Exeter Advocate, 1911-6-29, Page 2ROWNED RITAIWS KING Some i n " tininstei Abbey One of tin -oaralieled Macenificenoe ;Hent:, 'enz [TAIES BEAT ARIA Saluding Line of Twenty IVI les Greets King and Queen 'orts:n,outh, June 2a,- -Georg V., se seilar King, passed through the sttulit waters of rile Solent 'yes - 2 'The attla peers facing the north lire of the terday afternoon between steel thAo., n raised dais and fa ing lanes formed by the greatest ar'- George �?$ �12�,l:rnd` was creamed t�) are 4>e � � a m n d- hi t'''rzea} ,•r _ <� ; arose and laow le.a as the Prince oa•,aft rc�ar'esent,ipp�ts �racaacally= ever • r,, �. s borne > ">rj"4'kz�_e .. 7 i ^; �FA peri al #t a barn ow;t .n v < before taking his seat, turned and , navy of the world particil�a;•t-ed in, $x,M{?` ties:�a with the sy"rnbt^„ w'-'= bowed: to thenar, The Princess Mary this splendid sera pageant. It was n..p u, language which carried followed, walking 'along looking viewed by people'froixr nearly eery r+t.>,�& ling g l fix eats the serried ranks The peers mada ever assenaeled Fighting 'Play- SaLre the minds of the belkotdera l< al to h.c t o;s: of ro aaarace and ehivaalry, ',vera to' S1`k tinne � thcisc wb°r lived frefo*e 4lfred, 1r 4Al ry inch a. princess. She was clime. Although easentially do� well able to give effect to her long signed as a spectacle, it couldnot ermine -tined blue train, which was be; otherwise than a parade of the held ap by a lady -ill -attendance, fault the Etegland cherishes her The downcast eyes, slightly bent title get "?distress of the seas," head arae girlish coiffure alone As a picture and an object lesson poke the child. Behind her eaaranc , the review was stupendous in beau - for brother, dressedty and singiaificanee. et, and the two little One hundred, and si .ty-seven Innis of all classes, with a total ght made a dislalacenzenat of 1,04,00 tons, and owed low to costing about 14 000,000 k pounds, the, Prince was the showing rzade bee England. returned !The. fie?t 1110A-de'd 0.3 battleships, 25 neefort}a to The Duke of by lar frehu3isna. la'ria sig. n�cloc x wir rx tlxe lfpav, lie di aha deers opera annntii aft, uxno} ; old volae pa,ssale' moving pi cfraaes site*rntl txd p Contaataght sot rally comp t sed l earasels s rrx right of '#lne Vrince harmonious Sett, g, oxxly a al� �iH C3Ill 9 ? 'at eltft !addition eaf :! mplette the KO etched upwaar ae "The atx and commoner rhe sough side of yas a'Royal Taos o English lioyal, Tien e north side of Q1,44e n'a pone udgee gallery, the aisle, Neral+ ;r*zxd nnaxe were: preceded by the el chair to the lfired of Wales, V AIS, oats drums anei ri;thout wex:e, etant hush t"on, Eu hour, the r aria, armoured cruisers, nine protected cruisers, 29 torpeao craft. The to- tal number of the officers and meu was I60,OOO The :arrival of the King shortly before 1 o'clock was annuuneed by cannon from Nelson's old flagship Victor;y, As the reverberative echoed ` over the Solent every ship of the armada blossomed out as if, by magic with daze of aver' hue. The breeze flaunted millions of piarioes contained rn dressing ship, transforming the picture from neu- tral tints to gorgeous tones. His Majesty was received by Ad- •rniral Sir Arthur R.loore and staff and escorted aboard the Royal yacht Victoria and Albert, whiny broke out the Royal Standard, Prouxptl,y two torpedo beats .'Pulsed into the lane, showing the path to /the Baur yachts parties"paating in th. re.vaew. As the Ting, standing on the bridge in the uniform or an aad- salute was rniral, came abreast of the rust gdoru and warship, the latter's guns boomed flung waa. as royal salute, The .first crash wad elute can best the signal for all the ships to tale various times up the salute, n, p,au, ru Lona 111!,".A.10$ OF UI, 'tLI'J+'11T TIIU TI lel 4ealand it was 1,17 �. . AT, at ye aeeeyer, F., Ixnstautl3 • the quiet prevailing '' ,can 1?cal of. Ulym 'Pali tlinR:acr Gr 'S io,night,� ar}d a t 'areaica 7=2a t? • As the crown. was placed on than