HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-6-22, Page 8THE EXETER ADVOCATE,
TauR ED AY JUNE. a 4
The warm Weather ss with .tisagain
ire you prepared for it? We areR
What you need, is a stitunaerr suit to
help you to keep coal., We have the
goods to snit atad
to suit- Let us
facts for von.,
we make thenen up
demenstrato these
r erCl al Via,
IitrekWhl at.. ,.. R , R" 46
Potatoes, per bag .,.R, 00
ay, p ertaa,,, 50
Men; per ewti fauUy
pair Jew grade per ew 1 45
Duller 17
lave hogs, per cwt..
Shorts per ton.,
Bran per ton.. ,,...,.,R.
koinne mon will give $3. to charity and
rid 410 advertising thel fact,
Rnearta _wife,can always, find some.
use for Kinn i, Calve ,v,'alma to,,
It ^B •i'o e
Rev, y ,zn Snell KirktYrxn occup-
ied title pulpit in, James street ,church
Sunday last.
Grant Sanders entertained. a number
of ,his friends( to a bi ' hday party o
ursday a: ternoon.
'Bishop Williams will bold coafirtna-
o -service in T'rivittt Memorial church
';:day morning next.
'Fletcher of Us'borre has purl
e'°4d r. Thos. Haz l ood's property
North St, Possession, given this fall
Rev Bake:-. who is viag,tizrg 1 -ere at.
,he d
t oMe Of; Kr-; E. F*•v«1«ei;, occupied
t"LIa>:n avec puIpit on Sunday even.
rowhed to -day.
ung cut albs weep.
n, uP ;our tla or Corolnatio i Days'
t Meeting: or tire,
iovere g,,VBank will
Goa Tuesday July
lir T4o1Ituoeell has sold his tartar
>r,a, the ames -Road to: M. Ratcliffe,
7$ OW.:?. t OO ac.vs,
h ,. ,-,QwwOrldrig it together wie
St Earl Bro,w;n;nag iaas, accepted a
0 posit or: as hardware traveller for 4t
rough lxoand will" leave short„
7 uze ty to stmt ,r4 'rziS duties -
00 The 1.ad1e4 Aid of ,Mathi. street +;hunch
1d 40
17 r" e 't a> c'a;c order wit attend, div#ne
Oa e .v;ees is Aho Tright ;Lieannnorlal church.
20 27 0 00 o stem, evening. service. w^leen
00FGAR eco: "leg. D, lS gains win oe-
20 cup, ta:o pulpit.
ve a s ,a'rt errti social ,on,, the cirure,n
4u, :err Friday ovetlirt>, twhe n the
$t Band and 4,uartette furnished
lip to the e,; enipg of aarae 1tlt,'
will pay :in trade fen live posltry t
Old, fowl 11c, per pound.
Spring chicken I911htkte:
Duckling 15c. per pound,
Duck 12c, per pound.
Turkey 12c.. per. pound;:
Chicken to be 31b to the pair,)
( Duckling to be e lbs to the pair.)
One cent per pound less far cash.
Watch this space every week for
24C, p
MISS J. T. ALLANiEyeSight Speeial-
1st, will be at the Commercial Hotel,
L,.,--Eseter, Saturday next, June 24th—one
day ,
I Go to The Advocate Office for Marri-
age Licenses.
PLQUR AND FEED.—Raving 'put in
a stock of Flour and Feed I; 'eQllcit
your pathonase. Stand one door north
of Reamui'a Hardware -Rivers' old
stand. Jos. Davis.
Our wedding stationery is of the lat-
est, types of the best, workmanship un
.:. surpu.ssed and prices right. Prospective
brides should call at the Advocate and
see for themselves.
KINDLY TAKE NOTICE .that my or -
lice is closed every Wednesday after -
e -noon. DR. ROULSTON.
JUNE WEDDINGS.—Get your wed=
j;ding invitations printed at the Advocate
office—blest designs. Marriage licenses
issued here also.
Apply to D. S. Perri9, &
Limited, Landon, Ont.
