HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-6-1, Page 644+44,
"And;—and has net one come to not endure the slightest d stuzb
you P he asked, in hard, dry, tones; an or use.
he could not frame the words ti at f Th new servant, handsomely
should bring in Nancy's name, dressed and well powdered, pre-
Aunt,bine wrote very 'kindly, ' senuec;' himself at the lady's door.,
offering' t•o help x rse dadd but t ' and his t z rt .,d being announced,
gefzlsetl her
she would have been he was , A,ar? ushered into her sal-
uo use, Derry," 1 eon-
" To, sho wwotllcl hae been ta, My ladwva aone, anal after a:111se,perli?k1eieate:Tbeing;l:ickt,lig:::axl:!ztiotyi
,, i : .t&Vatrrety ue1'ebothtokind laa�arteclonaquesunst;taverstowhh'
l out frankly that -Airs, Daxaaley �eereed to, lee :factory', she told
would, in reality, have been an ad , him she a itee leis appearance muehi�
clitiona1 trouble, "But Lady. Mere- alien as he stk,,.L 'but ''''e whether itsto se°
field„ Dollar :'r to
„,,t,+„,„4,...4,44.4.44,....-4,-.44.4...4.+.0,44-4.4444.0 She would eon?ze, and, to do herthat ara efta113°, ea 'renin poznt with
`rSu m h ey wras .a e panstice„ think she leas fretted ter- ..g . a1 +.<
, . � �' lar • tr iti bet r�n,lal,y arboatt ra ,a • brat• •. • T .. luau ww;r�>�c_d . , a,.d d oww n tilt
ez^ tuts , xtfteruloon ; I thud he's cilia .toles rat ea• a 4�arnt Pzrs zoom.; the Dirt l 4c. 's eyes follo's'ng
tanlly tout tb lain turn, sir, K1et y incl$' ane,
as:_ 7i xSnCar Da{ret'_'} 11lxAa elolselyT, grand nt tw°,t1i*jt. atlnlxaT`
,'morn of hna.ix feet, of Benefit :an
w;rrlte} sighed stl
He was travelling oven the old,
,old rteu d, with the so znm aistui'
results• onar after hour h
; e
awake and asked hiss
Ett.�stions, oxalo to lea
\ e
e troclbletl than before.
tht:r^ thought carve, art cl
eexgaed 'to grow darker
on 't'svitelaed was wide
ilelal c
The Toe's'#
linei:ed its'
came quick
What pow
ly„ no wrong
e la'm'p
beeoate ltiu x
'mann'' serotng a
snadclenalHv, hi
s,xai Q a _
oily! etre is ;nearly were out; i A faint smile flickered enDoro , his fine figure,
lI be overjoyed to see You, t t v's war face for an constant, but
rr lad4 chi ' 'ere, Yon know Hey was zrext• ordered to turn this
ti x ,el kind:nn alasw:kerhhzg en e D Zszty„ then' that 'ay' ill" la
Kzraiew ntlded he wanted',
gave face, his bow, then to carry a fan and
y , nted' There was a eilentia between hook; last cif all, to walk the length
fort he.r explanation as tan Why!, them, ciarrirlg which Ile tried hard of the room again,
ally ^'vena€ld be glad to see fain', to esheer down the new bitten+ err = Raving waked the fast time the
Countess of lifere*;eld, Chart, wvas, springing up air, ane see ra made a profound how, and
n ter her all through her 1ancy. Baal, 'Your ladyship has examined
but not all of any aeeowplish-
s, whieh are all equally ex -
fE*, yes met s le zeaazctl J°tsrwvarx +, ' hare seen else calk,
t� hearth, h'1 riedlr,
au Atilt see me trot,'
that he trotted up and dow n
Asxrn with the utmost vigor,
e glasses, oiling, ohairs and
_ Haat elee danced,
sae # stnna, partter»>n "It l positive defy,
la�pp+ialg a taaaatraoa t,
can was aataeaaod, aan �xa�w+ t»eel l ! 1 "�"£ "1n� xalsoaal saacl `1,fer , tart' lady,
trot next, s11ow
e eoraelusion was ew•icleclt
pert and warmed hi>!ntself'r
that fortunately blaz d
iAer on the it t e ,
iastled trout' to get hit';
naiad tell: Dorothy he was • You
Dorothy looked at him
tree or twice, Gray then.
