HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-6-22, Page 1!r:
ocaI Items
!Decorate to -day.
Miss Lillian Rowe has been quite DI
+e past week, 'but is improving.
eV.aturday of next. week is a public hole
IAdsy, being Canada's s 44t't>• birthday.
•litany emelt here wiil,'attend the "DUI) -
DUI)„ Coronaation m London to -day.
Three rinks of Parkhill ,bowlers'Play
games :hero Thursday afternoon at One,
"k'lus Ultra" Sunday School, Class of
t�,aicrt St. Chuirch will holiday at.
Grand Berlet to -day.
N. D. Hurdo±n, w3Fo Is ho
a oras. to -day,
p,.. ha9Te
1s p
aged program ot: tartar
essrs. T. Hawkins , Son have erected
tasty 'sign e the Farm of a pad -
-i. n front
of trteir hardwares satorf',
The Clio«r of Presbyterian church
e turns, lzed music at the Sunday Scheel
ahniversay of tl o Prcabytei ata church.
7;t ICiritten on Sui,d<ay.
Tile Exeter Lodge of Independent Or-
der ref Foresters to the ,number of ecv
f't'ity }flv€ attended divl'ne ,service in
the Malin Street Methodist church on
Sunday ,morning last,, when the pastor
v. Mr. Powell, preached a most ".tn
tereatliag .and profitable sermon from
the deka;,.;' Quit yottrtelves llltn men";
The sermort was replete with instruc '-
Ulan to the brethr' n ere to the treed and
ma,neter of carrying out tLc directions
as contained sat the text.
axtningis hereby given that children
Vd others fouled trespaeei'ng on the
alnin Factory pea field& will be
executed. -Exeter Cat cc,
I3EATFi OF E. II. F1SI-T.--Thera pass
ed away at the faatitly rvoldonce. Exeter
tv e<laAosciay ittt*rtt.ins about S o'clock a
ala and much respect-
fxf aEixeter in the per.
ti 1 tela, at the 'ago oa
s, 1 nat>rsth ,and 9 days, De-
adbet t a tot ," stafferar Iron
acute ,riteuwationl which followed .by a
severeattack of kidney trouble, about
t weep ago, eauacd baJ;s lea h. For
nxariy years tial Iaiitpiliiir • Flail conducted
a :banter tritop !a'.1 thc'pre 1ses t:ow oceu
la cd lay Ur.E.'\V 1tts, 1110 greater part
ri Mals file berm; spent in Exeter. Owing
to ilt health he; retired, from aative Ansi r
aR about six years ago, elm* which
he hay; bcen idtallint; health. Ho leaves
as sorrowing wjlow and two daughters,
tfissu :Annie at honu;tatnd Mitre Frances
4i Doatoh, a110:i one 'brother, Henry, ai
G1CtitW'ood: Station,' Deceased was a mens
bqr of theeitneignt Order of For'&tery,,
under Whose auspices the funeral hakes
place Friday to Exeter cemetery., The
fan�Ity have the symPathY of their maty
3tealds: C t
Pert/ape the biggest' crowd' of rooters
that ever vre zyt out of town with the
Exeter base ball team weal. along with
the !boy on Friday e -venins, to Cred-
ito,', anticipating a. good gatne ii: not
a victory for 'Exetere In. the former,
tmhey were not disappointed as the
game was an excellent one, but the
v:tetory ',went .to Cred.iton 11-9. Carling
ee tee bow for Elsgijor pitched aa good
game, there 'bel„" but six hits off
hint, ,while ,the Eta*cierites got thirteen"
- tta off Teddy Brorvrj.), the Credebett
twirler. Exeter got agog: lead in, the
d when they stee.redl 4 runs, but Creep.
5 Yrs the 411 land; 3 in the 5th
due largely to a :buteale'or errors, won
tits game, eat tlz+e+ vfaitors were unable
to overcome *the 3ead, although 'ra-
tor got 3 in the last four int4egs.
