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Exeter Advocate, 1911-6-22, Page 5
Pro*esettton*I Duran. Da. a. R. KINSMAN, L. 0.'$., D. D. B.. Roam -graduate of Toronto llniver1ety. DENTIST, ?tli.th extracted witbaut any pain, or any badefects O*eoyfar4ladnasa 48tanburrsofce,At instre4 Mc;dical R.BRI(iHT, M,M.O. 8g S.. DONORsDONOR• Graduate of TD. 'aI,C Pronto University, Two years residentppbysieran Royal Alexandr ospital, etc, CB%ceaudlteszdenee,pr, Amos' 01 Land. Andrew treet,RXETER, 7•ikR. tWACKENDLIS11, physician, Surgeon, Ae. 3.f coseheur, Office, Or. troth "old office, Main Street, Resideaace,coraerJames ud Albertstreets apposite JanteaatreetMetlaodiA "a aouage. Rhone 4:tiee, 32,a; Resideaafie SSR 1?, tn9trftl x✓DIO SON? 4 C,3RLT G, tsARRISTt RS, SOLD)! torp, Notaries, Conveyancers, Commissioners ollcitore for Diolsons Bank, etc Mosey to Loaf at towstratesoi nterea Offices, 3.133n s;reCAxeter, B. UaaLrtva, B A ;, LII, Dices(' MO1�iEY TO LOAsr,. WObsysaIar$e;ar;zounta private =untie to lose a t% a sad viU;;e propertiesp at tout rates o€ inter GrA.D I tN STl1NSlIl1i*', Barristers, SoiicitoK,Main at.. teeter; On .tit. .Q J. SENIOR ant Oonfea*Ea©taLife issura?<nce Pony, also t a Iasurauce in lead- aIaadian and British Companies. 4[iu•et.,' Fester.. for A Dates liirreter Roo. t,.10 LASED ,AUCTIONTFIrt AN,DaRSQN, t trenNeek Atietioasier urora CountY,; Teritta- reasti able. 4e izrade at the :44vo'.ate, EienLT. 14/fiber's : Office, Creel. Il;03 .Liras, lure, Acet 41Scl Plate Olsen Insurance, Collecting acoaunte. and cop- dueling auction ea/ea. -- Exeter, Ont. 1-TOC)ZF.,. v. S. Esadnate Of: Ontario. Veterinary COI., e , ember Ontario Veterinary Med. 1 ;taeletY; treats all diseasPa or da- ted animate on scientific writ. ttl4dMrt ourgery a specialty. Op- _ On, Lump Jaw „suarautced sat- isracteiry. Calls b° dal' or night ided to. Orgies--Main-at., say's old atatrd. Phone to t.?tanl Auction Ie 0 Hai 50 ACUS OF f•t j to 1>e sold b t aua* Haut on FRIDAY, JUNE, ":Sed, at li p. !n, oar Lott I3., CON. Sts useonNE, 3 mile SOUTH OF F]LISIV'II LIr', Ten acres et Timothy and balance mixed t clover and timothy. Will be sold in quantities to suit purchaser. TERMS -4'10 and folder Cash; eavar atitat amount six motitiltl, credit wtli be n on furnishing sriiproved joint ttotear. �. per cent, par annum oftfor tnlsh pal credit amount CO t )V. PARKINSON eruct. Prop. l l 1 Mt FOIL StiI:G. ZURICH. E. Zeller left orifTueSdaY morning for A short vilstt ley'Western Canada. -Dr. Campbell has Purchased afu auto. -,-Sit'. orad Mrs, Derr of ;Auburn are visiting relatives and iriendrt; ahr town. -Mr. and Dire', W. Truernn,er- left for a trip west last week. -The layt of !the new cem- ent ' walks l as• been;: started,. -Mrs. W, ICalbfleiseh and son Douglast of Ottawa ,are' visiting lair; and Fall's. Henry Train+ fleisch. Mises 'Petrie of London is vis- iting at the beans of j d ,and. Mrs.' J. A. Will ams -Elmore Draeger, who has bean head ; clerk? with J. Merner toff some, years, left fol' Sarnia, where he has secured a poattton filar a dry 'goods store.