Exeter Advocate, 1911-6-1, Page 3JUSTONE CIIRE
It Is Through the Rid, Reit Plena
Dr, Williams' Pink Pills
Actually Make
There is just one cure for anae-
mia—more rieh, red blood, Anae-
mia ie simply e bloodless, rim down
condition. Then the body becomes
weak from overwork, worry or ill -
flee, an examination of the blood
will show it to be weak and wat-
ery, The common symptoms ere
Palenees of lips, gums and 'cheeks,
shortness of -breath and palpitatioo
a the heart after the slightest.exe
ertime, dull eyes and a loss of an
Petite, Anaemia itself is a danger-
ous trouble and may pass ieto con-
sumption. It can only be cured by
making the blood rich and Ted,
thereby enablingit te earry the
eeesary, nourteliment to every
part of the bedy.
le is a proved feet that Dr,
liamsPink Pills have cured thou -
seeds and thousands of casee of
anaemia, They are really hiteeded
to make new, rich bleed, and are
compel:tided in the most scientific
inaneer with the finest ingredient
for the Woad known to medical sci-
ke'reence. These Pills are not a euro -
all. They are intended to euro
only those diseases that ilaVe their
origin in poor, watery blood, and
starved, weakened nerve, and the
Tecord a their suceeeei doing
thiss their evuseantly ineeeeeing
pepularity in every part of the
Mrs. R Colton, Golden, B. G.,
says e—"As a matter of duty I wish
to eay ae word in praise of Dr. Wil -
linens' Pink Pills for what they have
done for my deughters, one 16 and
the other le years or age. Both
were pale and bloodlees and eerier,
ed from mem a the symptoms of
anaemia, They would tire easile
suffered from frequent boadaebes,
were easily discouraged, and often
fretful. I saw in our home paper
the,story a a, young girl who had
similarly suffered end was eared
through the WM of Dr. Williams'
Pink ills. I bought three boxes
the Pills and my daughters started
to take them, Before they were
done they began te feel better and
look better, and 1 got a balf dozen
more boxes, and by the time these
were use, they were enjoying the
beet of beelth, with rosy cheeks and
not like the same girls at all,
also gave the Pills to rely little boy
who had rheumatism, and they
completely -cured him."
Sold by all medicine dealers or
be mail at 50 cents a box or six
boxes for $2.50, from The Dr. Wile
Beans' 'Medicine Co., Brockville,
Pleasure is almost anything we
can't afford.
If wishes were horses there would
soon be a hay famine.
Success demonstrates that it's a
long head that bas no turning.
A man may be a power in finan-
cial circles, and still be on the
It isn't enough to pay as we go.
We should save enough to get babk.
When we succeed it is hard work;
failure is due entirely to bad luck.
Everybody who works makes
work for somebody else.
The only real way to take care of
"No. 1" is to see that "No. 1." is
a geed man.
To be happy with money you
must own your money, not let your
money own you.
Money goes such a long way in
these times that it never can get
back home again. "
A girl is more enthusiastic over
being married than she is over the
man she is married to.
Friends, are like an umbrella—
when the storm comes on, you
don't stop to see whether the
handle is pretty or plane
Mrs. W. Arnold, Edmoh ton,
Alta.,' writes :—"Kindly send r'me a
'box of Baby'e Own -Tablets. ',They
have been invaluable to me. and I
really do not know how 1' ever
W011id have got along without
them. Baby was poorly; his diges-
tion was bad and he was constipat-
-ed. I gave him the Tablets and
they neade a fine healthy boy of.,
him. Now, whenever he is cross or
troubled with constipation 1 al-
evavs eive hien the Tablets and they
relieve him right away. I -tried- a
lot of other Mediciee, but nothing
seemed to agree with him till I get
the Tablets. I would not be with-
out them.'' The testimony of Mrs.
