HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-6-8, Page 4Q
5. ' ie Benedict Or n W1 sr Melvi,
Eli /.).ro'krn Erbcs Coope'' Luey Lw
Sanders et Creecla. Props., i/°Y F1'ilkbiner' • •
S F. Wataati, Teaci1er
THURSDAY $ 14-°1" Lorezle sazr`-
. ohaok and J.oya 13rorn equal; Pass,
Ali kinds of flower and vegetable
:plants at fa. Da,t.es. Exeter.
• Lig,„7„le. Brawn, Albert. Burs'''. Dals'Y Eg
Bah, GaiSeriPass
Fern Short, Edith. Guenther;. A1014. Hist
Pt. I, A-.1/arterS., Oladya Wolfe, Lorne
Finer, Aaron &waltzer .1„,'ass,
•rn Se1,'Fred.die Hill, garnet Sims
reArt T -foist, Hilda Bora, Willie Apple-
ton, Irvin Finkte/neX. P. T. D -Pass,
Ve-ruaiL E'eaver„ Seyerne Winer, '
1kL. SZ Snide/. Teacher,
i3 LUar gaiser as returned Name
Lera Lo.Lden., wheresi has been irres-
Musi.e.P s her
'rc orgazdze a. class in tewirt.
in the hear, futdre.,..-4I'lltris:tiun Zwieloef
retl, Lotaietts ,sPer-dII/,37 4-4)'11•
We s.loarn. Of 1:e: PnPrOvec$
Lotalou was ;here, Sun.
L. It'avelle to Lon-
• naa,..y friends hope he wino •.1
s on„ rts:
'able to resurhe his druies t Iewickor's„..._. ;n 'and was „1:8.,/
• 2. 2,1 ocigin$, God. 73 the ,*••'''`:-9°W..5'i
'frey relichalson and Frank Taylor iee, last Joe Oliver has
n. h'•I•eifteaa tri.P tre Loadon ort. Tuesday-' h9sPiL34 for treatment.
r.Ov. 13.Bata; and „)tr, and, Mrs, Sagr,„ 13, 2.4Pte. ad family pf Stanley
Prsw-n: attteedo `474NiP.tOe On, Tuesday er s4.Y.„7-"f4awreilee
,to attend Ft.t.•.e aga, Brcloa.a,, Setaforth visited :Its parents
ticIcle.-Our,fartriers are startir.,g, to ,per- 2411 \Ir.'s' vat-
t y,atta t?,-.'eit, statute l'.3.bor,-,,Qui.te antUr.,-rcrs Salu'rer-3`Y to •P°1't
ber are ,abfged, to take. a 10,14- aa,,at littnOtt,--Mr„ ,NEr, and Mrs., joh,ci ua4rd,
1e,,,,4, yea,. as 1.,a..ed, 1,1044,* visited, ;tear Thedtard 76toaday.---Mr. Cole-
r"ot coaaidered tsae e9oagaa to!,- AtaiE‘ay man oad Mr. Newell. Canada (lorapatla-
•loads..--3,1ass 'Ear.rza, Levott, who has agent. were (”ftere last w€ok.--The 'Isaac
Vraltaa Clab, eel, Exeter had theii
past weeks, retwar.ed to her hoole artiltla-1 aMia3. „here Saturday, -Mr Geo,
• Gier-eao Toesday,-Tae ra,41 raisel his T133..!%",c Tassday„-mr.
