HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-6-1, Page 71,INCR CIISII.ES:
DN 1100:
REPORTS FI411• i '1111 LE:LI)11s,l0
Tlti D 1 CiTRES. OF
Prices of Cattle, Grath .Chet
and Other Produce at fluzue.
and Abroad,
1' 11EADSTUF 'S.
Toronto, May 30. --Winter wheat 90 per,
rent,.. Patents $3.40. to ;;3,45, Montreal
treight. Manitoba doors -First 'patents.
5.1.10: seeo d patents $4.60; and strong
bakers', $4,40 on tract., Toronto..
l£ai itoba wheat - No. 1 ?Northern 9911,
Bay ports; No. 2 at 96 12O; and No, 3 at
Ontario ,.heat -No. 2 'fed, 850, outside,
and No. 2 white at 06e, outside,
,tall y ,life..' nominal.
trate-^Ontario grades, .i7 1.2 to 3,8e, out-
side, for No. 2, and at 39 1-2 to 40c, , on
track Toronto, No. 2 W. 0, oats, 39e, and
No, 3, 37 2.25. liaY i�o1•ts.
orn'�-No. 3 Amerieau yellow, 56 ta.
56 1.2 Ray ports. _
Pes Pr
e5 UFEl � 2 em 1.
a A6 F y t tAa.
tvernia Lies 1n Queenstown Harbor in Bad"' ivy 1'rAaes are ltominai.
nucfssleeat-n•�iatlitng otiCi}ing,
ors,2 o See ie bags. Toronto.
Ontario brao. $21 to $21.50, in bags, Tor. -
ly Damaged Condition
A. despatch from Queenstown
-says: The Cunard Line steamer,
Ivernia struck on it. rock at noon
on Wednesday during, a fog as she
was passing this port. The vessel is
now resting at anchor, close to the
east,>rn bank of Kinloch- Channel, in
the inner harbor, with 25 feet of
water in her fore compartment. No
one on board the steamer was hurt.
The first that was known of the
a_eeide 2t was when the liner passed
Reehc's Point, at the head of Cork
harbor. The forepart of the Iver
pia vas sitnk deep in the water,
her stern was high ill the air, and
elle had a dangerous -looking, list to
starboard, The great hole in the
forepart of the haler and the narrow
margi11 of free board above t10
'rater sufficiently indieated what a�
narrow eseape the eunarder had
from ths,asiter, ',t'he watertight, com-
partment, ho vevlrev, stood the strain
well; and the water was .confined
to the forward ho;d
The captain brought his dama
cd vessel safely into rho inner ha
$r yYI� IN A.
Lb 1 �.
Canada. the Empire and tiro World
bar, where she was anchored at
the edge of the eastern beide, The
passengers, who numbered 75S,
were quickly landed.
The liner was within amile of a>r
tender, which was waiting to take
tiff the Irish contingent of passen-
Qrs when Daunt Rook suddenly
1 i d u in a dense fog, and oone la
fore the vessel'Q
s way could be stop-
ped the big ship struck. The pas•
sengeh`n were at luncheon at the
time of the accident. �uickly
r1>,s11ed on deck. The ship only
Imeg on the reeks for a short time,
and then slid off into deep water
with a large aperture in her star-
board how's, through which the
wa.ier poured aed threatened to
flood the liner, Captain Putter atud
Erie officers, however, were prompt
f1; rs.
to ,Abse the bulkhead, and tIhe iztb
ratsdh of water was *unfilled to >tb
rd hold. The Ivernia's tali
ere able to quickly 1•eass '
1e passengers of their safety..
here was no sign of petite a;
in General. Before You
.,The, military cants wwill'again be
-without alcoholic drinks.p
ir. 3`. C. Judd has been appoint-
ed 1 olice Magistrate of London.
Adam Snider was killed by fal-
ling down the shaft of the Novas
Scotia znine' at Cobalt.
