HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-7-6, Page 1TwENTy-Foulim YEAR.
Local Ites
A zna'n .never ,.getetoo old tenement;
bar so'l`e of the things, that never eel
ettrred eehen .he was a.
Perhaps ° 'sone naen" hide their light.
der a bus• ' r
Bysaln het for tits purpoBe of keep -
their llladd
J>ng' Y ;side :da"r',k.r
SF.,t'iende Mere will be sorry /to learn
tertl/at Mr G;oo: 1100kley .o4 „Brantford has
been elf duty te.$1:t4OZA weekac owing to
Mrs. John Jones and daughter, Mee
Unfe, of Brareford. were gueeterat the
home of Mr G. tbfa'n:2is. this week. Mrs.
3onea le,remedulla for, a tinge.
There are twenty-one randir ateswr'at-
o u n lite, verso a delzartmen,'tal` ezanl-
illation ;held at Exeter tele week., Mr:
W. R. Je>:1lneatort of "KL apere le presiding,
Mr, W. B. Weideeluaitlnler i ;busy
H. S. E tranc
oP p
oris t
Ile will ga to. Toonto wee kta
assist at tee rdleat'lors DepRziment ae
Associate Exami)ter Le E,i18'Iiah Liter-
t r t c,
F.se a people, wh *tayeQ lea towne Oil
July tat% occupied. therettielves profitab-
te{ly in trying' to, keep cool. A neMber or
bowlers- put in; tbet day on the greens
;,Many, however. went to 'Centralia ier
• Bel hr the Bend, silo others' o sr 'tack t o train
to more distant points.,
ee The horse owned by ,Air. D. Braund,
Eseter North, wbne 1e12 standing In
flout of Mr, 1.'Arinatong's residence on
13urler% street Tuesday morning Iast,
molt a :llOtion to rultia'ti11:Y, It ran went
tear a. considerable distance and before
ang 9Ptutd ?tad done quite a, bit of
damage to the Belt tv asesta
The Mouths of ,Jti1yil and
August, 1911
Wc, the widerie aed headmen inert 'of
the Village of Exeter, heeeby agree ,to
t Ourrespective aces of bus near
C OMC O 1 i Q
Thur dur-
tak one a clack. Pere' arcry Thursday
Jule dur-
ing the months of ,JuIY a.tad, August,1911
3. A. Stewart f G. Ba,wden
W. 3.` Caelbee W. 1Ci. Burk e
S arrtin & So
W. J Hterraa x n
& May
H. S lairlatr Jones
T. Hawitless & 'Son J. GiSOS.
W. W..1716111 `!l'FG fix,
Pet r
Peter Prang' OW, #tGtnt1e
Ei. 'Willie
Asti �
A. J, Ford J Fr Slnith
B. W. F Bea sere Jos. Davie
D.11artleib Fe Wood
Chas r on of London, spent the holt MID-SUhIMER PROMOTION EXAellbl 811E1'1'WINS FINALS,
Mr. and • H. :Markham spent
the holiday in, onion.
&e± there frorn Ow-
en Sound ,oven; $,holiday.
Miss Ethel II returned Saturday
from a ie t v i
. #all Sa
Mr John. Wails! Harrow is holi-
daYing in • and around Exetter.
Mr Percy Gi1f est
Mr. John F me Kaia`mazoo, Mich.
le' visiting WW1 er•,.meth r1 here.
Mies Irene�, �enbuste ie. visiting
frlenda at B1eeet'e#m . Sar a month- I
Mr. and Mrs. T ton df Londono vis-
ited at Mr. 5,
Mr, M
+ Pelee Pell
guest at the ho
Mr. Chas. Linde
$ted Viral, day
Mica Brie Quad
last week Prone a,
Miss Jessie
g index
sea a
t all I ex fin
using 0. elekle.
df;;'d's thie week.
of 'Windsor s a
lair, hi Th
r. os, aw-
t'e d and family els-
-VC-tine /the week In
Fuel returned home
visit with- friends in
rt5ii of {Exeter North
r• nearly asevered by
Mist Annie Sande JarvVs arriv-
ed home Friday las and .will spend
the sum er bete.
Bev. E. Horace;
d d. Musses of
Toronto *}lent part ole week with
their daughter, Mrs. W. •. Collies.'
