Exeter Advocate, 1911-7-13, Page 4etrAtillaga
Sanders & Creeola. Props.
"THURSDAY, JULY- 1 3,'11
Latest newspa.pe reports on, the hum-
becasualties in the TJtkited States
de to theye:lel:kr...4'0km, et the 4th of
July, ow that, SS,flives Were sacrificed
ami 1,217 were injured, as compared
with 44 killed, and 2,48'5- injured. last
year. and 62 killed and ;1,3.46 ittittred
11)09. Fireworks claimed, 18 victims.
firearms 12, gUtwoi'wder five dd ,teY
. pistols three. And all this after all tho
talk. about a salter 790t.
Witi,la Work, and hard work at at
"ke, teeessary to Make :farming pay, a
Ligitei. order oZ anielltgeilea is recealc-
ied to make the greatest auceess tha-
s the case fifty years .ago. Coodit
oas- have changed and Ve ehnnging
Tiz virgio soil no /ono-er gives fm1
abundanee by a mere 'tickling of tt
On .Frivia.Y. ,gight the junfor baseball
team from Greet:ton Played with the jun..-
'tor team cativis place, the result being -
7 -6 '.;11 favor of the vi,sitors, On Tue-.
day 'night the Exeter team played our
boys:I-he score being 131.L11 'in fever
of Exeter. The boys proved ti) be a
jolly lot. and 'will be welcomed back
any time, One thing is; aleeded and that
good diatliOnd d, wh.lch to
as no t caM cat do juStiCe to tJ,le game
On a 1.'ou,ea f!efd. We hOpe skaln.c one
will take the me„tter ,up, as; we sre sure
it could he brought to a, successful is-
sue.--341,ss Nettie Broker:shire is spend -
Ing ter vur,titun at her. aunt's, Crediton
Bast.-Tite farnaers are busy rutting
- 'r wheat and tirdshing the bay crop,
-L E 1iDroltenshire, was at Oredi:on
Sunday, --Mr. HeilrY Guenther has ad-
ded an Auto car to de Ilvery, wl‘lch
a va good sattsfaction.-Mr. 3. K.
• :z 13 having a foundation lute ueder.
• bara. .Messrs, Bettsohen & lienhef-
fer have the contract and will make good
C --)fr, and Mrs. kluanble Ie tt MolidaY for
surface and a sowiag of ,the seed, T
-manage a farm successfully to -day r
aires an intintate kapwiedge of soils
ngredients :leaded in supplyia
food, and bow to treat them a
e plant will ge,, Rthe maxintur
"is-hate/it treat theni. The tian
knows tlifs is no "clod -hopper,'
possess an intimate knowledge ro
plants grow, how live 'stock are
-beat fed and eared for, atid ..13ow- the
idrenzarei Calt r-ResEbt adtO give ao
Atinaelartee flavored fruit, places
a Man 014 a Plak'rtz.5 above the avemg
required. tor ot,her ealltwa.
ostracism that ottee thr
grietlItnre is fast Pa s
le there are still People
towns' who look upon ti-;
being' beneath theto
us, aa'cl his calling as on
person who alined for dis-
m, many meo wealth and sort4
PoSition Are turoilttg to the and.
