HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-6-8, Page 1it 1 Twnwry-FouRlat YEAR. EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 8, 1911. SAN: 3$ & CRR. RC3 Earl orovat n fins Teeoverod 'kir. J A. S,tewarl LiAS1:i3A LL Local Items itA Taoiadors per cent.. » ince n, 7?, W. Bennett* se Tuesday where he purchased .a Buick 1f, 't�e"bster 67, Ls Itartlelb 43. Jr, I7. . 86; Tile an game o3 'ball, between, Exeter _a,,d Tie County Counell is ,nacetitag cal the •qyA'�� runibe.M oz the your. -people oY autamolarle, 1):114:1:°11"3.#"a1 t:3a' 1lonmc Tues•- atiasael5a, 1 Davis 93, A, \!lm. ent" County to`vn this, week. ga A street cn.'urch, tp-gct ser with..Mr. day after.'noon, k", 1L efdC : an:rale: 78, W. Gillespie. 7 Diahop 'w1lliarns wI1 p rear to T, HaztdfPrd, eordilcied le service: in a r, Jas,' Atkinson, 1 P � ti1� f s� A kr.,;g?an, ; leas been hi wMaso gic $reth�ren.on, June 25th in the Luc2.,n'4lei'htedlet cl-iu-t- Sunday, very poor i:calt?r for seine time, wa TrSvitt , morl1 Church, ` The Exeter Conning a nd Pre serving Co , taken Lol:do1 an Tues day Lor tre a t , ;ave let re cantaact for the sin1n' tt�t gra, a campan ?,ed«,ninh1Siturd�YlastllsJlaz�4dlGr :tocit 'well at t cinfactory, ',the work 11i` 4iis r D➢ri g� _ the an dtsok 1vSstso 1 r, George= ti3t� - camnae:acci orTuesday 1Y 3ieaars.,oris, Heine re„ g Ine,trables at Laa;dor nitc.nwl3 of Saz'nEa and Walter Stat 4r1 Slep.,e* had a big bars➢ 174.1.$7°11 74. 1.g °11 i*Ted- " Io wap takes mQ Interest in 'the, Grand Bend, t needay 3 ter:toots, 'lir, Dearing n �ti?d suffering from tt:e gatl~Mertaa,g :a his h ad. e1 , € s o ru e ba l.izs g Q` MS, barn being state u.,r;r, cli=fteult1es,. 211,w4stg :°z5' the Seg.. xa..ees Institute ^.-.. F„eld in pr.u, Td a. d<. i la 4 V agricultural Lan .iEt”"x College, Guelph, gave ... ss,y est4r,g. end practgeal oddrerrek011. OKA s'agkes$i o. I*-, toe Pt %tl.ut'tfe i: if 1.arraeops:, ge ;era% weal, and lives no titoug?➢i who took-- the rI od swarm, ore . Y:"faQ aro trodden salderaot, sats a crF Ja, ts street Methodist env -reit Y a3 And then tostoy,' alms, isavt daY Nforrittig, ieC_veA�d a verygoad e beet.” '7;74 3d ass ewcelle,nt manner The sy:441 of th« I3toses' tafFI Q. , ur `t �.s ttsd ale,) L..e in the ever.-. ineetF>a..`j.`alBcS a -y :L"�.t. �i"S c$1.t a.ti rd_ ' Ioaors i:ti, Kees=". s :".11,'1.":1`„ ctt_r .' ' tt ? Arc •i. and Tws Cas Q.,,,.3 _ I "2i r u_k. r r ¢"� � as c., .are ..£. de1ate=e . � A�?LelT^iLitt li Qr` aal seal church. n ,+owsz Sunday addressed the Surd &trauld arc, editor ptl ai;f+ll all the et: l:l Sc_ eel 4'a is reeeat artizsgtd title that l;e ;:stn;, +11v ani:% e4a t� the wast rl t e paP r ba,l.., w:?"414 11.eed. t+a go InTO f g f hiding d +u� d1 a menth f ea 5 n la to rex cal sue 1-t t-n\der eserve t a a> oto p # n, inyr hi any -- thing in like ,ti„,.rle rondMon, Ti -,ere it alp par; alcat tt,e ne.vsPapor 0rflce 1`'.a and: the PeOPie. fro:1A! Personal hurt 411d etllbarasstnent so r4 11 as tale waste Paper basket, Thank $ .ours