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Exeter Advocate, 1911-5-25, Page 1
Local Items CLOSED FOR TWO WEEDS, Dr, Rouleton wishes to announce that his Dental office will be clpsed on May 25th for ewe weeks, The open season to etas your neigh- tzor's chicken will )non be hero, says act excharig . say .it is here, and 1 htv close to home too,but we don't t cues, 'lir, Maurice 13. Beablee of Buffalo, f o overly of Exeter, is visiting his any triends s ai this vicinity before re •ta ' u a aa'tf 'Nilo inB k ig a 4 a, While off a l�al lee mpteted a course in, Electrical Eng- * ing nglneet°in'g and for the past, ten months utas been one of the facultyof the: ctoliege teaehi;ig 'Mechanical Draught- . its , 'Ve are ,l fes ed w p 6 know a to f his u c s and v i h c es n { bin nti iced. s s t co n sucress 14 hisnew pnJsesta n. While driving to chun=ks ofnee nday ?lir. Wilson Hawke -red home became Piglet- fled, riglet-a , and ran away, \\lett 'O e teeulii that wk>ctur la into a gateway the bees rah against a past, and coming in con- tact with the hinge injured Ito shlouldet' badly Oh Saturday last, while Mr. Jas. Mar- a raY Seaforte, and Mr, Won. Rigging tJs o mewere driving into town they had an unpleasant exper1enee. The l;trae was standing in the middle of Sae riaad, and, when abeett to start turned quickly, upsetting the buggy and. Rccupawt , withthe result. that Mr Mar.. t' sustained badly splainedwra wrist, a Nit arose, and other injuries, wahile Mr, ggins was Miser considerably bruised gut the head. The rig weal only slight ly daraged, The Crystal City Courier Saye,—"The avy rain as Wednesday night follow- 1 by the blizzard on, Thu sdpy has 0x"z118hed .sail ticient ntoieturc .Lor the being and crop Prospcets are now than ever. The snow v fall wee ptinlly heevy for a late spring n g Orn, and beteg accompanied by a h wind totem the north every one glad t;o escape they Bury of thct els- its by ,remaining in doare. The skat- and curling rink 'collaeped under?: weight tat 'snow. ° �e^ While turning thec+.eriter at the ,Ierte- terian Church on efonday afternoon fr. '11, G. Seldiezde rubber -tired buggy, It which he and 'hist Carling, jar, were ?ding, overturned and the occupantie vere thrtown Out, the horse esbapiut;.' he ran right eine to Heneall, w,riero some en SLttempted til atop ,?'ter, and', etre "ran alk lat a tree, damaging the buggy t!o xch an extent that It lei fit only for, et -scrap heap.. The 'oorse'wa ` net eine tit in any way, and; stood that long beautifully. Mr. Soldlan- autoed to ;ensall with, Wilbur Martin and brought anion: Nettie th EXETER, ONTARIO TRURSDAY MAY 25 1911 SANTE $ Mrs. , McKee, who has ben nursing Mrs. Aquilla Sheers and children of her sister, Mrs. H. Gidley, is espend- I'ansitig, Mich„ are visiting relatives aiew Legdays' a t her: *Tie d Vied or. Miss Clara Davis o Ingersoll, and Mies Francis Davis of. Winghare holt„ Bayed here. Mr, 1). B. Sanders wee in Hamilton and London 'Wednesday on business in 4 nectio 1 with the Canning rectory ry, Word has` been received here by rel- etivee that Mrs, Neleeee, SYt.eere of Fort William underwent an operation at the ebspitai in that place for, appendicitis. The e•• o w� c .at n a eP a t as asc..s and th p w e patient is doin=g 'sleety. Scrgt-?ajar F. E. Hector left Moazdav 'tan -ting, to join the other, members of the Coro:ta,tion contingent, He expects to be abse:it ,sig or eight weeks. Com - pleating on the men a 'the $ s' n re a t y co tett S $ in London ofonda , the Free Pressssaid .. table figure among the militiamen wee Sergeeedt-Ma 0r F, E. Hector, W,43„ Sol Exeter, n$rd Huron Regiment With the caution of the Dish -liner, he wore ate'vlcc khaki, lite, "reds" ds ea eft 11 7 packed away from the duet of travel, Mr. hector "did 10 years