HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-5-25, Page 12�uJ
TEWIltartA , MAY 2 5
Tile ;warm weather is with usagain.
Bareou pared for it? We are.
�' pre
what you need is a summer suit to
help yah to keep coal, We have the
goods to stilt and we ,make them up
to strict:. Ler the demonstrate these
faets,for vou.
a s, TARAN
Merchant Tailor,
Exeter, Ontario
16�a1WdGE.1) BACH ' 'EDNRSD4Y
Buckwheat, .
Potatoes,perbeag ,,
Flour, per cwt., family
bray, low grade per eve
vehogs, perer awt
Shorts per ton...........
Bran, pertoxi..,.»-
9 50
1 40
2 40,
1 4'5
fr 50
NOTICa Owi to
Ontario Dental aDc
office will be cies.
May Slat, until Jur,,e
y �
ting of the
oszo Wid needay
PLANTS -FOR SALE. -4 ars,�e 9uant-
:its' Cabb ige, Cauliflower; Tomato, Cerer;
and Asters. -.1.114. 1\f:ARKH:t 1, Victoria
Street, Exeter.
We have the highest blend In our
efode1 Flour. NO wonder it is an (do-
rna^d, Success is rarely accidental.
Try a sack next t!me: "Harvey Broe,
The prevent lessee of the Opera House
taving closed the same to the public
the owners have instructed Mr. John.
Spackrn .:n to sell this moat valuable
property. Tenders for the same will be
received by him up to June let nest,
Possession given Sept. let, 1911.
FLOUR AND FEED. -Having put in
a stock of Flour and Feed ,I solicit
Your pattlan,•age- Stand one door north
of Seasnasi'e Hardware -Rivers' old
stand. Jos. Davis.
Actual fact from a dealer' Lra a near
by trnwn."I want 70 hundred of your
MODEL FLOUR, it gives better satis-
atisfacti on than any other." -Harvey Taros.
rice is closed every Wednesday after-
'FOR SALE, -The Mansion House, Ex-
eter, for sale. Well furnished. Good
stable and drive shed. If not sold will
rent. Apply to ROBT. LEATHORN, Ex-
PLANTS 'FOR SALE. -Twenty-five
thousand plants frar sale, including
Geraniums, Fuchsias, double and single
Petunias, Salvias, Stocks, Asters, Ag -
orations, 'Bes-onias, Lobelias, Verbenas
foliage, Dusty Millers, Dracenas, Col-
ons, German Ivy, and all kinds for
Hanging Baskets. Cabbage, Caul€;
flower, Tomato and Onion plants.
Hanging beekets filled to order.
L. DAY, Gardener, Exeter.
Mr. Sohn Walper of Harrow spent the
holiday here.
Mrs. Wm Sinclair of Nairn is the
guest of Mrs. Bowey.
'are. Tait laf Park,'hi11 its Meting her+
brother, Mr. C. Li2ndentield.
Mr. .S.:nr, Mallett and brother Dar.
Finkbeiner were in London Wednesday.
Rev. M.aa-tin of London is spending a
Pew days at the home of Mrs. Baw-
Mr. Eli Elliott and daushter Mrs,. Amsi
berry, were guest oaf :Messrs Alf. , and
Jas. Walters, over the. holiday.
Mrs. Sohn dvtcAv'oy of Paris, who had
been suffering from diabetes and hemorr
Ehspe of the lungs, .is slorwly .improv-
Stag. i I
A Face Full
'f Pimples
A hall dolIar'. bottle of
Nyal's Pimple Wash will
dry up the pimples in
short order.
Neo. doubt your blood, is
Tint just right, and a $1.00
ksnttle of Nyal's Blood Pur
iffier' would clear up toe
Fi ?Yrat odea is reasimtab1e, lent
Y1ou Sirs` remove the an --
a ly
n•-ei,rtly blemishes and then
vest any- more. by re-
nujviing the', eauee,
N A"L;' e5" le thename.
usi ht,'":, a $1.0u
rod wrapper:
"=' "er''r"re*IlGr'1; Miss Tilly Wlilte "spec
Mfr. Price of. ,tlauilteee i:s visiting a
Mr. M. Meakizrs ;
Str ' erznnis Halloran of R a tf d
4A. Sao. icy ac dc.,w. ,err r,
Spackman ;has Purchased iic s
1 l,?.tchford'e< residenee on Andrew et.
With the theranomettr at 65 or 90
is +^as been some warn) for May.,
Wer :.lie ewi shines lay aside a little
of your e ,t! usia syn fora rainy day.
It is a long time sines Exeter exper-
fenced so quiet a time on MAY 24th.
Preston, etoi et M. Di . H Dearing',
Step*ten is eu t�:11? Freon„ an attack of
The first Vow -ling of the season vias
one by a few of trite players on' Mon-
day night.