C.•e tito z people say, it 'w"0.2$ tale atoisest
badet>..,;rf rooters that ever struck the
burg, bum load tat Exeter 4414 tea}
particularly enthusiastie regtlydlrtg fl
The ioliowing iz theeline up
Palmer 3 Kb
Carlisnt 1
:Mitchell 1'
Puiriari 0
Hoel i.;tis 1-
Peliwood 1,
1Jr: tttittteil
Steer 1
said 'score
Falmer w.
iJStt�'sett s2
Shell 1
Young 1
Feltner 2
l+, Kerr' 1
. Brown ;1
Il. I ahner 9
9 u 4. U' it 1 1, 0 t$-. 9
0 0 1 a 31 0 0 2
the third genie of 'battebalt ibetwec.t
r! and, Exeter Juniors wase, play -
an tufa grounds boors Tuesday even,'
afisultlta, ' ,in a viin dor OM vlsit-
11-,5, due ahnostTantieely to a long
of errors onAlis past of rev-
rr players;, .4. gcagd crowd wee'
Warm utirplred:
sten ani: 3{trkton Play a do01
er 'las baseball hero Thursday, '
Olantieboyo, Juno 20. -The large grain
storehouse here was completely destr0y-
ed by :fire this att,e€t000u, cabled. from a
spark from the G. T. 'N. engine, The
sparks! lodged ,ont the roof and the vol-
unteere, could not prevent tho building
f•:om Running.. Lt was i,tfv the great-
gry t -
difficulty that Owl aMr<i+' rt,,wa.a sav-
cl. The building belonged to It. G. Set-
do:1 of Exeter, and the` business here
was carried otn1 by,Hay Eros. of Listow-
el. There waa:no graity,'in the building.
Less about $20Q0,
number of Exeter ieQplc were in
tfurtti to sea the racctsN.erast week.
The hot weather is here and now is the time to .buy
your whitewear before your size is sold out,
Our waists . are of the
best material and made
in the latest styles; from
$1.00 to $3.00.
In this line we have
some of the neatest pat-
terns shown atprices from
$1.00 to 'c. , ,50.
Summer Dress Coods
In Voiles, Foulards, Mulls, Repps, Shamrock, Jag
guards and Muslins .in many shades and at right
Summer Underwear
In Fine ribbed' knit underwear forchildren`and ladies
with or without sleeve. Prices ranging from Sc. up to
Gents' Underwear
A fine porous Balbriggan Underwear for only 75c,
a suit, and Fine French Balbriggan Underwear at 75,
and $1..00 a suit also short sleeve underskirts at 50c. a
die have a fent? 'fine straw hats that we will clear at
bargain price.
presh'groceries always on hand.
iglaesf prices aid for all kinds .of Produce,
Y, JUNE 22
The adjourned meeting of the court
of Revision was, held' at the Town Hall,
June' 10, 11,11 present except air. Wol-
per. Reeve Taylor took, anti. aubscrihed The GO;trveil.tion of the'L;^xr- t Censer
to ttie at t:egs:ry 9'atii of utiles, :elle vattve �,i$ZS4£ tiv„'s' tt Sau t3 1<ux ',, as;
rn:"notes of th i tasz tlzeetirig were read welt .as the annual mCethj of fhe ..ssoc-.
and approved., iation -took: place taSfxhei sks,at:ng rink i2)
Taylor -Day -That appeal of J. Sitiith llensalt on Tuesday afterttoo r, 'and woe'
to }lave doh; tax struck off be granted a Iarge(y: attc;tded and most eethusiast
w-Ca't°rted. ;v meeting, The office; s were teceted'for
Rivers -Day -That appeal of Well Johns u ng ,year, addressee tevere deity
agahaet business assessment, he being ere j vde i
L lhaa! p o'2 e��j�lr25 in the
ou; of bus tress since AUr ii i st, be party s,; tisk r dlina as eIl as, the Pres,'
gsalated-Carried, F;11 1 :;a1 atzenebe.e, lir. Ii. Eilber. Anum
FaY,TaFiAr-Tilat asseaelneat rte su ! b or good to rt 4.,were Ilea-: in "lye.
