Exeter Advocate, 1911-5-25, Page 10ri.
Report of the
If4a Sit Convention
At 4,30 o'clock oxo Tuesday, MaY 1O
the 1.7 h A„nus; Convettti;an of tine.
London Br kis or the 1'4' tin S,' +,04s
1t; Waitttnced Open by the Warren I'reszT
dr St Mrs Gordian 'Wright, with trig
,re•eredited t elegatesattendance, abet.
number of visitors :Those Present
gtgwentl;all l M some to Exeter front
over time 'Louden Cotnf,erence,
: ur•: try attended', tt not lay ,actual
=us tn"an
Land% at 'lust by ctonsteleraiale
dit coonfort; For tails, Trunk Line Willett
cotav'el ed Maar sa us ;.o our destinglelts
Best either siltderestimated the imparts
anse •end size of Sid ctalventiona or had
considerably nyereetimpried The p3nti sinal
sindurancr of its delegates, And others
a4iinlvt,.;i ':in over .':gads meddred ''key tine
lucoriatil ” rein,
B Pone exF°:a x C,inventio.a openedtlzs
d+.teg„nte* were nosy ti ;ding * ir,r hi.
Seed au, wra ;ora ore say, aro the?
ve t r o:.' size to s tS^:a reommittec and to•
trite: nrembe s of the Exeter AuxiltarierS
who as ess ped their l ottle% to tato await-;
Atter•.the atm :a� + t ties CoriventiOr
#Jrsk' 1rotalrPfie caE tate deAeates s�sa
tg;ita' 1m ( e their rat- ttlde to Vest pr
t �C'ar�ittg ' rite' �o
'i:Dk%'• ' ata*• i x3t; Mit 'tDuPat.:
their es' n at to$ 7 7? s
.:11 .1)" "8t=t%E C ute in diff
ill£' minutes'
e:"41ivi iTte&',t1lni were tea
MI.'S, 're .1.:1 4111 bt iPtlg'sit P'lt
st ititietiela: Patti ata(
Preamble—With 0, drew 1a til
rapid develt tireent tat the T.S,
by inerearriug tits number and efttei
ta: those w7t Must assinne+ lender y 1
tt,; t" ftatttat, ale re4:gnlmerd 'haat
an bca ;sullialitteti
p f D,igtrlet renal!#•
tlfttitL411 Ear trTAt
tea titt)ulie'
This As
Th °nicer
tt�tt of a Kee
ldent, metas iia ftatta vlt r-
tadltia-secre!'sxy, a(rxre ,
rosy, trea,t:Paier, at't41
ludo ying.` 'nese ;}atiail
tilt + :acetal »ttttrlet Go«1
vice-pres9pr erl ds:r at n:11
meetings etI Of „Iia E
^, *save Conualttee. 'S?ie shall sign all:
marattttro ut)o D •tile Tre}aaur)• fore 1aa5"men:+
4, Tit e tacardlitl„-secrtttry,s1t111 ta#-
mai all it aCi'tttia$s tail ilea I)i txlt t and Z
its Executive Commit tco'aaid sl tail
t full record of that proceedings.
The es O zn' 1 r
1) t , i E, Meat"coo, y small t<a
duct till otficial, earreSPettadtail€c:. la
Strait adage prepa•r,n' it then 4kiniauttl Meet-
tat, of he 'bz;:tnrla a renort of ,sal„ the.
work Hearts on the 'Distric't during tits
The treasurer 'shall receive ail.
tributions train Auxt1Iarles, Circles
tilantds, keeping proper books of
iwtd. Strati forward the Money qt
to the Treasurer tat the Branch,
Tale Supt', ''Of Systt"ntatic Giving
cande"'lvor by an possible means
:note the pri:liciples Of Christian ,
shiptht'o hout the stria; at
ug d1 ct, a
1i -resent it report tY pregress In t
tx+tlern''zat etch anitaut,l Dist. Con.