dither slide of the Solent and war, 0 414 sa rn to -day, at Calcutta, rnornernt >aefure waS followed u; this morning, iPhie a burled a£;atxfat the shores of up King's head the cern sinxiuhare-' hauled; bask again to the armada. Kr g ,p _.Grid i ously donned their coronets, The' face of the waters was covered and great Iris Majesty was ero'vi. ed in St, ,y', b a stooks pall, which, raising, ras- eti ga'lteraes, officials of her hQaraolreld, the bear- Edward's. chair, ftcr wearing it waled the Royal yacht advancing ' di 'Porn rte, ,ers •of her regalia and ttaany of the for a minute the'Xing r moved the. majestically, .her olack hull and said other noblest of her husband's subjects, cre yn and replaced .it, afimtlt aa, lesser gold -trimmed yellow stays and su- -ry These were ;she ' passed along au obeisant ay- . carrying the scepter, porstructurer gleaming in the sun. .uisia ire T dear eutxe o princes, lords nand arnli - ,Ire wmi east to the throne, en the l round the decks of every levia- g p vnas arra unbroken chain t;£ ern der ul gar- , sass . The 111 IL o£ London dais, in which lie waslnlace<l bye tlnx;axn hundred and Gs cord supported her on 'either then arclibisbops bishops and peers, tar shied I aide, end. sir: daughters of earls ` l► rxt followed the picturesquely ld service, bare her train, on which wares sy+mboi*cal ceremony of homage. enyal box " worked emblems of every portion of ,Tiro T*rinnoe of Wales first advanced, the British Empire. do lila cenx+ouetz and knelt at the '°Viva the Maariar. Regina:" thricev foot of diff daisM Thain ascending, apetated by, the clamant 'voices xaf he ldsrvd ode Ding efn both cheeks, e Westminster School boys, hrolnen arnd then kxnclt sod kissed his lne silenee. It was followed by lnnid rinse of 'Males alone "Vivat, Vivat, Vivat t" louder still,hissed it 1nothe:heeks and the strains of the anthem, "Oh, on tb hand. ay fair Peace," the Queen crossed oxtfzsaullit fol] atx the north chencel to a seat coronet the south in front of the Royal l.n top. Be Hardee, and knelt in prayer, hen sileneo fell "again, to he broken by a second roll of drums td a, fanfare of trumpets. The ng w tis coining. hri The the Icing o e and . The Duke of ed. He doffed his elt on the bottom Tided and knelt ou the tofu step, Then he stood and. bending 'for- vvaard, touched the crown with his ht hand, kissed the King's left heck, and then retired. So did the for Duke, Marquis, Earl, Count ad Baron. Abeava thin. ntonevr lowed nt windows bl A. WON ae Mirox ad eve When :stators ere was' tire aId dre 1; " housaxid be sent s ,wondanr.£ul or as a pain,. rthe atblaor bad .f its, austerity misty `heights, here waa::s no loss of 1 eanitya. alt:' wens laglnta nand fairy-like, the c sdrk ruby velvet of the peers aridpeeresses, the sea rlet tuniestef 4110 soldiers and the black velvet court and -wife looked for a moment into anon the dais, the Xing arose, held - suits giving just sufficient strength each other's eyes and then, after ing a sceptre in either hand. With to the spotless "ermine capes of*� the exchange of a grave bow, the the •sceptre in har riglnr haand, the 1 adges and peen`s. Pale tnanves;. 4n.g pressed to his own: chair be- Queen walked slowly.and malesti- y+;]lows, ligbst ,Sines;, kinks, ant yowl the Queen's and both knelt cahy. Six white -clad bearers held' pearly greys were chiefly worn by in brayer, her train, and apparently took off XING PALE BUT CALM. The King was paler but calm. ooked neither to the left nor to right, as one in a dream. "Vi - Georgina Rex et Imperator, t, Vivat, Vivat," came a :full- ated chorus thrice from the `Westminster boys, Entering the chancel on the south side, the King halted before the Queen, who stood behind the faldstoo1. Husband CROWNING THE QUEEN. Then at the altar followed the simpler ceremony of crowning the Queen. Four gentlemen bore a canopy behind her, and they were followed by four duchesses. As the Queen walked east fram• the altar to take her seat on the