HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-7-13, Page 5Professional Oasts. DR. A. R, KINSMAN, L. D. S:, a D. 8 tonor graduate of Toronto USaiveristy., DENTIST, Teeth extracted without any pain, or any bade fleets OltIce eye rGladman &Stanbury'aoffice, 3 Main street hostel Medical; g it. BRIGHT, AL D., M. c, P. & S., HONOR, tf g t1raduate of 'Toronto Un yersity, Two years restdeut physician Royal Alexandra Hospital, etc, office and Residence ,Dr. Amos' Old Stand. Andrew treet,EEETE1. DR. QUAGiit~,NBUSli, Physician, aurceou, Ao- m J coucheur, Office, Dr. Rollins' oh ctii,ee, Mainz Street. Residence, corner JA meg and Albert streets opposite James street Methodist parsonage. Phone Office, 35 a• Residence 291/, Lerral TIQKSON & CARLING, DAKEd8TERs, au /0/, ;ora, Notaries, Conveyancers, Commissioners dollcitorefor Molaons Bank, etc Moiteiy to Loan at lowest rates of nteres: Ofticee, kiain street, sxeter, R. Oaata: o, B.A. L H. Theeso,t. ATONEY TO 40AN. we have a large amount of private funds to loan n ti eat, rm and village properties at low eaten of later G,LAIMA : at STAN -RUBY, Barristers, Solieitors,3tain et,. Exeter Ora J. SENIOR Agent Confederation Life Assurance Com pany, also Pira insurance in lead, ing Canadian and British Companies, Unita -efts Exeter. LICENSED AUcTIONEEFt. WM, ANDERSON. Licensed Auctioneer tar Ilurart County, 'Ceara reasotcable. Dates can be made at the Advo^ate. Exeter. or henry Eliher's Office. Cred- itor). T,. #3, CARLING Lite, Eire, Accident and Plate GIase insurance, Coilecting accounts, and con- ducting auction sales, Exeter, Ont.. C. A. IIDU2k1, V. P. Graduate of Ontario, VeteriCnarY Col- lege : member Ontario Veterinary Med- teal Satiety t treats all,dlseasea of do- meatioated animals on scientific prin- ciples : rnodern Nursery a specialty, Op - Cons an Lump Jaw guaranteed sat- istactcary. Qnlla by day or night promptly attended to. Or4lee-?,fain-at„ Exeter. Dr. Ramsay's old. stand. Phone in connection. k .11tf 1 OR SALE. T:te upndersisned offers his Lind ixrnn, cOttal`Jtin,, 'af about 1371 acres, at/Join- ing the town of Clinton, ,for sale. The tarot Is to a doped state of cultivation; and has goad buildings, brickhouse, b;-acak barn, driving house, pig pen, etc. all comparatively new. At trat-Gland yourw urehard, containing all %Inds of fruits and also small fruits. The farm is well fenced and drained and is tt very desirable home For further par= ticulnrs apply on the premises or ad- dress JOHN TOItRANCE, Clinton. "LM-. lvsx1A LadiescArAwOut (OLLEGE E awn rSt. T1ioanas,Ont. FALL TERM : OPENS AUGUST 28 irk 8L1-1077 • TORONTO, ONT., stands to -day withou a ;superiot in Canada Graduates always successful. Catalogue free. FOR SALE BY TENDER. Tenders will be received up to and on July 5th, 1911,.by Thos. Cameron auctioneer, Farquhar, for the beautiful up-to-date home of the late Wm. Baw- den of Exeter, containing 12 .acres of la{hd. The Nouse is of solid brick strut- tune and is in ;good repair. It is most advaintageously situated on the high ground north of the river. The drain- age and cellerage is unexcelled. The^ house is equipped with a good furnace, bath gloom, lavatory, hard, soft, hot and cold water, and possesses other modem cio wIeniences ; good outbuildings and large orchard of choice winter fruit. This is No doubt one of the finest homes in the County, andd y s tlnorte is only; a shlovt time 'to wind up the estate will positively be sold to party sending in highest ,teln,der (provided they can corn ply with the termer and clonditionsi) Bia.sy termsof payment. 