HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-6-15, Page 403xeter Abuocate9i
Ali kvids of flawer altd vege ble
Sauders. el Creech. Prol)s. e re et
- plants at --ay's, --x•eter.
Irtil/11$13Alr, tIVINE. 15 '11
'Mr. told Mrw Clark of Liorta Head,
lyc returned. home atter a few weeks
TO CONSEBYATIv'11.h Mr. and Mrs, j'as. Clark.
'Phe South I-Iu.ron Conservative %.B-S0C-•
-te• w1,11 Ctiold their Annual 'Meeting',
•s..nd Convention in lire Sic:atg RLnk
fiensall, van Tuesday next, June '20, at
* rP. s CliPol a
a full rePreaentatiOn. of eacb• DOM/1Z'
dbilsin of the; rid,:ing as constituted. for
DY..talnion. Pee -poses, Pleseat, as a
P:candidate 'will be ciiipsen. to contest tbt
Pidlng for the House Commonst.
tairriber at able eprelters. local aa froP-1
za. dieraece, will address the „meeting.
Electian of officers.. and other bushiess
'11 come before the meethi.g.
Hege, cleteego tbge week are (00
r4Zeter 'the Price 13 6.60. Surely Oat
: Pee reaeoa why yo e farmers should
leet be anxious', for reciprogity.
The total relative savings on all angle-
..oeized text boolts, contracts for wthich
nave been let by th,e Oet.th,r0 Yer
,./o.c.,a,t, will exceee e1,000,000 d.uriog the,
'lite let the crierrects,
It is estimated that tover pe cent,
glof the teems la Saelmfelleivran have
nee;.‘rtgegea On theta.' In and around the
134ttleterel slietrict ever 94 Per Cent; 0
Wee farme
ca rey Plastere
Mall flies off in passiOa
4 ars llke, a tool it something goes
wrong. until aitoee who 4 -re near him
.he move aiongi, He de die.
e in feeliesie, bet be till:tits he
ta eXPeeel. inglY wide,
ereeth. Ween 4 Men haa a 'Mal griev-
Page it may 1)e,P, relief to hire and eae
,mteable if he lets teat. a. yell yead
'Wrote off a buttoA or two but Whenibei
gee* raving 0.41d tearing ,around efer
trifle allOves leee iSeitee Alan. Ille
fellow WIlerA did not know enetoeh to'
come la out of the att.
While it la well O'er t-lteDPket40,31 to:
lare an its Ottalidtelletie reelneeeeRlir tor
it being etampeded. An eleetlien may
eme elmoat %cwt.:hue but few here
ve teat it wilt Come ;retch Wool
. There le tele lunette:1W for Ovule
eere elitiontr, or teller eltelter ore
It ire 'well to be prepared
obat isti4itlm)legleesteltet
the pessibilit,Y tor ?eel elee-
ea More cores:de:Rd bo the
lit atter :redietribution, No
eoederon alto 40 to to uedelireePtieselitation 10
P lasnent. The certemswt
goentry ,weet take Sup
erier is wattled to tt drty-+more seats in
the House of Common.s. To bring. OW an
•eleetlIn before redietribution would be
to leave aome ogre peOple
Western Canada vvitheUt 'adequate rereee
eeatation in the r)Oraillien earliamellt.The
Itedietributl,en Bin carraot be drafted un-
til after ,tho certsuertiguree are enown
and it eau hardly lee preeented ttfi the
'House isome ^time ,SePtember.
tray jerremainder is attempted there Will
be a stubleena tight and it' Pe re-
membered that it took. five ,m.onther to
get a redistribettion trough Perlin -
'meat atter the Census, of 190
Recipaecity 1.8P,
The McLaren and Butt Ileptials.- ne
'lot the prettieat Weddings seen. 'in a
long time was Selenmieed at
the paraenage at high noon on Wednes-
day, June 1111, eiateel Be laughter
Isf Rev. W. It. Beet, was, married lo
:Jobe A,. MeLaren, manager of the Can-
adian, Brass, Werke, Galt, The cereneorlY
was pert,ormee under a canopy of ever-
greens and daisies and: lilies ot the val-
ley. Bev. W. H. Butt foeficiated, as-
sisted by A. T. Fr Peat, .ot Parkhill.
