HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-6-15, Page 6TO VISIT car : y Take Western Route to India, Where He Will Be Drowned Emperor A despatch frena eal s , A special to The Herald. from 0 taws says e --"It is reported her, floam a reliable source, that ,a vis will be made to this country by kir Majesty Icing George; The Bing ing co will visit Canada eta runts for India, ' fore tht?, where he will be crowned as Em- ' to .airrir., perur. His ?Majesty will visit all .aad lnak important cities an the Dead -Dion iii twit during his journey across the country, and will sail for India have b from Vancouver," dred rho Shuutd this report prove to be . e true. the event it forecasts it ill. sta shin, etarge's reign epochal,, as it would, the pre sat at. the Sovereign of the I.ua visiting the outlying portions sue litfsIt dominions after Isis gas yea mb PRICES OF FARM PRODUCTS. ttEPO1LTS PROM T1EE LEADING TRADE CENTRES ep AMERICA. Grand Trunk Pacific Makes an Agreement With Prince Rupert TO SPEND Mit_,ZIONS 'iCC'a 01` Cattle, Clrailn, C1acea and Other Produce at: hobos and i.11roaal. BR,F.41,B9TUFFS, Toronto, ,Anne 13—£loitr•—winter wheat 90 per cent. patepta,$3.35 to $3.40 btorg- taeal Lreight. Aq 4uitob„ +tours rust patents, 35,39; 39; second patents $4.6% and staoug bakers", ;a 4.40, ora t ch% Toronto. 341nit9ba wheat' -^Ito, 1, Northern quoted, at $1,02 y 2c, Bay port`{; No, 2 at. $1.09; No, 3 at 97 .1.2c, Ontario wheat --No, 2 red a4; -d straits toted at 22 to E6c, outside. Barley—i riee8 naominal. Oats—Ontario grades, 37 1-2 to , 32c, out- side, for ;to. 2,, and at33 1-3 to. 40c, on track. 2'orornto; No. 2 W. O. oats. 40 1-4e, and No. 30 38 34e, Bay pots, Goin -No, 2 ?uuerieau yellows, 5?0, Buy ports. Peas --Porch nominal. Bye -Pelves are n9,nfnal. Buc,wheat- +,othsng offering Bran- ta'uitobas at 82.4, in hafts. Toon, to, and, shorts, Sts to $2.3to bags, Torou. to, Ontario bran. $24 to x2..50, in bags, Toronto.. COUNTRY PRODUcE, Beans -Car lots $1,70 to 23,75 and sural/ lets,' 51.60. stoney--Bxt,rao4od. in tins, 10 to 1lo per lb.; No. 1 mote. wholesale 52 t0 -$2r aloeeni 'e, 2 Coal, wholesale. ,6g peesale. tit?a to Sa per +mets, Baled rag ;\o. 1 at E:.1$ to 512,, eras frac and 14o. 3 at 29 to 2t0- [iBaacross--$6 to 22,59. ozr u41ek;, a, inti- n'onto Potatoes --oar :lots, Haile per a ltrX }mT eta li ,'g lei, ekes 15 to ;Sts ped , turf€9y8, 49 to 210 1 -ter 1b, live, 1 to a less, 4exnn:taCr ;3', i e fi, Hoi be lisle*' 12, Plans able one lion- s to see the The Ii11g is to reach Decalu1aea0, DIED IN POLICE CELLS.. Serious Charges 3l:atle Against nivel; ',t socinted Ciulitie despatch from Wiunil Johan E. Hetherington, luso, ctallapsed in the poi rafter three day& innpr awaiting #ilial on a, charge Taney, prefexred,.by the' Assocfa Charities, zind died on Weduesi >Seeretury, Fcrlke had the man rested, claiming he would not w Iletheringtun said• he was sick, wife; who has three children, plead - ,ed for bail while her husband 'WAS awaiting trial, but was refused. >Sbe claimed lie was ill and had worked when he was able and was kind to her. In a statement to the Togo and General Nogi will remain, papers the wife says tier husband in`London. The two war veterans had been reordered by the Assocf, were cheered as they d..rovo around ated Charities. No doctor was Hynde Park in the afternoon, called to the station when the loan Queen Mary on Wednesday te- collapsed. The Coroner is investi- ceived At Buckingham Palace tris gating, and the Sons of England committee represontimg the Marys have taken up the case. of the Empire, who presented to __�.,< her 'Majesty their Coronation •gift-- gift- - a check for $00,000, MANY BILLED 1N MEXICO. — Between 60 and 70 Dead and Injur» CANADIAN TROOPS Ait1'IVE, err by Earthquake, Loral Mayor of Liverpool /11ici Civic A despatch from Mexico `City, 'arty Meet Contingent. says: Sixty-three were killed, despatch frons London says sev- enty-five wounded and property The tam rasa of Ireland arrived at worth $100,000 was wvreeked on p Liverpool at noon on Friday with by an earthquake the Canadian Coronation troops shock, which shook