Dir.. W. D. Sanders bad a valuab1Aa
a result the beast had to be killed.
seer break its leg last week, and as
SSr• and Mrs, Wilson have takes,
rooms at the Mansion House. Mr, Wil-
e ie engaged on the Batik sof Corn -
mores building.
Robert }Iiggi<ts of 1lensail left
' `st week
to report at Algonquin Park,
rvhexa ' e will be engaged ire pn'+pte ti ng
o 1` over n tent timber.
We can ntnderstaald t.TM:r ease with
which a foul a;.d his rnngney are part
ed, but what puzzles us is how' the
fool got the mow to parrt with,
Mr, J-ae, .F�titi cion tad the misfortune
eef fallial g dowse stairs the latter part
of lae week.. but tozeu ttety he eecep,t
ed with but slight iMnjztry ter his face.
Iternetnnber there is a limit to haer°s,:
e,:udurarlce The friend who stands up
for you may tine in the course of
time anti proceed to sit churn ort you.
it in eoverlpg a kitchen table
with oilcloth a layer of brown
panel' is put on first ift,
will A Prevesnt
her o 1 rat , r
the i c] la c :ivlti
and make it. last tree timee as labs,
Carnegie .has increased his Proprosed
;rant tor a public library for l'Seafort
trent $6009 to ;10,000 conditional that
tow:i pays yearly 10 Per cent.
or grant for maintenance T{ha town has
Smoot yet taken any actino lin the matter.
"\Sold pm. Winnipeg' on May 1$141.
s area that Charles F. verity, of the
Verity Plow' a„ ler rttford, is in the
oepital there as to x'esult'^at tan, asci
do tt,
the nature or which is peat' diselos.-
ed. ele will be la the hospital to at
least two weeks,
T,lne Welke:toe Telesoope and The'
Owen Sound Tunes awhile ago &tasted'
out ase eubecription caanpaigne giving
free tripe to distant points, but tries
found a lack of interest in the eelaeiuea'
Arad a certainty of rising' :money: and
abandoned the schemes.
The Crystal City .9aurier speaking
of a former resident of Exeter says.-
'7dr, A, Cuchnore has had the mletor
tune to lose, through the revagee of
a forret fire, almoet all the growing
timber on his quarter eection bush lot,
as wen as his threshing, caboose anti] a
quantity of cordwood.'
Mr. John Torrance License Inspector
of Clinton was. here Friday meeting
with the License Commissioners at the
Commercial Hotel, when. the license of
that hostelry was transferred lrsom Ly-
man W. Palmer to 3o'hn. A. Newell, join
erly of Parkhill. Mr. Nowell presented
fine recommendations from leading
citizens in the neighborhood of his for-
mer 'home.
The bowling green was opened for
play oan, May 24th, the president and the
vice-president cleposing side's, and the
latter winning by tw e abets''. The presi-
dent, W. J. Beaman, Itottl to: ,the; vice-
president, W. D. Clarke, 12-16; and W
W. Tannaxn 'fpr the. president, defeated
IL N. Creech, for the vice, 13-11., Sev-
eral other games were played, later in
the day.
Ern,. Davis was Ind -land= 'this week;
Mrs. Sandy xden was in London
this week,
W. II. Levitt is in London to -day
:, business.
Mr. L. B. Dickson is in Dusan to-
iay on business.
Mrs. Jph-im'/T'aylor is visiting her,dau-
ghter in ShaleesPeaile-
The 'Misses Mary and Ida Carling=vis-
iting In Lyndon this week.
Mrs. Wes. J. Bissitt and Miss Bissett
are visiting in Pari this ,week. l
Mr Wm. Davis of Hamiltons and Mrs:
Mitchel of London visited their parents
in. Exeter North this week:
Mr. Wm. Stewart of Detroit, and Mrs
and Mrs. Ed. Stewart of 'London spent
the 24th:of May, at, M. Ale$ Stewart's.
Mr. E. J. Specimen and Mr. and Mrs.
Graham Johnston and'son of Toronto.
were iguests this week at the lhlome of
M,r. and Mrs. John Spackman.
`�41.th in De,
- .. r >r' n t)r.. ',was,
here this week-
tt and Mrs, Thins: Elliott were in
London this week,
Dir: Tho s Bewnia.n of London was
Lawn for 24th.
Miss M. Weetlapd of Wyoming spent.
the holidays here.
airs, W. J; Heamaak sPeaxt.part. of the
week %nndo n.
I>i. t
Mrs. Harry- Parsons was in oaidea
over the 'holiday,
M. 0, and Stella Stautheott were in
Guelph on the 24th
Mrs, Ed. Dyer of Brantford is visiiin"g
with her parents here.
Mr. and Mrs, Ray Huston, of Landon
spent Diay: 24 tb tiers.
