HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-6-22, Page 4CREDIT,014- '4FM-et,er 1)13 0 tat -el All kiad of flawer aril Vegetable Santcl,erS Greeela. ProPS- enente' at: L. Dare, 'Eeter. 'TIIIIRSDAYJUICE‘ Next Sunday special services Will be held in the, Evangelical °buret), ft be- , riag the annual, Childrene*aDay Festival Canada buys more autontotillaa frotu• in the fijorliing, there will be a aDec- '0e Ilaited States thanany other Ceuta'at s,ertnsta tho Da43,3.0r-lo, interest try. During the nine months ending- or the yeurig' PP- aSdJ11 the even - With )larch we imported 417 'Worth of Majors rora across the line, while Great faritaih, toiala $1.657,000. weeth and GernianY $545,000 worth, Our neighbors apPreciate the Dolnialeil as a tnarket, Borden. °Petted his eamPaign INfanitoba by a Magnificent iseen at WI:la:Veg. on MondaY nt.t leet. Mn, Bordeals polley for Canada is a broad -one. Would give the Prairie Proviace 'caatrol of their P1;blie lande, extend. the lbatdarIes of 1Lartitob3 a ecordar.ce • with the Droviaces Present demand; build Budsay Railway„ and oper-tilia A ate, it 11ey ittdependent ccurtmilasioio, ; 'Sate cOltthel of termtual eleVatiors; a tVtazift Policy fadepandent„ of Waahlitg-?. tea; Dermaneat TaiU Cern-.1 qutealon ef independarit able Inert aridcflyreeoliailed to bas fate. tto reciprocity uMil inanclitlate free Our merebants are selling large quaa, Tnis -ts the to=r Canada and sleatilet appeal Weeery right think,- Canadiart tag a evogram wall tie •rendered by the chair 'and reenel)ers of the Sunday saiesal. All s-itotald come and enjoy theee epecia.1 eereicee. M. Y. Melee/we M.P.laddreaeed meet- ' 1 the Town Ralt on Monday nigbt lee inteees't ot 'leo:MI*004Y, On Teesdy a number from her Attended the Conservative Convention in esalL Meeiailag of, this lai`nti \are usually a ; ,that et won't be long brfore an peal will lae, made to the clectora;te Gz' et viatea,„ rd, Morlock out a aieLatign- mobile in London slaat wee1C.- S first farmer around tiere to jw e, ft is expected that more Will follOW isuit . The horse is ,gettiag used to 'the iron, ext and thas become per- DA.SIIWOOD EROKB.NSHIRE, Datthwitiod, Canveyaucer, Deeda, W-als,„ 'Mortgagee all leeal- documente eatefully and Prom:PUY DrePared. Chargeget, moder4e, issuer of Marriage Liicee.aes.' Th Mdst e Watt 4 tand rtraari, caught sturgeoauh dt1day that Weigh, ee t 1 lee cents per lb. anti •ealvee • tbat sold for 41,75,---Blg Picnics at Grand Rend every day, - Kr, Curt. 011ie Bagger/ eed. Mr. Herm fee Or Dawn are -visit/rig around here,--eqr. straviberu fOstivo3lut ShiPica on Peter Dieaerdlete still eantinuee eery Wednesday night, They report hav- we aro g lad ..to aay taAt,Mrs ja,rzaaer,. tag Iatd a 1:3aDa1 lime. tile to take Robert Thits cOrceeetlen Day, Long Live Kine George and Queen Mary. Latta la tat tlAasteltaThe Mittaett Olivia amdtPeari noltztrian Of Cttle18g0 040, Arthur' Holtzman at PARKHILL *API SHOT. aN:tiapyesrvier„0 wh tuestpr;onvadirncggitth,etr PARKHILL, June 15 -The refl.-tattle "raltlbald Merriam -a of, Wande, aoherta. Peter PatMer bas itaturned. to bis bogie 1tayorriVed tr. PArkliDI,r.MOrrison af041i" TPw weeks • orking with has team, 'as Pfle, , adt Pah' ab,at ,4 4 t,412, WIll Meneeseit of Aurora. ill ,a*Peat am 4 1...sW da.ye e with hie aged Pareents a lie c 'di, andMrs, Mae thWiilkierlfaelt, Mr,great inajarRY of out Cat Natereday everting. thei home of e, to shoot voyetee Mre. 3, Hellialtzenatt WSO 1.1}le steno Nand; he wee uy a very pretty end intereeting event 1 Plow. Nellie his liead liver weddieg. 