HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-5-25, Page 11TEE EXETER ADVOCATE, THU DAY, MAY INDIGESTION RIGHTLY CURED STAYS CURED Not by Treating the Symptom but by Toning up the Stomach to do Nature's Work Indigestion should not be neglect- ed, for by depriving, the body of its proper nourishment it grows stead- ily worse. Neither stinaulating medicines, which rain the already weak stomach by making it work be- yond its strength, sheuld be used, nor predigested foods, which do not excite a flow of the digestive fluids, and by disuse eauise the stomach to grow weaker. Nowhere is the tonic treatment with Dr. NVilliams' Pink Pills more clearly useful. Its prin- eiple is to enable the stomach to do its own werk by building up the blood and giving tone to the nerves.. When these are once more restored to their normal health, in- digestion disappears and the cure is permanent. In proof of these statements we give the experience of Mrs. Paul Gannon, Star City, ISask., who says -: "or more than a. year I suffered With 411 the terrible 1141$ ef indigestion, and my We wrne ene of the greatest misery, It did not seem to make any difference whether I ate or not, the pains were Always there, often aceompanied by a wevere bleatieg and a belehing of wind, I did not eVeR get relief at night, and sometimes hardly got a bit of sleep in mymisery, I tried many remediea said to mire indi- gestion, but they did lite not one particle of good and I fully expect- ed that 1 would away e be afflicted in this way. At this time my bro- ther came henae on a, visit and be urged nae to try Da Williams' Pink Pills and got aix boxes for me. By the time I had taken foar boxes I began to improve and could eat with eornerelish. 1 was- greatly cheered, and contineed taking the Pills nntil all tracee of the trouble had disappeared and 1 ould once more eat ail kinds eif food without the smallest ioeonvenience. We have eine° used Dr. *Williams' Pink Pills in our family for other trou- bles. 1 ern 50 firmly convinced of their virtue as a family xnedicine that I have no hesitation in recom- mending them to all weak, ailing people." Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box or aix boxes for $2.50, from The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. NEW GERMAN SMELL. Makes Treneh Protection and Shielded Batt erica Impossible. The protection of trenches and armor shielded field batteries is at an end, for, if a leading Ger- man military authority is to be believed, security hitherto enjoyed by soldiers through the protection of breastworks er similar shallow intrenchments has ceased to be -with the late invention of not less than three different shells which all have the aim to kill er wound ev- erybody thus protected. The new projectiles are a com- bination of the grenade -shrapnel shell with comparatively thin walls. Instead of the old arrangement ef the bursting charge and the single time fuse producing explesion by concussion, and making the bullets and fragments 'nave like a cone - Eke shower, the new shells are de- signed to produce a two -fold mis- sion. The Krupp grenade shrapnel carries a peculiarly arranged charge of balls placed at regular intervals and angels ,and depend- ing on a certain combination of time fuses for their discharge. The old fashioned grenade was effective only when exploding among the gunners serving a 'bat- tery, but since it did not possess any penetrative force it was use- less against the armored shields with which field guns now are pro- tected. The new Brisanz shrapnel Ehrhardt shell is a particularly powerful one. Its penetrating power is equal to that of a cupro- nickled solid shot,and , through its arrangement of the charge its de- structiveness f rem shattering is equally great. • At the recent official trial of one of these shells tore a hole a square yard in size in a two feet thick brick wall, and a number of man- nikins standing behind it were de- stroyed. Dummy batteries pro- tected by two inch thick . armor plate were totally' demolished by thc new shells fired at 10,000 feet range, and the gunners, represent - ed by woeclen elueamies, shattered by the. fragments and balls. The third shell is not designed so much with a view to penetrating qualities as to scattering