\fir. and Ire. Jos; Peart are spend-
ing the holidays • in London,
Willie Amos of 13urtord spent
olida'i;R a isS, . J.A..Sttewavt's,
Mrs, W. Burke and : d; 'Taylor went
a London Wednesday evening..
Mr, Harry- Ltnga.rd of London, is the
?nest of Rev, Collins this week.
Mr. Garvey Acheson or London
' me Wednesday for the holiday.
,and Mrs. J,, is, 1ntv+er`aod. and danagh
ter ,f I.a ,doaa , spsait Weentesday here.
Mfr, Geo.: Hockey of Praia orci Repent:
Sti tlxieeday and Thursday at his horns
Cliff Spacliuiae enc:
Guelph holidayed here thus
s, liaappe►" of ,I3e1.4;reve visite with
Ste tet' :errs, 13ira y raver the tzol-
'r.Min3 t el ori
> , iT ell �.
Vista': ria hoital, IrC
part pt Iset wspeek,
e iom
v l
Tom Caling was in -Lonnd
ron Tuesday
Jae Craig spent the holiday in Park
:firs. Lloyd is sire,3diatrg a few days
I ; Ea'eter.-Thedford Tribune.
Mr. Geo, Painter went to London
Stu •day to spend a few days -
Mr, Jos. Taman. or Listowel visiketl
brother, W. W. this ween."
Mr Maurice $abler spent the. 24th in
I, t ,rave,, with hie breather Shirley,
Mr. and Mrs. R: G, Seldon •spent part
of last week in, Ingersoll,, driving the
Y4i ,
Mr. Merrytield or,gunizer Independent.
Order or F.orestera, was i;t, town last
w .l✓tc,
Palmer i s iia Witnghana,
where he may posslb!y buy an hetet
bust ness, .
Mr. Jas., T. Martin; and wife of Sea-
ftarth, were guests of 51r. and 'Sirs, lv m,
Iig4ins Saturday.
Mr. W, S. Deaver, Deputy Clerk of. De-
tp•oit visited with friends here last
week, the guest of 11r, john Hawk:
„tar. a,:zdd Sirs, Thioraetoa anal, eenely
A'i`oedstocic auteed hefts and spent
Sunday w itb 'tars. dwell, who returned
with them.
Mrs, Cunningham and daughter, Miss
R. J, Cunningham of Clandeboye, whp
a?e viaithW Mrte. Yager, were in Iltierti?t1
£r, 3. Ilranxald and her blether lura
G;naa, 1t we are ltolidayitrg in Gltnton.
firs, Rows is over 90 years of age but
gtnsIds a. ,ourney like a aehool girl.
Mr, and Mrs, Ed, Robinson and two,
sena of Denver, Col., who are visiting
relatives; In Biaitsbaxd, spent Thursday
here at the bonne of neter, •G; ',Senders;
feQueon, weer bas been visiting
f sr €oro weeks with toes daughter,
S(Dr.) Gi llc ddy lett Teetn10
ling tor St. Thomas to attend her
sl ser, whit) is
Powell's Bazaar
This store is noted for variety and cheapness, Reliable goods aft v
law prices
Special rlrtle dally. -You ought to step'in every day you are up town
It pas, for we are always offering new goods at rediculous 1►ricess. Always
catch our windows far Bargains
Friday audSataarday's will beepeciel days this week.
Coronatioe China, in White and Gold: will he offered a little lower these
days, Our 510 and 15c. tables are loaded with Brcrgains. Our grauitewFare
is ac special. .
Handbags at reduced prices, Firecrackers and rockets; loads of thew
Try a pound of our mixed chocolates at talc.
Our Edison Phonograph stock is . Ask
to hear the New Rome with yodel 0 Repro•»
J. Willis Powell, Prop.
Irnplernents & Budgies
Our warerooms are n,ow completed
we have leased the large brickbuild
us to keep a full e9acl1 of Implements' al
and we wish to invite.3(ou tcf inspect our
Besides the Main -Street Wareroomu
Ing on James Street, and this enables
ways on hand.
McCormick Implements
Binders, Mowers, Rakes, Manure Spreaders, tiuILnn,g' tools, etc
Cockshutt Plows
A full lino` of Cockst utt "Plows and Repairs
Buggies ..
T,he first car of Gray & Syan`ss hug glee are about gclne,•rbut there are more
to follow. You will find it worth while to call and see them.
We pay particular attention to the furnishing, of repairs for all Imple-
ments handled by us. ARA►,
WE HAVE SOME HARNESS AND WHIPS that you should see.
W. Snell,
Agent, Exeter
Cole's Rexali Store
The Drug Store of' good goods and fair prices.
Below are a few only of seasonable preparations. In all 300 remedies dependable for efficiency
,make them. No remedy for two diseases and each and every one guaranteed:ormoney refunded.
as science Can.