='1 MARRIAGE LICENSE.—Get your mar-
riage license at the Advocate Office:
TAKE 'iTARNING—Warnying is.. hereby
given that any person or persons caught
steatiing vegetables from my garden
will be prosecuted to th!e fullest extent
of the law.
J :Hearrsa„ a'c • delivery, taovse, ,driven
Gt^a. gel S;r$all.zcoutratae: began a rfrit;;at-
" *1 :tato Thursday afternoon an<d
hundred yards la faS:
thsr zr-o' and t 'uarnes4
r+ Pdrtl?f volunteers under
pt. W.. J. T eamau
aubury ar,d S Idon, left
aoo$t ora the 's let fox
gQ lea,o tranning for the
The time -table of the High School en.
trance examination for 19,11 has 'beer.
issued, a.ftd the examination begins on
Monday, June l
rn. . read
ting nn structiohs ; 1030 to; 3.00 p. m
composition; 3.40 to 4.30, ' spelling,
Tuesday, June 27th, 9.00 a. m. to 11.30
a. in., Arithmetic;, 1:30" p. rn. to 2.30,
reading (exarriination paper) ; Wednest
day, June 26tt'h, 9-.00 a. 'm. to 11.00,
English Grammar ; 11.10 to -12.00, writ-:.
ing; 1.30': to 3.30, geography.
or then
shipped a
and Robt
Saturday „evcaning tratna for Toronto.
The r,rettardieta aro beconning thorough.
ly ecnn,vinced tha,fi tiacn,Xlen Davis apple ie
of very poor tiu ty, and they are set,
ti.rt, to µor o get rid oz thorn, by
graitfng Or tattling them out. Itcosts
lnta moo to x aisa a good apple than a
Poor one.
Mattrice B. Bobiier S.A>t E E., of Eu
talo, forrneri of ''Exeter, ha:vi{r just
comploted a c `R h Electrical Engin-
cerin;, has aeeepted a position with Tiip'
Westinghouse°'Electrical Manufaoturrrrg
Company of Pittsburg, P,a., Ills duties; to
commence imnnedistelv,,
M'r. Barry I rn3in, who drives the
stage :tram Exeter, to 'grand Bend, will
soon 'bo conducting hiss passengers over',
the road in a fine auto bus. whipb
the firm has pureha.sed. The distance
will be covered i; ' about half the time
.it ;now takesio firm has also pun'
chased a fine passenger' car ,for their
By resolution the council on Friday
evening instructed the' Reeve to declare
Thursday, June 22nd public holiday
and all citSzens are joined to commem-
orate 'the crow a.' o2 George 'I., by
decoratia;g an.. uly: •observing the day,
A Corociation Service will be held in
Trivftt Memorl41 Church on: Thursday
morning at 9.30.
Huron Street is"fast (becoming one of
the ,prcttilest 'streets >fnt town. With its
almost complete Bine of boulevards on
either side, looking beautiful land green
and with ,other' natural and artificial im-
provements it -compares ost "favorably
with anything in u sties. Other citi-
itizens will do welto take a lesson in
street making irons., old Huron street re-
sidents. -
In conversation witht Mr. Sandy Pur;
don, census enumerator for; part of Ex-
eter, he expressed -himself as not hav-
ing encountered a single incident of
an; unpleasant nature' in; t'i whole of,
the ,work, which seernts io be an, weep-
tion "to the gen' r`a rule, and speakg
well for the peo fol Exeter. He says'
the story that' old maids are diffident
about telling their' ages, ifs all a myth.'
A horse belonging to Mr 'Jani!e' Wood
tat out
s that
I:av!Iig roulette
gatublips deg leets of
lr roundsWill lose
the. -overnment.
pea three three load cat-
oronto Friday, sone
iineaat he has over
sad fronaj Wtiu. Pratt
Woods took the
Con t pation tis,' 10 some case's tine
dtti•ect result From, a,ttorpid or slovr act -
brig liver, 'brouglint about 'by the vrith-
hold g of the flow sof bale this, con-
diticla ie ornm,on;iy allied wth`trr,ore
or less -La igest,lion and dyspepsia `pa'rt-.
