Exeter Advocate, 1911-7-6, Page 8tee
The warm weather iswith usagaiu
sass you prepared for itsWe are.
What; you need isa summer shit to
'help you to keep coal; We have the
goods to suit and we make theca up
to suit. Let us demonstrate these
facts for you.
• s .cN
erchazt Tailor,
asr, -Ontario
E 9 RE'S.
• 88 80
55 Ski
leas, oirbeat ,,., s48 $p0
Oast% a . x . . , , . 9 35 80
. +G44,,,,i4 7f 75
Fotatoeii.per ilag , 00 00
lta►;f,jparton,,..,«..,,,. 0 u0 1000
Flour, per cwt„ 2 40
Moue, low grade per cw 1 45 1 4
Butter, , ..T 17 18
vehoga. per cwt . , -
orts,per ton. ,..«, •.,«
Crean per tont-
ocli unwach.eGt.....,
6 6522 00j
20 00
For the let tour drays of next wee
-Old fowl lac, per pound«
epriug chicken 1011batcb ;Iii'. per lb,
'ltckling 18c. per pound,
buck 8e, per pound.
Turkey 12c. per. pound;
These>""owI must: be alive in trade
Chicken to be 4 lb to the pair,)
Duckling .to be 7 Ibe to the "pair)
( We cannot pay cash during the bob
weather &e the shrinkage is eo great.
When cool weather comes to the
danger of dying from beat is over
we will again pay coati.
Mrs. W. H. De wing of Stephen vats
visiting in Loniden and Byron aver bili
holiday. She reports herbrother Henry
i,.+'"F:inkbeiner, who ria confined to the I3y-
ren Sanitarium, .t 4 doing Sine.
PANAMA HAT LOST. -=Between Dash
;wood and Exeter North, on the evening
of July let. Fender rewarded by leav-
ing ,same at nitro 'office.
Our wedding stationery its of the lat-
est, typee of the best, workmanship un-
surpassed and prices right. Prospective
brides should call at the Advocate and
tete- see for themselves.
FLOi3R AND FJLD.—Iiaving put in
a fstoek of Flour and Feed I solicit
your patzt nage. Stand one doorrnorth
of Heaman'e Hardware—Riser®' old
sta.tul. Joe. Davis.
fice is closed every Wednesday atter
The' under,eigned • le offering for sale
that beautiful residence- north of the
bridge, Fester. Hard and soft water
In the house; and everyth4nb in good
repair; .with rfour lots, a good 'barn,.
all kinds .o't fruit'” trees, bushes and
i`" grape vines. Anyone wishing to see
the place or know :the terms' will call
at the [residence, Malin-st., -;Exeter.
Apply t;o D. SS Perrvey & Companj,
Limited, .Landon, Ont.
Warning ae hereby; given that children
and others found trespassing : on the
Canning Factory pea fields( 'w#11 be
prosecuted.—Exeter Cahnir g Co.
MARRIAGE LICENSE.—Get • your mar.
riage license at the "Advocate Office. `
Parties to sell locally the latest Wash-
ing Machine; no 'boiler: required; works
easy; pe wean nor, iteari :sells, cheap;
good' --money in it. Every home wants'
otir@. Corrmweecate at ores with the
Martin Trunk Company, Fieton,'Ont. •
On July lith, July 25tn and August
8th, through tourist Pullman sleeping
C are W 1I leave Tlarontd,11 p.m. ror Win
nipeg and point. on Grand Trunk 'Fax
elle. (between Winniipe$ and Edmonan
.Car will ruin wi'a Grand Trunk Railway
Sy stern ko Chicago, thence :connecting
Bines In connection 'with Hon eseeker'ei;'
excureicns. The ratee .to Western Can
aria, . e very Tow—Winnipegand ae-
Lunn, P4.1.00 ^ai lest. good for 050 days
Proportionate' rates to other'. ppintet-i t,
iIaanitoba, SaticaTtchrman and Albertsa.1
-' urts} car w311 lx. fully equipper wifhl
dLng_' etc and . ,porter, ir, Charge
Ycurced at a low' rate
q71 datets ,July
e '14
viii °>a ti oculars i` >L
1 'Tcrunk Agents
naW D1sjrlct
itca�ta> a#rikAk. i0.4.1441.01k
'Wm. Fletcher, i,1 on the sick lists
Mr. Wm. Jacobi is ill of appendicitis
at !his home in. teeter North,
July 3,3th 'Lit the date the the Jamea
street,Sunday ec'�ooi picnic to Crani
,r,d. . , , , t
Mies Victoria, Miners has accepted a
position as teacher in:Ooc erich tor the
next Year, ' _ . 1. 1 ,
The zztanutacturp of the ,new Canadian
Silver Dollar at the to int in Ottawa
willeta"t s?cortle. , ,
The wrinkles racked byl worry are the
result of worrying; over eo'raething that
~orgy could not help.
