HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-6-15, Page 8THE EXETER ADVOCATE, THURSDAY, RINE 15j. 1811. Summer Clothing The warm weather is with usagain are you prepared for it? We are, What you need is a summer suit to help you to keep coal, We have the goods to suit.and we matte them up to suit. Ler us demonstrate these facts for you, W. W. Lii11,31N Merchant Tailor, teter, - Ontario wir'llWrAirr'e'lir-ArrAirAior'grnfrnir3. Mrs.. J. A. Neweir ie visiting In Aire. Garn1410e. of. London ie the guest of Mrs. Gla.sbnans lkieSsrs. S. and Wilbur Mlaa'tin ,,were. ii•'London TuesclaY, mr, Peres. Gillire wenteq.s Owen Sound 'iron lousiness onlay. 1., Mr, Geo. Madge oI,orsdeti Was a vie - It LOCAL DOINGS. ve,rion.. Mr. Thionsas Xernick has returned to Messrs, S. Martias &Sett Tuesday pur. chased ft -Lew Buick auto. Dp.en, display your laek of knowledge by boasting' about What you knew. Mr, Reg., Samuel ot Highgate arrived here Tuesday to spend a, few daYse Boys, remember you axe liable to a fine of $1. to $20 for aht/1j a robin. Neves* jud'ese inan'is etrepgth by the easy with which he brealtri a Promise: The Exeter -schteol basket ball team carne out '$eCCV,Id 'best in a, basket ball genie at Ilensan on ,Friday evening. word less bones reseived here. that Leon Palmer, .son of Mr. L. W. Palmer, is ill of ear 'trouble in the hosPital at London, Mr. Byron Snell of Kirkton will oc- eups the James Street pulpit SundaY, and will altiy address the Sunday School There le a probability of The Eel and Darkest TsI two of the grles,test pacers in America, meeting -at the Seae tsrth Races. The ConnOr Maelthre ComPareselts fag - tory is being erected of cement blocks, ASA will anabte a excellent building for their purposes. Mr. dtohn Dignass has torn down the EXETER MARKETS. ORANGE BACH WEDNES Wheat 80 80 Barley , 50 55 Buckwheat - , , 48 50 aft -Peas 70 75 Potatoes. per bag , . « . 60 00 Ray, porton. - - 950 10 00 Incur* ter owt.f family 2 40 rlour, low grade per cw 1 49 1 45 L ivehogs, per ewt.... - 6 80 Shorts per tort- ... . -.. 22 00 Bran per ton. , • , . - . ,.. 20 00 W ool 17 17 18 Wool unwash'e'd... ,, ... , 11 12 Poultry Up to the evening of June 22nd we will pay in trade for iive poultry the following Old fowl 110. per pound. Spring claick.en 1911 hatch 20c. per lir Duckling 150. per pound, Duck 12c. per pound. Turkey 12c. per. pound; (Chicken to be 31b to the pair,) (Duckling to be 7 lbs to the pair.) One cent per pound less for cash. Watch this space every week for prices, JONES & MAY LOST -A waterproof horse cover, some twhare in Exeter. Tinder kindly _return to 7, 3. STATHAM, baker and confec- tioner. Go to The .Advocate Office for 'Marri- age Licensee. FLOUR AND FEED. -Having put in a stock of Flour and Feed a olicit your patnonage. Stand one door north of Beaman's • Hardware -Rivers' told stand. Jos. Davis. Our wedding stationery is of the lat- est, types of the best, workmanship un- surpassed and prices right. Prospective brides should call at the Advocate and see for themselves. DENTAL OFFICE CLOSES KINDLY TAKE NOTICE that rnY of- fice is closed every Wednesday after- noon. DR- ROULSTON. FOR SALE. -The Mansion House, Ex- eter, for sale. Well furnished. Good stable and drive shed. If not sold will rent. Apply to ROBT. LEATHORN, Ex- eter. • wood-worlaars sop south of the 11ass T434,1141,7 Co's factorstt and win ereet 'hanse On the property. Wes jean Tam, slaughter of InstPeet- t,4n Torn, Potlerieh came first itt her de- partment at the University, Toronte. WinOtIg the Edward Blake