throne to the King's left, but two steps low - f ;F?PACKArRas�� ? At GA ii,04 'o LTO; :HAT • O . O EVERU$ fO $ `r o:LTD, M,,AAKES'Pitt kNlffrLISSIO. • � ET�COM�llli`ll blue -jackets nrrauning ship, linea above disclosed Marines, the silencing of the guns began Joys of cheers seat across the. wa,t- ers to the Mug ; from ©very ship: Alio there WAS the melody of the National ,Anthema from all of the bands. There was a manifest ler- for, perhaps„ never before attained. at a sintils#r review in the. Solent, limns? it was known by eesti and otlieer that today was the fast the ladies, who, with the excep- tion of the bare -headed peeresses, wore on their heads white feathers KING -TAKES THE OATH. all the.weight from elose up to the The Archbishop of Canterbury shoulders to the very end of ars 18 1 'wlai a eery "rosattos with elate next advanced to the seated King feet of magnificence. But as the � isen ascended the three shallow Warships of s`r Q reaarmiers h sigie " � behind. .the ed asked: u "Sir, is Your Majesty willing to steps to the throne the enormous dndrj: eels spa in the fronare these " g Weight with which the train and and jewels sparkled on bare Weeks take the'oath'1 and ta.soms._ It was a wonderful "I°am willing," replied the Kinggown pressed upon her could be seen_ She went up like a little blended whole, in which without ib lour but distinct tones search 'the ° detail was practically lost. Froth nine to ten o'clock not a minute passed without its picture. At nine c -o'clock the white -robed t,, -i o a rsa e o Eb„ Tish 'kings s £ r ha f, g g h altar the g chancel. Then from the abbey. canons•, robed in 'their long, housan f years, ,During t ae anoint- riehly-colored' capes, took the ar- big four Knights of the Career held ticlesof Roya1 regalia arid preceded the ,geld -colored .silken canopy ba- by the choir.,,whioh,was, rrow singing hind the chair, :hat .net over the `"0 God, Our Delp in Ages Past," ng. t " ter the aneintin the , King ng - bare �tlaem<•to the. robing room, .at 1? the west entrance. knelt for the blessing. ' Then -he 4kAt`:ten; o'ctock s;ll stood again. as stood to be i� e ted with the colo - a glittering; company ^ of foreign )urn sindonis, tlJe. s"upertunica;and primes °walked:"up -the aisle,'and the. 'girdle., Then, :sitting in the refit c'.hair <' the King: looked . as took their pl es in ,the chancel. k.,. R_ . w } . .,:.. -. , Then followed ' the '" Diplomatic though he were• clad in. solid gold 'Cor; s r .forein envoys •and rniuox arrmor,as the"sptt s and swords were ' • '•" iiresented; Arf er rising'` the' Kiug royalties, and then, in trutli; the _... :; ... ,. n irrt the sword, and, offered it, choir stall became. as it,were a $ ma of the world stretehin from soa,bba'rded, at e lta , tlx P g 'After taking the oath and kissing child, slowly, and getting both feet on the sante step before ascending n. the next one. Their Majesties then descended from the dais and advanced, at- tended by a glittering throng es be- fore, re hand- ed altar, vvlfa to they over the sceptres and crowns, and made obligations according to the ritual in the service. They then partook of Holy Communion. The full ritual was completed.' The choir sang the "Gloria," and the Archbishop of Canterbury' pro- nounced the Benediction. The choir sang the ``1e Deum." Meanwhile their Majesties, who had reseait,ed themselves on their 'thrones, descended and advanced again to the altar. They passed by different doors - into St. Edward's Chapel, the regalia which had been lying- on the altar being returned to'`their former bearers. Standing 'l efone` the altar of the, • chapel, the King delivered the soeptre and dove to the, Archbishop, who then 'laid at.on the altar. i -The:. King: was then robed in the .Bible his 1:ajesty moved to the great Coroiia.tion chair of King Ed- ward, and was.' there anointed on blie; oro'vn of his head, his breast, ch rir entered and stood in the palms and both" hands as has been Ethiopia to