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Exeter Advocate, 1911-6-15, Page 1
. Tw wTY-FoirnT EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY JUNE la, 1911, Local Items At the I1Mdon Coati -mance Rev. 1?ich. Hobbs of 'Exeter .was, appointed chair, Plan, of the Exeter District: Rev. E. G. pawell o 1M ete.,,: tis .sec ;, Lary of Exeter Disr:et E. J. Mi Hensel' Re • J. _ it a •d f ; is Y. ! 17 Y the new secretary 'of London conference., Mr, T, Baker purchased Another auto. far ;his livery last week, brinbing it haze„Saturday eve , ?�,ir. JabzHu-a- kin Das purchased the auto formerly vrwai@1 by S. Martin & Sott. This makes about a dozen: autos owned in, town with several mare to follow,, if ail re- ports e- t area..e true. Don't I a«. � ea r more. _t i,silly,. !t? , n belittling. practice, fraught with evil of ,., black type. It you were served right the law tof the latd woukd, snap'you up s�nt lek1. 1t wquld a e your head f awswim.I'4laple dta,t, t have to listen . lalt; acme fellow intakes the atmosphere lurid with palofan.ity, Not 'bemuse he is • asbg- rJ. but tear the simile ..eastern that he par ets that 1e ft aran , Our company Politeness is l;eneralla` st perfloral, heestuec we are little or i o- thitz, far those we try tq be polite to, It is assumed. 13ut it we are interested 1tt txase at lone and, era anxious to make tneir lives Plc—ant. we will deavar to give expression to 'that intea:+ est, and in doing that we will be doing a really polite thiatg for such feelings. Thcultivation o_ the expression will „C be the best Passible education in true lxaliteectess. The fallowing tUmotors were elected for the ensuing' Year at t,EtetAnnual meet ing lar the South. ITttron Farmers" . In st,tute zsi 'Brucerleld.hStagley, ,ilex. Mustard, Tilos ,,Irraser, W „Murdock, W '13,7, Forest, D. B. SfeNaughlon, Robert Snowden, John i1,Sottatt, John .Ar aicEw eat; Hwy—WI Caldwell. John Geiger, Fred- ",villert, Ilrabcrt Turnbull. Stejsi;et3 —W. D. Sa:nders, S. Hogartlb•. John Lova A. Sittapton,. ,W. forlock. Usbor e - rJ,Johns* .A 1 so ' J.T. 1 1 n, R'ra'bl, Gardiner,. Chaff. ;Monteith. Tuekersmith— George ;Weir, Alex Grey, Ai l0. P3feLea•n', P., Vert. ICay, R. tiMeKCay, ?f'ist's. Shilltrtglaw, 1 -len sa11—Ib bt. F3zcrett, J. W. Oriweln. Ex- �, T.B. Cau,I , B:. S lei� Ex- ter—E. Christie,�4t I'iblilipe. Sca.Lorth--M. X. ltfe'I.kott. The regular Institute nlectin[;a will be held as formerly at Bruceficld and Exeter, supplementary meetings will ba held at . sni >I4 �� p EllnlvlIle in Usbarnc . Shiplea, Stelien Zurich, Heaistli and Varna, and at Stnalrg's In T'uckeremith. The dates for these meetings will be announced later on. At a subsequent meeting of the new aboard ,ot directors, 1tir,j Joh T. M- lllcto Iabo me wit,ofectod President;ident, John Elder, Hay, Vice-president, and Bl S,. Phillipe, Exeter, secretary and trees- urer, It was also decided riot to hold,, an excuruLOn to the Experitnental 'Farm to at Guelph this seaetenl; 0.,`t Saturday morning last we were handed small sheaves ot• fall wheat and or rye, the former measuring four & a halt feet f+•ai length, and the latter sib and a :half ' feet.. This is+ .a rernP.Tkable good, growth of Brat J for ao early hi Jure. They .were otiawrr oa the pro) perty o% Abral3r a Dearing,s, ,eas t of *awn,. "R. E. '1aa: lirtg, the genial ,and popu- '!;ar local manager of the aRoyal Bank, left tttis ratorhing for Denver, Cal., and vr£ll on Tledatesd;a.y next by married to Miss Nettie Si Flo $r tot ;alta;. 