InOticeable Inovernent 111 this direction
goi:tg on in'Canada. During the at
w months, several men lot wealth and
hitt soctal positioa in TorOnto have
purchased tarsus i3 the neighborhood
saaally engage in farrniag, fa.et
tht they are acquiring trairqnq
.;tti.tvg them up te he farmed in a busi-
'4:els-like and up4o-date fashion, allows
that it is aot rtio,re past time, It
becontirog fashionable to Own ana
perate a fano, strud Whether these
:kind of fartners, matte MO3CY -.Xi their
veoture or not, they 'will get the far-
ewpolat and bccenne more
-3 choroptions ot his interests and
advooaies of more attention;Wag,' pad
agrie eiture by the ;governments ot
the day. Otte thing that lias helPed tet
make t'lle farmer 711t1Oreat BritaiD the
'beat farmer tlie 'world, over, ha, been
tile interest taken In agr;ctetural by the
nob:Iity id gvntry of the United King-
0 their home at Sartda.--Several from this
0- community attended the, ttitteral of the
Jate P,ger Disjardino ott 'Friday !as
- into:meat beitig made at Grand P...C131.-
• Street Commissioner Schaefer has corn,-
• pleted V.e laying of the cement 'walks
tor this year aro% so fat' has made a
oi job. Or opurse everyotte would
ite to have a walk, but they can't all
'It in one yeir.--Dr.,Mcloaugitlin
as his garage complete and in usage,
only drawtrack being, its location.-
Thcoo loitonop has been busy the
past. Al!.W.
da) s setting his machines in
der 'so a a to be TOO' Viten the rail
es for 't.ilreshing„
P-ot Par/Other SOutCe.
picking is: the,,order of the day,
ti Mrs. Ted. Ilarriess and deogh-
e:' 04 a?zeter SUriday with the
parents, Mr, arid MN. Fred
Genttner.--Mr. O. Malineky, a stodeat et
Oonvordia. Seminary, St. Louie, O.
Pei tor a 4ew days With his Melia`
tr.Emil Schroeder, and also lareaolltd
easing' sermon in the 1-,uthera4
ch Sunday cvenitiO',--Mr. Samuel
After f;pendLa$• the vacation'
/5 parents, returned to Stratford
),fonday, be accompanied by ?hie n:Qtli
who 'will v•iei her son. William at
tltat place, and her tia,ugliter at Drumbo.
Fred Noll and setts left for their
home in liiiiverton Monday, atter ePenri-
iiur a week 1.4.-.1th Mr, and ,,MrS, Lott:st
Kl;nstiver,-,-Mr, Otto Moser of Berlin re-
ewe,d old acquaintances to, town laat
-weak. His flientis were Ali Pleasedto
ee Chas. Guenther wears :a
Ile, these daYs, a daughter v,,lev-
4 at likorr4 last Saturday.
Theehtest eltiezn Lot the west a my-
nivray Passed away' on Tu1y 3rd, tn
the person or Thos. :Nfark, in his 83rd
yea. The tleeeased was born in Eng-
land and canto to 'Canada 72 Years ago,
living in MarlOarn for il years, atter
which he and his brothotto moved to
forming 'What was common -1
ly known as tiles Mark Settlement. The,
deceased died on his old homestead,
where be had INed for 09 years, hav-
ing hewed out a Lorne from the virgin
forests. He is servived by three broth-
ers and four daughters.
rerls.t f.t, waa badly needed, this
Nett not having ally ra5 since June
,-The Trustee !Board of ttia
church held a meeting ,pla, Monday
eniu and decided to do consiclers.ble
r;vementt, to the parsonage, which
it Mad of lrepaik's,-Mir. John
Bert Workman of 1-Illisgreen, £8 hell',"
Eng Grant ilyckttrian with the harvest.
-We are pleased to "report the success
of lMiss :Margaret Horton at the Nerni-
al in London, atid Master Fa'irbairrt at
the Normal in. Stratford -Mrs. W, Hon -
ton and daughter' Maude Of liurenda,le
spent the week en d with relatives here.
-Mies Ma.ggie of London spent
the past week NISs Maude Clean,
-We are eorry to report that Mr. „Tao'
Homey tias a severe attack of appen..
dteitis.--Miss Darling et l3rinsley ,spent
a few da.ys the sliest of Miss.Maude
AIrus Ellerington of tbe
General I-rospital, TOrOtrkb, was spend-
ing her llogdaY4s vritb,1 ber br-other 3.;'"red,
here, returned by way of Mitchell, where
she will spend few day,, with her
friend. Mrs. Healely, nee Margaret Mc-
Quecw-Quite a -number from here at -
'the 12,th ef July celebration in
Coder:eh on Wednesday.