hard" tu- a ?British regiment of the kine, sawactive service in Chirac, where he was wounded, arid aloe in Soxt 'r Afri a.?orseven Yeare lees been witi thefeurTo t canoep s siM of these years es sergeent-nlrajor. His services 'has wore Klan three rattiilalts, wit:.Y; six bars, and therelet: tee more Pen - utas warrant officer In Ontario. pr EXETER DISTRICT efEETI [G bore, ( Tee \fay DlstrtGt nieeti.uo oe the Bee- Tea Tte rJilowing is the •list oS the licen- sed Auctioneers and Pedlars for; Hurr,ra- Auctioneers-Thoteas Gundry, James Stanley, Henryow a rcs, John Purvis 0, F. a idr - i ick, Patrick Weise, F. S. Scott,' Thai -nee Cameron, B. ,S, PtiIli1ps R. efecharles', G. W. Walker, D. N. Y,at Ran C. II, Wilson, Josepe White, Thom as Btipw.ri, Frank 'McConnell, Jaynes }1'en derson, r a.n Ed. 396 en ger rS, Thos. De Oesiing, B, W, Fl Beavers.Pedlars.— A. 'reeler, Cleo, Cittshell, 5 Qke, 3, Powell, Albert I-ioreer, John Darroch; J. IxrwGll, lbert Horner, John Darroebe F. L. Wiltse, W. 3, MGCraeken, Jas. Caseels, Dutc McDonald, raid, GeoreIeat Beatty Geo. To . Ii Law r � I e . 3]C y , A. c . a S. Pe Do d Geli:nae, James It, Cu'3t, Gen g,' Doti„ and, Robert Shaw, John Youtad, Edward Mitchell, EXECUTIVE LiT £ bfEE:TINC -•-Th e Execu- tive committee oe the west Huron Tea, ch,er'ot Asetociallon met in the Model Se3bel Clinton on Saturday laet to .ar. rn'r e the prograname for the ,next 'en - a`, ,i'u to eetim� tie be held itt-Exeter le t O be T o October, he t o r 11 wine were P went, Mies 1, E. Sharnaan, vice presidents God eriele, W. It. Johnston, secretary, Kip- psn, Miiest J. Hamilton, Winchelsea; grid J. If. Laweuy, Iioimesville. A. rp•.. selutio:a In favor of asking the Educate Len. Department to send S, J. Radcllffe B. A. principal let the Normal School of London, as their representative to the Institute, wan Permed, An interest- ing pregraral was prepared for the Oct. saber meeting. DEATH OF RAY FANSON. ,- 'Word WAS received "here an, Monday afternoon ler the death in Detroit that day of • a, former Exeter boy, Ray Fanson, aged 13, 3 ear s. 1eCettsed lied for somet. beer a sufferer from anemia, and Caine trent hes home In Abernethy, Sask., some, months age, 40 „severe treatnoent. After a few weeks visit here he went. eV De- troit, where his brother -In-law, Dealer. risen, about two mont ee aCo, perioral ed an operation by which he traneferrod some pine of blood fromea healthy man tato Mr. Fanstora'te veins.' He rallied af- 'ter tee operattion, but It wises only:ternPor ary and served pimply to prolong his life a few weeks. He became too weak. at lase to have tho operation, repeated. ser. Iea-neon leaves awife and two little $041tEft Tho r'ema ns were interred at Detroit on• Wednesday, under the aus- pices*: tho I, CI..F,I, ot,which( his watls. n niernber.. Bay, grew, to 'inns ood here and`wae weir arid 'favorably known' to, many Exeter- residents, who regret very much his early demise, and, entend synn pathy to, the bereaved relatives. CARLING'S PHONE 18 Great Bargains For one week we are offering some exceptional bar" gains in summer dress goods, prints, gingham and suitings, wall paper, carpets and rugs. Shansu' Repp in three colors Regular 25c, for 18e. Shamrock Jacquards Regular 25c. for 20c, Shamrock Stripes Re- gular 15e. for 12e. ibbons=Tn the line of Blue, Black, Red and White at 10c.