'Upwards ett 1 in oce:deat he .teeeed authlteland preeent and many peeeertied to them. tram the plow altd unchecked boreese . The. 4114.iling' prettily decor, nsi, silver. belle. entered his hotlyeon the t„V4i n'Ith , neer the 'gran. and carnet his lett ehoulder. Is body „seovered on, the following Thurs. gr9•00% resPonded. .1ttr, and Mrs. . punt' it is, supposed he Ittol been ACrug and Mr. and Mlle Anttertnaft. me, Su he wor AV or threes <Jaye. ere tse ' 8°1- .}1*ItzmAn ot CheoleY wax,beowd 4, 4 temethe metered. here tor the eceasni ie. We OTIO70,1uo Mr. and lNire. Holtzman our art:eat cengratedatiorts and truat tbey will 'be spared to live many mare • ORSIONS TO WESTERN CANADA ye or liallPY wedded We. tafies of f.trawberates atins week, They are of a' 'splendfd quality ahd quite set:table' in price. Ira Bron ha ii returned afte a few da.)",a t Tiarerith. • The tta aew oltatre , shed 1 Beware of Ointments for Catarrh1 tha Contain Mercury, la mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell. and completely deratig,e thewhole system altert entering a through the mucous surfaces, Such articlessimuld sever be used except on preacriptions tram reputa, ble physicians, asthe damage they will do is ten -fold SIR EDMUND WALKER, C.V.O., L.L.,D., D.C.L., PSESIPENT to the good you en possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure,. .uanufactured by R, 3', Cheney it Bea Toledo, 0„ containa no mereury, and is talon internally, acting &reedy on the blood and mucous surfaceaof the system. In buying liall's Catarrh — Mr. Bel'atait Et and fantilY ientl Sunday with the formers. brother i tit Asa Ortaig,--Mrs. Rattertloury and her daughte..ri of Brueefield are 'visithig with Mr. arid is, R., 'V, DuItioia. PCP' a few daYsa--)fr., Arthur Kelle1t-I.:0am of Nap, erville College, .arnived home Tuesday, - Ma, Geerge Kellerroan raised flits new barn .on the Goshen, Lhte, Tueadayflv, er7ta'•iiirg 434%80, off inclotya„,air, taa, y, lieT,40aA1,, .111,P, Smith.. Huron. held a' Ile. eiproeity meeting to a medlittn-alaed au- dience in Zimater'S Ball. Tveaday eveita 'attig----Messrs, Berman `411rfater and! Otto Resterneyer, 'Misses Liada. Willert. and Sadie Masao:a took a trip to , Grand Bead in np.o. HArtileb, 4.140. unday-,-- The Pole Trustees arieltbusilitia week making eetnent sidettcalks.--4 . end Mrs. izor_ Fred Bihker returned ho e .3tIoadaty 'tltght after vialtitataa' willtffr s in Pig -- Con. Miellee-)tr. and MrS., itltalpearr of Auburta spent Tauttsda,y witii txpe latter' heather, Mr- Gee,. Iiiacta-Z1dr. IfeItry Ouieit ther"4 Pew APIO . arrived- here .Teesdeeee We ore aled to, report that M. Dunee Sayder Is ein tite way to recovery. rien st Fri the raters foe the W18ix'41111 on Tues.. soloreen Bea here 'trona Sy Mi are epending a. few Midst viatlieg eelativee. nbe:-Iron/ here leek In KupTA. THE CANADIAN BANK, OF COMMERCE - cure be suro you get the genume. It is 'taken Anter' nallY and Made's' Tpledoi Ohio, by V. CillaND,T tkeQ, Tettimmtials free. Said by all Druggists, Price75e, per bottle. Take lialre rairely Pithier cozht ration. I'. -ire Lists, Illatry Forms, and advere tieing' matter of different kinde fl con- nectien \vete; the Y..restera Fair ,of Lere, (ton, Ontario, have Nail seat out byt the management_ Oite ThOusand Oollars ia cash has been added A? tne prize this. year. Breedere and Stechtnan &low Id matte ealculations th include thin )pular ExilitaitIon in their circuit tills year, gehibiters at tete London bibitian always reports large sales ot their stock ale a result fo.r is tquy expected tilbet;thlsyear wiR