Exeter Advocate, 1911-5-25, Page 9emits filter' public thoroughfares, de partmeal,tal snored, restaurantsand the dance" tans,; After gaining the can fidence or their vietrims they suggest a trip to thein l o nese i>u nhe ,states - from weld itis girls r to a1 ev err return. That there al" c many victims is pn;ovell, by the slat•• 'sous taf Immigration officers. Tanis. Is em of the hazdest`crimesl to ,detect, as theta le nothing to assist .the 'police its ru mina deem the procurers. Dr. Shear - ea believed Toronto to be practically Free of the real traffic, although'' it is a large, recruiting centre. Hon Edward 'Sims was again, quoted as aayiug that only 20 per cent. of the victims of •this traffic a into it voluntarily. As, there is nev- er, a supply without a demand, 'the ex- tent tea which this trade ha 'grto(wn` plicates very ` matey 'fix our men. The trarfie flourishes for two reasons -be- cause >t ig.naral)ce and be,cause, of dou- ble standard of morality. Dr. Shearer says, "Woman; are seen inn the Police liiy Court, mea seldom, and if they are i they are all;awed to go. You women{ are as mucin t•o blame as we monk. What we de in the pollee court you do, socially,' eel. Roosevelt was quoted aa saying, "I :call attention to thin please, las Gov- er.nar of Clew York, insisting that men be held equally guilty with women when they have latae wrongs" Our civil law h;cs recently been revised so that a male a'eceives 5 years instead of two, for as certain offence. This is not enough and ee uld be changed, In New York a new White Slave law bas been{ enaeted,wlsich emcee the maximum sentence an not less than 20 years end a Line of :r11QOQ:.4t1, .nine)° eaase of this' tratftc is tthe 'seg- iraa.teti districts', itn, which, Dr. Shearer says, 'obscenity and the worst forme or vies coins to )}gin, The segregated die, triets ere the Dally paaCes1 inthe count - try where a girl can; be held a prisoner against her will. In illustration of this Mrs. efe=ulster told of of a girl whoall- swered a,:l ad, tae a eMagle and when ebe f;u.ad where she was, hied to escape but was, not milowed by the 'Police, for w,a,. could believe ink the purity ,of a girl we) came from such a district.. A clipping front San Francisco told pt 0 Chinese ;iris who had been die- c.aveeed only after the officers chopped teem seven. blind doore. These girls had beet; bau,hl for ,$27/,000 and probably anmr „led lease port, Another , clipping frenu \\ ee ntagiotl stated an extensive ;.nffic len itunnan 1i e had beela revealed by reale Ott snanivure parlors there. elute: le being (lane to put down this) sniffle, "•i'wcnty countries have eonibiners against it, ea'f wiliest Canada is one. New Uwe are being enacted, and preeautiona are twin,- taken to Protect those coming as etnajngeee in large clues, but to reach the swot of the matter we must 'be- gin In our "domes. The following public eratceuent wale ;recently' made by a ,gen" Denten in Chicago, "Unless, steps of a 0 ?teetive ebaracter are titkon' at once a Agit ach'aol scandal will come to light that writ ahiack our ci,(ica from oast to coast)" Much can, be Bono by the wlornen of the convention in, their oven homes, and by warning the The d devotional exercises off tho.evening meeting were lead by Mr. laobb t which s, after c n Mrs. Harri�sian, ",gave file Cott, Sec re.,rt lA of citclrs, and bands.. She e mcei,eed byom- ron,labulating the 'Women because +of the wonderful age in which they are nyhm.;, .ft is a dayof nnniraciest God has,' ieveiled difficuitiee' ink the way of the progress of Hie Kingdom = the church has wakened up to the command, "G}." And the' young are the heir of all the ages, with mighty thiingsbefore therm. Again the young are to be con.'