Iy du.. 'to the oonstipatlion iilsel'4
Many -
t o _a
ieraorya ilr2;ve found c raps
lively easy tiro 'overcon1e a k, condit-
tert,s with a. treatir_.rnt',of ' Rex_all^ Driver
'1,a our r,iudgemexit,, v,* e feel that this
preparation`- is"'rehia.rkably; we'i ,fitted
to ov hn these,' coildu t o ^'a1:d'r re
coni tiesn for
"t, h<tine u•nder-
and . w!hi>vin was( lefty ;1±ed'by the line ttl
a tel post leouitli of th'e Bank of
Commerce, became Fright.. ed, by -an auto
andbroke away Thur .'ayevening about
0.30' o'clock •'n4 rake the half -mite,
record to the J tner's home ,south of
town. 'Besides the breaking of the
brindle -and shaft; which was done in
'ettiir g away, no further'', ,"damage wasi
T.here,isFust once week more of school`
and then- ;;swarme of youngsters will 'be
tu^'nii loose eight weeks or more
of unadulterated joy. The official clos
d. is a t for,`June,30, 'l' it is expect
ed that many Of' the yp ngsterst will get-
arae c:l, rf .the srhe e anti have a feiw
The entrance , ex
ar,r.h xt1ons are set for -.,Ju;e 26, 27 and
28.. "rue-'p`ro'not1 'r exarainatione will re
lield at'&'he saniier Buse, sp ttiat;,it isnot
at l pzxbable,..raf,W Ts'
will be
cl_o:`,41 the, last two days" of school.
.A goad nianY' 0± those so called `boy
srrotrts that we.',read so much about
daily papers, would be better .em
pioyed scoutin;,' about• the ,garden patch
u eef ul''
ban s a
aetd ins. -uctt e ocuA tion
b'ri abart , *Gvbo hat ani
L. a `, P,t1n ';was tan 'ondotn #'his
week, ►,,.Y
:Mr.l3a, y -w2 L' . Taanaan was in ,T3 , t)- over,
ir• tus. .Southcott was' a 1Cueiph,
over Sunday'.
Mr, Jos, Doyle and 'Miss Doyle were
Mt. Cassel Sunday,
Lies, McAvoy, alter a week"'' Vi§it In
Lo:ndotlreturned Monday,
Miss ids Arnastroo' has ris'turno3
fro3 Nornnal °a t London,
Miss l..au hato
of o
is#oat„# tbe
guest of -Mrs. W. W.. Tannin.
C, I3elee of Buffalo, is vis-
itn au in town, Uat-buos`teof Mr. Hurdon,
Rev. and Mrs. Baker and littl. daugi;-
v%ei,tiny gr. and 3iigrs..'E. Follicle,
Mrs. 3arnlain; 'w'h'4 hat' been visiting
gas, Giadman, returned; to °I oad0 Wed
fir.ay'tic'hard ;Farmer of London is
,.l:h ' .hands with' friends ji town
t.n_s week. d'
W. Doyle, M,1. s„ and Airy!' Doyle
visited, at M. ld." a,i} Doyle‘ o 1 ril-
day, last.
tins, Soh„n Mct+voy and talo hitdren
Q,: is are visiting gnus reeves at 4
Ee^tis, hem,.
,f ss Irene Hat/One-4 returned , Monday
tQ t .nursing dutrc s'I St, Lytes }los-
al. New York.
v> l'e cy Hunnble of Sarnia
fr'end were pleaar"alit callers
aidvo:ate Tuesday.
Miss Ida Rowe, wins laaas been. a
Normal Sci.:oo1 tnt Lond+rt
tome ThursdaY gtt.
`tr. a.ld lAara:= > r 7. Christi
p ^ted 17+ame front their 'ho
eve,ninfi' (Wednesdaysl,
Mr, anzd NYth, tT, JcTl1$ a?'
tlhe,r aunt Mrs. I', a,Freli'll nr
reside t,> Toro2atQ .