.1 A rn ol d ie that of thousands of
mothers. Everyone who ever
uses Baby's Own Tablets have
wOrds of praise for them. The
Tablets are sold by medicine deal-,
es or by mail at 25 cents abox
:from The Dr, Williams' Medicine
. Brockville, Ont.
sorry•to bear your niother
4a4"..il1, Lola," said the neighbor. Is
elle sick in bed?"' "Oh, leo !" re-
plied;3. 111 cla "She' i'it'st sick
ixk-a iockin, oh ". "
Some Interesting Faete and Com.
paeiseus Given by ,a London
"It is extremely eloubtfel if a
really natural death ever does oc-
cur in any kind of animal--ieclud-
ing man,' said Dr. Chalmers Mite
ehell, the secretary of the Zeologice
al Society, in the teurse of the arst
three lectures on "Problems of ani -
male 54 eaptivity," at the Royal Ine
stitution, London,. not done ago,
Dr: Mitchell supported Meta-
nikerf's theory that the changes of
senility are the reeults a external,
aceideets'cer the poisons of varioue
kieds of diseases, or of insanitary
eonditions. If all theeet eaeaes were
reemeed most animale including
enreelses, woeld attain eery mach
greater ages than we do.
To an animal living in a perfeet-
ly hygienic world, sheltered from
all diseasee death would still eV-
intnally come, but as a result of
he slow, gradeal aecemitilatieet er
'eete matters of all kinds inthe
ere etre some of the interesting
facts Dr, Mitchell stated ;—
The potential age of man should
certainly be placed at well over 100
dit is , o cea e that eenteote-
ilinS are libwadayS quite frequently
heard of.
The number of potential centen-
nrans arnoeg animals is vompara-
tively email.
we have on/y,..man, whale?, and elee
phants, and among birds eagles
and parrots, Humboldt told a. store"
of a, parrot so old that it spoke in a
forgotten tongue, Popeler concep-
tions ae to the age of animals are
often based en Snell evidenee.
There is no relation betweensize
and potential longevity. A canary
lives almost as long as an ostrich,
while a parrot lives longer than a
Among reptiles .tbere are well
established cases of tertles and tor-
toises living to Rio and 200 years.
With fieh we enter ineo the re-
gion of legend. The old and dilap-
idated carp at Fentaineblau were
at one time supposed to have reach -
an incredible age, but it has
been shown that the basin was
cleaned out, and -the carp were de-
stroyed at the time of the Revolu-
tion,so that fixes thee limit of their
posisble antiquity. There is also a
story, which cannot be vouched
for, that a carp caught in 1260,
branded and thrdevn hack into the
sen, was recaught 260 years later.
A new and more satisfactory
method of reckoning the lives of
fishes is now being introduced. In
eonnection with their ears there is
a structure consisting of consecu-
tive yearly deposits, which may be
counted like the annual rings to
Invertebrates are short lived --
from a few weeks to two or three
years—save the cicada, which lives
for seventeen years as a grub in
the roots of trees in orehards, then
comes to the surface, assumes the
form of adult life, and dies in two
or three months..
Snails and sea molluscs are said
to be able to live up to 100 years,
but the evidence is again doubtful.
A sea anemone, however, kept in
captivity in Edinburgh, was fully
grown when put into its tank, and
only die& as the result of an acci-
dent at the age of between sixty
and seventy.
The destruction of eggs disease,
changes of climate, starvation, and
above all, the attacks of enemies,
account for the fact that few ani-
mals ever reach their potential
ST. BERNARD yosrict.
It Was First Established More
• Than a Thousand 'Years Ago.
There was probably a hospice up-
on the Great St. Bernard more
than a thousand years ago Butthel
Saracens came up. from tfie South
of France and made havoc in these
parts aim the hospice .had to be
refunded by 'St. Berna,k1 of Men-
thol: in the eleventh century.
ehdiiig to Mr. Coolidge, it has
ecu semecl lx,y the. Austin Canons
of Martigny, 'whose chief has just
died after twenty-five years of com-
mand, perhaps ever since 1154, cer-
tainly since,1215. ,How many trav-
ellers lrave'the, good canons and
their dogs befriended during 'all
these centuries? Formerly the can-
ons had a good deal of property in
England. The chapel of ltomford
was theirs in 1177, and Henry 11
gave them the hospital of Horn
church or Havering in Essex. From
them William of 'Wykeham ac-
quired for the benefit of Nee' Col-
lege, Oxforel.—London Chronicle,
Valle-- Hew do you, .manage e to
tell these twin " .eiseeleareapart?"''