atal -ed in John 1e31er's appea! to too field by. raottt,t'„ iteolt, ba's'in• resui€ing
1zlth asczess111ent.--Ca,rrieei, u ,anl,aza,us p`_ '\h- ,J. 3,
S. Marti„ appealed agaita„st assess- et-, 'tT*rfaro~uj 't buses man, tar
meat of Jane street church property. at her and nierclia.at, of unimpeachabl,
Taylor -Day -That appeal be not coat- fi: ;txac€cr, wsll-k,.owta in the ridia.g;'ln,
a:dereci as it is irres'ularA*eete'rlett, ex el. a first-class eaniatdlda,te i1n •everj,
Tayler Day Thaat ea,seeenteart roll res reapeet, and lipase present`"at the valet,*
revised be accepted.-+-Qarr2e4. i -'g were fait nItaut,ic ln'their eliet that
The council tet atter the adjournment .Ile iwauld South. Ftstra>A
et the Court of $evtalo;a-, :art Present.11t90.€tt9 of Zurich. whoh -e
M attics read and approved. ii,'eeident ;for many years, opened
ntEet 2� by 4,4 4 ort ttaa1fC' on Q anus
tier t. ager w n,; h th:r call atfic s wen
unanimously re-elected, .3 atrong exec
utivc c*.,ta member from ea'h, arluttirlp,al
,ty, vrzs +;*gc.cteti. alt: good e uurmett
pu ;cie4 for^ each ,no1ilti au%4ilviatcli
T5+ ofticc”^s aro=Fr€anr - Willie
Vic^c . .ta!i R :MeNauglitoii" .Sec., 13tp
1ia.^to.::. Treas., T. F3, Carling...
Ext utivc ),fci(fllen, "Jahn,: Searle:'
Lezdhoi-y-; Seaforth, John. \ietc.nn Qna
Tuzkersntlo, 'teary Horton of Hensall;
}lfnealt, Jo.,tt . tacarttvt:yr treborne, 'St,
Hu; ter, "Exeter; 'Exeter, 3. W. Taylor;
Stcplc-' 1. John S;terrtlt, of Hurpley. ,"°ray
J WIlli::' ; Stanley'. John '. icNaughto9
ear,it; Faydreld. Dr Woods; t act-
�.' .Ia,b.. Middleton of Cllntott.
of Sub-Divislorw-M.F Ilttp,J
, sags. Hiilattd,
Mose Seaforth--
a . Broderick ; s, J.
od; ; i. 13,dam Hays.
Y tinea t F 2i int,,
litvers. ser gay` Mr, 1:t ,.,<xaa,. a ; 4. Ts dot
dabt. Brown-
by # iveta prolail+ttltt itarUca using dump tent, 13c1s ll1- Gasrtct fan s1hteatr be. Us- ,
for 8U:h punposaa and 'turttter that borne -1, .itirhrtrd Qo,atea w, John Moir
pantries untag aaatd dumpitro gto>.nndsi ;3, Wm. ,ltktnsoh; 4. TI>oa. Husslt n. >ra
do so in accordance with signs t re^t- 4uter--1. W J. Cytri;�og'; 2, L. H. Dick -
ed for guidance, of same. i soh ; 11, T. N. McCallum; 4, Ed. ;via..