Galt ratepayers carried the by-
law to expend $°35,000 on extending
the Hydro -electric service.
Judge Barron bas presented his
report on the claims of the Grand
Trunk strikers to the, railway au-
The Public Works Department
will call for tenders fore work: in
St. John harbor approximating five
million dollars.
is -Mayor Huber of Berlin Ont.,
is suffering from blood -poisoning.
During the past ten years Can-
ada has received nearly two mil-
lion immigrants.
Engineers have been,sent out to
complete the survey for' the :navi-
gable canal from Winnipeg to the
Rocky Mountains by way of the
Saskatchewan River.
It is reported that the' trainmen's
convention at Harrisburg, Pa., de-
cided to pay Grand Trunk men who
failed of reinstatement after the
strike fort dollars a month until
they secure employment,
The Duke of Connaught enter-
tained Six; Wilfri 1 Laurier on Fri-
Th,'. Duke of Connaught presided
-nt, kL dinner 311 h('UOr of overseas
The Imperial Conference rejected
' motion 109•arc1-
Sip' 3osepl W�I'd s ��
creation of an 'Imperial
ing tho cz•eati.n L
President Diaz has unconditional-
ly resigned:
The outlook in Portugal'i`s beeom-
ing plc' c'itical.'
„'Itt1>IDSOT. i3tt:y' BAILIV_ ll.
I'li'gt, 1:.i Wiles W111 be Tinder Con.
sta'netion 'This ,Snnlnter.'
A `ccs latch from Ottaw says:
The, 'first ;185' miles of the .Eludson
ads s'.new route
ay I�ailway..Gan.
° 'Provinces
;� �• ' prairie :L lovznc
its • will be
with the European ma?.Ice ,
n ,ruction this s>
ranter co s
f ta'ilways ` 1s
:Department- " o� I
.the e
. " tenders for this nolr�-calltn�.for
line, -starting frcm.the
half of ,he
-mlinus of ;ire.
Present rex
�' 1 Pas on the.
3�7ortiierzl line at,,'.11�c, .;.. , ,
a atcllc>.t a
v �`,`' 'rete �: of the .,*`s sir ,
'west', : ' e eters for the balance of
just:;; as
line �ri11 too„<<allea�flsa: ,l
soon as the `routes�fi>a1r ocated
ns -car lots. 61.70 t4 $1.75, atul small and Continental Europe, In the
1£otiey>7-Pxtra.ted; in tins, 10 to 11, per Br'rtiSh Isles,` h{) sat dz l.. ;Qltnd
Usea in Canadian horn os to produce
delicious bome.rnade bread, end a,sssp.;
Ply lo always incIudeal';zslt Spor'tsmensi'
arid Capers.' Outfits. Defline
aft irrpita.tians. They':',never
give satisfaction and cost j'at
as much.
. W. Cila.ETT CO. LTO.
Winnipeg Toronto, Ont. Montreal
4h'ardea hi.j6cst ho,nor,4 at all
"eau T3? Exp.awitions.
tt Visitor Saays Farm
Being Depleted.
A despatch from Montreal says;
Mr. C. R. Hosmer returned to
lineal on Friday fresh England
lbs No. 1 eeTh, wholesale $2tto eeso nor ;that Canada as a. fzeld for the plan
dozen; lto e of a o $3.75 tet
4 glib, rrll "e.$ . .
$2 per dozen, who was willing to work was a tapir
straw-$6 t+ $5,50, en track. Tor- ` He stated that there seemed good
onto d h
Paled 1 ...y.-�No. 1 at $12 tv $13, on track. of conversation n .
nd No, 2 at $9 to ,0,50. t # amu `all CIahSSeS,
uiatoee r a lots, roe .per i ic, 'Tann frer t e apprehension felt by
211oustry - V ilole,iale .prices of dressed $01110 people 1n England, and many
out y. , e. rung chickens, Ida, to 146 per lb; turkeys. 19 to 2to per lb.; lire, 1 to 20 311 Scotland, at. the ex tie of the
I4OO.1,G DAIRY L1,1,11X1;`l'S,
Butter -Dalry prints 27 to 19o; infe`?ior.