'For forms of treader and terms and particulars apply to Thos. Cameron, Farquhar S. G. „S3awde,n, Exeter, or to Dickson, & Carling, Solicitors for Estate, Exeter-, Horses Wanted I -laving taken over t1e business sof Mr. T. E. Handford, hy,rsebuyer, I am ; pre- pared to purchase: -all kinds. of Horses that are sound and in good condition, from four to ten., years of age. I will keep constantly on hand a num- ber of young heavy and light horses for local trade Paitics havi horses for sale ' will resh r Luti O. I i e undersigned. e g nd. Phone. 41, V" . M D YLE Exeter. 'Leter. IIEAL ESTATE CHANCES The Collowtnlg properties have been pl aced in our hands for exchange. Women Read This BIDDULPH. PARISIAN SAGE PUTS LUsTEIi INTO Mr Jarne s ,.A• Tourer of Eiddulpii Tp. DULL, FADED HAIR` was, united jilt-liar/lag laiari'iage to • also E, moa Ryan on Wednfisday Jude 21st, at 11 ant. The ceremony was performed by Every wonnan• reader- of the Advocate Rev. Win. Lowe of Trinity Church, Lu.. who desires radiant hair that everypne can, , at the home, of tho 'bride's parents admires, should go to W, St Cbie to- lir, and stirs' F. A, Ryan, Con S, I31dr day and get a largo 50, cent bottle of dulplt. while the ,weddi march; was Parisian Sage, ' being played by I3ss Ida Ryan, sister It is not only o, delightful and re- of the ;bride the ;bridal parry took their fresiafttg hair dressing' and beautifier, but it is sold under a rigid gua'retlte to banish dandruff, stoP falling hair and itching scapi, or rzIoney back. Parisian Sage is the best: hair toinio k towel.,. it is the rohly one that will' cure d' ".:druff, cleanse the scalp and make }fair grow long and betutifhni, i 12e' following, to the report ,of S. S. No, 8 flay, for June, based on class work and order. V, O Trueranner; Sr. IV., T. Kuntz, 1 .f3Iar; ",Jr. IS , Qttis' Truem her, I. ?ijessner; Sr. III., L,Shu tnaeher, C• Karat; Fl, Sbumaeher, 1. Messiaer, O. S'irieganT,d,r, I,, $raderick; Jr, III„ E. Klie:^nfeldt, ,4 Miller•, C. Becker`s C. Hartman, E. Wigand, •N, Kiienteldt Sr, I I„ Id, Iesstr,er,'H`, Becker ; Sr, Pt, II , A. Hartman, T:.(1}Ie,saner,. E. Hiller, W. Zller, 11, T* trenrirler, V. Recker: Jr: Pt, IL., E. ,lessnor, Bide Moaner, Ela more; 'Kltenfeldt, K. Hartman; Jr, Ptd.1 l4 Brokenshfre, M. Becker, E. Broder Graybiet, teacher. Notice to Creditors. OF ANNIE GIDLEs, DECEASED 1'znrsteant to Sec,, 8 of Chapter 1,:9. Of the Iievlsed Statutos of Q111440,1937; notice Is ilere'by Vixen that, all credit, ors and others having' clafrn,s. rl ,ainatr Tae estate of Annie Gfdley, late or the. tiriliage Of Exeter, it the Caul t ar Tio. roe, married woman, deceased. wIro flied on or about tt' 12th day at June, 1911. aro on or;before, the ,Firat day of Aug- ust, A. D. -1,911,,ato .send by post Pre- paid toN blessru. Dickson & Garlln;, of the Village of Exeter, tin the County o Huron, Solicitors, tar Norman T. McKee" Executor of the lasi?