Scholarship. The attnn.allneentent, is Made of the mar., riagel Ntissi Edith. daughter of Dr. ,14.?,, MacArthur, of London, ie W, PatterVon, o Heafl, to take nlaee iss Rules ,Sassfen Fitton and tars all team of midgets travelled west 7, 1-4 miles Fris day evoning and played a game ,4witn. Stephen school, the latter wimining 8- 5 Frank Johne urnpimd Dusean Snyder of DashWood, who' has been visiting his uncles, Dr£5. McCal- lum and a brother, in Cteesitne, Ohio, was taken 111 at London Lpn ills way Ism? arid "Itei to be operated on for ap- Pe ndleitts. . ?I. Y. .MeLean, M. P., tor South Hunanwifl bold meeting's, to diseu.ss re- clInszt.ity nt Credlton on June si9I,th ; at Dashwood, June 20th; at Exeter, June, 230, See tice elsewheren The Exeter -meeting will be held In Janies Street MethIndlet Church shed, zdr. 3, \V, Vaaatier, *or many Years eponectO with the Goderich Signal and tor two -years pealIuthegrocerybuten, cells In the clonartY town, •hapurehas0, en Interest in the Ghderich Star.' Thif Star will be published under the firm name hf & Valuator; • Do you notice 'how many old couples are celebrating golden weddings and evon diamond weddings, and how many are living' at 90 years ,and •upwards.' Wonder how they ever dodged thd germs that inteet the common drinking cups in schools, churches, railroad trains and other places: Residents in the neighborhood of the rectory on Sunday morning .were sun. prised to see an overturned buggy and some harness in Mr. Thos. Sweet's garden. It proved to belong to dr. D. Dew- oZ Uaborne. The horse had been: leZt in the Trivitt Memorial church she and had got loose, wandered Into the garden, broke loose from the 'rig and gone home, wher4. the owner lound It after a considerable 'search. The annual meeting and election of of- ficers of the Women's Institute was held at the home of Mrs, Dow. Officers elected for corning year, -Mrs. Monroe, President ; Mise Connor, lst Vice; Mrs. McLeod, 2nd Vice; Mrs. Dow', Libraris an; Mrs. Hastings, Secy-Treas. Mrs. Mrs. ?Monroe gave a very interesting paper on her recent trip to England. The Institute accepted the offer of the Quaker Oats Co. to demainstrate for them on July 18th. Adjournment to meet in Library -Room July 7th Mrs,' Hastings, Sec.Y. PLANTS FOR SALE. -Twenty-five thousand plants nor sale, including Geraniums, Fuchsias, double and single Petundee, Salvias, Stocks, Asters, Ag- erations, Begonias, Lobelias, Verbenas foliage, Dusty Millers, Dracenas, Cols ens, German Ivy, and all kinds for Hanging Baskets. Cabbage, Caulisl flower, Tomato and Onion plants. Hanging baskets filled to order. L. DAY, Gardener, Exeter. JUNE WEDDINGS. -Get your wed- ding invitations printed at the „Advocate office -latest designs.' Marriage licenses issued here also. GIRLS WANTED Apply to D. Si Perritnt & Company, Limited, London, 0/it. • The Independent Order of F,orestere will attend divine service in the Yaitrg St. Methodist church en Sunday morning June 18th, Memberis of Court Exeter; 123 are requested to meet at' ,lodge room at 10 o'clock. •' Geis. Es Anderson, Rec-Secs PAY LOCALS -It is a rule in all • printi-ng 1Dffiteo that there is a charge 'of BO much per- line for, advertising Concert s , social e , entertainment s, or • vino e0Tt,of atn • affair where there is adrnissnen fee charged, and any arying from this rule is a mere ever - Sight ten the, part Of the printer. Vu obtould not eT..reetsomething for noth- ing ZrOrn tthe printer, •any mon? than • you would from your merchant, or ,th.atn the printe-r vets-uld from