Mee. Neva Brooker with her , two
cou ilas Donald 8 ke
Snell of Cleveland,
are Yi*itan at
�lr, and A1(e, a,•
(Smltlx's ,
rhe census enunierators for South" Hu..
ron 'lave completed then' xeturne and
and genre. 'have pawed into the halide
of Commiaeto;;a»r Ertsery, Csommtssion.
er Essery, inr nce 'with
his gate of office res el snake any
statement avgarditre the returns, but
ps tar as we 'can learn the towns and
vtllegea in his dtstrict'havo during the.
past 'ten yeses galley>,off UN population,
while on theothetehand the population.
In 'rural district& tins incres:aed, a, fact,
wallah would : hardly slant probable,
' andbY
L SeatsQt
• 2,
Cheap. a87, R. S. Ol, ;t3lesca will be oft
fered for stile by labile aution at the
Commercial Hotel in the ,Vilt a of Este
eter in. the County of iur n Saturday
r: , 91
the loth da f.J •1 1.a
y o u1y,.A: s , t 3
o'clock In the attefnetore by T)reslr Bt eat~
ling. Auctioneer, in etn1er be aatiefy an
innkeeper's lien. of 8-11;00, the fallowing
artletea belong°xntg to tike I'ipmttrr ' F.
vlz,-18 I si,
Hancock, adie
For turther particulars apply, to Thos.
B. Carling, .Autt1ene'er. - ,
''HONE 18
Carling's`-is`the next best place to out of doors these
days. Nice and cool and refreshing inside you may
make all necessary reparations here for your holiday
outing in Suitin�st Repps,Muslin� Foulards, ds, etc. We.
have only, a few left now but will give you a bargain
while they last.
Gents Summer Suits, odd coats,and coats and vests. Sizes
frons, 38 to 38 . all to go at sacrifice prices Regular $3.00
for 1.48. Regular 3,50 for 1.75. Regular 4.25 and ,4.50
for. 2.00. Regular 6.00 for 4.00. Also 3 boys` linen
suites,. sizes 30, 31, 32 to clear at 1.78.
Gents sailor straw hats just a few left. These are all
to go at a prices regular 1.50 to 1.75 for 1.00 and lower
prices reduced accordingly.
A few children linen and straw hats left to clear out
regular 50 for 40c. regular 35 for28c.. regular 25 for
PECiAL--We have just received a few dozens of Lad-
ies:h stitched Handkerchiefs which we will clear ate
em e s
8 for 25c.
e. have just : a few p air left in Tan and Black
ich we will clear.out at a discount of 25 per cent.
.ighest prices paid. for all kinds of Produce:
rinds` of poultry; taken at market pricea
The „following is a list of. the success-
ful ,candidates for promoteed in the
various i us rias cis oT the el Continuation and
Public School Departments.
Names alphabeticai1y,
Foran II, to Form (III„ Passed, Pearl
Brown, Lillie Frayne, Parry Fuke,
Sidney Geiger, Vercyy, Geiger, Harold
Glenn, Elmo Ilowey, Irma, `•Rannle, Wil-
frid Stewart, Harry. Sweet,: Florin Welsh
Foran L to Form II., passed, N.Car
mtchaei, Reese, 3. Davis, Lathe.
eY Lind; 3A`'ey, •H�solMDor.
gan, B. Quaekonbeeh, 3, Seldon-, E,Sttap-
ton, W. Shipton, Jr. Walker, Cormier
drat Sr„ M.• Baynearm'60. ,Cotnnlerciuel
Jr, to Sr.; IF Rivers, H. May, F. Fair-
airB. Gillies, W. Snell,.
A, M. Johnston, 'teacher.
F. 5. Department
Room 4., promoted from Mid. 4th to
Sr, 4111, -Honors, Willie Manson 76.
Pasts Beatrice Hodgert7R
, La
71, Alberta 'Knight 60, Annie
Day 4S, Maurice Seittor1,65, Lulu'Nestle
65, Minnie May 64, ;Mildred Heywood
Edgar Horney William Kydd.
C. Vesper, teacher.
Jr. `4th to Sr. 4th, -Honors, Carman
Powell 93, Oliver Davis &, Marjorie
Huston 83, Ettle Bowey 78, 'Florence
Wood 75. Pass,- Olives Macdonald 74,
Anna Bell. „73, Harry Parsons 71. Lite
2uc 1a 71, Marvin 'Vinrenk' 70, Al=
Mack 68, Joe Felllek 67, Karl I'Veiden
hammer 67, Marjorie Seldon, 64, Mei
vllle Gledana.n 64, W#ltred'Mack 60,Iiee-
for Rowclitfe andGeraid Fitton ore trial.
