HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-5-25, Page 5Fe, cin Of eco of of zaz 1, Prafesstoi ni thud*., AL.Dit- A, It, EIN$MAN, L. P. S., D. D, S., goner graduate of Toronto Univeriety, DENTIST, teeth extractedwitheut any pain, or any badoHects 0dtesoTert tadinan&Stanbuxy'sofice,Hainstreet iptatea Medical, El P. BRIGHT, 3L. 9., 3i, G. P. &S.. HONOR • Graduate of Toronto Un4yersity, Two years resident physician Royal Alexandra Hospital, etc, Oi6,eeand Residence ,Dr, Amos'Old Stand. Andrew treat,E@t1T1IR. OR, QLTAOirEi1RU31i Physician, Surgeon, As, coucheur, £mice, Dr. Rollins' old mitre, Manz Street. Residence„korner .iaoleaand Albert streets opraaaiteJanie'street Nethodbf, parsonage. Phone Guice. 39 a; Residence 3) b, (teeelw DIGASo,1r s CARLL , I5a2KISTESS, Q'ICz if tori, avWraries, Conveyancers, Commissioners 8a teltara too 3folsopia bank, etc alarfey to Loss at lowest rates at.eres Mao, aiaia street, Exeter,, R O.laataba. L. H, Di so WONEY TO LOAS. We have atone amount of prorate funds to loan. S tsrffi and, TtlLageproperties t E.G'frated of Inger SO,: WAN STANBURT, licttor3,19enit,.&Nester On a�. SENIOR encu Poofeeeration lae,A.ssuranes Pally: also Militia Insurance in iea4, rxzK Qanaaliac and British Companies. ¥sin -$t„ Exeter, ELMET TiOBBS, James Street Far toils nage, I.iGEiISOB ' AucriQNEER wAi. :l.l'rDEBSt li,. lActns?4 Auctionger :. far Hurotl Ceatnty, Terms reasotlabie.:. Paten can; ,sa made At the ,Advo^,ate.' Exeter. or NOriry' Miler's Office, Cred- iton, LIfe, 1418%440 ducting. B. CARiIN€F At cident and Plate. Glass ;Qltecting ac x ui ts, and con - ti sales, Exeter. Ont.. C. A, RODEfi . V. S, f ,rdute of OntArto, 'vetertnary Crag- i s member Coterie Veterinary 1 1 $oetet71, treats tall dle•eatlet, of do. t*a t►cated, anlnsalta apn scientific prin- t modern surgery a :specialty. Op,' ea xtlone on Lump Jaw guaranteed *tat-= Ix ctery. Calla by day or night 4s mPt1Y attended to. ()Wm -Main -at.,'. karate*, Pr. ltamsaly'$ old stand. 1'l1one In connection. Al` TED For S. S. x42: 1, StoPlacrl, holdtnfl sec- ond-class certificate. l Ideas to coag *smiles atter mid>luniMer holiday,. State Sitars. Apply to WM. J : BOWDEN, C14d1tostra Erato P, 0. 1?0Et .RblDlT Tlttrty acres of land, ready for crop.. Firlvticl;e of drawing oroh off the place. .1. number of acres of pasture land to rent; also a number of,.. cattle pastured. by the season. . 3C,.i.TCFI ORtD FARM' FOR S.SLIC. The undersigned otters his lane farm, collsirlliraU of about 1135 acres, adjoin - in tete town. of Clinton, for sale. The farm IS kb a. ico,ad state of cultivation; and has goloid buildings brick house, tymic barn, drlvin ' house, pit; pen, etc. all comparatively now: ` Atiret-claad young orchard, containing all kinds of frult1 and also smell fruits. The farm !. well fenced and drained and is a,; very desirable hone. For further par= t1cuUirs apply on the premises or ad- dress JOIN TORRANCE, Clinton. FOR SALE Sealed Tenders will be received by either of the undersigned up till Mas+, 271h, for the following, either unitedly or separattzlyy frame Cottage, Pump, 1-2 acre of land, situated on and 'bbeing'. part of Lot 8, Second concession of Hay -residence, or the late Henry O'Brien; decease d Terms --Cash, or f3 saloriths' credit on approved joint notes, with .6 per cent. interest. H. E. HUSTON, WM: O'BRIEN Exeter P. 0. l flay PM. Horses Wanted Having taken over the business of bxr. T. E. Handford, hprsebuyer, I •am Pre- pared to purchase all kinds of ;horses that are sound and in good. condition, from flour to ten years ot age. I will keep constantly on hand a num- ber of young heavy and light horsjes' for local .trade. Parties having horses ' for sale will do well do call or write the tamdersigned. . Phone 41. M, M. DOYLE, Exeter. Cream Separators For Sale We are agents for the Tubular Dream Separator, one of the best separators on the market. Now is the time to get your beet fertilizer. Wm. Schroeder, Dashwood Ontario Flour Several Brands. Manitoba a specialty. Lire A -good Stock a:l ys 0ft ban Durham National Par I{ Clement is the heat. ZURICH. Mrs. Krueger of Detroit is: visiting 1 her mother, airs. Sipple. -Mr. Jahn G. Erb pi: ” the Dganson Line is irzaproving is barn: by putting a basement underi same. -jigs. A.: C. Kalbfleis3eh is visit - leg their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. •H, SChne1,11.-brise Annie Schnell of De- troit, %he -ls• visiting here leaves short- ly with her employer and family for Germa'hy„-At a meeting of Hay Coun- cil on; Saturday evening the -.agreements was completed f.pr the purchase e , the existing telephone system and the work of extension will be gone on with: -Mr, Leo Laporte and bride arrived on Saturday evening and are visiting at the bottle of. ;fir. and SIrk,,, -7o'an La- porte, Drysdale. Mr. ;Ad airs.' Joseph Laporte of Chatham were also in the party, and several others Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rau cif the Sauble, Lire, Stanley, mous, the death tOf their son, Peter* Napol ort. a boy about 9'years of age. He died on. Thursday iaxorninl after a short illness. The little lad had been subject to fits and wa.s never a very, strong cl ltd, Children Ory. FOR FLETCHER'S. A S T O R I A ONTARIO STATUTES FOR iaa1 ' a Ontario Sta,tarteP tor' 1t 11 Pave1 ^ tatfali Issued and abe obtained 1» donne ,sof the Peace and others ezt� led t, t the saute on; applteati»n ,at mY tt*, : i Ctrl , Clerk of tato Peace #flagon,. de -rich 2Otit Amy i t51. 0314 Ravin s a'seided to `1nFsar,'.'ts offs , ai a.Rt'f'd;'e.. 'v/e are- ppest. t4 Contrast 25 to 8Osteres ntor, The season Ideal l or torah 'prate* Ca -01141g & T'res. C S. 3I';: SANDERS, 1Rti 'rt Is t Meese talus 1eStil7. ,at to Monitan. J amort .Bali, Sy of T. of. the 'Exeter Alec `tit it tiro z it Wert, U 1 Rtit, at 2 p.f t. er of the Bull sat# u? aeid F.resh Gr�ceries We are now well establish- ed in business and we believe on the best of authority (nam. ely that of a daily increasing. business) that we are meeting a long felt want, and giving the best of satisfaction. Remember our motto,— 'fresh Groceries all the time. All kinds of produce taken in exchange. JAS. GOULD Breeding Horses THOMAS CARLYI.E No. 13,879, is pure --bred imported Clydesdale stallion, et goad pedigree and art excellent record', Pie will stand at Iits own stable, Cern' tralia except on Wednesday of eatH week, when he goes to Josh. Harding% Con. 2,'Usborne, for noon. C. H. BASEERVILLE, Prop. and Mara' BARON IBEBY, 9996, 18334, Is a j pure bred Imported Clydesdale of fine build, good pedigree-. and a sure foal.