'The dra.wing room was beautifully decor
sated for the oecasion, the bridal Party
'staindirete b.411Sat't canepy of ever-,
greene, rbespangled with daisies. At
high noon, .following the rioging of the
ohurch close by, and the plying of
the ,weddiree reerch. the bride, leaning
ern father's arm, entered the -room
-preceded by the ring -bearer and elow-
et., the la.tter strewing' 111 -
Mee of the valley along the way.
Little Miss VirgInia. Butt, De-
troit, niece of the ttelde, was flower
girl, and Wallace MeLare,n of London
vras ringebepeee., The wedding march.
was Pleyed by Boss Brolwn4 of Toronto,
Miss Le.Ura Butt, sIster to`f the bride.
sng with bouching pathos, that beauti-
tut and appriopriate loans.: entitled,
"1.4ove's Coronation." me .bride was
handseinely le -owned iin a dresslof duch-
eels, satire trirnxned with silk. chiffton em-
broidered ensertion, and wearing a tong
flowing veil, and carrying, a large bou-
-eatet of bridal roses. The guest's, aum-
„beeires ,nearly forty, relatives from De-
troit, Leaden, Galt, Ayr, Kippen, Ex-
eter, sat down to a sumptuous wedding
breakfast, ;when, ,tioast *3, were drunk', to
'the health }of the bride aria groom. The
bridal party ileft by `auto, in the after
noem 'for London, vrhere they took the
C.P.R. bar Toronto androther points in
tee east, ancluding the 'releasahd
Montreal and Quebec. The bride's
going -away dzecs was iight, krpy wor-
sted, trimmed with grey fsilk to match.
Tee groom's .gift to the laride vras a
magnificeht ,pia.no, to. the flower -girl a
'sluld signet ring, to the pianist' a gold
.locket land watch fob, -and to the soloist
a pair ,of gold cuff -links. The presents
to the bride were'numerous, costly and
nseful, demonstraeing- the popularity of
!bath bride and groom. Mr. and Mc -
V. wilt he at h.ente to their friends,
at 78 Rose street, Galt, after August
AILSA, CRA,IO-Ire the presence !of a
weicoirtinig comnilt<tec of ,about"the whole
town, 60,000 young pickerel, averag-
ing , abbee 6-10,000bh, of an 'inch irt
T,t7titt were planted ' in. the ,Saultqc •Ott
4Creednesday after*One
":fntiiits and Children.
aveAhyays Bought
Christian. Z.Wker aas returned
ot do fte a short
vsit ^-^0 wIth hilst soil, Charles.
11.‘1iss Eva Tiletzel of Capate Mien., is
sPeeding a few weeks, Itere with her par
Miss 011ie Beithernee ef %oder:ten spent
the week end in town, viog her Os-
ter Mitts Ella Coldthorpe, prineipal
04V SV'h00.1.
Ira Drown is spending a SYS
fO:',Vz•I the base -1.411 that ea
v • betweCil theeExeter itarti
and our sta,rs. We her all itinde
MOUre 'gait the ekeighbering town i
on4eg tied in full torce to giye
sueb a fleecing that we won't get
over it thist summer. The game is look -
eel forward to with great interest,
Dr. Orme, Godfrey. Nicholeon, J.
Holternae and F. W. Clark autoed tg
I-XMAS:4.1 011 TLIeSdai.
?Ilea Clara Hoist and friends Of Reed
0.1-Y 'We- 're sPeedlie- a few weeks
hem with Telativee.
The 11We ehOrtagi Ot the lavangelield
CtLareti has PeOrganlZed., The toileldeg
officers have be ate elected; Roes. Herb.
Eitber : Viee-Pres; Fraser" Wow -44 Seey
Tres. Garnet Sweitzer. Bev, Barn twill
condeet ehe choeue, Seseral Peer mem-
!r9 alOON! „Idin,e4 the ell'Oreee and een,
iderable finiereet being ehowil
Robert liOclea has returtied from
the eeeent seesien of tile )}ietthodist
Centerenae. itre Pleased to etate
that he has bege, reterned paestor here
f airot1We year, Bee, Welter is dole
tWOrie in this neighborhood.
4 ,Mre. Ortileiteertd, ML and Mre.