•-- dr. B Vickers, Who have beets visiting at.C. Hey', left ;or Detroit, where ^they will visit for a short time, . before 'going to the West to start az buusines5 'Ihe artier shop of A. Edigl'offei' was broke y into wipe time Tuesday night and .uan'of Inane% taken• . . ST.: niA3tYS,---John Wilson, an old gr-- sident 'of the town, and an empinye of the waterworks department for a t*,umber of years, died; on itinnday after a.'hort elliwss at'tire ago of r rears T,bterA survives a widow at' ,,:ane son, The funeral takes place on Wed aesday ,aFt4tt3,9oar, Wader tire auspices of thea Orangemen; The i.t lder signed otters his fine farm, conalating of about 135 acres, adjoin -the town ,of Clinton. for sale.. The farm is in a good irtato of cultivation; a.nd has ,.o{act buildings, brick house, b,t,ak barn, drivins house, pig pen, etc. ai! comparatively now. Aflrst-claas You 1,; orchard, containing all kinds of fruits' and also small fruits. The tarn; 19 well fenced and drained and Is a; V very desirable home. For further par= tical ars apply en the premises or ad- dress JOHN TQIRRANCE, Clinton. VOGELGESANG"S IIA.IR VIGOIt Is guar&nteed lip grow hair on bald heads, cleain,ses all dandruff from head stops all Itching and failing hair. ' Ap- Ads ,ince a, day, rubbing well. SP. •DS BLA TCliFORD Saleanra,n fa Canada. Exeter, Ont i•'OII: SALE BY TENDER. HE1,iALL ;Mfrs, Johns or EtuelPh le irer4 her mother, firs. Henry G'Oo]e.- garet 13o1Wtrolr of Toronto' is under the parentalt:.--:M, Ite}ttphitl and C. Cook haviCj41 irr! purebased a Iiupnaobile totrrix car,, Mfrs: Jahn Met Arthur lett .IaaA! WeOt tP visit her son Arnold at Gilbert Mains„ Sask. -•,. 'Ilea fits y`u#agblut wlin has been spending several months with her riater, iMrs. Jatile8 1tltr411. 'returned- to hgr home: Mortgage Sale At the GENTRA14i gOT.ET, ih; the, TGWU of F.h'ETER, on, TOES7l A- °, the 11111 day of July, 1011. ,at ,the hear, of 1,30 o'clock in the aftsrtleen, the follerwing err • -�; Ip, tl.e'11 w tship of Fray in* the County ,af ITuroal ?,old 1'rovl. ice or .Q lamp, can tai;tips, -twelve, acres Of land. nroro *or less. tel ctamposed of p.n.t of illri NC/RV"' ITALF Or LOT ELEVEN. lathe L IKF ROAD E.1 1 COi3CESSIOPi'of tl said Tawanahj,p of -Tay, demi;' more pat^,. ticularlY laths and described as toi- Lawa.-Calnmenxing at a post c5glaty eight sties Westerly Crest4ite Noah -east eprater of aaid lot Eleven, thellec \T.(' ' e,rlY 41e)rfd said centre read forty-elght netts, thence Southerly In a 'straight line parallel withthe rear oaf said lot across; the Kurth half or said Lot EleNen. ti c.nrB Easterly forty-eight rods, thence, 1Vryrtherly to the planate or 'trBgiiantn&t Upaa the premises. 3s a frame house; 4111 is a. Dandy loam. The property 1taant ilre main road about miles Mann ;Zurich,,n;nstli, A.-2 mile from filo Lake talllaait. xE11}iS -fietrt per cent. bin day Of ells, balaf too in. 0 daY thereafter. For further particulars apply to PARDEi , 1URN r.1,'ilA GUi1D, Vendoes Solicitors, Sarnia. THOMAS 13. CARL'ING, Avct/ Sa.nia, Bttr June, 1Ai2. r E1144141Mbe04740:1CISVCCQ Tenders 'rill be received up f o 'and on July 5th, 1911, by Thos. Cameron auctinineer, Farquhar, for the beautiful up-to-date home .of the late Wm. Raw - den of Exeter, containing 12 acres of lalnd, T,he /Ouse is of solid brick struc- ture and is In good repair. It ise rnost advaintageonasly situated on: the high ground north of the river. The drain- age The and celtea•age is unexcelled. /house is equipped with a good furnace, Ir bath siooan, lavatory, hard, soft, hot= and cold water, and possesses other modern cOlnareniences ; 'good outbuildings and large ;orchard of choice winter fruit.: Thi"s is no doubt one of the.finestt homes in the' County, and as thistle „iso only;.a shtort; time to wind, up the estate will positively be sold to party sendin3`,,iny highest mender (pdovided they can coma ply with the terms !and conditional) Easy terms of paynieut. For 'forms of tender and terms and particulars apply to Thos. Cameron,;,Farquhar; 5. G. Eawderi, Exeter, 'or to Dickscmt • gc Carling, Solicitors for Estate, Exeter; Horses • Wanted Having taken over the busiiross 'of : gr.