a w
I .erpaw what ie ixz
Ale said, '"you are
'onde:nag why Nano,- has net, come
h re ttk me in nasi, trouble,"
z ,� was. her s" '
tl ' e nese a .; , r Stencil .t Ilan
dark as graititaade existed in her hear,.
gtilcten zli,e wvQ3alcl not, could not t►�• e .dem yet' !ntlt
glinted eerted youat this timate, for bine. Mars ln,
T1olly leolcecl:. a little ati
Per a
We want to help you to 'make
it bright and prettier:; T,et us
tell you how. The greaten( beau-
tiiter and preserver for house and
home is paint.. We mean
You, t llouid . learn all about
these great paints, how they
brighten, how safe they are, how
good, how eaey, how cheap, cora-
Paring qu�atity with the others.
'We shall send you the prettiest
and most useful looi net oyer la -
sued, telling you all about paint -
in your home, if you w111 write
"t14 ser :u001,let, . ODa5,, Ton
should 2i,eve a copy. It Is free.
RAsy„tA'Y e:, noel, 00..,
etre cense
iw5.s KEDS - iia! 1=re3#<
E°nt>t1. 1242.
g11'Cwta, with
ttaeelatuug in ...slltn has !Iran)
fifes 1 anti alar awes ;falx I'roi
w'» that tto 'h 'dew ax l ala i
(/Wt -4
an 1112
is amen.
nd ilnlan .iter$
She had been brave wnpa to t'has
t, for size had been ale ,a
len her foarthei'4 etimrlitiou
been frenght with manger eveey
The you n
en herself,
p wwt<'eille ra nn
ut AS array= brave man,
the situation with
iiesoltation; but now
auger WAS fat: going,
rs not cmiy; suggeaste4
both looked and eleelared
tlaat Derry* was et/inn-Den
• illimitable sympathy,
11pp*aa1Ce, his strength
eke down, an
on his roilg:
loan; 'c
hies,' o
Mals r
lou rney.a
and his
1nlilt"5 tlarl�
sntnlxler evexnang breezes
in, wit ring to him, za'
rpuleitc joy tham, awaited hue
�•lnivel at the all
Hew different VAS his state .zn+
Then every vexing though -a.,..
be iniad been 0e/181drr04yrtaannoye
id surprised at the frindtlessness died aaww4
journey his mother -; se
3 non 1 ex~ had int
paten lfliltt, wham, to this d.
always a source of In,'y'Steay tot seeew o
hien whenever it entered his 'mind'--- J";
now not one Cloud upon the lnril-
.iianey taf his future, note to flaw
fn his present, „V
not the t
ain clouds 1 ctomaxlg,
above his head were darker or more
sombre than his eondititln; the sod-
den, wintry scene around was a fit.
ting surrounding to his bitter, aela-
nn ; heart, the moaning of the empty*
trees al, fitting melody to his disap-
Thelodge, keeper was reposing se-
renely in bed, and so, with a care-
ful thought to the old man's rheu-
matism, Darnley dismounted at the
gates, and, after having amply' re-
paid and,
driver for the use of his
most axneient vehicles„ he grasped.
1uc portmanteau and prepared to
walk up the long avenue to the
"I expect I shall give them a,
turn arriving at this time of night;
but I must explain to Dolly that
I sent her a telegram, and it was
nob my fault that I appeared just as though years had come and gone
ui time to deliver it ' nyself." . since you went away, Derry, and the muttered confidence that had
. A fact which had provoked almost yet it, is only four months, Daddy Passed between diem;° .andy to the
the first smile to his lips as he be- was 'so well then; yes, and long af- promise sent by Baines, that never-
held �^+ - � to -be -forgotten
orifi a dx ,l 11was> axnds:T' ;tanner e
f a al T his warpath, then She $laoe'k e
ave ;heat,.
be! "All! I sea you are like rile rest,.
you halve xnothing but herd, bitter
thought, for w'ai't:„>r ;„ >
: If sea, elle bas. herself to .t.haan
Orem,” ilia said, dryly. "Cerne
ro\\>t Derethy, cronress, doles not
antr darn nature recoil from thio
tire, what khat of nil Bell' herself-
ea, roIle.--for what dozer reae+�u:
given for laser marriage to ,a
ltsa happetue to possess thou-
atlad can gratify her` pier;'
*hen, when Ton, her be.