'When ',you Ittsavehe of t4eril,
to tell herAnd, whlle.
"the 'ben, 'lcis..6ili:$7;48,375 .14,34
She was tired, worn-out and nerve
oui, and suffered from Rheuma-
tiem, hut two boxes of Dodd'
Kidney Pills cured. her.
Hawthorne, Ont., May 22
(SPecial)---Mrs. la G. Alexander,
wife of a well-known farmer living
near here, adds her testimony to
that of the thousand e who have
learned from theii own experience
that Dodds Kideey Pills cure Kid
new Diseaee.
"I suffered for twelve years,"
Mrs. Alexander eevs, "My back
ached, my sleep was broken and eine
refreshing, 1 wis Qr VOHS and
tired and I was boubled eith eeett
flutterings. Rheumatism developed
and added to my suffering.
"I was ill a very run -don,
worn -on t coriditiou when 1 eterted
to we. Dodds Kidney Pills, but I
AM thankful to ray they gave tee
relief almost frem the flit, Two
boxes mixed sue eompletely."
Dodd's Kidney Pifls (etre the
Kidneys, Cured Kideeee mean
that all impurities are steamed eat
of the blood. Thee means pure
bloed all over the body and the
banishment or that tired, heeey
fooling and those pains and aehes
that impure blood brings. '
' motions of nydroeynnic tSi
Cause Instant Death.
Although it has been stated
lee -unite is the 4iead1lest:
known to science., this is no
It is true that no more than ba
a grain is eufficient to destroy Jif
so that a single pouno of the hoar
rible substance would be capable
f causing the deaths of more than
15,000 people. Ent there are other
drugs that are even more deadly-,
although, luckily, they are never
found outside the laboratory of
the professional toxicologist.
tramline is one of these. Iti
what seientists call a microbe poi-
son, the product of the microbe of
tetanus,.or lockjaw. A fatal dose
of tetarone would be but a fifth
part of it similar dose of hyosein.
Or put another wity, while it peund
weight of hyoscin would suffice to
kill above 15,000 people, a pound
ef totanine would kill over 75,000.
I3y actual 'experiment it has been
proved that a fifteen -hundredth
part of a grain of totanine will
kill a horse C00,000,000 times his
own weight,
It is probable that this is the
deadliest poison known, although
there are several others that run it
a fairly close second. Few example,
pure hydrocyanic acid (not that
usually eold in the chemists' shops,
which is only a 2 per cent. solu-
tion) is so exceedingly poisonous
that the mere inhalation of its em-
anations will cause instant death,
and in fact, Scheel, its discoverer,
lost his life in this manner.
A young Seotehmen living in Lon-
don married a beautiful and talent-
ed Engliehevoman, of whom he was
justly proud. Not long after his
marriaee he went to Scotland on a
flying trip to see an old bachelor
Veel Tarnmas ye have gotta)
wife," said the old gentleman,
now what eau she do, ladli."
'Do l" echoed "Tammae,"
'"Yes, do," repeated hie unele,
firmly. "Can she sew on your but-
tons an' realt your porritch an' your
"Oh, no, she doesa't know how
o do thoee things," said Temmas,
"But ehe has the loveliest voice
hat you ever heard. She's
grand singer."
"Hoot, mon i" cried hie uncle, in-
dignantly, "Could you nae get a
eaaary in Lennoal"
Ira, V
'7 0
BAD Somp,.,?
f eo, rereember these faets—Zam-
Bak ie by rat the most widely weed
in Canada: Why Las ze be-
come so aegadar? Because it, heals
'sores, curer skin discaees, and doe.e
whet is claimed for it.