;. The president and corresponding
.secretary shall be primarily ^tett
for the work of argeolizinbw aux
circles and bands throughout this
tract and assisting those already
-a;, with all necessary. 1lje1p. Il}
work 'they sitauld receive the co
tion of the other officers.
t;. The F. -swirls% Committee shall
t iiC'xC°ann7b$E'ai frotaT
toil of titre^ Go
tine*est, n1 taut)
l)^a thereof. wltEcDn {kit'- �,tt'Pfity4vttlt
Ives. shall b; Owed . ,1 k), 1t,a1
a toratittttten,' at nm Ain
e 1nC i t .;aft the Prattei3
Id by the I t';tolch. a
aitln#e the lallowhng
es and
to tiro.
d shall
tis' dir.
is" Die-
• e'a'iat_
co -Operas
all Meek'
at the rail et :the _President and ,Cor-
trespanding Secretary as )often as inay
be necessary to transact 'business that
requires attention between the ,Annual
7, Each Auzillalry, Circle- and Band..
is entitled, tea '.send on, a delegate to tate
Annual District Convention who ,shat)
give a report sof the work done during
the year and shall alga prepare a re-
port ot the proeeedinsgsr of the convention
for tate betietit 01: the auxiliary,,, circle'
or Band which she represents.
8, Only properly aut:ivorized delegates
1>f the Distrlct Convention may vote on
questions decided by balllot, but all the:
privileges of the District Convention'
shall be open bo an the memberai o!1 the
Auxiliaries, Circles and Bands lir the
District, also to lady members of con-
tributing leagues.
0, The president and corresponding
secretary of. tire District shall be ex -
officio members of the Branch Meeting
their expenses being paid by the Branch
10,. At the Annual District Convent-
ion ,delegates to- the An,rival `'Branch-,
:sleeting with two alternates' shall ' be
ele:ft;'iir i,ti .the ; proportion of onetot
everya',three ,luundred of the Auxiliary
me nbera of the iDistrict. The exper sej,
of the elected delegates t+o ;be (paid by
the OiatriCt 'Treasu
11 ' All official electilotitis in the Dia
trCet` Ethan be conduct by
ballot, t, with
out;nomination, a naJority vote
In the event of the foregoing District
Co .stitution ;being .adopted, BE
SOLVED, that we memorialize the Board
of ;'vfa.nt,,g'ess to instruct the Annual
port Conurtiittce co make, such cha
iL the Constitution for Branches; s'. Aux-
iliaires, Ban],us and Circles' as are nece-
9:aar .to harmonize 'thein 'with the :neer
methods, ;of,;Distric't''.adinitna t ;tion.
ars. Cautlhard preseedecl the follow-
ing `.n'otice',of mo'tioli,--
Whores Branch Meetings o have
grown n ^ u tiL, it is often difficult t'o find
Au11$,ri es' able to entertain them,
a ��'the work done
°r'.Fm,�hcerdaa—t;iicii, of
:rich ataeetai'ih may be gen.
rdone metre eflectivclS in this
v ]
trGom ei t,Slon
a presolved—that ti G rot-, I je`'Yie it , re a 1 -.
of:ion'Jbe' ilia-ierted,:: n :Firenciai
and 2
Ietr:b ha
1ltR, i�ma'
By-law' ik,. .1t1 aur ,\uriTlar:1
ue)r Wise'';::.:, as shalt b ,'nailbed tt,,� rile
itstriet Supt. a delegate awl alternate
the AmtULD. District 1ei'ttng shall be
ae ted by ballot ° without nomination, a
a t jordty v;>'e being required."
iy-lav' N. t3, for Curies. -"At ouch
a hall be nany^d by 'the 111e-
talil unt. ;aa del alit .and alternates to
tllvr 2annuial' District Convention shall be
olacicd lt; btrlo: without nomination, ,t
nr njorlty vino being required."
� A
Scctlen 10, -Constitution for 13' rid —"t"
,1 8, t
guci} mee 1;011 a4 snail h :dined by the
Dist. Sup"., a de1e:;ate and alternates to.
telt Atrnu it District Convention shall be
elected by ballot 'without nomination, a
majority vote being required."
The bust"cess of the first session wax
corielud "1 by the apppiniment at Mrs.