ecttoee them all, aad ;therefore. veep heee worthy elseek et, Ar.,,V hind antaat afford to nties it. The dates tee year are septentber S.th t 1$tn. f Ybes have not. reebiet 18prize list eTite the Secretay, 1Mk Hunt. Lone diseb stating the kind ut entrY farm. •)0S1.1. wi as it Will bepn-vineili sent, d Bend and Mr, figluer soil) no Cunning , - ham ot Cl18rsiebo70 spent $unda7 with Ounninghant,-Mbas Freda2tFinitbeirt- er of Shiplee speeeerSunday with. Thelnie "Witeet,-,-Thse Eblesa P1ortie was held t oread Dend or/ISaturdw, All report heving /tad an enjoyable I -inlet -Mr. Whe eicCaen of Humber Bay visited with his parents a few daYs 1Maie v•TeW, elre. Wm. Curtail/Ingham end daughter Mies Jonele cunningbant ot,ClantlebeY a1 Mrs, Tager and„datuglAter, z3Itss Til- • lie, of Evetur speat, A few days as week with B, Ctuntingtain.-A number front here atteadecIA tbe'. wedding' on Tues.. day of •Mise Mery Hoffman to Mr., Al- fonso Leytee,-.Mles Louise Farmer of Crteliton anent a, few last. week ai at her T1103. ',XCQ41,4M 4.1ad. 'Ern. .FCIOd lettqael, for elle Mrs. F. Barry receivd the lied news art ,Mondey ,of titeldeath of her detegle- ter, *re, Fna'n ot Daltola,--A. ber trent 'here attended- the strawbersy festival at Shipita Weeinersde(Y evenieg ad ,report hewing had rAtt lenjoyable t-Mlea Elia Wilhelm of, the Gopher; le'ne celled On Miss 'Enure% Cunning:NMI with her "Water, Mrs. Minnie Saterritt spent home iee Carbeiteeefte The Grand Grand Trunit Railway System an On Friday 'evening, the Etteterites ,•nottace that au Tuesdays. June AiTth, swarmed in on tag. with autoce. waggons JUly 1,1th and, August Elth atltt buggies and bicycles.: Each rooter September IStle and 19,tb. Intl, carried a pennants ar a megaphone. It Romeseelter's excursions wall befteuti to appeared ,ta ,:be the one aim of their, western Canada eronf an •etationa , 111 lives to /Owe our town, the worrst beate Ontario and Quebec, via Chfeages and „ingein 148e -bail known for years. Th. Duluth, or Chicago. ,St. Paul and reereation,, grounds haven't been crowd - at reduced round trIP ed since. the Vivito:fa. Day tCelebration fares. three years ago. Teb rooters lecit busY The well-known doubles track 'line et at „the very 'beginning of the game and the Grand Trunk from the east to Chloe made et so unpleasant to the spectate age o.ppeals to the traveller, and with ors who could melt ler see the players superier trai18 service that Is offer- or even hear the d on of the umpire ed by this line, including the fahlousi that Malty the T steed' of the town '"Ienternational United" Iron) Montreal stepped In and made the hot-air fans daily at 9,00 lean., and Nvielen Is Mel fin- go to anotiner aide of the diamond. To est and fastest train in Canada, atailY Carlihg of the Exeter team played., peasengers will be attracted this waY• spleadid ball the farstrfour innings and T,ac route, via Chicago l& a most inter- end lets of steam. The visitlilg team asting one, taking Passeagers through made tour runs In the third inning& • the principal cities and tovens in Canada After that our boys appeared to romo and in the Siatesilef 5l1chltgan and India back to t1 own. Our King :got One a,nd. In adJitiolt 0thisiatt 111101P sSvCil ofTommy's- eurven at the /end of his -ilacia bet...veal/ Otticago and S. Paul and oat, and sleannied It otit to the fence Minneapolis offered, tnekeng 1home run. Thin brought our Owing to the great elumber of Caned- eo their . feet. In the fourth° Tans, who reside in Chicago, St, Paul, rolled in fire more. There e,..