HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-6-29, Page 3wee, eiesshes,
obiug Baoka, Tirea Liming alit
SPlitting Headaches Noed
Not bo Enure
Recommended toTho Who lien -
ger After Lug Life.
The following sanitary regula-
tions appearieg in a recent iss
of the Jjji are recommended by t
Japanese Heald to those hung
t• file> after long life:
ret—Spend as much time out
doors as poeeible. Bask much
the sun and take plenty of exerei
Take care that your respiration
always deep and regular.
Secend—Ae regards meals eat
meat oely once a day and lei the
diet be eggs, eerea.ls, vegetaales,
fleas aed fresh caw's aink. Take
.._.the last, named es much, aS poesible,
masticate your food carefully.
Third—Take a hot bath every day
and a keen) bath once or twice a
week if the heart is strong enough
to bear it.
Fourth—Put. en raughlyewoven
underwea• fabrc ae p •
ferable) and clothes; a eemfortable
collar, light bat of any material
and well -fitting boots,
Fifth—Early to bed and early to
Sixth—Sleep in a. very dark and
ver,y qinet room, ,.with widowe
open. Let the minimum of sleep-
ing, hers be AiX or six and one-helf
houre, and the maximion seven and
oneshalf hour, In case of women
re et of eight and one-half hours is
Seventle—Take one day of abso-
lute rest per week, on which you
meet refraie feom even reading and
Ifightle—Try to av4i0 any out
of paeeions next strong mental
t. I t'
In eilent .patienee nearly every
wOman endures suffering that casts
a shadow over *half her existence.
An aching back, tired limbs, attacks
of fainthese, and headaches and
backaches, need not be part of a
woman' e life. Sueb trials indieate
plainly that, the system requires the
new hlood that supplied through
the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills.
These PRts are valued by suffering
womee who have used them above
all other medicinee, heeause they
give the rich, red blood that makes
women well, bright and at their
hest, Mrs. Fred Collard, Poplar
'Point, Man., says: "I can give you
but a very small estimate of the
auffeeing I endured before I began
using Dr. Williame' Pink Pills,
After the birth of my Ar,et, ehild I
suffered intensely from ailments
that too often Afflict ray sex. This
was complicated by an attack of
bleeding piles, and the agony
the clays and eighte I endured i
almost peat comprehension. I tried
many remedies, bet they did net
help rae in my trouble, and from a
healthy young woman weighing 140
pounds I fell aeray weieht to 05
pounds. 1 grew so weak I could
hardly walk across the floor, exist
there were times I hardly knew
whet I was doing, eo great was my
'agony, went to Brandon and
toneulted d0Clor who saki that
nothies would help roe but AB op-
eratien for both my aroxiblesh and
that I would have to eeneahe in the
hospital for at least eight• weeks.
Being a farmer's wife felt that
this wee imposeible, and while in
Breeden I net a friend who strong-
ly mega. me to try Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills, telling me that they bed
cured her trouble Similar to mine,
!ter an operation had proved of
no benefit. She had such strong
faith in them that elle gave me the
first box, and I began using them.
It was not long before 1 found
much relief. I continued to use the
Pills 411 tho rest of that summer,yoer,
tho meld( was they restored
to perfeet health. I told the
doetw what, Dr. Wilhelm' Pink:
1 e had dune for me, and his re-,
ply was that he eonstdored what
they had done for me little less
rnui'a1e. I have " •
seemomended the Pills to many
otherts whe have suffored from wo-
man's troubles, and they always
prdced bennfleial rcsults.n
that this statement will be of bene -1,
some other suffering per -1
These Pills are sold by all medi-1
cino dealers or may be had by
mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes ,f
for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co., Broekville, Ont.
TUJ CANA a';e1 Olt/31,111. OF
The Thirty-second animal Illeeling
of Ifigh Court—The Sessions are
Larg,ely Attende1-110st Belpre -
eke seetative Meeting Held in Yeae
A large representation of „stele -
gates present at the opening as -
Sion Of High Court, of the Canadian
Order of Feresters betokened the
dee t h us e 0,
is minion in the welfare of this great
fratereal Insurance Society, which
now includes eery 60,000 Canadi-
ans in its niemb • . .