15 to 1611, Creamery, 21to 23c leis, lit terrolls, 20 to 21e for solids, ant 20 to 21e
for separator prints.
Eggs, --Case lots to 19e Per _dozen.
Cheese --12 1-2 to 13c to a .fobbing was".
!YE WOi€ S f O1
The 13ig Plaut at lfin
.� despatch from Kingston, Ont.,
: The Canadian Loeometive
Company-, Ltd., of Kingston, has
sold out to an English sridicete,
coln,lpose'J; chiefly, it is teudcrstcmd,
of Lord ;Gleneonuer I arlborougll
Pryor, J. Leigh Wood, and 1.�. R.
S. Balfour, who recently visited
liingston to iuspeeP the ,local weak$,
The deal was put through op Fri.,
day afternoon at a special meeting
of the stockholders, but the full de-
tails have not; yet been annoltnced.
The ,price even is not given, but it
was large. At present the capital
stock of the company is $500,000
This will be .increased full eight
Ott `t'"18ft;
7iacon--Long. ,clear, 10. 1.2 to .tie per
1 ease lots; mess toric. $23. do., 6h
It, x23;ickled ral1s, 619 to $20.
rear, --Leight tU ece'dinnl 1.5e; do- h7eavz",finallczers k5110211 lie met hard little
t. tan: ra1i� to •-z t t Ito breakfast
4„on. 16 to 171.; bael . 19 to 33 1,:11° hesitation. is taking up C"anadtan,.
aril -Ti ices, 10e; t'b5; 10 .-4e; haute,
t -so, Si CtaritzeS.
young men and farmers to the Caa-
nedien Vest, The emigration this
year is heavier thenever, said he,
and in parts ,of Scotland there are
not enough men left to work the
farms, while almost all the young
,glen aro on their wayto Canada,
The emigrants are of the best
class, he declared. He stated also
that British illveszters have great
faith la Canada, and that the man
lllt5l t �9 1l 2iQNTliEdl+.
lfatetreal. May 3p. -- Oats - Canadintl
Aterti, No, 2. 41 to 41 1.2e. car lots ex
extra \et, 1 feed 40 1-2 to341
C p'- 40 to 49 1.4e; No. 2 loeaiawhite.
to 39 3m;-; No, 3 local white. 39 to
.z,9 2 au, :eo. 4 IOC At white. 3a to 45 1-2c.
Flour,«Manitoba Spring patents, lIrsts.
.}3;30 do,, second:;. 84,20; Winter 'wheat
pietas. $4,60 to $'4.75; strong bakers',.
M±a;t�9 4,) ..blit ratters. 4.10' to 94,2.5; t1o...
fat bane $1.5' to 52. Rotted, oats --ler bar.
C. 1\Ti R. InItL:.SE IN PAY.
Carmen Accept New Schedule A-
fecting Abo'nt OH Men.
A despatch front Winnipeg says:
The carmen of the Canadian North-
ern Railway, at a sleeting on
Thursday night, accepted the new
schedule affecting their member-
ship from Port Arthur to Ed/non-
t; 54,55; bag op- 21 lets,.,39.15. Cern-.inn.
Prete. Ontario. V.144 • .lan,itoba. $..t.;,,mz.il.
cotta s, Ontario, 612.50 to S23;� .endure.;
Manitoba. .23. tnouiliii., 525 to $30. Eggs
•4 reih. :l0 1.2 to 19e. C oesc—."i'ectorns. -
11 '1.2 to 11 5.8i!. nutter-Ohuicest, 21 1.2 dared to trust, 2312; ,fatal him to the
to 22e; seconds, 20 141 to 21c. ,
station and at o eleele m the
,dean No, yeller,. 69 to ale, M c d
Dietatozr for. Thirty Years. He
Leaves Secretly.
