HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-6-15, Page 7s,
When Woman Should be in tbe
Prime of Charm and Beauty
At thirty to thirty-five a woman
should be in the prime ot. charm and
beauty, and yet many women be-
gin to fade before then. Wrinkles
Appear and the complexion grows
aallow. Dark rings surround the
eyes, and headaches follow, with
baekaehes and low spirits. The
eause of this is simply need of
blood nourishment. €100d, pure
Mood is the life of a woman 5
beauty and health. It is go el
blood that brinns the glow of
health to the cheek, brightness to
the eye, and elasticity to the ,5Lep,
arid the general happiness of gsco'
health. When sveman &eh jaded
and )Veril Oldt her blood supply
needs attention, and the sme un-
rivalled and sure remedy is-, Dr.
WilliamsPink Pills, which supply
the rieh, red blood that repairs the
waste, dispets disease And restores
the brightnes$ and eharm oE
'Malay heath,
Mrs. 11, G, ifart, Winnipeg
sVan„ is one of the thou$4114
sufferers who owes her present
health to Dr. Williams' Piek Pills.
She *aye; had suffered for a
long time, not knowing what the
trouble WaS. .1 bad doctored with
'everaJ doctove, but enly seemed to,
g werse. The lad doctor
e the trouble wa
ernie, ood WAS turn
got so bad t1t i 1 ete4mysel
or went up stairs, v mplete-
ly out a breath and felb as if1 was
going to suffocate. My heart would
palpitate violently, and at times 1
would meter wale terrible panis
from IL I had a yellow toraplex-
• ion, my lips lied lost their color,
and 1 lutd tm appetite and eeeld
ot eat 1 grew so weak 1 ould
dly drag vayeelf along, and my
ieet- Quad to have weights on,
was so eesopletely run
w.av 1 ‘411040.ht was going
nto eumption. At this time a
friend urged me to take D. Wil-
Piuk Pills. After takinr,
few boxes I found my health im-
proving, and after taking the rino
for a couple of months I was entire
ly well, and have since enjoyed the
best of health, and I feel that I
never say enough n praise of
Williams' Pink Pills."
"ese Pills are sold by all deal-
cs in iedieine or sent by mail at
cents a box or eix boxes for
$2.e0 kern The Dr. Williente' lle-
dielue Co., Brockville. Ont.
a tree has fallen,. If you know
where to look for them, you will
see the tracks of four -footed anim-
als, but you pill not see the anim-
als themselves.
In a forest which you know to he
so extensive, you have a right to
expect more than you have seen,
Ants, a butterfly, even a bird, do
not and cannot represent the life
of this great gloomy place, But
more you cannot see.
YOU are the centre of a small ei
ele whose radius varies froni fifteen
to thirty yards. Inside this circle
you can see more or less distinctly;
outside it everything is hiddein
Even so huge an animal as an ole -
Pliant is sometimes nivisnale at
fifteen yards, and almost alsva,ys in-
visible at thirty yards,
Wherever you go you carry With
you that little cirele outside which
lies the unknown. The path that
hes behind you is, as soon as it
passes outside that circle, fun
of the unknown as the path before
you or the taegle on each side. Se
little do yen see that the feeling
comes over yo e that you are alone
in the Midst, of mysterious hidden
thiege. The feeling that immediate-
ly follows this is that these myster-
ieue thing* are not merely hidden,
but are specially hiddee froM you.
The circle that MONTS roth yOU is
be veil drawn ltgikinst you. You
14 itniighie that you were a
sser, Or at all events regard -
.s such.
Then you have the horrible feel -
that from. behind the tree
trnuks *watching eyes are lookieg
otia bad enough at any
u are alone and all 44
ib is "WQrSt ag the gm sinks
faidee; it is -worse if by
nbe yen happen to knots
ve lost uot only. your
u' seeae or direction.
You may licethings.
b the reason is hard
ugh pot a breath
?e. A TROPICAL Ft/11En.