LiBLIO SOHOC)L.-Sr, IV., honors, U.
;rows, 70, Mom 75, K. Sweltzer 75,
Pass, Q. Oestretdaer, 73/tE. Ewald 73,
R. Eriglish 70, M. Nicholson 66, E.Smith
'Oro Hill 60; Mid. IV,
0, Guenther, E. I-Laist, R. K.ing,
l. 1eiller, Samblook, E. Weitz
was absent for exarns.t Jr., IV., L,Holta
mann. Addie Gatser, Maurice ''Brown, M
Hoitzinann. Wuerth, E. Sweitzer, N
Sambroelt, E. Ga.teer)
sr, 11i,„ IDirtneY, 8, Lawson, L.Otten
titer, Deaden, B. •Olarlt. M. Guenther
vuotbelner, Shenk,,V. Hoffmann
Q. ilatst said R.11fill “aual. 0- Either.
M. Lawson arid E. Fink:bet/1er equal, A,
A. lioltomanti: 'no B. Wolfe, L.
Beaver, E. Cooper, H. Rau, and Eli
-.RN/WO equal, Beoedict arid 0.Witler,)
equal, L, Lawson V. Eilber, Finkg
bailer, 11, Iraist.-S. F. Vtratson, teacher,
Sr. IL, M, King, Geiser, It.Brown
L, Sambrook, Bruwit, rite English;
ffatst, L. Either. P, L,awsort, F. Short.
Part. 11, G, Wolfe, L. Finkbeiner, W.
APPleton, A. Sweitzer, W. Snell, E.Raist
H. Burn, G. Si; IBM; Ft. I,
8. King, .F", Flithe'r, Vinitheiner,
Bened-et.-L. teacber.
Ipliitta Lillian Galser Intends' to start
tz eta -ss trat4c i'rk OW 'near :PtUre.
She f4a qualtaed 'ras a teseher. hav.,
ig spent two years fat the London Con
.tertratory and Is; the folder of five cer-
The fa,rmers on the tith, tcon. h.re keP
hu.Dy drawt-ng water for their ca•ttle. fn
many places wells and eintertis are corn-
letelY drY and Pasture ialmost burnt.
Aftss Elsie Geiser, daughter or win,
Gar, succeeded in wilk.idnU" MAY*
Beattie's niedol given! at rite recent e'•
anis. of LOndelt Collegiate. Miss Galser
was a month late la starting school
but by diligent studyi -was successful in
winning this coveted prize. Hr. Gaiser's
little daughter, Addle, atged years, sue
e;iticti trialtiog 91 per cent. out of a
oasible 100 lit her exatals, tort he prim-
ry piano held Itutthe London, Causervan
ory. Considering her Age
enta/rkable. Hr. and Mrs. Cairser cart
certainly be proud of their daughters!
Owing to the excessive heat last Sul -
ay, the servives in both clitirehes were
hortened. t
How's ThisP
We ()fret One Hundred DollarsReward tor any case
of,Catarrh that cannot bemired. VI -fall's Catarrh
F. 3. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, 0.
Wethe undersigned have known r. 3. Clieney for
the /ast HI years, and believe hixa perfectly honorable
in all business transactions and financially able to
eaXTS od any obligations ioade by his firm.
wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0
ffairs Catarrh, Cure is taken internally, acting di
rectly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the
sYstena. Testimonialssent tree, price 750. per bot-
tle. Sold by all Druggists
• eliall'eFainilv Pillsier constipation,
Mie s Mollie ;Yuma of . Chicago, 1$ ',As,
Fang her mother Mt's-Henry 'Wilma, and
other friends for a, few. vreeks.-Mr. and
Hrs. Wes. ot Detroit are via
Ding 14 this seetion.-Mrs. BernAardt
and Miss Schultz of Presto3, are vie
fang at the Lutheran Parsonatge,-Mrs.
Itedinger of Detroit, is spending a
fevr weeks with her mother, ars. H.