her ,fsieud, her sister
wren are in the greatest sora
ala Can knees►, areae :never;
near yon, or offers t�
tine 'smallest degree
dS wwhaat thoughts cal
it a. era aturc I'
a'r era:d,
er gnats, ju
atur;tl vent, and
in the long run;
Hent;' the sobs
]thy was her.
wr good it as
Y gllOti :'°
xs eyes wt+ee
doubt is `there,
Dorothy, you
Bier, too forgive
'" 11'Jtet'o 2 alxncy is concerned 1 aarn,
all love: tlao girl eried, I ant staunchly
unle suety the truth,"
Derrick Darnley paused; at one
touch his bitterness, his anger died
out—hope and fear sprang into
birth. Dclrethy s i.ones, were prep,
Iso. performed with his
gy„ and running g down-
Kl caut cal' risen hall door,
ale 3:' 2.
work, 0 Lord ;"
ith fervor fill;
Enlaarl;eu to Thy wort
Thy will..
Tl E 1:1.4 .44,N OF 11IThLLfis
— :sole rtte atkm paid
til rico uaamus of he Brae that it is a
w.GxHier that thele is coy Jeft i;1 i11ta
Many peoplo will spend
t'x>te and money ula lertiliers, both
pecan and chemical, when if they
trate kept all the !minus intact they
tvotlId not IlaYe been vut .for the
e:ira nor have spear r1s ramal time
td: energy,
Humus is the decayed and decay -
g vegetation -.•tan well rotted
particles beneath the sod, Because
dead is no sign that it has no
.ti the therapeutics of p'la'int
lane. It bee a west dietiniet
Without it revere is very lit-
rxwrnee -eland lnlardly aliniy
is not in itself a foo
s the way 'for eve
ld of possible food t
g and growing life,
that flews 'Along
I its direction, the :the.
tae -
hat it absorbs and sustains,
the light, tho air that
possible for the possession
it :life, are wonderful and
r y
beyond words Vfor e:nprtie-
sican, 'Yet so many .people will not
ta1k1 alae of these great•fuxndaanleu-
tals into consideration and go on
raathlossly destroying it.
Remus is destroyed, generally,
three ways. .First by overctlltaiva-
tion, by keeping down all gn'awth
between trees altogether and uevei'
taflowing it to get large enough to
of value as Imams. Second, it
- by dry ploughing, turning
lnpt great quantities of sod and leav
:se clods to eery out in the
n during summer or hot fall
r. Nothing will so certainly
e Thy w ort;
attar divitae
ibings that lw;rt
rile he Thine',
%* Thy Thy work argaain t
We look to'Thee, i Lard:
'.Mayr He who was for "siaanors sl
Be everywhere adored,
evive Th • rpray;
� w wca k wto
Send blessing from bov
•av welding ones their Lord obey
ntd prow in green and love,
C} tiro.. Thy; work revive,
11"hilon here aur songs we tsa=rse
Tcsr aall that we from Thee dosis
Wo rendez' fervent preite.
Iona Station, Ont., 1911.
t wars call alae eglllti say ant ba -, There is no inevitable tray eta ,
and silts lleltl t1�s !sand wvitTt} narzt of some zneaninb. bonier; en g y
nacity that `testified to the, open Mm all tat3ut mysterious 'Me solo way to thwart aestlnv alt
. vel.of this cry, elalnda: 1nxs vexy leaner seemed tQ to do Jztstthe contrary to the evil
once, little oitusi a, `
you ow11 me reit 'beaatin . at would lave us do,
11la t do 1" hetie rejoiced :in the pleasing a, in
Deuce?r up ; it (Iowa ' in this coo • u you meAn I ;tasked J n c sr g nramcw
chair and tell uric everything, how ht1„l.Ily'. 'The truth—what is the 'of Wood, acid he,prided. lainzlsplf on
tills ,happened and how things :are truth P' his jokes and smart repartee, One
,, S day
�caill now. Dorothy Leicester shrank ]lack me a friend whore unset'
from uz
o IrianStone,and lsa d nat,t call a
S ala
7leritck pushed her gently
bincit + . saner was so y
on tela cnslraons as 11e spot so
strange, it frightened her. And see - ''Ike that was too good a chance to
cliecrily, ing this at one, he changed his miss. Good morning, Mr,
nioar?, Stone,” he said, pleasantly; ,; "
lie wvaas veryfond ofDorothy,:as a d, neons nily , and
is ..bow is
IMrs. t
spoke aSone andall
hthe 1
aril_ ,e It le
fond as though* but I
ough she had- been. his
beefily; felt xas
little sister and.he was more than ther warm On the question. %I' pebbles 1""Quite well, thank you,
grieved at sister";
change in her; it don't care to judgany .one tt _ Mr, Wood; and how is Mrs. Wood
did not seem right stlxat Dorothy ill stiy. so will you tell me all you and all the little splinters?"
