Exeter Advocate, 1911-5-25, Page 4Ozit gttmo.cate, Sanders t Creech, Props, WitURSID!,A.Y, MAX,. 25, '11 Th Sear ti Itis. ".Rest thee' said the last; tsa.?rad when she threw th the back door. price far cattle in;. 3.4uy las t. a ee, `1xb Ja season it 9 to her .hus- carpet out The Ottawa Journal, on faverab,e to reciprocity, .a ,.:0w strQn^alb- oppos ed to it, .. y, er.^.>:s;:_ now have their 13s;lin s 'and tat stories resemble -we nearly 'raiz keth-er. stor'es., .. Did you ever cut a teal -sere field with yi :axs-ss ntowe: ? That is what .It feels ".Like just row, but then we areia t used t e= it 'yet. It is remarkable now the Dominion se erSi`;lent can spend :Clone;}- in eon- •atituenc:es When an. election is apalnroact e g, Ba_: for r il��e poaple, Lositigt a:: 'investment is 'Clad, pare lag a double liability- is worse, but be»ng asked to pay back elle dividends received is the limit, That is wtiat the :Farmers Bank Shareholders are asked to do, ¢ I t t As eu.AAlerAters' will Asan, be at work tapirthe e natau o: tate Do. Minion it la well that tiro •citasezts aaltouid underataasid the pe. ltles, Civil action can be ta} - atra ox,,ga.i0st alts l §?til who retusea to ;1..nswer any question put by an eau uer- Ater 111 taking the census,. .Acci2rdiffi to the atataite, every $ters€a„t, who wilfully or without lawful; excuse, refuses to give a.ri tanerwer, Or whOt talaelY altewera'i a question;, IS Labia t? a,fine of nat< more t''.aza $59 and eot less than Oit5 for each o£feiice, The eontmissioner ,in- timated that this rule applied partieul- srly' to xnarzaz2aetur'ers v.tho aright re- fuse to divulge information about tbeir zrsabess. (0. -..,,..pow., CENTRALIA Datt under a,'patraa t« 01 v 1Je,r it le- tting sttin Asx` father, aLt« Traatbas. who ie quite ill, -;<L'; Sill ti'lz$te aatd;sisters ray ,Lrrazaall ssl tat 'Sul d. y ills gueate .ef and )Xrs, J. Etlair-T a 'iaasebail match a+a :4oltdar ever3irg between Br irasley & 'Coi tyska was largely attended gaols the beat kat the season some br#1- •ram!. playa beim; made by bath Lea us, 0%1'11:4 to dark:oes`i the galas was call- ed At the sad, -.at' the seventh 3nninl;s, the tatOpe 'st t.r.+Ur i 0 20 10 in favor of the lactate boys. Sir. Will Boyle umpir- ed the game a, ^.d govt alk. be .aU saris. factor --air- E, Boyle and W, 'Burke Exeter ®pet Sunday the guest of Fi:ayle'a mother. --11, Treble has mote - Exeter :And has left the employ co.t*:Essays, Sanniei Kicks' ,sa1d another team we to Mr. James( Norris of Stat - i sites sold a 'team of colts" tci?tia: Geo. Rowell of London Township. Three of these aro coming three andone com- ing, five. The price, paid fpr them was $970. They were of the right kind. The kaliday passedoff very 2uietlY1 ata the village far the majority went a, way to spend the day.. The baseball bays az.l.d their rooters went to Wood - ram a.nd were successful in bringing, 'back seeard money, the S.alent team being first ta the list. Quite a number also we;i, ,o Crediton to witness , the °ball a°'ames, ar°td a dozen ar•iso went out to SaL;tsburg, while :several picnic' loads won,-. back t a tae: river Veiling, but they ,, made sa mucin inoisei that the fish got stared. wad left for a more secluded spat, Tont Oliver beim;, Cha ,only one ?to get a care' ,a two. Mr. and tiI-s; Richard Handia'rd spent the h.aliday with theiat daughters at Lon 'don. ,Miss Iiatic Elliott of London spent, the -holidays finder