you. It ;Is VOUrCS of asevt nue. Kind's- respect towns after a trip west. Mr- GlalblaWie attending the C. O. F. Grand Ledge at Toronto, Mrs- GregorY returned last week from MORE PIGS. -Last week we men- tioned a case of prolific breeding, but eow belonging to Wm. Stewart of Farquhar, has gong a littler better, giv- ing birth to 22 "pi-lings", seventeen of winch it is raising. MARRIED -A very pretty wedding took place at 12 o'clock noon on June 14 at the -home a M. andi Mrs. Wm. Tay- lor, "wen their daughternlvlists Effie P., became the bride of Mr. Myron Manford Culbert of Biddulph, Rev.'11. Hobbs per- forming the ceremony in the presence OL only the immediate relatives of the contracting parties. The house was de- corated with white hryderangea, roses and maiden hair ferns. The bride .and groom were unattended except for the little ringbea.rers, Harold • and Ross nepheWe of :the bride. They car- ried the ring in a- basketrof white hyder- angea and maiden haisefferns. The bride entered the parlor...leaning on the arm of her father, dressed.ini cream silk sub- tiree, trimmed with cream silk overiace and_insertion, an dcarrying er-earrt roses and maiden hat ferns. The travelling suit was a dark shade of King's blue' French broadcloth, with, hat to match. The young couple if the same evening on the 5 train for Toronto, Pickering a.nd The Thousand Islands. After theist return they will reside on the groom'S fi,ne farm near Lueare The groom's gift to the bride, was a beautiful gold watch and chain. The Advocate joins the Stoat of friends, in congratulations and best wishes.• it with her daurhter in Thledo. 'Aar 'here Monday e(ening. n Mrs. (Dr.) McGillicuddy went to Thed- tord Monday to vitelf at the docter's old IbluC* Mr. john Case of Toronto visited with rieads here for a couple of days last seek, . flev. D. W. Csollinst is atteranng the Syssod. of Huron at Stratford this week. Mr, R. G. Seldonn went to Toronto on Tuesday to attend the coal dealers con- isentien, Mrs. (Dr.) Walker of Glencoe and Mrs. 'Mrs. A. Evans of London visited her )(Rev.) Butt of Centralia were gueete of ,arents, .-Nir, a,Aci, Mrs: Wm. Treble. over Mrs, Jas, Dignan Sunday. itinday. ' Mr. Frank Sweet on Monday went to Mrs. Loadima, 'Ate has been visiting Ilderton, where he has the contract for ten d4tIg4tee', Nfrrir.,' Ed,. Treble, returned the ergetiton c,,,f a lane church. p London Friday evening. Sfr. Aquilla aritexe of Irsansisn'" Mich., :kir. and Mrs. Frank. Made and daugh arrived 'there .day to attend his sister Gertiett the er Of Nebiesville, Ind., visited Mr. and to marriage ^of ,M18 Mr. Gelo, Hockey; of BrantSordn to Jrs. Well, +johns' Monday evening, -day. Mrs_ W, Dawsion editor of the yarit ,m.r, Jas. Beer, who' has been in.the '411 GazetteA atlafl ),Tr! BY. RflossnrtherrY1 West for several vre,eks, ;returned h•orne vere pleasant callers on the Advocati Saturday. Mr, Beer bee bad very poor nriday lasts They anAoed over in coms }any with two other gentlemen health since going West, 'hence his re - turn, . Mr. and Mrs. Humble t.of Sarnia were On Saturday morning M. Joss Senior ere this week sstendinetthe funeral Itst• lett,for Preston .prin,..„,,.-sl to spend a he latier's sieter, Miss Fmkbeiner,Lite week, with a taw to navrag his rhea - le Miss Dorothy Mallett Ireturned with matism cussed. We trust the de - hem. 'on MosadaY, to 'visit for a time. sired result May be accomplished, on tor 1.,10.