Her I ber•Wood to the, Peed lest
theree *Vent the doer VIM.
lie Silber, =de a tri
to Tore:ere Taeaday,
Childrette 1)47 Serial will tee 1101
t tie Eveligelkal Chnreh On the 9.5til
et, A, geedprogrem is expected in tee
dug from the choir an merebers 433-00
SendaY 1301001, ;
Bertha FietkbeinereaThe
eatli 144 plettesed atiOtherirrn
• feCell oer Midet.
ot Mr. eked etre, Uathe
t here. bee
oei blow which w
rig day., We ref
beloved a;
eenle 1 a r
E. BROKEN•SI-1111E, Dashwood,
,,onveya.ncer. 1reds, V,r1its, Mortgages
t;u1 all legal documents carefeily and
peomptlY PrePered. Charges moderate.
tsuer of Marriage Licenses.
Our public school will hoid their an-
al piPtilc^ at Orat d Bend on Friday
June 1.6th„-Tne leasy wind storm
whielt passed over here last Sunday
did conslderabie damage ea the neigh-
bethood. The large bank barns; Of 'Mr.
Teemes Turebtill of the Sable Line
wem blown downe-A, heifer laelonging
Mr. Louis Willerteof the 14t ',11 Con,
ephea was kUet1 by lightning on
tuldaY lash -Miss Anderson, Millinery
at .Sieheet & Ca's left' for her home
BagervtlleTeesday,-Mr. aid Mrs:
-wan. Snider, who have beeevjsithg
Volembee Oahe fee the past few
weeks, returaed Saturday Iasi as fa):
as Locidon where Snider was taken
suddeely DI with aPPendicitle andwan
operated on Moriday,-Mr. Wm. Snider
v•as TO Loaeon Tuesday to visit hie
soe Duneen who Ds in the hospitai
erneheree church Pi c.-Mtough the
weather was it verye fevorable a great
number of' peoPle tweed out to a Sunday
Sehool pte4e held on the Lutheran ehur
ell Preinisees Of Dashwood„ It was the
first Plerft Of th14 x.ind, held on tee
chart* prOperey. but it teertaLnly peeved
allcease, The bowling alleY weleh
wae ut ellt temporarily was the hit et
the ehtee loot realektor Om greet nuetter
t pent teat were hit byl gine "exPett”
bowlers, but alai> or plo flea caused by
the balls that Were Polled oft the eleSe
Beeittes this her Were ravers and genies
of all kinds, and riunierotis prieee were
ivied end. In the evening a- beerte
ler wee prepared ink the baseMent
,Itorce by the eremem folk, eo Orel
evereoroe coute leave or holm iUot
over the happyatime sant r and we
refltah Alter they 'Wettlei ell appree-
a picele like this every eeeeen,
ss Iloee Preeter
of ntr, 'Edward Kraft. -
0 of Xene /it, at e o'eleek
eialeen's, most Popular
Uto4fandlies %mem unit
being thelfterriage Of Bee
weittee ot Mr, mot eire.
to Mr. Bdwerel Heattee
eto and gra, Henry Le
The tenteme veeeniette wee per-
tt Zien'tt Lutheran etrarcie
hwoo4, Bev, G., Thum officiating.
Tee ePeciotte and litragllitleent church
'dee io %Ito doors with greeter
Moe' over tore euntired at uteuy
Under nelte melodious etralea
mereh, beaUtiftlillf render -
!Mee lentra.""Pree.ter, eteter ot the
bridal party marthee slowly
ele, the %eters, I'dr. S. Adam,
rico and Mr. W. Weldo ot
c'ecediree, 'rhe brele weer so.
aued by ber father to the eltar,
e eath or the bridal 1)art y tot* their
The bride Present --
el an exceedingly pleasino appearance,
.eirp dressed in, a most.excluisite goWil
*duchess ivory eatio polette, otree-
velY trillieled with widevellk ineertione
and allit *vintage. She wore a, long,
flowing veil, caught up ,with I1 ot the
valley arid bridal roses, and caeiled 0.
liberal sheaf at carnations, entertwlned
with green fere. The bride was attend-
ed by Mies ,Laura Kraft, slater of the
groom, who likewise presented a ple-
ture appearance, and wore a charming
gowo ot pleik paritore'ailk, ned co.rried
a lame spiay of Walk carnations, 00 -
bodied, In tern. She also wore her favor
from the groom, it being a gold brooch,
set vrite, brillietete. The groom was art-
eted by Mr, Fred Preeter, brother of
th 'beide. Ire wore a gold eartial tict
pes, it balms a gift from the groom.
