HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-6-1, Page 8THE EXETER ABIrifBATE, THU .T71 Ai.Y, • T.TNB T
The warm weather is with usagain
arra you prepared for it? We area
What you needsummer suit Wh t is a & t to
help you to keep coal, We have tion
goods to suit and we make them up
to suit. Let us demonstrate these
facts for you,
`.b, A
erchanb Tailor,
Exeter - Ontario
82 82
55 60
48 50
$0 36
70 ?5
rotaGeo, per hag „ 50 75
I€fLsg,pertoxt.,,„,,..,.,. 0 50 1000
Ylour, per cwt., family 2 40
`Tour, low grade per 45 1 4
;titter. , . , , 18 18
Eggs,...:,,.. 18 18
Lrfeihogs, per cwt., , ..« 605
forts per ton, ,, 2200
IiOTIGE--Owing to the meeting of the
C. taro Dental. Society Dr, Kthshuaar,e.
office will be closed froth "Wed;,eedity
fey 31st, until June art1.
Go to The $.sivocate Office for .7afarr4-
a Licenses-
PL NTS -FOR SALE.—Large (Plan
ity Cabbage, Cauliflower, Tomato, Celery
and Asters.—a3 '1.TT a1'aRlalatad, VJeteria
Street, Exeter. + r
241 . ”' r+'sa•„iter w,,
We have the higleeet blend in our
l+fodcl Flour, NO wonder it is in Zde-
^ mmnd. Success is gaxely accidental
Try a sack next $irnet-lgarve ^ 'Bros.
Armon LICENSE—Get your mar -
!age 1icenee at`ithe -advocate Office,
The present lessee et the Opera Y`ause
having closed the same to the public
the owners have instructed Mr. Jphn
Spackman to sell. this most valuable
property. Tenders{ for the same will be
received -bY ,him up, to Juno 2st next,
Possession ,given Sept. 1st, 1911.
FLOUR AND FEED.—Having put in
a stock 'ot Flour and Feed .T solicit
"'*nonage: Stand one ,,�'ebt fo lar
Walei1ivers' old
stand. Toa. Davis.
-- 9
Our wedding stationery As of the lat-
est, types -a the best, workmanship un -
s ,payssed Aand prices right. Prospective
brides should call at the .Advocate and
see for themselves. ;;,_.,
Actual fact from a dealer Lr rear
by town."' Want 70 hundred of your
' MODEL FIAUR, , It gives' better satis-
faction than any other." ---Harvey Bras.
'riIt DL - &I .7•+` NOTIC1 that my of
`ver Wednesday after-
is ci,ised .e y' .
rte Wednesday
FOR SALE_ Th aalansion House, Ex
eter, for sale. tS Il £urnis d: Good
d w'
f ,' at soI a
v shed.
I n
be and d
ri e
rent. �.ppi te- ROBT LEATS?ORN, Ex
titer. ;f . -
Nrate t'�"i�? �V�"�'P�'�ii -rrAO'-vim 'WV°
91., a& 4'. aAcs+�calk ailcI.
Mils Lula Flasti-"s is canfined to her
home Unveil lib -less.
Tae Barks in town wallabe closed Sat-
u!rday, being the Ihng's birthday,
`11e Mustard rot d clever woman is
always sure he i '1>p'ss of=the:;house.
Mr. Graham haltaiiva}abler 7of men: hoe-,
Ins eager beets 'in this ,neighbfori:ood.
PI a well 3a rt diplomat, s' •as :a ,hero
w"-ta can make his bravery pay him a
Miss Stella \).. iistola, e; f'Tuckersmith ba.
taken a position as' saleslady with Mr.
?" J. Wilz?(a^h. r t
Mr. Jon Mitchell was able to conte
down, to.vn last week` and shaker hands
with old friends.
?-Tiow to be real tou:a without hurt-
.* mother's feeling is what drives
s rate boys to despair.