`a As Can Be Seen It Is De-
voet of Aldine' l'Afe,
Part of the Maley Peninsula is
covered by an almost unbroken for-
est. The native population am -
pies but a small extent of ground;
and that part, when abandoned,
quickly goes back to wilderness
again, So dense is the growth that
even at midday the woods aro dark
and full of gloom. Tho paths along
which the cutters of rattan make
their way are not more than .a, foot
and a half wide. They are kept as
passable as much, perhaps, by
beasts of prey as by men, To this
forest Mr. Maxwell has devoted
the entertaining pages of his book,
"In Malay Forests."
After an hour's walk along a for-
• est path, a casual observer might
say that, so far as he could see, the
forest contained no flowers, no but-
terflies, nq birds, no life of any
kind. But if you sit upon a fallen
tree trunk and look round, you
nia,y see a little more.
• Ifigh in a tree; and almost out of
sight, you may see an occasional
flower, and lower down, perhaps,
your eye may light upon a spray of
blossoms that a careful scrutiny
shows to be a miniature orchid.
There are few butterflies in the
• forest, but now and then, if you are
by one of the openings among the
trees, which are to the winged
creatures what the paths are to us,
you may see a moth or a butterfly
pass by, flapping its heavy velvet
You seldom hear aibird., ' but. if
you are quiet and wait long enough
., some tiny stinbird may come your
may, or ajungleThen may creep.out
from -under asbush; and seratch for
'anis' eggs sin. an Open space where
raiv b 1 e
fop. Catarrii.
letrattline Remedies In Tubes
Carrtphor Ice, Mentholated,
arbolated. iiiphoratect
0,-i1e of Zinc Caisicuryi.
etc Each for special purposes.
1 'trite for FiveVaselineBoAto
cHE 13704.011£4 (0 (Come) (pea Chatvat Ay7MONTIVAL
esis ess esseteelfesh '
At all
happen of
to diviee.
of air ean be felt to move, a fron
of a inibu may begin to eway gelid
beckward and forward, while
the ether fronde of the same t
ernain as MOticnileSS AS the tree
uoj„ You examine the palm to see
there is possibly 0, rat or so
ter animal at its base, but c
er nothing. Sometimes
gle leaf amidst the numbere
raneti rimy begin without any
ause to be violently agi
will as suddenly stop.
i. Tippins had suffered for year
and spent hundreds on doctors
and meditines, but found the real
cure at last.
Tippins P. 0„ Que.'line 12
(Special„). -L -If Dodds Kidney PiUs
have a more enthusiastic friend
anywhere in Canada than Mr. F.
',Pippins, postmaster here, we would
te bear from him. And Mr.
Tippins is always ready to tell why
he praises the great Kidney Rem-
"Mter recovering from an attaek
of Grippe," the postmaster says,
"1 took a pain in my back. 1 suf-
fered for nearly three years and it
kept growing worse all the time, 1
was attended by all the doctors
around, but got no relief, and I
got so bad 1 had to keep to my
bed. After spending about $200
on doctors and medicines / gave op
all hope.
"One (ley I told .iny wffe to go
and get me a bo x -of Dodd' e IdneY
Pills and that would be the last
mediciee 1 woeld try. After using
about half the box I began to feel
better, SO 1 kept On taking them,
When I had taken two boxes I was
able 'to get up., and ten boxee eared
R0 completely."
Etcold's Kidney Pills euro where
alt ether medicines fail.
e liade
ary is an
he Are b
season shenld
esb Advantage,
view she has given
to aressynaloars rega
hioning el presentation
edict practically for
ra-tight or hobble skirt
oar b was issued recently,
he has made several practical
lIggeStiOnS. One is that young girls
should have • their tout, dresses
made slightly shorter in front, as
in their nervousness tbey Often
trip over trailing skirts as they
from the required courtesy and
ake very graceful exits in con.