A despatchfrom, texico City,
says: Porfirio Diaz, for whom. dur-
ing 30 years all Mexico stood to
one side,early on Friday, hat in
x i d, stole from the capital. Only
a. fee"'d•G. oted friends,whom he
'UNITED STATES MA :ET:3. morning, shortly after the\e.19brit
3tfn0(ntfolie, may 30. wheel - May, ton over his resignation had quiet-
91 1.8c• 1,Qy, 25 1-'10- Se tn,aher 90 1.' to eel down Diaz was bound for Vera.
� la
90 5.8e; december, 0 0-c: No ' i bard ,
98 12o; ;\t5. 1 Northern. 96 t4 No, bard.
2.' Cruz to take ship for Spain. In
Northern; :93 1.2 to 96 1.2e; 1 o. 3 wheat.: the distance he could hear . the
90 1.2 to 94 1.2c. Gori-no.'3 yellow., 62 to
52 1.4e. Oats—No— 3 • white. 32 1.2 10 33e. voices of a few of the more' entlna
ltvex 10 z 90+• Brnn +$216o tt1 $22 + s• uistic citizens' who were still ac-
companying the new President,
Frances Leon de la Barra and
shouting "Viva Madero." So
carefully were the arrangements
made for the abdicated President's
secret escape that the news did not
atnntrcal, May 30 -Sales of choice rteerstranspire until late in the day- inec-
waero nada at 6 1-2e, geed at 6 to 6 1-4e, recy wftS tine less to alpprellenSian
fairly ,good at 5 1-2 to 5 5.4e, fair at 5 to of a ao popular outburst than to a de-
1-4c, and common at 4 1-2 to 4 3.4c per 1 1
lir. The demand for Bows was fair at sire to reach Vera. Cruz before
from 3 3.4 to 5 1.2c, and bulls sold at 31.2 ma1'aiida'rS alert th route could
5 1-4o tier lb, as to quality, sales of
selected ogs at $6.50 per cwt., weighed learn of the trip.
off the cats. Sales of sheep were made at
44 to $5 each, and the lambs at $3 to $4
each., Prices of calves ruled steady at
from 52 to $6 each. as to size and quality,
Toronto,May ,30.-Ttivo choice export AVIATOR'S TE1tRIB3LE DEATH.
steers, weighing 1,300 lbs. gaup, were sold
for 56,12 1-2c, and quite a few heavy cat-
tle for both butcher and -export purposesC il`1'1 Ecu C 0 . Feet in Presence of
were sold at prices ranging from $5.05'
to $6.10, one load fetclung the latter itis Family.
1lutTalo. Brim* 30,-pSpring wheat, .14o. 1
Northern, earloads store. $1.04: winter,.
flrni; No. 2 red, 96e- No. 1 white, 95c.
Corn -No. 3 yellow, 57e; No. 4 yellow.
55 1-4c No, 3 corn, 54 o 54 1.4c; No. 4
earn. 53 to 53 1.4e. all on track, through
billed. Oats -No. 2 1shitct, 38 1.2c;. No. 3
l;'hite, 37 3.4e; No. 4 white, 37c,
price. Stockers and feeders, especially
the former ,vele unusually deer. Bulls ' despatch from Voghera, Italy,
says : The Italian aviator,:; Cirri,
while snaking an aeroplane flight
near here on Sunday, fell from'a
height of 1.50 feet and was killed.