sw.„4„.F. v.,-,44 Walter SlaM3.111 has Vtte4 etkiting his
put, was the :means ▪ of giod,,n4 may tte pow, Exetea
th.,,opze raLp with IL:lent-Ill 'ha drill a rack well
warti g'r'catt.Y IhR vroos,.-The 4.3E' 110-':xeterC,iiII.aitkg Coo -Mr. Joha
„Misses aotdthorpe. S-nider aznd Watson (11' 1-33.41''''No1 wa here •gettdaY,
sPeIttt larSt SaterdaY la London th 1etcan 11:7\V .bQ35C Qt LW9
f riends.-,-Tinfrry ..%/o.;;!,114.4 left far Brant- ''-`4.rvc4.- *444135.-13a'. ftshernIenr are ha,v,,
• TtleS(14y, where he; hials securw Bt4Ttle Ilfts Be*
14-111- ef 1-4rnItm Nit:citing taloa oupplyir,f...111 t:110 pedlars thy
Mrs. jamas 1.4'6 -act', tor a. few elays,r-, 11 gnnd l'an‘, quantities to Sarrila,-.Mr,
Lo,w,gc,r,t p,414. wtte ett4 Mrs. Ilu.s-Jit of Exeter ware nem
Citatan Sunday and vhsIled „1-secas "adel 14s -I weelet-Mr. Ilae kat
ah, Inmate, ,g arrutia of Refugd,-, 3-,?-01-1w1ed. has Ole coatraer. to paint the
j,,,441 1-0,413, Gaietalier's 'it,7use .f,-aole
to London on 3.foltcla.y after a few' days Ed. QUI 'Plc/ ^',?nortate for whi‘ch lie re.
visit in lour ,g4dst,--04roanters haw. alizO t igure.--,Several
,atp.rte411 ''.141g,frarairAlpri1c. or th,e cbgreh .eilitaglisi• are iteinFi built tlere 'Into stun-
rwtyer, 148 tow 114,5 1,1,,m4 Ine;-,--,r, Canning. *IP 4aa been laid'
air4 1Frai,e1 CIRIII,-,S,Verat nn tntRtqn haNtlaX a„ nail into WS
kaar husineaa Places were decorated. oit 11.)011, ia in/PrOvt1W,
SatuotkaY :tenter tot the fring'e tzdrth- -• -
grahalunr the 13an,1.g
Gpqraaerve easAlt ;he wee', -,end with, 4oate _
trleada thilt.0 -Urge Vagtber attended the
T.r.o oor Ithe late Arac N.at'hee, Latliee Aid Lawn. Sseial
Wwr,died lit Marlette. =eh,. on A.1 S'aturdAY 'erveltill:X. and they rePer;
-ermay, wery ,aare, satardayavd "A, %.1:41110 4i1.1lei"t5a, ;horse Inio.aging to the
ilatertald in "the•Evaniiielicai cemetery •Ali Parr$-.:1.--1-)avitti COP./P.40Y was telten sicit
Yoftsr,day, Rev, Barn officiating; Ilre. 7.11-11101 1a41 Sa-turrla-Y as had to be
'Witter left last fall for .5flelltgaa N rar_aa- e'w1 41)11 dad -r 1-b<1earq
th,e Tentainder Iter dayo, with Trottaani "brott;ere ot
2terdr, and ,titutirr; that tittle' itad Landon and Detivit spent a _few daylif
'hearth. She 1134 eates t , hearty visitt114', tf4eir Lather, W;ta, we are sorry
rne.'. bu Frktny and wanted as Into the '0 say, does ctot Map:fine any In health.
Yard at tr.e. tome or nee sea, Wes. Win. -The baseball nialeti..I.Sa;k1onday eveattvg
• „.1,413 0,ewas oadotay watma In with witb the Exel.er teattlwilts tile; $1.ar tranW
aproPlexY road cited before help could be 'at the, ev4t.-cra. ,;Nrany brilliant plays And
secured. The drecascd Was ;ailit, of the seitgat;atail erie.h.es Were Illade.
ca.rly pia:leers of this. villa7,4) and nefilit- tt-1)tx..711 the SCOre, iswod 7.. t aveti
1.1Ni:00d, and, her sadden. ti1at,:i e1411* itsr ENete.,: :01'3 'AnlIe well pleased with
• sh(ack to her rilainar trieridec She leav- treattlkato. tat, the Exeter boys. Ti
es Gs mourn Iho.r loss, 7 sons. 5 daugli. Boyle et Exeter. uptpired ,clte tgants and
Lea, 4 ra.dehild-ren and great grand- gave 'the tkest' leatisfactiori.-Mr. and
ohildrea, t;D whorn Is exdended ,the elm- Mrs. 'Ithissi Seel' of Laiesity were the
ratlay of the cattle zteighborlIthad. gueeta 'Pr M. 0,n4 Blair Sul -it%
Cet TuesdaY the Juldoe*b3.0 eam at- Woods ami childrea ot Lon -
Exeter carne bark. and plaYe(1 our jun- dOrnaste •the-S•tteakei of ths Missot4, Wit -
Lora a„brilliaat gristle or balL Etete.r sa'istiltIS'-.11ilily",'„Unters of ItnMUe
scoa.,d the fireit run; then our boys tied
It. The •tvaine teazn.,s score grow to 3,
=4 later it stood 4-2. Then the pitch..