Wurao-frs, Jacob Smith: of Detroit,vFsflijflg is
hP,r Parents, Mr„ and Mrs. T.
art. -A fire started at tire rear of Mr.
Jehrl beckees, dwelling on the Lamont
farm, arid. but ter the timely
vaa :house awl cohtenis would have
aid called front the town' by telephone
bs,.en, burned up., --Mrs. J. K. Wino; of
Berlin, accompained by her daughter,
visiting 'with her mother Mito pboip
anch.--Miss Paul of Pligeon, 'Mich., is
visiting Mra. NvtArtn and other relatI-
'Ives le thin s'ectien,
tiss Ida Dern spent the .past two
weeks at Rockwood, the guest 'of iler
sister, Mrs, It, Peart, -Mrs. Mori -
ley and children \tinting her a,u,rtt, Mrs.
WM. Lizigard in Sarnia laSt
Bertha Stitherby of London htome for
vtsit 'with. her mether.--,4tev Blatch-
rd, our new paster, delivered an 010-
quent mellow. on Sunday much to the
delight ot the congregation Min) the
following text, "Ithey that be 'wtse shall
shipe as the firmament."-DaYing is
about ended in Old di-griCt, and the tall
wheat, wittell is a, r`ro;roil avert:4,4e crop.
Is nearlY all pot.
The Veitnell of the Township of Step-
- ed Creditoo. July 3. AU
ttben opt DeputY-Iteeve Sanders
o s:dllot,ptor r.evLouvse_rtyliearnutieerty_ wereazd
0 Reeve oversee the 'reonstruction o
ojoulltlents and floor of the bridge
the Aux Sauble River On the 5th
s:43 0:` engage kdatt. other pen,
act pn aaa
o following accounts' were paid, 3.
ateh award' on 3. )3. al.`".00
JOS. Lawson. pt. colitrael ,t Allister's
Itige, 200,00; C. Kienzle, 'gratBrig
7.25: ditto on, B. 14.25: C. Schroe-
der and others gradisor N.B. 2'4.00; W.
'White, gavel contracts 30,60; W.White
ditto 8.1).. 09,00; M. 'Mitchell, corn. S,
B. 4.00; W. 0.111eilly, con. S.B. 2.50;
it. Davey, COM. 3,50 ; 11. EaserY cern.
2,25; Jan, liodgine, gravel contracts S.
B. 51.00; M. O'Brien, coin. S.P, ti.25
W. 3. Anderson. gravel contracta 72.80
Ewald, nom. 7.00 ; Ey. Clark, grav-
el cent -meta 22,50; A.. ,Arinstrong, cool.
2.50; J. McLellan, gravel contracts,
30.00; 13. C'Unnirighatn, coin, 2.50; 3.
Geiser, cont. 2.50; J.`MoLellan, contract
8. B. 36.00; Zan, -tag, 'eon) S. B.
D. Sheppard, ditto, 3.75; J. MO-
Lellan, gravel, 12.00; J. I.,yacb, stat-
ute labor refund, $4.00; Fk. McKeever
ditto 5.00; Jos. Lawson, bal. on 2 con-
erete bridges 4,72.00 ; Victoria Hospital,
charity re- ltrilliams 60.50; Jerry Die
Jardine, filliag In bridge approaches,
14.00; Wm. Disjardine, ditto, 35.00:
Geo. Sherritt, plank, 0.00 Win•Br0wri
culvert and planlc, 3.50; Alex Necb, 2
loads stone 2.50; A. HoLaper, ditto N.
B. 2.50; F. W. Varncom.b, se. N. Clark's
drainage award, 22.90; Hamilton Stamp
Co., tags, 3.40; A. Mollard, overseeing
bridge construction, 16.50; Thos. Wein,
rep. culvert, 2.00; Dickson Sc.
ac. 1.52; Ed. 0111, rep. /bridge, 3.50;
C. Prouty, grn.luilty, 25.00. The Como.
cil adjourned to meet (again in the Town
Hall, Crediton, August 7, at 1 p.m.