From Sr. TIL. to (Jr. IV., FanneyBow
ey 74, Mabel Knott f73,' Ilertba:H'orney
71, Dorothy Kuntz 70, Almy Johns 67
Jessie Briekwood 64, „Edith Davie 60,
Ina. Delve 60. J. S 3lauray, teacher
For VL -From Jr. III. Ko Sr, 111.-
Honore, '•Jack Harden 75; Paas, Mar
gazet Sharp 13, ',ten. Jacobi 62, Herbert
Hector 61; on trial, Cecil Dearing 58,
Edna Johns. 58, Archie Davis 57.
From Sr. SI. to Jr. III, -Honors,
Qtady0 I arveY 89, Viola' iJoeaea 76;
Paps, Czar Harkless 79, Pityroid .Hoyle
73, "`Vinnie Knight 71,' Irene Zuefle 19,
Wm . Davis 68, Dclean Ceariten 66,
Vera Aar Mha1l 66, e
Detail' by
M 4
Morlock 64, Bruce :` leers , 63, Drew
Knight 69, Violet Mallet ` '82, ', Vera
Sweet 62, Wray Hartsell, ' i,'"sCiiffordl
Mallet 61. 1
l t
No. on roll 38,; 'average attendaXice Su
H. N. ,Kinsman, Teacher.
YRoom VII. -Prom Alcorn VILe Ftp
Room VI. -Mildred, Marchand ""83, 01Yde
Ileaman 76, Vprda Hill 72, t Edwa.
Taylor 70,CoraSanders.69.
From Jr, II. to 'Sr.{IL-Mildred Har-
vey 78, Telma Connors 77, Maurice Har
vey 76, Ernie WellS 61, (,
From Sr, Pt. ,II. to'Jr. II. -Edward
Davis 98, Alice Vincent; 01,. Paul Weld -
en hammer 84; Wilbert Gillespie 1 80,
Paul Collins 78, P,hillIppa 'Harheea, 75,
Josephine Davis 73, Blanche Senior 71,
Edward Yellow 66', Mildrew ,Woods' 68,
Alvin Andrew 64, Jesete Bowey 61,
Mabel Houlden 60.
From Jr. Pt. II. 'to Sr. Pt. II. -Greta
Harness 95, Kathieeel Bennett: (86, Ver-
daRowclLffo 80, Stella Sander 77, Fior-
e,nce ,Vincent 74, Earl Magee 72, Elsie
$$night 68. i
G. M. Alexander, teacher
Room VIII. -From Room VIII tp
oom VIL-Verna Walker 85, Hazel,
Cookson 80, Beverley Achesoh 176, Mil -
red Norry,75, Wald,a'Bellwnoll 70, Joe
)aradt 60.
From Sr. Pt. I. ;to Jr,1Pt. IL -Mabel
elms 91, Dorothy Belkwill,8�', Howard
'gnarl 78, George:13ind;,70, Marguerite
untz 71, Pere la. S,andEre' , 70, a „Levers
Harnese 69, Verde: Vale 06, Inez Moir
0, Reggie Taylor 60.
From Claes Ci to 'Sr. P,t. I. -Gordon
well, Grebe Hadden, Ruby Dave*', Wit-
te Ortwein, Currtle Jacobi, May I El-
From Close A: to Class 13.-Margaeet
Rogers-, Georgina Hatter, Max Weiden-.
miner, Elizabeth "Br 1wn, James' Mor-
y, Cyril Deyle, Jobb Manulal, Carrie
avis, Lorne Brirnacombe.
!:. 9"1 Howard, teacher
There are fourteen candidates from
he Exeter CantiiWatlan' School writing
the Normal E7ntran�ce Examination,
amd "'tale eagle number ion, \the Junioe
trleulation examination. 'In • each of
ese claseee eleven candidates were
commended. Scheel 'will re -open on
Sept. 5.=W. B. Weidenhatrnmcr, Prin.
The finale in the east of _the Baw-
den Trophy Events was -played Monday
evening 'between eines :skipped,: by C.B.
Snell and I. R. Car1$ng, the former
winning 17-14.'To reach, the top the
wni e
A n nk d Seated i ed,
lag xi *Ike sk pp by
Stanbury, Se1don, Clark and Carling.}
The tinai gains was' wonein the- last
end, when three .shpts were made, the
score being 14-14 atthe previous end,}
The rinks' were,-- i
Gould Mins.