Austen, Miss, Dinginan. Mrs. Murch ands
Snell as a courtesy caronnittee.
It was a cause of great sorrow to the
Conveiatl'es that its IIonorary Pres:dcnt
and Vice -President were both , absent
thru illness and that one ;tot its honored
district oi-- inizers was being carried to
her Iasi resting place at tete very hour
at which the Branch Meeting convened.
Special retention Was made of this latter
tact by Mrs. Learoyd, who conducted the
memorial service. After ' reading about
the God "whip has been our dwelling
place from all generations" and the sing
ine; of nit appropriate hymn, Mrs. 'I ea
'esti rns•',a mention of those whohad
s to
h,e1 within the veil during the
-nisi yell's, and especially ' of the .one
w soSe death had been such. a shock and
one ;'f wdvese last messages 1iad been
that she would be resent at the C4onve'n
tion 'in spirit, if not In body.. The ser-
vice was concluded by the reading roil
the beautiful memorial' service front
the Church of England Prayer Book, and
another hynm.
One of the nrost Impressive services of
the Convention was the Consecration Ser
vice led tihitt aiterinoian by Mrs. l7nna-
inore. After the usual exercises of sing
ins and prayer, iiully half • an 'hour was.
given to testim;oniest faroin ide delegates,
the keynote sof the words; spoken being
the joy ;Of doing God's will fully and
deeper consecration to that will. 'After
this ,service, the entire Convention par-
took of the. Lord's' Scupper.
The delegates and visitors were enter-
tained to a most :enjoyable' tea in 'the
church by the Exeter Ladles and a soc-
ial it,our wne g enit afterwards. T con-
s The cI n
vention cenvch'ed again at 8 o'clock. ,Af-
ter ide opening exercises conducted, by
liev. I-lobhs, addresses of welcome were
given by Mfrs. Snell and: Peeve Tayl'or'`
and the -former was replied 1,p; by 'ivirse
Vii'. W e e
Dr. e k.,s o Lotl]don. The interest :r
n c est cif.
•be-evenin'T' i n
s meeting s s ceutn•ed ts the Cor -
Sec., and Trreast'-:1ReportsTand the 1'i s-
id,ent's address. 'The. following ' is , a re-
sume of tee Cor.'' Sec'retasy's Report,—
Mrs. Tennant spoke firs't?,of. the -extent-
u t
of the 5ni:ssiloluary`enterrase an enLer
ise having but ii
, � sine boundary, - ths(i, set
by Christ when. ne ,said'',=to saeiito all
the world and i e alT creak res. Pi-oh:the
1 department of Christrian work ha
Y no n d
done so mucic to broaden I:he women oI
Our church and riobabl Y -..nose ha.d. heen:.
etaesti acr..ontp 'shed {haat me- Is�a.,.ratics we Id
show. During the years 1.8 new ,jo tat-
fes_Ihad been organized, Exeter ]Distriet
5lt Ails;:
lit ancttti;
district, having organ.
4,'R circles.'Frain
'Branch, 0;1
annual 1110mi/e ra
a ttotal. of '43;i k,
raa«:cls ktad 7 nalasi*narlcs in to
3 ill China, urn4 2 on the tdtriMc ,
Eleni, wtnK1 two mere : ttra ta',sa91 'alas
LBO... In tortiei' ricer tltcse rep;
I inay be sustained tt is nee-
^ss.tt'y alz.at the Bran ii members trust.
Fnrnatla9re whit thein, give o1 their
t,athy and + f their pt 35k'r. Yrs. Ten -
tint spoke t1 the rest Lund for ` the gena
the i'etutined 'rlasiona'ries, and
tzttcluslon appealed for oonsecrated
1 .,rilloaoti in 11199 missionary went',
'lilt zrr "e S
toot the veto ring ;
onr tet Svaaill -t'tl >.r the, f.1 . ICttg'."