Henry Eilber, Clerk.
\Nilsen is improving nicely, while 'gr. a
Trothart 'still continued ver low, with t
but ItoPes` of recovery. -Miss
Wis of Lorgion, spent the past week
%flatting her sister, Mrs. T. Nell. -The a
,131atchtord boys aro home (tor their va-
tfttion. The boys are good ball play,. d
s.nd wj 110 doubt be quite it IMP n
to nzr bOYs, hence will be warmly wel7
eolned.-Mr. Aldsword of 'Waterloo spent
it cuuple days rhe guest of Miss .Alla
litilson.-About 200 telak itt the excurs-
ion th Goderieh on, the Glorious 12111.-
51r. P,Biawden of Er,eter Is putting
up the br:ric work on the house of T.
ofiteliell this week. -Mr. ByrOU IT1L'ItS
'and ilia sister entertained it load of
thoir relatives and friends to a pienic
at Grand Bend on Saturdv last. They
report a good time, but dome of them
vaine i'ionte pretty well used up. 20'
hours out of bed was,loo much foo some
of theni,-011, but ,you. should have seen
the game of baseball on Friday eve,ting
last between the marrired and single
rneo-the losing aide to pay for the ice
e -eam. 'Well, the married men took
their change along with them, for they
exPected to liav'o to out up the coin, but
the game was full of brillia.at plays arid
thle stick work was of a high order.
H odgins in the boz did some clever
work, and with Witobell, Davis ar.d
Boyle on the sand bags reached for
everything that came their way. The
Captain, T. 'Willis, playing short with
Elliott, Andrews, Bloomfield and Mills
handled the out -field and picked up all
the long- ehote. W. Parsons umpired
artd gave 'some good decisions in favor
of . Tine score, Oh, I guess
we hadn't better, tell on them, because(
they want to play ag-ain.
Taos. Lane and Hugh Ryan jef last
weak for GraveliOurst Hospital. Their
many friends hope they wili returai wit',
their health much benefitted. Miss Ma.ry
Hall returned home front Londaii.-Mr.
and Mrs. puarry attended the' funeral
of the letter's brother, Arch Bishop
O'Connor of Taranto, on Tuesday last,
-.John, Coughlin of Langdon, N. D.,
called on friends here last week. -Lewis
Rowland has engaged Andrew Querrin
for the harvest. Mr. Rowland makes no
mistake as ,Andrew is it good man. -
Mrs. John Barry attended 'the Biddulph
Picnic last week. -Rev. Fr. O'Neil of
Columbus, Cato, is visiting Fr. Forster
this week. Fr. O'Neil is a native of
this parish, having moved rvoith his Par-
ents to the States about 25 years ago,
when Father O'Neil was about six
years. old. It (rave the paople of Mt.
Carmel, tind also Father O'Neil trnuch
pleasure to be present here Ott Sunday. -
Kiss Clara Glavin of Chatham is home
visiting her parent. -Frank Guainan re-
turned home on Saturday evening. -John
Ealgallen of Ottawa is visitirtg his sis-
ter Mns. Jos. Glavin. -The rain Mon-
day afternoon was much appreciated. -
Mrs. Thos Ryan and sister Miss Fitz,.
Gerald of Chicago is visiting at the home.
of Taos. 'Ryan.
Hz'. and Mrvi W. ,B. PaRis and ' two
little daughter's of Catania', Cal., who
have been spending a couple of weeks
visiting • relatives and friends in, thiS
vicinity, left Monday morning for Ham-
ilton and Niagara Falls. -Misses Lydia
-and Hazel Sherritt visaked their ,sister,
Mrs. A. Webb of Ithe A 13 Line over Sun-
day. -Miss V. M. Hodgins,,a teacher of
New Liskeard, arrived on Wednesday
-01 last week to,spend „the holidays with
her parents, Mr. a.nd Mrs. 3. B. Hodgins:
,Mrs.1'. Baker, is in poor health owing'
"to the intense hat -Tie ,12th of July
its to be celebrated in Goderich this year
'Guerither's big car will carry a load
'up. -Mr. W. 'Wade and Mr. and Mrs. Gus
Latta and family, Mr.,and Mrs J Luta-
,cr and Mr. H. 'Sta.alkas were visitors nd
J. Ragin's Sunday.- Miss Mabel
Greer: a horne.-We had n, light shower
to-da.y, the first in about 'Live weeks.