the parental root. Mr. Fra,.zk: Hicks and nephew Lorne •'ap«-at the holidays with relatives at Dynan and London. DAS1•ZWOOD E. M. :BItOKENSRIRE, Dashwood, 'Conveyancer. Deeds, Wills, Mortgagee and all legal documents carefully and -promptly prepared. Charges moderate. issuer of Marriage Licenses. lvfr"` Oliver Graybiel lett last week Hamilton where he has a- position c'with the Molsons Banka Mr. Harahan: Ilse left Saturday for Sarnia where he intends making this fu - tare Nemo. a Miss Maggie Nauscliwanger wiya has been working in Parkhill for the last` :Lew months returned home Thursday 1 '• 2t/ dr. Sioiomen 'Allier, . who has been sending a fex weeks 'past:' With" his mother here, left Tuesday morning for ',tendon whore he is conductor on the =Street ,Railway. ' Messrs Edward Nadiger and Edward Kraft are in Elmira{ this tw+eek attend-" lay; the C_onvention of the Tonne Peoples Societies of the Missouri Synod of the Lutheran Ghaith. Mr. and Mrs, =' Jkohn Preetjer -• of z'o.r. :.ch and th?r. and Mrs..S'`arnnuel Brtorwn\'o'f "Credibgn called on 'W. "L. Sibert Sun- day last. Kr. Fred Heiser ,of Seaforth'called on friends here Sunday. XvIiae Lizzie Lippert returned lame last ;week friom Wixidaorl. Tamhny Kluznpp waFt. ._in , London on Tuesday on busiiness. " Messrs Rudolph Stade and Jacob Di- -chert tar Zurich were 'callers in Lown Sunday. the Misses Lucinda and Dora' Kraft at Exeter spent Sunday under the Par- ' ental r oof. 'ear. and Mrs,: George` Powell of Tined- 'ard, were it town Tuesday. CREDITON, Alt 70 kiosk of ilo�er and vegetab_, plants, at T., Day'a, EXeter. iiev. J. W. Andrews ,af Bluevale spent Victoria Dai' is tows. renewing old acqu.'i'2tances. Ira S. Bcawnspent a few' days ,in Tor ,ants this week, Dr, Orn has .taiu down -4s stable will rebuild it +i@ ,a mbro. thodt;2'n F3tyle, Our trawlers; are hard at work;° oni ,the 'seen and' staott hope to .hate it: h shape to play with the neighboring clubs, Oa 'I Friday evening the annual" business ane tins ,,y-:'9 held its H. Ell b r'i office, The folio vIng are the new- ly c e.ted officers; Has, President, Rev "inter : I',res. H. ELlbnar, P. P. Vice. Pres a 13, Rrwa? See"Y- Trea-s, Wickwire., The club hopes to have an iaereeased luenibershiP this. year. Rev, E, 13ura of the Evangelical church" takes charge of the Anniversary -.services . "Waterloo f 3'4 e-l?o 3sest Sunday, in the morn, the puipir here will Se occupied by Mr, G. K; Browand in tthe 'evening Rev, Yeiland ,ot, Exeter w1l preach, in. the English lang`Irre. :ills. T,uxr m of Eden is spending a few days in, Clown the guas7 of 'rtes Marta Wind. Tao seas Treve szc;k spent ata ednesday- i-t ,anion visiting relatives and seeing his 'nephew Dicto, Nestle,, who 'we attx pleased to tstate is raldldiy, 'recovering tram his operation;. fr, and Mrs. fete Fa>itner of Her- bey, Mich arS Opeitdin; a few weeks Twit with, tiael ,relative§. Our autpp olaillatsr are teaching their E{ wives lrlajv tP ruin, the car. T' Ley arab ea aereirat quite skilful in their driving.. til;sem T' iry , Lewitt uj Gloat -0e is. spartdittg a few days with her friend Mrs, Herb. h. Ealber. The tot weather has bei:: broken b;' refreshing shiawers. Our people found the heat very oppretsive and tire; change was indeed as welcp#Ite one, Ward lass bee:a recelved from Norman Bailsman et lila a&to arrival in Ito teerea Ill tsaa,a npaw. gone to Saaltatoon Seale., where he ttae feeured employment at his