the :'41exican b capital and fn's- oo a noteaboard. They were welcomed by p J of tra- gedy the Lord Mayor and a distinguished gedy into what was to be a day of pure rejoicing over the arrival of civic Darty. The local ,Territorials Francisco I. Madero, jun, At Buf- also paraded, The Canadians favista the rail -way tracks were twisted. The shcek was followed by an explosion of gas at the artil- lery barracks, which added horror to the scene. The oscillations moved from north to south, .and CAN DIN20,000 PEOPLE. opened fissures in the streets. The laldobe houses crumpled, but the Greatest Latin Rouse in the 'dead in these cannot be numbered g at present. World Opened at Berlin. ys A 'despatch from Prineo Rupert, 100 feet of water frontage; give a R. C., says There is a feeling of number of seetions for parks, etc. optimism here as a result of the give sixty acres for a cemetery City: Council's meeting with the agree to start work at once on a Grand Trunk Pacificofficials an two and a half million dry dock Wednesday night on the assessment and a station aecl machine ea; question. The efiicials present shops, round houses, etc,, costing were. President Hays, Manager over One million dollars, and agrees Chamberlain, Solicitor D'Arcy that thee is to be the, definite Pa, Tate and others. The agreement eifae terminalof the Grand Trunk signed Thursdaynight and Pacific. A hotel to cost a ruillio 1 ;vas, Si+� ed an nil the people will vote on it in ten dollars inn be started as soon 05 days' time, The company is to pay as:.site is seleeted. The plans of all $15,000 a year for ten years ou all these Works are prepared and are railway lands here, valued at 6ev- here, and there is great dlatfon'; eras million dollars; give the tit;> over the agreement aa AND 1:QGB, rlalts, l? to 19a; inferior. '11 OtAci at 01 to 33e per 210 for coeds. 4,412 29 14,ts. lsat pit 10 to '13 12o 1 ecce lvow. :la 3.4 to 124 its za johnin TOGO AND YOGI Ca n0anese. A de One 4) !day nv. ol'ol1a, 11ot= PRODUCTS, lel 0; i repre- Germ, acid the Jas+. Fes, 44clllliraa{ Togo, gi. There was no because the +depu- a>,tion is loot dire officially until June 1 , ', he Prince and Princes will spend the intervening time a Eastbourne, a :watering plana the coast of Sussex, while Admfair A [OB3 FOUND IN QV o.nson Leaving for Germany Poe: Method of Extracting. Them A despot b fronn Ottawa says anew diseoveay of diamonds in uebee has been made, and Mr, .. A. Johnston, mineralogist 2t. Geological .Survey, will leave. Gel•many in a few weeks in tion with the effort being to discover a satisfactory rcfat process of extracting Ger, mends from the ehr~owite,of h they are Iouud. Should' hoped, tarot es a sae dis4overed, and of an e lraatofi} staff tnf the survey 'thed. now working 1ipon it, it won of inestimable bencht i r, not only as regards rho acerin - cif a ilialiro»d industry, but it lfoll also with the proAtable of chromate. A satisfae- boratory method of separaf- diamnonds has already :!been and Mr. ;Johnston's visit to y with a number of samples Canadian diamond, it is ay lead to the discovery t lrally gond eolnu ereial 111e - 1.1'4,0f THE STANDARD ARTICLE q SOLD EVERYWH4RE E PANY TO RO N 410,0 Nva a!1 all . 4tTAI orris of Two Wrecks on Pacific( `lilt t Dies From Overstrain. despatch from Viet ax'la, B. 0,, 1jixs, Mirtuic Patorsoll, the f two frightful wrecks on Pacific yeast, is dead at at Alberni. ,Qez: eonsti- d nut withstand the r exertions. S, I1#00 Um, Paterson, lrtfi ,husband. kept hast Beale, made a toe- Iver five miles o of surd the Govern- lradl'a f7r 6111 I3a:an apt. ,t�1f18cilt and ilio et ors en talo baarque Colo na, as; ra o alnd ht}lllles 4 in the rays f. the Cape Beals light. She also made }wrote efforts to rescue those doomed in the sinking of the steam - hip Valencia "off Vancouver Island the same year, in which 140 liven were lost. Since then her heaalth. ,. bad failed steadily. The Canadian: Government gave Mrs. Paterson a silver service and she received sev- eral medals. IONTII:>a,.',L. 1141.--saes-Cana than .. 