fire, and is in reality an aerial automatic magazine gun. The centre of the shell is filled with explosive mater- ials and shrapnel shot, which is intended to be exploded as in an ordinary shell at a' predetermined rf101alent. In addition to this there are four partitions, in each of which there is a series of holes ad- apted to receive rifle cartridges. These holes form an acute angle with the axis of the shell, and are directed backward, By means of a tireiog device" the eartridgee may be deteriated aueteasively to dis- charge bullets in the wake of the shelL The idea, is to regulate the speed of the bullets so that they will strike backward despite the for- ward motion of the shell, and bit the enemy behind the trenches. The efficiency of this shell has not as yet been sufficiently illustrated. A great many bullets are wasted by the preaent arrangement, an ac- count of being alireeted too high to strike the enemy with sufficient en- ergy. This new weapon, it is be- lieved, will revolutionize the pre- sent methods of defence. TI1E 1-1.A1SElt IN PALL' TINE, Traces of Uis Repeated *Visits Eve erywliere Found by the Tourist, Wherever red roofs appear in Palestine it betokens Enropean im .aeon, Red roofs are encroach - merits of the modern—advance guards of western "'eivilization," Many streets in Haifa might al most pass as a part of a Germa -village. The rows of prim red- .00fed cottage*, each With its neat garden, are in no degree Syrian. There were Germans in charge of the varriages to Nazareth; there were Germen hotels. Even the Am- ericen censal was German, It is impossible Pot to notice dances of the Kaiaer's interest Palestine. At eaeh visit the En er pays to the Holy Land a hit good road is built, writes Ruth Brew Owens in the IIRtional Monthly, and after taking the drive to Nazareth WO hoped for the com- fort of later pilgrims that the Kais- er might pass that way, In one place is a tablet erected by the Kaiser to the Suiten, at others thrifty German colonies; here a good road, there a fountaiu presented by hien When on the Mount of Ascension the guide pointed out the legendary foot- print of the Master ampicesed in the rock and also the impress left by the prophet Mahammed, one observant traveller asked, "And now where is the footprint of the German Emperor 1" THE ONLY DIEDICANE FOR THE BABY The enly medicine a mother should give her little ones is one she tan give and feel absolutely safe that not the slightest harm will resultra medicine that is guar- anteed strictly free from injurious drugs. Such a medicine is Baby's Own Tablets—every box is sold under such a guarantee and the inother may feel perfectly safe in giving them to even the new -bore babe. Concerning them Mrs. Al- bert E. Wood:Loudon, Ont., says: "I have found Baby's Own Tablets all that is claimed for them. My baby has had them from birth and will take them eagerly. I am sure there is no better medicine for little ones." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. a" B URIE D *WITH HIS GOLD. French -Riser Took His 'Wealth to the Grave to. Hide From Family. A miser named Anglade, who died at Pau, France, recently, car- ried part of his fortune with him into the grave and hid' the balance, in order to prevent any one else using the money. Re had steadily refused to give any information about his possessions, and after his death his wife made a systematic search of the house, with the re- sult that about $6,000 was found in gold aaad banknotes secreted in She •believed that this represent- ed all his wealth, but when a hank out-of-the-way places. clerk presented a note for payment of a loan promised by the miser and said that Anglatie had a docu- ment confirming the transaction, the widow decided that her bus - hand 'must have taken the paper to the grave. The grave was opened in the pre- sence. of a magistrate. Packets of banknotes and bonds, with a num- ber of other documents, including the one sought for, wexe found un- der the man's armpits. Oppor- tunity was taken to search a bam- boo cane which, according to Ang- lade's dying wish, was buried with im Each section of the cane was found to contain notes and gold ONE MORE Of THE PIONEER WOMEN TELLS ITER SUFFERING SIS - PERS TO 'VINO RELIEE IN DODD'S RIDNEY A PRETTY ROMANCE Stranger Well Treated, Het ries and Woos Cafe Keeper. There is material for romance in an incident which has occurred at Xareeilles in a little cafe kept by as young woman noted for her beauty and goodness of heart, The -cafe is close to ttie harbor, "How profouridly still is the and is frequented by sailor, who nightshe whispered, leaning Ler gave the name of "Mother Marie"' finely -veined temple against his za't7oanthehaldantdoladdeYai -wiTtbhethe'°ruenugghwe°steves- cn at-co°liate rh4f4aar-ofifxf I'PlaTelhaedle Mrs. Forrester had Rheumatism ands17'ahilaowY . • ..'