•,w1ll and testament of the said deceased, their christlan nava and surnames, addresses and des - tions, the ,tuft particulars of their' oianus. a statement or their accounts and the nature of ,;the, securities. If any; teld lay. them. and ,Tibet atter the da'y last aforesaid the said Norman 'T, Vc- } ee ,will proceed to distribute *the aa$- etm of the said deceased among the parieos entitled thereto, having regard only to such claims of whactt notice.) shall have been given as above requir- ed, ettuir ed, and: the said l ezw>,n T, Me1+ee velli not to liable for Cholsald assets or any part thereof, to any person. or persons of whose claim or claims lk'otiee shall. not have been .received by hien, the ea;c 'Ilan T. ;l•lelCee, act the time of such cllstribut(on. Dated at Excitor thin 11th day of July A. D. 1911. NORMAN T.:ticKEE 33y hits Solicitors. DICKSON & CARLING NOTICE TO, DEBTORS Not -ye ?,.s also hereby given that all debts owing to the estate •ot the said Annie Gidley, deceased, must ba•Maid to Messrs. Dickson & Carting, Solicitors for Norman T. McKee, the executor of. the ;said estate on or before the First day of August, .1.. D. 1011. NORMAN, T. MCKEE, By his Solicitors, DICKSON & CARLING Auction ,Sale OP HOUSEHOLD GOODS, CHATTELS The Executor of the Estate !at the lata .ananle Gidley has instructed Thos, B. Carling, Auctioneer, to sell by Pub- lic Auction on Saturday, the 22nd day of July, A. D. 10,11, at two o'eltock, p.m. at her late residence Ian 'the Vii- Iage of Exeter, the household goods & chattels of the said, deceased. At th;e same time and place will be offered for sale those twro' valuable residential 1properties in the Village of Exeter and which may be better des ortbed in parcels; as follows,—Parcel No. I, being composed of 'Ilot No. ,42, on the .North. Side of Victoria Street and the East Side of William street, in the said Village of Exeter, Carling's Sur- vey of Part of Lloitr Njr. 23, in the „1st concession' of the Township of .Stephen. On thin land is a good •,brick house;, frame ,stable and good well, and this property is centrally located, and is convenient to churches, schopl !and sta tion. Parcel Noy, IT. being compfosed of Lots Nos 59, and 60 on_ the Siouth side of Albert' Street and the west side of William Street inc the •said Village of Exeter. Oen this land is am up-to-date; frame cottage In first 'class repair;both soft and hard water injside the house;, good cement cellar and splendid; drains age. • , Tereus of Sale -Chattels, cash ,'• Land, 10 per cent cash on day. of Sale, am balance 'wi'thin 30 days`; other condit- ions of sale of land will be made kryowri on day of : sale. For 'furthur particulars apply to THOS. B. CARLING, -Aust. N. D. EatRDON, Esq., Exeter, Ont' NORMAN T. MCKEE, .50 Chathaxn1-st Windsor, Ont: DICKSON '&, :;CAIN 1NG, Solicitors, for Executor. ations and ,wore, a gown .of rens gore •shantiti silk mull, 'with trinan.