41 t-2 ,to 42c, Car lots. ex a No. 1 feel. 41 to 41 1*2e; No.; t 2 to Oil 3'4e; No, 5 local white, o; No.. 4 local whttc 39l4 to 4 local, avIute, 35 ,1to 4$0 Tho ttaaba, cnriu wheat laatentsM' -Say's.., 1� I'111id in "1 1I 111.4111x'4a.'11 slitters lrtlitl iltontreal saays here is 110 pure drinking tacolaQit. $4.E0; looter water in Canada is a Statelnellt at i ;tis��oos$4.78; Strong ak' ultlde by Dr. `. A. Starkey at the in bags, ¢3;135, Rolled oat'•Por bar. Canadian Medicals Association.'s $4.6$; bag tat 90 lbs. 52.1 horsey-^ sett, ear 1exs, cx store, S1 to 52e. Cara- . m,cetfng o13� l ridgy morning, lir, me-ke t, }No. 3 yellow, 60 it, 6*e, ,Sill« 'Starkey, who feed' -Bran, Ootttrio, 522. 3lt~uit�aba 5211 ' 113 an authorityt an tniddllna:s, Oactnrio, s2E,52 to $234 itact a, such ailaltters, said.. he (lid not 1:/f$ - Manitoba. 523; nouille* $25 to $34: a s-• laevo there was .a laRe D , Fresh, 1? 141 to 18 1.2e, Chees,�r•••Fat• Canada 'r river in erns, a t.'.c11seconds, �1' S 1.40. natter ctanet.st. an sada that was not hi some way 3 to 19o, contalninated and should not be a.aad as drinking water without T.TN1TED S,TES 11..1L;E"FTS. l . S o u fll .C'.1 Minnearpnlir, June 13.-R'Yaeat--suis;. r4a° liT No. 1 bard, , 51• Na: 1 Northern. 971.2 ration. The cause of this state o. M1e, s,t l tesuber, 93 to 93 1.Et December, sierra, he said, wits due to the to99 124; ho. ll::forthcrn, 94 34 to 980,' l,"r0a., increase in population of the No,. 3 wheat. 92 44 to to 95 12e. nrtu l ormliui Son during the last. few fi19 to 519,25. Rlonr-Second pateute, 54,60'; years, to 54.90; first -cloaca 1143,30 to 53.50; do,, seconds, 52.20 to ¢ ,85. "_'I, Buffalo; June 13.--Springti -Nrheatt Naf 1' Northern, carloads store, 4.02 1.2e; vrin• ter, No.'2 red, 95ot No. 2 white. 94e. Corn- LOOKED SERIOUS.. No. 3 1 68 1r e ; No,4 34e; __ yc law, Q yellow. GG Y i 6 3- to 3 9c all t o tr3-4o; ;, thtrroughbil- pedestrian, Bieyel©, :moor cyclo ed. Oats -No. 2 white, 41e; No. 3 white, 40 1.201 No. 4 white, 39 1.2o, a1nr1 :Alto in Mix-up. LiV STOOK 71ii17L$ETS. A desrat h from Lindon, Ont., Montreal.Juno IL -Choice ,, A young man jumped off a .street -Gita ee ctec s sold at. 6 1-40. good at 5 3aa to 6o, fairly, good ear on Dundas- street, at Waterloo, at 5 1-4 to 5 1.2e, fair at 4 3-0 to ba, and Common at 4 1-4 to 41.20 per 114. There wars on Friday night. As he touchedthe some good cows among the offerings, and payflnent he was struck and knOck- thsy brought 5 1-4c, Sales of selected ed Clown bybicycle. In an in - lots of hogs wero made it$6.75, very a heavy weights at ,$5.75, and stags sad stant a motor cycle piled into the sows at 55 to 5.25, and '$5.50 per cwt.,' nilx.it and' then an ' automobile weighed off cars. p, threw the entire mass to the one side. The spectators thought some- body would be surely killed, but all escaped with a few scratches, the man who caused the trouble hurrying away . without giving his name. Torortta, June 13.-A hundred choice eat- marched 'through some of the prise- tie fetched 66.15, and several bunches sold cipal streets, ,arousing the keenest t but s of the high ures e pleasure amongst the Liverpool reached so much as in the large number crowds. of cattle that sold over $6iter wt. Cows were firm at 54 to 55.50, and bulls at $4.75 �< to $5.30. Milkers are steady. Sheep and iambs were no more in demand, but hogs are now quoted up to 57 per cwt, fed and watered, and $6.70 f.o.b. Buffalo, June 13.-Cattle-i'rhake steers 5620 to $6.50; butcher grades, $3 to $6.2.5; Calves -Gull to choice, 55 to 59.25. Sheep and lambs -Choice lambs, 57 to 57.25; cull to fair, 55 to $6.75; yearlings, $5.50 to $6 • sheep, 52 to $5. Hogs—Yorkers, $6.40 to 26.45; stags, 54.50 to $6; Digs, $6.20 to $g6.25;' mixed, 56.40 to 56.45: heavy, 56.30 to $6.35; roughs, 66.25 to 55,40. •P A.YL1LER W01%IAN DROWNED. GERMAN TRADE GROWING. Both Imports and Exports Last Year Showed Increase. A despatch from Berlin says: The German imports in, 1910 in- creased $112,500,000 and the exports increased $196,250,000 as compared with the figures for 1909. A despatch from London says; The greatest eating House in the world has been opened in Berlin. Itis the new Zoological Garden