'a, 'Alt:tr•lnti, the 'Branch r Treasure
td :'l r(' ort: tf. " , '
n ear, "best Year ever(
in which :.,-,';10•217.0p had been sent by
tile" London I3ratineh to its treasurer,
ata"^ President,•','s address, given
ordon " Vr bht was masterly:
`i to 0 ward by speaking of the'splendid
'a',fs..that had passed and stating that
ow was rile day at opportunity—thee
time for a decided forward advance 111
liIV auxiliaries. But the main subjects
tit her address' were the needs ,of'tour'
*Wu Canadian laird, and a report of the
World's "Missionary Congress held at
Edinburgh last summer. In speaking of
our Western work Mrs. 'Wright; told the
story of the call and the pioneer work
of Miss Munl}a'e and Miss Edmonds
among the alalicians lof .Alberta. The'.
changed lives of the foreigners touch
by the missionaries was a challenge to
the expansion of our Roane Mission
work. Last year, she stated 300,000.1m
miFVrents Cane into _Canada, and -as
mans' more will ctoble ails year. It Is
our duty to see that these are niadelsthe
r" k.ed of Caladians 4Irs. Wright's
a o. -y sf the Edinburgh Congress was
:ult of. -special interest, telling, ,as tit
dill, of a gathering probably the Most
significant tin church history since the
d.i.ys of Penties t. And the dominant
note -o:f the Conesres,s was the supremacy
or the Lsoi-d Jesuls Christ—a, supretllaby
which must be acknowledged by full be
brl def in His words' and wigrk. Of the
commissions, which brought their-find-
in;'s to the Ctongress, one w'as• intro-
duced by Sir Andrew Fraser, and .he,
spoke ;of the tnecetslaittyS'o'f,�,,op1i'ty ha. the
nil solo e field. Anpthler „Qonrmission'
dealt.with mietsi'otrery equipment: and its
appose was mot s{o niuclt, for quantity
as for quality. IMJssitornariels were want-
ed, who should be theoloig-ia'n}s, that is,
°';lt,ose wihto, see life atndial1 tita;t) pertains.
thereto from God's' point of view."
Among .she most, impressive' features of
the Con ens were -the speakers ' front'
trop-Chr.istian countries, atbou',sa few of:
whom Mrs. -old us. dile Chin-
hi `
Wright� e n=
ese student urged on tads dele ate:s the
g res t. joy oc1; 'bei soul wi er
.I Y Ing a.s 1 rnn and
indeed :he . went on ,to $ay:th'atrFvery
'aeristian anuslt of 'necessity be a cool
writ ncr, and he ;told oafschool b sr+i
7 I .boys; n
nee 'wh'o were 'so filled with -theist -soul
p -ss o:t chat they lived ,often on one
Ineni a day lin orderii o-save,money ' for
;he propagation of the Gospel. Anoth-
Chi;iose 'urged the members of the
a1}4.res9. to'g of more wines lTesrua u'nt'
'.'ae ;.iruu:nt 1o2 -.Olives that they 'night
1 g.
sees e' I.uetorsi and po �n]1 still another
,, ;
::, ;---We have found
'Haat ;i't is of.
absoTULca AOC sr rd, that we must ae ar`
ate ourselvesfoamthat'e
S , r,t evpry'Ltrulnh w ulf
tr. n.rh :reproarh] Up' the ".eaus s •o'f'- Christ.
1 Chinese aaese student staffed that ':1]e had
us. reCeisad . i:' 1
s ca oIet„rami Fettling ot-
900 Chinese-' students who had just of,
fere(' themselves,forth9 evan'me7lzaEl
5 on
o1. C nna:and his plea- was fpr,tnord ed,'-
utator s but only for theses o 'have' the',
trill 101,10, �i( rtrtixaseritn Sv(u
a k .portrd overt'ana liIli 'o1,r, iiaAroecl tharcm
r,) A 4"'on.vert lab:y and',
-tight, ',f Qi the last 25 'years. The80 won-
derruT, works 'iiitve been ac:con)pllshcd by
prayer lipid personal wlu•k, an easiest
1 QIog a'b,]a.t :trout heitso to house tell.
in friends and neig'iibors of aesus.
lira'„ Weight 'etruck the key otpte of triter
Congress and the )tete that was toi he
cent -int In our town convention wtrhn
she spoke ,or the daily prayer meetings.