et' at 1.he Broviaies appeared .to
claIntrol, with th"c result that tit'ic
ibors won ou.t by a. Jcora •ot °ea.
Painier was the umpire oind gave 44304 libather at Clnindeboye, wile has been
satistactlan. R Was worth the price ot quite Duplan assisted at
admissAar . to see the aatics of the
a -looters of the visiting club and the home
team. N -0 -i -a -e reigned supreme.: It
yerninded 'one of t he ni‘ght WlrS celebratec(
the Relief of Ladyantith. Our lays pro -
Inlet tro give the visiting tcaM
game in return. • .
•spent a. couple da yo the guest of 3 -
and Mrs,S Andrew. Jeihn, Delwin
eupled, the pulpit o3. Sunday last in
the absence lot the pastor who was, at-
tending e;onteren---fam Wes. Hod-
gins spent the past 4week visiting her
The Sunday services at ICirlt(on Sunday.
The S. S,. hold their annivetiSlary sera
viees Suada.y, June 1.1,. Services eon -
ducted by /ley, 4kbrey ;of Praintan at
10.30 a.m. and 7 p.m. Music turnleN
Following is the report for Creditort ed mrktoa choir,
'Morning service
rubne School for May. Iris based 11P" especially for the school. Special col-
lections In aid ot school. -The farmers
are all re,ioicing over the „showers at
Sunday evening.--Itesars H. Towl and
T., Haan are thiaz. week rnaving and, rams -
141., -s their' liarns.--Mrs; Oaates of London
la iIat3,n3 her daughter, f..rs. H. Tow).
-fr. and Mrs) .H. Hern returned liorne
alionday evening atter a few days' visitl
•with friends In West Williams. -Miss
-Anderson of Anderson sPent Sunday with
her friend, Miss' -Edna. Tayk'or.- MTS.
trington Finkbeiner 5'2 (absent from one Hooey, ,nee ;;,,Iay Pearson, of London, Is
ea-aan.) visiting, friends' fiere.-W.M.S. met at,
E. I. Goldthorpe, Teacileril the bOme oi fra. 3: Arair,ew Thursday
Room IL -Sr. III. -Honors, Laurette
afternobn last, nearly all members pres-
Holtzmann, Marra.y Holtzmann, Addle opt. Mrs. R Taylor, President, gave a
Gaiser ; Pass, Earl Svreitzer, Emery very tun soca-wilt of the ,coavention held
Geiser, Merle Lawson, Maurice Brown, at Exeter. Next meeting tp be •,hbld 'at
Edges Wuerth, Emily Dinney. Jr: III.- atrs. J. Brock's 'July 6th. A nurnber
Honors, Mildred Guenther; Pa.ss, ltot,t- Prom . here attended the "Grardon Party
ald Hill, Verde. Hoffmann, Roy schen", at ElimVille- satei-gfay eVerting. All re-.
Clara Flaist, Russel Clark, Olive Eliber.
port li1ehdd time. -Saturday after-
IL-Hontora, Hilton Rat; Paas,Mdr-. aoon. Tune On; at 41 -o'clock, will be de-.
'coratiop at the •cemetery, All interest -
came and make the decoration
on weekly examinations.- Room III. -
Sr., IV., Leona, Finkbeiner 74, 'Merle
Clark,„67, Melvin/ BrIown, 65, Elsa 'E.,-Ien-
zie €13f Othello Mistz et, Pearl Palmer
53. Middle IV.--Hartors, Herbert 13rown
85, Ezra Ewald 79, Raymond English
77, 'Vera Ntotz 76, Karl Sweitzer 75.