apan� ° dicating itsto ;rho sereice: of Ged. 71 + PIIfNC- S He than"z'haradnd it ta_ one 'of the .A,RRIVA OF E • • Inaghts of the -'Gaiter; ° Who .un_. Followingrhes+ cam as efie'aatlaed ite and`• the naked 'sword sembIage which, touch its otjus,tice. remainael e ;.posed till the of the people within out user of; the Genii -1'8)2Y. `; purple .velvet and with the crown :> - ,, , the abbey didnone a; - „The Ixn er>< L msanle oa • .daps of purhlc � c,Ytenc[ed xnt�aeisr.b a ezrcuxt sok Y King Y7 l? , .;e .u. � :,all branches of thatarm'of the ser ,- i left nr head the orb ,xn , l xs e not;ev�en'the and em. old ,, flo��in �ta, the, round was one- his 3 r+ , 1 , t ,• ga bh b +eo . � spine of the most �o p i._ous disti ie s vice Life Guards Drago s, �bland, the'sceptre tre and cross ir, � I , ,, a on -IJus- sel es._ It was*the I r Wales then.taken from the. altrz�r�°iai.�l % d<> .. p ., crowds ,^ rhis -right, •• rot the ca ital mcl the crowds that sars.and Laneels, cacti accoinpani ,,, ,'t,.:. ,. : �, his" _ - ,.. ,.: . then _�. thG .Queen carrying '.:;. both r kith ,:his . s.stei and w, ers, aace�l in h.� hands,.. tht,n . re . nrs � . r 3 � �. w .« eiree •, *o altar ' land r ,looked on here correeponchn ly ed by its on n bans. and ti ec io,l of r princes ess- n ' the 1 .the Royal Sceptres, passed through the cl7oxr, to 1 g , ,. follow�l by 19 p cer Ylad-ect_au t9 e a tar, �e B � p _...._: - Horse Arti rGr.' !; r ,... +,.. ogreater then too ellei Majesties lle „ The..e gene io_ ' t i�''"" h h �* �-�a�' lixian , ,ttentled 'as �n L$e>entiance, but g ,; es of the, k�x'itish 2toy Bat S�eTstr�., ;sprit,. i, c .::.lac {, �ul . ? ,..,. . .. lowed .b •,l]. _, _ I ,.:m . ,>> a ,, c, s, �,ero,aceoni a�zxed l:11:rioartit''aen'11,A.n..:10:resoh- lya thenavaland militaryaI e esitersfortheb anddiamondf}ashen fine..'Pulelad � with tl�ecrclex of Ixroces�ar,re p ,.1 Y ,,. , :eer , j ort, ds clmdYr,thWr n db •other, rad •`-rh1 nd, she ce �ee ers d.. Td1c.,L�int1 .p a•yed a:nal the chis s ,,,e es e z liii is 3xS_.tto lead .. a . Ie ove • , e . .,fivestaffde orations offorei nof.� . r .arir the Nationa}Antlieiri`asCnescares alon3 l gsry aot•s looked,the yo,a. uisth :hes:!Ddu©;iai;;the;left hand".. chcriz ;,r is _ficers the; Ro -al , Suite ; the mem�, ^-,, �, i, es, �zroceecled. t,o,_the to ,a- , 'Peat ext�ri� a xeet,xtioof � y al�edc�vithat din ,.has :•Thus..,the., Kxn " a�`a}l�ed.�zo t%rc tlxe,r +v,'l.al..s,}.1 o zhersoftheRo alfa,mil ` an h Viaoy .g f Y Y,_ dt e. ., ., �"� ... :.. , st ent�hnce�:tosmo forth, i,a the l,Ilo..e o,. 5es�er.tlay wittyye s at tle. head yl uhrorzerrc a ra.se<I KtaiS,. whCie,. the y�c 1 s e fDIre�an. Pieces and the co_en_a1 n. ., ,, ., .. : - .t" ;,:, ; ,;:.. ,p f„�,n;a eo-�;��•i�2atei crowd of .,,z.,etatoa�. 1 x group clreraed in. the mediaeval �Axohirxshon' o;E-Qi �cro�s�^nom eat �tzsx�st.c 1,1rx11c�.Ls ,a,W �,1 �p e � it ..,, -• .- h. , - ., .. �' -. , ,.. ,�•� form ='' cludzn r tlCanadian xnd Lr ,: y �,,., r. . , �. - .� �.::) . tilze; precession bean i.�fu�n .ril g s ia� � h G .te H` 1 ked I s' tl r t l . ,. - • ., n ,.. Iii the Royal i a ,.., twt.; bey,e . io ,,accl f he.•: c7� vnine.azxcl and o hours 1 -,ei. i a, wirierY equ p a with the �-�lainl Vie: seen ,,�^'�.ddin , ai,o�. ...while• outside' at;,.Hyde.; T' i.r pe- . ,., •rt z� b 1. � g, . ' the _Le-,,,,ing r , - L - :.. y .. ..: I .in r., and user 'r -F'i r , �• x i r _, .,. r ,. �.. �, , ;v.