Twenty thousand persons, includ-
ing Cirri's wife and children, were
viewing the exhibition. Cirri used
a Bieriot monoplane. Ile had com-
pleted. a: number of evolutions
-when 'suddenly the motor explod
ec1 and in a moment the wings of
the machine were on fire. The all).-
passenger on the steamer Royal
Geon e dropped dead in the immi- atria. fell':headlong from his seat.
gration sheds just after disembark-
ing from the vessel on l ?ednesclay t I
afternoon at five o'clock. She was IS 101 I1 _tits iD
going to meet .a' family -named Mat t Taken
Toronto. Heart disease ds ,erantsoy;•s ®blest Inhabitant .
thews in
to Refuge in an Auto.
lj clespatcli' from St. Catharines,
says : Grimsby's oldest` inhabitant,
John Winney,'a man 101 years of
age, has been brought to : the In-
ustrial Home here. Mr. Whiney
is in good health, and walks around;
like a titan of G0. His memory and
eyesight are. good; but •he is, a "lit-
tle hard of hearing. He has,,a, son
75 years' Of age, and: two grandsons
moth over 50. He was. born in Eng-
land i13 1810. He was brought here
in an automobile, and this was his
filet experience with what he called
a -;''1 splasl1er.”
ton and on all the branches in all warn fu mer and caws were a littlE ofT.
over ' GOO men. By it there is an Sheep and Aeolis ,cele' unchanged, but
hogs were reported strong` and teen cents
higher, 46 f.o.b., and $6.30 fed and water-
ed, was quoted.
inorea,se in pay of two cents per
hour. The new schedule is from
21Y, to 27. This is retroactive to
May, 1911. On May 1, 1'912, an-
other" increase of one cent per }lour
will be given. Improved working
conditions have been established
since May 1.
Creole Collallseil alrtl'Pfeil to be
Carried' to Se f'fe1i1.
.h (lesp t:ch from Itfontlcal says:
Francesco " Creole; twenty years
old, paid the penalty it 8 o'clock
on Friday morning at theMontreal Giusti .
jail. for the murder of pp
Chine. Ile was the first Italian to
be hanged in this Province. Creola,
Gienora}� his real
name as the hour of death ap-
-p.oichecbccane11 sterical and at the lase had to be carried, tip tins
seaffold and _supported while ' the
rope was ;adju. deli and tlio last rites
of the Church ;;allied out,. Ile tit
toady -collapsed.
1 011. :1i.'Uw.E`II1 RI±'011D ALES
Qx �I0 4.
Lice Steely Coalite+ssio11es is tioi
Hie West.
A Acetated f -ern Ottawa says
0. � ornin ..;h
J. .ltuthctfnt 1, l.)u.nin�on.
LitcStock Gotnzn
i, Vet-
c `o
Director -General of ; Catn-
. .....,
ada, ''' one . of t116 331ost - valued gni-,
`:. l.C of the Dominion 'Government,'
cenclered 3X'51:''Ptaltion to" the:
Agriculture,i, 4111(1 �1 in
tends to go to l rit'slt Cotu.ill>ia to,
'reside.. ':Ellsresignation has ' not
-cbeen accepted, tech, and" it is still'
he may be 13i er ailed tt,
hoped that . P '
90 continue :n; the illee in s hicl2,
::a Mettle (130 7 ti. dax
he: has, clo7ie r,in. � ,1.� g
ll'onian Expired :at ()lichee on Way
to Friends in Toronto.
A despatch from Quebec says:
Mrs. Sarah Turner, a third-class
Descendants ch
of Count �u��iLaytai
Vast Estate
despatch fr
cite Bertin says ,
Kaiser Wilhelm will shortly bes the
defendant ina suit in whitali $.20,
�.e The 000,000 is tt sta •. plaintiffs
, , l plintiffs... {
are two direct heirs of the Rueeian
soldier -statesman, Field .tarshal
Count Burkhard Christuph von:
;lttttnniclt, upon. whom Frederick the
Great oollterred vast estates of
Bugen in return for his services in
securing the Russian alliance for
Count Munr
upon the acres
Elizabeth of Pra
tend to be oxe
supposed to have been the cause of
Only '4'alis ol.Slectuiere Rall Stand-
ing-Pailltirigs Saved. <.
despatch, from London, ,;,sa says A F
1 .