A. 1i. Mi,Ileon, divinity iitudent, occu.
pteed.:the James. Street tauipit Sunday and
Preached interesting Seztiol'E.
Mr. Gime. Box, Stephen. lost a mare,
valued at $200,, .last week, ate a result
of beteg struck by l^g:°at.rtzng when pas-
turing rata field .
Bev, t'o`wel?•. oft.. 3fain Street gave
... rno's.t ince n r.„ andd.,
s•� g profitable a
dee at the Allies street League on
Tuesday evening,
The service 'at the Tri Itt Memorial
church on Sunday evening wvae conduct-
onducted by trA„-,rector 'On the lawn. at the
rear 'the church. The innovation was
a very acceptable One artd7111ue't apprct -
lated by both, r€ctott and congregation.
Hot, Hotter, Hoticet; T,hat. it, the !r.d
of weather we hard been having of late
Fel in the eh de was regrletered in Tor-
onto on .Sunrldi. Monday 44ilgu the
hottest on record, while in: Exeter It
reached 9g, and it` telt Juat ae hot ae
it reaUIy was. ;t , fi
When cane -bettor» seats become slack
through use they are uncomfortable and
unsightly, Spongesides of the
'ate thoroughly wit eOapsude in
which a Handful or salt hal been die, -
solved, then stand the chairs in the
topen air, Treated like this, the -seats
will, become as: tires as. 'iced litlrv,
'An Ea: Old' Boy, •14fr, °Amcor
'i'�ood, . of Mr.'461s1 a:fire, Joint Woyad+r
at towns.4:titto rn n ,tvush of co
Jura, =t1,, Jia IsS[, 'cf. Brush of rzbr`,
onto. k1#erward ' going couple lett
for Waver!, ~mak'., to 'reside, Mr. Wood'
being reanager't,+•t' the Horns ,Dank in
that town. Friends here will *tab the
toung people every prosperity .
Tisa artesian well at the Calming Fie..
tory was completed, last, week at a depth
Of 305 feet. The, water is of the very
best °quality stud i tndancc,. the teat
being a Most eat alctory one. The
work of drilling wag della by Aiesera
Mitchell & Statton of ttrmud Bend, who
did an excellent job and the directors
highly pleased with''the result..
Mr. D. ,Hartieib'e auto met with
mishap Friday evening n, atif:Mr. James
Walker's, London. ;Road South. when au
wheel and 'axle broke, Visiethe machine
overturning, landed ItilMelf, Meseta T.
Yager and N. Walters and Mr. W. May
in the ditch. Luckily the machine wait
stepped when it overturned 'and nit
one was injr rqd in. axsy way.
Tho extreme -heat of thh most week
has been h recbr,l,-breaker being tl,he
hottest spell knawrf Lill half a century,
the thermometer registering Mondays
Tuesday and Wednesday between 101
and 102 in the whit though there
are no proatratiolrs orrted People
generally are suffering aril sweltering
under such Inten',de heat. The crops will
be more or leas" diamaged, •particulatr1y
the late ones. a pasture its fast dry,
ins 'up and a taw '-most:+ such days will
completely .deetrey it.