Tile Slower girls wore little Miss Bide
Procter et Dashwoodcousin ot the
bride and little Alias Millie Sebarer of
Parkitili, cousin of the groom, and the
two little girls presented' a winsome ap-
pearanco, being gavelled in similar girl-
ish attire of rifest blue tussore
each carrying a basket of carnations'
Ansi sweet peas, and trailing eeparegue
fern. They also wore t'hete favors frorri
the groom, which were gold initial brace
lets. Atter the ceremoner the'bridal par-
ty departed from the church, under the
•soft tones of the Tannhauser parch,
rendered th very ,sweet melody by Miss
E. Vitt, organist of the church. The
bridal party preeeeded thq guests to the
home of the bride's parents, where the
recertion was held. The guests were
there received in a very happy 'manner
by Miss E. R. Keys, an, lab-nats friend
of the bride. The bride and groom in
the decorated „earlier eeceived many
nearly congratulations from t.heir
trteeds, while thet mareh, "Heartsand
piewers" was being softly played bY
Miss Laura Preeter. After congratuta-
teens a sumptuous repast was partaken
of. The house was beautifully deeorated
Many handsome presents were treceived.
showing the popularity oil the yottng
couple. They are too) nurnerousttd mem-
tioo, One, however, was a bedroom
suite from the choir, IQ< AvNch 'both were
members. Guests were present from
inaety points in Ontarfo,1 and from Witch
:gala and they all, together with theftt
many frieeds wish them happiness and
prosperity. They will reside ea Lot 2',.;
Con, 12, Stephen.
the happy
elokbeiner, nQ
aeddened by ti
be felt ter luxe
to the &melte
emelt eateernsel de Mar, Berthe w
Parteed eway, ,eet Thurecley last at t
age of 21 yeere, 4 weeks, Mem Fine
treinee bee been a lone nutter Xr.0
Puillr)ltarY MOW*, Vrom Ito ineeptlo
ahe hie been gradually on 'the decline br,
the end coming at; a happy releatte to
her eutterirege. The deceased underwent
treatment at titri Sanatorluin at Byron
for several months during the winter,
bat all to no avail, the disease haertng
JeNied ewe& iteedway that OM; mid
treatment seudered to aeelstanee. `The
deceaged evaa ot a lovable
ature-it Te.vorite 'with all 'kevho
el her aceeeintaoce, Her demise
will 'be most deeply regrated, inore
particularly to tbe household' ot 'welch
she will be ,reuelt *miseed, this being
the first 'break In the family. Bides
the eorrowing fattier' and, mother she le
survived by* eight eititere and four
brothers an or whorn have the slneete
sympathy of o sorrowing' .public. The
funeral took Place to the Crediton Ceme-
tery on Sunday and was largely at-
The first eague game of baseball o
the seasiea Was playedlat Fullerton bc-
tweee laIrktien and Fullerton. Kirkton
got 12 nuns irt 8 innings. mad Fuller..
:lee 19 runs in 7 inning,s. l' Burns of
S. Marys veered,
The SI, Marys club.tietee.ted Fullare
lal;! 3-2 in a. league game on ',Subs 7,i
Tee ga.rae went ten 1111111'MS, Perry
Douse of Kirk -ton umpired.
Me Warren McGill of Udborne sold a
span of horses to Mr. W. R. Elliott
of Centralia the other day for which
he realized the sutri of 4790. This was
az) excent;enally fine team, but vdio
says it ,does not pay to raise good
terries ?-the Post Office has been
vela:raged and is now located with
Messrs. Hackney & Madge.
Standing Wheat Competition.-Con-
.aiderable interest was manifested in
the stand inlg fail wheat field crop com-
petitien last year in connection with
the. Kirkton. Fall Fair, ,but that of this
year promises to be even more inter-
esting and keene'r competition !will pre-
vail. The b011owling is, a list of those
who, have entered, together with the
variety of wheat sewn, viz, -I. F. Mc-
Cullough, ,Blanshard, W. A. Kirk, Us-
berne, Itobt. Berry, Usborne, Bugh
Berry, .Uslaerne, (Abundant); IL R.
Cepeland, Tesboree, Wiibert Sperling,
Blanshard, Jas. Brown, Blanehard, C.