Also the Queen thinks that all
trains should be made of some
heavy material like velvet or very
rich satin rather than the gold and
silver tissues and real laces which
have been ueed of late years, the
reason for this being that tho
butante in her hurry to withdraw
after her ohseiance to the King and
wen ernmples her train over her
arm in an ugly Taanner when it is
flums and light, whereas when it
is heavy it falls in graceful folds
no matter how carelessly she
grasp it.
Elsie—"Papa says he thinks he
gave you quite a start when you
asked for my hand." Sack --
"Huh, 1 don't call that a start; he
reaehed in before I got to the
ask for blinard's and take no other.
Maud—"Are you going to prose-
cute that horrid. Jack Dare for
stealing a, kiss" Ethel—"No; the
property has been returned."
To have the children sound and
healthy is the first care of a mo-
ther. Theycannotbe healthy if
troubled -with worms. Use Mother
Graves' Worm Exterminator.
Married nen Are Favored, But
Everybody -gust PRY Something.
How should you like to pay an ins
come tax on next to nothing? If
you were a Norwegian living at
home, and earning $134 a year you
vont(' be taxed on one-tenth a it
if you were unmarried; on about
one -twentieth of it if you were Mar-
ried and had no children. If Ton
had children you still would be
taxed rm one -fiftieth of it. Ith.te
high -17.2 per cent, With an
eome of 8536 a year you would be
, .
l Tarrilnfatar
ecie; ionIll?riedd
re an
having no children, on about 40
per cent. of your income; having
one "Id, about. 7 per cent,; two
children, on about 31 per cent.
Unmarried and having an I
come of $2,050 a year in Norway,
your income tax payment would be
$491.22.; married, with one child,
$369.94; married, with six ohjld-
en, $'33.5.17, All that you would
get of your income tax (married)
for haring six children would be
$ne; all that you would eet oil by
having five more childree would be
$44 and six bits. Married or
married in Norway, you would es,,
cape paying an income, tax only by
having an ineome less than $63,0S
a. year. Think of paying an inemn
ta out of e7 a month
The Beauty of a Clear aim,
Th Q eoRditiop of the liver regu-
lates the condition of the blood. A
diserdered liver valises imputes
in the blood and these eliew
se1vs in blemishes on the skin,
Parmelee's Vegetable Pills in act-
ing upon the liver net upon the
blood and a clear, healthy skin
ill fellow intelligent -use el this
standard medicine. Ladies, W110
I fnfly appreciate this prime
ity of these iUs, C411 11Se them
he certainty that the effect
st gratifeirig.
• er you swallow down your
throat or ,y01.1r V1134-
ipex he aure it is not a Peanut, for
if you do there is grave clanger of
death.lio declared Dr. Chevalier
Jaekuon, of Pittsburg, at, the r
nt congress ei the Am
yngologierd Association,
asserted that while it 'Was polibi 0
t remove some foreign bodies from
those two organs with comparative
ease and safety, the majority of
eases where partieles of a peanut
were lodged were fatal.
0,,w1Nst.ows soonoso $13tur has lam
ver =TV Yr„KR5hylt13.ONS of
for their VIILDREN
vinci4s i:ntiragenis3!
he 'et emedy for DisatRINEA. It is ate
Moly harmless. Pe Au re mud nsk for
uslow‘19 Soothing Syrup." and take no other
d. Twenty.five emits 5benle.
are new and entirely different from ordinary preparations- They accomphsh
their purpose, without disturbing the rest of the systom, and are therefore the
ideal laxative for the nursing mother, as they to not affect the child.