` T. E. Handford, h,orsebuyer,' I' am pre- pared to 'purchase all kinds of` 'horses that are sound and il-gnbd condition, from f,nur to ten years of age. - iur i 1 wit! keep constantlyon and a n her of young heavy and ;light horses - for lona tr_ a d e. Parties having horses ; for - sale will do welt to call or write the undersigned. Phone 41. M. 'M. DOYLE, Exeter.. The Glorious. Tweifth COME. TO GODERICyr,' P truest and"} althies Town Canada ° Procese on z r afctive Specral' Parr ,ea , �,,.. . �ev?tltlll!I Glelf�t!. cCrrul>�t tk'+4 tl 16 t n R Les.. Flour Several Brands. Manitoba a specialty. ✓` Lime A good stock always on hand, Cement T% �a Hair on Top If Parisian Sage, the hair rower that W,. S. Cole guarantees, will not cause hair to grew where Una hair i,a:ti inning out, rn,othing on tlrta earth will, r And we say to: everybndy, you can have your money back. If. Parisi an Sage. ts:r t the 'best hair grower, hal, saver, hair beautifier and dandruff cure on the itt rket to -4'1y. It stops itching scalp and falling hair and makes hair grow thick and aburFd- a. a.'!y, or raaraey back. 59 cents far a 1-e bottle. Parisian Sage makes the hair soft and bri[lltatik and promotes. growth, 1 Waterloo las.. week.- Abair¢ the first of April 7ames Couch'lcft for the west w;tih lags effects and settled on a farm near Aletneda, Sept:),& short time ago ire was taken d9}vhy with typhoid fever ar d died last wee;c. His remains ar.. raved rinere and were taken to the ;mine of ;hits mother, --vith whom he had pre'.. lously resided, as' he?wwas mot married. -- Great regret lel Feld Is t,hiu section over the sad death of, Roy., H. S. DTctee wirq about twenty years ago- was tumor pas,. tot on .thr, Henealt errcu?t.-Dv ord was rereiwed Last week ot the death of Jarareer 4i pod of, Higo River, ,Mita, as a result of a kick frons a horse. gr.:Wood Was' welt 1'newn to tte• people of this section havi lett Fiero Just a few years ago, - amyl ' event holt plane at Landon 1}red,2esday awentre w;ten ilius Wtntti, feed Walker vats un;re L in marriage with John Drye'dale, son tr>< R, Drysdale o? ITWFeaa.--ithe atazlual gathering gf' to members of *cc -Walker family wad held on Wedneeclay at? Arae home at Joe, I-Iudsen, whett about 150 were present, Of this number neatly 20 came from rirtte, 3i1 Glia- 1F's. Mci,Qd. ot fie- trod 4s vlsititz stater Dire. R. 13on- throz;,-^-diis? Gladys Brandt, went to Tor o'tto last week. where .she ills secured a pas;ttoz . 1 1 el Durham National Portland e. Cement is the best. p R. G. Seldon, Exeter Fresh roceries 1/ We are now well establish- ed in business and we believe on the best of authority (nam- ely that of a daily increasing business) that we are meeting', a long felt want, and giving the ' best of ° satisfaction. Remember our motto,= "Fresh Groceries all::tne time," All kinds of produce taken in exchange. JAS. COULD eatty Bros.Feed ri rs ar e and Litter Overhead.Conveyors. ' ors. .Y. Beatty Bros.' :S..teel Stalls & Stanchions 'can' be installed as cheap as lumber and la„t forever. eatty Bros.' Load :Binder' n . hese tlaree',:;tht �`s are gr � F labor -savers for farmer's and cessities on a fat m. For sale b'l i! TOWNSIlfP. 