J Davis W.H. Collins
Boyle' Creech,
Snell, -skip, '17 Carling, skip, 14
Jack kn!vee, `.as prizes, go to the
e :r -u
Winn r and axn era a l t
szd r ti
r1, P. �. ole. Y
toth eventb winners.
is held a nett . v the it leers.''
On Tuesday evening the match commit-
tee made another' draw for a local tour-
`izarilent, *veil rinic'i ' to (p1a, each ot-:
her xt ,l lank# it ti+et required that all
games be la before A u 1
p Yad .o st 15
ends eonstitaxte a game. Special prizes
AS well as the 1J'awderl trophy are to
bo played tor; Follotwing are'the rinks
1-S. Davis, Sweet, Dickson, BIretchto'd
-R sseti, May, eIurdon, Neaman,
$-eVet'tby, Lindeufeld, Gladman, Creech
4 -,Hart efb Wefden:iiam'r Lovett Carling
Ti•-Mnrehaed, Aches' eOlu'tstie, Collins'
6 -Statham, F }�. T
m ori 3YH Coni a
, , ata, niar8
7-$oulaton, gannet, Stewart, Snell
8 -Newell, Gould, .Anderton, Clarke
9 -Spackman, Sharp, Bowden, Stanbury..
10 -.,Kraig it, Grieve, Boyle, Seldon
11. -Crawley, Page, 3. Davis, Taylor,
L. 0. 1.. ".'ITTEND CHURCH
The L, O. L. of Exeter, augrnented
by a number 'of their (brethren: from Lu-
t'an and Salntsbury, iiacluding County
Master Hodgins and District Grand.
Master'' Cooney, to the number of 50
paraded to tee, Tnivi'tt Memorial church
on Sunday morning, July 12nd..
The Rector,
Rev. D.W leonine,
�t sill e'
W). ,
reach f
ed ronl the text,"Other Pt ne
have bo ande
It Laboured ye hszve entered upon
their • labours."
The eepeaker reviewed. the history of
the eerie British
eachurch,the Anglo
Sao. church and ofNor-
influence o the or
titan Contest, followed by the gradual
u,rlurltatktit or the Papacy, resulting in
,..';4;• •€formaticntl..
� Thr reign of Mary was: particula�rlY
dwelt P
upon. n that reign about 300
1'10, g
many of them prominent in the higher
councils of tile! Englieh church, suffer-
fered martyrdom. "They laboured and.
we have entered upon"their labour.". The
result of that struggle is the civil and
religious liberty we enjoy to -day. The
Orange order grew out of the stormy
time* of Jameal II., and, William and
Mary. When the lase great struggle for
Papal �eupremacy wa'eo waged in Eng-
land It was necessary for men) to band
themselves' together for protection, and
out of. this organization sprang the Or-
ange society.
In conclusion Uie speaker warned the
rem'bers Of - the Order of the sacred
trust co u
s committed to all,true es men and ask
ed them to be:Worthy :of their Order.
On the return to their lodge a hearty
vote of thanks was passed and tendered
to the Rector and(Veardenet of the Mem-
orial church. r
On -'tile ' oad „between Frank Coates'
and Fred Fllt,erington's, Ueborne, a long,
inch role, with pulley.end hook attach-
ed. 'Finder. Neill, be suitably ',rewarded by
leaving :same With Mr. Ellerington, or
at ,thie office.
There is a ream
why ; we have an ;: in-
creasingdemand for
year after 'Year. 0, nee
a Customer;: Always.
a .customer; ' Buy oi11'
green,»Costs no more;
Never ' fails; Sul
death to hll<g9
A epecial meeting eot,the council: was
held Friday evening, June 30. Minutes
of the adjourned 'meeting, ,Court of Rev-
ision and the Regular meeting" of the
council` wore •read> and approved.
Levett-Walper-Teat the G. T. It. ag-
reement be accepted and that the terns of
same be three yearea, `and that the reeve
bo authorized to sign! the sante.-Carried.
Walper-Day-That the ,clerk write. Mr
Farnco'mb instructing him to purchaae.
