HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-6-8, Page 7flOW TO TREAT
roasy Ointments of ITo Use—The
Trouble trust be Oured Through
the mod
It is not a, geed thing for people
:with a tendency to have pimples
and a blotchy complexion to mear
themselves with greasy o;ntniente
end such thinge. In feat they
eouldn't do anything wor e, be-
cause the grease clogs the poret of
the skin making the compieint
;re. When there is an irritatine
rash a soothing boraeic wash e ae
help to allay the pain or itchhig,
but of eourse it doesn't, cure. Skin
complaints arise frem an mpit
-.()4ditioTt tlw blood and will oeis
gist until the blood is purified. Dr
Williams' Pink Pills have cored
many casee of eczema and skin dis-
ponders because they make new,
'rich bleed that deivee out the im.-
puritiee, eleas the skin and im-
parts a glow of health, Mrs, S. L.
Peterson, Bre I) CIO Al a 4., says; '41
enffered for years from eczema,
which broeghe with its other trou-
kilo, such as a poor appetite, head-
aches and weaknees. The poreioet
of my body affeeted by the eczeme
geve roe conttaut torture from the
itching and heat. I tried several
doetore and all sorts of lotions anti
ointmeeas, but did eot get the least
relief, Finally I was advised to try
Dr, Williams' Pink Pill*, and de-
eided de so. After using the
Pills for some time the irritation
awl heat began to grow less and
eeemed in better health otherwise
continued taking the Pills few
heveral menthe and every vestigeoi
the trauble disappeared, and my
skin is ?pin ae free from blemish
sae in youth. Given a feie tial D.
Willie:lee Pink Pills will not al1e-
appoint those suffering frere skin
ertations or weztknese of ansteott,
Dr. Williams' Piult Pills Cure all
talPSO troubles dee to poor Lewd
reply because they make rewt
rieb red blood. That iswhy these
I s <item 'common (Use:tees lilt
'sauna, rheumatiem, lumbago, eci-
Atka, neurialtfia, headaches, indi-
geetion, St. Vitus dance, and the
goueral weakness and special ail-
inente that, only women folk know.
Sold by all medicine 'dealers or by
until ste 50 vents a box or six boxee
(4vr$2.00 from The Dr. Williatne'
J!edieine Co., Broekville, Ont.
' Wit PTS
3. Votnan Sets Forth tlie Cita n
Of 'Arlene Small Reptiles.
'With many women there are
fashiorts in pets just, as in dress,
, says the Queen. The year 1908
rwae the year of the marmoset, leee
favored the "real live teddy bear,"
while lest year saw the introduc-
tion of the hatnster. The writer
has had 'considerable experience
with reptiles and thinks women
might do worse than give some of
them the next call.
Some of the small tortoises,"
she eays,4 are inexpensive but in
purchasing them one should be
careful to secure strong, healthy,
epecirnens with undamaged shells.
From time to time there come upon
the market rarer and more expen-
eive speeies. Some of these are
very beautiful and well worth the
fancy prices asked for them, for
although sixpence or a shilling will
purchase an ordinary toet,oise any-
thing up to half a guinea rnay be
asked for the rarer kinds.
Some of the Arneriean terrapins
especially when quite young, have
most beautiful coloring and mark-
ings. One that I possessed was
bright green with marking in the
form of concentric circles on each
scale, and yellow, zebralike stripeC
on the head and neck. Some of the
land tortoises also are sca,rcely less
attractive. The Indian starred tor-
toise, for instance, has yellow,
star -like markings all over its
'Then there are seee frogs and
fire frogs whteh can be kept to-
gether in the ssme viveri.am, The
tree frog is about one and a half
to two inches long and is normally
bright ,green in color, though at
times it may change to fawn, pato
gray or dark olive green. Each
toe is provided with a small ad-
hesive disc or pad whech enables
the frog to adhere to any smooth
surface even to a perpenclicula.r
bane of glass. It 'vill feed *on flies
and bluebottles wil:ela may be p ac -
fp alive in the cage,. Ott pei ceiv-
mg its prey it climbs as near
possible to it and then springs
on it it from a distance of sometimes
more than a feet, Opening its
mouth as it springs and fixing the
insect with its tongue whicla is al-
so Provided with an adhesive disc.