17.urich Road, straw' fished blown down; Other effects et theprecen,t wind stern; .fr4 'lay To wa'asi°aip are Thos. Turnbull, Scub1e thie, barn blown. d ° J nee Overholt, Sauble lire, barnJblowr. down;; John alr#or, •Sauble 3i;re, barn blower Gown; Boss Johnston, "Down line, barna i proofed; Rohl Allan, 'town line, barn unroofed; Sam Merrier„ 14th con., part 'barn root torn off; Daniel Smith, or-. a Chard dam °ged, 'woodshed oQdshed u„aaroofed and wind .mill blown down _Conrad Sieanon, John Keys, Town, line;. part ot barn roof off ; Wilson Ai'm a'trong, Goshen lino, barn down; Sasrl. Dietz, bush badly dam- aged; F aged; George Ciausiu'h.ov1s, wind;liaili zz down; J. Merrier, silo blown down on Bronson line. ST. MAItYS-The home ot W . It Mrs, Bolden ot. Wellirtngto0'St. was tl scene of a quiet wedding oh .tune 14 the occasion being the marriage e o their daughter, Miss Clara,: to .I-Ienr y' treason. U \V You never tasted a er lager a & ha.N this new brew Satisfaction Your Money Back' That's the condition that goes with every bag of Cream of the West Flour: It's a fair, square guarantee, and 1 went you to take it, to mean just what it says, WOO [ Exquisitely mild and Mellow. Sharpens the appetite --a fine tonic. •idst $ry this different brew.;► ou'1l enthuse about its rare quality, label. Loot( f s Orderavemde by name, tF bard Wheat flour uaaranteedt for bread Cive Creeps of the West a fair, sgti'ara. trash If you don't have; satisfaction in baking bread, you'll get sat - 'on. at your grocer's, We guarantee flee or the ptdaex Cream of the West is a Superior I►reatd fio1w. Imrove your home-made bread by osis P � Oen Millin Company, Limited Toronto awenta4M.D CA110114U,, Plsiaaalt CLINTON-Mrs, Southcombe, a deet of Clinton for: •35 years, died here on the 14t, lir bier 84th year. She its urvived 1y' a.; semi and three daeghtere, Wesley Methodist Church was the no Of a pretty wedding June 14th, lle0 Edward J. Jenklns,.of Toronto and Miss' Elixa'beth Reid/ Were married.. MITCHELL. -Miss Lena -Williams of 1 MITCHELL. -A quiet wedding took this 'town: and It. S. Beattie, a prosper• place an Juno 1:3tjh, acil 1 o'clock, at ous ,farmer of Ellice Towin,ship, ,were the home of Mr. and[ I1r's. George Ander- quietly, .married in Toronto on tiYednesF son, when their daugFiter, MissMissEdna day, June 14, at the home of the bride's' Mabel, was married to Mr, Herbert E. brother -int -law, r D. H. Farrow. Dutton. S• 11 Y ri; 4f,9i fluids in the stomach are of ul s e n Father lVforriscy's "No. in concentrated form. Each will digest i 3, pounds of average meal. Read what Father Morriscy's treatment did for Mr. Gosline, of Salmon Lake. Iie writes Nov. 30, !908 "I. was: troubled with indigestion, so, severe tliat I really thought I, had 'cancer: of the stomach T .tool. much doctors' remedies, till I<wasforced to seek.another `s'esotrteand thiswas 'the `Rev.Fa h e r g�rrscq: kris tr atm u b worked miracles, until T=have been entirely rid;^.,so that now zdo not look to.the quality of tlae diet quantity .; sac. at your dealer':s. Father' 'Morriscy's No. 11” Cures Stomach Troubles. When your stomach is workingright you never %how' it is there. But when it feels as heavy as lead when., you -hacre Heartburn, Belching of Wind, Sourness, a' gnawing hunger, with distress after eating—when youfeel irritable and depressed -- then `.you may y know that the digestive sufficient to`digest what you eat. 11" Tablets supply these fluids tablet, dissolved in the stomach,. food, which is more than an tad's 1 j1 ,t orr'asoyi M-edieinra od and g uaranteedY }nkI ixi:nor t y ay • LTJ 5: YOU PAY WHEN C Drs. K. & K. TAKE ALL RISKS P$ i 111":".i$1' Cared I 7, the New. Method' Treatment Or NO NAMES' OR PHOTOS 1JSZD WITHOUT WRITTEN CONS NT NERVOU's DEBILITY Thoursncts el young and niddle;age men are annually,, swept, to, a premature grave through 'Early Indiscretions, Excesses a:01;100d Diseases. If you rove any 6t the fol lowing symptoms -consult us before it is too late. Are you nervous