-----11,eineeeapotee, Duluth and' other 'cities' en wore some costly erroes on both sides route, thefire Is tea „doubt that the Grand Teddy pneeed good ball and Builie be - Trunk win rand manvpatrons who will !end the bat worked like a machine. The take advantage of the 'opportunity thus gaIna faMllY ended witihi a score of 11 afforded them for a brief visit at the -0 at our favor. After tha game noise, .------atations with their friends. Canadlatt ciazena- are; exem,Pti from aoe many` of our people who had Paid their • called Immigration Examination, arid good money to see a gam8 of fast -ball there is no detention at any pointwere disgusted With the rooters. We Baggage is carried through the frustariext time things v41.11 be a little ....------nThtates ilt Bond'without requiring arlY more decerit. Cheer when a good play special attention ontheaPart of the Pas' is 'made no matt& vcrblich sf.de makes sensor. Inspection is not necessary at.:. a !oak alae continual ',may at nothing La any of the points at the Border. Particular make it taresome. Our Another feature that will }appeal to the by 4pef: lto play„ „the return.. game In nemeseeker is the comfortable transfer Exeter Innear, future and are look- - • at points like Chicago, St. Paul, and Du- sorward- to. giviafig the Itoysi of the luth into freshly ventilated, clean cars, apighboring town a fast •gaane., avoiding the necessity of travelling , a e car. , notheing but noleer W185 in ithe ale and ELIMVILL.E sorry t ,,',Itear that tr. George li.erstake Iff, „still very low, We thopo he will soon 'be able to te tre'ul1t1' again -Mr. joint Cooper' galled in hie Iteigh- toore on 'McAuley evening ;and raised hie summer kitcnett.--=Mr. and Mrs. John Caldwell ,ot liettorall spent Suhday whit Mr. and Mrs. C1ata. dbolt. 3F., ot E1,- 4....tx Mwille.-Mr. 'Wesley' •i'll l%1303t" 1niand4 liotd'..a.7 ,a sale of • 7 ,,cteres of hay on Fridey next. Any person wanting hay will do well' to.ntteind the aale.-Mr. and Mre. Will Huntee spent Sunday in Seatorth, ehe guosit of Met; ,,l'as. Mar- thn-Rev. Mr.:Watt:ion, preaeltedhis' fare- well sermon on Sunday last. itr. Wate. •son has withdrawni from thb ininiatry and intende going to the States, where he has Accepted a .posItion.-Mr. and Mrs. John Greason spent Sunday with 'fra. Greason's parents in Nissouri.- Another ;week awl", thci farmers' will be busy :haying, an hay,levill be nearly two weeks earlier thee year. ECZEldA WAS SPREADING Ci3RED ••••••••••••••,, This is a translation ot a letter e,a us in Frenen on April id, 1910 by Mr, Dan, Babineau. Cap Lattatere, N.P! '1, 1134 been suttering with eegefaa 41P0gt, 6 ralaths, and had consulted several doctors who did mot' gp. me atIY The disseeee wae spreading most tuteornk,rtable. I thought would go crazy. .A.It rox friends we telling me I. would lose My hands %Art- less I Omni. the rignt treatment. Cue dly I read trt the Messenger about Your D,D,D, treatment awl aelted, Tor a aratite, It did me so ranch vood that iminnliately ordered tveR laIVO it.atties, it tool.; fir;Tht lodttles altogother to ckaQ r,orrtblQ dieeaee, 1 shall nev- • lx.t without a bottle ot nt h orde et ten years ot 8OW*T40ta tbousands or the IflOSt a hcav• tbat 10.0.1). stands AbeolutelY reliable ec",.ern Writ(' lo-flaY for Ireo trial b tte to Laboratories, Dept. Cobor184 Si.. Toronto. It, will give ;total] roller. 'For adln by W. S. liewelr, Eze long distance in the -sam addition to the:above routes, ' the GRAND:. BENia . salt of ticketsis ate° authorized -via Sar.niaa ,ane the Northern Navigation 1t4;.