.NA,....:BRII.0........C.0... esadacheH: •••,.'W•ale..t I .... .....•..... • .....• ........ ..... ••..,, . .• ..... • •......•.•.........•• ..... Mop the meanest, nastiest, most persistent headaehes in -half an hour or less. We guarantee that they oontairt ne opium, rnorphtini or other pohsonous drugs. 250. /sax at your druf,,ziste. or by ma ti from pragt.gm.,t Drug osna Choulical co, ether Kidney Diseases for two of sailor men, but her kindness to soothMg, hely restful Yes,. her customers was her best protec- he replied, toying with be goldea Years, but Dodd's IiidneY tion, When they had no nioneY, aureole' of flair- "4nd what zsIc'Ight made her leo, she fed them and kept them well ' to 'shoot eats." supplied -with tobacco. The Dinsmore, Seek, May 22 (Special) ors never imposed on her kindness, --One more of the pioneer women and always paid her when they re- f Saskatchewan, relieved of pain oeived their wages. and irritants as necessary -when ad suffering by Dodds Kidney °Lie day a strange l. of unl'emPt! their action is irregmlar, The pills Pills, has given her statement for a,romPoetahrearneexarieeppeirmedraeditahteely eLfew, that win do this work thoroughly publication in order that other suf- are "Parmelee's Vegetable Pills, fering won" niaY Profit by her ex- at° 2,1;rtryeq,,,,u cirarheen eat$ s aAlCeeclr he; ttinhge which .re mild in action but nlightY perience. This time it is Mrs, John in porresaer, well known and highly landlady whether he would snaoke results. They purge painlessly respected in this neighborhood. Cigar. His reply was that he had and effectively and work a per - not any money for 0., me; nor mancnt core. They can be inied "My tr°11ble. Started fr°311 a 'Se" eveu for the meal he uad eaten, without fear by the most delicately vere celd," Mrs. Forrester states. Rover the madiadytd , eonstitaeas there are no pain - "My sleep was broken and unre- , tog roams, parlor, seven bedrooms, bath. freshing, perspired freely at 'Ikaviee.: salalittl'eTwsaax.: ofuplereaffueoent! preceding their gentle ""'nhn-"e' baallalna and' doek. etc., safe bathing. eleczne the slightestTuroace, ample cellars, good water sup, inspection aaalY James arrmon,, Bun - A Thorough elear the, stomach and bOWelS of impurities FARMS FOR RENT it NO eat.g. H. W.. DAWSON, fiNnet3r Coliz' orate S reet. Toronto. 1 you want to purchase Alberta,. Sae. jr„, katchewan or Manitoba Land Y ID imarter, half or whole. sections, or tti large plot's, ean suppiy you. BVIT FA.B14S.—Ten, dfteen, twenty,. or arty acre 'farms, -with good h1411q, age and 'well planted. Some gennulo argaine, IIAVE sevoral drst-Class gundred Acre Farms in lialton, Peel and York. Man are farms, Prices reasonable. tjr W. DAWSON„, Nine-iy- Colborne is Street. or nights and holidays, ,wo Aundred and Seventy Two Wright Avenue- Phones Main 6990 and Parkdalet SW. ACIA.I.0 BANK, Burlington, residence of LP late Maitland Young, with heauti. fill grounds terraced dawn bailte Ont - hs property is well situated in heart of gr.:Along Burlington; three min, utee froni ears: thirtY from Hamilton. one hour from Toronto, three from But, falo, containin large drawing and. dm. nau P dresser/ man appeared in the eafe MY back and Rheumatism develop -a and ordered food "Mother .lashington (* he tal his ed, from which I suffered for two, INT„ .. a 1, d t him mid reeogo leavoaaAw it seems to me miss eve g anee a * 1 years. 