„ - '''.. . , -.its • t, :*-1'.. ' . , ' ''' Sure s Death •. ' 10' to Bugs Berger's Paris Green is the standard tor •quality and effectiveness. it does the work quickly, surely -there's never any doubt of results. i It is strictly pure, always good and always rmlfarm, j Has a deeper shade of green than any other -a sure sign of its purity and strong poisoning qualities. \ Berger's Paris Green kill, s every time. Made by. Lewis• • li Berger ;S: Sou Ltd London Eng Distributed m this . i country by The Sherwm-Williams Co „makers of best quality 1 paints and varnishes, \a, ' '^-7''‘•.,.,z.-_-_.z!n!:.----------- For sale by -------- T. Hawkins 86 Son 3 Phone 55 powe il s Bazaar Phone 55 the 5, 10 and. 25c. Special F3t0270 Hundreds of articles within the 25c. limit. A big shipment of Granite and chinaware just to hand. Great values at front 10 to 25c. Nothing over 25c. in graniteware. 'Vrodding Goods too Great values in chinaware at very low Small cake boxes for mailing. Tissue prices, Watersets, glass sets, berry Paper white and colored. Bridal per- fumery in powder and liquid. Fancy sets, very cheap !Phonograph outfit soap, Hair nada, side and back combs $20. and up; good stock always on Banitts, very latest; beauty and neck pins and chains. Coronation trays at band. " 15c., only 80 left. $, poweirs noniegrovrit Lemonade, Lemon pies made with- out lemons. Strawberries , Lemons are advancing and spoil quickly, the price is getting higher. on sale every day till the season PURITY LEMON POWDER is the ends. Only new waxlined Sanitary same price, and a teaspoonful makes aquart pf Lemonade or two lemon quart boxes used. Preserve your pies, in a quarter the time and is al - health by buying your berry supply ways on hand. Full directions with here. lts time to sit up and take each jar. 250. TRY A JAR. Sold only at this store. 1 coupon free notice that old wooden boxes are un- with each jar. A lovely pair of cuff fit to contain pure food stuff., Phone buttons free for 3 coupons. Coupon§ 55 for fresh strawberries. with all drug articles at this store. .... Implemerits&Buggies Our wareroorns are now completed and we wish to invite sfou for inspect our STOCK of IMPLEMENTS and BUGGIES Besides the Main -Street Warerooms we have leased the large brick building on James Street, and thisnenables us to keep a full snock of Implements al ways on hand. McCormick Implements FOR THE INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER COMPANY Binders, Mowers, Rakes, Manure Spreaders, tilling tools, etc : - Cockshutt Plows A full line, of Cockehutt Plows and Repairs Buggies • P i. first ..., of Gray & Sion'et bug glee are about gone, rbut there are mor( to follow. You will find Lt worth while to call and see them. ' Repairs We pay Particular attention to tit* furnishing of rePaire for all imple- mentts handled by uu. [ • mist , n WE HAVE SOME HARNESS _AND WHIPS that you should see. ' W. Snell, Agent Exeter HICKS' FORECASTS FOR JUNE. ..:-... A reactintaary storm period will, make Itself severely felt Q),[-, and touching the 2c1ttn 21,et and 22nd. Thiel, periOd- le at the exact, centtre'bf'the eurnrnet Sol- , etice and great electrical maniieetati)one, ',Anil mark this perii.d, , and in all the • pat t, --f the month we may look ',for an excess of lig. htriing , all, round the heav- ... . ens, in early .eve.nings and througb the nights. As we have , totter's said, this . . , .13318tice lightning'', is very grand and awe. t -AIAGE LidNSE.Hrciet your main perfentise hastiness. ,-Of course the, elees. lidense at tete Advoiate officetric.boits of an on-conairito'.1thnitideritsioiln :":',40..:T„) OF -TELS,NICS-tigigkAnyir... W, less , panoramic flashing all'. Over': tethe ''''. -pr,ilt:r wish" 't0 Id bk de d- theI- ' t egee[th or Detroit ,,, s tv - ,C 911 1,3, ant e .a.roalit. 