Remember that Zant-Bele is at the
same time healing, soothing, aud
antiseptie, Keine poison inetaut
and all harmfal germs. It is el
able alike for recent injuries and
diem:tem and for chronic SUres, ul-
cers, ete, . Tet how different and
seemlier Zeta -Buie really is. All
druggists and stores at 50e, box.
flee aleo Zairellek Soap. Relieves
sunburn and prevents feecklee,
Best for baby's bath. 260tablet.
eharecteristie ef
VII. that he neve
or too little eoer
gh to maintain his
g the 1119.5t graQi0 go/i-
f Europe. Some years ago,
hig*o the author ef "The
g." hie majesty visited
and knighted -the Lord
luncheon which followed,
tb king t next to Mrs. Lyon, the
wifo af the Lord Provost, and nn-
ticed on the table the ea,rd denoting
her place.
"I must alter this," the king
said, smiling on the lady,
With his peneil he effaced the
vord :Mrs. and in its place substi-
tuted Lady, and graciously handed
the card to her uewly made lady-
float of ittino
A C. .111ap14111. *V AIWPI(.11ZD fitiffaXes.
minigios 0114tolell Entworatff.
40,,,s0.44 .3.11
wnAT ,cmorAN-r- DeEs.
If the Germaes educate their
children,. giving them a systematic
training in well-equipped schools
until sixteen or seventeen years of
age, while we, leave mare in the
condition indicated in the above
deplorable statieties, what can be
the enly possible. eeneeemence?
The answer to that question is
clearly written for all those who
have compared the two nations. it
will go hard with oter children, and
it will go herder with our ehild-
rea's children, if we do not awaken
to the'fact that for the great mai-
it,y of bur peQpie education is a,
Will ma mate arise Red iaeiet up -
en the building, of school for echoed
--all big gun schools—against these
We bare eo hesitation in sayin
that Dr. J. 1). Kellogg's DyeenterY
Cotelial is without doubt the hes
medicine ever introduced for desee,
tory, dierrhoea, cholera and all
teener eoniplaints, sea, sickness,
etre, Ib promptly gives relief and
never fails to effect a positive alee.
Mothers eitould never be without
bottle when their children are
Don't bit a man when he's down,
You may not be able to keep him
minare's Liniment owl by Physkans,
ival---"What a eolor Miss
elite has t.o-night? I wonder if
a IltS?" Adorer (tennieg his
eyes towards the central fig -
at an adeniriug eircle)—"I don't
now. She certainly draws well."
Wallie--"How fast the horse is
rennin' !"
Teacher—"You forget the V."
Wallie—"Gee! How the horse is
runnin' !"
A Pill for All Seasons.—Wintee
and summer, in any latitude, whe-
ther in torrid zone or Arctic tine-
perature, Parmelee's Vegeta,ble
Pills can be depended upon to do
their work. The dyspeptic iilI find
thern a friend always and should
carr,' them with him everywhere.
They are made to withstand any
climate and are warranted to keep
their freshness, and strength. They
do not grow stale, a quality not
possessed in many pills now on the
"Mr. Cleaver, how do you ac-
count for the fact that I found a
piece of rubber tyre in one of the
sausages I bought here last week?"
"My clear madam, that only goes to
show that the motor -car is replac-
ing the horse everywhere.
Yarmouth, N.S., June 2,, 1:00.-"I bave
been bothered with /then/n:111am for the
past, year and bave titlien a good rnonY
)(Inds of medicine tend found no relief for
"One day a friend advised me to try
Gin Pills, so I did. and after taking onlY
one box of them, I felt, like n 110W man,
"I thought I would write you a few
lines to let ,you know how thankful 1 feel
for the x`elief they gave Inn, and would
advise all sufferers from Rheumatisiu to
get Gin Pills."
Sample free if von lulu) National Drug
.t Chemical Co. (Dept. W.L:), Toronto. AU
dealers have Gin Pills at 50c. a box -6
boxes for 52.50.
Contented people are ,never con-
Ask tor Mlnard's and take no other.
"So there's another rupture of
Mount Vociferous," said Mrs. Pare
tington, as she put on her specs.
"The paper tells us about the burn-
ing lather running down the moun-
tains, but it don't tell how it got
They Soothe Excited Nerves.—
Nervous affections are usually at-
tributable.to defective digestion, as
the stomach "dominates the nerve
centres. A course of Parmelee's
Vegetable Pills will still all disturb-
ances of this character, and by re-
storing the stomach to normal ac-
tion relieve the nerves from irrita-
tion. 'There is no sedative like
them and in the correction of irre-
gularities of the digestive process-
es, no preparation has done so ef-
fective work, as can be testified to
by thousands.