1 aiead he him the stronger 'who had Itterleigh, I have fewgotten some "1 do not need to tell you that I i . . . farnat pa oe en er autumn . thing A.w—iet me see, Mass wasfat' frm 1-)11-1g a well "11,15in' 'I'lle elegant gentleman told ,areeleigh--"Yeue gloves, perhaps! when I started to use Dodd' h d $ 1 - ' "lqother Marie" that he bad heard ,Maehington—"Oh, no! Now I we - ng nleY Pill% 13ii now ani tin -1'1"u] of her kindness te rough sailor men inerehah, Aw—will You mawwY to gy ray troubles are gone. ye- Dad had eesolved to put her to the raev/ use Dodd' Xidney ithat the sailora had repreaented °°rnmena al/ suffering women to test. He foond that she was all the experience of others that the $1.afelmg NNornen n4n learn fr°n" her to be, and he added that he had arinaeire amiesset co., earthed, eeturned to the cafe i rder to azac ewe way to health is to cure peeve his eeqeaintance with lier. heir kidneys, and Deald's KidneY Thou he aliaelosed his identity. Pills always cure the Kidne)'s-- Be was a count and a large -menu- facturer, and asked "Mother WO3IEN DISPLACE 'MEN- F's'alrillee'r'stQfrbieenedc1T1'e ClolinSsemrn.itfoe,.4, The now the little cafe on the harbor IVO NfliO Employes Out of Lon- dou oinees. has a new tenant, + The reoet eignificant fact that za-a.nnate unanTeED Denra'S ergee from the coronation eett- s0DEs. sus of the City of Lemke!, jus eon- Mrs. C. Pardee of 479 Seigneur5 eluded, is the stvatling merea$o in St. Ifentreal, writes z—"I cannot female employment offices, In the tol-yon how thanhful I am for the busy equare mile whereon are eon- cure Zane -Bilk lia.e worked in the ease of my baby eon. He was trou- bled with scalp disease and tried centrated the biggest commercial and finaneial interests, the women are steadily replaeing men. The preseut day secretary invariably wears skirts. The typist looks a trim little figure in belted blouse; petticoats swish the kgs of office stools. Women are everywhere, men next to nowhere, ha the modern business eilke. And aceording to those in a position to judge, every indication points to a still gyeater supersession of men by girls in city offices in the next ten years. The bead of the employment de- Yarinouth, tlernen.--fo Tan 41 wry 1 a a't, ,Franeis beelare, one of the men employed by me.• working in the lumber wood.% had a tree fall pn him. crushing him fearfullY. Be was. when found, plaeed. on a sled and taken, boule, whore grave fears were en- tertained for bis recovery, his hips he - kindly bruh3ed and his hotly turned hinek front his ribs to hie feet. We esai MINARD'S DINIUENT him Treely deaden the pain and with the use of three bottles he was vompletely cured and eble to return to Ws work. to.ev&va DUVAL. I gond, "L'Islet CP., (bit, "Like fath like son," Knowing One. 'In what way -we they alike" asked the Carlon One. "First, the old man, lobe the boy Was it gitild, tried to break everything I could think of, but in his sows will. Now the soli is try - vain. Finally I tried Zatn-Bulc, ing to break the oid 'could see an improvement after two pla, large grounds.. For vrticulars and :Wigton. Opt-, NT$ WANTED. a 4 rimers or Pe for sain' , _Alfred Tyler, ,-. on, GENTS ' +a—A s none can Agency p ettions o. eQua ours. You will l- ays regret it you don't apply rtieulars to Travellers' Dept., crE1.7.1,;.°74. wanted; sivp rig it OW; sell an stght,: rpener. ter old style or sat te woqnttlse:aitizi (glint r thnizitike dos-. in in !Job 1. terrltcry :erFail Company, Box. going fast; write or "e razor guar - old in ney; 3,3, Si. ANE.0 S TI. , in. Out, SCALES, Works, 9 price, Wilsice'S ale. Toronto. applications! After perSevering i.TRY MURINE EYE REMEDY with the Zam-Buk treatment he is tor Red, -Weak, Weary, Watery Eyes new completely cured. Zam-Buk is and Granulated Eyelids. Murine Doesn't certainly a wonderful bairn, and 1 Sell8riia rt—MurineSo othEeyse ERYeem Remedy, in.LiDqurif Ates. shall always keep it on liand." ,?.(lothers should lie° Zam-Buk for razat; t;i3eM.(kulielsiu;151C.! 