Lovett -Day -That the offer of i,17ri.ott gu te, Steelton -7:, Wnt. Andersen;
roc gasoline: engine, pump and pump. W. D. ndorii'; 3, Godfrey Nicholson,
noose be. aloe accented. -Carried. 4..Aharlio Hadglns; i, ,Il. Gunntngiaam;
L.evett Rivera-Tdaat we ask for b, 'Dr- McLaushlttt,; 7, Jaime. Eiaxter •,
tenders Or screened and unscreencd 8, 7. E. Fiodfr-tabs; 9. Stcpllerl \'rebb.
gravel to be delifrerea as per instruct *. Hay --x, John iitswkins; :;, Geo Joynt;
Ione of comm'Isatener. Tenders to be !1, Wm- Field; it. Htn t y Nob ; 5, Hy,.
reecived up to 7t p.m. June, 20 -Carried. Lille; ti,` Johns ii'oftntan 7, Wm. Call-
Rivers -Wolper, -That Wo ask for ten welt:t', .Geo. Hollick. Stanley -^'i, \vitt,
dersy to: itet.traag Torn Bali, tenders . C>ter' ,, Rehr. liorrisott; 13, 3. W.
to tut'nislt specifications and' guarantee I Reid; 4. \Fre. Bathwell;';i, 'Etat.EFvaas
.heating to the satisfaction of the colla- HaYrleld-Robt. Mciiurray, Goderieh Tp.
c31, -Carried. 't, Chas. Naftel t 2, 3chn Cox, t. John
Levert -lovers -That the ,Reeve issue i Stewart; 4, 11,abt. Cltrtt ; +5, Thomas
proclamation asking the citlzena� to Churchill; 0, Adam Cantelon. _
onseryatiye onyeetion
e paid, -Queen qtty coo gasoline
S,A3.11; Canadian 13ratita 09., account.
; Parsaus, street water -
1g *6635; jetnt Ilnrnees,. hell ring-
ing, 25.50; Lettor accounta-F, Mallet
issett supplies 5449.:19.
Samuel Sander?, Sr,. wairQd on th
ootetell. eaking to have cement want
-evaded west to 04-11,„ (Fa*: north
goroq. stropt, Mai the
was. 13 bad shape., The council
understSind that
down cement they
alit 'with gravel.,
onuidssioner re
011e0 la here- (WA 5, Mathe
Meeting of ,rite Board ,held 'in
Town Hall, Motadev, Juzae 12th, a#
p.m- Absent F. W. Ciadnt,a;z and
yta ^t' �i.
The follow:4g as the order o1 husi•
cress duly eu'bmit ed and approved-
..4er Crir-Minutes oe previous' meet
i; lleports of Coms,.-^World,- p -at
deet able = uppty cat rails had'bter se
cured for light fuel. Prieele,t.---At_
tea'daitce In H. S. Sect o; 04, classes
got rhapS. Number PrePzt-I „ Ion'
,1#desurtsr ter` Exams, a;,, Te: size” s eer-,
tilleare 1; Iatricaxlat`iet '2, Floral Cent-,
Wood --Beds :^; good „5a p.. TulIp .' .
bathe exn�te.. .,tlo : g�� Brod sass-,;,
:;zn,P*ure ,L Maas, #k and 7
d tree°" aPp; a'es2;ly in the rtxrntace Por,,"
ttctsto, and "l' I?, Carling :,Kilt
.Tial secure all ,eu004es rpe
sarx' t'J,' rhe Science departlaaax;, Pgr
i1, k$Ls e.e a,,d, F- \i ct d L- it tt?e Ogle.,,,,.
,Pty Of c ,.t tuilp. taa2 be left tfa 014
i..x... ."at fz�, tZ'S4, readers. Per ;.
to and F, \Vold. ' tat, tbt dste rOt
the preiaent to It this :lent to the'=
et c$ tte Plognt^,iihi', l' r !r. A
arld ~ . .hist n. that the very
o report of ileey l alter for
l • i T. . tarp , ar;d, F. o
lie Iollowih ,aectatznts be net„ ..
Ia#y, hew s,'$7.80;(T. Crewel
$tl ; trg College. type
. rey P. Wood sand.