-The sermon tot the Oraoga Order in
Corbett Sunday was well attended., --Mr
P. Baker is the first in this section: to
cut 'wtneat, he having cut a field July 8.
0rIfffants and Children,
Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
,•$lignature of
• Former Ontario Residents Tell
Their Injurious Effect in the
United States
_Mr. John M., Downie, a resident in
Ontario a ' fe4v years ago, blit now
broker :in San Francisco, ,wrote to -the
St. ThomasTimes ieeently, showing tile
injurious effect upon. the United States
of the large industrial trusts. Mr
Downie said:
" I could cite it half dozen instances
of' the ruinous workings of the trusts
right here in San Francisco. If it was
net for tile United States Steel Trust
and other hi -4 trust.s, this town would be
25 per centhei,ter off than it is. The
Unlion Iron Works, a few years ago, run -
58 an intlerpendent concern'gave em-
ployment to 10;000 men in San Francisco.
The United States ,Steel Company looked
on it, sa,W that it was good, and proceed-
ed: to gobble it up. . . To -day
about 500 men are employed just doing
repair werlt. That is what the trusts do
to a country.' Instead of ha,ving
thousand independent factories scattered
all over the country helping to build up
and malto proSperous hundreds of differ-
rnt communities, they concentrate in one
Or, two places, and make one plant do
wi,ototherwise would give employment to
Ivan. Jones, oi Parkhill, when out 'la
the woods shoiol,ing with a 3.2 -sell nOck
.'tevo.tver on Saturday, tincNi,sciousfy
pulied Vh,E: trigger, ansi disehargecittie
was. peri,„ wv'w'ilngt he sma. ,tIs
Monday's rain was a welcome one
indeed but it was not enough to do
much good. Grain has ripened very
quickly the past week. Our farmers
are busy cutting the wheat just oritV,
The Sunday School picnic of the
Evangelical Church was held at the
Bend yesterday A large number
were in attendance, and all report
having had it goad time. More par-
ticulars will be given in the next
Charles Ewald who has been visit.
ing his parents for it few days re-
turned to his place of business in Ak-
ron, Ohio, last Saturday.
John Svveitzer was in Muncey a: few
days last week engaging a number
of Indians to help pull this season's
Roy Schlueter of Pigeon, Mich., is
visiting his uncle Mr. Sam Brown.
Berry -pickers are seen every morn-
ing bright and early going to the
bush to pick berries,. There appears
to be a good crop this year.
The local lodge of tbe L. O. L. took
in the Orange Walk in Goderich
yesterday. Quite a number of our
people accompanied theni.
It is reported that there will be it
base -ball game here on Friday even-
ing with Zurich but as yet no definite
arrangement have been made. Bills
will be out in atriple time. The new
recruits of the Star team are making
good. "
Mr. and Mrs. James Hodgins are
camping at the Bend this week, •
Mrs. Glomicza and children of Phil-
adelpha returned to their home in
Philadelphia. on Monday after a
week's visit with Mr. and Mrs. A.
Ewald. -„
We notice in the Toronto papers
that Elmore Truemner of Dashwood
a former pripil of our High School
Dept. was successful in passing his
examinations in the Normal School in
Congratulations Elmore,
Mrs. John McIsaac and children of
Detroit are visiting at Dennis Collins'
-Master Willie Johnson of Park-
hill spent a few days last week with
Chas Holt. -B. Cunningham attended
the London races, a few days last week
-Mr. Ed. Fahner of Crediton :spent
Sunday with his sister, Mrs. Wm.