. ;,rarulated because ,of thein place in, the. world's greatest movement—tae estab iishment 'of Gods kingdosn, This will. Mean, tile enrichment of life, for tihet self- ish life is dwarfed, but the life centred in Christ is enlarged. The story of mnission3 is stenos{ the story of the life lost and .,round main—the Story of Liv- iknstene, who lost his life in the jungles of Africa the .story of Jennie Ford, whf, lost her life and found 'It tagain in the lives of the helpless babes; the story of T-.1'erbie Bellamy, who foundhis' life iia the rescued orphans of t{enaza-' wa, Japan. This place in the establish- ment of God's kingdom means the con, tinuity ,of work—the taking, up of the, work of the wounenk of to -day. As never before, the call is for skilled workmen, far expert men and. women. The young of to -day are being educated for this: wlerk, and in the future will 001 be; able to plead the lack of training. The work among the young is an arsenal for re- serves, "Sunday Schleol l"vatngellam„ has the right ring and is ,getting down to the foundation. ",Train up a child in the way be should go"—the Book says, "Train up a child in Rand and Cirele and surely she will catch a vision of a great 'iced{ World and say, "Hero am II sand met' Thein there shall Rot be a latae of woahers but they , shall hear the call and g;a' forth in thb att•eng� lh of the Master to sbrve ;IJljn by( Set-v. lung "the .least 'af these His brethren.'" " In c,>ncivaloll Mrs. 1•Iarrison reported 88 elrclee—an increase sof 2-9 auxiliar- ies who have Circle members—total cir- cle members 1181. Giviuge $1.,78$.12 '(these are not complete figures), an in- crease of ,$202,33, Bands 84, increase of 3, membership 1101 (not final), $7d5.68 (also not 7,ncrease of *183.99. To -m followed the presentation of "Life lferbershrp" saleolarship to the Band and rerele, ))avid); the largest per- centage ercentage increase—Seafgortl1 Band and Thedf,ard Circle being the fortunate Hansa. Miss Martin of the Rescue Horne, Vic- toria, B. 0,, who is on furlough, tweak' called upon ter give the address of the evening, and her address was the tory of the gleed In Iletoria. "for 'the -'kind: of work In which she is etagled. She epal(e first ot. the 22,000 Orientals in B, C., most of whom have re;Ver heard of Christ and she drew a picture of an old woman of Bp in the Somst House g ca petitions; and throwing 9':>metihing which she held in her hand 1) the floor to see if hord i be granted. She k t ton would e ais'o spoke of the sea,. s',311, of w dragon o tjshlp in Yictorta, and the Chinese New Year s b i I of which show the.;etron;g dl of. tv,Vhenisnl and the lavish expenditure ',,• )honey in heathen worship. Many of lh,e, thinking classes a on' g fixe: Orfen- teas are net satisfied with their forms ,t' worship, but the talk] of doing away with the does Houses led to stile@ excite`. meat among the Chinese (and,;indeed to art openfight) that no t,urther steps 'xeve been taken, Work among: the Orientals Is neces- sary because of their customs, many of which are opposed to Catnadian Jaws People tbeetig into the Chinese ganlb- 1L cy dens, among the erowdsa are Can, dtaal men and girls. Slavery alsg ha in eeistencc fn Vibkoria and Vancouver, vrlth scores of slave girls, and this 'is largely xespa.nsible for the establish- meat •af the Rescue Dome, One 'little slave girl was brought to the Rome with great marks •a11 her body, branded 'l with a hat iron by her mistress. Po- lygamy fa also carried on• by ,the Cain- e.ee and is the cause of 'Malty unhappy homes. One husband, with two or three wlveg neaur;ht his three children to the Rescue Home, because they could not be trained at 'home. All these crines are very difficult to detect because the official is at tbe mercy of the Chinese 'effiela), atad because in the case of ilalyganty the Chinese buys hie wives a. ani la net troubled with' licensee Owe!) regisers. The best way to atop these terrible conditions is to Christ- ianize the people. 