'..fir, T, Prior has purchased from tl, ,
Jo E rout estate the residence ocean -
led by Dr. Raulsto.. on Elizabe't-st-
average math never knows what
lies bexa�re him, but he feiela reaso"
ably sure that it isnit a mill -ion dol.,
la: a,
S rgle fare, rates On the Grand ,Trunk
wilt be .issued for King's Birthway
Good going Juiie2nd and 3rd return-
i,.; June Lith.,..
The Canadian Farm :of last week con -,i
ta1n d a fine print oethe Exeter. Cream-
ery, and the phi3prletor, !d r. Cott, and
his employes.
Rev. \V,, E. \fil1'on, a Whalen old. boy,
ii34v to Kin3'svllle,,,,will ix conference
,trees, become paster ot. Trinity Meth.'
c'iurch, Stratfard.
''A,e Congratulate Mr.e
rat fat
t; oO-,G..ic
s311 Pet, "
�.ir`, A. ilik. h X502 *t • s3
t,.o, r sai..g
ills final eaunti'taaidlans at the Ontario
SehOo1 of Ph,arrnaey .
Mrs, Harry Rowe, wno was taker,; to
the hospital at London last week,
th3aa;tt lea be improving' somewhat.'.
Bowra visited her over Sunday.
ill lira disciples of the Great , Isaalc
3Yaltcah, wh,o purpose takinT, in the fisi<-
isg trip to Grand, Bend on; Saturday 'next
will kir; ly^ leave tiatir names with. Capt.
N. D, I urdon, before Friday evening
Saru,rday next, June 3, has bean .phy3-
claimed a Giovcrnitlent and Bank holi-
day. bang the birthday ! ,the # 4ng
It is ,t>!a't likely that ,1twill be,absehwed
to any extent by bthsiticss men' or' mane -
rectum's generally. .:
Mrs. David ?,Sills received„ the sad hews
last week lot the dea h of her ulster
:yin's, Jane Gourley who,' died in, Windsor
pan Friday night last. 0wIng to,ill,health.
?ire. Mills nn t,b1 t attericli the �
funereal which took place :ti�Qnday.
Rosa, the eleven, rear Old dttulghtor of
, r and Mre.' Salltuel a : Lainplort of
town, underwent ah, Operation for ap-
pendicitis Ion Friday evening last at the
hands of Dr. ,1,foore,,,London.' The op::!
eration wan a. success and, the iXiatient
now on a fait•, okaar to xtab very.
The. month of May 'thfs~ year will un-
dl3ubtedly go on record as containing
more real hot daygs1ilareti the same montkl
for many years previous For seven
days the mercury re ;istk over 85;
degrees, 5 of them being over 90 and
the highest 83 a-T`lihte3 week, however, has
elli"•"c•Urer`, #:lies tar:
Na business man crus' afford tdt Spend
less` then 2 per "dant. lot ,hie rec,.74 e'
Lor advertisung, taiid is your advertls-'',
bi'slnesa-building meter-
ing is .tom
ial judiciously place$�x• n. ;iv -
C rwi t
5 Per ceni allprtobrfaiiArk t+3r thin par
ease will "% fctunc7' aclvleahtet 41e11E11
Ii71g upon the possibility o
aur bushes t,h ,creasing
?pay + • .e- •- � community.
The Board of T.;adsl has invited the
newspaper riled Pt the county.to meet
In Godericcn on F' iday next ,for "a dis-
aueeion of tine Huronounty power
prapissitic�n( Tit? gttei7tio s now as-
chiming definite ,shape, and the assist -
lance of the press. will"be valuable to
the movement. The visiting newspaper
men will be entertained nt •iunche,oh.
According to•,the records o� incl i''roviri.
cial Roliee 12apai'tnlent this; spring•has!
sFa*a .remarkable falling oft of hoboes'
11 wip .usually cross th border�`'into Can-
ada with the ¢jbihi,a. ,ut, 500 were.
h,;u:•ded upin tihe yit}ea last year,
aryl the nt,ost of therm Y.geit t her llpt<iti'sib
months in jail—and they ;1 a,ve not for
`M_ARRLaGE LICE gutter it. I'
Advocate Office.