. "The fire frog on the contraren
Is more lethargic in its movements
entil it has caught its prey. This,
however,. must not be taken as a
sign- that it is. not equally vera-
cious. Though barely au inch long
it will taelde WOIMS more than
twice its length sloe will it release
its hold when once it has seized its
prey, A fire frog may he angled
for like a fish, You have °lily to
attach a meal worm or caterpillar
to a thread and dangle it in front
of the creature's nose end it will
at once seize it and may be. drawn
up. Soinettrime two frogs will seize
the same worm at the same time
one at each end. Then ensues a
most amusing tug of war.
"The eoloring of the fire frog is
remarkable. Viewed from above it
is usually dull gray, though occas-
sionaBy some specimens are dark
green. The under parts, however,
from which it takes its name: are
spotted with orange red, One more
curious trait about it is the habit
to be observed in some specimens
of eueling up like a dried leaf when
tenched, The hack is then bent
and, all four lin-dos are curled up ov-
t it until the lips of the snout and
all the tees nearly touch. It is
diftleolt to eXPlaiu the reason for
thie action, but it is appareetly de -
Signed to be in some way pratetive, Possibly the position as as -
tined in order to ell -splay the ware
g red color of the wider side."
Those of the Itodzu River Aftortl
an Exeiting Experience.
The rapids of the Iledzu River
neae Kyoto must fdl even the most
law el tourists with excitement,
rairt from Kyoto climbs slowly
and painfully upward math finally
epoeits its passengers at
quaint little sidieg.
Pr0111 here, says the Wide World,
on goes to the river bank and era -
arks in a rude, flet -bottomed boat
°Melt is pushed out by lour men
te the middle of a. broad river,
ed -edged and elecpy.
For a few minutes one glides
dreamily along; then rounding a
ettrve, one suddenly hears the roar
of water and the boat tears down
rapid, just missing the docks on
each side. The highs banks race
past, death appears Imminent, and
then, with one mad swirl it is all
over and the boat is on the quiet
unruffled stream once more.
This happens again and again for
nearly an hour. At first ones'
yholo mind is filled with the eon-
iction that an accident must hap-
pen, but gradually conies a delic-
ious feeling of safety as one notes
the marvellous skill these men
show in. piloting the boat through
the seething rapids and ono is able
to appreciate the beauty of the
The well baby is a happy baby—
always -cooing, gurgling and smil-
ing. It is only the sickly baby who
is cross, fretful and cries. The
smile or the tears indicates baby's
state of health. Mothers, if you
want your baby to smile—the smile
of good health and freedom from
pain—give him Baby's Own Tablets.
They never fail to turn the tear into
a smile. Concerning them Mrs.
Jas. Hutcheson, Marysville, B. C.,
writes:— "Your Baby's Own Tab-
lets have been a great comfort to
me while baby was teething. He
was cress and fretful, but as soon
as I began giving him the Tablets
the effect was wonderful. He be-
came a good natured baby right
away and is now big, fat and heal-
thy. The Tablets are sold by me-
dicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents
a box from The Dr. Williams Me-
dicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
Mr. -Rank Illoulalson was treated
by two dotters, but lotted his ye -
Ref and euee in eix boxes of
Dodds Kidney Pills.
Surette Island, Yarmouth N.
June 5 (Special),—Bente Moulaa-
son, a fisherman of this place, is
convert to the growing belief that
Dodd's Kidney Pills are the sure
eure for Kidney Disease,
"My trouble ete.rted with a, cold,"
Mr. Moulaison etateen "MY mus-
cles would cramp, 1 had backache
and / had dizzy spells. My head
often ached and 1 had a tired, nerv-
ous feeling while speck -a of light
flashed in front of my eyes.