A. Barnett, Blanshard, John Eennedy,
Blanshard, Geo. Kent, Blaieshard, Perry
10 oupe, Blanshard, Wesley Shier, Us-
bprne, Wes. Heywood, Usborne, N. A.
Sweitzer, Blanchard, Wm. Hollings -
head, Blanshard, (Dawson's Golden
Chaff) ; iRussell Craig°, Blanshard,
)(American Banner) ; H. J. Armstrong,
Blanshard ;(variety not given.) 1.
Mr, W..,.1.Iniownl Went4toBerl.1
weak, where he reeeived treatment team
the .handsof anosteopathic physician'
who replaced a 'bone in his, 'hip wh.r.eh.
had been di slgobatpd ' as, the !result
hurebe had ,received !spine time agOt,'
We are 'glad to see that he, „has returned
much imoreved:
A Curiasity.-Mr, W. L. McLaren came
across a curiosity th.e other day, hi the
shape of a gOsling with four legs and
two tails, and it was alive when hatch-
ed. 'Two of the feet were in the usual
place, while another set can's out ,at
theaide of the breast. 0^ie tai•1 was
. •
n. front and the other, at the back of
the body, vvlille the head, wIth an alrnost
'perfect bill, was attached ro the side of
the laidY.! One of feet, were facing
Li one direction,' and the other In the
directly .opposite way. Ijad the egg
from, which it was hatched been , a
double -yolked one, Mr. lIctLaren says
he watild not have been surprised, at
the result, but it was only a slagte
'erred eeg. ltnfortunately' his curios-
id•.c1Ol live long,
T. Webb sold a yearling, colt, to Mr.
Beaver of Dashwood for t 50.-P. Bak
e- !bought a new phaeton last_t week.
-!---Varrners are huSy summer-follOwing.
Devete, who purchasedeP. Murray:8
farm is -puttetee a foundaition under the
barn. --Miss Nellie Campbell has gone
to Detroilt to study child ,nursing.--
Disjerdiee contieues quite fla-Mr. and
Mrs. ;I. J. Rag in, visited Alex. at Fred
Glanville's last week. -There was 'et se-
vere storm bere Sunday, tearing tip
trees and blowing over T. 'Turnbull'
bar,r,. Which was Just ready to place
o.n a wall,
Miss 3mrna 'Fisher of, Exeter is visit -
tut at N. Ogden's.-Pered 'Stevens and
wife of Woodbarti visited at Nassau Da-
vis' Sunday. -Geo. Godleolt and wilfe via -
ed at Fred Davis Su day --Mr. cartel
who has beetn residing wit'n' his daugh
ter Mrs. Turtn.er, has' !gone to hvc with
another daugliter, Mrs. T. Arrnitage.
laraok Davisand dattghter Mies Bella
• ,
are visiteig m London and Deleveare.
Beware of Ointments for ca,tarrh
that Contain Mercury,
is nxerenry wUl suelydestroy thesense olsrnell and
completely derange the whole oaten}, e -hen entering
in through the mucous surfaces. Sach articles should
never be used except on prescriptions front reputa-
blephybicians, as the damage they will do is ten -fold
o the good you can possibly derive from them.
Catarrh. CUre, ,nanuiactured by F. 1. Cheney
a Co., Toltele, 0., contains no memo'', and is takett
internallyacting directly on the bleed and alveolus
surtacesi:e inc system. buyieg Ball's Catarrh
Cure be sure you get the genuine, It is takee inter -
natty tied medein Toledo, Ohio, by I.'. J. OliENSY
&CO. Testimonials free,
Sold by all Druggists} Price 75e, per bottle,
Take hall's Family Fills for constipation.
SEAFOBTFI,-A quiet wedding was per
ermed at the reekleltee of Mai,E, tL
,Toheon of Brendan, Meli„ uncle 'Of tile
bride, on, Thursday, when. efr. Wsn,
Hays of Reeena ev-aa, united In marriage
with Miss Ruth Honor Joitesen; Mr.
ilays 14 a wee of Mr, and Mrs, T. B.
Hays ef seefertia and Mies Johnson le
daughter of Mrs, P. W. Jobeson, al -
of Seatertia.