Compounded; like all NA -DRU -CO preparations,by expert cherrests. If
unsatisfactory well gladly return your money.
ggcc. st, box. If your druggist has not yet stocked them, send 25e. and we
AimiA*Ser14,0 ° ve sys
ngsturt Out
Per caisedsr sr the School and further inforrastio
9ji totheSecretary,Saboolonflulag,leugstos,Ost,
beuieya cd P1
Mr:neva/0V e.nd
ClNo*l Enziaa*01-
CIA P,..kitte*iwt,
cal En
F *
6 for $
e Most highl' efllcient qpplicmcion
r the reduction of Swellings, Goitre,
hick Neck, Glandular Rniargernets,
Pit FR of all kinds, in any and all
y•t...1.4'0 stages, queddy relieved and
ositiyely cured, Cure your suffering
od live quietly. "Cprnmon Sense" for
Plies will do it. 5 o bo, $5 for
boxes. Mailed on receipt of price,
id you say," ASiM4,1 a gentle-
man who was looltiug for rootmr-
"dkl say that a lotisie teacher
nines the next apartmenti That
cannot be very pleasant."
"Oh," replied the 1421(1144T,
1,11's nothing sir! The mune
'her has 1even children and
ke so much neise that yo
ar the piano at
Pill for Workere
wbo wcrks witlbrains
re liable to doengenient (34 the
digestive system tha» the man who
*works with bis bands, because the
011e 03.115 upon his 11-DTVIMIS euerR,
-while the other applies only his
muscular strength. Brain fag be
gets irregularities of the stomach
and liver, and the best remedy that
ean be used is Parmelee's Vege-
ble Pills. They are specially
compounded for ouch eases and all
those who use them an certify to
their superior power.
Mrs. .Allen Mason, Carleton, 2.
B., writes: "I have used Baby s
• Own Tablets ever since 1 lutve had
children, and that is going on fif-
teen years. I have always found
them entirely satisfactory for all
the ailments of little ones and feel
that I eannot praise there to high-
ly." Mrs. Mason's praise is just
that of thousands of mothers who
consider Baby's Own Tablets the
only safe and sure remedy to keep
in the house for their little ones.
The Tablets are sold, by medicine
dealers or by mail at. 25 cents a
box from The Dr. Williams' Medi-
cine Co., Brockville, Ont.
"I wonder," said the Sweet
Young Thing, why a man is al-
ways so frightened when he pro-
poses'i" "That," said the Chronic
Bachelor, "is his guardian angel
trying to hold him back."
For Sprains and Bruises.—
There is nothing better for sprains
and contusions than Dr. Thomas'
Eclectric Oil. It will reduce the
swelling that follows a sprain, will
cool the inflamed flesh and clra.w
the pain as if b) magic. It will
take the ache eut of a bruise and
prevent the flesh, from discoloring.
It seems as if there was magic in
it, so..spocclily does the injury dis-
appear under treatment.
A little, city -bred boy who had
never seen a cow, while on a visit
to his uncle's in the country walked
out across the fields with his grand-
pa. !Seeing a cow, he was greatly
excited; and asked:
"What is that, grandpa?"
"Why, that is only a cow
ar those grandpa.° her
The two walked on.
Presently the cow mooed loud and ,
The boy was amazed. Lookims
back he exclemed "Which horn
did she blow, grandpa?V' ,
7 was
«Phd,you ..,u your sister I tvas
here'?" asked the caller. "Yes, sir.'?
`'Clc)0(1 h!):',7. And w;liat .tlicl she
say, J"
• "That man said he never forgets
a favor." "He speaks truly," an-
swered Bings. '''.11e did me a fav-
or fifteen years ago and has been
talking about it ever since."
billiard's Liniment 1.umberman's Friend.
The „cda gentleman on a visit to
-the, Zoo paused before a oage con-
tainins. Isanharooe.
, "What animal is that?" he
quired of a keeper.
"That is a native of Australia,"
plied the keeper. •
W hat !" exclairnecl ,the, old, gen-
tleman. "And nay sister ,,married
one of.thern '
Si said °()11, dear!' '' "
"And how is your husband do-
ing now, Airs. Smith?" "Oh, he's
doing well 1 Hess got a job in
glue factory." "I'm very sorry.