"Pa,c1cly," saicl a father to his
little boy, who was in the habit Of
telling lies, "do you know what
happens to liars when they die?"
said Paddy, after think-
ing a while, "I suppose they lie
MRS, Wngsiow's SOOTHING lias been
used for over SIXTY YEARS by ItIILL1ONS of
Nyith Pnalig,eT success. It
soorents the CHILD, SOFTENS the GIIIKS,
is the beSt remedy for DIARRTHEA. 'It is ab
6o1ute1y harmless. 13e sure and ask for "Mrs.
Winslow's Soothing Syrtip," and take no other
kind. Twen[y-fiva cents, bottle. ,
'Why do fashions change se fre-
quently??' I don't know. It may
be.. that the-,,v"re trying to lelncle some
of the .people who follow ,ehene."
Hard .ariel ,sereaceens. both.yield to
,Holloway'e Corn.,Cure, which is em
esiaitaiisef,a. safe to uiles, a It d
'ar-e in the ektiiibiif
Keep Mnards LI,umcntfl
for Red, Weak. Weary. 'Watery Eyes
and Greuttla ted EYellds, urine reeeen't
Smart—Soothes Eye Pain, Druggiete
Sell 'Merino Eye Remedy, r4qual..26e.
60e, $1.00. Marine Bye Salve In
Aseptic 'Felice, 25e, $1.00, Eye Beaks
and bre .Advice „Free by /Wail,
°Murine Bye Remedy Co., Chicago.
"'rheum:eon's eow got into my
gardeu and ate all the grass off the
lawn." "What did he do?" "Sent
me a bill for using his eow as a
lawn -mower."
Rheurea,tism, Neuralgia and Sore
Throat will not live under the same
roof with Hamlies Wizard Oil, the
world's beet liniment for the relief
of all pain,
"Look at the way baby's working
his mouth," exclaimed Mrs. New-
man. "Now, he proposes to put
his foot in it." "IPm," replied her
husband, grumpily. "Hereditary.
That's wnat I did when I propos-
Minard's Liniment Co., Limited.
Gents, -1 have used your Minard's Lini-
ment in my family and also in my
stables for years mid consider it the best
medicine obtainable.
Proprietor Roston Pond Hotel and Livery
Stables. .
"Ha I" shoutel • the rich man,
peering cautiously over the stair-
way, "I want you!"
"Well," chuck -led the burglar,
reaching for the silver, "I'm at
your ,service, sir."
A. Ready 'Weapon Against Pain.—
There is nothing equal to Dr.
Thomas' Eclectric Oil when well
rubbed in. It penetrates the 'tis-
sues and pain disappears before it.
There is no known preparation that
will reach the spot quicker than
this magic Oil. In consequence it
ranks first among liniments now of-
fered to the publie and is accorded
first place among all its competi-
Human tree .dwellers are not yet
extinct. A -Malayan newspaper
describes an interesting diseovery
made in South Canara. The Kudi-
yas, llving near Mangalore, in-
clude, it appears, a clan who have
become tree dwellers by necessity,
They live in huts built amid pehn
and other tall trees in order to
protect themselves against a ttaeles
of elephants and other wild beasts
of the jungle. Their clothing con-
sists of the bark of certain kinds of
jungle trees, and they subsist on
yams and meat. They are dark-
skinned and noted for their fine
physique, the women being even
more muscular than the men and
one of their chief occupations is,
honey -gathering, a very dangerous
employment sirrce the, bees of
C,a,nara build their honey combs on
etops ojftih as much as 120
' W, DAwS0N. Ninetyc
Toromo. ciborm street,
41,to 200, at 2r,t,,,g4g,"atare !'''''' 5 'le"
will Pal! Yen to VOIr§tat rnc iX YeA
want to buy on,
VESTEDN LANDS y quantity,
W. DAWSON, Phone Main 6990, or
laigiats and 11.0144AYS nt, nun
,O ea and Seventy -,two Wright Avenue.