Kra., Snell and :Kr- and lira. Geo,
poweell, autocd over fronv'21;n rdTuea-
day ,axial stent the ,day It friends
Mies Qarrle Knight of Ilse toot, brad-
uaie Inu€se, Is. in attAild4 ' a{po:n he.
grandnnother, Mrs. tylia Ianiht, v+lzf+
to iacmes xvitte ill,
lira. t.JaeKsfir w aQ i$aa laces Fl t
with her Mother, Mts, SnfltI ,Ett
Ur, Inas returneWrie tttr^ Monne it
her cwt
even Persons, Salah., v
Mrs. S. Quance ijk5isiting -inn London.'
Mr. James Sander ad ':returned Rona
the we&t. '
Mrs, T. E. Ha d ord. visited Ain Strat-
ford part or -the'y eek.
bin. A. A. Cannero land family of Oak.
Lane, Mab„ are ting ,Mr, Cameron'ss
'b Other-t ntlaw, Ln W. B. ti; eadenhatn-
Mr®', Yager, accompanied by Men
daughter, Mist. Tillie, hel`:tnotberr' Mrs.
Cunningham, a rd sister, l ss E, J.
Ca:nninghau , vfAlted for a few days apt
K.hiva this week,
Miss VenAtta, Frayne returned last
week from :a visit int S,. Thomas and
London, accon;panted by' Miss: !repo
ijohtaaton Qf tioe T4ornas, 'wao will
visit here for a few weeks.
John GilleaTn e, Jr., Matt Tuesday
evening for 'i wit
:ere tere he will un-
dergo treatrne 4t one of the hospitals.
WEDDED.—A very pretty June wed-
ding was ,sotemnized on Tjhursday,,June
1atln, at 12 o'clock, xoom, at the Noma
of the bride's' mot»ier, Mrts't A. Sheere,
Tluro= Street, Exeter, when her eldest
daughter, Miss Gertrude, became the
'pride of 4r, George TA, Hockey,of Brant-
ford, formerly of Exeter, The ceremony
was performed by I1OrS R. Eobbs in: the
Prescitaee of about forty of tkie roamed-
Fate relatives rand friea'dst or the eon-
traetiag parties. The 'bride; and groom
were unattended, Tho "bride was gowned
{*, cream si k a,ad;dwoal bengaline. with
til trimt4A's and carrie€'L.'v4 ite nos,
The ceremony over all .enn,loyed : a
sumptuous .wedding dinner. A large num
be Of beautiful arra eoatly pr eeut; '
were received, a.ntor them tbeing the
groom's gilt of a beautiful pearl cres-
cent. The groom Tho presented^Mre,' a'
I3Wings, who played, the wedding march,
with ,a who
gold pin forming a
iarocacit, Annal^ 'these In attendance from
Lir A cilia dietullce. were Mr. and t__az
'wet;e of Lansing, Nidal, ,and Mr, Oar”'
fie14 Sheere of Brantford, The sane
evening, Mr-` and ilius',, Booltey left in
the tutor fk w,$ctax the groom arrived,l
ter ,'t3raa"ntford, where they will make,
their 'future home, thefam: '-away dress'
bo:,nt a navy-blue diagonal serge. Thaj
bride aatd groom wesei,i gory popular la
teeter and will haw the best wishes
of a goat of irlend3s
lA,U$$ ,T J. 'ALLAN
I.ALl5T will be at.
ranntezt %tel, Exeter,-,oct SAT-
il4th-one achy -
Sure Death
to Bugs
Berger's Paris Green is the standard ear
quality and effectiveness. It does the work quickly, surety
--.there's never any doubt of results.
It is strictly pure, always good and edways uniform.
Has ti deeper shade of green than any other ---a 'sure sign of
its purity and strong poisoning qualities.
Berger's. Paris Green kilts every time. Made' by Lewis
Berger & Sola, Ltd., London, Eng..Distributed in this
country by The Sherwin-Williams Co .,makers of best quality
paints and varnishes.