tale. J';a8. S13ns is neakig sapid hea way in the la,'ing' of the -blocks for, thet stew church sheds. YYESTERN FARMER ANO NIS PROHTS A Typical Instance of the Receipts and Expenditures on 640 Acres in Ten, Yejara A fernier writing to ea Toronto doily paper front Indiuu head, Sasitatehewa,n, ur3€1er the lien! ,de plume. $aakatebew°no Farther, refutes the statement made by many Westerners, that tbo farmers of the West leave berry sl3 a ,a, .l .tv to. Otiniou Government, which is idetbi6ed largely with Eastern interests. " This Saskatchewan Farmer gives as typical. instance of the expeud'ituro and revenue soanected with a lection of land, 040 steres, from the year 1900 to 1910. He nays: 'I will give you an idea of what a Potion of lanai, 640 acres, will earn, and how it will increase in value, in Me most favored wheat producing din tracts of Saskatchewan under normal conditions, management and price of land, from :1900 to 1910, allowing the average price of land to be 310 per here For that period. In so doing It should be borne in mind that 30 per cent. of the land in this .Province tu03 Free Grant. Capital Expenditure, 1000. Land, 640 acres at $10 per there $6,400.00 Cultivation, 410 neres at $6 per etre .... Dwelling house ,. Stable for 12 horses, granary and implement shed...-. 1901 12 horses and harness Implements. Duty 3 seed dril,s $33,00 330.00 3 plows . ... 30.50 210.00 2 disc barrows 10.00 2 six -section harrows6.50 3 7 -ft. binders 53.00 4 wagons complete 72.00 One-sixth interest in thresher.. 125.00 500.00 Extras, say 20.00 453.00 2,640.00 2,000.00 4500.00 3,000.00 80. Q 136,00 380.00. 360.00 $350.00 318,000.00 Crop for 10 years, from 400 acres at 25 Gush. to the acre, at 75 crZnts......... 376,000.00 Working- expeneee' Ice 10 years at $5 per acre... $32,000.00 Interest on capital for 10 years a at 6 per teat..... 10x800.00 42,800.00 Surplus (not taking ; into ae- coant increase -in value -of lend, which may be figur- ed at igured(at $18,000} .......... 32,200.0 Duty on Implements. `""Now note right here, that all a f3frtner working a section of land 'nn- der these conditions` would pay in duty on the`implements required to earn this large 'pro ft,' assuming the average life of same to be 10 years, comes out at approximately 335 per annum. This is 40 exaggerated "statement of profits and inereaso in value of land, as thousands of • farmers in , Saskatchewan can testi- fy, and hundreds who have speeially applied themselves • and taken advant- age of the opportunities at hand,' have realized far greater profits _" than are here .shown. -Slow; then, can the farm- ers of the West claim' that they have been ill-used, or not given a fair deal/ ape course we have had,;and have, grievances, such as elevator `monopo- lies, grain blockades,' and grievances connected with grading and market- ing of grain, and they are`' not alto- gether remedied yet, but what great in- dustry has not had,'minordifficulties .equal to or greater than these to over- come. "In'eoneiusion, 1 may saythat many farms"_' in the Indian Head district, which - have been well' cultivated, and have been cropped continually ' with a one-third summer fallow,: each year since" the early. 