durirrt the Congress for the outpourlstsi
..1 Gad"o spirit, Tile . a°eault8 of these
prayers, were the never -to -be -forgotten
days In Edinburgh, 0itdh day mire wen-
dertul than the last, until, on 1.11e last
"great day"' the delegate fairly reach-
b 'ertch-
cd tale snots:3 MM trap of Christian expert-
oanee' and
Stor Wright's
the usual
closing exercises took place and thus
ended the first day of the glnwentlon
The Tuesday moaning session began
with a quiet hour led by tithsdhtne3+
:Wright and Tennant. In her Bible 1•ead-
tn0 Mrs. „ Tennant held up Jesus Christ'
before us as Tie lived here tn.!, t earth.
Then she spoke of the nece'asltY .of his
going away that the disciples might
receive power by the baptism, sof the
Holy Spirit. Sr) we may reeelve this gift,
et the Spirit' by asking! for it. and only
so shall we leave plower, "If ye' theal!)be-
ing evil know stow"to give good gifts' to
your children pow emelt more sh'ail your
Heavenly Father give the Rely Spirit to
them that ask Rine We are all run-
let= ass -ace, "tier .fore, let us lay a-
Theseasonof prayer which Y c 1 followed
was filled with defiittjilte, eaanestrequests
for the endlat,nlnent of the Holy. Spirit
and 'equipment -for service.
„After the .reeding of the minutes" of
Tuesday's meetings, the notices of mo-
tion were voted upon, with, the result'
Idat the :hest motilor wast -tabled ;orune
year, and the, second waist defeated. It
was moved, seclonded and carried that
1;3 future years each delegate and offi-
eer of the Branch Clonvetrltion should
contribute 50c.- hotwarda tneir. entertain-
mkilt. A fruritlher motipn that the '50c:
s. rlould be `i;npluded ii -i the delegate's ex-
penses was defeated, it being decided;
that it would be beat, that each delegatir
and officer should pay her entertain,
meati: fee. On the motion of lobe'. McAl-
ister these chain}ges shall be embodied
Sas by-laws.
After the transaction tof this business
the district orrgalnizers''were called upon
for their reports. Myst Rea of the Lon-
don. District ' e of:ted 28' auxiliaries, 3
x R
of them ,new ones' and $4700 ra.i's d
e [ in
the district, :air increase of $200 aver
last yearn, iJrs. Duan more reported, tor
the :S't'raltford Disltrict and, told 'of one.
hew `Uu"iliary, one new circle andone
new 'band. Tlhere was, and increase dur-
ing the year of 62 annual members' and,
1e life memb9y,s, and the ainorent raised
waa 91.315.72. For the G(oderic:h -Dist,
s"Lca h repotted 1 haw
l membership
5$„'which a,sl an w lr-
crease of 44 over last year;- and the
receipts 914-92.89, ^an] inerea'se of 331.58
N'. r,:
s s. ,Spa lrlhh of the Wiai ham Di�sltr'tct
reported 373 members,_2 new auxiliaries
•_" 5 ,. • .,
a❑d `x8..,8.2,].- The report IoL,7vilrgti Wilaoti•
of Exeter District yras:as f,olloswa, 7 new
:,ueiliaries, 3 new circles, 1 new band,
1, r,radle roll r
, tt'olia1 increase of members
y .,
7.,. aid in forties of auxiliaries 47:,00.'
yrs. "a.r:alhain of Str hasoy wale dc
Jock "the work of District organizer t]ur-
inl; the year, ;reported that; erne was ;un-
able -1'.o tell et ;kw or ninato
gal• ins ixut
:hot the interest had 'been increasing.
n,> -
w t s, , r ,
.-0Wins a the lateness of the hour ''it
was; found necessalrl to. defe3 (titre re-
ports of tide -fernaling organizers un-
ill` a future date, Ali invitation 10 tate
branch to )beet i.tt'S;21111a i'text year wait
read natd heartily accepted, Tho 'Con-
ventlon then adjourned until the lifter -
Before tire afternoon session, tneotinga
vote hold at lite Executives a,tlt1 of 'the
Circle delegates, At the latter, it wu
unnnlmneualy decided that Miss Code
should take the place of; Miss Weekes
ao Circle representative In thei West.