Great enthusiasm characterized
the gathering, and rightly so, as
'the year itiat closed was the mast
successful in the history of the Or-
der, and to this may be added the
fact that the delegates are for the
first time meeting in the eouneadis
, ous Aeeenably Hall of the Canadian
Foresters' Building, 22 College
etreet. lite new building is up t
date and thoroughly equipped, and
is a credit to the members of th
leeel Courts, who undertook-undertook-th
work and eaeried it to so seem&
ful an issue. The magnifieen
etructure is a trite to the sPiri
of fraternity, whieh prevails among
the members 4f the City of TOrOnt4
and the result of their united cf
ferte is a splendid object lesson to
the delegates from other centres,
The .sessions of High Court were
presided over by she High Chief
Ranger, j, A. Stewart, and all the
other High Covet Officers were in
After xeeeiving eeports of tho
High Court Officers), which were dis,
tributed to the delegates in print-
ed form, the meeemg received the
various civic deputations.
Thereport of J. A. Stewart, High
Chief Ranger, was eeplete with
facts and figeres„ ehewing the Order
to be in a most fleurishing coutli-
tion, maintaining and even eer
passing its record for previous
On the last of January, 1910, the
Order had a membeeship of 73,985,
c and there were ieitiatdtiering the
;year, 9,280 now members, beim a
re increase of 911' over the previous
0 year. During /nee year 3,663 mem-
bers lapsed and 499 died, leaving
Q the net membership at the close of
s the year 78,101.
0 The increase ie the Iesuranee
Reserve of the Order during tho
e year, amounted to $276,186.13. On
brain at the oceurrences of
inevitable incidents or of -cfnpill
events, Do net say unpleaean
thinge, nor listen, if peseible, t
dieugreceable things,
Ninth -3e married: Widows an
widowees should be remarried wit
the least possible delay,
Tenth—Be reoderete in the eon-
suniptiou of even tea aud coffee
not to say tobacco ad eleoholi
Eleventle—ekvoid pas that a
too warm (especielly saeatielleatet
and badly ventilated rooms.
Twelfth—In order to promote th
functions of those bodily organ
which are liable to weaken by ag
and disease. supply yourself wit
nutriment taken from the same co
showed the average death rate
since the commencement of the Or-
der to be 5.22 per 1,000 member. -
hip. There were submitted to the
Medical Board during the Year
10,106 applicatiene, the largest,
number for any year in the history
of the Order, o which 9,213 were
accepted, and the remainieg 891 re-
jected. The number of applications
was 1,290 more than for the pre -
lions year.
rile report of W. G. Strong, Sup-
erintendent of the Organization,
showed that during the year there
were 8,2.$0 iniation as against 7,-
rr the year, an in
e1 -
At the, close of the year, there
were 1,069 Courts in the Order, re-
presentieg a membership of 78,104.
There were 517 Courts in Ontario,
180 in Quebec, 50 in Nova Sckia,
'71 in New Brunswick, 14 in Prince
Edward Island, 65 in Saskatehe-
scean, 37. iee Alberta, 17 in British
o Among those in attendaece are
faaleolzhi:wia.nngd; 112 m Manitoba,.
e A, Stewart, High Chief Rang-
e or, Perth, Ontario; 3. A. A,. Brod-
- eur, Ilig,h Vice Chief Ranger, Mon-
t treat, Que.; Geo., Faulkner, High
t Secretary Brentford, Oete; Bohte
Elliott 11gh Treasurer, Brantford,
• Ontario; Or, 11. M. Stanley, Chairs.
▪ man Medical Board, Brantford,
Ont„; W, M. Gouper, Montreal,
nue,; A. P. Van Someren, Saska-
toon, SaSk.;B. W. Wigmore, St,
John, NB.; R. CI, Gavin, Teronto,
Ont.; T. E. McLellan, Galt, Ont.
IlttelItherS of the Executive Com-
mittee; W. L., Roberts, High And-
itoe, Brantford, Ont.; J. P. Hoag,
High Auditor Landon, Ont.; W.
Walker, Iligh,Registrar, Montreal,
Qua; W. 0, Strong, Superintends
ent of Organization, Brantford,
Ont.; Lyman Lee, Solicitor High
Court, Hamilton, Ontario; Hon.
Colin H. Campbell, High Court
Solicitor for Maeitoba, Wiunipeg,
Man.; V. H. Davidson, D.11.0.1t,,
Winnipeg, Alan.; and D. E. Mee
Kinnou, Winnipee
gene of other animals. But in sue
h, Januavy 1st, 1910, the amount on
eases the advice of the meet eom
patent medieal authoriticie shout
be carefully conselted.
rnto Japan Herald adds: "Th
Jiji might have made up the num
dozen of 'suggestions by informin
its readers how—in these days o
high duties and coming higher elle
—they can obtain the money to pur-
chase the various articles of feed
stuffs calculated to lengthen life.