Children Cry
.A I- 0 1:;Z I A
ST. MARYS.--Word hate been; eeceieed
,at the death at Coltort, California, of
Mrs, J. D. More. Ifee'atital illness Iasi-
eelregal Weeks end rieeth was tgot„
xpecied, The remeirte :are being Inoue
t sP St, Marert tor iPtereeellt.
ileilBlIne-etr. Ones. Gormley of
cea, pa,esed peacefolly*away
better lard on Friday, baying Maenad
the eeeod age Of 82 -epi+ r. G011140y
wapthppieneer neidente Of the town.,
Children Cry
SEAVORTH.-The lierne Of Mrs. John
warwick was the scene ot A pretty wed=
ng ,Q21 'VITORPA44Y afternoon. The °a,
1 was the marriage of her deughter
, Mr. Wm. Helve ot 'Teronto
cle Ur. azei etre, Jaince
t wee the seen "
•relay lean wret
IMa, was Unitecl
Li 2$r, tac4 D. Atkin.
their dateot ,
--T D, D. b.
00 *et Mrtt,
t oantvflio, Ont. She w
1 ,
CAPITAL - .$10,000,000 REST, - $8,000,000
Issued by The Canadian Bank of Commerce are the most convenient
form in which to carry money when travelling. They are negotiable
everywhere, self -identifying, and the exact amount payable in the prirrt-
cipal foreign countries is printed on the face of every cheque. The
cheques are issued in denominations of
$10, $20, $50, WO and $200,
ad may be obtained on application at the Bank.
In connection with its Travellers' Cheques The Canadian Bank o
Commerce has issued a booklet entitled “Information of Interest to those -
about to travel", which will be sent free to anyone applying for it.
Exeter Branch. -W, H. Collins, Martager,
Branch also at Credlion.
The Maisons Bank
Incorporated 1855
Capital (paid up)
Rest Fund
• Total Assets Over
ranches in Canada, and Agents and CorresPouaeuts in afltha
Princirsal Citiee iu the Werld,
at anBrauotae„a. 'Interest allowed at hisbeet Current rate.
Ageots at Exeter for the Dereiniort Government.
Diegri $4. CARIONG, SelieitOr0, N. D. IITYKBON Manager
troubled with eceeme
and hand* tor tour
tried everything T had heard
of, thee eaw your advertleement in
xteat tor a trial bottle
D.D.D., used it ors my tact) and got well.
It le now two yeerte and a') return o
thn eseeml, I coaelder I ara cured an
ft certeinly Wall a blessing' to me."
No matter, how terribly you Butter
trom teZeinAv salt rheum, ringworm or
kny other akin dieeese, you will feel
lestantly soothed dad the itch relieved
at once wheo a taw drape.' ot this corn -
Potted et 011 of wintergreen, Thyme!:
Glycerine, etc., is applied. The cures
LJ seem to be permanent, too .
For free telal bottle of D. D. D. write
the D.D.D. Laboratories, Dept. E. A...
te Colborne St., Tleronto.
For sale by W. S. Howey, Exeter:
THAMES nom:,
nation. Piclile.-T.harnes Road Seta
ool picnic V,IU be held Oa Juno 29 In
Mr. T. leunkinte grave. Baseball and
sports of all kinds,
One day last wok Mr. Augusr Guhr
undertook what appeared at first to be
a hopeless task in tho way of moving
a. le.rge boulder an the farm .of Mr, G
Seffrey. Tha.mes Road. The huge stone
it Is estimated weighod over 30 tons,
and it was heeled by Mr: Gulir's dred-
ging machine about 40 rods, This is
probably the largest stone that has
every been pieced so great a distance
is these parts. August never undertakeie
anything that he cannot master.
Miss Vine. Fisher, .of Hamilton is vis-
iting friends ad relatives in and a-:
reund fleeter:
-eme ---
general pub le will take notdoin
f purchasing all kinds of erraP.
igbest Market Pricea Paid for 8BAE I
puribtses to be delivered to T. HAWRINIS HARDWARg, EXEMEat
tbecash win be paid or trade given. Orders for collection of scrap
beJefeat trie same store, prompt attention will be given.
Junk Dealer, — Exeter
Mrs. }Follicle and Mrs. Howey of Ex-
ete,r arrived here last Weelnesda,y lo
spend a few lweeks.-Mr. and Mrs!.
Antos of McGillivray visited their son,
Wm. "Amos, Prriday.-Mr. Fred. Page
and sons ahd H. Gin 'have •goee to Pt.