I suffered in this way for over
two months and was treated by two
doetors, but they dithe't seem to be
ble to do ranch for me. Then
tarted to improve, 1 teek six
hoxos in all and now I am glad to
ay I am ettred,"
If you have any two or three of
Aloulaison's symptom you may
he sure your Kidneys are not in
good working order, Bad Kidneys
emelt Backache, Rheumatiem,
Heart Disease or Bright's DiWitb
milese attended to. The one sure
way to euro them is to use Dodds
Kidney Pine.
The modern Japanese house is
built of wood with a tile roof and
no cellar. Its doors are made of
sliding shutters so that ,it is pos-
sible to make deoes anywhere and
leave the house open at any Point.
There are no bedrooms needed in
a Japanese home because any of
the rooms Can be transformed into
a bedroom by putting, a thick com-
forter' on a straw niat. Japanese
houses are kept exceedingly clean
and sleoes are reinoved on entering
the house, so the dust of street is I
not carried in •
The idea that tobacco has only
been known in Europe since the dis-
covery of America, is incorrect. In
fact the lt,fecles and Persians along
time before our era smoked nar-
ghiles, as ancients:sculpture proves.
A philologist has suggested that the ;
G reeks and Romans sleeked tobac-
co at lea,st, in their colonies. In
the, lidalay Archipelago the use of ;
cigars and cigarettes is said Lo.clate I
rnuch fur Hi or hack than thediscqvt'
ery of Ameriea. The werd nelgat
Seems to snow that man's sole Ce ncl,
'comforter did not originate in the
West Indies, but is. Most likely. :de-
rived from "sakara," an Arab
word meening smolre.
Waiter ---"Everything here is
cooked by eleetreity, sir," Quetta -
mer --"Well, take this egg away and
give it another shoek,
Linitrient 'Wed hy Ph3Ithns.
She—"But why is it you get en-
gaged so often, Mr. ,Jones? Re
"Qin because I haven't the cour-
age to get married."
Sores Heal Quickly,—ave you a
persistent sore that refuses to heal?
Then, try Dr. Thomas' Eclectrie
Oil in the dressing. It will stop
sloughing, earry away the peenul
flesh, draw out the pus and prepare
it clean way for the new skin. It
it the recognized healer among oils
and myriads; of people can certify
that it healed where other oils
failed utterly.
First Sweet Darnsel—"He said I
had a faee like one of Raphael's an-
gels." Second Sweet Damsel --
"Oh, well, the faces of Itaphael's
angels were painted, you know."
Keep Minard's Liniment In the house.
.A traveller who put up for the
night ab the leading hotel in a
small town had, .before raisin, left
explicit instructions to be called for
an early train.
Ik was very much in earnest
about the matter, and threatened
the boy with all manners of pun-
ishment if that duty was neglect-
Early in the morning the guest
was disturbed by a lively tattoo up-
on the door.
"Well?" he demanded sleepily.
"I've got an important message
for you," replied the boy.
The guest was un in an instant,
opened the door, and received from
the boy a large eneelppe.
He toxe open the envelope hastily,
and inside founcl a slip of paper on
which was written in large letters:
"Why don't you get up?"
He got up.'
Cucumbers and melons are "for-
bidden fruit" to many persons so
constituted that the least indul-
gence is followed by attacks of
cholera, dysentery, griping; etc.
These persons are not aware that
they can indulge to their heart's
content if they have on hand a bot-
tle of Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dysen-
tery Cordial, a medicine that will
give immediate relief, and a sure
cure for all summer complaints.
The new housemaid. had a bad
habit of standing with hermouth
agape, and her mistress didn't like
it. "Mary." she said sharply, one
day at dinner, "your mouth is open
again. Yessmn, Mary explain -
d• "I opened it."
Seine Say that whipping a boy
makes him stupid --others that it
makes him smart,
In Corea women have no names.
EVell when they bear sons they are
only deemed worthy of being called
"the mother of Hassan," "the mo-
ther of Amru," etc..
Leaders of men are seldom fol-
lowers of lashien,
In olden_ times a favorite dish was
thin slices of young deers' horns
fried in butter.