Xuriel Niciplson 75, Verna Hill 75;
Pass. Ethel Sweet 73, 1.4ase1ta. 2I3ist 53
Jr. tV.-Pass, Botha King Ti, Irene
Wolfe 64, Arthur Sanibrook 63, liar-
For Infants and Children.
:The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears' the
-Signature of
• r; c.
0 -
, .• TO
•. .'
a oba, Saskatchewan, Albezta
SPedal Tieing leave Toronto 2.00 run. nn
4, 18 MAY 2,18, 30 JUNE 13, 27
is It 25 AUG. 8, 22 SEPT. 5, 19
' duo ticket* from Ontario ItatiCes to otincipal
,, Noethwc4 0°4'4.6..1 RATES,
-r RI r" .1 ,,u
, R 13 . ta in irrome.g Rs
u N D Ear,Q . „.
- Elton Ticket.
_tr,. ..,.Arl'tur'll' Y4:2 .. LasTi bilfe"r114e7149ugb:
g")andtro t'th'izr67),.'1"p"I G CARS
° 3.cf0' ''''''" doe. ,
,mzT.""'rication Tr' ,,,, P,,,"•-., ..,.,
„ciltxifdroft,..., „ ,
-•,01..,.,1____ __„gt _fiiptiLET
-E'ailI omEP,C bilk • ' ^'-i.%,' ,,,
r.0o,isiiS41 H ‘,415.,0„,.
- -,,,,,,,I'u ogee: bb made ___
sti.,)..n.oiN • -
Miss,, Etta, May ,,Eestle, ,(apending a
Inanth,• visiting,' relatives and, f.riends in
Brantford, Harnilton and .!Tororito. -Mr
and Mrs. Jahn 'IloWe of Hay visited
Mr. and ;Mrs; Albert Brown SundaY."
A ,nuinber lir)ain, here attended, the barn
Zraistna at Win Dearing's Wednesday,
hod Mrs.',Moses, Amy spent Sun-
day -•v-Ith ,r,k,Itr, and Mrs Ed Icestle lo4
Usrns-Mr JI .,Johinoton and- Miss-
LYde. KeStle 'of Lolacion are spending
fewdaY`a.--with. their,artaiher, Mrs', Jane
Kestle;, been quite ill the ,past
few ,we'eks.:Her h1aray frienda would be
pleased by' hear of her speedy 'recovery"-
Eilber is putting new
Ibr; an 'his liaLtae• arid intends painting
it which twill•;add"greatly•tD it$. appear-
ance.4-miaa-,,P•T3tLa.',BrOwn, is spending a
„weeka with triendia In .Strat..
fog.d..„-41:riBerl'', Nestle' and. Elgin 'Amy
spent Sunday evenint• with, friends In
Exeter.Mr's, ..T/31:1111' Trevethiek • and son
Gordon of. Ex:Insley spent Sunday with
th former's parents, Mr. and Mrs' Thos.
Amy, Sr. -Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Diaz and
daughter, Stella, anent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. A. laord.
The, With -all members presen't
nieL lytay 20/O,'n•sidjpairsed a large
ber ,if aticonata,i, besideS.aPPoioting .the
reeve, deputty,,repits ansi clerk a.cania
init.* to coaetalt with, tileTownslhin
' 'Sty( net.'ne,ritattez'.or
)J ure
Miss Amide Warner, accainpatued by
Jlal•th Love and, 'sal Robert spent
a. few daYS vting rels.tiyes neatg•
S pringbanit.-Miss Addle Hickey has
nat been, able to attend the pa.rkhill
HIgh 50,001 en account of a feiOnOb
had.-Wehrr are glad c,o, report that to thegeoclY04 eau Possibly derife front therm
J. 13, Hodgin,s improybig, tat gair$Catarxtpure, alanufactured by Cheney
health, -The firat picnic of the -sea aoa CO&, Toledo, O„ contains no mercury, and is taken
internally.aeting diredly oa the blood and mucous
surfaces of the system. In hiving MA's Catarrh
Cure he surayoe g,et the genuine, Is is taken inter.