A Japanere workman, keeping a
- hand in this Branch was $3,002,-
d 308.29, and at the close of the year,
c The standing of the High Court
Sick and Funeral Benefit Branch is
aclso most satisfactory: Du ring the
year no less a sum than $147,2e4.96,
overing 0,132 Claims, was paid in
this Branch, The amount to the
credit of this Fuel at the com-
mencement ef the year was 9170,-
778.82, and at the close. 9207,223.20.
wile and childree on something un
der one yen a day, would doeht
leSsly be quite satisfied with mea
at one meal per .diein. When rent
doctor's bills, elething, fueland the
thousand and one millet- expenses
tilling to the lot of the housekeep
er had beenmet there would be
little chance of the family surfeit-
ing itself witheggs, cereals, vege-
tables fruits and fresh cow's
- The report, of Geo. Faulkner,
- High Secretary, covering the gen-
t eral work of the Society, was next
Reliability is the essence of sue -
Men make houses, but women
,make homes.
! A hearty laugh is one of the best
soul -restorers in the world.
Unless we believe that we are in
the werld for some great purpose,
and that every human soul is of
supreme value, we shall not get so-
cial evils swept away.
Women are just as old as they
look; and thc,y look as young as
• they can.
We shall make little progress
against the •sins of society unless
we learn to be stern about the
sins of ourselves. •• c
Humor is God's universal medi-
cine for the alleviation of l'aiman
The writer of a good book confers
upon his country an inestimable
enefi t. •
• If civilized man has any one real
article of 'faith, it is his conviction
of the littleness of the rest of his
fellow -being.
Moard's Liniment •Cures Colds, Etc.
Is life worth living? I should say
that it depends • on the live 0
Thomas Gold Appleton.
For Frost Bites and Chilblains.--
• Chilblains coine from undue ex-
posure to sltiskand cold and frost-
bite from the icy winds of winter.
n order, and showed in detail the
large volume of business transact.
ed through his department.
- The amount of Insurance Premi-
ums received •during the year was
9644„077.82, which with tho large
sum of 9133,690.75 derived from in-
terest on investments, made the to-
tal receipts in this Branch 9777,-
768.57. There were 498 Death
Claims paid, amounting to $501,-
582.44, leaving the sum of 9276,-
180.13 to carry to the Reserve,
which at the close of the year was
The amount of Sick and Funeral
Benefit fees received during the
year was 9175,863.29, and ^interest
97,811.05, making the total receipts
in this Branch 9183,674.34. There
were 6,1.32 Sick and Funeral Bene-
fit Claims paid, ' amounting to
$147;224:06, leaving $36,449.38 to
tile Reserve, which at the close of
the year amounted to 9207,223.20.
There were 78,104 members in
good standing, at the close of the
year, carrying $78,102.000.00 Insur-
There were issued from the High
Secretary s Office 8,123 Insurance
Certificates and 7,483 Mem ership
Certificates, or tv total of 15,606,
and in addition there were endorse-
ments made on 1,629 Insurance
The life of every baby is threat-
ened during the hot summer
months by that dreaded trouble
summer complaint. Thousands of
children die every sunnier from
this trouble—thousands of happy
homes are made dark and sorrow-
ful because a precious little lifehas
been snuffed out. l3ut mothers,
though you fear this trouble, you
can yet fight it -yes, fight it and
defeat it with Baby's Own Tablets.
Concerning them Mrs. Jos. Steffs,
Coutts, Alta., says: • "During the
hot summer days my little Boy took
ill with summer coMplaint. He was
seized ,with vomiting and nothing
helped hiin tilt 1 got Baby's Own
Tablets. They relieved him and
made him a strong healthy child."
The Tablets are for sale by medi-
cine dealers or by mail at 25'eents
a box from The Dr, Williams' Me-
dicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
'But why doe,yourfather
at to me ?'' deinaitcled, the hum-
o suitor.
"Because," explained the ha.tioth
beauty of 'proud lineage, "papa
ys his ancestors' have always been
ritleinen of leisure, and you have
work for ,
"Well, tell him I don't expect
alter we are marine replied
, „
e Immoie suitbr.
In' tile treatment of either there is go
no, better preparation than Dr. to
l'horna,s' Felectric. Oil, as it coun-
teracts the inflanonration, and' re- to
.lieves the pain. The action of the th
oil is instantaneous and lt8
ation is extremely siniplewJ.