No pereou'e two ease are any-
where gear alike.
The meney that escapes the tax-
cellector might well be called "uta
told wealth."
The beet isinglass is made from
the swimming bladder of the stur-
If we all had the gift of second
eight there would not be many
eases of leve at first sight.
A Simple and Cheap Meditiae.--
A eineple, cheap and effeCtive woi
eine is something to be desired
There is no medicine so effective a
regulator of the digestive system to
Parmelee's Vegetable Pine. They
are simple, they are eheap, they e -en
be got anywhere, anti their belle
eiaj action Will prove their reCOM,
mondation. They are the medieloe
of the poor 1110,11 and those who wish
to escape doctors' bills will do vell
in giving them a trial,
Harry—"What did Kate say
when you proposed to berg" Frank
--"She said Yes.'"'Harry —
"Then she is really going to marry
you I" Frank ---"Oh, dear, no!
What put that in your head? The
question I asked was t To you pre-
fer to remain single rather than
accept mer
tor Red, Weak, Weare. Watery /hyee
ahdGrannlateclEYetide. Menne Doesa't
Smart--Soothea Bre fettle Druggists
elan Varlets Eye Rezuetly Lqub12he,
tiee, $1.00 Mutine Bye SalY0tzi
A.septie Tubes, 25e, $1.00, Zyti Boots
*id SI* Advice Free by Mall. A.
dildutitti BYti ReMetli CO,* ClaieDID•
Though it Was illtrOatteeil into
England in the reign of Elizabeth,
the potato 'WAS bon regarded as a
Luxury. There is a. reeord of the
payment of half a erewn a pound
for potateee for the table of Queen
Elizabeth, though at the same time
her Majesty obtained some of in-
rior quality for a, :shilling, And
even to -day we can pay a fancy
price if we wish. Did not seven
pounds of the Eldorado potato fetch
$3,500 in 19031—London Chroniele.
Weems in children, if they he not
attended to, 'cause convidsiorts, and
often death. Mother Graves' Worm
Exterminator will protect the chil-
dren from these distressing afflic-
Claude (earnestly)—"Am 1 the
first man you ever levet17" Maude
—"Why, tertainly. Hew strange
rnen are. They alleask me that
Minard's Liniment Lumberman's' Friend.
"I don't like your heart's ac-
tion," the doctor said: You have
had some trouble with angina pec-
toris." "You're partly right, doc-
tor," said the young man sheepish-
ly, "only that ain't her name.'"
A cold on the chest weakens your
lungs: Tubercular Germs attack
the weak spots. Keep your lungs
strong by curing colds quickly with
Hemline Wizeyel Oil and you will
not get ConsumPtien.
People who are never in a hurry
to begin believe in the theory that
it is never too late to naend.
Countless have been the cures
worked by Holleway's Corn Cure.
It has a power of its own not found
in other preparatioes.
"This," remarked Mr. Cane, "is
my photograph with my two French
poodles. You recognize me?" "I
think so," said Miss Softee. "You
are the one with the hat on, are
you not?
"YOu'll never catch me in that
restaurant again! I found the end
of a cigar in my soup, and when
,complained to the waiter he brought
me a box of matches!
Q.—Whet makes evorbodi sick •
but those who swallow it'?
Sdi6s5141131(1 to C W. Torontrn,
De t. L.,
National , notia:and , e.•
AllqsNaltal cPairk,
C014 intliact.
Canplior Ice, Borated:
Yo'hi074q9.f Zine. etc.
Eachfoiipecial imrpOs
' ibrrivIraselineasoltto
reline the wont headecht he 310 rato
A'1,„3,0111:A.t. DR170 &
or lose. ,Abertlotsly harzehoes.