'eEL5 F!Syaelv; okein scalp sores, cats, ehefings, all ehildren's skin sores, ringworm, bruises, *Murillo Eye Remedy Co., Chicaao. ondlEye Advfce_Pree by Mau. ° so curca piles, eczema, etc., because of its great pbuaridty,IAngl: miss Boodby—"So -Mr. Smart partment of the London Chamber varicose sores, etc. 50c, box, all really said heci:nsideeix-ed raiNevery_ of Commerce, on, bating asked for druggists and stores. witty—oh?" MsKo_tctex his opinion on this state of affairs, I Zam-Buk Soap, 25c. tablet, is best actlY; he said he had to lough every explained that there is one great for baby's bath and for delicate difference. between the sexes in this skins, qustion of office employment. "The junior eherthand clerk as 2,,,s7t• •St Jones—"How is it,bing down, the athlete can find no - very difficult to get—of the boy smilbillat you look hale so hale and thing finer than Dr. ThomasEe- kind, If a boy is a good short- happy and well?" Optimist Smith tlettric Oil. It renders the museles hand writer. it seems to be feared,—"Every time I sit clown to worry and sinews pliable, takes the sere - that he will be always a shorthand writer. For the girl it is a very different matter. She doesn't mind becoming just a shorthand clerk." The manager of one of the larg- complaints, who might have been for years have been using it ean est and oldest cominercial training • t saved if propm er remedies had been testify to its value as a lubricant. time he met you. The Oil for the Athlete.—In mb- 1 fall asleep." Very many persons die annualla- from cholera and kindred summer ness out of them and strengthens them for strains that may be put upon them. It stands pre-enaiaent for this purpose, and athleteisho colleges, indorsing s added: used. If attacked do not delay in getting a bottle of Dr. J. D. Kel- "I should not be surprised if the census figures disclose an. amazing, logg's Dysentery Cordial, the medi- cine incre.ase in female employment. We that never fails to effect a cure. have been placing girls at the mate Those who have -used it say it acts of 2,000 a year for some time. And Promptly, and thoroughly subdues the pain and. disease. these girls do very well. They fill such situations as typists, secretar- ies cashiers and bookkeepers very efficiently, and there are women in London who can command salaries running well into four figures as buyers or heads of departments. controlling a number of others. A woman is worth just as much as a Man—that is. she is worth what her work brings to the firm. You can go into many big "offices now -a - days and see no man about the place except the managing direct- ors or the managers; the rest are 'girls." a.. -- A Pleasant Purgative.---l'arme- lee's Vegetable Pills are SO com- pounded as to operate on both the stomach and the bowels, so that they act along the whole alimentary and excretory passage. They are not drastic in :their work, but, mildly purgative, and the pleasure Of taking them is only equalled by_ the gratifying effect they produce. Compounded only of vegetable sub- stances the curative qualities of which were fully tested, they af- forSlf relief without _chance of in- jury. Nothing happens to us that is not of the same nature as ourselves. Ask .for Minard's and take no other. "What's that 1)0y yelling, at?" asked the farmer of his " son. "Why," clitickled'' the ',boy, "he's just yelling .at the top of Ins voice." W,arts , are unsightly blemishes, , , and corns a.re painful growths. Gem Cure will remove rripI)e,d in cotton wool. them. Our past depends entirely upon It akos vastly more c onrage to d foe free salnri e to e.eit. Qa111;, pwrietshenitt: and changes PcfP'uf''' be happy than _unl:..-appy. Donal Drug and Cho/1110a! 1° blinard's Lini* n used "by PIlysictaps The past continually ' takes the form of vases into which the thought of to -day is soured. "I suppose the servant does all the, heavy work in your house'?" "Not all; nay 'wife makes the pies and puddings." IVIOther Graves' Worm Extermin- ator will drive worms from, the sys- tem without injury to the child, because its action, while fully ef- fective, is mild. SOMETHING SOOTHING. Keep Minard's Liniment in the house. "Well, my little man," said the house -surgeon cheerily to the new patient, "how do you feel?" "He seems all right," said the. nurse. "I've just taken his temperature." "Good. Have ,you 1:nel anything to eat, sonny?" "I had a little sir." "What did they give you?" 'riThis lady gimme a piece of glass to suck, sir." ISSUE iN'O. 21-11, Ordinarily it is not joy you lack, but the knowledge of what joy is. Minard's Liniment LUmberman's Friend. "Dad," said little Henry, "I'd like to know something." "Well, what is it'?" queried Mr. Meek. 