HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-5-18, Page 8II a i THE IIg Tine spring trade this year promises tra tea heavy one,, and we are prepar- ed for it with a, full supply of the Finest Clothing Materials ill Tweeds, Fancy Worsts Ete. Our workmanship is the best and cannot be excelled, Try cgs fa' yoo,r. :new Spring W. W. TAMAN Merchant Tailor, ter, Ontario EXETER MARKETS. QED, E.&QH, WEDNESDAY Wheat BJ4rley. Y, . «. !..MT l igk' ileaT., .,,.,,,044,, 85 Potatoes, per bag .... ,,� 50 ldapyI�erioA,T....,««T.. 00 join, per cwt., family ;]?'dour, l.ow grade per taw 145 ,,..T T., 1,4:4 •11‘ ••• AL ,,,.. 17 age„, per ewt..... e . e3T''D22 6 50 75 'Tis sold that the large number of, lad les an town thits week was partly re- sPeasible far that beautiful rain w ]tad on Tuesday, W,ttat most towns seen] to need tnoze than �» anl°thing else is a welding of all tactio.•is Into one harmonious whole, for the common good, 'While cutehing a game of ball at 'Zurich Friday Frank Bogie g,t a nasty split .between the first and second fins e,. s the right hand. ' THE EXETER AIIVVL1I A.TE, THURSDAY, MAY IR, 1511 it LOCAL DOINGS., t �. j► „ts„do. alscc�dc# al�c �c A waterworks connection has be made with the Manse. lr_ Thomas Bissett, er., is confined to hie room through illness. Mfr, Rich. Treble has moved into Mr. corn ey's residence ionSimcoe Street. Mfr, ,Tulin, Snell is erecting a porch to the front of hie residence oda Main-st. Mr, M. 3.1., Doyle shipped a car horses; west last week, as did;, also lir, Gilbert Dow. lift, Wes. Snell last week purclr`aised a Ford ruiabaut at Sarnia and brought it home on Frida}, Mrs. Elliott, Carli, Street, :has' Pur cliased the dwelling owned by the late Tilos. Hartriali, on Sohn Street. The 2nd Sunday in May is celebra,tedi in many communities' as ,,Father's Day and the people wear white flowers. What a happy world this would be. if every man spoke as well tot his ltvo czeighbors. as he. does of his ,dead ones, The License CozartAlissitarters meet at the Commercial I- ouse ori, p"riday to transfer the license to Mr J : New.. elk . "ile isaalt `+Valtot;, Fishing" Club will celebrate the inn 's ]dirt clay, June 3, b; takii?g' their annual fishing trip t, Grand Fiend, Sable" of the teachers have, beim taking their pupils to the woods lately to spend all hour studying nature in the.,farm'of wild flowers, 75 1000 2 40 145 17 17 5 65 . 00 2000 at tnt. UOUSF tat leas 0 ted the asivavoi t t4a sell; Tenders .f iy ]flan u;P elan given Sept. lot,: 0 C del>s]F It sur act/= Rv1~ aa; r, l nlouse pulalie ;r, John valuable e will be let nett. �l.zT FLOUR .AND FEED,—Having put in at a}tock of Flour and. Feed ,I soltclt year PalMnage. Stand one door north pt 1Glcaman'e Hardware --•Rivers' old eta,`.ed. J'os. Davis. To those who prefer :pure 3'Gatrftobs, flour for baking we would say, wd always, carry a :stock and will be plea sod. to supply you.—IiAEV Er EROS DENTAL OFFICE CLOSES KINDLY TAKE NOTICE that toy et tiro is closed every Wednesday after- noon. DR. ROULSTON, FOR SALE.—Tire Mansion :House, Ex- etcr, for sale. \Veil furnished. Good stable and drive shed. If not sold will rent. Apply to ROBT. LEATHORN, Er - Iter. Our wedding stationer , is of the hit - eat, types of the best, w,orknttanship nit- surpassed and prices right. Prospective ,brides should call at the .dvocatc and see for themselves. SEED POTATOES FOB SALE. . bout 30 bags of Delaware Potatoes for seed for sale at George Mantles Feed Store, Exeter PLANTS FOR SALE.—Twenty-five thousand plants for sale, including Gerard -ants, Fuchsias, double and single Petunias, Salvias, Stocks, Asters, ,Ag- erations, Begonias, Lobelias, Verbenas foliage, Dusty Millers, 'Drarlenas, Oa1-i els, German Ivy, and all kinds for Hanging Baskets. Cabbage, Caul!-' flower, Tomato and Onion plants. Hanging baskets' filled to order. L. DAY, Gardener, Exeter. If you're tired of mes- sing or mussing with conn• salves, awkward and cumbersome bandages for a place where No bandage can be comfort- ably applied, try Nya.1's Corn Cure Then you weny't have to wrap up the toe, for this reniedr itself ferrite a coating over the cora, while i', is beLng. removed. When you use Nyai preparation you ustrig an article that the best dr -u,,; stores in, every city in Canada and the United State) are .proud; to offer the public, for, it gives satisfaction, and causes no complaints. If ';fact Nyal'a , are ' sold. X11 ,over the civilized c,rid to -d.3',$'. y 9p +fQ It tai claimed Haat fall heat was f;, lured lar.,ely this seaso�r' , after' the alto diaiappearod, frt'aaay