• No person should go from ..tionte'
tliout a bottle of 'Dr., 3. D.
gg's, Dysentery Cordial inttiei
session.as change of' Wa;
Keep your heart high; that is
e ,sum of philosophy. — Victor Do
busin. ••leo
Weak, Weary, Watery Eyes
ranulated Eyelids. Murine
irt—Shothes Eye Pain. • Druggists,
irIVItirine Eye Remedy,Liquid, 25c,
..Murine Eye • Salve • In
.ptic Tubes,, 25c, 71.00. Eye Leeks
Advice Free bye lelet,Lha
ie Eye Remedy
.. ,
oltmg climate ,'etc'. frequent
• beings oe, stimmero. Complaint, an,„
there is nothing like being, 'readk,
r e
,dc'Sprea, pittatteInl
n eiti
. The report of Robert Elliott,
High Treasurer'showed the funds
of the ,Order to obe in a neat sat.
isfactory Condition. The income in
the several fundswas as follows:
Insurance,. $777,78.57, Sick .• and 1
Funeral Benefit' .9183,674.34, and
General 'Fund 9102,899.78: Total
Income 91,064,342.69. The ,°total
'expenditure,. in these funds was
9748,052.87. - The surplus income
iI4nu,cnt Co., Limited.
Dear Sirs,--Thie fall I got thrown on a
fence and hurt, ehest verY bad, So I
could MA work and It Iturt rue to breathe.
tried. rill tennis ot Liniments and they
did me no good•
One bottle of MIN.AE.E'S LINDIENT,
warmed .on flannels and applied on naY
breast, cured me ocuniletelv
O. it. cossABoom.
liossway, Digby Co.. N.S.
Hes—"I conic fi0111a very good
She --"I imaginethey were pleas -
1 to have you go."
Relief for Suffering- 'Everywhere.
He whose life is made miserable by'
the suffering that comes from indi-
gestion and has not tried Perm
lee's Vegetable Pills does not keoe
how easily this foemidable .feei can
bedealt with. These pills will re-
lieve where others fail. They are
the result of long andpatient study
and are conlideatly put forward as
a sure :Corrector of disorders of the
digestive organs, from whioh so
many suffer. ,
Secretary—"Where is Smith
Office Bo'—"He isn't here, sir. His
wife sent round to say the baby was
asleep, and he's gone home to see
what it looks like."
Housekeepers., are strongly ad-
vised to commence the use of Wile
son's Ply Pads early, because a few
flies killed in June would otherwise
become a host by August.
"Why do ,you call your boy
`Flannel' 'I" "73 -manse he always
seems to shrink from Washing."
Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria.
Stranger—"I understand tliat the
measles broke out in this town re-
cently." Constable—"Yes, sir.
But our head constable caught
As a vern:tifuge there is nothing
so potent as Mother Graves' Worm
Exterminator, and it Can be given
to the ,most delicate child without
fear or injury to the constitution.
"I insulted that man in the
grossest way, and he is twice as
arge and strong as I am."
'Really? You are brave!"
"Yes, I insulted him, and just
when he was most furious I calmly
ung up the receiver of the tele -
hone and rang off."
over expenditure amounted t� •
The Insurance, Reserve, Fun.d at,
the'close of..the year was invested
as follows . •• "
Municipal and School
- ,
Debentures .. .. 3 218 797.3
Dominion of Canadar
Stock ...- .....
Deposited in Char 44
.ed Banks , .... 000':
tirrent Accounts in
hartered , Banks
89 C.67. 2
• gitgge.;44,42
r ii id iiitt
# t
ill i 4'
ii. er.stisszfeS 07 APPLIED 342SNCS.
AsSiftlesti to gsteekt'o VidTesottYr
ittgottiti tit
For CAleeitaref *he Stot Lad torthe- informs
a 5r to the Seciretary„S eel of Miceing, stou,
rso' e .
Mining end Meta .
Chemistry tact Mineralogy
Mineralogy said Ceolozr,
Chemical Engineerin3-
Cilit Engineering.
Medlankal Emilie/tang,
Eirearical Engineering,
rower Deyt t.
.6'4 the very hest, send your work to the
Look for agent in yoer town„ or send direct,
Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa, Quebec.
Tho Heart °fa. Plane lathe
Action. Insist on the
Piano Action
"Do you mean to say that you
married for moneyi"
"le a, way I did. I got married
because I. couldn't aflord, to stay
engaged any longer,"
Don't igeore the few house flies
you see in Jun, Unless you cora.