'miry) y. a .gest daughter or the- late ; A. S. Fie er, foranerly of Clinton,—Clinton News Record, Air. Manning, is a an Old Exeter 1 tea' ; HarryGa • 'de G. R. bra ken.. Garside, . a T. d{ h 411 of Iondpn, narrowly escaped £natant; death .while, oh duty; at, Hetasall on Mori, day. Cars bel^-^ e n ed whe� One ofttr �n struck the tegiVrtunate Dial F breakltt- snvtral r 1tt? and pieces or the broken bone penetrated his lung. 'De was Inanlediately tdkC It to the hostaitai w'now inr lt- t d rlice a at a I.on. tt where ho 0 ica crit , l condition. r �nii.n Sharetialders tot the Sovereign Bank will soon find themselves members of t;he. International Assets, Limited, the , "Z. t� Q the eQ a tQa, :Oran 4 L ii p f%.! 1 itis i � 1 , ed with the cona©nt of the existing' banks to prevent the imposition of the .double liability oay {.ho Sovereign drafts; Tlie president 6cgeueral manager of the bank, respectively., have issued a sir, Cala.. aa ,the subscribers ra ttatstocks the International- Assets: will be al - 1 fatted. .. A. J. Deli, w4ta is establlslikna an adlan agency at F ocrt Snaith, has taken eaupie of hutfaio herders with 111111 order to rotrati up the four hundred ,buffala wandering round the is Or tine Velem .Haver `~"alley. the tlterd of wild'tnlffalo orb the A•naer cuntitaent to -day, ---From Rod and Gu for June, Ever since we read the rattrave Item and s i,w' the stock or or ntttnitiatt and firearms. in °the trunk or who recently vc- t oura men" vh rocs At a t oa struck out an a trip to Peace Inver nitrtrict, we have been, wonderhzF whetlt er'SR,rdy and Jimmy are the buffalo': l.erders referred t4 aiaove.: t s LITTLE SON DIED —Villtain J., the i;tfa nt ban of Gsf`. and Mrs. William J. Snaith of Detroit, died suddenly 1 about 1.30 :Arra. 'Friday last "at. ltho li,arn t. of fro.: S tiand b ser'a err to ,•Sr. . i•arn P tt. , the Smith, London head South. The little ,are was taken ill 'hiortly atter' midnight and died three M'ur'al later, apparently frtanr stoppage of: the ?bowels and, heart .failure. The funeral gook place to the afternoon. rex � Exfter cemetery io,Yt talttd�,y at alnab e Mr. and Mrs.: Smith, w,llja were tr n p a ehlart holiday here,. have the sympathy of their many friends to ;their 1 loss,, this being 'their 'second little one that Naas' passed away ixtl'infoncy. I' ,, vvtJ. eta Mr. S. Powell wad In Bryanston over Sunday, Mr. Jolla Gill is "on titer sick list this, this week, Mrs, Albert Pytn of Carievalo, Sask., visited friends here last 'week. Mr. \v. II. Levitt, left Tuesday to! attend theCoal Dealers Asaocl ation. Mr. G. E. An@erson:.iisi visiting in Lora-, dot for two weeks,; leaving Wednesday, );'remotion examinations' are being con; ducted in the Publie'tschool Department; this week. 1•a 'the bowling tournament Carliabo•s' r i.tk defeated Biatchford's' rink 'Tues- day evening, 19-13. Mr, W. Z1'. Iizt