fields' have been stowed an,p and 'seeded. sts lcaziln. Heywood of La.ebornt Is. suffering ,from a severe attaaelt at rhearnatisni and .as a result is unable to attend to lois farming duties; ,Mr. Wm. Harding was takelr quite it Monday while at ids dutles,atathc Ex0-7 ter weigh scales; but we are Pleased to say he is mow' a onaewbat better. ',fr. '4yP,nl. Collt:tt;weaod, who haat' been residing on !Oil street, moved .on Mon- day with his family into the dwelling owned by 'tr. 1t'llifanian' n Simcoo Street Sergeant-Major Hecttar will leave next week for Quebec with the Coronation,' Contingent, from which place after a week's drill, he sails with the contingent for England The District iaaeeting of Exeter Dis- tract of the "iethiodist Church' will be held In :Cain street church, E Teter, on Thursday and Friday of this' week, 'any 18th and 19th. The indiscriminate use of slang grates on the ears when uttered by thedaugp- ters of Eve. It Raba womanhood .of one element that has commanded the respect of atiank1nd—refinement. Be goad to tate robins. A single bird of this Saintly has been( found td devour! 185 caterpillars in, a day, while the crop of another was found; to have a collection of 100 potato bugs. Mr. John, Mitchell, whp Recently under went an operation at 'Victoria. Hos- pital, is improving nicely being able to take short walks, and it is exp ected' he will return to his home here in the early kart of next week. Rev. R. Hobbs on Sunday evening preached on the work 'of Billy Sunday who is conducting .specital services in Toledo. In the course of the evening be quoted Billy as being very severe on. the card player and dancer. In your cleaning up don't forget the cellar. Dank, foul air rising fr m a cellar is a menace to health, while a dry dight cellar with a current of air pass- ing through :makes a fine place for keeping various food stuffs to warm weather . This, le the season, for ,blossoms. The cherry, pear and plum trees are in full bloom, with the apple blossom in, the bud, while the wild, flowers i the Woods are out in all' their gipry. Truly the spring time ilo the season of brilliant collaring in nature. I am prepared to fill orderef for all kinds coal or wood. Try me with:' your ,neat order Lot:, coal, wood, seeds,,flourf or feed of all kinds. .Geo. Mantle:. 'lar. Bowie of Coliitngwood is the new' junior at the 0,oinnieree, The cattle neat have been putting, the cattle an rite pasture this week. The howling season will eomnnence all' 'nay 2,t:til with a local taurnan ent.. Mr. John 'Hawkins delivered a five-' year old Morse to :lir, Coursey,,,.teai' Lu. ca i on 1iniday last, ,for which- he re- ceived 'nearly four hundred dollars: He is an excellent type of a horse, weighing 1930 pounds and is a beauty. Mr,,, Hawkins breeds a good vias'} of horses and invariably` ,,eta the highest prices.. The Winnipeg Tribune of May tlth cpal- tained an account of the Young We/tuns Council of Grace Church, in which they presented the Shakespearian comedy, -..As You. Like It", commenting an ;itief Charahters, says of one .of there.—` Miss Maud Taylor tpok the part of Rosalind daughter of the banished duke, and was particularly fine In the first" act Miss Taylor is a .farmer Exetern young lady, being a daughter not Reeve Taylor of town, and has displayed can siderable talent an different 'Occasions in this line. A newspaper editor in one of the N.itnitaba villages had the juke on a citizen of his burg not long since, ',This ciiizea and his family,whoaregneataad- mirers,of the departmental store bought all the goads in 'Winnipeg, A few weeks o aR daughter Of the, citizen',got mart` ted and the entire wedding payaphe.l including the ianvitatlons was our chased In the city. The day :after tbu wedding. the brides' father brought to the newspaper office a Bong account of the event but when the paper appear- ed It contained nothing about; the wedd- Iai; but an account of three or four lines. Next day the citizen, called, at the ne'w's - p aper office to demand an explanation why the report OT the- wedding diad not t .en prilnted. "Oh that's all right",-- dsti the editor likely find it one of the city departmental steret c.: talag-nes, Dur ng the past week one mile of 80 pound rails was laid ion the ClO‘ito1't section of the L. H. & 1 »As, the 30 -foot rails weighed 8011 pentads each, . the laying of thein was heavy work even for sa. muscular a lot of mien, las the section hien along the line.. The rails being taken up are 57 pounds and were placed when the L. 1=I. & 11.