restaurant, in which 10,000 people can dine at the same time beneath the roof, while the open-air ter- races for use in summer can ac- commodate another 10,000 diners. There *are °1;000 waiters and a kit- chen staff . of 500 persons. ILI, EXPLOBE JAMES SAY Government Geological Staff Has Started on a Long Trip Mrs. Robt. Steven:rFalls Off Wharf Trying to Save Dog. A despatch from Ottawa says: Mrs.' Robert Stevens of Aylmer, on Thursday afternoon` tried -to save her dog, which fell from the Ayl- mer wharf, and she herself fell in a and was drowned.Her. daughter; called for aid, but a man in a boat came up too late. The woman was forty years of age, an leaves a family of three and a husband. • DISOItBERS IN VANCOUVER. Strike More Serious, and Govei'an-; inept Can Do Nothing. A despatch from Toronto says: the southern shore of James Bay,',�. despatch from : v ancouvel, ,B Mr. S. 0.` Ells, oi.e of the Depart-, looking both to possibilities for nae -•,0 says : .The'atrike is : becomin g men of the Interior '`geological vigation and resources' of agr'icul- more serious here daily, and disor-- ture, All the chief rivers on the y staff, started on Wednesday from, dors are increasing. The Govern north side of the Height of Land Cochrane, Ont., with four compan empty into the Moose estuary, and • zxent can apparently do nothing to pacify either side. Other forces ions on a trip of exploration that the eX edition will p strive to ascer- , will .extend as far north as James are threatening of e join In a corn - will 7 mss tain the extent of the annual de-� Bev:: They are acting in the inter -posits of �i� h ' •Mete tie-up of the city. ,sa,t at tars,, point, which ,._,.--..________• . ;. est of both the .eederal Govern- are believed to` leave a wilderness anent and the 1'emiska i l FOUND t.1 O'I t.diIL,T3:. m ng and ot; shallows on ,the southern shore, Northern Ontario Railway :.Cern- of th a .,: 3 e h y wr iienahe tide is out. If zssion, and will Ca m n be in thea field they can find a,: harbor where the i eiix stantl y � fro;a now until October water is deep enough for ships, and next, when they will return and at the same b� accessi l e to the land deliver a report on the nature of for a railway, it .. , will have consid-: the, country, which will, have con- erable bearing 'i . ... ; i �, on the' negotiations alderable effect on the question, of Hudson's obtain �to tan a H tzdFn's lay port for ^:r rig a railway through the Ontario from Manitoba as it may thus be render o ed unnecessary cessar to e havebeen instructed to ex-as_ L the otherprovince to give up he :Moose River :basin and any of its territorf. tarn of 5'ease/ Wrecked V' itli Loss of Life Coes Free: A despatch from Victoria, B.C. says.: Captain . y, A. A..Jears, chai„ed with ranslaughter in connection on initah Joss tl e a 1. s of 21 lives in the foitn= derin ,of -the steamer Iroquois, was on Thursday acquitted by a jury at the assizes. The jury, was out only short tirne. .14 UNPRECEDENTED INFLUX. The C. P. It. Carried '34,000 band - grants in May. A despatch from Montreal says: An unprecedented influx of immi- grants through Quebec` and Mont- real during the month of May is reported by the Canadian Pacific Railway, the actual paid transpor- tation showing a total of just over 29,000 people, and as this does not include children carried free, who bear an average proportion to adult passengers of one in five, the actu- al total is probably nearer 34,000. These figures represent third class travellers only. hat'an* In t E ra tre Ik*on1 laltoll ]3a1-er,. , a Ratniilican S tituliat, committed suicide by in}' poison, Frid on, ;. \ p i n d ayY. .. Thrco Toronto baries bavo Joined wxth two others in; a live mil- lion -dollar corporation. The motion to grant Queen's Unf- versify entire freedom from Church control passed the General :Assem- bly by i32` to 79. Three Co CIit ldatn of Poulin Leon in C of St, Martin's, Quo., were burned to death in .a fire that destroyed. the family dwelling, Air a meeting of the Oxford Coun- cil at Woodstock a resolution was offered calling on the Attorney - General to press the graft