NSES issued at the
Oal Tuesday evening last the following
PLANTS FOR SALE.—Twenty-five officers were duly elected for the eta -
thousand plantsfor sale, ins:luding. suing Isis-nljonths, in the Exeter Lodge.
t Oddfellows',—N. Gt Bro. E. Willis;
Ge ` in alehalas double and single p
Ledeas, t� a8calic c C a
W. H. Levet wast in London Wednes-
Mrs. - well has gone to Grand Pei
for- the camping seaisen,
Miss Delight Ht3bbs •rias goinn to Tor-
or-a to to visit for ,somettkne.
Mr. Tialos. Sn,e11 of London -w, heia
is t business Monday evening,
Mr, Tom Newell was is London last
wee', atteandin,; a meeting of the Shrin-
Miss Elsie .tcCalluin. and Mr, George
waifs were here trans. London over Sun-
!-iev. Martin Visited with friends in
tow, during' the week, returning home
°au ;Honda}..
Miss Faster of Springbank ,was" the
guest ,of her cousin', Mss Sucre :Mitch" -
ell, over Suaday,
lir. Era,. Taylbr of London spent , a,
c"auple days at: his hone heti this.,week,
returning Wednesday.
Mrs. James "'S's�1is returned last week
trans .a visit of several nlontlas with her
5aet Frank it he tVist,
Misr Ire,:.e Handford; arr1vr„d home oh
Tuesday evex.in £ti3r' St, Luke's Hoop!.
tai, New York, for a holiday.
Mrs. Snell, and -60,01 chiidren of Essex
are •'s/tang at th'e Zanies',Stree`t parson-
age, arriving Tuesday evening.
airs, (Rev.) HTouston, of Grand Rapists,
Molt„ he visiting het mother, Mrs:
ina"an, London Road South, who last
week suffered a stroke of paralysis.
Site le now improving. •
Mr. Philip It3wcliffia and 'Mr., Robert
Malley ,3f C,redtton were is London over
-, theywentt ' eel heir
da hen meet t
u.i �
S y,
brattier-ia-law, Mr. Arthur Weekes, who
had oust landed Saturday front London,
Bo.g. �±fr+ Weekes and hint family, who
came with him. i„ tend making ,ther fu-
ture Warne here.
Mr. J. 11, Carling ti
n Lindon aloin.
1 's. 1Tsr Il. Levet! was In, Loudon
Monday •
M ; K. 1 , �IeLeela,. , it SeatForth was
in town on Tuesday.
.Mrs. J, H, Grieve was 1n Landon the
eaa1,. part of the week.
*Messrs Lyman; sand Get]rge .Palmer
wre, here daring the weee
Dr, and Mrs, ltoulston left last week
for a short outing :a,t Muskoka.
air. Fred Elliott oi' iailey1burg arrived
a w days!.
tiers Saturday bo spend te; y
Miss Nellie Buswell of Toronto is vis-"
it tag her fattier, . Tites;.. Mussell..
Dr, Will Knight axrd' fr,. Frank: Taylor
London .were her.Part of lastl,week
misses Baby and ,!Edna Davidson, of
Lsl don, daughters of 'tom, and Mrs:Wm.
Davids r a, Spent Sunday in town.
Mrs. Jennie Floyd of. KaIamazoo, 4 eh„
IS. visiting with relatives here, the.
guest of her sister, Mrs, \4'.f J,`Bissett;
;ifeasra W, W; Taman., A., Marchand,;
3. G. Stanbury and D. A, Rasa attended
a tneeti, of the Sovereign. Fruit Co.,
in Landon Tuesday evening.: Dr. Kilos -
malt was alio present at the meeting
a,.ul afterwards went on to Toronto to
attend the dental convention,
Mr, Earl 1 aaar.tt,ing' fa ill ^with appen-
dleitis, but iy, px'oTressing favorably.