'lisle afternoon meeting, commenced. with
devotl'anitl exercises. led by Mesdames
Taylor and Graham. AA.Ster the reading
of the minutes and the transaction of
a few minor points of business, belts:
McOamus, Supt. of SystelriatIc Giving.
gave her report, Ctrs. McCamue spoke
01" her department as' a very inaporta.lnt
one, because it systolnatic giving coultl
be adopted the money In-eblenn, would
be solved. She s'l wed that the tithe
way the lowest 'fear«n of giving, and was
in existence even among pagan lneople.
Giving should be :pari, 0'f one's ,worship,
and :a part, from vanish 1110+ ohs should
be ex-entpt. She told an interesting
story ;of n woman, on the, Otonabee Riv-
er, who in her dire, ppverty raised from,.
S5 to 10 a' year cEax", the nlissiolEtpries,
one year making an investment /of a
fowl, utnether year of yarn. And from
that district came Rob:,' Emberspn, the
missionary to Japan. Surely the leaven
of self-sacrifice had wlorked.
Mrs. MCCamus' said abet those :report-
rung to her frioin the Dept. of Systematic
Giving showed a fine disregard for stn-
tistics, but yet the Dept. was growing
fast. Cards that she had sent out trio
varlions ',Persians, asking then: what:
they oolnsidered the duties' of system-
atic aunts. btiou'ght "tut some splendid
suggestions, such as discussion. of the
subject at every meeting, the use of
the "Christian Steward," a Bible 'exer-
else ,60 tithing, 'and tile free distribution
of literature. Our auxiliary 'reported'
that . in formeryears, they had made
111010 money by holding a church festi-
estival, but last year they dtscar'ded this
in favor of a smis,sionar'y Sabbath,; with
very good results.
Io conclusion 142ris. McCaanus reoom-
to tided the Bible as a teSit-biook oat
systematic giviing, and conducted a
"model tithe study." The questions and
skewers were as follows,
Is there a distinct command onrmalld L'o tithe?
Deut.14.22—"Thiou shalt •sure tithe all
the increase of Oily seed."
Where are we clommaks'' dee to bring
the tithe?' 1 '
Ned. 10.335—A,nd hicv bring the first
fruits of our ground onot the first, fruits
of all malrpier of trees, year by year,
unto the I -Louse of Jehovah."
Did Christ cokitmalnld tithing?
Luke 11.412 -"Ye tithe •u 'mint: and I rue
and every ;herb, ' and peals, over justice'
and' the love of God; but these things;
ye .ought 10 have 0015 and h]ot' to leave.
.he ;otherulnidlpYie.„ 1 _ t '
Did ln(d Paul+ ron to
c m tithing?
I. Car. YG•t.,. 2- -
L:po'nl i,he Strait day of
the week let each one of ye:`u' lay by hire
in snore as. he may Pro sper.i'
GIs, a
e premise to the bedic'
pt• h obedient?
Luke 8.38-"qivo_and it e!hall he •„Jv-
en unto you; good measure, pressed
d�ow�n, shaken `Cart-settler,:running over
shall they give iadio'your 'bosom."
Will you give curses' tot the di sob eat cut;
P,r,ov. 1.7.:24—"There is that scattereth.,
Iirtd increas'eth yet more; atuP tJ]are i
.1 •
that wrLhh;oldet..t,
Ya]ore tient is meet, but
it Landetlr ionly oto want."
Will you give any result of tithing?
:Eieb 1 3.5-"I3e ye erne' ftom the, cove
lof money; .content with, such' things as
: I I
ye have; . floc ]r,nnself hath stele 1 will
i,n,, no wise :tail thee, neither will, ,in
arty wise forsake
A conrcrellee Ott thitliin 'e �' 101 ow
1 ed cirri '
aeVeral WI) practised tithing art, spolte of
Ido pla1sure; they found, In giving.