Meilen 118ing Wilson's Fly. Paxls
early your house will be overrun
by them in midsummer.
you complain of ingratitude;
were you not repaid by peer plea -
were in doing goods'a—Devis,
A. Purely Vegetable Pill.
elaief ingredients of Parmelee's Ye-
getalele Pille are mandrake and dan-
delion, eedative and purgative, but
perfectly harridese in their action.
They eleanee and purify and have
a most healthful effect upen the se-
cretions of the digestive ovgarie.
The dyspeptic and all wile suffer
from liver anti kidney ailments will
fired thee pine the most effee-
ties) medicine in eeneeetrated form
that ilUS, yet beeu offered to the
Joe--" you mean to
Jack has not
married Mi
Why, the girl was absolutely
ngiherself at him the last time
saw them." James. --"My dear fel.
low, did you ever know a, girl who
could throw dr:tight?"
minaret's Liniment Cures °Niemen
When is ueeessary to make
several cakes at Once, save your-
self the tiresome heating of the bat-
ter by putting the required ingre-
dients in their usual erder into a
small ico cream freezer. A few
minutes of tureirg the e.i•erik re-
sults in a fine, smooth batter neces-
sary for a successful cake.
iNros,Ns AI SOOTX1'. C. 5? ra'r baS
used forever i-,11.TV 1.10.RS MIBLIONS of
TBETHING, with reevece success', er
sorrzxs the GMS,
is the bus remedy for IDAERECEA. It is ab-
solutely harmless. ne save and ask for 'Mi,
Winslow'S Soothing, Syrup,. aud take no other
kind. Twenty-five tents a battle,
Fair Girl—"My father made his
fortune when he w:is a young man.
Would you like to know how he did
it'?" Gallant Youth --"Net parti-
cularly; but I would like to know
if he still has it."
A stitch in time saves nine, and
every house fly killed early saves a
thousand at least later on. Wil-
son's Ply Pads will kill many times
more flies than any other article.
"What did your wife say when
you got home the other night?"
"Nothing at all. She just sat down
eut the piano and played `Tell me
the old, old Story.'"
Inflammatory - Rheumatism may
make you a cripple for life. Don't
wait for inflammation to set in.
When the first slight pains appear,
drive the poison out with Hamlins
M izard, Oil.
No one is satisfied with his for-
tune, or dissatisfied with his intel-
No one need endure the agony of
corns with Holloway's Corn Cure
at hand to remove them. '
Einks—"They say that successful
en are usually bald." Winks —
Yes; I notice they come out on
. •
Minard's. Liniment Cures 'Carget In Cows.
• The explorer was entertaining his
riends, with some 'yarns of the
Arctic' regions. • .•
'`And.once , he related, . "I' was
cornered by a. huge polar bear, and
,didn't have a bullet to 'protect
Self. .Tears, came .into . my eye's as
.thought of the 1.1uke.1 sl-nj.ult.1
never see again.
`..-What 'then asked s 'breath-
. • .
eSs rfriends. : ,
'Why,'thre tears froze .as bard as
a rock and ',...r.a.raMin,g themeirieniy
gun, 1 ired, end killed ,t1;6
And diet- tears fellfroiuiIt
ef the elie teepee...also
1 kit 4s
om, and he
I4 -10R; PAI4R-250 acres in Gleneig Towne
' Brno, Oxes comity, sou cloy loam,
7o acres timber, brick hottee, itunal,pr of
outebuildings, 6 miles to Durham market,.
Mail delivered at door. 11111 elm/Lange rot
smaller tarot or for city or town. prer.
PertY, Apply Philip Harding, Owner,
Durham, Ont„ or The Western Real Be -
fate Exchange Ltd., reondon, Grit.
Tbe best mixed farming district fa
Al erts,, The oldest land oomtmuY
4.1berta. Write for catalogno, DePart-
ioebsanetze tsit't e' A. TheP8aau8Yk,ateLitmQ‘lvtgend, LiZsdandDae:r!
MEN AOlia PARM 0 1-2 railes .from
London market, on Bleetric Ettilwr„7
linp, Five cent fare to city. 2 story
Xratne ,boutes, 3, bedrooms, 'Frame barn
an4 stable. Splendid clay loam. GiooeT2:
orchard, Will exelainge tor larger farm
or for City or Town property. The. West.,
edroan.folvtl. Estate t_imhange, 14(ni"
PLENDID. En glisia-epeaking agrca.
turral eoramunity neta won phrnom,
enal prosperity from a wonder ul sofl.