The late Aire. Margaret) .Airth wae' born
in Scotland, who nr
she ,arried James
Wile'in 18;57,' coining to Canada"the
same year. 31r. Wilson died fin 1:818
five children surviving, James and
Salcolrn of Lakeifeld, AS rohn ' Mc-
Farlano of Hamilton; L. D. and Miss
Annie of Exeter. In, 18,8s, /vire. Vincent
married James ALrttai of Exeter, who
Predeceased her several years.. Deceas
ed had been inodeciining health for sev-
eral years. She vra"S'Oita ' retiring dis-
position and esteemed by Bill Who knew'
Mi-. Frank Hunt, of London, a for-
mer Exeter young man Nye,* married in
that city on, RThursdayllast: to Mies Max
garet Morris, also of London, but late
of Manchester England. The ffair was
of a quiet nature, on1Me immediate
relatives being present and took place
at the 'hbnme of thie 'bride's uncle and
aunt, Mr. Land Mrs. Farntwojrtlh, , King
Street. The happy couplet are now' on
a honeymoon` trip to: -Niagara Buffalo,
and other points. The/ Advocate' joints in
best wishes for theta( future happiness
and prosperity. 1 C. c\ -
The .Ladies' 'Guild of the Trivitt Mem-
orial Church. will hold theiirnn,,,u�'' al
Garden Party on the, Rectory bunds
on Friday evening, Jut firth. The Lon
don Harpers (four: pieces) will ,furnish
the music. Admission Adults 15 :ere.
Children 10c. ,,
W ON CUP.—The -Exeter Company: of
Volunteers s brought home the, Silver°
Cup on Friday 'last from the Goder-
ich Camp The cup.Wast given them
for High Average Company shooting at
the ranges. A :nunt;berof the former'.
members ,of the the Eiteterz.Band were
gotten' to-gether and marshalled (by Mr.
N. p. Hurdion met the volunteers at
the :'etatiou and esorted 'them down,
town, where after an address by Mr.
Hurdon and the usual cheers they were
disbanded. The boys seem to have
thoroughly dnjoyeti life. at camp, ;'end
they 'now look fLt for?ar„y work.
A reactionary storm period is cent"ratl
on'thse.12th,:13th •and 14th; with. 10
efhility,. of threatpxurcond..a
lnlgrcr from liteg pxr-cedinsr , hots"
r, ; - uliing. barometer 'increa "
ie ..nature, +•with aloudnness an
e 'r ikto ? , 1 io.' due Wcsne '
{�.. 1. . ..
Fit , t'ic 14th .;,ball f'
':>rand 1cookr •
I, Gn'tzfotget tacit all
w Jr ,r changes progress
-they do not strike
1,k the *arse' time er
:,`,11's! central on the
A, lie 14th,: ,
Joe. Craig was' in a;cisld"an! 'Saturday.
¥ilio Fanny Hatter is hone from Chia;
Mise Battle lv illia of London holiday-
ed there.
Mrs, Marshall -Boit of x onddn is visit
tog hese:
3fiss Julia Spicer visibed,,to Brantford
this week.
viA ra, Cao._ Brownlee of ` Sea$ar: ie
siting hea+e. 1
Wui. Greig 'and' Wnr, .$agler, sliest the
holiday in,Clittton, •
Mr Fred f ij-..ale of Ci sago spent
the holidays'ttere
D . Will Knight of London: was hRroe
over the holidays')
Afrs. Franck Oke and son of Toronto
are visiting here.
Misses Flossie and Laly }fall are vis-
Wing friends, here.
Herb. Southeott .11.eitedIlia mother in
Guelph thin week'
Mtee ']nanny Sigttorb or, Lame' was
here over St14.04
Miss Eva (Carling of Nor York ie
„eine for her vae;stton,
Mr. and Mre. W ri, Wfisor viSlted in
Petrcdea, over Sun4alr, (
Miss Dundas and MISS BUT or Londotl
wleited Mise Lela Go(ulda
Mize at Baser Contra is v3
iktg Mee Mahn Bolttas.
41/41,bloDortell Went" to L'o en on
Tuesday to teed the °rates,
Mr. and Mrs. Boger Northcott lave,
Tuesday en a western trip.
Agra' L.Mack, eQn ail$ 4411$11t0X, WON
1 Toro?lto over' '010
Mrs. Shaddock ,ot Detroit is visiting.
her father. S; J',: Ettierl,t4,tati:
Mr, and Mra, Wart. Bowman and soil
Tor» of London tiolida.yed,liere.