,Only the .bare ;walls; of Slednlere
Hall, the residence; of Sir Tatton:
Sykes, were 'left standing after
Wednesday's fire. Rctnney oil
paintings of the. late Sir Christo-
pher Sykes' collection, each valued
at $100,000, were cat from their
frames and removed from theburn-
ing mansion.
i,' It,1 �e 41l's
i'isnioau tell to 1+11eult0 Comidlen of
Lady cy
lltr i. l
li From
HOndOn . S
Dnveen, 'ddugh-
of the late Sir.Jost. Dnveen,,rvas
7= cede -
` 1' ., ed
_I a
e I'a.� on
b t,
Ittclti 13 a's'w-;Mott{ix to..
u ' •eriolis" ictur'e 'of: the
:s;uNt.�xr,-eel a , .I.,;,.
Sl1 li. K.n Y' George'"v+rhio,svas'
a b b , ,, 1 ,
int 011 11oi•seb4eli at; lie tnlie, .
ry.7 `,`'' //'�5''��rri,r, p3_ `[TTESI1::P.
1'a 11) IDc,t.ttatr e :Surpasses
1•i :ii.h s C �acl. Da'c ulnori,. ,tt.
°rlrtic sLo7don
p says :
British ride `ecerve'�1' a"jai•.'ant
11 1; -::of Co ons on ltreanssday
l t
.� 1 I o
o' tide R
aftetn on w
1te7Lnal<l DZcvna„ st Ioidr
tithi `�v rrzirai. .
e ._ d '.• n � n ,, �. .�,'+ �' + �t
c)irest• `that the' V
tittle lit Delats'are
to tAlie Coronation naval
estn,sli�l?�t?s. .
5sing (.r tit 13,r,taiti's'
Neptune ti `l
tl despatch
teeny sent to Siberia for 20 years,
and was eoippletely stripped of his
estates by Elisabeth. ...Peter LII.,,
recalled hits and he again enjoyed
great power at the Russian e4urt,
On Itis death in 1707 L.w-rederick tho
Great transferred the Bugen pro-
perties to Mlunnich's son, Ernst.. In
consequence of litigation Ernst
Iltunn.ieh never obtained possession
of the estates, a.nd the) lapsed to
the Prussian Croem,
The desceude pts of lxluaanicll say
w that. they have the ramal deed
i:ft and are able to prove their
lilzeilge. The tend to sue ha the
'sDiI, „IILA.�D'S'' COS"I.l I'lxt:
Iii it li°illi ..thilnaels Pc115110ti'`i
g .1
the Flnuitej.
A despatch from New Yolk says:
tt fiat black plain of about ten acres
of steaming embers and twisted
prop, stretching from Fifth street
westward to `Tenth, street, and from
Surf awentte south, to the sea, spread
out before the eyes of thousands
when the wait rose upon Coney` Is-
land on Saturday roorning, the
ruins of the fire which started at .t1
o'clock a.nz, at the Dreamland con-
;;assion known as 'Hell Gate, aid
�t�h it Veetioyed , about $2,225,000
worth of -Shillings and equipment
in. Dreamland z°ttelf, end more tl•.a11
$1,000,000 worth of property;to the.
east and west of the big park. In
the ruins were the charred bodies
of about eighty animals, lion',
bears, monkeys, deer -leopards eopards and
various hybrids, lvliicll r,w•C1..
part of Col. Terratri's animal show
Tieuntecl echndq 03ICIti1'r
t 1t,Nuk4,3,.,`.,7Fi�L''':'th�':li'ifY
Tlsrit sit Crniscr Inflexible Strutt, b7
t11ay Bellerophon.
.s despatch fr. Portland,Eng-
from g
land, says; The' British battleship
Bellerophon and the cruiser In -
were .ilple in collision on Sat-
urday outside Portland harbor,
The Inflexible was struck on ;the
stats oclatrd bow, where she liths. a
seven -foot bole below the water,
line. Two of her compartments are
flooaled. The vessel is now' in thin
harbor making preparations for
docking. Capt Tre't lyan D. 1V.
