stares in a hart '4t the early tproduct, E, W,ilit';s' on Friday last one of the largest ,pike , ever t In thSs` npi(ghborhood, being fl length. Dr. Sweet the Banta day caught a pickerel eighteen in - elms. In length and;weigliing four pounds Mrs. August Guhr the same day caught pike and also a pickerel, but Tittle shorter than the, tr/ve above mentioned. TRESPASSERS TAKE WARNING. — Warning is hereby given that children "and others found, trespassing on the Canning Factory pea fields will be prosecuted.—Exeter Canning Co, MARRIAGE LICENSE.—Get your mar- riage 1'icen.se at the Advocate Office. 'WANTOD: Partires to sell locally the latest Wash- ing Machine ; no boilete required ; works easy; io wear; nor'(Jeer; sells cheap; good 'money 'in it. Every b'orap wants tae.'. Communicate at once vdtlh the Mastitn;Trunk Company, Picton, 'Ont. AN OPPORTUNITY FOh1 THOSE GO- ING WEST. On July :Lith _ July : 25Th and August 8th, through -,tourist 'Pullman sleeping cars will leave Torontd 11 p.m. for 'Win- nipeg :a and pointe on Grand Trunk', Pac- ific 'between Winnipeg and Edmonten. Gar will run, via (Grand Trunk Railway System to Chicago', thence connecting limes nil connection: with Booeseeker's'' excursions. The rates to 'Western Can- ada are very low.. -Winnipeg: and re- turn, ''$41.00 'Tickets' good for CO days Proportionate rates to other;po'ints in Manitoba Saskatchewan • and Alberta. Tourist car b -fully, equipped with bedding etc. 'and .,.porter ",i;n charge. f -,Berthet : may bei," secured at a low rate. 1al tnnipeg Exhibition dates, July 12— b u2] Fart culara and t kets apariaid, a Btrrat I'ars,eenge'c't nd Txan1P'rAgen a :ot, adore[ w9i S Item ' Mita Anne Sanders, whet/or the pas ten months has 'been; ongalaed on the Tie, eord staf.i,left on Saturday for her htome t,n Exeter wheat she will spend the aunt. mer. 1n losing Niels' Sanders The Re- cord loses a very efficient ,helper. She was an active worker, in tate Afethodl;si; church and league, also a member of the church choir. While in Jarvis she made many warm fiends who 1 were sorry to seen :her:deliart from our midst and many. kind -wishes will follow her, wherever her duties, may take 'her.” — Jarvis Bc-cord: ” _, t PUBLIC MEETING WOMAN'S INS T1TtlTE,—Tire Quarker Oats Company, under the ;direction; of Miss M. Goldie, graduate of Macdonald Institute, will give a practical demonstration and talk on the value and preparation of Cereals, in the Town Hall, on Tuesday, July 18, at 3.30 o'clock. Everybody welcome. Mrs. 'Hastings. HICKS' FOBECA.STS—A Regular storm period begins on the 110th, and extends to the 2&rd. We prolong this period to the new mecan. on the 23t11, for the reason' that the :st0Frn periods are often drawn forward in their cul- mination by penditsg new; moon dates. probable storm crisis will fall on the XSGh; 20 and 21, ca,usipg rain, wind and thunder, leaving high temperature and threatening conditions to continue over the 23rd. SUCCESSFUL GARDEN 'PARTY, -The annual Garden Party under the < ausi- plces of the Ladies'" Guild of the Trivltt Memorial Church was held 'on tjhe rec- tory lawn Friday evening, and was pro bably the most successful financially 2nd othenwitse, ever; held 'by The Guild. The weather was 'ideal for such an evr ent. A cool and refreshing breeze tear peered the ai'r! and 'the en(tertaaning sur- roundings made it' pleasant' for a11v ^.Phegrounds were beautifully illuminated with electric lights',and 'tine refresh-; ments, consisting of. ice cream, lemoin-' ade and choice cakes, etc., were''servedl by a number of' attentive young ladies of the congregation: The music furnish- ed by Tony Vi,ta'•s orchestra of London was, of a 'high order, and contributed. much: to the pleasure of all. - Eery.sel- ection was beautifully rendered and loud. ly applauded. It may be said also that the orchestrawas most•'liberal in the number of !selection's a faot which wary much appreciated. The proceeds amount- ed to ',1.00.' BAND ORGANIZATION—There is ev- ery prospect of Exeter 'having a band in the near future. Mr. 'Ed. Treble has been ; autlhorl led by the council to ceom- menceorganization, and already a good- ly number have signified t heir intention of 'becoming members. ,The new organ- ization, Will „be comp`ased '..tf entirely, new.?ibiodt; with) the exception' b',f Mr. Treble, who will have charge of; the organization and tuition The taw.is possessed of a .Iarge, nulmber of first- class i,nstrunwnts,' and if : any further requirements are nieces'sary the council is prepared to furnish same. It is some- time now; isioce Exeter 'has had a band and the new band ,should be, encouraged and e'esitsted: in every way possible. .Ev- ery.. `town > of arty in- portance.,hae. a, .hand: and there no no reason whatever why Exeter ,should' not have one. We have the nien and'-, material and all we how e quiz ' it the effort to organize-. As ani and leader .thy seiectlon o Treble a _ o ad, iojne tool' rfl r work co ir1T Y Iaave i Etrit pehtiruuiahnto capa'b1e rand, come s ]tnaiaii .A aha ;g to l_5 ,r A t ctyl lake aP1pl to .' .2FY7i1° L:.ttle o: r1,0 ceneahatio„1 salt' be taken' oue of the pleasant. and octal change. 