is large slough to eon.. lily grist, that ii publist.C<1 4r1ese arae probably aud- lal;-t;y PBOLIFIe cow belonging to Mr, Norman Jarrott, of Ijsborne breaks the record for prolific breeding. Ola the :24t of May she brought ferttl A haPPY tanl[ly 4 of „ lest a nunlbe; ,that% ,.,, 0 1ti husky and frisky. Then agaiai this slow hap a record of u:suaual prollfic- aey, having prodwuQd et three litters: 47 porker*, She le of the Yerlatrire bretel and the *weer would litre to know if there le orytiting better on record, CA,N'a, SELL CIGARS—Ira each live aeser. where dea,lere and merchant been 'tried and acquitted fa a $, o, ndlet. and sett drlrtl Mr. JuttlIcaMlddletori, wi appeal o: the A#tonney-Gee . 4Jcslaodn Hail, has' Tu,.i;-d the Would nave, been convictions, u 0 C(".00 lead been committed against Day het. Tho offenders-, re-cu'reMcd end tried or 'the oldt v a o €i o1r,`ugea� bu a Ion tio.lr >' the et tvpw will mean punishment, Justice! lliidelletQn. ruled ; (1) That hotelkeepexi1 and reateure t keepers may sell these ihiet,T4 _tb 'their guests, but not ,to any ether per nnsa(2)T,ntt dzafit 1 is max riot »ell cigars' on 1aY (3) That nig USO are nit "necesuitie&'" within in the mQ"1{t7,ing lot the Lord's Day ,Act. (41 It tobacco ter eo1d; A.a a drug there must be evidence tt1 ahow ttliat ,it',i reseals. ed by the parch:emit `pet a iinx : Here attor,Maglaterial deciet{sn,n on vlolatione of the Lord's Day, Act will bo, govertred by that of Ju>3tice s4itddltetorf. �rl;l 1 WICKS' FORECASTS.—A a i1 ?i Period will bang ds,'c deer stn m oe diners 0±1 'i'.1 4oucl `:.- the Oth, -10th. : d 12th. ;At lisle period v,'e ell. into t1e Jure ruled(-- dlsturba,lees, `u?! m;oo a'7 the 1I1it falls :at she day of the aTnua1 ilaa€,netic and iL" cr:si,s`, Wti itllirt three days "ef... r et L..'A-I;'th, - ma imUm of meq: ides' storirte will virsit rles at the earth, a t^'. eree1il31 "earth 1 th current*," t➢luta v alcatrl0 unrest' .and •riolcnt 'seis- rnie r a1 cs„ A regular storm period ex- tends fr orxl tI o 13th, to tee 17th! being- at eimaE'the pile rite 'tic cosy PeriodA. alad fi iF u,.lc*er Tull sta'a,,,n of tea c otfi,.ek and 'the 'emus peritMis. Iyal4Y tau .der aterree yeti.% till oTreetre,01. C;lefitrie.ty, wlrad,, Talrl azel :loll. ;nay be expected'Tbreadeee r;lay bQ I1ked feta teed your %sleekly° be in their ;PB.1,14-1 fly net ? - to we; antle:a cooler will .follow lea bend tete 3 tltla, to ;9th: letc:''eatirnk; seealttook setsday, June 701, at a3 1tl o. the brld'e"en parents. «7 tkla . Ltt.ltor, 37 Doeatatt Cathe,rlrea, -formerly of I;,e" 6lll Nitta I intenaar went t.' I r when their d,xu'84ier, tti,sa d3ea- `Ri e;,sl.,e;ad.ey. c laurel, herein° the, brldo of ax Ear, Will Knight of Lee tdtQre lea > 2101 ulrie E'x1;ter young; mare Mr. E. J, t.ia:@a week.. Crlriestie, gran of lir. and,•bits: ,'E Curls lceartf. Janes aftld Alfa, WYaltcr11 tie The ccrcaa#:'v.