For Gait~ by
T. Hawkins
Here's Why WE
Ask For Your
rewelry Business
It's an oft -told -tale, but it should never grow
uninteresting to the buyer who would' be ' econo-
Our pricers are right. Prove it for yourself by compar-
ison with others: Our selections are large, giving you: a large
variety to choosefrom--.again the proof is by comparison. Our
goods areof fine quality. We back this statement with our,
guarantee.' Dont these things give us a right to expect. from
you a fair consideration of our goods.
A. archaa ,dl, Exeter
Jeweller Optician,
R }pfi,c al .
righten the
About to go housekeeping for the first time need a
supply of
to furnish the home with. We have a full line of good
which cannot be surpassed in the county. No matter what
your circumstances may be we have a lie to suit yon. Or
A New Parlor Suite, New Bedroom
Suite, A. Couch or Rocker,
Somethingfor the
Kitchen or Dining
will be in order. We can suit your taste and price
in anything` in the line of furniture.
& Son
Phone 55 Powell's Bazaar Phone 55
Coronation Special
Everything now is Coronation, and in view of this fact
we jump at the opportunity to give every person a choice of
getting a pretty Souvenir of this great event free. Our
plan is to give a 25e. piece of Austrian Coronation China
free with each $7.00 purchase of our Drug goods. This
offer is good for' 2 weeks only. Come early. and. get first
Our drug goods consist of -Hair Tonic, Tooth paste, Skin
Creams, Perfumes, Flavoring, Florida water, Fancy Soaps,
Cold Remedy.
All goods are guaranteed pure and good. Our prices are no higher than
others. We handle large qualities and are thus able to give premiums. :Try,
this department of our store, and will meet your patronage.
The home of Bargains in everything in china, graniteware, Drug.goods
and Stationery.
„with: a hoe or eJog. in some
y . d,
ti .rolsJof therhei
szmplyf r i
it *pine l jaw a
Our warereomsr are new completed and we wish to invite. y(oru to inspect cur'
'STOCK of IMPLEMENTS and BUGGIES Resides the'Main-Street Warcroomd
we have leased the large brick building on James Street, and this, enables
us to keep a lull stock of Iinipiementrealways an nand.
to fol
McCor ick Implements
NIowere, Rakes; Manure ' Spreaders, tilling tools, etc
Cociihtt tow
A full line of "Crrkshu t Plows and .Re
t 1pairs
rr '
U'i7 eS
st car of . Gray & St n'is bug. gies are about game; 'but er r•e rile
You will find .;t words while, to call an,d see them.
e pay particular attention
handled by us.
I=.i e R,.
bt#a-furni hitt
sirs iAorka11 rrapie-
Leading' Some Furnishers and Funeral Dirootors.
A Clearing S
Summer Dress. Goods
Linen Suitings Worth 25c. and 35c. Clearing price 19c.
Extra special quality of Fine Linen Suitings 27
inches wide nearly every color represented in the latter
They are all new and up-to-date in every way.
All our colored Repps are to
be cleared out, Nearly every
color to choose from. They are
correct goods at 15 and 20e. per
Ladies motor veils in shades
of Black, Navy, Sky, Cream and
Tan 21.4 yds long with hem-
stitched ends, Special at 50c.
Not many left but we are
making a special price in order
to see them go. A variety of
colors at 10 to 20c, a_ yd.
We are showing a very large
range of Black and Fancy Par-
asols at 75c. to $3.50. They
area choice lot and well worth
looking over.
at yd wide ' - $1. a yard.
We have, the best yd. wide silk on the market at $1. per yd. A
beautiful soft finished Chiffon Taffeta fully warranted to wear. $1, a yd.
Paillette Silks Taffeta Silks
50c. a yd
Areal good wearing silk with
a beautiful soft finish .Black,
Blue, green, Brown and Gray.
50c. a yd.;
This good silk , comes in all
shades and cannot 'be"beaten for
he price.
Ladies r and Waists
es 'VVha e aa its
Our beautiful showing this
season is sure to please you. Ali
the dainty styles are shown in
Have you seen our New
Waists.,. They area ;:real nifty
lot and right up -to date, see
linen he£ore buying.
e are Headquarters- for 'Housefurnishings,, Rugs, Carpets, Cur
Lanolgums andOilcloths,