80's, last, seaaott toe duced;30, 35, 40 and even mio;;e a 0.410 sere,is quality almoeF3 ui# ke tiala to, the Arst gr4p'e'` e�ui a rkot a more than one per' can rz CLI. ND BEND. W. Heidt of Daahwood moved to Wednesday, --Mr, -Miser De- xeY1y a,a has- been: in Hillsboro, has arrived, home, -Our butcher, Mr. Relit: was around with his butcher wagon for the first time Friday .Campers are ar:, 1�Tra., Dale tbati near Lucanvis- ited at ' dr, Azzias' last wee'. - Miss' Yameroy of fttillertaa arrived here on Saturday and wilt visit fpr a Yew days with. - ars, 1'im. raps,, -Mr, '-tntos and ',ars ?+s- Gill were ii Exeter on:,r"rida * err'>,ged pulpits Sunday. air. Small at- s;a ,preached in the Methodist chards on Su. b d.xy eventh g,, (Too late' for last week.) 11Ir. Wilber Dewey and Mr, Denere left -for Hilisbarrow last �xrek Mr, Cu.,€t_:tgl'aut of Clandebore moved his house€.rideffects here last week. He will occupy t?n house vaeated by 'lir., North -Mr- Sam 'Pedler at AIWA cram. %esttee relatiares around' here for a reW days. -dr. 1to,. Halt is learning' t3:e liakz tg whit ?car., Gerr lett,-3Ir,' Isha vis= iced his ;sister, ;gra. Ravehe atcreaay',--, Green spent Sunday with his £anlily.- Jar, ae,d Mrs. Sheppard and children of T :ed€orad visited Sunday at Mr, and Mrs A. Gr velle;'s, CL,. NDERO4 E The funeral of the wifer of, Taos. Lewis took place oa Saturday from her late resides ce to St. James', cemetery. She .4 STaT.@ 01' 01110, Gtr? Or TOLEDO, 8$.: Lvo,, s coeur Frank J. Cheney Crakes oath that he is senior Partner of the firm of F, J. Cheney & Co., doiugbi si- ness in the CityofToledo, County and State afore- said, and that said firm, wide pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh thatcannot be cured by the use of Rail's Catarrh ,Cure., SANK J. CHENEY Sworn tabefore me and subscribed in my Pres, epee, this. GM rivet December, A. D. 18S6.. (seat) A, W.GLEASQN, lvorARti Piano I1a11:aGatarrh,CitratS taken internally, and acts directly t en t h hood and £ i ills ons surfaces c C s of tt<e system. Send, for tesfiAtonialsfree. F. ,i, CHENEY CO., Toledo, 0. Sold by all Druggists, 75e. Take Hall's fien0ly Pills for ronstipatior,. KIi''PEN One of the old ,,residents aI is district passed over t,,s tite great. h lo; d ,.ora M y 1a in tee persoin, 'of dr, Paul Doig his death, gccurr n g at' the home ar his cice 3Srs. TT N. Forsy- the- 3 ne z i e, had aloe .r Inaic-ng his dome during the winter The sutnnnons carte wyapectedly at the last, altitosyh Mr;, Dove had beef in poor Resits, for Bolo ntotaths. The deceased was 73 year,§ of Age, He was a haetiva of .Sterling. Setet- land, but came to Cap„ -da wen be was five years of age, Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S '"' A S T O R I A is survived by her husband and five chi/ dyer, all at Izopze,.--F.4. I enzie, o: tills playa, had tine nate#orttttta to tall ttartit?g hie feet, Ile will be lasid, up for Aortae date.--alre, 1, FYodgins, of r.opdora, a - tended the tunerl of her sister, :Mrs, Thos, Lewis. -w: If. John Flodg ps ban ongage4 with W. F. Abbait< r,ardelles f,r the eummhr,--.-Jam's§ Hargy is osz the sick: ltat agaizt,^--Rev, Mr. low'e, sector of. St, Jam es' Church. has re- tuned haute atter spending a visit with friends in Wingharn,' James Fr^asler, of Part Fiuron, pat a vla#t to his mother at ;tlooreavilto, who has been. t3eriously Gr Bloomfield, of London, has' returned ikt sale atter spending a couple of weeks with her grandmother. LUMLEY. Nat often do We fret" such • warp', Neni- at r as w ha e 'had. lately as tens in the season,---arno:z: the vistaors in thin vlelnity on Sundae' we tioileed the fel- ate. el r * a � and , lr N 3t; s ,Effort9 a of tla-purhe}, Mr, a:.d Sirs. Gen. Fair, balsa and family, %frs, I3uiiard and altse Steri a an of lien fall, ;Miss Edna Idea- tan. ior-t asl, of Bi:arpuraey, -Ir. and Mee, Stec+=' art. Mcqueen. vftlted The lattcrfa Par-- eats ar-esats near H enaaai on Sunday, --Masora. 