- y watt performed by Wadi ct rtday" neornitur ern fa drip to., i IJr, I, 7.3, Iizteliffe int the presence ;at only a few of the Inure: ate friends!, Mr. ,John Spaackeri eft was fe she The only attendant was the, little niece Tatlbstvillee and St, 'Thomas• during. If the grovel, Mee, Margirr'et Rogers week vier -time trietrde1 a' rot Chicago, The bride 'wee handsomely efrta. Parker, after .ependint; never, vtlti",�;sxl in ere, -tin etre, awl her /going flays with her er n %viler. ;11kre. Frosts, w awee17+oxrry wag 5 grey ta.11or ,d aault: Nes been carte ill, but Wirt? tar retever- Mr, sand Chrle.10 will upend tag, returned„ 1:1 icer horn its .London three weelce in sight-eeeing along Tuesday. the Niagara, t>!pd et Toronto and Buffs,- elesars Heart? :Strats ' and: Willis kr, .alter wh£r11 they will leeide 3n 3C)dd, lett 14° g ,etl�aeaday tor Otteawa► td ErceUer: The Advocate joins -with. the attend the `PresbY,,terian General Assents manly friend* in 'wishing the younr; ly, ars 'rapeosordetives of the "reaby- couplc a Happy and prospc nus wcdd text' of knits n. 'titre, n''SLraxs lccolte; panted 1101'- hu:sbaj,d, d. +n ➢ Aa ua meetirr;lt' ,.e Tie o zanio.ls was.,.geld 2IIs,a`eall'o➢1 Tues -last. W..e,n stir, Il. Str#lth `Was ro- oted Preeide. and Mr. 3. G.; StAh- ry, Secretary.. Tie oAlY 021590 in c.a111Mitte io,, filo various n)Lu';i0i- tltie.s' was that of EXcterr, W. R. C. ;41 a1 being elicte4 ilatitead 'of Sty- S, CORONATION l'IxA'T'I C1N Il1tAX. sties Day, 'hent Geon,=; W 104j ;K141 ` or 0r(3a.t. 1114111' 1 x699.6 4t1(1 v1 40-2 the event in v5.ri'3113 �"a...., he* di.ung �u e r��rrrewlaat , aw r in s„ Pr'.iTrak- lvsy', , and 1er's11)' 0 . ,' t 1 eoxnst del that Exeter should :aver a oeleheetiontt We aril Of tilt- sable '3l 'Pens. and ea the date 1a IntWe bet ria away it. 4* tkfeeefe r4'x that sisal £ a, e OOPS1'30;rl1 'bs ttakete ,t're'e aro t.o otax4erver tote da' ,by' a celebreHet ;, N, Tinel It ttelt. ,veli for the ,errant% to take 0,e matters Alp. call 4a perhlic »rlte'' irwg and di arra it, or - Ppai'.1 a eQ aaritte i ceeteidtlr and net .f adelpen4e e22is e .�4 to ratalrt+ e over t43 per cent,, Pr f ,1.1ss and c ellaw 71, 11. Se o:or 69; x.' 'roods T. Davis 64, ri'_ mlau?der: IJ , G M. le^>= 1 a ea ,3 n r T o� '4 Iia .t I I, t . i. I D T �icl:e s 87, ir, walker Sa„ H:+C,,'ookso:i 84 :ii,a.velif , 78, i, NorryF 71 J. ;1ra c " . ,1. - -- er CO, W. Pr 1^.rand N. >'la'rd,,, ,1 . Sr lit, T 13 1�.tA'l{"4 tk r"' /s a ,tr r �V� '1+S y# •' 1 a 4 rw'3i J , I3 4-tait 74, P. .. ' -- 71, '1, r.rail 4$.1, 'raze, 54; i. Cooksa. - r. "r! ➢A "f . 4:',, No. cat roll^1 ka, ..-.,3�;e P. L r W. ,ted 1. rtl, ;each THE F.�.':1's'sI`Et€ COUNCIL ;➢ ,. Ju r� , .� ',t T3, r, � ,, I1 be .S r a l� e>,e _.. Minutes Kee tad and approved, «i'. wai'r4d Acre the cam -Jell T. ;z of waterw-0rF for the etre - ask , tltc eel -moll to ;give like ''a aro the old, gasoline 'engine to have sall1ef lirt1tulled. 1 1— 't at E:il (errors -y 1 3111- i -.i fine co i1.ei:l w;h 2411 eFt?r1.- - eo 'S tt, rw :�t G sae @ Ah s , P watering purposes. Cirri y -That, t,4;e following "i13ed arid orders 5seu:d in tsll,ed#t: .'