`: Gingham and Suit- ings Regular 20e. for 15. and 15c. for 12c. Mercerized Gingham, was..15c.: now 8c. Re- gular 20e. suiting at 15c,, Regular 15c suit- ing at 12e. 17 pieces print Reg- ular 12e, to clean 10e. Large cn. eregpl o i s attended the Sun- day v r h e a „a r c 'n Cayen I' e r stn i as z ez a tri et y Ctturell, when Rev, Ross of London tin- cupled the pulpit, the oecaslon being the rust ;auaada} of tate golden jubilee ceeee leretlon» Miss Lang, eoprea10 soloist, or Gra^testa assisted the ehoir in the ,na nee !eel part of the services, which were very interesting. Qn \t;oaada,}• evening a t+aelal eveaing was eatjoyed, when ices erenln, lentenade and cake were served and addresses were given by Rev. $tarp the pastor, Rev. ~arriere of Grand Dend Irv, Small. tot l?ld tlz, R. Fletcher et Teentes. Read, and the Teas?dent netiniett- ere. Rove, Helebs, Collins and Powell, Mies La„ter Again attended the C1.nir in 1 music, air did zlen Miss Deism Follicle. On Tuesday evening Mr. W. Ci Seniors of Toronto gave au interesting addreee ext blas Laymen's' Missionary Movement: Special serviceac will again, be heldrnezt. Sunday TENDERS FOR. COAL 1911. Sealed tenders addressed to the Prov- incial Secretary, Parllanient Buildings, Toronto, ;narked "Tenders for Coale” w113 be received up to noon on ,Saturn day, May 27th, for the de1£verY lof - coal as required in the sheds of the fp11owwng provincial institutions', on or before the 31st day at August next, viz; BrockvilleCobourg,,. Hamilton, Kingston, London, Mimico, l?enotanb'uishene, Toronto, Hos- pitals, for the insane, Orillia Hospita! for Epileptics, Alslo the Central Prison' and lsfercer Reformattery. !Specifications of ;the qualities and quantities of coal required, and forma of application, may be obtained on ap- plication to the Depaartment, or from the Bursars ole the respective institute ions. - l r Tenderers are to Specify, the mine of origin and the quality of respective kinds of cjoal, and to furnish evidence on delivery that the coal is of origin ®pecitied, fresh milted and up to thd' standard of trade grades'. Delivery subject to satisfaction, of Officers of Department of the Provin- cial Secretary, who may require add!. tional deliveries, not exceeding 20 per cent., up to the 15th' July, 1912. Tenders will be received for the whole quantity specified, or for the. quantities requitred in each institu- tion. An accepted check for $500, pay - gable to the order of the Honour- able the Provincial Secretary, must be furnished by each tenderer, and two sufficient sureties, or the bond of a guarantee company - authiorized to do business in the Dorni,nion of Canada, will be required for the due fulfilment of each contract. The lowestor any tender not necessarily accepted. 1 Newspapers inserting this advertise- ment without written authority from the Department will not be paid for it. W. 3. ,HANNA, Provincial Secretary. Parliament Buildings, Toronto, May 12th: 1911 A discount of 15 per cent. on all rugs, carpets and wall paper. Don't fail to see our stock which is second t®:none inthe trade. '5.. ,TROUSERS 1.75 for $1.40. .00 44 $1.60 X2.25 ' $1,.85 50 ," 2 1 - 0 ;2:75 $2,35.. .as�l!riAiix1^fY:u • MEN'S HOSE in silklain and 1?fancy lisle and cotton. Regular 50c. for 40c. Re alar 25e. for 20c. Regular $8.50 to clear 4 at $7.00. o clear at S.50, 3 sets teclear atg$5,00 est >,rice: for all kinds of Produc+ LIN( Ontario Liquor license Act License District of ,,South • Huron. Not ice Is:bereby given. that Jas. Coxw,orth of Hensall, has made application for permission, i;o transfer his Village,tav- ern license (Queens) in Hensall,_ to F. Carlin Of Seaf,orth, and that the said application will lbe' considered at the meeting of ,the Beard of License Corn- missiom,ere, to lee held at the Queened Friday, June 2 1911 hotel Het -wall, on S , at the hour of•,10 s , mg All person interested: will govern them- selves accordingly. John "Doe -ranee, License Inspector. Dated at Clinton, this 15 day of May, 1911. COURT OF .REVISION Or THE. VILLAGE OF ExE/'ER NOTICE -is, hereby given that a Court of ltevisien, foe the Assessment Roll > .tri the Village at. Exeter will Told ite-first meetingef x- the present