- togs of valenciearnes face and satin rill - bon, ter only ornament bean; a peari i crescent, 1^te gift of the grootn. After, the c,erenro_ty vias performed and coli gratutations *rte 8u0st nUnber•jng about seventy repaired to the dining ro0n2', where luneheon ,wast served. The bappy`1 couple Sollowed by several 'of their frm-t ctzda motored do Luca statiyott: 'Where, they took the train ,Fot Hamilton, !Ea.:' places on the IOW ,;beneath a beautiful agara ani points. r,iv . - d other o'z,ts.. Presents nam, arch of orange blossoms. The bride, exous, useful and beautiful were f ' given away by 11 Either,, wars unattend- Uy lovi;tg nlei,gbbors and friends ot, ed and carried a bouquet *of white car- the bride., and groom. Dns.KENNEDY-KENNEBY CURE DISEASES OF MEN PATIENTS TREATED THROUGHOUT CANADA FOR 20 YEARS Drs. K- & IG are ravo_ ^abh• known rbrough, out Caaada „here they ii4{,se done bangl, gess for over PO years: 'd'flousands, of pat tints have been treated and cured by their great s!aland through the virtue of their newMth. e yort kulig you aro file°u treat Pall aibfe b b aeii respQ y p yseemla baa they otsn ar d eectcpy tirelronn o11 r buit4b in Dt trait, valued` at Ste0.04 Stiheathey decide your case is curable. alt your worry r,e removed for yea know they Hilt not deceive you, They ey7 guarantee to stare all cureb1e ca ¢s. Two matter how many; doctors have felted to ualseZt yowl; no matter hear raaucb a;:e: you have spent is vain; no Platter bow dig. r4uraKool yon May' te, dorn't. $ivy Rp is des. Fatruntil you get a free aaainion tteipp theta ' it ter the clutchesofian a cretbabtGr h l 3 ire - fiauuirtI p ria tsegor fsa R cods rig. uC; irate disease tend you been a not marry; If you ere married and Iir's ire dread et8y-pap, 9arntbreakiag a theft expcalrag your past; it youarssufttriogas the r'eso}t or a Pals• i aeat PM 4re y y; lour c s before then') eentidesttiall and they rCiil tell you l Qziestly if You Are curable. YOU CAN PAY WHEN CURED I CONSULTATION FREE Ws 'Creat and C ns Books Free on Di,easea of MCA. Unit abiet VARICOSE VEINS. NERVOUS DEHIi TI Y, to eall, write foe a Question BIinl :far BLOODY URINARY COMPLAINTS HOME TREATMENT KIDNEY +and MADDER I)gress. and ail Muses Pseufiar to Man.. DpsKENNEDY&KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold swold St., Detroit, Mich. NOTICEAU letters trout Canada,xpustbeaddressed siossmossimmi to our Canadian Correspondence .Depart- rtient in Windsor, Ont, If you desire to see us personally. call at our 'Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat no patient& in our 'Windsor oiftaes which are for Correspondence and Laboratory far Canadian bacillus only.. Address all letters as follows ; DEE. KENNEDY 4 KENNEDY, Windsor, Out. 1Yx•Ita for -our ptivata address. Order Som When you are jaded—your appe- tite poor 3rgaur whole. syste_r, weary --just try a glass of Labatt's t Stou 'leases the palate, refreshes the body, agrees with the weakest stoznach..1 truly wholesome bestir- age that ,really nourishes. For a Milder drink try Labatt's oridort Lase Equal. to the Enest German brews, gas the true smack of Choice hops. Very Light. palatable,, satisfying: Look for the lavender Telesis (LAGER STYLE) temperance blew-- -M tea and 1laoks 1i.ftO Choice lager, but has less than sVaro of proof apiir t. Q,1teni c0 thirst, refreshes; gives appetite. Order sante tatlay. (ALE STYLE) The news t rton-intoxicant, mzUd and dclie gtta, with the real. flavor' and ittailt of good ale, Oofttplteti with local optiou requirements and may boa opetpiy Sola anywhere, ander any Labatt product from lar deafen or direct frost _ _ 1 111111.11 l Il 1111 { 111 1111111111111_ II 1111 : I.111{IaIIS 111,. X111111_11111111,tlIIT ?