. Gflleslaie, freight '2.88; E4- eetr'e Brig's'„ 41x., 107.14; T� ,D,, 'Carling' El - P1,::15: F F eittect, 31415; cemetery 110.5; Jona a 00 p , ala. „X 1 ' ry' a . � + J. I3i,,61�.e,.t•a d,4i I,7i a. Sal I,1xFes laald :r cemeter7, 1.7i1; o1,Gi;aaa vllte, 3ataa 3.x1 . To';en�- *. 11.15. ar'ase Taw l .13 4 131asett, cltlnt 1atles Co l.a adapt: a4 .;i5i;,, ,loiera 14.Y'41;44 lfa . J4 tla1; Jo;lcl Dell. 39.4)41 A. strtlau- S,trtder3. 1 1,1 e; 5i3aa Plandry;ard ;1.;,(h av Hone, 11„4(1 ; Wr . Brireaeor 1tce xlll , Thoe. YTopatdear 7.8(1; Alex. Mur,p 75 i 'Sk'a➢a, W 1 4r T.1tt: W51Eer West-'' eft 3.741: J.te, fJgderr 15,55; W.1Tatty 7 ri le1e►3.a Vele 13:19; F. 1it41lCitt, r a "„ 1"I,r8t1 t Tidal ;3aG.7., —That Mr, Wolper be In - 1r,. IL' Sash a re line and 1110 corporation .. Cori ria e Carried, �P :'dr, Thema1 :i pee cord ' for y be rs.quired Lor .ernes. nt+r, etc., tea s000pted, the laid as pe ,lxadttt+kttAn+a of n to o r r al .0 .--C'ar led,;. —That Mr. Person% t.be r street veatcrin; a be .auth tit verbi:t!.t)Stw,tl tail call for, and tthF clerk' ^ted 't 11otity him, ---Carried Vr1 r-- 14t the c�rnlliteslazy acted to place service bozos ere requlrcd,—Carried•. Lev/Mt—Rivers—Teat the Clerk- wri e0 Piro t,,ndorwritera' .teo;1ciation no that our waterworks ayatenx .le complet. ed, :requestingthem to corn* and male/ their teat.—Carried. Levett—Rivers-That the 'Electric Light ,C;a. be notified to renews 'all wires' at- lached Ito trona of tlee village forthwith. and Ito call 'theirsattantiop to , tho un - a -de condition, of the wires on 'Welling- ton Street, also to .straighten pole { on William street. llr1 trent of ) r. til',t Joh tCarried. Walpor—Rivers-T,hat Mr. C. II. San dere' offer of $150, for gataol% `engine pump and pump pause bee'not acceptedf Carried. Rivers—Lbvett-That the 'Reeve al -,d Clerk be instructed iia` borrow I$1,500 for current expenses:—Carried Levett that we adjau. red to meet Fri- day June 16tht. T. )3. Carling, Clerk. , Centralia at Co lfralia +oz Mond y eveve, - t a first-class exhibition by „� was ,Aa,, any inca,;la. 'Errpr-s' were alto ether too S . pteatiful :an both, skies'; but Exeter add - c<1 a, ,, 3 -e Q" n .i➢ t r o t, e r aI 1" , � y fined x sat 1 f Vi, h Sr . 9 fed, - owing s, the seere b 48 ..irDg $,: e , The -oa- t o a i g is the lis,e-up,- al�a:F - �.er. jf:- B, iiztchel t k, I � 7 1 'u4' :!tI`,�-irlitcheat ;: . Ifadga W. L-: "19 Xf, SWaa0 `0 rr e A C. I kxpl .',D .E. �e 1 r. - a. e£',„ cel azr9d' d4 drovt Q1-4! ta, r d" Cfni �., 3' .a and EXet4'r ,11.474 ; ' s plaY For An T'I1ureday everting. G?I1 N T O #1 N D Contiriue iur Seeing Out Sale straws, ,Ju, a 2.