*.�^"�3aet a parrs), of ,dot b«ttp
sic% ttttria to islWatict r W'ti»
tftst � ?scs elawing aSept�;ln-;,
.r ash T?;. B. Carlini,".
tai sa$ary list
119« 1, $x1450 t Ne,
�itl; IVO. t3,p ipt35au 11 .t�X'M�e,. r.
'525, e. ,R:. °�'+ s" g. 7, it4,7i ;
$ , i` ill, lam: t". rltz? , ad;
Out Sale
For An
the past
quantity of
observe Thursday, June 22, Coronation
Day, as a national:
Walper-011vers--Tbat the Reeve and
treas. barrow $509 to meat +current ex-
Alvers-Levett,--Tnat ?Mr. ',Iillssett be
granted a new iquiti of clothes; as per
request, Sarno -net to exeeed $20,00.-
T. 33, Ceiling, Clerk.
Lucent June 15.-Robere DohnellY,
whose father, mother, twce brothers, and
cousin were murdered in the falnoUel
Donnelly tragedy, in BiddulDli, Feb. 4,
1880, died very uaexpeetedly 'hid
home in Luean yesterday, as a result
of a paralytic stroke. Mr, Donnell *7
himself was ono of the figurers ih thd
events Wat occurred 'before the murder,
but at the time of its occurrence he wale
in Kingston, where he hat been sent on
he had not \,shoti,tht the man, and Made
at affidavit' ta thataeffect, but the con-
stable swore that Donnelley did the'
shooting, and he was' sent deavn. Mr.
Donnelley was. 60 years old, and is
survived by his wife. The funeral, which
was held to St. Patrieles Ceenetery, Bid-,
ditIph, on Saturday, was condueted by
Father Hanlon.
At the request or Clinton' Public School
Board Clinton was pat back in the East
Huron Inerfectorate.
w. weideohommer4 of Exeter was,
placed on the iliefind °VII. S. Examiners.
The SterliIng 33enk was; given one-half
the County's. aecount.
$25 was. tglrapiti. fort,first and second
prizes for fat animals from Huron Co.
at' Gaelph Winter Fair.
Govertnitent and Iviunicipel ownership
TelepheMe. lines was approved....
The usnal se'hool giants ;were .made.
High Constable:, Wretres of. 'Hensail
was Igiven a 'salary $-.2oo and fees.
'An° county rate Was; fixed at 1 7-10'
Tee 191,1 epen..,ditdre was- est'dMated
Ontario May be pardened .on. the'gretu.A.1
'sinters:and a. -.brother of the.condenined
The organization. completed tomina-
tions ,,vere taken mlied for, with the re-
sult that the iollowDnetitbod. tmen
vrero placed en the ficia,---1-1. gilber, J.
a. .Menner, Henry Horton, M. Birder-
SllOrt :Ind enthusiastic addressee
were made by ell ,the nominees, all o
whom, with the exception, of :gr. Mer-
sta.nd tor the election. A 'ballot was
then taken and Mr. 'Merrier receiving the
majority ot ,tie votes, . e n motion
of efr. 'Broderick and se tded by Mr.
Horton, was made the una.nintousi choice
of the ,convention, abild :the cheers of
lor and Stephen Webb'a resolution was
unanimously carried, eipressing the ut-
most confidence in Mr. Ri 11-..,,,-Borde.n
and Sir Starnes WhitneY, allesolceording
the convention's determined oPPoeltion
to the resiprocity agreement. t
IL Eilber, 4,1t le, F., was then called
upon to addreed the meeting whieh he
aid in lhis eesual forceful and convinc-
ods, We good feeling- and unanitnitY
shown, congratulating the province oli.
the good government of:Sir 3 me Whit -
dro-Electric, the ,goveraernen railwaY,
dustry. RegardlIng ,Dominion affairs he
demounted ,in no uncertain .terms Atha.
action, of .ti.e present member for the
ous disloyalty talla, ainel 'his „opposition
to the investigation of the _Farmers?