2100 Peet of. 6 inch water pipe and all
The Crediton ball team claims that
the game played with Exeter ,in Exe-
on Monday of last Week wafta
tie, 7-7. Tide is certainly not correct
and it is disa.peointIng to think that
the Crediton people *reed try to die
tort n count. 'to effegt a tie. Review
the matter. Atthe ended the eighth inn
Mite the score stood 6-4. in favor of
Exeter. Crediton wont to baf,and rade
two in the n.tnth,,but olainle three which
waa certainlYwrong one pian having
made the cirele of the bases alter heing
ca ed a
Ut by bo4h U 1
n pines, $ let '1,4.1'
sake e
k of ar
gutttonr let, ua' suppostl they
got three rune. Then Exeter went to
bat and got and'.run; with, but one anally
out, ,then the .*tori panne On and tile
innings was net fitnished. Surely there
is no poas'Ibiiity Of ea.ilins' that. a ,tie,
In saga cages the official score re -
veru .back to thedend +of the eighth Inn-
ings, which was! Exeter 6, Crediton 4,
Now thfl ',edi Cr to
n between. ase 1
ha 1 bra •s know
that ;tars *corse of 7--6 or 6-4 cermet
ha got away front. Oonsequently they
*should take defeat like the men they
are, and not quibble'about nothing. The
defeat e e was disgrace to them,Thee
wore outplayed. That's all. The Exeter
boyo' have been in the same boat many
a tilne,
Cr o
edit n Julias u
A8 it all over
eter Juniors on M'and`gy eight
game et ball here, winning 14-3.
DEATH The ead , death occurred en
Wednesday evening last of EthelMar-
garet Hill, wife of Mrs John Robert
Munn, Coe. 1, Ueboree et the age of
2I yeare, 10 months., Death waa due
to child birth, A. tittlo eon was born
to the parents on TueedaY evening, and
the mother took convulelone' passing a-
way twenty-four enure later. The be-
reaved husband has) the eytnpathy of
a wide circle of friends. The funeral
was held to Rogerville cemetere on Fri-
day afternoon.
Teacher Ho
eored by
pit .-D
n Thurs
day - to
sat thou
to pits of S, S. No. 3, ne-
t/Arne, presented their tee/cher, Mille Gee:
aeon, with a beautiful silver bleeult 3atr
silver butter
knife bolo's
n her
P Th,o
err watt es follows-.
Dear T
oauta,erT'n the, eve of your de-
parture Iron Gamont- V.S. 'w14,4your pu-
pils, canna{ let this, alma pass with»
out showing you ineeedreeway that you•
have e
dasst our
Y teather to
all your pupils. During thel time you.
have ,been our instructor 'you have ever
been patient land painstaklrslg with us,
and although at times we have not done
our best toplease you ere,'Wish. you at
this time to forget alt our, past misdeeds.
and think of us' only as your pupils
who wLah ,you well in Whatever ephere
of life Yott may; be. Ae, a tangible way
of expressing out geed ..will to you we
here present ,your with thie sllver bis-
cuit jar ,and etiverl butter knife, hoping
that these sa.rtteles, may be of use to
you and ithat The3Owili ever remind yoiy
of the enemy pleasant daysd you spent
with us. at Plugtown School. We feel
that we are losing a dear 'and kind
friend, but khow that our Joss will be
some one elee's gain. We wish. you God
speed and pray thai'•your future may
be even brighter than'the past hae been.
Signed on behalf of the *spool by.
May Hodgert, Fern Francis; Jennie Mc-
Cullagh, Tena McCurdy, Leonard Harris
The 'addreee was read by Mise Jennie
McCuliagth and {the presentation melds
by Misses ,Fern Francis 'and May Hod-
gert.' Miee Greason eats ' taken 'by sur-
prise, but warmly thanked her pupile
for their beautiful stets; (and many actg
of promptness leho'wn; tenter during the
two and a half yeaarel (repent with there,
The teacher also expressed her deep
gree at deavinig and hoped 'thee they'd
be as kind to heri`tal ccearsor as they had
been to hen •
connections necessary for the cornplet,is1ee a , PI FIS
ion ried.of the 'main'on ,Wetli`ngton, •street-` e aL ilei} I 61-111-SUS
tr � �eOg1,t3,F�aY:+ 4-'9u� (X.ZYtT `,xa
D Le tt h'
ay- ve -Th (t a commissioner be,
Instructed to deepen trammel 'west of
thee` dakn and tol 'place gravel on the road
where needed. -Carried. -
Rivers=l.evett-Tlhat the tender of. R.
Davie for ,screemed• and unscreened` grav-
el be accepted the•*are is be delivered
in each quantities}'and in such places ars
directed by the commissioner. -Carried.
Walper,-Lovett Tihat the tender for
the heaterg of t'b.e Towin Hail be laid
over till the regular lnlbeting on Friday
evening, 7th inst.--Carried.`
Day -No' •seconder -That the tender be
opened and. disposed. -of:
Rivers -Day -That 'the commissioner,
Abe Instructed to take out old water tank
In the basement Of 'the Town Hall, also
to 'make a, general cleaning ,up of same
eel 'soon ae cohvenle'nt.-Carried.