—Oer'onatioll PAY, le .22, 4 bra 0ftio3511Y 3l0cla.ose4 b u.440 » he P o4i da The are. SC) a ,.. �` t roil ' y ,rrsa - is As tcsllOWS, p a Thursday, the ''t4e- i n t l;e year of Our Wee hundred :.a,ed clever% '51" our '� tfa , . n are IIesirente that au)d to +brew d I 'thanl(aglvip'tg• kt Canada,: " ye trash 14 1tln the 3e 1 tbx Ceti d1 "Thlzr da ys, cd:' June,. ebeervo as, g and, rt uiglaout, sail CARL1NG'S • PRONE 18 SUMMER GOODS The hot weather is here and now is the time to buy'' your whitewear before your size is sold out, Waists Our waists are . of the best material and made in the latest styles, from $100 to $3.00. Skirts In this line we have some of the ' neatest pat- terns shown atprices from $1.00 to $4,50. Summer Dress Coeds In Voiles, Foulards, Mulls, Repps, -Shamrock, Jao- guards and Muslims in many shades and at right prices. Summer Underwear - In Fine ribbed knit underwear forchldren and ladies with or without sleeve. Prices ranging from 8c. up to 50c, Gents' Underwear A fine porous Balbriggan Underwear for . only 75c, a suit; and 'Fine French Balbriggan Underwear at 75, and $1.00 a suit also short sleeve underskirts at 50c. a Piece. r_ re have a few fine straw hate that we will clear a r air price. resp groceries always on hand.' t. h. rices � �? .... es paid for.; all binds of Produce.:, EXETER SCHOOL BOARD FOR MAX P. S. Department 'Room 4,—Sr, 1V. -Honors', F. Hill 82 ,1. Sweet 78`; 141;: Cla,se 781 AT ,Beverley 77; M. Walker 75,; Pass, C. lbAay 741 G. Delco 78; So! cedar 72 ; E. Day and 0..H'ert equal 71; Lo10 Taylor 71 N. Jta11es 68 ; E. Btsikwill 'GS ;. Rivera 06; B. Quaint66 ; DLl �B1atch.. ford 02; B. Harvey 62; E. Baker 410 G. 'Penhale, 1.ftddie 4,—I3onors, B. IIod gert 76; A. I'nrtight 76 Poatsr#, Me Man- son 73; 1'. Seni* 71; LJ Handford 70; L. I%atle 6fre 14Sa- 64. No. ort R311 31; Average attendance 27. C. Vesper, teacher. Jr. IVa, honors, C. PgweII 86, M. Hueatrn 77; Pass', 0. Davis 70, H: Par. songs 70, A. «k ge, A. Beit 65, 'i.1 Selden. 64, M. Gladman 64, E Id Bo,e ey .63, J. Fell3ck 62, F; Wood 62, O. Macdonald 61. Promoted to Jr: IV., M Vincent, M. Gladman, LI Zuefle, K. Weidenharnmer, G. Fittt",on Sr. III., Nabors, 141, Knott 82, B; Knott, 78 ; .Pass E. Davis: 72, J. Br ckvrood 70, D,Kurztz 70, F. Bowey 68, e, Delete 67e,A Johns 66. Jr. III., Honors, E.'Powell 76, Pass t(1. Hardy 70, Mi, Pickard 6,8:, A. Tayror 64, D. Phillips 64, '11?i Walker 62, L; Wacker 61, G. Carling 60: Nib. on roll 43, averaged 40.5,! J. S. Murray, : Teacher. Room VI., Form IIL, Jr., honors, W Jacobi 75, D. John's, 6'2, H. Hector( 61‘ Fem- II., ;Sr.`, 'hobpre, 0. Harvey 86N V. Jones 77, 00, Ros 76, I, Zuefie 76, C. Harness 75 Pas's, Boyle 72 lM. Mbi.lock, 72, W1;Redde'r* 71, D Char.. ltoin 70, W. K{nlihth 70', B. Rivers 68,; D. Knight 67, V, Mpme1,a11 67, C Mlor- Iey 66, N1 on roll 39, average 36, H. N. Kinsman. Teacher. Room VII., Sr •II., honpra, M. Mar- chzand 82, V., hill' 80; Ovjer, 60 percent E. Ta'y1* 72, CI Satn;ders 68; C. Ford 67, N. Nrotrry 64, Jr, II., h>oinors, Mi. Harvey 93, `Maurice E1arvey 8,3, over 60 Per cent., T. Connor: 67, I, Davis 65 E. Wells 63, Jr.If, ,henlor;s, `G 'Harness 89, E. (McGee 83, E: Kni h!t 80 ; over 60 Conservative Convention A convention of the South :Huron 'Con servative `Association will be held in the 'Skating Rink, Henson, , nn Tuesday