Ratz-Miss Susa Querin of Mt.Carmel
spent Sunday at her home here. -
Miss Annie Hanover of Exeter spent
a few days last week at her home. -
Mr. Frank Guinan is spending the
holidays at her home here. -Miss L.'
Lippert of Dashwood spent a few
days last week with her brother
D tvid.-Miss Maggie Hanover spent
Sunday at her honae,-Mr. Levi. Mc-
Cann of Detroit spent a few days
last week under the parental roof. -
Mr. John and Theodore Collins and
sister Eileen are visting at Dennis
Collins. -Mrs, William Whittickl of
Teeswater called on Mrs. B. Omitting-
hatn on Tuesday -Mrs. Frank Dill-
on of Mt. Pleasant, Mich., and Mrs.
Dougal Mcfsaac Of Shipka spent Sun-
day, with Mrs. Angus McDonald,
Go to 'The "Adyocate 011 Inc for Marri- suBSCRIBEI lo
go Licerisu iget all the news.
the Ad.vocate and
Nature Stops
Do you feel that you simply .;es.nCt go
any farther -that you must have rest
for that lame and act -drag' back -- relief
from that constant dead -tired feeling -
freedom from those stabbing, darting
It is nature's
warning that the
kidneys are giv-
ing out and you
;need the help of
Booth's Kidney
Pills, the guaran-
teed kidney rem-
edy. In, every
machine there is
one part that
works the hard-
est and gives out
first. The kidneys work night and day,
and naturally a life of unusual activity
clouble,s the duties, OT the kidneys and in
time the strain tells. The kidneys give
out and nature cries "stp;',' Booth's
Kidney Pills are sold by all dealers;
50c., postpaid f.nom The B. T. Booth Co.
Ltd., Fort Erie, Ont. There is np pill
just xis good. Send fotr a Free box. The
test will prove the, truth ;of ,ou,r state-
Several Brands. lanitob
a specialty.
A good stock alway-s on hand.
Durham NatiOnal PartIand
Cement is the best.
Seldou, Exeter
,...,-....,-., GENERAL MANAGER
CAPITAL, - $10,000,0070 REST, - $8,000,000
Evry branoz of Thc:::::::DanE:aniii Akcioe=1011:124:ngruilinerce is equipped to issue draft's oz
, ,
tile principal cities in the following countries withoutNdewelazYeat:and ssibet,i:441.
Arabla GreeSe
Norway uti"
PfcbilirtIpplarieislands S8ratSettlements
Argentioe RepublicIDC:ein:meosAark
B!,,urlissgzttrradiajria.iall u o g a ry IPE.:agynopceet I si a a a s il rnefatd
Belgium Finland Italy
:was Portugal Sviggri.asd
Java man:mania 'rtak*y.
Ceyfori Fechcocilin Ciala AIajta
Germany Rossia 13 'tedoStates
Great BritM
alo exico sla
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TlleCChlallootit of these drafts is stated in the mottey of the conutrywhelY'Cetbt'el-qxdalesre cptca:y- .
able; that is tixey are drawn in sterling, francs, mails, lire, kronen, florins, yen,
taels, roubles, etc., as the vase may be, This ensures that the payee abroad will
A 9'13
receive the actual amount intended,
Exeter Branch -W. E, Collins, Is1aytger, 33raneh also at Creditor).*
The IVIolsons Bank
IncorpOrated 1855
Capital (paidup) $4,000,000
Rest Fund - 400,000
Total Assets Over $11,000,000
flz7S Bpztpebes in Canada, and Agents and Correspondents in all the
Prineipal Cities in tlze World.
at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate.
Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government.
proxtiox & CARLING, Solicitors. N. A EITR33011 Xaflago
11 pmt. JULY 11 and 25. M.10. 811),
Via, Chicage, Si, Paul atatt Mlnneapolis
Wire lo wrates
„TULT 12 to 22
o.netawan 'River, French, River, Etc.