Bank, when +het (Mr.: MeLea,n) ;stated on
the f.loor "of the Heuse that the stock-
holders weet into it, knowing what tbeY
were del/1g, ,and. that he bad no sym-
her said, Wast not fit. to represent any
rieling„ and ,that he felt that if there
was pp ,change made De the riqing Mr.
McLean would •bo, defeated.
The Months of Jiffy -and
August, 1911:
We, .the undersigned busin,ees,m of
the Village ,,cf' Exeter, laer.eby. agree to
close out'. reapective, places 'of lau.sietss
ing the Menthe. of Juiy sod, Augerst,10.1'
3. A, SteWart •G Pawden
T1. Spa911Int44n & Ma
i-Ia.witins &; Sore
exprove4 the app
c!rt addition to na,
'an and tawnily ot N.
1-11 therr annual plettle op Ju,
tigad and rsend.-Loughy McDon-
death last 'We sday. driving'
when near Shipice his Itonifes to*
and dragging brrni Borne distance. Hie
rma badly braised. Hti is now doing
Lcula Itowla.nd have returned 'home af-
ter two weeks7 On 'Michigan
Rewe of Sexamith were,guests of Mee
. had a critical operation performed in
London Monday tor a .griewth In his
nose. He is. doing. Weill and, Will be limee
10 et few daYs,-Austin MIMS'', and sis-
ter Laura of. Henoall .ad :Miss Daisy
Hodgson ot Exeter spent Suhday with.
Dauncey is confined toihteb We will
be pleased la hearM his ea retoveree,
-.Mrs Silas Brokenshire lett Tuesday
for Grand Bend to sPend two weeksi
with her sister Mrs It. Canning. -Mr.,
Thos. Amy 'heel had his house painted
and it adds. greatlk to ita apPeamace.-
Mrs. Jane ICestle Is spending a month
in Leendon with`, heridaughters, Mrs. G.
Broderick and Mrs. R. Johnson. -
Mr. arid Mrs. Alex. McLei,sh, and fam-
ily ain,d Mrs. George • COV49 and little
son, Willie ,spertt a, fowl clays last week
visiting rela.tives,at Harpley .,and Brew -
01d Walper had the tins ortune to fall
erom the roof of sthe barn.. It gave
;Harold a bad :ehaking up, iliut he is
improving rapidly. We hope totesee him
turning from a. week's visit with rel-
atives In London township.
Heist -In Crediften, !June 15,
'Westavra.y-ett Regina, Sask., June 9,
Pollick.--In St. Marys, on June 13,th,
(Frederick ilea0
eyse-I-IutfmenHAt the R. O. Chu.rch
Guelph to miss Mary 'clatibter of Mr
Hockey---Sheere---In, /Exeter, 4une 15th,
nierly 'Exeter, to Mips,. Gertrude,'
LI Exeter; June 2, Ed1whrcl
Fist, aged 61 Yeare, rrookl,t4s,
ahelly,1-J,,,t paean, June th
Robert Donaeliee, aged 60, yeare.
,n's and
but we la ve
deal of choice clot
etc., yet and you [can
make raistake when
you know we are sell-
ing at
Cost Price
Here are a, few of the
MEWS SUITS on; $5 to 3
BOYS' SLUTS trona .$2 to ST
ODD PANTS from $1.00 up
UNDERWEAR from 20c. to 10e.
2 pr. WORK SOX, wool, 25c.
WORK SOX 10c a pair.
FANCY COTTON SOX 20c. a pair
FANCY SILIC SOX 40c. a pair
STIFF HATS at $1.50
FELT FIATS from 50c. to $1.25
55.00 SHOES at $4:.00
WORE- SHOES, all kinds', COST Price
Quitting Business
Cash l)ril
Pix ter