nab- and =dein Toledo, Ohio, by F, J. QIIENRY
ti:,s00014. 4Tylp
castiimorungiagttizepAie 750, 1,„ wttle,
Take Ilall's raiaily Pills far eaustiPstlar,
Beware of Ointments for Catarrh
that Contain Ilderoury, THE CANADIAN I3ANK
tuereury will surely destroy the sense ot smell and — '
completely derange thewhele sYstent when entering
in through the nanous surfaces, Snell artielesshould
never 'mused eXeept en prescriptiona from repute-
blephysielanS, as the damage they will de is tea -fold SIR EDMUND NVAL.KER, Lt„.p„, PREsIgENT
cm)rrAL, - $10,000,00o RiST- $7,090,00
1,3ok place Oit SaturdaY, Whei,n Abe P't
pic Pcnicked at can 3e& Tbe
Xtresbyterlan ohuksehea kat Cerbett and.
GL•iind. ',Tend takes place tart the 14.tlai
and Meth,odiet, ghurchnsand. churcbee cr
coinlatned laoi,10th.-
June.-The North Middlesex FarraerS1
institute ENeursion to the ExPerlmeaial
i'arni, Guelph, is .D':`,.. .he t.:1S.i. Or 3',34"..
,_..,„1.55 .fr.plm r4rii3,411 at -,,,,-30 a, al. A very prett,,,,- wedding was solemn-
-Mr_ ad. .1-t's. J.escilli C'4"- ar• V'ait IMI at zhe h.'nz,'-' Qt gr.• ar4'111-'',S•-f it:
S u i''' 'Y '''''' Graild 13°114' cl.C;;1
th: Rn4asy17;-h;', wwashen'eOtheitierd .i..ene'Thicl
— 431)" bods o matrimanY t9 Charles.
CLANDEBOYE • Eidan Steeper, both of ;McGillivray. The
ceremsey was performed by the Rev,
miss passie Battatt left PridaY Steadroao the presence of only
last to visit with her atatee„ the intimate ;der:els and relatives.
in oleveland.--liss Smith, of cem.ralia
visiiin,"g her grandmother, Mrs- V.
furkeral, george W, Med- -
gins, of Eiddttlflh. Welt Place from id8 FOR FLETCHER S
resdonee..Q1t ThursdaY last ict St. Jamua
cemetery. Tpe funeral was oonducted CASTOR! A,
•by the Mase„.aic order, Uri., gedginet
surybrod daT a, widow, three daughters 3T,aL-1.RYS-One of the oldest Tesid-
and one so,o,, ¥rF 4ao, efert- eels ofths district died here jum(
dan, I.Xilton Trod0,al, or •IWW.14, in the Perr t of Mr. Robert • DawaOrt
Wis. ioSeP'hine,o Toront;t4 nntt aere at the sloe bI L3og deat11
rode, who resides at liorne,-E, HodgMs, wilt remisve ap.other or the cennvetitlg
pt the fourth concessi011 Of BIddulpit links or the pioneer days of Perth Co,
aa,a a valuable cpw- kilted by lightning He IE3 survived by a grbwr,-1111 faln11.4'.
du.ri4„3. the storm Sali4a-7' 1-/IB13ER'r-,TUNrou1Osis carried ott
°111e11e.at eLvUe, as},; the YOUng wife of r, Nelsen NrahaffeY,
sl..)•nt• Sunday Watt Ilia • Par' PlitftIt, (14 Tuesday evening last. Only
f'Ma here. -Mr, SinlPePn five yeare ago deceased Wafi
Ivaa purchased e.trkew driver and he led, in INTIngg, manuoba, 1,',r4arnUieretsiFe
1111ends t traek, hiolthto aurnmer, rettatned witit her husband, to Illbhart
rms:wooD and gettled on the farm, where ono
c110. Tw.) children iItliadY6 tier. the
-..— youngest being about two months old
E. M. DROKENSUIRE, Dashwood. ---"1"Coeyatieer. Deeds. w:lis. Mortgages 0 hil dren Cry
.o.nd an legal documents carefully and
Pl;astinielrfil;CP",rella7rrieCiag.eQL/elretS.17e.0:"4"ate' • OASTOR1A,
a4:1,11,3443."4": • . c)111e
zubizeb.. Hate;utsyain%).to,-;tlphst4er 442x41, z,t.heon TO4purer4
s„rdali, arm- epe41in E111rovee4 day, aged ro yea. She survivec . her
flarP1W--34r- Ilenr$ 111911erl liP°n4 husband 22 •Yit'ara, She bitet l'esided
Wednesday In lotudon.--.Mr. Gotrge $t. marya (a; the, pest years.---sprt
:-:4eder 11e111Taled 1.-°411e'•rroln Ft, "W.1.711c Grant, widow of the late George Smith
Lad, 1,v1ere 1-te 'was called Ids `.the bed-. pa,„ed away ara, N,,,,,:edd;„aday, 135,0 TT,
41de 1119 ''11.1,3111r 1-4"E;ct • .r.r-clv4'' Site surviVeti MI' husband •four years,
Wi;44t 331 Q711eratl°11 or 313Pend11s* Fie wed heal 4oaided in St, Marys for the
was ticesrimaialcd home by „Itis ,daughter paat 5Q ymrs,.