anti tijealr despon dent and gluoniy, specks before Alto eyes, with dark- circles under them,' weak back kidneys irritable, palpitation of the bearl; bashful, ;dreams and.'losses, sediment rn urine pimples on the face, ;eyes eunl en, hollow cheeks. careworn expression'', poor memory ory liteless,•distrustfnl, lack energy and strength,. tired mornings restless ni h :<; chin stile` moods, weak manhood; 'prem'ature decay, bone pains, s, hair loos e , .x10 throat, et c 1 •YBE' A WRECIt aur'w Method treat' :at -can core youaod'maize 1m a,n of or Z nrter innu encs the brain begomes active.; the blood purified, so that all pimples, blotc!aes.aud ulcers ;: disc pear,the me'ves become strong steel, so that nervousness, bashfulness and des p n-, rn ' o the poatienc�r:vanish; ttio,eye,bflcarnes'brlglit, thefce full „And ;.c,lear, ;e.rErr,, rear s t body and the moral, physical and sexual systems aro invi,t~orated: all drains cease -no more vital waste from the system. Dorf -t iet quacks and fakirs rob ,3'oxu CA. your herd earned dollars. Tye will cure you or no pay. • EVERYTHING PRIVATE AND CbNFIDENTIAL READER, ,No,matter who has:tre'ited.you, write for'an honest,opiniou Fr,,, of Charge Botha Free-Che'Golden Monitor':': (Illustrated) ons ciet Diseases cal Men. QUESTION LIST ZOR, BOME TREATMENT SENT ON,;REQUEST RS. n Ave. and Griswold St.- .. Osteons a Mich, ; Cor.Michigan i =a r a a i<i' znu...; y� dt! else lettersfrom.� Ii TICE All r e stf,7 "e e a • `' i� o. s o.a c c 3J Canadian un CoC toour Can 1 Is . ` znent in Windsor, •or f t. = "If 3 ou. desire 'tO see us personally call at ant Medical lnsttule in Detroit as we see rnditrea, alio Patiests in our Windsor offices whichare, for Correspondence Laboratory for Canadiar1 business only. Address all letters as follolAl DRS KENNEDY &' KENNEDY, Windsor, Oat. our orivateaddress. et 4 st tti g'R ;Lq of t, 5 +s5 .---"--„. , _____... — f .... tillimuilit F tri 4 �I� I # }• i 4 ", lEi� i gii+p1 ii.iiltitlilrii 1 II ,l 1111 ill NM ! it •' ' " , 1) at I 4 �,�£ {�' lot, Rose.' Steady-Regular—Dependable � 1<t's use tIdy Bud. it:' means Quality, a 1t , F t .t. t'r r 1 'LTt0l�llillg'IB�EttGllt there's the No bad FIVE HOSES ides dreams bakeday 1?1t instead� know, eyes —" of `ulz . the Less j4 e* FiYro4 Il.,a ,.w,.l ++ 4"* i .. � !t' ,�•-' gr exasperating, So very exclis m. a 'MVO, � quantities. you week than last GIeR' to get from the same 1— r Ziable e f { I FIVE. ti _ tlii you see. No 'wrinkling wotrlos Quer batead, or cakes, Or pies, or I ku *4 .. oanpilring., Bake thirigi� expectations,.,.w,rG!'* Dhsppointmcnt—neve Four times Yield. FIVE, ROSES-trouble.proof Use FIVE .. always up to the ..ia Uniform -Strength, Color, flour, ROSES always. mark of your Flavor, too, y .. ba fpr and io 1 I ! I lliltanr` {IIIlllll{IIII(ill 117 iiflllll i a!, `I�4 1! ,ll) , 1limn !OMEN t il ,ad t (11 Ii ' V V 11 1on[ifIIIINLipfIIfllem `i! ( OP l�4 I I �jj �I intllji1�IINlIllll`hIu11118i) IIiHlili` 1lil }lillpti �a IflI I1I�II liliglll1 I1�� 1Ilii iIIl�i{p IIlRi111ii111►III�lfl11111I1 - eVOit 931eueited HL !' Xot .93teituiect I1 111111111111111111_ E111_lll 1ililulill_ II 111111111111111 llllllllll_I 11In[mi[[[[nn[n�Ai II 111111111111111111111111111111111 111111 �11�11111111414111111111�llllllll 1 I1111L LAXI OF t 11 NOOO6 M LIMO OOMpAN� IL♦r. Ve o; MONtRE.A., - ,t r — Y _ J1l{4 MITCHELL. -Miss Lena -Williams of 1 MITCHELL. -A quiet wedding took this 'town: and It. S. Beattie, a prosper• place an Juno 1:3tjh, acil 1 o'clock, at ous ,farmer of Ellice Towin,ship, ,were the home of Mr. and[ I1r's. George Ander- quietly, .married in Toronto on tiYednesF