What are the farmer* in your diatrt
delne Wily not participate in our prose
erity Come here if Yeti want to make_
he most and. hest of Your energy Jana
ability, At any rate 40 ft for you*
children's metke.
Write for all information to
Ss.skateen, Saskatchewan, Wetteru
PRAIRIE LAND, 6 relies front
town of 3,500 pop., 2 miles' from R.R., Star
tion, gebool, Store and P. 0, Soil te Si
dark sandy loam having a small amount
of gravel. and under -laid with a, elay
sub -soil, 2 miles of River Frontage, 343
aeres under cultivation. 1,600 acrets more
ready for the plow. Good frame build.
ings, 6 miles of vire tOneinr. attolt ml -
acres of this tract As coyercd wit)a trot.
close Pine and Fir timber, ostimattia al
64/6,04 It. Not f„aore. OAR 200 ire.; o
aste lima en the wholes 11'440. Will lied
bleeks of 320 er 640 R er(ii, at from 'V
875 per acre, sccordiug to Improve -
its and amount under cultivation.
WIlI sell the whole tract p.t. V50,00 not
nere, one-balf cash, balance ten years it
wanted. This is a first-claes prepositiort
for a Syndicate to handle. For maps and
other information. address Fred J. Raw
eel, Granbrook, B.C..
Agency prepositiont convinces so
none teen equal ours. Yon will a
ways regret It iR von don't apply for
partieulare to 'Travellers' Dept, 27,3
Albert $t:, Ottawa,
ICA ARM SC.i)LES, speoial price. Wilson'S
Scale 1%orise, 9 Esplanade, Toronto.
LACE your money with las in truet.
We will guarantee large returns und.
solid investments, Correaponclenee sol.
ieited. Edmonton Locators, Ltd., Fin.
aneira A,gent,e, Edmonton, Alta,
.EMBER, interior trim, doors, fleorina,
ILA sash, Priee quoted at your station.
:Small' or large Orders. P. W. T.
'Oj"Red Devil" (ilea Cutler rnzts wired
glasF; plata glass, smokedand. teiudow
.glass. By Mail 23e. W. E. Potter &I Coe
46 'Benoit St„ Montreal,
) heavy, Lat1, Mlhl, Shingle Mille.
Engines and }milers, Mill Supplies, The
Long Manufacturing Co„ Ltd„ West
Street, Orillia, Ontario.
T EW UPRIGHT PIANOS, two hundred
,.2'4 (toilers, payable twenty dollars cash
with order and ten dollars monthly.
Write Wholesale Department, The Leath
Piano Co., Limited, Montreal.
g ANCER, 71111011S, LUMPS, etc. In.
‘,„/ ternal and external, cured without
pain by our home trea.tteent, Write us
before too late. Dr. Bolivian 'Medical Cm.
Limited, Collingwood, Ont.
t, TON SCALE, special price.
6„) Scale Works. Esplanade, Toronto,
iir''''NTED to take orders in
,SpEarc \ale. no experience neces.
sary. Our lines especially used by
mothers and girls. Apply Dept. A, Brit-
ish Canadian industrial Company, 220
Albert St., Ottawa.
5.,11 us in regard to any disease. Lowest
prices in drugs of all kinds.
Trusses fitted by mail. Send measure.
ment. Glasses fitted by age. Write to -day
for anything sold in first.class drug
stores to Dr. Bethnal", Collingwood, Ont.
:10D16 forbgl
The most highly e:ficient application
tor the reduction of Swellings, Goitre,
Thick Neck, Glandular Enlargemels.
It's Positive.
PILES of all kinds, in any and all
stages, quickly relieved and
positively cured. Cure your suffering
and live quietly. "Common Sense" for
Piles will do it. $1 a box, $6 for 6
boxes. Mailed on receipt of price.
For Sale at.. a great bargain,
Cranston Printing Press. Bed ssrill
take on a six column quarto paper.
This press has been run very little,
and has just -been thoroughly gone
over by Westrnau & Baker, Print-
ing Press Manufacturers' of this
City and is guaranteed to be in
perfect order, It is practically as
good as, Ns hey it ealaie from the
..ha,ntis of the rnal(ers. Speed, as
• fast as you caii feed it. Will run
,up to 2,500 per hour and print any-
thing from a post card to a whole
sheet poster.
Fountain easily regulated and
1.),e.d handy to get at. Cost us new
elhVk11 for haIfp