Franks to work. -Mr. Geo. tOliver is all
smiles, a boy having arrived June 6th.
--The Methodists of this vicinity will
hold theitr picnic on Vriday.-Mr. Well.
3o.hins1l Exeter wtal&c,in our burgh on
Monday. -Mr. Mitchell of Sarnia visited
here Sunday. -Harvey Boasenberry was
in Parkhill Monday. -Statute labor was
commenced here Monday. -This locality*
experienced its share of the big wind
storm on Sunday, blowing down treee
and besides doing other damage blew
the roof off Mr. George Southcott's
cottage, !also bletw tho south' ,end out
of Mr. 11099' blaCkSTrath 811613.
miple Fternteciy
The simplest and most effective rem-
edy for sick kidneys is pootn:es Kidney
Pitts. If there is weakness, congestion
inflammation or s orenes s, Boat /cid_
uoy Pills quickly relieve it. They gent -
08 relleve it. They
7ently stimulate,
tone and strength
an sick kidneys,
d lye away back -
rheumatic pain
and • di.%z in c s s
clear up and reg -
tete the urine and
`resteerric.n; aopferftehcet
b103d, Best of all
--;18 elief Is perinanent.
A il dmaggists sclis and guarantee
Bo Ahes Kidney Pills, 50c- box. Money
back te they fail to relieve. Write. to
Tee it. T. Beath Co., Ltd,i, Fort -Erie,
0 ;a fer cs free tidal.
dleand guaranteed in ter by W.
TOe Low rate cot 0110 coot per mP�
melt way (for second -cleats ticket
will ,be in effect from all et:ate:me le
Ontario, Kingeton. etedwasita :and Wee
to all stations on T. and N. 0. Lt,,
Halleybure and Norte'.
Cobalt Special. Leaves, Toronto 2.30 p.m.
etusitolce. Lakes.
Leete ot Bey&
Algonquin Park
Ilagueetevrart Rivet,
Preach /liver
Georgian Bay
Lake Couchiching
ICarwartha Lakes, etc,
at low eater,/ '
Literature a.nd full informatioh from
any Grand Trunk Agent, or address A.
E. DUFF, District Passenger Agent, at
Torento. Ont.
Having purchased the BUS
and DRAY business of MR. WM.
ARNOLD, I desire to announce
to the Public of Exeter that I am'
prepared to give you the best a i
satisfaction n work connected
with the business, For the pres-
ent orders left by phone or other-
ICE, PHONE 25, will receive
prompt attention.
T. G. Creech
For Sale
Lots, First class lots in the Great
Northern ,addition within the city
limits of Calgary.
This is what the C. P. R.
"You can recommend this
property to your clients as a good in-
vestment both safe and profitable.
These lots are selling now at '75.00
each. One-third down and balance
in six, twelve and eighteen months.
6 per cent interest.".
you want to make some money
don't delay in looking; me up as this
is a chance of a lifetime. Don't for-
get tlaat we have ferna lands to sell
as well, of the very best and splendid
ly eltuated.
T. B. Car
Chance for Piano
A 110W upright Grand Piano Re.
uta r price$325 Sale Price Val.
Onl7 one Instrnment will be sold
Tut that to the drat buyer,.
Call early and let us de-
monstrate its merits to you.
This instrument is on ex.
hibiton at our store the bal-
ance of this week.
A number of good organs
for sale $12 to $25 no higher
Payable 50e. a week.
ieleklelerelse++++++++4.44 ++++++
This School has a continental repu-
tation tor highgrade worle and for the
success of Rs students. We have three
departments--Cornmercial, Shorthand and
Telegraphy. Ambitious young men and
women should eend at once for our large
,free catalogue: Write for it at once and
see what our graduates are doing.
This is a good time of :the 'year (for
You to enter our classes. Students are
entering each week. . Connnence Yeur
course at once.
D A. MeLACHLAN, Principal.
Students may enter any clay.
Open entire year. Now is a
good time to enter. Largest
trainers in Canada. Graduates
get 'befit positions. • Thousands
studying et home. Exclusive
right of. the "Fenaous Bliss
Book -Keeping System" for Ont-
ario. "Actual Bueioess' from
Start to Finish."
Write for particulars.
a I
.iated with Clinton Business