trtett;of rlewdale.:[an 'lerv I s and � 0 1 0.9 pa.rents, , i - ,s L ,�' i pa. ° M reQ.I. Hunter. John Hu. to Willie Halloran, wito has been visit. L.S with his grandfather, ]L. Henry Larpbr^ook returned to Brantford )rest, t } A t 4 , +w "e tr. Mr, r e '1 o Sea. r�. stn 1. Lo 1'tttek o a ed has family sato part �,af the dv,- il- it; owned by 'Miss Pali -twill. on An- drew street. Mr. and birs. Simon ,Caitipbelt. acconr, a e c t p zti d b Y Mrs. Hu lcney,:�l4t for Sarnia 'yesterday, where they will tako tae beat for Poet Arthur, sand, from there they will continue the Journey to Re- gina, Saek • COlki,'dU.t'11O.P T1+R1Vr CARLING'S PRONE 18 SUMMER GOODS The 'hot weather is here and now is the time to buy your whitewear before your size is sold out, Waists Our waists are of the best material and made in -the latest styles; from $1.00 to $3.00. Skirts In this line we have some of the neatest pat- terns shown atprices from $1.00 to $4,50. Summer Dress Coods . In Voiles,•Foulards,Mulls, Repps, in'Shamrock, dao - guards and Muslins' many shades and at right prices. Summer underwear 1 In Fine ribbed knit underwear forchi dren and ladies with or without sleeve. Prices ranging from upto �' 8c. 50c. Cents' Underwear A fine porous Balbriggan Underwear for only 75c, a ` suit, and Fine French Balbriggan TJ'nderwear' at 75: and $1.00 a suit also short sleeve underskirts at 50c. a piece. re have a few fine straw hats that we will clear ., at rgain price. esh, groceries always on Band. �i hest' rices id. far all kinds of Produce,. To the Advocate,-- n 1 41at£ce in your last issue you called' r' h o i h c' e t or 0 the attctnti n o the tti`t a s u„ once loyal town to °a celebration which attould have ,bee;t1 held on June 22nd, otar King's Coronation Day. The Sleeve .f.�d sow, or file Council were spoken to attd ateitcet to call a public meeting' hut 1 •note nothing ball been doffs. This' celebration avas intended for the schul- ars (particularly) of our Public seine), that they might •t'ci tttntic,.r +a. great torleal day. 4A). It la- aclnbost too late I;et up as slays celebration -1 would a Rbc tione bo built dawn. tiro. newly acquired land, near the: - r! oi k,« r,a a 1 u a d ,t tae a subscription tt t Pond. t F ed to get a good. tiro works display that evening;, Being close to the water. there could 'bq no dant er, .and it would. cause n mild excitement. i wee In the O1d Cora;.n„Y1r tr large bonfires are. -t0 be started iab each pariah aiFultanoeue aitd rockets `ab libitum.' Could this he aecomplished2 Who will start 11? Y•aurtx truly, . Loyalist. 1)1 AIOC3Ri'S"Y i1. 04e of thea prettieat,woddingss' seen tiffs .I' k t at'St aryls saaaon WILES '"sol tools esrin Roman Catholic Church, 13iddulph, on ,June 8th, at, 10l�o'eloek, when Mills Julia` Irene X.amphier was united to ,matrif many with. Mr: Thomas Nagle, a .pros serous- young farmer, of Missouri. The ceremony ,watr performed by Rev. Er. Hanlon, parish Priest of Biddulph. Tho bride looked charming attire{ in a beau- tiful white embroidery dress' over `silk and wearing a magnificent white hat, trimmed with two 'beautiful willow plum- es; ;she also carrying a bouquet ,of. white rosea. The bride was ably ;as-; sisted by her sister 111tt+ss 'Laura as 'bridesmaid, who wore a pretty yellow figured silk anuli girth hat to match, made of yellow' silk dbratd and trimmed with two white willow plumes and vel- vet ribbon; she also carrying' white ros-i e,a. Mr. 