June -;20, at. 2; o'clock : p.m.; for <the purpose ,of nominating a candidate to eaontest 'the riding for the Dominion. :Rause, and for election of officers' The Glorious Twelfth COME TO G;ODERiLE1 `> The .,Pretties to w indefinj Period Du ng the past fad eeks we have disposed quantity a large utit.., of Ire have ttefli ribitted Alt?,#lilt% to t2341 t Ueenae g1ft T11s9 zSa :ora range from 1xSgar Madele sea, x34 the do'autloes new fon h a l "alf r r , t: talc o 1 p4'� e a P D1I,i.TUS 1'.ttta 3fcGiil4Yty,tny 24th, to eta; and, Mrs. Wen. Patton, a daughter. 2 , 1 eco.—Qri 7th McGillivray, on>t May n y, Y, � .. i. y , to 7,1r. and 1.ire,t Eli Bee*, a son. EIdt.—l1 A11sa. Craig, en May 28,th, to gr. and ;Mrs. Cheriee+Eldt, a daughter: Alkc lead—In Twckerstrklth on May 27, to Mr. and Mrs; James, Ailtsnhead, z daughter. :1Surdoek—Irt Rainy River, on 'May 2'7, to Dr. and elra Alex. Murdock, for- merly Of Brucefield, a deughtcf,. 13ro'uifoot-in Tuckersmiter, on May 26 to Mr. and Jirsi' -Alex Broadfoat a. rsan, Walker -At Cromarty, on a fay 20111, to Mr. and Mra. Oswald Walker, a son. MARRIAGES ghrlatie—Lukes—h.t St. Catharines, June 7th, Mr. E. J. Christie, 'song or Mr. and lire. B. 'Christie of Exeter, to 'Miss ',Beatrice Laurel daughter of rz Mr. and Mrs: C, J. !Luker ;of St. Catharines, formerly of Exeter. kraft—Preeter—In. the Lutheran church•. A LOCAL TOURNAMENT FOR THE BAWDEN TROPHY. On Thursday last the tournament com- mittee ornmittee divided a number o3 the local bowlers into rinks to contest for the ilniors of holding the Bowden Trophy, together with prizes for the witnnersl and runners-up. The players were draws in- to the following: rinks, the last' mention- ed being the skip in eaph. case, — Btayle, Gould, J. Datvitr, Shelli Bennett, Achtedon Levett Clarke. Newell, Spackman; Stewart, Taylor. Rev. Sharp, Sweet, Hurdon, Seldon. 'lord, Weidenha.inmer, Bawden, Taman. Hartleib, Bright Anderson, Rev. Collins. Whitley, May, Grieve,' Stanlaury. Statham, Lindenfelt,•Christie, Glandman S. Davis, Knight,, Heiman, Dickson. Manns, W. I -i.: Collins, Creech, Carling The First Drawl, ,1. Seldron ve.` Taman 2. Clarke'vs: Taylor 3. Dickson vs. Clarke 4. Snell vs. Stanbury 5. Gladinan vs. Rev. Coiling Second Draw Winners of 5 and 2, ale, above numbered. Winners ,of 1 and 4. Winners, of ,3—a bye. R,eeultsr Carling' defeated Dickson, 23-9, Seldpn defeated Taman, 20-10. ONDON, CONFERENCE. The fo.iowin* additions and changes. have laeen hnade tto the first draft of zniu istersl,-Byrbn, A. Butt; Staffa, C, Cozens ; 13luevale, 3. E; Cookn ; _'-Sea- Kfert- A.' W. Barker, Granton, O. C. report of the cont rilttee obi' dig` trio' and ' circuit boundrlee, presented to the . London don Conference on Saturday, makes ,the following changes, which were approved. Sexamitli appointment or, the: Kipper). circuit is ,21 be closed. nd healthiest To -r; in C.hislehurat is tta' be attached .,to 2-2441- s.l1 01 .1 `afterilaon•appointment. ' ^Kilzpei ' -and Vara a are joined, mak. Mg a. circuit -o4 0osihen, :Yarn a and rrr Shisrt Proces,siogz, , Attractive 'Special !II1 .,, Are: Y,'aia Miairrie4, G ,oil Spoakor5' Spoci3lr�T,riri See .bills and ,cl c -t bulalrts. A ' Greelt 'pig Da. 105, Mt-NEVIN, • Secreta .y a" Stele art BrtIt fFeld ° it attached fa" Seaforth aft ars . aftem(0n appointment. By c, vote,I..