• getter. Monday leaves home, Lot 16, Con. 8, Usborne, to Wm. Reweliifd'is:! to Centralia ; Tuesday fp Pat Boyles to Clarideboye Wednesday - to Con. Whehlian's, ` to Johli McLautghlin's; Thursday to Dennis Heenan', to T. Marley',; Friday to Thos. Brock's and bottle. G, COWARD & W. DEVINE, Propriebors G. Coward, Manager. LORD SHARP, 11413, is a pure-bred Clydesdale Stallion, well-known in thl& district as a first class stallion. Ire has a choice pedigree. 'Monday he will leave home, Lot 1.6, Colnj.< 8; Ua;b orne, to Melville .Skinner.', to Freeman Dobb's Tuesday to Milton, Mitchell,'s, ” to Mork Dickson's ; Wednesday to Win. Hill's, to Nelson Baker's ; Thursday to Wm. Weetcott's, to Chas. Dawns ; Friday to John Morkin's,, to John Allison's; Sat- urday to Goo. Bell's to aorne.GEORGE COWARD Prop., WM. 'DEYINB, Man'r; "GRAND TRNUSK 'SERVICE TO THE • NORTHWEST The Grand Trunk are in receipt of the followin'g's letter in connection with tourism sleeping car operated `from Tor-, onto to -Winnipeg and Edmonton via C:aicag,o April " 18th. ' Upoirt returning froln my western trip I feel its mfr duty it0,'-Lwrite te, yDu and say t.h<at the:"accotnodation we received was far beyond our expectation and every member .bf' our party was nota: than pleased with the courtesy t e>>wn Eby yourbr officials both at Chi-,: rags and Winniipeg" ' (gd) T. A. Nee- SAINTSttJR1 The aguaual,;services ",of the opening of the Racey Hall were held last :iwida.y, 1,4„zy 21sT„ .morning and evening, by the Rev. Archdeacon Richardson of St. Johns. ' He arrived qatite -early in ' his auto., The services, were largely attend- ed both morning and evening;. The arch. des ,n took 'his.tex^t. in, the raacirnit-14 fr,Dnl S. Lulte 10, 23-24;` and ,his sub - J=ot in the •evening was iurging every pors'nn to lay up trleaislure in Heaven, atherin Up wealth for rzth er' ,Isar, Ig K' this w;yrld which will`' Soon pass . away. alter sa.,pleasant dvIsi'E• io'r a week Garfield .;returned home on Friday, Look at that Loaf That's Cream of the West Flour for you !; If you'll only try Cream. of the West Flour T'I stand every risk. I know what Cream of the West will do. It will bake bigger loaves andmare delicious bread, too. Cream West Flour the hard Wheat flour guaranteed, ,for bread Yet just try it. Ask Tour Agro,*,. teff bin you're to jet your IMOser ailonfair, ulartt tsi - ns e'a be b i f t •you ■ ;a a,1 Tell lwl t►l Ertl Ii wick � i _ - . rl , i►iillixt Co Limited, . I so. U. l clots it, to tit. L r%aFaa�# . � � �f The o* Toronto �~�axxlljlt� �� f4.. Limited, Toron Awcsomo ominous. 1.. bioh as d Cwh Ia wotaats lost digestible of welshing beverages E. and STOUT Creates appetite; makes meals taste Metter; brli3�,ct s healthy sleep. deep it always in the Mouse. Your dealer sells it, or you can order direct. John Labatt LONT ON - CANADA u tvlite K?r.--0u.r two merr;hrsnte. Patton ann have disposed et their stock It a':; of this taus, Since tills Opened mere have tla„en tla%an six prloprictors, namely,^- Brea , Reis tzrnan, Dfc.tnt 're, ia, Breen and I'atton and'. McCann. ,II3'.fA�^^�T'�ln, IS'l'�rlrlt Snerleole Manirtin t a ioar, 81ed Ill €t at oily rt fst lives int CC'ntoit 'uti woo andthe remains here Aa?r 'i t;'terineet`. 1 r9 ugh 7, were IaEl1SAI,I, i riss Exuma Joh .,tan Ye ts1 'k! ood- toek :o.@ Tuesday, ,eras Horn, went' tv La;y1en last week to take the Peet., io<'z of fireman on tine rail'wn7.' lievt 'ranit swan of Fullerton preached rxe dethodist, etourcl: here Sunday,.