Lelva. of Detroit and soli Rev, Emil
Schnoederat St. Louie Met. -r, Mar- COVERED WITH ECZEMA
U8 Then of Elmira. Is visiting his bro-
ther Rey- 1. Th.‘u:` few '''ecelto"-- cured by Two Bottles ..s4 D. D. D.
Mrs. Helm WO Mrs.., Streicher and twb
daughters lett tar their home Tuesday
axto. spe,acun3, a row, wtoto „dal their On March Mr, Angus
sister 7‘Trs. Jae, EVIL -Mr. .N1°M11/3° °C 'Port N"3" wrote' °se --
Snell has3. severe aktacic Of append- M'7 tittle boy" three year"d v'118
eovered from head 0 foot with eczema.
eitts. 'we hope for a ,apeedy recoverY.--, i tried over twenty different kinds of
Mrs. Nick liaffeinger had the mister;
solves and washes but could not see anY
Utile 0 Ian down the celler steps
triain ,101101, sbe 3,ecetwti 4,1134rieo, Improvement -In fact It seemed to bo
=:+fre, Theodor Krueger is on ,the sick ett'lri-I worse' r
I was a.bout discouraged and had lost
tist.-1,Varried at Jtho .Lutheroa church
Dah,,,00d A.4.10 g(1ward GnttIr tn all ttlsaw
iencIlsoafn, asdo:te
G. Than. Particulars later; bocau
Kraft t3 to 2.fiss Rose Preeter--.b R
' C,V; D. D. D. Prescription. I sent tor earn-
Ple bottle and the third application con-
vinced me that I had at last a euro
.Miss Edith B. Grao-fa successful grad-
uate lot Graeelahd College, Lainerd
Iowa, la again welcomed in out- vicinity
atter an absence of almost two Years.
Bringing with ft.ier PIG ki,sual honors,
shIpwing a well spent eofourn in uncle
Ss.nt's domota.
'Mrs. 3,. Luther and daughter Vera
were in Parkhill one, day last week en
businesca.-',Nfles E, 'Tetrea.0 is lanne
aga.in from Mr. W.; Heaman's.-Mrs.
,Baker visited at her s)on, Sun-
day. -MT ,,Bawden of Exeter visited at
Mr. H. 'Stanlake's kart Sunday. -Mr. ,E.
&Lass/n visited at Mr. 3:r Luther's Sun-
day. -Mr, Robert Turnbull bought aeon
from Mr. C.` kilatsonl. Paying i45.ClO.-
a dandy.
John Cornish elk( William Johns left
Tuesday eveniag for Toronto as repres-
entatives for the Chosen Friends -Lodge
of Blianville.--Miss Oreasart, of .Pluga
tlawn, spent Saturday and Sunday at,he.rt
cousin)s, John Greason's.-Our bum
was very busy on ‘Saturday -Court ob
Revision in the forenloon, council Meet -
in, the afternoon, and, the letting ot_tor
tracts for bridge building. Four con-
tractors were present; nand in, the even-
ing 'the Ladles' Aid held A very •sato.
cessfUl 'social in Mx Jo S Ma kills'
The' clitmOtar's of the Kiritton 'and Exe-
ter TeloPhlane Co. purchased. the tele..
phtalie, Da'sk Dag; 8c, Lan t4 f -•ora
Granton .to Eryanston with the branch
lines. The Conpany will also build sev-
eral other branch lines. • ;
Josh Billing,s -says,-“Laffin is Lhe
sehlsaish.uhov pheeling -good all over,
showing it principally .in one spot. It
a, man 'can't laff thiere iz: sum ;mistake
made in putting hint 'together, and if
wo'nt la.ff-he want's az much keePing
'Endin 'az a bear -trap' When it iz sot."