'Edward .Nagle of Toronto, a brother of the grooin, performed hie, dut les ;well as groomsman, and the two little Miss Browns, cousins,of the 'bride, made charming little flower girls•, strew ing .lilliee of the valley ahead of the bride and groom. The dining -room was beautifully decorated for the occasion with white ribbon,, evergreens and earn - Miens. The ';ablewast. in the form of p. horse 'shoe and( y an arch; being built iln the centre wi'tgb whjite bells) covering the ;bridal party. A grand dinner was served. Many beautiful presents were given, the bride receelving a, couple of checks and a handsome piano ,from the groom, showing the high esteem in which she is held. -Guests, were present from New York, Toronto; Stratford, Lon don, St, Marys,' Lucan and ;Centralia,;, to the number of 150. Mr. and Mrs) Nagle left' of the. 5.201train for Niagara Falls, Detroit and' otheritpotnts, amid showers :of confetti and rice. The bri- de's going a,wa'y- suit Was navy blue silk, tr1mnied wlifth( all over laceand a beautiful black 'hiat. On thethi return Mr. and Mrs. Nagle wit11 reside 'on the ;groom's :fine ' farm in N,ioaoura. ,near St. Marys. Conservative Convention A convention of the South Huron Con ,servative A,ssoelation will 'be held in the Skating Rink, Hensall,..on Tuesday June ,20,' at 2: "O'clock p.m, 'for • the purpose', of nominating a candidate to contest the_ riding for the Dominion Rouse, and fix' election of officers: - Reciprocity MR M. Y, Mcr ?AtN, M.P., SOUTH Ht N wll hold'niectitl;s for the discussion of 'the proposed RECIPROCITY" AG. iEEiENT between, Canada and he United States, at th)e following places •an the dates named, CREDIT,ON, T(gwst, Hall, on Monday craning, June 19tl'- . DA`S} WOUD, Tuesday, June ;20th. :EXETER, •FRIDAY, 'JUNE 23£x1. Ft wh 'fort the .tbOvfa'Inee'tings, •will coin- metlice at -8 o'clock. All are tkordially invited, Front seats 1eservc4 far ladico. frit, Alkc:Leapv will Ibe a s,,isted Cteditlata 1�tatsag''try fir. Zvi M. P I ti Ox%cirri at the Da.shWood meeting,by a ' Io ilas,.McMillan,' ex- Ree- ' rot. HU, ett : +`"'file Exeter meet- „.. by ,_ ii ort W; xr i I en n.e Kixg, Minister ei Labor”; ••0 .'' D mdlnipn Cab Nort1i rdi - X14 cavy Wind Slorol i .a I{t1 1 lESfl10t:ED' A heavy' wind storm visited this sec tion on Sunday ,,n.e_:,00a and destroyed txo #aaa,7ss belonging to 51r. James Fray sae Olt tie serohd of I:shortie, as well as dot:;• dal-nat.-re to frt4t and shade trees `WA the district. e4.t. f .tr r? cloudsro 3 'i 'Darts and w nin� o. s n the ,- rthvrest short)} b yore 3 o'eleek and with scarcely a moment's t'r, w.arntrg tt,e . - d accompanied b- a Heavy at�4'swe:r . of o.