1.071ZOIltaeSe. Ilk tbei:r many, frieffeleqfer their isine- solstice eyenings, Le ' as -na.rnilees; as es sluringr their latbd-''''Sacl...h " :yen -lent:; Cristsonshineesbeautiftil to .behoid and full len, espectell-yeBeY. g)". Batl,.,n tral-, of l'f,,,: and nehtth te tilesVegoAt,]-2., kings. ierslenditarr. .tcOnoiTiAcrit3; $1,, vesi as to all-atnit#111$,(e'ttlife. t. ttt. erns -Set itt 541$ Here's Why WE Ask For Your ewe ry Business Its an oft -told -tale, but it should never grow uninteresting to the buyer who would be econo- mical. Our pricers are right. E'rove it for yourself by compar- ison with others, Our selections are large, giving you a large variety to choose from -again the proof is by comparison. Our goods are of fine quality. We back this statement with our guarantee. Don't these things give us a right to expect from youa fair consideration of our goods. A. IVIarehancl, Exeter Jeweller & Optician -t Brighten the Home About to go housekeeping for the first time need a supply of • Furniture to furnish thehome with. We have a full line of goods which cannot be surpassed in the county, No matter what your circumstances inay be we have a line to suit yon. Or perhaps A New Parlor Suite, New Bedroom Suite, A Couch or Rocker, Something for the Kitchen or Dining Room. will be in order. We can suit your taste arid price in anything in the line of furniture. ROWE & ATKINSON. The Leadine Home Furnishers and Funeral Directors, • When yon buy Paris Green it will 'pay you to get it. Why use a second quality, when you can, get the World's Berger s 4,:14' Reckonized everywhere as the finOit and VeStRarif1, Green made to -day. Costs no more than those of unknOwnstren 4StS eSie's JONES 'MAY PHONE NO. 32 A Clearing Sale OF Summer Dress Goods Linen Suitings Worth 25c. and 35c. Clearing price 19c. Extra special quality of Fine Linen Suitings 27 inches Wide nearly every color represented in the latter They are all new and up-to-date in every way. COLORED REPPS All our colored Repps. are to be cleared out, Nearly every color to choose from. They are correct goods at 15 and 20e. per yard. MOTOR VEILS SPECIALS 50c. Ladies motor veils in shades of Black, Navy, Sky, Cream and Tan 21-4 yds long with hem- stitched ends, Special at 50c. MUSLINS ETC. Not many left but we are making a special price in order to see them go. A variety of colors at 10 to 20c a yd. PARASOLS We are showing a very large range of Black and Fancy Par- asols at 75c. to $3.50. They are a choice lot and well worth looking over. 1 • SILK SPECIAL 1 yd wide at $1. a yard, • We have the best yd. wide silk on the market at $1. per yd. A .beautiful soft finished Chiffon Taffeta fully warranted to wear. $1 a yd. Paillette Silks • Taffeta Silks 50e. yd 50e, a yd. • A real good wearing silk with This good silk comesin all a beautiful soft finish ,Black, shades and eannot be beaten -for Blue, Green, Brown and Gray., the 'Ladies "Whitewear and Waists • WHI'TE VVBAR • • WHITE 'WAISTS Our beautiful showing this Have you seen our . New season is sure to please you. All Waists. They are a real nifty the dainty styles are shown in •lot and right up -Co -date, see, skirts, thvaybefere buying. e are Headquarters for Tiouseturp/Sh,ingS, Rugit,O.ti Linnleums andOilelothe, • '4V416"- e. e celebrated t'S anford Clot "n itt sta •:„tAisar. ' "IF 11',:anrattMal-,..W.h.bA'.' sts4itetti,, sm. 'Set Ws nen norteitSs