-- Suis C zrrle i icartt,er returned from . oin o last w'2e14; 4v4lere site has beets sl iii,in a month visi,i ng retat es,- The Carlin{ firm who fermerly ran the 1P Hotel, are slow it po,saeaeion of the Norman -4y Pere and are getting. Arty f9' buair',eaa, *.Albert tivhltealde Willt4. frolic. the Test on Ta041147 It .accornpa&ted by hda ateter-Intaw.; taiteaids> anal children Alto Wilk' in Lut+are reside here. -Trim ICel.ly, wits and c afIdren left last week Tom gees est* at' on where s`a've #tiq ss aye leen tins, I e11y will resp -i a tl e,: A number of, Margaret °LYolel. milieu's trier preseniwd her whit beautiful cat:it-I:et ot wrlttag mat,- very atevery t•appY ev alt took place at haws t: nse Wedr.esday of hast w�e:t ,viz our popular young townsman Robert 3C Ga.rterm was united in the holy bonds 91 rnatr;Won), w~th, Miss Isabella Me- ld an estimable young lady of Tuc c ersriritlt. After the cera uoey +vista;* was* Per torrrled "by Reg. P1. MCL. S•raiith tha #happy oonple proceeded to the residers* o Hugh McDonald, uncle at the 1) lde where*, ,a pleasant time was spent tilt tra,Ln time, when the newly married to=t for Toronto and Gemgetawn. On their return they will reside here. good po aged .fair**, Aha elly Rte- ROSES flour. Strentt atxldFIneness hold your Ler together in the Jong well -greased B,ak�es evenly. Smooth Texture—sof t,golden Crumb, smngr, pretax# yaeldiirnga baa i ole,, nor lumps to vex you. �>rlel when you' turn it out on the dump napkin; hot and savory, and you spread the under side with. "jell "— It doeain't gat soggy nor crumbly. Roll it gently, carefully. Not crack -not II break. Feriae! Smoothness -a Perfect Roll -Yours. Bsho anything, make anything. Use FIVE ROSES -broad and pastry. Melting; puff paste --flaky Pio crust --crinkly fritter. tooth some rolrs. FIVE ROSES for anything -everything. Be .floutrw'iso. ��IIIIII�II�IIIIII�III�II�IHIIIIIII lilll` II it IIIA 11�1j11i1 lJ1II1i11lh{) l 111111IIIIIIfllfli 1�IIIi�i►IIIII<!l ��f Ilnaa,,,�nililjlllq�j� �lgll�ilflll(Ilili� I�EI{Illlllll . . 41huII111{1 Xot ihillini1111111111 1111111111111111111111 1 r�,ir 11111111111111111011;„111;11„111111 1111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111 James Culbert is very sick at present. Owing tso hoer advanced age her chance of recovery is *slight:,, his'. and;Mrs, Jos Creery of Winchel ea'and family visited at the home Of tkftr, atektlifT)66 Nassau Davis on Sunday'; ant., --Mr. John, and sister Minerva Spiole' of Lucas visited Mtn the `Hawn Line Sunday, ailao Mr. C. Fletcher of Sunshine Rev. Ashbey of Atwood will preach misele a17 sermons in St. PatricklEr church on SandaY, May 28, at 11 fo'IC1ock. CALIFORNIA. While washing sheep at the river on Friday little Melvin: Wein tried to dip a small lamb, but .gto't fru .a !little .too, far and went .1tio the bottom of hole The accident was, noticed and he was braaught tolan4 without much injury. J,,hn Smith has finished sawing the great n tuitiber, Of logs, which he had oli. Saturday. -The baseball players called the Surpisers are bat trim and are ready for some hot games. -Miss 011ie Roeder of Dashwood was the "guest .of Miss Alda. Wein. iA® PILES CURED at :HOME by New Absorption Method. Ifou suffer: from bleeding, itching ' blind or protruding Piles, send ine your address, and 1 will tell you. how to cure your- self' at home by the absorption treatment ; and will also send solne of " this -bore treatment free for trial, ; Nsritb: references from your -Quit locality if re- `uested; . ` Immediate�'relief and permanent d cure assured.. . Sen no money but tell ,others: of; , this offer. Write to -day to ,Mrs i M, --Summers Box 84OWin sore, last, accotnpa:iiied by; her huabaud.