`3::^,, swept a'ross 'Exeter, d- sto oluee or two here end there < b a cfo;,; " stn Particular damage until track "Mr. 3E zF,� barns. Tile main barn ,stab d., north.' a.nd outlt, and a fete daYa heere a lead Moved a bar.rt %con n n,s ;'10.71,t1 +'aria and tread it placed to.the Y eas.7 t,m f �i, , iaaa1 d . • Tee. WW8 the n wl,o.R i n. bloolt`.: preparat. .,• to pu.t`a . a :oand:att0a untierite ,alt, '1'. Dial;, doors were to the west and th wind ,had a clear, sw �.7 'int* the tla'rtF and Qw"o. to other barn bt.i n. placed to t`n: east the w'rz1<t had no outit:t, wit'h Inc result brat forth build' Inge, witb the cxce tion of the north- west comer of the mato barn. we P blow , is # the blocks a.td P „latteaieil t°z4 „ground, l.tr. forayto- .tad a wind itt su ,t .^to. policy for $1,O6tu, otte^attatf only bei«.,' allowed when a barn ie on taleeka' or 'belag,, Droved, The owner's lose. x- i a !r will be Considerable,Considerable,tees de e. Iia g great inconvenience at tills tlmn 9f the year. Besides other parts of Hay Towt.shi the Sattb1e ),,tate Was hard hot, several bras'fte, beim. unroofed, attd fruit and shade trees: d+ beleutgiitg to cement fo,utt.J At Gland fiend blown •ever, ..raid 11'e ce111e.4n. cent. Sar Wm. Soutl;cp:t of Londoat w tt11Y .w; e;;,sed. At Bodgerviiie the, roof o. John baro wags blowtl off, part tar it a,,l;,ht- tat,' on silt. Meragi art's barn, and filo other halt being away out iia tht< field; Tie :story Is. told+fl.hat'a :mals in Ilay drove a team oir biomes' aft t4 break- neck "f for 0 rodeo to pe n"ck speed f 1 ceca Ids 1' i v 1 barn roof that was riyinR over i,ead, only to be beataen by the root, 'woielt landed a fear Tee in .front 01 the team, Around Brumfield d ie ccs. tarns, tree anti chimneys' were badly damaged. Baseball The JJuaai`ors- went w; to defeat oat Thursday event O? )the local diamond, at the Nine inningswere played, resulting 74 , Exeter ad a.t.n� r of cos -4Y IYeraerrors, but the visitors had a tittle the better of the game' all ,through. Clarence Du Plasm untpircd, --v F Ti-. c r t at:a lav a � 0 1 F' 'd �• ntne; p i� a with. vi 9 F 4i. rt1 1.F„s daY td" ha and. W011 Q^i" the -r --111, t: ,> tT.e lK,., r, at hear" ane, a;tc< t, aaturclef a ericltet match. 15-12. T. Doyle uabpiaed, Following is I e T 3 4a WoodJ,.�9 a is ... Io It ,. S-- s } 'laaS ez ai 111: v 2, Brintn.ell 1, Ma:-. lett .s--Toyl 15- Br;:.sley•—Bradley a"raYeu Ti"E'.r I, Don-att0 2 Dorene- i v S is _ der 1w •: Riley 1i, tl .'a 41 1 ,.. rst P 4 F , a S eVa4asjted OM* 4' i a 4alae at ki.- v4;141' ..,..de lailn de the p tact. tuiitee MILLION CEMENT FLAT T F03t ST. I4, ,Ii:Y1Z. laY'get The sore aP,r of 1s: caltltall alt sLlbser rte oS Toren, 1«iaao1' 1*, G. $t, ,clary a, a ort 1?0,ao re&th too t ed, T +l�*' n P."tYt'�' as gge Iatzn ot~ oi^, itnAttred kM and clay ortttati(tla. et detee the iiitest T0rll; toyed. A rine laeW brant s, Bedard °,was flattened std all, i rk, realty. tree The works will e' anIt fifth 'stteaa� and itav 200 'barrel, dairy . n):d by April A. will gua ;trier t moray Tor $49,00a. e;.e30 !Qtn, from to L Sunday a t .alit t 1 A Elo a li,.tsX tine rd ,p Zion', the guest. of .''lays. t3otbit Andrew. While" playing Soot hall one night Met week Will Signa had ' the mis- fortune to sprain his knee which laid hhn oft work Loma few days.