Mrs. Piper is gaaiined to icer , 'bed
tiltr3ugb illness and under the doctor s.
The first draft lily the chargee! 1 in
the tni'ntiatry ITt t -h4 London Conference
�ihsewe. bat few chat ea in -this. diat_rict_.
Thi3se we note 'aye,- W. Fi, Butt, Cen-
tralia, tG3 1`1!11 Street, London : • P. R J
IllatchL3rd tea Ceatitr'alia ; E. Ari .Stead..
D. D
n.,•un, Grand. Pend to' Elio-wine;F
Tlsantson. to Grand Bend; Clark Logan
t3 Graxaton, 3I: Watson of Elintvilie to
e'skith.; far removal to continue lhi5
Let it be, Help make it so by remembering the bride, send her sone
little article to .help drake be; 1tapPy., 4134 w.litch sahe will s31y Wag ;learn
after, "83 and so gave me titi5 s' Buy the t.'s kle ttt I',4w?I.l',s Bazaar, and it
will please her ntuelt better, and saver yam some money. Little money goer:
l�tr.b way at t'his..store. A law of our elrtela1s liere, and coins and seO thereat.
Kitchen Showor Cr7sta Showcrr
Many little aaticles• tor ,kltchett'use in
s'ran.Ite and tinware will be found liv;u
at from ac to ilrhe ''; „` i w
NOTHING., OV1~3it'25e..
Surprises all'Of there ooi these lines.
lip need of ening to .London or' Toronto
for °these goods' now. C05IE HERE,
Compare prices! and. duality
China Showers
Tall graceful vases, beauties, 1.0e to 25
Water Sets sac, asp.
Biscuit Bow15 50c, up.'
Pepper and Salts, 10c. pry; up.
Lampe, complete, 25c. up.‘
BadishJas's 15c,
Salad. 011 Potties 15e.
ka *,M! 13reed . butter' Plates, Sc„ lOc: up
b'aney Cake Plates 25e. up;
Eincy Salads 25c. up. ,
Limoges, Austrian, & 3apanese Cups,
Saucers, Platga, etc.
Sugar and cream sots, 25c..up,r
Milk Jugs, 25c. Fancy Teapots
Hand -painted China.
iCoroaat:ion China 10c, up to. Soca
Pm nographe $19.50 yup;
Edison Records 40c, 65e.
Hand Bage '49c. up: Purses 5c, up.
Nick Narks—all prices.
Stationery --all prices. Confetti 5c.
Per!umes, very best, n,ew odors.
Tooth Paste, Complexion, creams, 25c.
Foot Powders, Hair Washes.
Premiums free •wiiht all toilet goods'. '
anieetianery—a11 kinds
Bananas 200cc_. a diaz,
..a+., P "ice WEL12§,1.'• 3AZAAR
J. Willis Powell, „,vrop.
Implements &Budgies
Our warer;Jattla are naly cohaplete+l
STOCK F I`�fi3I.Eb1ENT-S and bt6GIES
w� tiavr leased the large brick build
us to,keep a full stock of Implements al
and 'Cera wish,;$;. invite *au te? Inslteetsour
Besides the lain -Street Warero;ame
hag on lames Street, and this enables
ways on .band.
me Implements
Binders, Mowers, Rakes, - Manure Spreaders, tilling tools, etc : "s
Cockshutt Plows
A full line of Cockel{utt Plows• and Repairs
Here's Why:WE
Ask For Your
It's an oft -told -tale, but it should never grow
uninteresting to the buyer who would be econo-
Our, pricers are right. Prove it for yourself by comwer
icon with others. Our selections are large, giving you a large.
variety to choose from --again the proof is by comparison. Our
goods are of fine quality. We back this statement with our
guarantee. Hens these things give us aright to expect from
yoelu fair considc'ratiori of our goads.