„408bliver, V140 Weift to antlast Company's MagnificentStearners-,acreee ai BOndorl'hosPital,-Waa. OPeratetk Lake Heron and Lake SuPeffor.. Ile' is. new tdoing S'senibeiTY and Shafer' riwere ' our further particidare apply to .any Agora or eye GeendeTeenk allway Sys.- 11mrgh" Weda..esda747'''15-'1Bottsen;PeriFY was tem, or writ& to fall-, .3. Quinlan, Distrfct „Parkhill and also.' attended- Seatorth " 'n • P - Passenger Agent, Bonaventure Sta.tion r. °pore onit •Edward was Moinitreala er IMI..A.„k n. Dull, District 11 `our :burgh' last. week. -Mr. 4-laro1d paaaenger Agent, Union' Station, Toren- WaiDee• len f'eret at Mr. IlaYtPit1"'A to. • -harrtaralising last: week and hbs bee , • Ander , the idoctor's care , since, but w. HICKS' FORECASTS FOR 1-UNE.4-,",,4 ',a,ila-11.-PleaSied to pte (that. he is deing. regular storin period 13 c4--1,t-rb.1.,'8)11-ia".ce1ai---itliss Edna Walper;Who has •Ife rthe neW,rnmen' falling' on the 1:,e41,' taktrtg oeturst ntirsilig, -wae sante day -Ir every prebabilitythis' will 'catiett'lf°nle:'' last ektflp0k,0-1te:i* hen l'',7-0‘Pe .9*B- al the mast •decided perloclabf brothel'," 'Wile met WIth, The accident at dieturbance' during 'the month; The IYar, t1W,J.bx41 Birchanart 1811 Green onititer 'should be consulted vr1,11'care as waY Sunda -Y undrai'th" 'Parental We eater till -0 PeriOd, laid (if it falls . to ,G.01% -'1N11•":,11. -Bosa€1[11be,i'r}T is building v.ory ]ow. road.1.1t,,,., a ro,solt .,./oo y a13-awittlg.alley,---411r. T. Fittioniand„ son; KIRKTON. Mr. and John $ornervIlle visited unable to a tteited, to ' duties' at the :11 G•oderich last wee -Mr. Herds 118 Meisons Bank owing to inness.-Mre. Urquhart went to Toronto on Friday of 'Jest week to reside with her daughter Mrs. Yule. -Mr. and, Mrs: White, Toren-, to, are the guests of Mrs. W. A. Kirk.- , Pelted; istarrna Of viole,n81 abaracteeare. -abl rni Pra., 117' stosi duraig the' last hi t ' h1;eli 01 J L , ie - WI110::be erratic in charact-, . rt" -will .in-telca ' To •clitection. out lei .the rtilinary; ofte11 doubling back 'over, their ' t.1.11 ,f . r ' tacl .. •:s0'1, ;attertheyhav-ter ed aftoilto east. lelieve thereWi -81 toOatuqh aute1orbeetagri 4e1thc east 31 stithatked 831311ic riyj13 88 6111the l l' : - 19f, iExeteir weee here ,Ivro,nday Paul, Gravelle of 'Bad. Axe,Mich. 414S 'br,ather, iA. ',Graven°. ' DRIttSLEY CENTRALIA _...-.,. Ladies Aid , ncert. July ist at 13 p. iu. In Centra Methodist Church First class pr ram. Come i:a.ad hear the celebra.ted Tior singer, C. 1. Pink or London, Miss Stony 'of Markham, Reader; MiSS' Elliott Soprano. Every- body welcome. Tickets 25 yenta. Mr. John -Colwill a.nd 'Mr. Dennis O'- Brien have exchanged barns 'to the ad- vantage of both. -Mrs. John .Colvaill of Exeter, yv-ho has been viisitithg her son,' Elijah, fell the other day and broke a, couple of ribs' ve ich will cottafine her , to 'the house -tor. otne weeks. No very) serious, results a.aanticipa.ted.-- Mist; LIllialit EllTott to„ Part in t an ' enter- tainment near Par hill on Monday eva -eaing.-i'Quite- a' nu ber -froni here took lin the "picnic a 'tWI alen Tuesday after-. noon. -We are pleased ,to 'say that Jas HodgIns,,t whose_ life f_or a thne was des- paired of, is now able "to be around agialin.