} D- h+3�e�ls, office N� � A � Cd�l old Mar•- ,etr from the nceliner t;Iao I'owec of London, and tai xn l7or a�a �g'��3 � r n� p��� � arty matte statel he Royal tandar¢d; saixds the 'loyal i Y Y S E PF i�Ai, e ,another xl he lien and with other to -<1 Queen them- Portsn7aautl, l�nglan Notwithstanding ca dismal dxir«zIing in, both the �`.ity of Peattsrnutl the fleet at Shithead we ie bril- 1 e,rn ly illuminated .'tan -night. Veess• sols representing seventeen na tions, which bad corns to greet the newly crowned; king, vied with the . gigantic gathering of British war- ships in making beautiful spec- tacle. The long lanes of vessels moored in Spithead blazed with light, 'hulls and masts outlined' with electric 'lamps glowing bril- venteen Natio uininated t of .Trirgrhorn",vert. at Spithe ,d liatntl against the dull - skies aaxsd reficeting their images in the water upon which they redo at anchor. Despite the rain, every 'kind of craft, crowded with sightseers, made trips among the swarships. The display continued until mid- night, when upon signals dashed. from the, flagships the lights were suddenly extinguished. Meanwhile, the town was full of animation. Bluejackets of all na- tions fraternized in the heartiest manner and visited'together the various places of entertainment. as 0 th British navy distinetTy' arland will ever be ass ause Canada, Austra- r colonies are forming saes. Anel KING GEORGE is oajaeea3 ghter Princess Mare. Tit 'NAVAL ;,EV SI'1'S''1IE&D, JJIFNS i TrE UNE S OCES Contin.. enth From British Countries Every Continent London, June Y�3.—King George and Queen Mary to -day showed themselves to the masaes asdietincat from the more favored classes who were able to obtain access'" to the on. progress from Buckingham Palace by way of Constitution Hill, Picca- dilly, Trafalgar - Square,- through the city over London Bridge, by Borough road and Westminster Bridge, thus making a complete circumscribed area of yesterday's circuit. pageant. FOUR SQUADRONS OF To -day's procession was on aii A.LRY. even gander scale than that of th,e g , t T• pageant xnctuded four full coronation. The route was more CAV - squadrons of cavalry rep"rese.ating inc_of Wa his ';broth and prine a1 :family,. oy prince: s Grays tin rinds ,�gp rty;z�d ry o£' -this Boo tines of ho .,ar ,,r., a 00 him taws 1e sumeme Mennen p_e hra rznce, but the modest l ,`,`. d `SY"ve^the'I in '"'' tired` out 5u Y,r i;li -� l4,, r'` G ncl ben"edietion the yaid df Bucic_ng^hani Palace and escorts, who xmmediately,.preceded �vei;f lac P 7 y cu....G4 � ,., b'� ;pn 1 .,, ; - J the, s.tat•© .c rria a: , e a, ` eo'clock, g x human boyvoices in th , b alta "6iri:-h _'Pied ceremonial, :t}ze a•llanz.nl streets ,at trine o c_ocl, a and.,..diffidence of -the um n train thousands ofer �- o , ,d fi X12 r.•,a `a fe, a. 'die 1r ad d�F't w.. an zo - tans-- xndered..a .�a.iuia 1�, (KO s..r�d .?r.. . . s e- ern limes of c'heerir7g thou-` steal Kite or and the bearer 'of a�rngc $is c � y ,foray or,,e gun.- t � �. t no of`s' osite 'L'n ;{' yhich eehoeo around'rhe verlci',, Sea e bosh a+� The eld.oa Royal escort brought up this rear. AN UPROARIOQS WELCOME. Seats for many . thousands had been erected along this: long routs and the progress of the King and Queen wase indeed a `royal one. Everywhere they received an up- roarious ;welcome;' from the' visitors in the hotels, from the stands of Piccadilly, Trafalgar Square and - the Strand; from, the business men Of London proper who had brought their wives' and children to the city, for this day, and again from their, Majesties'humbler subjects south' of the,river. The decorations of yesterday re, mained in Piccadilly nd those in, the" other, streets traversed were not' less spectacular. In the Strand there were rews of masts, each bearing a red, lion and underneath a- red velvet drapery with a liar rampant in the, centre, C11,�v FiDIANS ESCORT PREMIER A contingent .':°uf• Canadians : es- coated s- c redf carriage occupied 0 C the.first Z by Sir Wilfrid Laurier: Premier of Canada,' and. Premier Fisher,,of Australia. This. was followed by other carriages carrying Premier= Yum Morris, of Newfoundland, Premier Africa, Botha of the Union of South taf , Zealand, Premier Ward,of flew �ealand,'ehe, a inissi ners of Governorss‘inand C m o 'Piller oolon1es, each es -carted by n - c,oa ;zo 1 1 -re 'Pott �r from. ae x o0 5 t r l� ss tree. � b th.�e er or;,, yI'Iie were followed a o pttlar troopers,the fa orthweetlat l r :ak i, ° n 1 fni a c ,Pi'a .b i d o, rid t me e, a rt force organized •. en similar .lines