Napier, of ` the Bellerophon,' and
Capt, Charles L.rapier, of the In
flexible, are 'brothers,
784 11liRE DEPORTED.
l r `M .. .recti✓
Number of I urril,rauts )lte,t +i
During Year Was 1:7,614.
A •despatch i 1 ort) -ti z�wa _ says r o
- During the last fiscal
migrants were deported from Can-
ada ,because of physical unfitness,
criminality of other causes, while
17,014 'trete ;-ejected at ports of
entry. Of the deportations 340
were English, 169 _Americans, 90 -
Scotch, 23 Irish and 13 Italians- Of
those rejected at ports of entry 15,-
404 were citizens of the United.
States and 2,210 were rejected at.
ocean ports,
$5,000,000 CAPITAL.
Incorporation o'Vickers' Canadian
Shipbuilding 'Ceenpany.
A despatch from London says:
Vickers, shipbuilders, have applied
to incorporate their ,Canadian com-
pany at a million sterling. When
finally completed they expect a
Canadian Government subsidy for
the Montreal Naval establishment.
The floating dock has begun at
Barrow. The Montreal storks are
expected to reach completion in
Leek of Rain in New Brunswick
Town Ras Serious Effect.
A despatch from Newcastle, N,13,,
says: Several million logs have been
abandoned on the Miramichi for
lack of rain. The tie-up is that of
the: D. and J. Ritchie Co, en the
Sevogle. None of the Upper Mira-
michi drivers are yet in safe waters.
AISIl1;1 111.0N0115- -KIeG.
pp01 ,wail a Fhl a1'shal 11)
tILI' z'ilssi:i ;e! A1'a,llly.
A. -des 1patch from- Berlin' says;
It was announced on' Friday that
Emperor William. while at Buck-
ain Palace on 11Iay 16 Ilad ap-
pointed. King George a ' - eral Held
marshal pa the l_'russiali >Army.
11 t GUI I1T lSl' u:' I\ 1 UL.
Insane liun Committed 'Suicide in
A despatch from Sudbury says:
On Saturday afternoon Albert An-
derson, who was brought down to
Sudbury from Cbapleau, violently
insane and confined in the jail, com-
nutted 'suicide in his cell by hang-
ing, He burst the straps with which_
his wrists were confined, fastened
thein together, and hunghimself to
the bars of his cell,
Russian Village 'Swept 't`r.wayesabet
12S Person, 1(51110(1.
A despatch. from 89.' Petessbrtrg;
says: Word has reached here that
the Village of Oroschor., situated on.
Pamir Plateau in lees, Central
t�rsia has been, overwhelmed by ; a
, y
aralanehe...;.One hundred'and twen-
-,eight persons were killed:.,
� Iliac v Tlrte >Es i'? ate' t[ e est °
Yield ,t 20O OOO OU,O i i1iel
& .despatch from Toronto satyr:
, un2
According to Mr.: 1By7te, 'tabOut t e ty ..c. v1r .'per.
1 c
Pie_dent Of the tanad,Wi this. gain itis
Ia,lfin 11 arlway, Winnipeg, Who katclewax: e5tlmci
cr1 lt ctt cr� s..I
n, yS.
, Eh; Jielrl it; ttvent` 0Ol_0Ce0Ott'0t0o0b .
0`J00000(Sod'xshe__ to the erret1ts season's
'rairie. 'ro inces : `•.be yeathe
crop 1 'in the :three. Prairie 1. V
i :�.
., •o, w >l
- r• e fd.\ k
� n' ., grit. htlndre .:,..,:�1. , r
-all a . al �a1 pat , da
w ,
hons'oi bushels' of g1anl
"tt'�aAit nb +irF.�'