3Trs, Ripe= tea, returned from Lon;
dao aceoi>;panied by h>er.,daughter.
Mr, and ;'°ire, '4Y, D, ,Clark and it
walre iia laoitdo0 over the holiday.
lleei a Jo`,x n'W, Taylor. lett Wednesday
af, nail erttended' tri41 to tiro wtat.
Mr. and MTN. Alex, ,Stowaa't 44;144.
ter waits irn
Voodoo over the holidays.
ilea s*,strtia Powell and wieder car 311c11-
ar at Mr. Geo. Powells.
fru. G. Caonaor4r an son have return-
ed after an gx eude visit -4'n the States
Mr, T, Hatord and family left on
Msinday' for Muskoka to spend sone`
air. Frarxk St er¢.re sand hie Disler, Mrs,
F. Boyle, were :tat Brentford over the
Messrs .Sandy end Janine,Bawdenre-
turned Saturday xttornlnif it to their:.
trip woad,
Little. Jim Morley wittiai'taken to Lon-
don 3ionday by Dr. ffiynifman, owing to
an eye trouble.
Mies M. Rowley, nurse of Chicago,
arrived alone last week to spend three
weeks holidays.
Mr. Saxon Fitton' sari /son Gerald vie
fled in Oi,ea Sound, the latter rennatn
trig TO a bole.'
(liras. Wilson and two `iebdldren, a1 De-
troit visited this week wills'Mre. lC.
Smith, Exeter North' .
Mr. and Mrs. J. 0, Inwood and dau-
ghter of London 'were guests of Mr`:
Airs. S. Sanders( Main St. this week.
Mr, Joseph Spackman of Shedden
spent a taw days during the week with
its 'brother, Mr. Jon Spackman here.
Mr. Tt. R. Nelson .of Topeka, Kansas,
land Mr. Murray'of Detroit, Exeter Old
Boys, were shaking hands with' . Old
friends 41ereTuesday
Mr. and Mrs: Jae, Atjtipsop,; who
have been of rdt'fing sit Ballyrnote, fro -
turned dome Monday. Mr. Stitkinaon
Shows .no sig( a oil, tnpriovement.
1 rs, 1:),haiip visited In Landow this
week ,
Mr. and Mrs, Harry
in London Saturday.'
ennings .were
Stanley Pis:her as backifroin his boli
days spent at Dundas
Dr,. anti Mrts. Ferguson of Pontiac,
ML.ch., called on frlendrthern Wednesday
I San; Elliott is home frond 11diarlette
and his. brother Eider bas gone to
Air, Wallace Hailer o* Montreal and a
lady friend of ,London arrived here on
l , s
o a
,.1 39 Xis. � f time
Mr, B. W.,F, Beaabrs was in London
Saturday and brought home 3free Rea-
eavers, 'who has laeen m the hospital for
some time.
MISS Jox'hnaton of Dieter and '_Sfsr
Thompson oef Stephen, teachers, have
returned to t'.ietr hones'"ia. Toronto for
the holidays.
Mies. Rolan and Miss Alexander, tea.
ere, ;ha,1!e re' untied to their i%o nee
Sealer -at and k'orest, reousctively« soh
the vacatton,
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Thcree and daugh-
hers of Wallaceburg arItcezi here Sat-
rikdosy, ZM.tr, Rowe returned Tuesday,
w#itle the fancily will reniale a. f' w
Clr1 Wednesday MSaa' Jennie F ardY tett
on a trip to Winnipeg and v. Dakota,
*Mise Addle Morlock to .visit her sister:
Acre. 11,' Duckir,t tam in Baseano. Alta,,
slid Mn. A, i;'aeere to is e11t her Jon,
1leiaod, at Bort, William; tall going vitt
Sarnia and the lake.
Harvesting Goods,
Hay Fork Rope,
Sling Raps
Snaths, Etc.,
Scythe Stones.