year tri the Town 'Hail; Exeter, or" Thursday, lune 8th, 1911, at 7.30.p.ot. T. B. CABLING,' #iN Exeter iiMay'15,;,.4911.e'' ..., C1erktr.t. . t'te:^ District of d"e Methodist church was held in Main street Methodist church on May 18th .and 19th. Ministerial Seas, ion held Friday afternoon, when aIll the ministers =of the District were Pre - seat, On Thursday evening, Rev, 3_ F, II n rti 11 " d 8 ,$all J, t ar ;et v � ab' y lea ea. �' ae y paper In tae -"Book of JOnaltl a , On Friday the T,rayfnen from all the -cir cuies were present, Rev.: Wm. Godwin Paris,ill, etiairnien, of tate District oc- estied the chair-. P£{ G. J. Kerr, I, it - can, Fin34 ae Sl Secretary, The Rev. 7t A, Siete-dm-an, Graaad Bette, was elect., ed Jaur,ial egeretary, The finalaetee are stairs of the Diatrsct were totted to tie t t a very satisfactory eottditton. Most, of, tee c ?as s.dxe1 fonds were rotted i F r .a ix' a the ecx.'t e aorta fr_en s were f r l d u. r. o d r e + ,a be . i » Xailest yea, 1'u;e azitseteeeee Fend clearly e,e,000 in a d, v`,an'nco 9f last year. Tee rearrangenaeat of the work afeectir„e Main Street, Cent errata and E1titxvitle is as tollows,--• Street• and Bethany, Eitmv lle, Zion and Su.^ehitze, Centralia and Whalen,, inake lrt three, geed circuits, Tile Bey, Huh 'Waters, or Eliznville tendered itis resigaaatien, 'welch was ace cRjnte.l with eerpressionie of regret, Mr. 54 ads -a wishes tel pursut a cniversitel cJurse tee the other side, The teliswing ynieo were elected to attend: coaster,. er;ce erlo:n Exeter; Mr, henry E. flue - Olt pit altd Mr. el Calluln, 14laln. St, anti t Mx..7 iYCa .n, at and.'.S� e h, y II, 1 r s e se eseating James Street. AL:,L Tat' ti«af heal tial! game wee played a;» t.tia< Mskintaed <ilatannitd hero. on 1'.ri- dsy ev;ntna 'ttwm'tn 1Jxeter and Zurie," 3tztalors, 'when the. latter wotf Out, 5-4;, 11'urnm or. Euriele wla,h iunPired, made Ii absolutely intpassible for Exeter to wl n,lroort the fact Haath!s dr si na were rattle In spots, and be deck cars; t. tat they were always coati? spats. However beth teiune put up good ball w:zit:lt was 1 tterestfng all the wiiv, attd a good crowd, o! ereeessiaate was Kee - clot. The 'boyes are greatly encouraged by the way the tans turned Out, and :rope te bold their *tercet throughout. the seasc i. Rim. Diesett for Exeter struck out 'zine Wren, while llperinau for the visitors fanned twelve. Other feat - urea were the '.!homer' and three -bagger by Hoskbns, and two doubles,: ono cred- ited to Jimmy Hl,ewdele and the, other to Doe. \Iall:ntt. The line up was,- /uriee--13towst :', C Weber 0, Herr- nein 0, Koetblor 0, Thiel 0, Either 0 el, ?Veber 0, rItxider 1, Howald Exeter—Mellott 1, 'BUMS' 0, Hoskins 2, Bawden 0, Sweetie, P.reszcator 0, Fuke 0, Bissett 1, Score by Inninger,-- Exeter 00012100— Zurich 0 0 2 0 t:;` 1 0 2 0-5 The Brinsley ball teameind the locals played morning and afternoon games May 24th, Exeter winning bath, games, 12-7 and 17-8. Te 1:3oy1e ulpired. `Vela Dorman and Bradley were the battery tor the visitors, while Breath??, Carling and Ileskins did similar duty tor Exe- i:er. THE EXETER COUNCIL The council met in the Town Miall on Friday evening, 19th inst., with all the members' present. Minutes of previous meeting 'read and approved. Levett—Rivers—That the following ac- counts be paid and orders issued in payment, For labor, T, Houlden 3.85, Jap' • Gould 55.25; W„ i Treble{ 1.75; 11, Davis 3.50; T. Creech 4.00; J. Kydd 10. 75; John Kydd 9.80; Ray Horn 5.73; Wm, Brimacombe 5.79 N. Vale 8.05 A. Sanders 3.50; R • Gilles 35c.; Te Brock 2.75; Queen; City Oil Co., 2.50; A. G. Dyer, assesser, 65,00, truant bks 5.00; total 70.00; Ed,.' Treble 3,00; to- tal orders, 140.57. . Levett—Rivers—That the Cotnmissior er be instructed to re -construct drain en William street from river to the creaminry.