charges against curtain members. No 'vote was taken, pending the receipt of the committee's. report, Claims for damages against Al- berta, exceeding $2,500,000, will lie.. filed in connection with the Alberta & Great Waterways Railway litiga- tion. ' GREAT BRITAIN. The Mayor of Toronto was re- ceived by:.thes„King on Friday. The Canadian cadets won three cups; three medals and other prizes in Britain. John Dillon, M.P., who was seri- ously injured while motoring, is much improved. Prince Arthur of Connaught for- mally opened "The Pageant of London" on Thursday. Some excitement was caused when. on airship suddenly swooped down to a spot within a short distanceof where the King hats standing. UNITED STATES. Mrs. Carrie •rt. eNation, the Kansas saloon smasher, died at Leaven- worth, Kansas, on Friday night. XIOO WELCOMES HERO adeno` . Receive' Ovation Stich as Was kk1 ever .Accorded Diaz A despatch patch from Mexico the station City to the palace. Such en - says Francisco Madero,.the ha- thitsiasm •as never before seen in 141e co Cit• and such a de ons •.r_ tions hers ;. `�ww-as ' ii�eiea,tried �t,o ' the y n� ti . tion @las never acoorcied...Diaz even city on Wednesday with Iad cries g in:tlie days of his popularity of "Vine Madero," amid the ring- The crowd that awaited Madero in; of church bells and the crash was distinctly different from crowds of band music. His train reached which Mexicoit � C y is accustomed the railway ; station at precisely to see. There were no dress clothes, I2.15 p.m., and it is estimated that no silk hats in evidence as the more than 150,000- people, had col- crowd g thei 1 p along line from the ata- in, k.cte 1 the tree„ at the e ,Colonia tionthe to palace was to d e with p pp. t r Station, around the national pala..c., the strawsomberero of th® com- and inthe vicinity of M.adero's moll people- Everything demon' house: There was an almost solid strated the fact that it was the rna.ss , of humanity , throughout the poop re's reception to the . ; p p national eiatic:e distance of two miles :froth Tratmi .1LEY DROWNED* i � Canoe Containing„ Vivo Filled fill Squall on. Late Pcnag. A despatch from Sudbury says Archibald Tutt, aged 31; Jae' Minter, aged 20, and George Gir- ard, aged 1'10, were drowned in Lake Poling on Monday. They were crossing the lake with Thomas Chambers and another man in aa. Peterboro' canoe, when a squall; sprang up. The heavily laden canoe filled with water. The men clung to it, but the three mentioned became exhausted and sank. Chambers and the other managed to hang on to the submerged craft and drifted ashore, after being in. the water about two hours. Tutt, who came from England a few years ago, lived in Webbwood and leaves a young widow and a week-old child. Hunter came from Burk's Falls, and Girard from Ar- den. All three were employed on the Cleveland -Sarnia Lumber Com- pany's drive. The bodies were re- covered. BEER WAS TOO STRONG. Fines of, $3:57 Collected at Cobalt From Saloonkeepers. A despatch from Cobalt says: Fines totalling $357 were collected in court on Friday afternoon: as a result of thep rosecution of saloon- keepers charged with keeping lictuur for sale. Late in May Ih- spector Morrison came to Cobalt, and onan inspection of saloons took samples of beer on sale. In every ease the percentage of alcohol was over the .amount prescribed, : some samples going 9 per cent. Most of those arraigned pleaded guilty, and altogether eleven were fined $25 and $4.75 costs each. Four asked for adjournment for a week, which was granted. n.� SII0T WIFE AND FitJTND. hilted Itis 17tfant Child Barrfcad- ed house and. Suicidetl.'” { 4y A despatch from'Halle, Saxony,. says: A. painter named Heitel at dayb, tleddentered y f fi� s ahouereak heron ` s w e his wvnesi£e,a wfith whorrn he had quarreled, was sheltered b •. a•?:�,; a woman friend,:, and shot both wo .1Ws, men. and his infnt child. He then r 4 barricaded de the e hon se and stood off a.. the police for three e hours. Finally the . officers prepared to foreeh2141e door and: let in a pack of sto44:4 e'.' dogs, whereupon the painter kti`lecl himself �1;nrktiL,