—Mr. Geo. Kerslake, .who ,has; been very low with Lnftamation, we are pleased to lacer, Is slowly on the mend: -Mr. Will Johns and John Cornish attended the Grand Council of Chosen Friends at Toronto and ',report of, having a good titne: MMr. Henry Johns) is having his house shingled with steel shingles this week. —Jackson,_ Woods 'anent last week with Itis slater Mrs. deLaughli'rt of Walton.—Mr. :Richard Johns and wife :spent SuirdaY at Russeldale.—Mrs. Albert P +atta of Can"levale, Sask„ apo;Lt Sunday with Samuel Pym.—Wesley Jolmst is laid up with a sore hand, blood pois3oning the cause. -Miss Mary Ooratisli is laid 'up with a severe cold.—Mr. ICenneg Cor- nish Of Lumley Sundayed under the parental roof. W INCIIELSEA Miss Vina Eell of iFarquhar spent last week with Miss Vera Coward.—Mr.Jad Medic .and wife of (Kinburn spent Sun- day with the former'sl brother Mr. W. G. Medd.—Mr. W. W. Kerr ands wife and Miss J. A. Hanlilton'spent Sunday at Motherwell.—Mr. hvtlliam Thomson; iu the guest of hits sa;s`ter, Mrs. A. Turn- bull.—Miss May Delbridgo is suffering from s. severe attack of appendicitis.-- Mr. ppendicitis.—Mr. C. Gorvett and W. R. Batten of Stratford spent Friday in the 'burg.— Miss Almoana Heywood. Jeff Monday foe Irondont ,where she has accepted a po- sition,.—June ;22nd being Coronation Day Coward and Co. intend closing , their store. NEW TRAIN SERVICE TOS"LAKE OF BAYS." An important feature that will be in- augurated duffing the coining season will ;be hew train, service ;to the "Lake of Bays" . district. A standard Grand Trunk passenger train will leave Toronto with through coaches, parlor Cars and diatin;g car at '10.15 o'clock in the ,morning, daily'. except iSunday; for Huntsville; reaching the' fatter point at about 3 o'clock in the afternoon,con- n,ecting with 'the steamers for •,points 11,1 the "Lake of Bays" district, and af- Lording passengers the opportunity of reaching their: destination in time for dilnner, Th,e Sunday 'evening .boat service from the Wawa hotel Bliitannnia,`Point Ideal Portage; Deerhur et and other . important /calliing ,parts on "Lake of Bays" to 1-Iuntsville will be .run ` on same Schell-, ale as for :season x9; 0, during the months of July and' August, and which will be a boon to 'week-enders'desiring to lretunu to ti- (-3ty for business on Mondays. STAFFA. The home o% Mr. Bert Kerslakewas the scene of a ,quint weddin r 'cu W duet& day "last when his sister, Miss Mary; was ,united b'n tnarrffalge„to ,Mr. Thomas ,lsenap, Ribbert Tpl". _ nuptial knot be- inc; tied by Rev. h ural''D'. ti Doherty of Ponsall: The'younlg ,folks have our sincere ,good he ladles aid of Grace .Church are busy ProParL'- for their annual strawberry fstnv'al inT11-. 11th- bart Tower Hall on Tuepdtay:"!evening, 'tuft Jus newt vrh--n' a, exd011en* pro - a°t of ,Revielo:a s Thursday cvelaln,, ppeals against the tltasessant*1'et #tali The members were all 'present etxccpt siva e Taylor, yr >. ,a watt at Coat,., «Y Cou.'l- 1. T3(ase :present subscribed to ti c essexy iaa,th of orrice. Tl ty \Valper Tts.'tt at . Levett take the ehalr' W.314 y—Tita,t we adjourn - to Friday, tl d It o 1' rls u I, th, u.t'?.tIO D• m., and t c'e tl notify all Parties concerned: T. 13. Carling, ing, Clerk. r artgtge Sale a 1 .ISS � I�x Crocker—In Toronto, June li'ttr, to