�x y'
ehould be weeping—beautiful, sun- ". _.__
ny, laughter-lovingDorothy; it
pained him that such heavy trou-
ble should have come upon „her,
she who had been the embodiment
oI earthly joy.
"It has all been. so awful 1" the
poor child said, as she passed her
hand over her hot eyes; '"it seems
Dorothy shook her head early.
"I know very little, but even that
little I may:never tell—my lips are
E'er thoughts as she poke had
gone to the agony she had seen' in
Nancy's face on her wedding morn-
ing; to the one passionate cry that
had broken from the girl's lips;to
the orange -colored mresive ter, I cant Neil you exactly lzow zt gotten day, which she
which, by rights, should have been began, but he was ailing some wvolrlcl guard sacredly until Nancy
delivered two hours previoaasly.ly> weeks before the awful day wlzenherself removed the seal and per-
ing on the stationmaster's desk, to he nearly killed me by stumbling mittecl her to spaniel
b^e sent up early in the morning. over some loose stones and injuring . Darnley's heart gave one ;reit
"That comes of living in the his leg. He suffered—oh, Derry, leap.
wilds," the young man said to how he suffered ! I wrote you all Had he, then, been mistaken all
self, as be struggled against the about it the other day, but no words throughle He was in the dark now,
hea er rain and wind, anti heaved a could be strong enough to describe but hope was dawning beyond, and.
sighof relief as the Hall loomed his •a any. But'even that was not he would fathom this mystery, even
up in the dusky light before hien; so bad as what came after, the day if it costs him .iris life.
"now I must go to work carefully, when they told me that they feared (To be continued.)
cr 1 shall have them all in hysterparalysis, and that whenever he re- I
ics. By Jove! that's luck; there's: covered, if he dicl recover, he would!
a light in thea smoking -room, and be lame for life—lama! .Think of
if that isn't old Purdtcet's head, it, .Derry; daddy, who was always This Old Lady
Was l+'atrt.it'vlar
I'll eat my hat!"' in the open air, ;rushing here and • , ,
With the agility of a monkey, rushing there—lame! O h ! breaks
aka both 1[Et n Footmen.
,, e O it bre ,
notwithstanding tile weight of the • m Beast to think'of it!" In that delightful :r '
yrecord of so
portmanteau,- Darnley sprangup "Oh, you' Burst he brave clear " clal customs an the eighteenth cess
the incline, then scaled the tcrrace..Darnley said, passing hi land ten- tury; "'The' Merry Past," Itis:
railing, the ' steps were too far dereover herd golden; Rai. h H. Neville makes a jest
y ruffled loci's, P good le.,�
down, and then he knocked cauti his own cycs were misty,,as lie of the extreme formality of the
ously et the window: spoke; "remember, lames c times. Lord Lyttleton was once.
I3,st . he whispered._ brei..e e with nnich. ` r Wised b the rani• . s of
. , I.' c,et; will ��� w, tth you ...till, and that t� p q 5 at Itis a
don't he'frightened. Don't think everythin .'' certain old lady, well icnowx fora
1. a m t ghost, 'f her strong`i
: o.,,, _ am very real, I as-'pierI_lection for. beauty
' > very Vtil . �s indeed; 1f Z can 'only°- 3
sate on, acidy and athletic, form 'i
} wet, keep him, I shall try a;nd bear ev-n 1n her footmen,
Dc n ey sir, what a erything else-. 1—I have not been ,o and in consequence fixed upon die'
start yougive .M1 • y l tfol 0 41n r
olid r is e axe . Oh, -Miss silly before as I aria to -night Derr 1 5 b method of makeup her
Dolly will be pleased! .. Corne Y ridicul
do. You is wet, and no mis-
take. Has you walked. sir'? Oh,
dear !''..
it sounds foolislx, but 1 ani crying friend
° �1 friend of his had an Irish' ser-
bec7,nse 5-('" have come, ;`dear. 1
have wanted some' one like you, want of great andrlra a nfiative
ve humor.'
t_ , 5 with a fund .of native huzxior.