10rit) he'll stick there"
Do you ever have Headache,
Toothache, or Earache'? Meat peo-
ple do. Harelips Wizard Oil is the
best household remedy and lini-
ment for these everyday troubles.
"Why did (year cook leaveso
suddonlyi" 'She made two oaks
last Saturday—on e for us and one
to take to her married sister, When
she wasn't looking I exchanged
them, and took' for our use the
one she had intended to give
minard's Liniment used by Physicians.
Young Man—"Why do you advise
Miss Smith to go abroad to study
=islet You know she has no tal-
ent." Old Man—"I live next door
to Miss Smith."
Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dysentery
Cordial is prepared from drugs
known to the profession as thor-
oughly reliable for the cure of
cholera, dysentery, diarrhoea,
griping pains and summer com-
plaints. It has been used success-
fully by medical practitioners for a
number of years with gratifying
results. If suffering from any sum-
mer complaint it is just the medi-
cine that will cure you. Try a bot-
tle. It sells for 25 cents.
Johnson, the fancy dealer, had
left his boy Jimmy in charge of his
The first customer was an old
lady who was out to buy a present
for her son. She WAS very difficult
to please, and Jimmy began to get
impatient. At last the lady picked
up a, little satchel.
"Are you sure this is real alli-
gator -skin ?" she inquired.
"Positive," replied Jimmy. "1
shot that alligator myself."
"It looks rather soiled," remark-
ed the 1ady, sniffing suspicimisl,y.
But Jimmy was equal to the cam -
"That, madarn," be replied, "is
where it struck the ground when
it fell of the tree."
„for Red, Weak, Weary, Watery Eyes
,and Granulated Eyelids. murine Doesn't
Smart--SootheS Eye Pain. Druggists
Sell Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25e;
50e, 1.0O. murine 'Eye 'Salve in
Aseptic :Tubes, 25e, $1,00. ,Eye.:130Plcs
and Eye 'Advice Free by Mail.
Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago-
'c'elarles—"-Wliefi' is the best time
_ •-See' ypu'r. 'father, • Dorothy?"
' tire' -evening, sweethea,rt. Ele
ears his 'slipper's then ?"
leW Sflnard's Llniment Id the. house',
I. DAWSON, min
ty CO,Orile Street
up to
. .
, DAWSON, T,14
Mghrs and holid
and Sol/eat:y.4mo
e Park KT.
The beat
rta. Tim
Tu. Writ
"A," The Sakax
o ettad eciutpau
4.1.41,4 • i4(7
n 6990.
Tiro nail.
t Avenue,
district 113
lied Deer,
GENT ettidY of
4snt o ositions rouvlueee
none oancattal ones. You
regretitit you denpply f,,cr
artivelorm Travellera' Dept.. ..25
fltr $t., Ottawa.
"Can we," began the facetious
school-inspeetor--"can we ever im-
agine anything worse than a giraffe
with a. sore throatl"
Up shot Jimmy Smith's nand.
'9res, sir,' he cried.
"What, then, my boy'?"
"Please, sir, aocentipede
+erns I"
MINAlll's 'LINIMENT is the only, lini-
ment asked for at law eters and the only
one we 'keep for sale.
All the people use it.
Pleasant May, all.
Lady—"I want a pair of boots
for my little boy." Assistant —
"French kid?" Lady—"Don't be
Holloway's Corn Cure takes the
corn out by the roots. Try it and
prove it.
"Mamma," shonted little Willie
from the nursery, "Johnnie wants
half the bed." "Well," .queried his
mother, "isn't he entitled to half
of it V' ``Yes," replied Willie,
"but he wants his half in the mid-
Mrs, John Pettigrew, st Central Econ-
omy, IS, was practically helpleSs from
rheumatism. She could not stoop, and
her limbs ached so that it was torture
for her to be up and around the liouse.
As Mrs. Pettigrew put it, "I was all
crippled -up. I saw Gin Pills advertised
and sent for some, and after taking only
two boxes, ani a different, woman. Gin
Pills are the only thing that helped me,
and I, cannot say too much for them." If
you have that dreadful pain in the back
—if you are tortured with rheumatism—
get Girt Pills at once.