—C,arr£ed. Day—Rivers—That as we have not heard fxlom the G. T. Iia Beet. up "to the present time that we take.'n!o action a'w to laying mains, on Wellington "street. Carried., , , The Bank of Commerce asked the council to have the 1 inch pipe from main • to their new building increased fr:sin 1 to 2 inlcnuoa. risks Same, was granted, they to pay extra expenses, on neetion of Day and Rivers. i-,evett—Ad j nwrnainent. T. B. Carling, Clerk. TUTAelES ROAD Darling -Hankin --The home or Mr. and Mrs. Fred Iiwiikin la'f tesbortie was the scene of a very pretty wedding- on Wednesday pt this`. week, when their daughter, Mies Florence` M., was united' in marriage tb At. Antos Darling of McGillivray. The ceremony was perform ed by Rev. 0�i1111 Fletcher at six o'clock in the evening in the presence ,of `;over a utdted guests. The -bride, attired in silk ;Mile, trimmed with( satin and bead- ien, ; a 1png bridal veil tronened with toranee blos,som9, and carrying a shave e; bouquet et white carnations, looked c' .i: tun'l, and was, given away by her father, Reeve Iiunitin, the march beintil played by Miss Stella Passneore. She Was .. -attended by little Bea Hi'ee E-,uukin and'ihittle tMies Arabella-Hankin, cou- sin and niece, respectively o'f the bride, and each:carried a,ba©ket' ,of earna- t�tns and ,sweet peas. Te bride t _ eon was ✓t navy blue p utnrt... The wedding; preeeate which were numerous and cast- ly, showed the liighJ'esteem isle which the bride is held. The greeen';s, presentto the bride wee, a beautleul crescent,while his gifts,ee the fle.war girls) were beaut- ful gold necklaces. ;The ceremony ()vex a ve:y dainty tea was served, followed UT a pleasant, evening seeds siac ally. Th,e •youth, couple will have t'he beet i%s*s at herr nt fney tri}tti; or a lon€, t?appy'wedded;life,,..,u� JUNE' BUG FEST bug Pest bees again arra v, ed, but wits`; a greater magnitude than; i `=:s ewer been know before in this' action. At night the air is full of etza. Tia,. i':utt, Qhade .:d otaYt. tines laterally besieged with the pests,; the eesu t that fruit bloteseente, a 4tv the leave sof the r 3 # eea re cuff er- 1 s greatly eatly from their r o{ gcs, arid in instancoa blossoms and ?cares are completely aeons,from the branch P@- ee blkI { stow eine-;51 . - 'are o?3Ty. 4.0 ,. ..:7ua-d o..Y the main army hhnc i eels the geseield sleet eontuauen cot ate g out for a month or more. T;eere is as i y endicatioa that, the fruit. mop weal bC e:itire,: d- sioyed for this Year, whtcii is '. ser ions matter, bus l,t` rz? para,gites, o ee" 4 t .cls, °' agency (,k �r e ft e e 6 R \ 2 .. 8e s`ess5 of e eggs will b Ir id :n itatch true a ,d develop, in'o the wtazte grub that . r tr r l ,its t;*eMerte;' and played suck( havoc £ ; years Past --beef « articularly. The black b.td cerins to be atest tr,,enay ail nave .. ve tJ4;41 a tx�awxx t'a follow Ute ptowman f'or miles t seare'`a elf the white grub that lays yxound. Seine farenera' in this •-epartteulainn Lzsbortze-.- g the pest, riy acid it tfsF titrate camare a lantern set u't a', e1 e1r a Rola of water in, a i*arllleri'tt The bug le attr,'aet-d by the old on striking- the lantern droops e tub and there Wort: dige. They tl°tr a cabby teen; and do teat shake a eels sir u^#1a for life. We have had 1 n stare -es of Immense : destruction, Mfr. wild. Coward, of Usboiiae .having cap tWO no lees talon a heaping Patent Pail. full of Thursday nicht, aril Mr. Rich. lege of town two pails bill by this atsaa;,tti, It le by his means, Orel it at,eaank by tele meas' s only, that the e, lett 'deatoycd sugoesseulle. Sone, tae tarneers Ito i ,'et usy. be "o.a another veep +at 'eggs are ittaited. It weeeld "tate well for the .'euItu, al College take the t. up as it ;is a aer"ioue 'tarter anti is ins' 'stare so every year; T::e aabsve mentioned paltered bug's are bet tract enal of the quantity aaonic nten !lave captured. r. F,1 Trlebner reports' capturing two grain bags Zull, yea ti :IrATALMISTAKE Gettea°;Oh, Ont. May 19--3atttett Id;- iiwalta a farrier of Gt1dcrlelt Yaw's- tip, :tcently made a mistake which eaosed his death. lie usually Kept a seaI er of buttermilk in to cupboard, anti Recently a, cleaning preparation of lye was placed beside it its a mintiest veaeel. About a week ace), in, the half dark of the evening, �l`cllwalel.. drank front the sealer rat lye, taking two or three mouthstul before discovering hies error. Prompt medical treatment failed sed lie died In .terrible agony. BIRTHS Diejard[ne—I3. Line, Stephen, on -May 12th, to Mr. and Mrat: Wm; Diajar- dine, a son. i1LABR1AGES Darilng—I3urikln—in tlstzorne, an May 24, at Maple Gore. `Farm;,tat ease biome of the bride's patents, Mr, and Mrs. Fred, Hu^tkin, Mr. Amos Darling to Miss Florence Hankin. Grata te--Bowie—In Brucetield, all -?fay 10 at he borne ot the bride's' per- ches by Rev. E. 11, Sa.wers, 14. 3. Granger, of See,eerth, to Miss Olive second daughter of Mr. Peter Bowie; DEATHS McGaw—In Seaforth, on May 14th, etes:. S. A. efcGaw in her 90th year. Fanson—In Detroit, May 22, Ray Fan - son, formerly of Exeter, aged 33 yr, Reeeeelds-At Sarepta, May 23rd, Sus- artnah Lee, widow of the late Will- iam Reynlnlds, in her 81st year. Women Read This PARISIAN SAGE PUTS LUSTER INTO DULL, FADED HAIR Every woman+ reader of the Advocate who desires, radiant hair that everypne admires, should glu to W. St, Cole: toe Paday and get a large 50;. cent bottle f risian! Sage. .a It iso notonly a delightful and re- freshing hair dressing and beautifier, but it is sold under a rigid 'guararytee to banish dandruff, ,stjop falling hair and itching scalp, or n3oney back. Parisian Sage is the : best hair tonic! known. It is the only one that will' cure dandruff, cleanse the scalp and make e hair grow long and beautiful. ANNUAL, IMTEETING The .Annual Meeting of South Huron Farmers' Institute will be held Lit Rosa' Hall, Brucefield, old Friday,June 2nd, at 1.30 p.m::, Business bt meeting, —Receiving the annual report of audi- tors, election of: officees for ensuing year, making arrangements for occur- -siva to :the Model Farm, .Guelph, and 'athor matters pertaining to the: benefit of institute work. Also Professor C.At Zavitz of the Agruiculturai College will give an address en "Helpful suggestioil,g in the Production of Farm Crops." Let there be a full turneut. Everybody weld; come. A. MUSTARD B. S: PHILLIPS President Secretary. SEALED TENDERS Tile u:dereigned Felice; Trustees of the Vi11 t e iaf Centralia, will receive Sealed Tontdees floe' the construction of concrete side -wants and crossing , in tine said Village up to Monday .une 5 1911, A. D. 1911 at eight o'clock p.m. Specifications of the work, scan be seen at the ?office of W,. J :IDarnsonS, seers tart' of , the Board. Iltfe lowest or any tender nt: eteceeaansrily aedeleteel- ,e,, W, .Jd' Palatehk%;w r Patrick Halriltu rr n,3& I -Tit -i Fins 3h� u Save- oney On The ollawm, Lines ,t Our Selling Sale MEN'S Sora. from 45 to; 1& BOYS' SUITS fro 7 SHIRTS, 35e, 50c.,, to 4100 ' ODD PANTS front 41,00 up OVERALLS & SMOCK'S , .5Oc. to UNDERWEAR from :1Qc: to 400, 2 pr. WORK SOX, wool, 25c. WORK' SOX lOc a pair, 13LACK CASH MERE SOX 20c a pre FANCY COTTON SOX 20c. a pair » FANCY SILK. SOX 40c. a pair STIFF HATS at $1.50, FELT HATS' from... e0c. to X1.25. $4.0() SHOES at $2.9,5 $5.00 SIJOES at $4.00 WORK SHOES, all kinds, COST Pried CHILDREN'S JUMPERS at 35c.. It willat o. P Y;�' to come in and see the valufor- yourself. MallIIMMIMEIMMIKIEIIMMAIMMOPOIM Quitting Business Cash On 7M1 }