CAL co. or CA PULlrii
4***#* sto*
f)steuts aIvtrsIty
Kingston, Ontario,
SCIENCE. InctudIng
The Aro come may I:* taken by
correspondence, but =dents desiring
to graduate must attergi One smiurt,
July 3rd to Atiewt Plth,
co Calendars =its the Tteemar,
Y. CHOW R KiOtitort. Oritalio
The French Aeademy spends vast
ms of rnoneY eeetY Year for vir-
tue prizes., gvery commune in
France has Pfle or more prizes for
i'haeles France has 22,000 mayors,
and one of their anointl knetieme
is to award a prize to SOfrie deSeTV-
"rig young girl.
Away With Depeeseeen and McI-
ancholy..-These two evils aro the
accompaniment of a disordered sto-
mach and torpid liver and meaa
ptehedness to all whom they visit,
The sureet and speediest way to
ombat them is with parmelee's Ve-
getable Pills, which will restore the
healthful action of the stomach and
bring relief, They have proved
their usefulness in thousands ot
cases and will eontinue to give re-
lief to the suffering who are wise
;lough to use them.
DAWSON, Ninety oan Streai*
trftk`ARUS, all sizes,
up to 260, at prMea that
will pay you to consult roe if 'Yo
want to buy one.
AATESRDRN LANDS any nimiatitY.
DAWSO.N. 'Phone Maio 6990, og
• nights and holidays at %tee nuns
drsand Seventy-two Virright Averrao.
Phone Park 527.
King Albert of the Belgians has ,
the distinction of being the only
Royalty who has served an appren-
ticeship as newspaper reporter.
For four years he was marine eor-
espoedent of a Belgian daily.
At, tho Yarmouth
Camp, hold at Tusket Falls in August. I
found 1,INARD'5 LINItlINT most bene•
Wel for aun harm an immediate rellof
for colic and toothache.
21.1.111111ii) STOKES,
Utneral SecretarY.
She—"Mrs, Boreton called to-
day, and 1 thought, she would never
go." He—"But you are so amiable
I suppose you never gave her -the
slightest hint that you wanted her
to go." She ---'‘Indeed, 1 did not.
If I had, she'd be here now."
used for over SIXTV YEARS by Mit,LIONS of
McalinnS for their CBILDRUN WMILE
Tp34T1flNG, with PP,RFEcT StiCct•SS. 11
sOoTHXs the cirri:M, soi:TENs the GUMS,
Is the best remedy.for DIARR.Hat.i. it Is ab-
.solutely harmless. Be sure and ask for "Mrs.
Winslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no other
kind. Twenty-five ents a bottle.
"I hope they don't give my little
boy any naughty nicknames in
school?" "Yes, ma; they call me
Corns.'" "How dreadful! And
why do they call you that?"
"'Cause in ourclass'you know,
I'm always at the ft.
Ask for alinard's and take no othor.
As we at the present time enjoy
the luxury of an air or pneumatic
mattress, we are apt to regard them
as modern improvements. It is,
however, a long hark back to the
original blown -up bed. They are
certainly known and used as early
as the sixteenth century. An old
cut accomPanying an early trans-
lation of Vegetius, A.D. 1511, shows
armed soldiers reclining on an in-
flated mattress, a bellows being con-
nected with one corner for conveni-
ence in blowing up. The sleeping
soldiers look as' if they had entire-
ly forgotten "war's,. alarms."
'Maud," he said softly, waking
her .froin a day -dream, "when we
are married, dearest,, I wouldn't
like my little wifte to be worried and
bothered at all."
'No, pet,' she said,rn
,t,t suro
you wouldn't. 13 -tat why that re-
mark, George v
ve been 'thinking, sweet, what
an awful trouble it would be gather-
ing up crumbs from the Tit'rkey car-
pet we've decided on for the diu-
g -room
"Oh, George, how thoughtful o
you she murmured. "You've
such a head for trifles." ,
"I have it," said he; "we'll toss
tails for Turkey carpet, head for.
It fell linoleum, mcI as George
tuelted his doable -headed penny
safely in his waistcoat pocket he
Whispered :*
"Such a ,head Lor taineN,414 ion
say, petSie
101 E IN ALPisItTA---640 ocre.4
good rich latid, In settled district*
sehool and other conveniences- Write.