-Mrs tjlaty; BRE W STER. Hruse cleahing is the order of the day, -J. Luther - and sbn were in Park- hill font business one day last 'w'eek.-- Mrs• P. Baker ire visiting with her daughter, Mrs. W, *gland, at Oor- bett. Svtrs. J✓ Ower visited last week- with her parents, Irs', R. Adair' --Mr S. Webb lost a valuable horse one day last week through death. -The masons are.rushlag Mr. A. Webb's house, -Miss 13, 'Tetre 3I, whet has been, helping Mrs; R. Turnbullthe past week, is hoinea-' gaifn. -W. 'Begin and T. Tetreau are ditching at, Or. iamport.'s.-P • Baker. was in Exeter' Saturday on business. Mrs. J. Begin, whld was quite ill, is, we'. are glad to. report,quite weli 'agaixu, CANADIAN xc a� N I�r�L.tU�SI�rO TO be Manitoba,Saskatchewan, Meta ' Spedal Traiaa leave Toronto 2.00 paw. oa APl11L4,18 MAY, 2, 16, 30 JUNE 13, 27 JULY 11, 25 AUG. 8, 22 SEPT. •5, 1®, Second dant tickaaa from Ontario stations to principal" Northwest pointe et LOW .ROUND -TRAP" RA1 S' Winni ¢and return $33.00; Edmonton and return $41.uO sed to other (wino In prcpod%n, Tkketa.:. s; foo l to returw wit}nn 60elsye from ¢oi¢ de>o, TQURISTrSIEEPINC CARS on allexeureiena. Coaafortahle l etthe, fullyequipped with bedding, can he wcured at,nedarate rates lhrou,1, lora➢ ,seat Early applicat on must be made d1 e.6tC P0IRI:M®MQlb�E !1, d fuu infd, caltawuf ede�4% Bd9to.ew.tC�'+ffC'�iiartotT�u oma. aiaM."a 0141.Y DIRECT LINA' AftN.,OTCHANtoGE OF CARS; S9 'WE REPAIR WEAK N ONE SECRET OF curt sucenso. hers case subnai ted to rs receives the personal M1t f ons and chronicity, ' i I t tilq�t)il Clan O Otlri 1 1: I f 11 ,tC1'(07 11 t •(. ti n of e b 5. at n o J and Bien decide as to the disease and l ui ilial I., Specific rem ,.:i then prescribed,'. for the case and are com,wunde l b- our own chemist an our u., a Laboratory.' Such o selected to cure the appropriate treatt-itntcii;i.aotfittotu.o,nsspeciflC,medac.xs,a . c xymptoins that trouble you. We have no cure-all medicines Iilce ;post specralists'uso who send the same medicines to all patents alike and core novo. WO hate treated patients throughout Canada for over twenty years and can refer l o any ban': a : to our responsibility'. We Gaunrnatee Cerra or No Fay, We Treat all Dieeaoea of :1 -in and Women. lEg' CONSULTATION FREE - If Unable to Call, Wriite for a.Queation .List for Horne Treatment. RS., EDY&K ED tkt Cor, Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. ..from anadatau t s`b addressed 11 letters C e as d e, �• All our.Canadian Correspondence IIs art-`; merit in Winds r, Ont. I€;you desire to see uspersonally callat our Medical': `f.nst auto in Detroit as we,seeand treat no patients, in our Windsor offices'-tbaicli are for Correspondence and: Laboratory for,, Catiadiazi business, nilly -,".Jt chess all letters as foilows,t, �D, S. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Wicidforo Oat: Write for our DrlvAtealddressc Pi