Also Berger's Paris Green
T Hawkins 81, Son
The pure quill—made without lemons, but with Purity
Lemon Powder. A teaspoonful makes a quart. Just the
thing for farmers or workmen. Made in an instant at any
well. , Sold only in opal jars at 25c., one coupon with each
jar. Made in Canada.
$esp your Beauty
If Summer's Sun plays with your' complexion Our complexion creaks
will quickly restore it. This is a most dainty cream that improves the skin
and keeps it in a perfect condition. A generous size package costa but a
trifle and is worth its weight in gold. Let :us show you. ` One coupon with
each package.
The home of Bargains in Granite China and Tinware.
Come and bring a , friend and see for yourself.
bY' chew
' p :So",st..:::: n.
iornrs silo
rx,ort (west'
the whole:,
1 t th; Aft1
-, month r;
for1c'aL: Vit;
, ,a iavo�'�ia
lemerits & Buggies
Our wa.reroama are now completed and we wish to invite y(ou to inspect our
STOCK of IMPLEMENTS and BUGGIES Besides the Main -Street Werero!omr'
we have, , leased the . ,large brick build ing on James Street, and this , enables
us to; keep a full stock of Implements al ways on hand.
McCormick Implements
Binders, Mowers, R,akee„ Manure Cpre dere;'tilling thole, etc
ck h #t Plows
A full 'line of Cockpit utt Flows and Repairs
uggiea• '
The "first car of Gray & Son's int , glee ars about
to follow. You will find it worth;' while to call .-anal`, me the
led by.:.us
but there are more`
on to,.this :=furnishing
S ttt you ehcouid see;
iia ;gimp
if ere's Why WE
Ask For Your
Jewelry Business
It's an qft-told-tale,but it should never ;mow
uninteresting to the buyer who would be e0ono--
talo l,R
Our pricers are right. Prove it for yourself by compar
ioon With others(. Our selections are large, giving you a large
variety to choose frta t—again the proof is by comparison, O4tr
goods ere of fine quality. We back this statement vitt: our
guarantee, X/01110 Utast) Mega give ala aright to expeet from.
yott.a fair co,aeidcviti(iia of our goody,
chaud, Exeter.
Jeweller & Optician
,t ut t go housekeeping for the fir ,t time nee
tea iurn ish thehome with. We love a , full; linf g?
which cannot surpassed in the eooxlty, No matter
your eireumstances slay be we have a lisle to suit you.
A New Parlor Suite, New Bedroom
Suite, A Couch or Rocker,
Something forth+
Kitchen or Dining
will be in order'. We can suit your taste and price
in anything in the line of furniture.
Trios Lesdiine Home Furnishers wind Funeral Directors.
July is the month for the long hot days. You -
will want cool cloths. Here is the place for them. We
have all kinds of .proper goods for the summer.
in Tokio Silke. Plain Silks, Plain and Fancy GlingYaame
Mlislins, ' Embroideries, Ohambraye. Reppe, Ducks, Lin-
ens and
'Voiles and Mulls. All the new patternsae. A big sar-
shadesatReduced Prices.' iety of and colors to
choose from.
Everything in the whitewear
line is shown here in the daint-
iest Fabrics, Skirts $1. to - $3.
Gowns ' 75c.. to $2.50. Corset
covers 25c. Drawers 25c.
Kimono, sleeves short or
long sleeves in the beet styles
we have ever put b&► our count-
ers. Prices are all reduced.
Waists from 75c. to $2. each.
All Millinery at 1.2 price
After our most successful Millinery we are going to clear out the
balance of our summer stock at just I-2; price:. We mean exactly what
we say. So if you need anything in head wear comealong and. get ,a
All Millinery at half price.
In Linen or Repp in a good
wash skirt also Black Blue or
Brown cloth skirts in different
neev style&
We have,a big assortmentto
showyou in any ihadeAo thatch:
. your summer dress. Prices 50e.
75c. $1. to $2, each.,
., 1 �leearableea for men
All the new ideas erre here in :All for the hot weather, ebb'
the best , colors, Soft ''oilers, all colors in Plain and k'anc a
Lounge e collars and high and lte. 'z'
`Owe 'oilers. strati .tea
I trew J ate,. Duck Trousers, Bella and Faney'Vests
"•Y rtite