~II o I. IC' "" " ` 4 , C ' .._: S ,. .... A',wr... t r. )s "' ' ,t` * . - ! ; 1 i ,+ use l ny rtor „< i 1e II G on't theykeepotti they contain"too ri c of particles, too aixuc t --•ail portons of the wlea4311 pieces of the oily ge 1. ac o one gi .- t s I . W1A jt i ii t i ""' , NI, n ._ ,vii' ' .. :. f / w- '"' t `, . , ( ' rl.14: ro i, ,. = ..y \II: C4zzs9 . .. ---- ,.. I w ,." \) s. i r`1 ,, loo, 1 '1 111 I iManitoba ; IiP llllil' Mill { Gjgl j.1 lilt 11 1 :1m,.stw,.,,-°.,,.. ;; III 1h I yyry I keep cep it u find , r, of s. .......- 1 t1`s arV lrk" IiY ate 13 t^ 5 is the par a extract spring wheat berries. r particles and such sound, and sweet longer .,...w«uw..., is t oily place, sand when"weeded it even healthier, sounder, airier than the flag You bought FIVE ROSES. than of C. it. is ;'I ; I 1 ill NI IIIIIIIiiJlj li l((IBI - — ' r Tiit O1J ills, 1i6I i 10111111 i4 IIII /111111111011111/1111111101111111111 1 I111tuh1Hll1 ® 1!1111111, iIiIIIINN( (lilt I j f II flllllliillll(.NI) , '1IHIP"I I I ( i { All unl 1 fz u 11 ( I I ( I I[ IIIIiIlilN1! lill 1 IIII II(!(IIINIIiI( 'IIS,,i„„ ,' I 111111111/11911M, /11111011111111}111111111ilI HIIiN[i poem NII ►X31(Illillillll.Illillllll1111illill!( IIIINilllllIIilNllllfll 1 ! ` ,i. k erat Sleaettlettv _ Yt a tIt I! t. t ;' 1'inVtrt a &&nded i iII11III IIN1 1111IIiIIIIIIIIIINIIIIIIIIi18111N1111111111111111NI IIIN111111►il,llu>,11111 111111 1111111011110 it IIiMIP CAIt E 04 TME 4140003 M,ltINO COMPANY AINYIINIiI 4 se (AI11 t0 MON TeEAI _11111111111011111111111111 l • Elt _..,,-- _ —_ — do1 't thed 1 FOR S,1LE.—A good Cranio house in EL'eter goodrepair. FOR SALE—A choice residentta1 build- • in; ':P repertyin Erxetler, For, SALE,—One of the best residences in ;Exeter, ,surrounded` by considerable E— L Ar good sized . ai d -f a t ole a r. dwelli suitable to acco- inodat'l vydr. families • in good repair'; witlb p ex old cheap. r< It S A.LEy-<i .shall fx•aii7e (touae in Stet. air a.very low figure. ,part culars apply G. The Advocate,' roceries We are now well establish- ed tablished in business and we believe on the best of authority (nam. •ely that of a daily increasing business) that' we are ineetino- a , T, ono,felt want ,and givinor thebest of sa,tisfaett Remeiliber our,:'.- "Fresh s all thetime,” ., kinds, 'm E' i ii oduee ... p ... taken n' exchange. OULD: Manure titters Beatty Bros.' Feed and Litter Carriers Overhead conveyors:; 'Beatty Bros.' Steel . Stalls az Stanchions can be installed as cheap as lumber and last fore'er. Beatty Bros.' Load Bind or 'These three things are grsat,. labor -saver's': for farmers and' d rie-. ceesities.on a farm. For X Gillespie sa e b y „` PRONE .51 s14 LINEMAN KILLED. St. Marys, July 5 --Andrew Lee, an o em i p yeof .the W. L. and H. conuitisy- s'on while a l up pole on Tracy street dust `before the electrical 'stortn started, before 4 o'clock i.n the•'afterntoon, grab- bed a live wire wh,'eh. -sizzed around his head:and he fell Ko+the ground dead. Deceased leaves a 'widow and a small Or family. ST. 117ARYS.—Mrs: Peter' Forsyth, a widow or 84 yrs 'of age, resid ng alone, in a cottage wake fonind dead en July , 5th, about 3 o'clock. A doctor was. sent for, and she pronounced heart failure as the cause of death. ST. MARYS.