-The great event wei,hlre” look-, Ilig forward to Is the iDorninion Da Y Cel- ebration 'which isi an a.nnuala affair of nioee than_ local inter,est. Preparations are 'being made for a (great gathering ln Haworth -Pa1 on the 181: , Mr. W. T, Col. -will won a case in the London courts last week. He shipped a 'ca1 load of hay -,f1"0111 Exetea' to James Kilby, in North -Bair; and, then sued for $200, the balance d'Uo . , him for the fodder., There was ao de-, faice and so he gets his claim itrid costs. , "et,M woa 01811 ay more in a leek ".14e1 ran In 18, bOOk, ad yet the talk Whoa the il.xtr-ain hunter'ai 'last dollar • ALEXANDFR LAIRD, GENFtAl. IVIANAGgR CAPITAL - $10 000 000 REST, - $8,000,000 COLLECTION I3USINESS with its large tuber- of branches, agents ad corrqspondeos, Tho Canadia:n Bank of Commerce is able to effect collections thi-oughout the world promptly arid at reasonable rate's. Rates will be 9,uoted ou application. FOREIGN BUSINESS 35 Cheques and drafts on all countries a the world, drawn in sterling, francs, marks, lire, kronen, florins, roubles or any settler foreign Currency, can be negotiated at The Canadian Bank Qt' COMIlleree at reasonable rates. 18150 at Crediton. Exeter Br -W. H. Collins, Manager. It tender widow to cap- tur ugh old lea l ' W never yet saw (e woman ao timid one wouldn't strike at 4a 'bargain. If a woman lthowe eine, Is {pretty, it'a not beettuite earna 60101, woman told her ao. i Most meta who haves mede sanureit wera tailures before they fetertecl. It a. friend does you a fa.vor. get out of lila debt as seen, as possible. Girls don't want a atonic ,as much as 1 they wa.nt to' gt. emayrr . Some men eiwayto kno nvalitt to do a few mheutes after at ler t 'late to do it. A bey Is net necessarily lin deep thought because lie earateitee 'his head. Te a healthy boy walks [Iowa/ -staire it Is a sign that the attars nave no baniate When a boy gets hIsi first sweater he thinke he Is a 1,gooditleal et an athlete. Wben a man needs a shavd, he seems to need it more that he ever needed any- thing else. Ithe.infant daughterf Mr. arid Mrs. rank ,c1117Alliilth6..I11:iS'ilti:•a serious. con= 111.itfain ilati;':a,teslitle of hiw 1411e ,tWerytit- titditit Ms! (pla7,/ ,istriking her on, a „board Tni",WilTelt was a sl4A. On% la '"sitrarsOr*d.',. e ob 4, 0 a No Appetite incorporated 1855 Capital (paid up) Rest Fund • Total Assets Over Branches in Canaria, 414 Age Principal °Wes in $4,000P00 $1,400P00 $44,000,000 n Correspoudenta tn,a A GONSRAg, akt41411,10 1W51NESS TRAN$ACT1110. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENTmmo che,s, Interest allowed, M bigheat current role, EXETER::' BRANCH Agents at Exeter tor the Doluinion eqravAluent, N. A MAU= Maim & ammo, Solieitoro, or, THIS REMEDY WILL -RESTORE .1.T. If you have 1743 appetite for meals, can't work, can't rest and are annoyed with 'tea treq,uerte urination and a burning, scalding pain in makirtg passages„ If at night you retire, .hoping for sleet) that either does not 03111e, or le troubled and 'fit- ful; -Neu have kidney trouble and nated Bototh's Kidney Pilis the guaranteed remedy fOr all - kidney and bladd.e,r trou- ble.. A few ...tidies of- o th'istKid nay 11 PILES CURED by New Absorption M4.t If you sutler front, itching blind or Pr telsehowlne yolwiritlaolcle•c'aut:resfyou self at y the anisorpLIO treatine b e 'ireatiIr for *rit1t nent g e re cc -T *siEZ vALNkm The eneM public will eptitice thati am doingtus e line of pa chasing all f of scrap. Ilighe!st Alarket Prices Paid, for 80RAPIRON. R COPPER, HORSE HAIR, .A.11 purchases to be delivered, to T. HAWICIIVS HARDWARE, EXETER ' hore the cash will he paid or trade given. Ordera for collection ot scrap ay be left at tne same store, prompt uttention will be given, M. Wexler, — Junk Dealer, 18 GRAND TRUNK Rs= coLoNiz,vrxox ECt TO NEW ONTARIO ori 3 01 tnd The Low rate of Ono cent per tulla each way (tor secoad-class tickets) will be iu etteet from all