Low Round Trip Tourist Rates.
Convenient Train Service,
Literature and full Information tun
any Grand Trunk Agent, or address A
E. DUFF, District Passenger Agent, it
Toraato, Ont.
Having purchased the BUS
and DRAY business of MR. WM.
ARNOLD, I desire to announce
to the Public of Exeter that I am
prepared to give you the best of i
satisfaction n work connected
with the business. For the pres-
ent orders left by phone or other-
ICE, PHONE 25, will receive
prompt attention.
T. G. Creech
For Sale
Lots, First class 'lots in the Great
Northern addition within the city
limits of Calgary.
This is what the C. P. R.
"You can recommend this
property to your clients as a good in-
vestment both safe and profita,b14.-
These lots are selling now at 175.00
each. One-third down and balance
in six, twelve and eighteen months,
6 per cent in terest.".
If you want to make some money
don't delay in looking me up as this
is a chance of a lifetime. Don't for-
get that we have farm lands to sell
as well, of the very hest and splendid
ly situated.
T. B. Carling
Tice isecte of A. L. 1, olkin.s, 820
Royal Ave; Calgary, -map tlie scene of
a very pretty wedding on; -Wednesday
last, 'week When leire s!jjs ter, Etta, be -7
came the 'bride of 'Eldon Roy James4ciii
1:or/Tic-L-1Y of Kirktotti..
• Burglary-Sonle time Wriday. night
last some persdri on pensions, 'eliter6c1.
the ',home of Hr. Vainest Dick and carr-
ied, off over ..naiaty'dorlans lq-; bills. The
f.amily, were ,o.t the b,ank ,of, the ,liouse
,rbile the ,front doors 'aridiridaWs".,were
open. The hioney was( -ri,ot „missed tun;.•
til Mrs. I)Ick rajihlf tO' get Serne Money
to 'pay Stran,g'e to i,Say
a: gold watch and a number of
coni ovriied by Mrs. Dick were ' not
taken by the burg a .
Chance for Piano
A new upright Grand Piano Beg -
War price$32.5 Sale Price
one instrument wilt be sold
d that to the first buyer.
all early and let us de-
strate its merits to you.
This instrument is on ex-
hibiton at our store the bal.
anee of this week.
A number of good org-ans
for sale $12 to $25 no Ilighee‘)
Payable 50e. a week,
i-144.1.44+++++,144.4-144-1-14. 144,
Our graduates are La demand. Busi,
ness men state that they are the best. °
Students from the class room Were
placed recently atl $45, $50, $60, and
$70 per month. A graduate with some
experience was placed recently at
$1800. per annum. MI graduates secure
positions. The demand in past year was
six times the ntunber graduating. We
have three departraetnts,- Commercials
Shorthand -and Telegraphy. Get our
free catalogue .
D A. McLACIILAN. Principal.
Students may enter any day.
Open entire year. Now is .a
good time to enter. Largest
trainers in Canada. Graduates
get best positions. Thousands
studying at home. Exclusive
right of the "Famous Bliss
Book -Keeping System" for Ont-
ario. "Actual , Business from
Start to Finish."
Write for particulars.
affiliated with Clinton Business
under ,andby virtue of Section 2,
Chao. 187, It. S. 0., 'there Will be of-,
fered for sale by public autiona 'at the
Commercial Hotel ill the„Nillage of' Ex-.
eter t,heCourity of 'Turco on Saturday -
the 15Lti day of July, A. D. 1011, at 3'
, ,
o'clock in the afternoon, by Thos. B,-Carrt.
!Mc:, Auctioneer, in ,order to ,satisfy • 'an
unkeeper lien ot $30.00 the following
articles hele,ing,ing to one `NotIttP•n"
iiaricock, • ladies skirts ,p:Gcp
Por further -particulars a.prrly tole+
G, Carling, Auctioneer..
, ,