We never hear any-
thing but praise for this
Tonic. Positively the
best on the market to-
day, to remove dandruff
and make the Bair grow
Price rn0e and $1.00
Bambtlo A °od . builder and
tonic of unusual . merit,
drier" d splendnd spring to
Blood < drives away that red
B>I�aldeT feelinY�targe bottlesti
Rexall A. sure protection.a-
_ h'Coths, : Agreeable
Red rider. sexily removed
Cedar economical and re avn-
ent. Best moth killer
Flakes known. Lar a packages
_26e, g . K
Rexall amour life depends upon
the action of the kidneys
Kidney Don't let them get slugs-,
Remedy isle• • This remedy is' .a'
wonder worker SOe and
$1.00 bottles.
Rexall GOOD 111E w-
SP For
Rheumatic _ sufferers,
IZIICIimatic where it fails we refund
Remedy all money paid us; moth-
ingto loose.- Try it at
i Our expense,
RexAll Relieves burning, per-.
Foot sbeptt rgto feet. Nothing
4 prodte ffoo
comfort, . D aLfar t
PAwder TrY,�1�,h • <�,r
can4ei 25c F 4� ,a
Rexall . For whitening, soften
nog, soothing and pre'.
soften -
Cream serving " the skin, It
of renders the complexion
fresh and fair and is free
AllUUB dS rein grease, Price 25c,
Rexall Stimulates digestion
buiide up the bloodand
SAPSSlllli- tones up the system s
ilia. great spring tonic $1.00
a bottle. '
Rexall For coughs that ling
A goon , tonic" to ` build
Wine up ; the ,system, enrich
Cod f.h r the, blood and increase
the; weight . $1.00 a
®11 bottle
1 a4ii
ou make no mistake wJ
aI Remedies.
Here's rWhy WE
Ask For Your
Jewelry Business
It's an oft -told -tole, but it should never grow
uninteresting to the buyer who would be econo-
cono-mlca ,
Our pricers are right, Prove it for yourself bl' cenanare
iso), with others. Our selections are large, giving
variety to choose from -again, t o , you large
Moods arehe proof is by cornpari&oni O
. Our
g of finequality. We back titin statement with oo,r'
guarantee. Dont these things give us aright to expect from
you a fair consideration of our goods.
A Marchand, ,Exeter
Jeweller & Optician
he Home
About to go housekeeping for the first time need a
supply of
to furnish theith, We have a i
which cannot be l ssed in, the count.
your ciI Umstanees may be we have a line t>e
A New Parlor Suite, New Bedroom
Suite, A Couch or Roger,
Something for the
Kitchen or Dining
will be in order. We can suit your taste and pre
f g
atter vh t
yon. Or
in anything in the line of furniture..
ROWE A..+fi. INS N
Leadint Home Furnishers and Funeral Directors,
The hot weather is here. It
was slow in coming but now we have it and are not
ready. We are showing all the summer goods in the
best varieties of textures and colors.
We have them all in Prints, Ging-
inghams, Chambrays, Drills, Ducks,
silks and coition voiles. A very
large range to chose from at lou,;
Another lot of those fancy Silks
just to'ha.nd in all the bent clolors.n
Linens, Vestings, Reppe ,Mi slins,
Jacquard and Tokio" Mike are very
popular this season.
That very popular podswith' a
lasting silk finish. Every color to
,pick from, In! the very fancy pat-
terns, all good washers. -That make
a very popular and servicable
For Children, Ladies' and Men's
In the best values we have ever;
shaven. Do not forget to buy yob
summer underwear at 'Zones if
Ready-to-wear News
A big clearance of all our Ready-to-wear gar-
ments, We have had a . bumper sewn . and want to
clear themTitt\t early.
$3.75' & $7.50
Only three left but to clear ws Only a few left,, but all $C5.50:
are, ,offering bur i$11.00 suits for coats for $3,75, Our $1,0 & $11
only $7.50 coats i2or $7.50
A bi#; range of . Girl's " ready-tp
wear school hats at 50c. each.
All our millinery is right up-to-
date. It will pay you to leave your
orders ear
l for your summer hats.:.
� �
House Furnishing
We are : doing he trade; Buai
nese ie good in this line. We mutt•
have, the goods to matte it so.-:.
}tugs, Carpeter, Lin,leurne, . Oil-
cloths, Curtains, Blinds, Pelee, Dae.;,;
re here 'in a large ,variety
Headquarters for the celebrated W E Sanford Oloth.in
,,4 , .., , a , s 1 c� +r�+C i ¢1 r '•u33' u4- r Y r i, u v , vu ,...
�y r'.lx�Yr,yretxfilu•7arBi"+4'N"``it{r�*r•rr�,,��sy,$;relle,
yi'r1r�R 449v t{27'^jrCr•q
for 1
r Jarii!
far 1