stations.lIt icinoston, 'Atadwasica and West to all stations cin T. and N. 0. Ry„ Halleybury and North. RETURN LIMIT JULY • 'TE Cobalt SpeCial Leaven Tortinie 8.30 Inn Y.A.CATION TRIPS -T0e-t Muskoka Laken Lake of Rays Algonquin Parlc Atagtinetawan River 'French River Georgian By Lake Couchiching ICarwarthe. Lakes, 010. at love ratest Literature and full Info erfation from eery Grand Trunk Agent, or address A. E. DUFF, District Passenger Agent, at Toronto, Ont. wake up the sluggish 'kidneys aead regulate 'the urine. Continued treat - meat will cure and 'heal -the weakened kidneys and restore the appetite in the -natural way. Sold everywhere 50 cents box, or postpaid from The R. T. Booth Co., Ltd., Fort Erie, Ont. Fren trial Sent 11 • applicati0. Sad and guaranteed in Exeter b W. S. Cole.. CANADIAN 44. lee 111 yOUi Ixested, f,1"nattelt,,, one $ 0 14 18 11 all EXCURSIONS- aniteba, Saskatchewan, Alberta Special Train, leave Toronto 2.00 p.rn. Mi APRIL 4, 18- MAY 2,18, 30 'JUNE 13, 23 JULY 11, 26 AUG. 8, 22 SEPT. 5, 19 class tickets from °Wan* stations o principal ';,Northwest points at NR1OUND-TRIP RATES jet= $33.00; Ede:eaten and seem iti4the3 points in propertion.. Tickets 4,144'60'day*,frOm go "dite. EPINP CARS ''Fiimebers,,,,,u Iyetipped' tigh r*;pplict MU r CRS eX 1110 eTs Purchased BUS and DRAY Business Raying purchased the BUS and DRAY business of MR. WM. ARNOLD, I desire to announce to the Public of Exeter that I am prepared to give you the best of satisfaction in itiork connected' with the business. For the pres- ent orders left by phone or other- wise at THE ADVOCATE OFF- ICE, PHONE 25, will( receive promtpt attention. • T. G. Creee For Sale Chance for Piano A new upright Grand Piano eg- War price$395 Sate Price $229. Only one instrument will bo sold d that to the first buyer. Call early and let us de- monstrate its merits to yoi., This instruraent is on ex18 hibiton at our store the bal- ance of this week. S. MARTIN it SON A numbey of good organs for sale $1.2t -o."$25 no higher Payable 50e. a week. '' 11 iii d IL i 4 ///1'. 221.1 'Cif Zel'Ree77,0FID,, ONT. •-..--/ A LARGE SCHOOL. A. Goon SCHOOL THE BEST, This School has a continental repu- tation for high grade work and for the sueeess of its stddents. We have three depa„rtmente-Commerelal, Shorthand and Teleaaraphy.A ibitious young men and tw women should send at once far mar large Tree catalogue :rite for it at once and see what our graduates are doing. This is a good tinie of the year itor you to enter our classes. Students are entering each week. , Commenee Y)or ,cmirseat once. . ' D 'A. •McLACHLAli, Principal. 11111111111,'; . . Lots; First class lots in the Great IN'ortherti addition . within the city limits of Calgary. This is what the 0. P states.— "You can recommend thie property te-your clients as a good in- vestuient both safe and profitable. These lots are selling now at 175,00 each. One-tlaird down and bnlance 1» six twelve and eighteen months, 6 pee cent interest.", 'If yOu 'Want CO Make som one on't delay in looking Toe up as this is a ellanee of a lifetime. Don't for. getthat we;have farm 1408 to, sell as well, o(the very betk1oihd Iy el tto ' UMME SS1 4 11. Students may enter any day. Open entire year, Now 181 a good time to enter. Largest trainers in Canada. Graduates get best positions Thousands studying at home. Exclusive right of the "Famous Bliss Start to Finish." axle). "Actual Business Evora' Book -Keeping System" for Ont.. Write for partienla s. CLINTON BUSINESS COLLEGE (affiliated vvith Clinton Business/ College) „t,;i4xtm. t 11