Inc Wbn.ter, and- staring' neaa'an'S ,o-fe
OM' times Wh'en the fanner concerns hinr:
self, very much 'alatotit Weeds, They a.*
Init in Sight and hayie nbt begun '• th01,
'systemaitic stealing ,ofplant food which
belongs' to the g.rowing- crop,- and
sc:quoatly cl.a pot loom op.,.,a,as„ s,versi;
inprp irnPartance in the
And • yet they are 'there alit
.ready'' to do ''businos,s .When the titne
gernts of 'the: Weed may be
in the .iieed stawil•., or- 'its' (rootis'.rna.yebe"
rrnarsi.jnthe grOunfikA„Weiting „ the
time ,W,heit*OndlitionEi-',O4re4fOorable •for,
atid, 13*14.",ereti#'1,
the PiaitiRIOK,F,44`t.ar,ed,"4*:.:ii ,th*1
•8)it Ansi• ver0i
"besiSatinOc.;th • st
What D. D. D. 'did lfor this little boy
it will do tor any akin sufferer. A mild,
soothing liqlald made up of., 011 at 'Win-
tergreen, Thymol, Glycerine and other
ingredients, it penotratee to the root
of the trouble and washes the disease
germs out.
Why not gat relief 7 Simply write
to -day to the D. D. D. Labomteirles
Dept. E. A., 49 Colbarn,e St., Toronto,
and they will send yotx a tree trial bot-
For sale by W. S. Howey, Exeter..
ST. MARYS--Robert H. Dawson, an
eild resident of St. Marys passed away
on Wednesday, aged,91 years. The fun-
eral book place on Wednesday to
St. Marys cemetery, Mr. Day/Sort was
one` of the old pioneer 'residents' of
this district, w.hp are fast pa.ssinfg
away. His wife predeceased him a few
weeks. Ile leaves a. family of grown-
up childrea. '
'SEA.FORTII-Fire was discovered
about 11... o'clock Tuesday Aght in a,
large frame building on Main street, oc-
cupied: by. A. M, Canipbell and T.hontas
Grieve at Implement vra.reaoonnS. This
Is the laecond fire within a week, as
on Saturday the frame stable belong-
ing to Postmaster S. Dlekeon was burn-
ed. The origin of this tire is also a
GODERICII,-A. M. Todd, la,te of the
"Goderich Star", who is' removing to
Toronto to engage , in a printilng but31-:
ness on Adelaide _street, was 'Friday
evening presented with. a gold -headed
cane and an illinninated 'address sign -4
ed by Mayor Carnienon, on behalf , of
the town council • A. H. Idiacklin, for
the Ponsd of Trade,- arad, Fred, L Prid;
ham, '311 be4@.g of the ,nrerehafnts of
the town, expressing appreciation of Mr.
Todd's •services in behalf of ,tpd town
and ;good wishes for clhe future.
A I3a.d Back
A ,,bad back turns every twenty-four
hours into ' one thin 'round of Pain ,!and
misery -you are „lame .in the morning,
nagged all day by.a dull throbbing back
ache, can't rest In t'ne evening or, sleep
' • ` well at ad, ht It
hurts to bend over
up from a chair,
don, twist, ,turn or
'awkward • usave-
,mont" sends a
tearing twinge of
paL tt4hlierottt,gth.- theWeak
dht9 reaellthe" weak
spate3ejdneya and, ,..quteklytestOre,
"vt,&kiirort.,.., TheyaTa'r
karaite&Alt deiiisit nd drugs s,
496.,�r postpatd
C, Ltd Fort,'Brie,:% . kit`
of The Canadian Bank of Comtnerce will receive deposits of $ and
upwards, on which interest is allowed at current rates. There is ug
delay in withdrawing the whole or any portion of the deposit. Satan'
deposits are welcomed. 244
Aeif01.Mts may be opened 111 the flames of two or more persons, to be
operated by any One of the number or by the survivor. A joint account
of this kind saves expense in establishing the ownership of the money
after death, and is especially useful when a man desires to provide for
his wife, or for others depending upon him, in the event of his death,
Exeter Braneh-W, 13. Collins, MahaZer. Branc3a aiso at Crediton.