son, when their daugFiter, MissMissEdna day, June 14, at the home of the bride's' Mabel, was married to Mr, Herbert E. brother -int -law, r D. H. Farrow. Dutton. S• 11 Y ri; 4f,9i fluids in the stomach are of ul s e n Father lVforriscy's "No. in concentrated form. Each will digest i 3, pounds of average meal. Read what Father Morriscy's treatment did for Mr. Gosline, of Salmon Lake. Iie writes Nov. 30, !908 "I. was: troubled with indigestion, so, severe tliat I really thought I, had 'cancer: of the stomach T .tool. much doctors' remedies, till I<wasforced to seek.another `s'esotrteand thiswas 'the `Rev.Fa h e r g�rrscq: kris tr atm u b worked miracles, until T=have been entirely rid;^.,so that now zdo not look to.the quality of tlae diet quantity .; sac. at your dealer':s. Father' 'Morriscy's No. 11” Cures Stomach Troubles. When your stomach is workingright you never %how' it is there. But when it feels as heavy as lead when., you -hacre Heartburn, Belching of Wind, Sourness, a' gnawing hunger, with distress after eating—when youfeel irritable and depressed -- then `.you may y know that the digestive sufficient to`digest what you eat. 11" Tablets supply these fluids tablet, dissolved in the stomach,. food, which is more than an tad's 1 j1 ,t orr'asoyi M-edieinra od and g uaranteedY }nkI ixi:nor t y ay • LTJ 5: YOU PAY WHEN C Drs. K. & K. TAKE ALL RISKS P$ i 111":".i$1' Cared I 7, the New. Method' Treatment Or NO NAMES' OR PHOTOS 1JSZD WITHOUT WRITTEN CONS NT NERVOU's DEBILITY Thoursncts el young and niddle;age men are annually,, swept, to, a premature grave through 'Early Indiscretions, Excesses a:01;100d Diseases. If you rove any 6t the fol lowing symptoms -consult us before it is too late. Are you nervous anti tijealr despon dent and gluoniy, specks before Alto eyes, with dark- circles under them,' weak back kidneys irritable, palpitation of the bearl; bashful, ;dreams and.'losses, sediment rn urine pimples on the face, ;eyes eunl en, hollow cheeks. careworn expression'', poor memory ory liteless,•distrustfnl, lack energy and strength,. tired mornings restless ni h :<; chin stile` moods, weak manhood; 'prem'ature decay, bone pains, s, hair loos e , .x10 throat, et c 1 •YBE' A WRECIt aur'w Method treat' :at -can core youaod'maize 1m a,n of or Z nrter innu encs the brain begomes active.; the blood purified, so that all pimples, blotc!aes.aud ulcers ;: disc pear,the me'ves become strong steel, so that nervousness, bashfulness and des p n-, rn ' o the poatienc�r:vanish; ttio,eye,bflcarnes'brlglit, thefce full „And ;.c,lear, ;e.rErr,, rear s t body and the moral, physical and sexual systems aro invi,t~orated: all drains cease -no more vital waste from the system. Dorf -t iet quacks and fakirs rob ,3'oxu CA. your herd earned dollars. Tye will cure you or no pay. • EVERYTHING PRIVATE AND CbNFIDENTIAL READER, ,No,matter who has:tre'ited.you, write for'an honest,opiniou Fr,,, of Charge Botha Free-Che'Golden Monitor':': (Illustrated) ons ciet Diseases cal Men. QUESTION LIST ZOR, BOME TREATMENT SENT ON,;REQUEST RS. n Ave. and Griswold St.- .. Osteons a Mich, ; Cor.Michigan i =a r a a i<i' znu...; y� dt! else lettersfrom.� Ii TICE All r e stf,7 "e e a • `' i� o. s o.a c c 3J Canadian un CoC toour Can 1 Is . ` znent in Windsor, •or f t. = "If 3 ou. desire 'tO see us personally call at ant Medical lnsttule in Detroit as we see rnditrea, alio Patiests in our Windsor offices whichare, for Correspondence Laboratory for Canadiar1 business only. Address all letters as follolAl DRS KENNEDY &' KENNEDY, Windsor, Oat. our orivateaddress. et 4 st tti g'R ;Lq of t, 5 +s5