: sorr_e sympathetic friend to;heip rr`ie Timis manl
"Only upthe am-enue• u' _-Lore no Mora l to the
Y but hcwv r tnrou�*h this dreadful time. i� iter uncle; is he better?" ` � I �> : ed, and;instructed to apply to.
Dorothz's - voice altered: a 11 ] j -old l e.dz- who, as ‘vas well known,
l'le young man's voice was fell' at the. end, her head drooped sr, had `adi.ertised for a footman,. Her
1 ar;AleiY u w r' he ,el; Purfleet.! that :She could TiOt' see the Ci?11f;.j, lad'she either affected
Irl! r1f ,axis soaked Miter a,nd re-' stern"rook that, came into the man',sp wdio.d..,ddelicate
c ve 1 .m of his .bele). ,, gs.` 1 be, tl oubJecl by the xilosli, d ]nct�t,c
taeu.• and irritable nerves, which could '•
kill l Zr field as this, 'yet rawly sup-
posedly good farmers do this. The
third way is by bu,tning over as field
of heavy grasses, heating; the sod
three or more inches deep, and
thus drying snit the elasticity of
both soil and humus, and prevent
i ing the seed or vegetation planted
from getting a pmol hold in the'
ground, With no chance for a liv-
ing it cannot grow. Take care of
the humus and it will take care of
0R I i RD SLGGESTI£I�; ta.
Field mice been at the yowls
trees? If the hark is galawed to
wood the trees array be saved
bridge grafting,
If the rabbits have gnaWed only
the outer bark, wrap the wound
with elates.
A tree van be bride grafted in
less than half an flour and it is het
ter to tape this time to do it than.
to let a valuable tree die,
An hour's wore: with as sharp wire
at tho loot of your. ail*aeh trees
killing borers may 'mean aara extra
bushel of fine peaches,
11 the 'relaid has gone to 'toed'
plow earefully just deep enough to
U3454 the rots, elaltivate as you
vcluld for the garden and next fall
O %lOYer, COW peas or some other
itrogen-beaarin3 plant mind plow
he next spring;
There as just .aas mueh $enses in.
planting an orchard and then ellow-
ing it to shift for itself as there'
iii an planting a earn :held and al-;
lowing it to run to weeds,
Zi.eep the fence around the or-
ahard as free from weeds, grass and
tr, In
as you would your U
garden plants. Weeds along thee'
fence are ! .no harbors for insects.
The hest place in the world for'
io poultry yard is the
orchard --I
kind of an orchard where in-,
ects abound.
always b ea more or
1cys of
a di
taking— Not go when
you 71100
Send lorSamph
Card and Story
Bordtlet 90
The .t014NSON
CO. Iamaea,
Tlontrea 1, Can,
With DY -O -LA you can color either Wool,
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nishes tis with a photograph showing the best of Get the circular, which: gives you -
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and of
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prize, work. of every description is included.'"CANADA Cement will have on han'
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Now'just as soon as you finis that new silo, G ]1 give you ore if you
Just ask for i ,
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sena the picture to us*? The photograph doesn't to uc and you'll receive the complete, details or.
necessarily have to he taken bya Professional
thc contest by returnInail,
5 P n
or an e.;pert. In fact, your son's or your daugh- 1'f you haven't received your copy of "Rr , +
tar's camera will do nicely. Or;failing this, ?lou the Farmer- Can,Do 'Wirth Concrete," write for
might use thesltiodnl. ofyouur-neighbor'sseon near- that too:• it's a flnely'illustrat
ed book of
by., kii' any event, don't let the idea: of
pages full of useful and ;practical in -
having a photogra-oh made "deter''ou' formation of the uses of concrete
Pro'i'n entering the competition, 'Par- Write us to -night, and yotl'Ir ie
your 'local dealer -to' help in °O •
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ticuiariy as we have requested , . receive
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send lCon-
test Circular'
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