'What was your name before mo- ther married you V' The next time you feel that swal- lowing sensation. gargle Hamlins Wizard Oil immediately -with three parts water. It will save you days and perhaps weeks of misery from sore throat. "Your wife is sonaewhat strong- minded, isn't She, Littlejohn?" "Strong-minded? A furniture pol- ish pedlar came here yesterday, and in five minutes she sold him some polish she had made herself." REST AND HEALTH TO MOTHER AND CHILD. aras.wiasaawa soaamao evaea has acrn used for oYer•SIXTY YEARS by MILLIONS of .MOTILEES for their ,CHILDREN WHILE TEETHDIG, with PERFECT SUCCESS. It soo.ritES the CHILD, SOFTENS the GII.MS, ALLAis a.11 FAIN ; CURES WIND COLIC, and is the best remedy for DIARREO3A. 'St is ab- solutely harmless. Be sure aud ask. for "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. Twenty -eye cents a bottle. NASTY BITiD. i A little four-year-old boy living n a country town .x.b.‘stirbed and took some, eggs from 'under a sitting hen belonging to a neighbor. The neigh- bor complained to the boy's mother, who Tater called her boy to her and began to reprove him, when he broke in with tile cptesLi an : told youg'' The inotlier said—"A little bird told me. Now, toil me, how niany- eggs clict you take 7" The little boy, stalninering. said: "Weill Well! Why ,clidn't the bird tell you the whole of, it?" Mater---"ITave you seer; Mr, Dacer's sari since he got home from college?" Daughter --"Yes, ma; saw him last' night." Mrs. M. --- ,"Has lie improved much?" ,Darigh- tor "Awfully, He's got a Mous- ' she." 4:'!! - OVA VETLZ. Tb t Beef Or Unparallele purposes. or Bulls, write es o on. Park, Guelph, E ANY IMPORTED CLYDESDAIAZ Stallion for sale. 9 years old, price Sorby, GuelpW,. ble or fieeen, aatile gins. 8)iine lama gimes and hollers, mai suppltv Tho Long 24anutiwturipc Co., Ltd, West, 'et, Orillia, oraerie, ILANDON. Manitoba, oilers excellent investntentz in Deal 'Estate. Write rtionlars or Fifty Dollar to SeventY. ollar lots. Six hundred sold local. 1 Harwood, Brandon, Man. W13ERRY P ed poet - pad, two dozen, rite; Min- ted. feventy vents; undred, two dollars. Mailed postpaid, D. llartley. Milton, Ont. NE SECOND 1.1.i.ND HEA.ITZ Iron Frame Veneer atiehiue, 1 Clip- per, 2 Cranes, 1 Drag Saw, 1 Perkins ote.; send for printed list. The Rider aud ICiteliener Co., Limit. co, Lindsay. T EARN TUBARR. E BETRADE—NEW sYstem-constaut practice — careful instruetion—a few weeks' complete course —tools free. Graduates earn twelve tta eighteen dollnrs weekly. Vi'rite for cats, logue. Meier Barber College, 221 Queen East, Toronto. d AlsiCER, TUMORS, LUMPS. etc, In. ternal 1.111d external, cured without Pain by our bome treatment. Write us before too late. Dr. 13oliman Medical Co.. 'Limited, Collingwood. Out. TON SCALE, special price. 'Wilson's Scale Works, Esplanade, Toronto. NIT ‘17teen;',,' toexreigenoj'ea";%eg wary. Our lines especially used by mothers and girls. Apply Dept. A, Brit. ish Canadian industrial Company, 22$ Albert St., Ottawa, PECTA,LISTS ADVICE FREb`. Consult us in regard to any disease. Lowest prices in drugs of all kinde. Trusses fitted by mail. Send measure. anent. Glasses fitted by age. Write to -day for anything. sold in first-elass drug stores to Dr. Bellman, Collingwood, Ont. _ 111 OTTLED "ANCONAS, Greatest Lay - .YJ ers. Fertile Eggs, $2 for thirty. E. W. Wardle, Corinth, Ont, 1SATB Pay the express in Ontario, Forty, 13 weeks Yorkshires. registered, ten dollars each. Write for what you want. Thos. N. Havens & Son, Aldboro P.O., Ont. CEAP LANDS in Saskatchewan V.1 ley. Good openings for tradesme and farmers. English speaking settl ment. Write for illustrated pamphlet tge. Secretary, Board of Trade, Marshall, Sask. By buying direct from us you can save money on BUTTER WORKERS, EXTENSION LADDERS, WASHING MACHINES, ETC. We will send you Catalogue free. Ask for it. SEMMENS & SON, 174 York St., Hamilton, Ont. Enraged Credito:.?—"I've had enough of mounting all these stairs every day to collect this bill." Deb- tor—"Well, I can tell you a piece of news that will please you. After to -morrow I'm going to live in the basement." Rya uable hiterna,./ cor.Cduibli n ofe:Thrp Cro: vailgineRenjtdk's jfuT.tb CAISsietilii,gbrq.;led,". xi e ,of Zinc. C.4m)ollorated fcarbe1atod,c4bohotai Eae. ,c01-. Njecial ,ptirpose,s: :Write Per Free Vaseline Book.' Cha5direuft MA.C4660 INIZMU.704 r/L,Mt..AM tr'