The IYlolsons Bank
Incorporated 1855
Capital (paid up) „ $4,000,000
Rest Fund - $4,400,000
Total Assets Over - 4,0000O0
aas78 Brartette$ in Canada, arni Agents aud Correspondents tit aU the
Principal, Cities in the World.
at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate.
gents at EXeter for tbe Dominion Governiment.
DiollOoNi °ARLIN°, $0110a0t6. D. iiriRDON -ranagerl
The general public will take notice that I am doing business in Exeter in
Lbe line of purchasing all kinds of scrap.
Ulgbest Market Prices Paid for SCRAP IRON, RAGS, RUBBERS,
All purchases to be delivered to T. HA WICIN'S HARDWARE. EXETER
where the cash will be paid or trade given. Orders for collection of scrap
may be left at tne same store, prompt attention will be given.
M. Wexler, — Junk Dealer, --- Exeter
-with minimum charge or 25 vents -
Between all stations In Canada, also
to Niagara Falls, ,and Dutfale, N. It:,
Detroit and Port I-luran, Mich.
Tickets Isood going June' Onti :and Ord
-Return ilrott June OUT._
TO THE: wEgx
Literature and full information from
any Grand Trunk Agent, or address A.
E. DUFF, District Passenger Agent, at
Toronto, Ont.
- Purchased
Having purchased the BUS
and DRAY business of MR. WM.
ARNOLD, I desire to announce
to the Public of Exeter that I am
prepared to give you the best of
satisfaction in work connected
with the business. For the pres-
ent orders left by phone or, other-
ICE, PHONE 25, will • receive
prcimpt atterttiOn. =
T. G. Creech
Chance for Piano
Anew upright Grand Piano Reg-
ular price$325 Sale Price 5220.
Only one instrument will he sold
and that to the first buyer.
Call early and let us de--
raonstrate its merits to you.
This instrument is on ex-
hibiton at our store the bal. -
anee of this week,
A number of good organs
for sale $12 to $25 no higher
Payable Mk, a week.
• .C91TRA
„di/ '/JJ
s.viknonal ON
This School has a continental repu-
tat:tori for high grade work and tor the
success of its students. We have three
departments -Commercial, Short.hand arid
Telegraphy. Ambitious young men and
.woinen shoUld send at one° for Mar' large
free catalogue.. Write, for it at once and
s-ee ,what our. graduates are doing.
This is a geed time of the year Ifor ,
you toenter our classes. Students Are
entering each week. , -Commence your
course., at- oboe.
McLACIILAN, Principal
For Sale
First class lots in the Great
Northern 'adcifti(in within 'the citY
limits is
f Calgwaryh.a'
states.— •••
-You can recommend this
property to your clients as a good in-
vestment both safe -and profitable.
These lots are selling now at 115.00
each. One-third down a.nd balance
in silk, twelve „and -eighteen months;,
6 per rent intet4t;7aTe
IlLyOtkr,taint to Initite,tfionie, money :
'don't,derfx'in looking • me up, as_ this
a °bailee of a lifetime.' TJon't for- •
'get that we have farni lands to .sell
li,tof:the very best and Opieadid
Students niay enter any day.
Open- entire year. Now is a
good time to euter. Largest
trainers in Canada.' Graduates
get best positions. Thousands
studying at home. Exclusive
right of the "'Famous ,Blisa
Rooli-Keeping System" for Ont-
ario, "Actual Business fronii
Start to Finish."
Write for particulars.
, - •••
(effiliateo with ,O,lintoll Business
, College)
• „,