Connell, NeePaWa, Mau.
21. The best. mixed farming dis-triot
berta„ The °West and eompany in
Alberta, Write for catalogue. Depart,
ant "A." The SaSkatcliewari Land and
oraestead, Company, 44utted. Rod DeOro,
RNTS WANTED. --A studY of ot
. . .
zeriey 13 ropositionS CQIIvuace5
none can er.ipal ours. You will e.
' it IF YOU don't. apply to
rs to `1,'rViVel.IPte .Dept.,
lit, Ottawa,
$ special price„ ton'
9 Esplanade, Toro to.
4 1-3 miles ecu
Darobton_ COU
1 roati--age 12 an
hr Gay Marcus -73377-N
of irratoo station,
"?ed Devil" Class Cutter c t
a, plate glass. smoked and, w
s. By mail 2,6c. W. E, Potter
Tient $t., Montreal.
vY. Lathe s. 55
411 arta�ijers, MH 5up
to,h. Montreal, equals piano so
irthere ,600,00 en payments.
olesalo Department, 5e Lottell
Ltd.. Montreal.
vnn. TDMOIIS, LIMPS, etc,
and external, cured witha
ocr tue treatment. Write ti
Int, Dr. Bello:Ian Medical Co.
Coiling wood. Ont.
special price. Wilson'
V Esplanade, Toronto.
WANED to take orders 111
sparc e. no experience neeeo,
aarY. Our 3inC5 especially used b3s
mothers and girls. Apply Dept, J. Brie.,
ish Canadian induetrio company. 22
Albert St.. Ottawa.
in regard to any disease. Lowest
rices in drugs of all kinds.
Crosses fitted by mail. Send measure.
merit, G1;111603 fitted by age. Write to•dagI
for anenong sold in tirst-class druer
tores to Dr. Delltaan, Collingwood, Onti
i(TL pay the express in Ontario. PertY:
6 weeks Yorkshires, registered, tort
dollars each. Write for what you want/
Thos. N. Ravens 4, Son, Aldboro P.O., Ont
Professor Chantemesse of air
Academy of Medicine, Paris, ham
made a, special study of the pro-
gress of the cholera epidemic ei
1010. He shows that of 200,000 per-
sons attacked in Russia, nearly,
100,000 were killed by the disease..
The river Danube opened a way for
the epidemic into the heart of Eu-,
rope, but owing to the eareful
guard maintained, not many eases
got in, There were some in Ger-
many, as well as in Roumania,
Servia, Hungary, Croatia and
Slavonia. Italy was reached by
way of Brindisi, an the Adriatic
Sea. A considerable nuraber of
cases developed in Naples, and
four got as far as Marseilles. Pro-
fessor Chantemesse utters a warn-
ing concerning the probable out-
break of the epidemic next sum-
mer, and insists that a more strict
surveillance over immigration
along the recognized '`cholera
routes" is needed. Emigration is
the great agent for the spread of
this disease.
Mrs. M. Barrett,
602 Moreau St,
ntrost, says:
" A horrid
cash came out all ever my baby's face and
spread until l? had totally covered his scalp.
It was irritating and painful, and caused
the little one hours of sufTeritig. We tried.
soa.ps and powders and salves, but he got
Tho better. He retn,cd his food got quite
ioand -wtts aredaucejsed to
Zam-Bult, and did SO. It was wonderful
how it seemed to cool and cage the child's
burning, painful skin. Zam-Buk from the
14 very comme-ncernen t seerncri to go right l6
" the spot, and the pimples and sores and the
irritation grew less and less. Within a
few weeks my baby's skin was healed
completely, He has now not a trace of
rash, or eruption, Or eczema, or bnrning
sore:, Not only so, but cured of the tor-,,
naenting skirt trouble, he bac improved in:,
general health."
Zam.I3rdc is sold at a etorTs nM medicine refl.
derg,soc, box, or post free nom Zamaluit Co.,
Throuto, for price, dbokes for $0.59., 'A certain cure;
ro, An skin tfisew.es, eutnt