Now followed the Circle 40,d, 'Bland' Con
rcyronce, conducted by i0ts, Harrison.
Sart had arranged that a number of Calr-
vittand—Band delegates; „should discus
the questions, vis, --0 s
Circle Work.—a, The place ofge-ra
b, Knowledge; p Y el ;
d-, a ea fittt'Cloy, 0, Other abut-
eta auxiliaries.: . '
Haid Work, -a T '
�e trine of officers
,needed ; b, The helpfulmember;
c, The
lteipful. auxllialry.
The u discussion brought t g out the fallow -
1113 suggestions,
Prayer should, he lv ve •
b eitk the. ry place
In Circles, itltd i11 tordor tiralt+ e'tt, inlay
Lie - a blesai,niy {o'tlr 'to talose (wino listen
and those wile take part It isllould be
prevl;ausly arranged, like any meter par,~
of the program. On delegate :suggested
Bible verses' in, tate earns of ara er
reading in.the Ltord'a' y '
prtyyor and sen-
tence prayers, Por thp,sc who are to lead
in prayer for td3e first tlirte, 11 *main
who knoweth and kit weth
knowledge d" ere. This
ed�'e can 'best be acquired b
„systematic, c,onseeu'tive studya and this
•010 best be done by -idesturdy class. 8
circles reported t
a tl R Study dY class.. Those
who spoke 0111 giving thought that with
a :hero knowledge of , the work, the
money would come in, and that the
supt ,of ''systematic •giving • should be
allowed right of way ani order tt,o train
the members t to, regard giving us; a
religious exercilse. Vaaious methods of
raisin or
g money were suggestedx as the
monthly offerings, Easter, thank offer
ink, making an members+ whoa marry
life members, and 'others'. The Circle
delegate front' Stratford thoughtthat,
the Circle members' sshtould make better
auxiliary ;members; better League mem-
bers, better S. S. teaeih)ersl and
p "big
sisters" "aa the Band and Junior League
Others thought that they might g become
a factor in ,the eh;uriht:life ;a.nd, ight
gain the,
interesti tof. the e other: church
',organizations by being enthusastic in
their work.
The helpful Band officers and mem-
bers bers ahould be faithful, willing to be
taugdt, willing ( to' do wit , lipg to be,
well -believed, punctual, interested, ag-
gressive, and self-denying. Of all
helpful Band : member's', prlobably "moth
e.•" is the nnolsi Helpful. 3 The auxiliary
should' feel its; res onsibil31y to the
rand and should
I sympathize and assist
end pray.
After the Circle and id; t Bard
ion, Mrs. Mr,s. McAlister gave an ex-
t'rern;el interesting
Y rnit!eresting adds as. �ohi, ,•Out•.
�I t'
Na.ti,onai Problem” substantiating every-
thing she said by authoritative ;motet
irons .and (recent new+slpaper clippings.
The emphasis, of all moral reformers
to -day is: 00 this' question and when we
ler°w the 'truth about it, stinks truth! shall' -
make us free. A clipping cut ,frbm t a ;`
January paper told hosw. Jet Riga Rossi
6 , a
t•!i•e offices of the White Slave 'Agency
were raidled by the police and 15 Young
glrle•were found who h' ad answered ads
for dairymaids. Only one trader wets
seized. ;it was found 'that ttei•e would
oe a profit of $30 ani each wetness plac-
ed in, America. A.tion seta '
n � from the
Hon. Edward Slane stated that in this
traffic in Amer'i'ca it1 idre ie,a yearly re
ireme t
I n f 15,000 foreign and ,of
;15,000 uatLve-toe
t wo
men. In C'hIcago
ar tc, is here are 30,000 w' miss-
have ,hiss
ata the ora �g
y and a s the av'eraoe life' rot
I:hese w;isl.;o;nly five!:'years' there ale
i1e annual'
re-inf;orcement of "8000. In
April of LI]is year a warning was put;,•:
lisited ay Dr. Shearer of '
• Toronto a air's`"
� u
the Whitelave dealers Balers bel[eved'
veerking iii .that city. Many of flies
dealers are women .'ho'' Se'curei their re -