'Deman 1 .11arold Glen and "raster Vera spent the week end with their grand minter. Loatdon Road, -qtr. and airss,r G. H'abktrk aagrl daughter attended the Darling and Hunkin Nuptials on Wed- °aeeaday, The }flews Vera and Maude .lo«nn and Master Haald epent 24th with friepda at Varna,-;dLas .Annie 1'aaa. mars wasa guest at alias Florence Ffun kine' wedding on the 24th. -;hiss Nan, H arson. has retur;ed from a wcek'er stay at Seaft3rtb. SAREPTA The death occurred Tuesday of zlra aged and highly respected residont of Sarcpta Ln, the person of Susannah 'Rey- nolds, rcielt pI tho late William Rey-. natds, in her 81st year. The funeral takes place to -day to Exeter cemetery. A sketch hryf her life will appear next week, HARPLEY `Dir, and Mre. 3e J. Thyfor'spent Sun- day evening with their Son Robert, on the Lake Il,oad. :lira. Thompson of Port Mutton visited her daughter, Mret Sohn Turner, for a few days last week.: hiss Gladys Turnbull spent a few days with ,fuer gausins< at the Prost Ottice.-Mr. and 'airs. Jan=.' E: I-Endgins and family and Mr. and Mrs. Archie 'Webb and babe visited at ?Cir. ThYas. Love's on Sunday -airs. James Kenny and family spent, Sunday with tier parents at Shipka. Nature Stops WHEN THE KIDNEYS' GIVE OJT. Do you feel that you simply l'can(t .go any farther -that you must have rest for that lame alnd aching back - relief from that constant dead -tired feeling- Leedom from those stabbing, darting pain a? 1 `i' ` li It is nature's warning. that' the kidneys are giv- ing out and you need the help od Booth's Kidney Pills, the guaran- teed kidney rem- edy. In every machinie there is one part that • .works the hard- est and given out first. The kidneys work night and day, and naturally a life of unusual activity doubles the duties of thea kidiryeys and in time the strain hells. The kidneys give out and nature cries "step;'•' Boothrs Kidney P€11 are a .'. 5 r sold by a11 dealers; , 50c., postpaid fr,am The R. Te Booth; Co. Ltd., 'Fort Erie, Ont. There is No pill just as good. Send fd- a Free box. The test will prove the truth tdf ;ons ,state= meat. • `.... Sold and Guaranteed in Exeter by W. S. Cole, , Booth's l tied ills REAL ESTATE CHANCES, Tho - following properties . have . been placed in our hands "for exchange. FOR SALE. -A good frame house in Exeter in .good repair. FOR:SALT-A fair sized brick re-4 sidernce well located in Eneter, ;Mod- erate price.. ` FOR SALE -A choice residential build- ing property n Exeter - For. SALE- one:`of the best residences in Eneter,,:*surrounded by considerable laud. FOR SALE -A; good sized., Larne' dwelling in Exeter; suitalile€F+'t aceo modato two fa1es, In geed„ repair be sold,,c ;s�,,.,. `...���'��f►i�rticular3 yak? CI<INTON--Qn, Monday last We a quiet wedding toak place at We$tey par ao: ale when Mies Pe -a t Tedder became ttzik beide of 11r, Ren31nttia Af `Matthews T111 cvr emo:t_y wan performed by Rev. Ford air. and Mrs. biatt,hevra carica to Lstidon Township, and will reside 1. I.INTON-'-fits, $; .! ;MicQaw, a Iier resident 4f Clinton. died in Sea- l:444 S'ea- '• i iy 14. in hitt t9oth -year, 3a $. reattlin^;' with tiau;titer, C1IlaELaitalt$T*Ree. Neil Slas,w of Eg ata,ldvllte was, taken ill here on May Lila had t1 -iv t over W take the afrcrnoon service. and on becoming in w tS take~ to hie h aide.. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA HYDE ,PARK Iilrasrq S auks hotel... as contents, the frame rezatdenee waf Mr.. Win. ltetutledae, the hatei stables acid lee house, and n large: bun at floe rear or Mr. .Rearledge'a. home, were destroy - 011 by fire the I tttet+ part ler: ,fast ,week, erauain3 a Ions of between el% and sev- zrr thousand d,allapa.. I'artly covered by insurance. SKIN SUFFERER ERER TRIED EVER- TFiING-TFIEN D.D. D. CURED This watt the experience of *Mrs, Geo. Newman of orangevtlle, Ont. She wrlOto In January, 1511.0. t t I wail terribly troubled with eczema co my face. neck and 'hands for four years. I tried everything' I had heard telt or, than ea.w your advertisement in 'r.'ze paper, sent for a trial bottle of D.D,D., used It onany face and Spot welt. It Is now two yearn( and, no return of the eczema. I consider 7 am cured and it certainly wan a blessing to me." No matter how terribly yousuffer fromeczema, salt rheum, ringworm or ,any other akin disease, you will tool' Instantly soothed and the Itch relieved at once W11011 a few dropal of this com- pound of 011 ,of 'Wintergreen, Thymol; Glycertnc, etc., is applied. The cures all seen to be'permanent, t0,0 For free trial bottle of D. D. D. write tltc D.D.D. Labora oriea, Dept. E, A..? 49 Colborne St., onto. For sale by W. S. Howey, Exeter,' GRAND TRUNK s\'s EM THE POPULAR TOt'3RIST ROUTE --,tp- Muskoka Lakes Lake of Bays. Temagami. Algonquin Park. Idagabetawan River French River. Georgian Bay. Lake Couchiching. Karwatha Lakes, Etc. ROUND T1tIP, ; HOMESEEKERS' . ER E7fCTJRSIONS TO THE W -E T • AT LOW RATIOS VIA SARNIA-OR CH7- CIAGO., Literature and full information from any Grand Trunk Agent, or address A. E. DUFF, District Passenger Agent, at Toronto, Ont. • +4444-4•444.44-14+4444+++++444. • Chance a for Piano A new upright Grand Piano Reg- ular price$325 Sale Price faa29. _Only one instrument will be sold and that to the first. buyer. Calla e rl and let ` us de– monstrate its merits tou y.O, t This instrument is on ex. hibiton at our. store - the bal- ance of this week. . MARTIN &SON A numper of good organs to $25 no ` higher payable a week. q 1 +4:444'44+ THE OF COMMERCE, . Slid EDMUND WALKER, C.V,O., Lt D,, D.C, », Pltestogio ALiEXANDER LAIRD, GENERAL. : MANAGER CAPITAL $ 10,000,000 - REST, - $7,000,000 MONEY ORDERS The Money Orders a The Canadian Bank` of Commerce are a safe, convenient and economical method of remit small sums of Cron tarp' es, They are payable without charge at every branch of a chartered hank.' in Canada (except in the. Yukon Territory) and in the principal cities of the United States, The Orders and full information regarding them may be obtained on application at the Bank. Lax the event of loss of Money Order the Bank viIls on receipt of a satisfactoryguarantee, tnake to refund arrangementstheamount of the lost Order, 232 Exeter 13ra,nciit--,W, H. Collins, Manager. 13raecti also at Crediton, The Molsons Incorporated 1555 Capital. (paid. up) Rest Fund - Total Asot8 Over Bank l 000 000,060 Ras xi Branches in Canada, and Agents and Correspondents ;alt It Principal Cities in the World, A es 1N13RA1. "Af$K4N 1 BUSINESS TRANSACTED.. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMEMIT inammiummommoimplaimmismelainimpomonsmim- , ssomemi at all Branches. Interest allowe4 tat highest current rate. EXETER BRANCH H Agents at Exeter for the Dominion oovernmentt, )ICP+Ho i' & CAla.LING, Solicitors, X, 3, Bi.3RDO Tt Mttltagez, The general public will, take notice that l am loin the line of purchasing all kinds of scrap. Highest Iilarket Prices Paid for SCRAP YRO1 , RAGS, RUBB4ES COPIER, IIOR9F IRi' AIR, Etc, All purchases to be delivered, to T, HAWXII ' 3 HARDWARE,. where the clash will be paid or trade •iven. Orders EXETER P t? e R far' collection of aaraia may be left at We same share, prompt attention will be given, M. Wexler, Junk Dealer,— Exeter buainesx in Exeter hI Housccica�i�� AClIV111CS Are in full swing. Spring Bargains in furniture We have a beautiful, selected stock of all kinds of Furniture I really think you would enjoy a walk through our store to nice stock we carry. Everything new and up•to-date. There win be the usual amount of discarding and replenishing. This store shouldbe kept its mind, because to forget it, is to lose money To buy here is to be sure—sure of right Treatment and sure of the Most for what you spend. We have the rue tresses that will surely pleaseyou,—beautiful art ticking, cotton tufted. Regular price $4.00 for2,75, while they last. Also tomos and Banner Spring, the Os - Springs $2,50 up. All manner of bedsteads in Br Wood. ea the ss, •Iron, Enamel and JAMES 13EVERLEY Undertaking and Embalming Purchased BUS and DRAY Business Having purchased the BUS and DRAY business of MR. WM. ARNOLD, I desire to announce to the Public of Exeter that I am prepared to give you the best- of satisfaction in' work connected with the business. For the pres- ent orders left by phone or other- wise at THE ADVOCATE OFF- ICE, " PHONE 25, will receive prompt attention, T. G. - Creech LOTS_ For Sale Lots, First' class lois in the Great Northern addition within the city limits of Calgary. This is what ` the C. P. R. states.— "You can recomnaend'this property to your clients as a good in- vestment both safe and profitable. These lots are selling s' now at 5.00 each,. One-third down andbalance in six, twelve and eighteen .;months, 6 per cent interest.". If you want to make some monoy. don't delay in looking me tip as this pis a chance of lifetime, , Don't for -- get that we have farm lands to cell as well, of ,the very best and splendid I situated. . r ' a , T. B Carii ;4r CENTRAL !/,J STRA'i=EORD, ONT. A LARGE SCHOOL. A GOOD SCH00L THE BERT. This School liar a continental repu- tation- for high grade work and for the success of Its students. We have three departmenta-Commerciai, S3>!orthand Telegraphy. Ambitious y'ousig mem andand women stnould send at once for our lamas free catalogue. Write for it at once aria see what our graduates( are ding. This is' a goad time of the year for you 'to enter our classes. Students are entering each;week. , Commence your course a't oE€ne. D •A, 'McLACHLAN, Principal. he Business World Ie calling you, why not prepare now? The leading mercantile houses of Canada and United Sta tes recognize our efficiency. The, S t Business The, po tan. Colleges Have given thousands of young people a good start in life. We can assist you. ur Home Study Courses Offer unexcelled` advantages to those who cannot attend college: Full pal t,euI rs upon 'inquiry. CLINTON •B-INESS COLLEGE GER'. Si°OT1', �:.., Pataz�CIPA a ah