Levett-Wallace-?That fetreet Cci'nni sls
loner be instructed to, doped' drain et)
Main street' in order,to;ascertain where
game 9s-
Levitt-Walper-That -the clerk notify
the, Electric, Llgn't'"Cp. that they meet
carry out their former encition of June
2nd, Iby haying alt:!wireer attached to
trees removed. It nota removed ' an' or
'foie the 10'th. loot thre .,council will
Sake action sgaiinet.thins,.::arid to govern
theineelves accordingly, -Carried,
,The Reeve asked' for leave of shoen ce
to the 1.5'th of Septenabor, 'On motion of
Metiers. Lovett and Wpipec the seine
wwa d'. granted:
Adjournment tri meek Friday,` July 7.
97 El. Carling, Clerk.
This .Thursday after/leen; is 'the first
of 'the 'half -holidays Stores will be
closed atter: 1 pen.
hire ledbt:; Sandees ;retuned home on
hu)Ce 'y from a trill ^oft 6eveta•i months
hriOUg tt e `vesternasa 4 -sbethern States
The.: Advbea4e f ` ! el Marrl
sea ;�,krr�#�tlr
O IBr1�en.-tjj Centralia, on; ae y 1st, to
Mr "and Meet Dolens*'0'Brl,en, `a Baugh
Munn. -In Osborne, oat, Juno 27th, to
'Mr and Male. "Robert Munn', a soh;.
Dignan. -In Iiam[lton, on, June 30, to
Mr .and Mere P. B. Dignan, formerly
of Ereter, a daughter:.
Ulleriche-In `Fullerton, on June 24th,
to Mr, and Meet Wln. iUlietriehe, 'a son.
Sc'hilber-At Zurich, June 21st, to Mr&
and Mrs. Abel' Schilbe, a daughter.:
Foster -On Babylon Line, Hay, June 22
to Mr. and Mre-, N.?Foster, a daughter.
Schwalm -Blind Line, 'Hay, Juno t27, to
Mr. and Mre. Peter Schwalm, "a. son.
Patrick -In Tucker/Miele- on June$ 27,
to Mr. and Mre. 'Montgo -eery Patrick,
Hunt Morris -In' London, June 29th,
Mr. Frank Flaunts et •London,, formerly
of Exeter,. to "MISS Margaret (Morrie,
.of London, late el Manehoeter, Eng.
Thnmpeon-Duncan-In Vanni a• on June.
28, Muse Leniart Duncan,•oldest dauger.
ter of ,Mr. and Mre. 'Andrew Duncan
to Mr. Rhos. I3'. TheMiNeen, of Mani-
Wcod-Brush-In• Winnipeg, o11 Jun0426
'tile's Ethel M. Brush "sof Toronto, to
1.fr. ' , E.
710:0„e. of Welwere S
wy Ask.,
son of Mr.,nMrle, John. Wood of
Patteroom-Macarthur-At London,` on
June 28th, b, fit"'. lee Roos, Edith'.
Irene, eldest daughter, of Dr, and Mrs,
Macarthur, ,'to Mrd G4lW. Pattereon of
the 'Bank of Toronto, Dorchester, and
formerly, of Fleneall1
iunn�in Ue2aonte,'!eh June. 28th,Et'
Manrgarot FI111 *lieof John
Munn, aged 21: years 10 mouthy
ilon Ian 'Piarif#�ldrr , ;,` , 1;2+4t
14,e1zEt 4
Out Sale
For An
furng the past few
weeks we have disposed
of a large quantity of
S an
but we have a great
deal of choice clothing
etc., yet and you can.
makeno mistake when
you know we are sell-
ing at
Cost Price
Here are a few of the
MEN'S SUITS from $5 to $i.3
BOYS' SUITS from $2 'tae $7 _
SHIRTS, 35c., 50e., to $100
ODD PANTS from e t.00 up
OVERALLS & SMOCICS, 50e. to $3.
UNDERWEAR from i 20c. to 40e.
. 25
2 pr, , ma
WORK 50X, waol, c.
WORK SOX 10e a pair. '
FANCY COTTON SOX 20c. a pair
FANCY SILK: SOX 40c, a pair
STIFF HATS at $1.50
FELT HATS from . 50c. tp a 1.25'
$Coo' 5110ES at $2.95
$5.00 SHOES at $4,00
'WORK SHOES, all kindle COST Pelee
uitting Business