'stn the Breathe -t Tuesday n1igttt, it it be true what Bro. Andre, whose fame atl. Pm faith healer A leellwxt'ettien with elle At We dear Beige s, predicts, He da'5 `that OiIi , til'a i2 twill'omscv het. till die like flies, by but,'. ad thousands, BUtt,RERS SUPPLIES MECHANICS FINE TQQI.S NAIt,S,G1,AS5 PUTT' (RONPIP£t FirritiGS Headquarters FOR Harvesting Goods, Forks, Rakes, Pulleys, Twine, Hay Fork Rope, Sling Rope, Scythes, Snaths, Etc., Scythe Stones. Also Berger's Paris Green T. Hawkins&.$on Hardware LEMONADE The pure quill—made without lemons, but with Purity Lemon Powder. A teaspoonful makes a quart. Just the thing for farmers or workmen. Made in an instant at any well. Sold only in opal jars at 25c., one coupon with each jar. Made in Canada. Keep your Beauty If Summer's Sun plays with your complexion Our complexion .cream will quickly restore it. This is a most dainty cream that improves the skin and keeps it in a perfect condition. A generous size package costs but a trifle and is worth its weight in gold. Let us show' you. One coupon with each package. POWELL'S BAZAAR The Tome of Bargains in Granite, China and Tinware. Come and bring a friend and see for yourself. elemenuggies Our wareraoms: are new:keompleted,,,atnd we wish to invite*Aitot inspect our STOCK of I'MnLEMENTS and BUGGIES Besides the - Main -Street Wareroome we have leased "the large brick build ling' on; James Street, and this(' enables us to keep a full "stock of Implemenits at ways,on hand. McCormick Impleirnents Binders,: The 11 a f'01,9,'; E FOR THE INTERNATIONA L HARVESTER COMPANY' ewers, Rakes, Manure Spreaders, tilling tools, etc ,qckshutt Flows A full, line of 'Cocks!' utt Plows and Repaire 'Buggies car of Gray' & Sprig b g' ivies are abaut gone, 'but there a:•e more+ ou will Lind ;it worth while to call; and see them. particular by; us. idled • it s entioen. to t"aln,;`iup%aping of repair -t f,oa all imple-, S3 Here's hyWE Ask For Your ewelry Business It's an oft -told -tale, but it should nos%er grow uninteresting to the buyer who would be eeono- inieal.. Our`a isx« ars are right. Prove it for pourse$f by eoznlaar- ,son with others. Our selections are large, giving yott;, a large variety to ehoose from -again the proof is by comparison. Our goods are of fine quality, We back this statement wit « our guarantee. Don't these thing give us aright to expect from you a fair consideration a our goods. A. Dlarchand, Exete Jeweller Optician PEOPLE About to go housekeeping for the first time rte supply of ' Furniture to furnish the home -with. We have a full line of ood•s flacb c£llanot be surpassed in the county. No mater at your eireumstanees aaa.ay be we ha' e > line to suit yoga. Or perhaps A New Parlor Suite, New Bedroom Suite, A Couch or Rocker, Something forthe Kitchen or Dining Room. will be in order. We can suit your taste andrice in anything in the line of furniture. P ROWS & ATKINSON The Leadinz Home Furnishers and Funeral Direotorst JONES & MAY PHONE NO. 32 OUR JULY SALE This is the month for us to reduce our Summer stocks in all lines. We are offering very Special Prices in order to clear them out. LADIE'S WHITE WEAR All Ladies White Skirts, Gowns, Corset Covers and Drawere at Reduced. Prices. FANCY GINGHAMS. In S tripes or Plaids. The seasen's best patterns and colors all to go at R educed Prices. FANCY PARASOLS One for each Dress. We want to see them all go and have cut the price on all. LADIE'S WRITE WAISTS Getting pretty well sold out —out all that are left to clear at Reduced Prices LINENS & REPPS In many of the' best colors They are always good buying while they last at Reduced Prices. MILLINERY We have only a few trimm= ed Hats and Shapes left, but you can have your choice of them for half price. JULY BARGAINS JTJLY BARGAINS IN IN Carpets, Rugs Lace Curtains, Wall Papers Gent's Shirts, Collars and Ties This Warm weather makes an extra supply necessary. We 'are showing all the new colors in Shirts' in Negligee or soft collars. Nice low collars for the warm weather and Fancy or Wash Neck Ties. W e have' the . eel - o b rat rat- ed W. G, and R. Shir is and Collars forExe ter. On- ly one Store in the t own sells, them.: 1'Totice—This store closes every Thur day Afternoon dor months of July and August. NES & MA carters for the celebrated W.UB,GSanford. Clot_lfii Yt +n ,i,:C "h p.i't'L. t i„'S^'?u Itpf ,a^S.l,lp y, tib r yiy`' ' b7 !",'i ya i';,• A