. Marchand, Exeter .
Jeweller + Optician
Brighten the Home
About to go housekeeping for the :first time need a
supply of
to furnish the home with. We have a full line of goods
which cannot be surpassed in the county. No matter what
your circumstances may be we have a Hue to suit yon. Oi'
A New Parlor E� Suite, u te, New Bedroom
suite, Couch or Rocker,
Something few? thq
Kitchen or Dining
will be ill order. We can suit your trite
in anything in the line of furniture.
and prig;
The Leading Rome Furnishers and Funeral Diroctorg,
I ONE NO, 32
Summer Goods
...oil. JTuile
The warm weather makes
I merits to get all the comfort
stocked with dainty goods tha
during the coming hot
1 ai garments
One of the en est
or girls, They are real nifty
the 'go. White wit
n r hie trimmi
I Bl /a W t
V. G. 13 0. Ur. Roulateati; RecaSee :,; - w • t ut there :are i'`erc'"
ra u 6� , ? rJ
ass"-�f?alvias Stocks ' Asters, Ag- r i , $ ,,' Tdaie iir5t:-car' 3S Ctira�+ 8c S�+irita lxaCSec� '.Ia+e about g ne, b
c se i
tun Brio. R. N. t°sec i Fine e., ro.
orations, Be�,onia , Labeliap� Verbenas • to ...allow: You will and 1' worth whip til call all?? se •
e them.
laps usty Z llers. Dracenas� ae14,E Puke; Tats r�a, Ii hI; `Dignan;'• "' 7
fol , grand Lodine Pro ••sag, .Ge.ali. Ivv>. and all kinds far n • `
Ttdprvie�sntative r G? a
•.Batiket Cabbage, G'auli- 3.. urra'y 'aril, A. Hastings; Dele.
Hanging plants. gates, b3 District 'Meeting, Bros. A:.E.
Slower, T:amatsi, and Onion p Puke azid C. Narthcotti
H'arugSng?basketa filled to drder.
L. -DAY, Gardener, Exeter, . Few nlerchainits and corporations ren-
lite thy' full, value; toi adequate :atndi eye
CARD OF THANKS. tematic' use Of newspapers in 'advertis-.
i'r-g t,h,ei business. Advertising is sales.
Mr. and Mrs G. Lamport desire, ship, but it 1oes,fuj-tber' acrid, reaches Out
e~press '.,_ir evnc er thanks to; tries more broadly. Appearaisce of stores --is
Sh,ei:.lb,rs;,and friends who, so willingly advertising -treatment accorded: castom_
and kindly] e:li a helping hand' during ere, shore service etc. Advertising is
the illneasi of 'their daughter, Rosa not an expense but ah .investment;
and the ut,r-date trieerchant sets aside
JUNE WEDDINGS.—Get your wed. vari3,us s -A local - paper oughit to
dianviitations! 'rihifed at the ,Advdcate be cnc'�u d. It ,is the'meet powe
!•cens gal agent of public opinion. inth
e corn
office—latest deeig?e. Marriage a
issued here also: man ty and the br'padest carrier of
y0-1_1 own talk about your, store. Fa erdl
a' LIVERY STABLE FOR SALE.; should pater. to the.adverti,sers aril the,
mcxrchain sh,auld ria -operate wtth the
Bassett',. iv --old estabiie�ned f1 e. paper too Tara mutual-advanjtago of both
h b w a •zu wl : c,o do
giisi,:1P_ss:.. Pr7apr.etor �.sllir.,g = on ac- � T,be me sP P.r. is scally , lii,ri�g ‘1.9
c,aunt of ill ihealffi. F fr further partic-; -wtat• <it cath: A tfawsi ought ?to have
.aiars apply to W. G11B1sasett,'Exeter: civic pride, i;u:'a; clean =newspaper with
KZ';" — inadern type, neatly printed, and ,if
STRAWBERRY PICKERS WANTED. this Is sa tie advert (s(.inbntle igener6
;Appl�''ta JOHN' W. ;TA`ILOR, Victoria'' a11Y pas much" bett:x. Get -i r_ hooch,
era with tiie r'-.-' apex'rnaiz:
FO, t SALE --Gen Ghapn.a'ra,°
=be at tree ' entr'a.l. Hotel, Ei eterk
`turdsy, ' June Ord; , yw ..load of;
ea�?f.arsale. . RAND T
4 • .l ,.