'hone Park 521.
-Ts wANTED.-A etudY of other
`i.gcluY propositions couvtuces fice
mete can equal ours, Yea will „ais
ref,i-nt at If Ton dcnq np,p,17
Warn *9 TraTe4ers Dept,.P,4f
tSo. Ottawa.
SD.-Ontorie Veteran Land
/acated. A. N. /lett, Berlin, Out.
ice Wilsons
Po able or
aitba r4ius hingle Mins,
and Holism „XIII _SuPP.iies.
Pi; ItanigAetUrIng• co, 14 ciao
, Orillia„ Ontario.
teepee) SACKS 525.23 PER 1.005,
sacks aro made from the strongest
paper, and vIl r(Inare the expel.,
ve Jilts or cuitell inc. 411 eieas et laze
in wadeh at lo,Aert prices. Jg
atraer. chitagn 1111.1. U.S.A... 1E42 North
Tun iMtIlElt TR411'-E'
era-COUStalit nrac carer
nstrwaion-a few weeli,s' eacaslete 01'451
-7tools free. Graduates earn twelve te.
eighteen dollars weekly. Write for eat*,
logue. Molar Da.rber College, 221 Queen
East, Teronto.
vijg(iftS, LUMPS, W-
and external, cured withal,*
r home treatmenL Write pi
titt. Medical Co..
roc.Nale A special 'mice. ate*
l•fsplatiade, Taro
'AD to take orders Lai
spareexperieUre xi5.
ry. our live veva:lens- uee4
tiewe end eerie APOY Dent, A. Brit*
xsh deueeitei Ind nal Company. 2511
tTher. tit, Ottawa
in reeare to aus dtsetse, LOVNAt
P in 4ru at all Made.
rteii stted by xuaU. Send roessttrO.,
rue Glalles fitted by age. write to-oti,
for riyping sold in tiret-class' drat
storeste Dr. Hellman, Collingwood, Out.
444TR‘Nr 'UPRIGHT PIANOS, ;.;65.00 ceeb
LO.11, 1101itrflill, efitlitill pianos eo
e sewliere $.300.00 on payments. Writ*
Wholesale Department. Tim Leath Planet
Co,, 144., eiontrae.
NATE p.y ow ,•xp,,,,,,, Ito Ontario.
II weeks Yorkshires., registered, j.
dollars each, Write for whmt Yoti Want,
Thos. N, Havens 4. Son. Maher° P.O.. Ont.
'rho Soul of a Planate th
ActIon, Insist on tho
Piano Acton
IODItiOL :1foarbg
The most h ghly efficient applicant,
for the reduction of Swellings, Goitre,
Tilielt Neck, Glandular Eulargemeis.
It's Positive
PILESof all kinds, in any and ail
stages, quickly relieved and
positively cured. Cure your suffering
and live quietly. "Common Sense" for
Plies will do it. $1 a box, $S for 6
boxes. Mailed on receipt of price.
Mr. .Tustintreduced — "'Who is
that awfully .plain man over there
in the corner'Mrs. Hobson!" Mrs.
Hobson—"That is Mr. Hobson.":
Mr. J.—"Ah, how true it is that:
the plainest men always marry the
prettie,st wives."
Worms sap the strength and une
dermine the vitality of childreu.
Strengthen them by using Mother
Graves' Worm Exterminator to
drive out the parasites.
If a girl has pretty hands she can
afford to dispense with gloves.
Millard's Liniment Lumberman's Friend.
Counsel (to the jury)—"The prin-
cipal fault of the prisoner has been
his einfortenate characterhstie of
putting faith in thieves and scoun-
drels of the basest description.
have no more to saw. The unhappy
man in the dock, ''eenttemen -of the
jury, puts implicitfaith in you!"
for CeAtarrh.
litVasellne !ler:reties rnThbos.
Camphorici Mefttholaied
etc Eatliforsficial, puiposas
Wnte for FreeVaseIttitBook to
AkiG5i1.1 PG CO fc.'”,,ii‘lece,ei:.b;t r.,110n1