aAr. and 1.rs. . L. C ackt r, formerly of Exeter, a. daughter.. F drier—.0 Zurich, Gal the 7114 inst.. to Mr. gaud Mrs. D.tittel K, %0 er, a daugh- ter. Plckerino--Shipka, Sunday, June 4th, tel Mr. and Mr. Vxu. Pickering, a denials.' ter, salla-tzarat. IttArt taAGLs Culbert—Taylor-In, Exeter, Julna 1-1, :herr ,Alfie daughter, of Mr. and airs. Wm. Taylor, tci Mr. Myron Man - ford Culbert of Bidelulph. McLaren—Butt—At Centralia, June '7th, Joint .A. McLaren of Galt,toMabel E„ H. Mrs. -daughter of Rev. 11 ., I , and s Butt Nagle—Laarapbier it .the 11. C, Church, `Biddulph, ;on 9Juoe 8, Thos. Nagle of Niss(ouri to Mise Julia Irene Lamphiet, Kemp—Kerslake—In Staffa, June 7th, Thos. Kemp of I lbbert4 to Miss Mary Kerslake. tpwitc it ll—Young-1u Woodstock, on June 7th, Alberta. YpuMg°, to Ernest Twitchell for Tofield, Alta ',son of Mr: and Mae. Jas. Twitchell of Clinton, DEATHS Gilley—In Exeter, Tune 12tb, Annie Jeckell, beloved wife of Mr. .Harry GidleY, 'aged 48' years. 1 FimkbeLner In Stephkn, June 8, Bertha dauglater,of Mr. and Mrd,'Mta.thew Fink beLner, aged 21 years, 4 weeks. Smith -1n. Stephen, on June 9th, William J., infant Ston otrfr.. and Mzfs, ,'William J. Smith io`f Detroit), aged 3 months., Carthy—In Biddulph, near Whalen, on', June 8th, Dennis earthy, aged ].00 Years, 5 months. CONSERVATIVE MEETING VILLAGE OF DXEEI`L1R A meeting b`L the Liberal-Cocnpervativc Association of I setcr will be .held itl THE TOWN HALL, sat, THURSADY, the .15th. of "JUNE, at 18;3,0 prnb., tier the purpose of appointing !delegates, to attend the Convention to be held at Bengali (an June 20th, called for the ,selecti(on ox .a ca3tdidate to `contest the riding flor the Dominio0 House. Let there bo a tgOod attendance. - T. B: CARLING, C Ii, SANDERS' President (Secretary HALF HOLIDAY! AGREEMENT .. ;Fee ,.The Months of Jill and. August; 1911. We, •the undersigned, business men Of the Village of Exeter, hereby agree tk} cause our re,epeetive places of busin(e'se at• ,e!:0 o'riock evory Thursday dur in)g the'months. c Jtily •and, -August, 011 3% 4 Stewart S G. Bawds r ,W, D. Burk e S' Lia -tin Sort Janes & May-, • , "J,; ay- J, Grigg •fir). j".• 'Beer,' Geu.. Mantle 'Vhncs J 11: ttbitJh Jas• Davis F1. ?uYVod W. J..Carling 'W. J. Ileasna3Z JI. Spackinatn T. Flavrkiins Sa SY, frit'. Tasraain Peter 1!,1i •31. VTillis Adtocate A. J. ,Tlard B. SSV; F Beasrers D. Tiastler)b }�A :ontinue e ing Out Sale For An Indefinite Period During 'he pa few eeks we have disposed. f a large �' qua73tit3r of Men's and Boys' Furnish- ings but we have a great deal of choice clothing- etc., yet and you ,[can, make no mistake when. you know we are sell- ing at Cost Price Here area few of the. prices. MEN'S SUITS from $5 to $S BOTS' SUITS from $2 to $7 SKIRTS, 35c., 50c,, to $100 ODD PANTS from $1.00 up OVERALLS & SMOCKS, 50c. to $,1' UNDERWEAR from 20c. to 40c. 2 pr. WORK SOX, wool, 25c. WORK SOX 10c a pair. BLACK CASHMERE ' SOX 20c a pr.. FANCY COTTON SOX 20c. a pair FANCY SILK SOX 40c. a pair STIFF HATS at $1.50 FELT HATS from 50c. to $,1.25 $4.00 SHOES at $2.95 $5.00 SHOES at $4.00 WORK: SHOES, all kinds, COST Price CHILDREN'S JUMPERS at 35c. witting Business TheiClothier ),t kNei