160 women, ,'nave. passed that the Rescue Hvrne, and many a, them have #trilling stories. One little girl Was rescued from moral slivery and brought Into the 1lome,and s'x' became e, Christian. Subacquentiyi to married a Christian, in T�oronto,and they in theta= turn taught and freed a little Chinese slave girl of whom they ':ad heard. Now both are In China studyiar with a view to entering mise-. Savary work, Evangelization. is done by ttie Home among the women Of China... town, who are very much in"terested,but w arose husbands render the work ex- t.'ernely difficult by their oppoeit}oll. De. cause of the difficulties attending this work, there is gnat need of prayer a - in ,e the 'women of the east, Other dat.lils oaf the work of the "home Evert given and Miss Martinn cyancluded with. an appeal for senile -dile", prayer, and for yp'un;r people to go forth, and preach the g nspel. Tania eaneluded the second day of the Convention. Thursday morning's meeting was op- ened appriapriately by ,a quiet hour, led by Mrs. Harrison who spoke beautifully, aa prayer. Her subject was the pray- er life of Chriet, Christ is our pattern and vee must atudy him and arrange our ]lues by His, Prayer was a ,habit with Christ—am every day thing. 5o we ought 7 t aside a portion of tyre day', for ar, After he quiet hour the Molina L a, was given to business. are rise rc gI.'orJ organizers n_ mvilning Dist, organizers re, Ia' a`ta. Mr s, `raYlar of Chatham Dist report- ed 1 Darr Circle, 2 Bander and cradle rails; .niemberah. 412$1333.12 three raised. For Sarnia p -, $138 ar- racl'>u'-�h District airs. Bar,. reported 1 auxiliary less, but excellent wark through the year. Miss: Crichta,n of leidgetown, Dist. auz1itaries 3 reported 10 circiea bands and a financial ,increase of $127.26. Mae. last gave the re s Mar part for Se, Thomas, s l awint> 19 auxiliaries, one new, 2 new ircles, 3 bands, auxiliary membership X35, etrele 61, band 60, cradle 54, . seciate 74 ,amount raised $1442.31.1. The report of the Windsor P3etrict w3 read by Mrs. Tennant and receivede s 'lading — ague , A1330,17;, altsaounk sent to Treasurer, auxiliary membership 579; band 399; circle 107; 3 new organize, The Time of Branch Meeting was ors nation ohanged, the books" to close May :fir, the on �a'nvention to convene apprexinlately two'weeks later, exact date being left ti the Executive', The Car -Sees, report and that of the Treasurer were adopted with these cor- rectiens 10 the former, amount remitted fr ml Circles to Auxiliaries {substitute $1851.63 ; and far amount remitted from. Bands to Auxiliaries aubstitute $761.43 After tees Ran Call, to whim 14-7 ,de, legatee and defieees answered lettere were clap•alnted and the elections of of - again, and reenited,-- DISTRICT ORGAlvZZERS--. Landon Detriet-Mrs, Rea. Gaderich District—Mrs, Leaeb Wingham District—arra, Snarling.. Exeter District—Mrs. Wilson Strathroy Di}strict--lira, Grailain Windsor District—Mrs, Learoyd Sarnia District -•-Aire, i3arraelough Chatham District--eira. Taylor, Ridsetowa, District --Mrs. Crichton St. Thomas—left to Executive. OFFICERS. limn, President—Mrs. Burma, President -firs, Wright 1st Viee—\fns, Achetaruia, 2nd Vice—Airs, Fowler `3rd Vice airs, Learoyd Car. See.—;'airs. Tenanatst Rec, Sec.—Mrs, Metlleter 'real,—Mrs, Marlette Beard ae Circle Ser~,: Aire, l-larrispn Supt. Sym, Giving --Airs. afcCanlus. Rep, to Conference_ fre, Wright Delegates tax Board of Ma nageri Mesdames McAlister, Marlatt, Harrison Alteraiates—ereselanies 1ICCamxts and Weekes. In `fixing her closing words; ATre, Wr1g'lat emphasized what had been, the undertone of the whole convention, arsd save us the motto for the enauing year. "Ask of me, and '•,shim) *gixle 'thee the heathen, Craan inheritance. The fellowine telegram wale receivers trona the W.X.S. at Calb"ary. To ting, Waley Snell, Ezeter Tho Alberta Branch of the W, lvt. S•: ,horn'! in' session at Calgary, sends' heartiest greetings' to the :london, Branch novr assembled in tEceter. We wish yiau God speed 5110 pray that this year nay be the best. -- Mrs. est.