—The hired man, who was struck by lightning- and killed on the farm of Adam Smith, up' the river, ` was Chas. Holmyard, 18 years of age, a Barnardo boy. da h oY Ike had just incur eyed hits' life with ' Scott Whaley, a London life insurance agont,` 10 days ago for 81000, Which will go to the Barnardo Home, Toronto. 0 w If you .want to sell or to rent;yours ,5 house or; Earth advertise it in The Advo rate col FREE TO YOU -MY SISTER FREE TO YOU AND EVERY NC FROM WOMEN'SAILMENTS SUFFER. .1 am a woman. I know woman's sufferings. I have found the cure. I will mail, free of any charge. my, bene treat. •' went: with dull instructions to any sufferer from women's ailments.. I want to tell all womenaboub this cure—you, myeader, for yourself, your ddughter, your mother, or your sister. I want to te11 you how to euro yourself at home without the help of a doctor. Men C000 0* und,ersthndom, en'ssuiferings. What we women know from es- perience, we know better than ntig doctor. '1 know that my home treatment is a sal,3 arid sure cure for Lencorncceaor'W hltisrtdischarge; n,icerittion, Dis- placemnentorFallin oftheWornb,Profuse, Scanty or Patniul Periods, Uterine or 0„arlanTumors or Clrowths, also pains in the head, backarid,bowels, bearingdow nfeelings. nervousness, creep'ingfeel- Ing up the spine, melancholy,'dcsire to cry, itot' fiashes,•wearaness, kidney and bladder troubles where caused by weakness peculiar to our sex'. I want yon a comp le.r ro _a days treatment entirely free to rave to you that you yourself at home. eastfy, utokl sand surel . -rR. pp y can cure ,y, y emomber'lltii;tit,.viateo` , the treattnentacom letcps cost you'o lmg to give19 complete trial - nand if.you should ' . , . _ . sh l norto ce interfere w t h rooms ok or oly abouon. cents a week, orlessthan Uwolcentsa day. Ic will:not with your i• of Just send rue your name andadd res•s,telirruohow :you eutl'er,ifyon,wLh con 1; or occupation. treatment for .our case otddgouree, y entirelJ,f N in plain wraapper,by.;rettu'm ni ii : tt i ` ,. „•, 1 1 ltthris , end ofcos't,mybiio6—'1dVO1Y1AN'SZJ`v MEDICAL Aro •' „ , • onft•ee? nl ern Og AI. ava blt v I , .,' >, - v theL op lt. ,,Ld I 1 3 t 02155 32 how t wh women S ,Y nsutler;andhorrtheyctLLicFtsaly ciiret.hems@1:resaEhrtiinr,. ]r;ierx t -- have iaOe'ano o ra- b and ,. forr when , .,. ._,,.. ., ... ... think herself 1,,. r ._,, .nwlten ., tion,,, -ou a,n`de 1 r, ,en mantis; ith1Myhous , y o cideforyourselE. i ]iotiSlYnrls of won cn hit Co, ., :, ' - r nt< 1t bs ,t itli ni -:ho 0 remedy. Secures ell, old or yoong, To Mothers of l)ae, , 1 ,,, t fait) a .- znple homo tre a,tmenb which sp`eediiyanti`efi'oetalailycares iEut.r,t,,t.caa a.;+.,.;, r= i,,: : • Irregular Menstruationt .0 ss, t, t i I it 8 us - ' Young .in Yo nc, L,trticst: Phial au l.l.cac, u .iii w;, t s t•cul G rroraz use. Wherever you ltve,•'a can refer you to la,ttue-of y our•otvu,iata a!t fir. ar•„, know;rutd will la tell any enfforer.tha B en . g tthtsHajmuTr€armen2reallycuresallwont,h's.d4:;,aso.yih i"r:•-. well, strong;a r reatme pillmp and robust.,' Just Told one your nd Hreatn}anti thefi free' tcnd.a s'trea yours, also Ilio book. r _ m tme .. ,; Willatoday,: syuu ay ol;scuthtsof%z`t;;a,it ,,rjdi;s.:, MRS M. SLONIMERS, iCiaae 8441 Ii; tr}7jr': t3 R, iN,