Write National Drug & co.
(Dept. W. L.), Toronto, for free sample.
Regular size at dealers, 50e. a box, 6 for
eoo,00D 4
our ni
We wU runraa
114 struerits.
Edmonton Jg
i I
sash. Prne quote
U or •Lare orders.,
BlItTlIDAY PARTIES. Amuse, in.
and excite everybody! Ste. in.
or postal order.brine, afiet,intid.
4 our latest p4xles and ainuidag
"Tee Idea, 32 $t. CatherinsEast.
on 1,
turns and
deuce sot.
Ltd., Fui
YOUR GLASS AT 310l4. --Our new
Bed Dovil" Oleos Cutter mita wired.
I:1ss, plate glass, smoked and, window
gl. By mo.11 £5. W. E. Potter Co..
46 Benoit St., Montreal.
wmirazo AtIlegINERY, Portable or
I. heavy, Lathe Mills. Slxingle Mille,
Engines and Boilers, Mill Supplies. The
E. Long Manufacturing Co., Ltd., West
Street, ()Mlle, Ontario. •
TIW UPRIORT ,PIANOS, $16.5.00 cash,
f.o.b. Montreal, equals Pianos sou-
eisowhere 5100.00 on Payments. Writs
Wholestdo Department, Tim Leach Piano
Om. Ltd., MontreaL
A -1,AliCL'It. T"C711ORS, LUMPS. etc. In,
ternal and external, cured without
• Pain by our home treatment. Write us
before too late« Dr. Bellmu.n Medical Co.,
Litnitecl, Collingwbod, Ont,
TON SCALE, special price. Wilson's
Scale Works, Esplanade, 'Toronto.
WOMEN WANTED to Mite orders in
1' V spare time, no experience neces.
eery. Our lines especially used bY
mothers and girls. Apply Dept. A, Brit.,
ish Canadian Industrial Company, 220
Albert St., Ottawa.
us in regard to Any disease. Lowest
Prices in drugs of all kinds.
Trusses fitted by mail. Send measure.
ment. Glasses fitted by age. Write to -day
for anything sold, iii first-class drug
stores to De. Bellnutn, Collingwood, Ont.
ANTE pay the express in Ontario. Forty.
weeks Yorkshires, registered, ten
dollars each. Write for what you want.
Thos, N. Havens & Son. Aldboro P.0,. out.
Cleaning and Curling and Kid Gloves cleaned
The -ie can be sent by post, lc per oz.
• The best place is
Mitten buyin9 your Piano
insist on havInqan
• P1r ACtiOTN
A miner took his boots to get
soled, but was not in a hurry to
pay for them. After a few weeks
had elapsed, the shoemaker called
to ask for his money.
The miner's wife answered the
door, and on being told by the
shoemaker that he had -caned for
• the money for the, boots', she shout-
ed into the house and told her good
man what was required.
"What!" exclaimed the miner.
"He wants the pay for soling the
hots? Tell him it's not his turn.
Why. the chap that made -Orem
hasn't naid yet !"•
:man entered a barbel s shop
for the .purpose , of ra,,,ing shaven.
As, he, was Somewhat. bollory-,cliee:R.-
ea,, the barber put his thumblin: the
customer's mouth in order to press
out the cheek.. .
Sueldenly the razor slipped,
' n
inn g a,..in
great in the an's. face,
and he sprang to his feat with a
pain and, ang,etn.
Shut up, ..S"airt.tha.bar
ber, holding un ns hatnl. 'Can't
you see' I've Cut'my thanab-.'P'
Leap year wduld' be all,.
q clear girls were pot SU
Zve.ryhoily new cienifeet
zamesek best for those.
a,et,i Ove YcsU' ease
ee cemeurt.
Deere's ee4 sieereeeebe