l9kin Parl~t=. laganeti,
Rin " L=ea: g an Iia:
a we`ll a
4 tit et,si iron? a
W ,are` ,nAarirled t7_v zelu?ire_Alen wi;0
have exam-m,,,d :the ,ar r.' ! thxs'vic-
nity'•that e`: wrsir p1'e crap win'.
be pr<ac'ti•cally, lnli • a+g "this <ytat, due
it' is 'lanmed'b r 4y ' , to ttiet: hot weadu*
er prevailin ;at f . tin t t t?e�,� Y.ef
oliassom ' otlhere 11 rte vy 'll',''
alt las du June b,12,/,'s Vin tore
oause i eeex»s^'1,r be ,certain, that`
will�ay;t�j Pax ttheh'lding, price his,
r for our suppiyf of *i ter apples A;
loch crop for one yeiasa wa,t5t,'{hohsicter
t 3txtrhlw tST si,P ui
a n til„ f6, S 1,hn '.
0r ai
�, veryn amus ini bt
&l"v^ces`ai iI-tn vrdl ,b
epa -"
We (day 'particular attention €lo the fur iaahing of repairs
*netts handled by us.
WE HAVE•`SO'ME,HARNESS'AND, WHIPS that you alijottld ace.'
e°: all imple=.''
W. Snell,
+fit, Exeter
When Tou°bu <'Rexall Remt tos that every one is guar-
anteed. That means they 'have quality and we do not hes-
itate to refund your money if - not. satisfied.
Weather peGI s
I an e
a true :foot L�c�mfor-t ar e cans
tall Foot Powder �
P (delicatel . - erfumed) 25c.
Rrexall Asa �b,��alcu� �,•; � �
Re$all CaraSolvoat {sure certain'and painless) ,2 ,c.
es is
Fyour furs) 25c
and heal
In all shade's o Oothf n `List
and Cas r�ti;z $ i Plain Lace an
Er alike a1 e ,
We are showing a beautiful
lot of `Embroidered: Flouncing
in all widths at low prices. They
are very popular this season,
us think of coat gar -
we can. We are well
at.�vill,be' sure to fill your
A big range of the best WA
have ever shown. Fancy u Em -
broidered or Plain TaiPorecl a
$1, up to $3. each,
Ii1ath clack or Fancy Colors
in children, Misses and Ladle@:
'ou should see them,
Are Very much > •ns demand
this Mason. A big assortment -.
of °all' the 'newest shades and
teatterns are shown by us.
• Our Milliners are heli busy with the sumner 14bilYirl'e-t ellen ; havP
a swell showing of allthe new summer styles and shapes, -tonne a;
long'and leave your' order early for your ;summer hlrt: Jon!, is the
month for theca:
Men's and Boy's Furrilshings
tveryth>ng inthis line n from
yai.° head to your foot;
,real ood hat : for a l s a
R small
forice Venuine Panama, . See
All the new Novelties in new
stuff is here for your inspection.
In every shape for men and
boys. Sailors , ' or Soft Dep.
Fronts 50e, to $2: each.
or .f1feifiE..
F the `warts lea
a 'variet tier is
things,, y :,i the real good
6 -Fs
ouse "Furtus 1111 S
This is ourbilitnb9t season we:afresh owing, test,ofRugs,Linoleui (Jarpete
See then. ial obetdreilclothyo Inti q ' Lace sirtaans, 'I'spestry' ns, BZenda" Eta
natters for