- 19Q; to , 44 the London ,let! odist cOnfseence , hxonaa-s aafternoon accepted ajndendorced thei proposed basis b% tnitloh eli'tlittted by the general cod gr ,}a Dashwood, on; June 7th, by ;Rev. Thud, Mr. Edward Kraft, too Misty Blase Proc- ter, daughter 132 Mr. and Mrir, Fred- erick Preeter. Steeper—Smith=T:aveiline McGillivray, May 17th, Miss Bessie May, second daughter of Mr. alai' Mrs-. R. C. Smith to lir. Charles E1dan, Steeper; both of 1$cGilllvray. , Rankin -2* binson—ln Clinton, June 3, Mr. Norman S. Rankin of Calgary to Miss Anna May Robinson, daughter, of Mrs William Simpsons' DEATHS Malcolm—In Hibbert, on May 27th, Chat' lo^tte Green, relict of the late Dun- can Malcolm, aged 62 years, 3 months and 2 'days: elaha*fy-In 1111)13ert, on May 30th, M. Hopwood, beloved wife of Nelsons Ma - 1321227, aged 30 years! and 13 days. Itching Scalp GOT RID OF; IN A FEW HOURS. There is nothing "made that will so quickly rid the'scalp of distressing itch- iness as, PARISIAN SAGE the :hair, dresser and beautifier. W. S. Cole guarantees Parisian Sage to cure dandruff, strop itching scalp and falling hair or money back, and sells it for only 50 center a large bottle.' I1 puts • vitality into the hair and gives It a radiant luster. It is the favorite hair dressing of re- fined women becauseit so quickly re- freshes the scalp and not beim sticky or greasy is delightful to use. ,: HALF HOLIDAY AGREEMENT FIM, The Months. of July and August, 1911. We, the undersigned burliness /men 'ot tale Viela 'e of Exeter, Lerteby agree te chase our respective pla.ces of businege at one o'iciock p.n1., every Thursday due'' iarig` the months of !July a,nd, Augu'ast,1912 J. A. 'Stewart S ,G Bawdc4n W. J. Carling Lir, 1 'Plurk e NV. J I-kaariai S ' a-rtir. & 21sn H.,. . Spackl an Jtanes May' ;I:, Hawkins & Son .T." Grigg 'W. 1'e', '.I18razai ' J. , Eeer Feuer Fraypze GeU Nfanti,- E. Willis, T4s.• Yeo, .2td,rocat.- glen A. -TFora ' T 'l°i St ai'tii 13. 1 , F '13 a-,-- s Jos, Davis :en's and Boys' Furnish ings but we have a great deal of choice clothing etc., yet and you can. make no mistake when you know we are sell- ing at Cost Price Here are a few of the prices. MEN'S SUITS from $5 to $13 BOYS' SUITS from $2 to $7 - SEIIRTS, 35c., 50e., to $100 ODD PANTS from $L00 up OVERALLS & SMOCKS, 50c. to $3I,. UNDERWEAR from 20c. to 40c. 2 pr. WORK SOX, wool, 25c. WORK SOX 10c a pair. BLACK CASHMERE S03. 20c a Pr. - FANCY COTTON SOX 20c. a pals FANCY SILK SOX 40c, a pair STIFF' HATS at. $1.50 FELT HATS from 50c. Ip $1,25 $4.00 SHOES at $2,95 $5.00 SHOES at $4.00 WORK 517025, all kinds, COST Price CHILDREN'S 3 OTMPERS at 33c. uitting Business ash 1:)nl. he Clothier ier