—Mrs. Co'bblediek, 5lrs•, Shouldice, HOMESEEK.ERS' EXCURSIONS To Western Canada (via. Chicago), _n eluding certain pointe' on Grand. T. Pacific Railway, :May 16, 30; Juue 13, 27; July 11, 25; August 8. 22; Septette., ber 5, 19; WLnnipeg and return, $33. Edmonton and return, $41„00 Tickets good tor slaty days. Proportionate rates to principal palnta in Manitoba, Sask-• atchewan and Alberta, Homeseekers' es- cursign tickets will also be on sale on certain dates via Sarnia and the Northern Nayigatioa Company. . Secure tickets and illustrated literature from away Grand Trunk Agent, or address A. E. Duff, District Paseeanger Agent, ",for. ontn, Ont. The May ;number of Tile Athletic World is a particularly strong one,.1 bath in illustrations and reading gnat - n.. ''':his: magazine fsl serving a nat ird`i;zl burp) e in the field of. Canadian ,a1 )rl s, mar .Oar o1 coverini; the epee-. U branches front coast to:: t or 15 thorough a:14 ezhauetive. '. .r ' department e it t_ esa` 11 PY c and r er zv> .at treatment ra=. 1'a.r10d1eal xis invaluable ,ti fu lowers 'ot' general outdoor life whae, 'desire an aaltiaC>a'}t2tiY[! work en tIntt35�3 tri the world of Athletic sports'. Hotel -keepers are 'busy these days` conning over some circulars sent tR them by the I'ror'aalal Llcense D: , partmeitt These circulars explain 15 greatest details he new five per cent.. tai e:x all bar reeoipte. In a few days they will receive :some Martin, for each day .of the mach. These they are expected to fill Lau and returaa to the departhdet4 at the and of a rp.untin with an, affidavit as to the gqo1Tectness° of the figures, These will: be given Ibe first ten days, of :rune co zet the retunns In, and if they do not get" tient, 1;;1 by that trine they wlill, be liable to a fine. ''Wen the returns are in and entered up, the hotelmen vrill get 5aotfee of what their taxes are tea lse Father Morriss "'s "No.10" (Lung Tonic) is made of Balsams, Roots and, Herbs, and is absolutely free from Opium, Morphine or any similar dangerous, drug. "No. 10" quickly relieves and. permanently cures Coughs, s Colds, Bronchitis and other troubles of throat and lungs, including even mild cases of Consumption. Moreover it strengthens the lungs and the whole system against farther colds. Trial size 25c. Regular size 550C. At your deaier's4or fr011e ather Morriscy,Medielne'o., Ltd. iONTRE.tL , QUE. 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If you want ALL the news, when it IS news, you need The Mail and Empire, Order'the 'Mail and Empire, from• your 'newsdealer .TO -'DAY or write direct. to THE MAIL AND EMPIRE, Toronto, Special Features Saturday Morning WOMAN'S KINGDOM—For many years this has been • 'a particularly interesting feature of THE MAIL. AND EMPIRE. Tens of thousands of Canada's best women have never missed reading the WO- MAN'S KINGDOM for years. , TJtE FLANEUB—•Never so good as 'to -dao. An ex- tremely interesting and instructive page. CONTEMPORARY LITERATURE " by KATH leRINE HALE—Bea utifully written. reviews of all the new books, and interesting chats- about books and their authors, LEGAL QUESTIONS AND; OPINIONS by x11)WARD ,DEER, re. -C.—Free legal a,dyice in any difficulty in which you may .need it. . Questions of, your friends and neighbors, with Mr. Meek's Answer9 and Opinions, make very interesting reading. MUSIC AND DRAMA—This has always been a very special feature of THE MAIL AND EMPIRE, and those who are interested' in Plays . and Players, Composers, 1Vlusicians and their work should not miss a single number. BOY SGJOUTS—A care -oily conducted department of interest to the boys and young men, who are mak- ing this new movement in boy life so popular, FIELD AND WOOD by "CALTIIA"—Delightful and interesting, especially ,to Children and their Mothers. FIRST-CLASS SERIAL STORY --Always, running with generous instalments each ..yturlay morning, IE you want a first-class, respectable arefuliy con- ducted, well edited, live, up -t atheeete neWePapei,; subscribe for .THD MAIL ,AND ^„t 'r•