+ was built thirty sevenyears ago, Word.iaas 'been received. here of; the death in Dickinson, N. Dakota, on May dth,of Christian McLeod, relict, of thel 13te'.Alex, McLeod,_,formerly of Exeter, and sister of Vii , G, A.5 K McLeod 01 Exeter, and Mrs. WM, Earl of Us- borne, lora her 79th year. 'She leaves to mourn her loss three daughters and two sons. Relatives here' have the sym- patty at their many friends,. A. E. Bradwir,, formerly of the Stan. lard, now of the Parry Sound Star. received the nominutipo as: the Liberal standard bearer for the Parry Sound District last Friday. He is now show- ing his true political colors which he could 'not do while here in running an independent newspaper. His many fri- ends in this locality wish hint success in his fight. If the riding is anything like the rest of the Prtnripce the !wile have a time capturing it.—Blyth. Stap lard. FORECASTS FOR Zt 4T—'~ Regular storm period falls from the 20th„ to; the 2att , 'Wag central on the 22nd, '1hie period, will culminate in very high tem- perature, drop of the barometer and forceful & ortns of rain, wind and thund- er, on, and next to Tuesday the Dashes of heayv hail will be midst natu- ral at thus~ time, with probability of a tornado coming upon the unwary In scattering Cycles of rain, wind and thunder storms' may repeat themselves in s.ftern ' ns And eVetWit; i vperiod,r for several days at tttls o tut - 1111 the barometer rises, attended by westerly winds and much cooler, Powell's bazaar This storeis noted: for sac iety Lard cheapness. Reliable goods at very low prices. Special sales dally. --You ought to step in every day gnat are up town It pays, for we are always offering new goods at rediculous pr ices, Always watch our windows for Bargains. friday and Saturdays will be special days this week. Coronation China in White and Gold will be offered a little lower these days, Our 510 and 15c. tables are loaded with Bargains. Our graaniteware is a special. Handbags at reduced prices, Farecrackera and rockets; loads ' of them, Try a pound of our mixed chocolates at 40e. Our Edison Phonograph stock is good. Ask to hear the New Rome with Model 0 Repro. user. POWELL'S BAZAAR J, Willis Powell, Prop. Farm Implements We are now busy re -building our Implement Wareroorne, and we wish to draw your attentilon to the fact that we handle a full line of McCormick Implements FOR THE INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER COMPANY Binders, Mowers, Rakes, Manure Sprdtders,tilling teals, etc: A C ckshutt Plows full line of Cockshntt Plows and. Repairs Buggies A Carload of Buggies, manufactured by Gray & Son ,of Chatham, ive Saturday, a number of which are specialty suitable for young men. intendingpurchaser will find it worth while to call aind see these before chasing: Repairs We -pay particular attention to ti. furnishing of repairs, for manta' handled 'by us. • Mr. John Hunter still remains in the business. W. Snell, art-- Any rraAny pur- all inrple- Agent, - Exeter Cole's Rexali Store The Drug Store of good goods and fair prices. Below are a few only' of seasonable preparations. In all 300 remedies dependable for efficiency as make them. No remedy for two diseases and each and every one guaranteed or money refunded. science can R6iall We never bear any- "93'1 ny-at93,t Tonic. thingbutPospraitivelise for this y th hair best on the ' market to e day, to• remove dandruff Tonic andmake the hair grow Price 50c. and $1.00 Bamboo' - A `blood builder": and tonicsplenf did ounusual , merit, Brier A sprin• to 13100dd drives away_, that "tirenic Builderfee.$1ling. • Large battles .©0 Rexall :sure• protection 'a gains Moths';' Agreeable Re • odor. easil ' removed Cedar` economical aird' eonvein ent: Best, moth killer lakes known. Lar"" e.packages by rd.,iaallt+'.b� i qt� Rexall Kidney 'Remedy Your life depends upon, the action of the kidneys Don't let thein get slugg- ish. This .remedy' is a wonder worker 50c and $1.00 bottles. Rexall GOOD NEWS? For �t Rheumatic ' sufferers. Rheumatic Where it fails we refund all money paid us; noth- ing to loose. Try . it at Remedy our expense, Rexali ". Relieves burning, per- epiring ' feet: Nothing FOO better to gnromnte foot comfort, Tr it., i`. ar e Pawdr cants . y R • Rexall For whitening, soften- ing, soothing and prat Cream serving the •:skin. :It • of renders the complexion- fresh omplexionfresh and'fair and is free Almonds from grease, Price 25c. Rexall Stimulates, digestion builds up the blood and arsapar- tones up the. . system" a ill a grboteattle, spring tonic $1:00' 'Q!111c. Rexall For coughs that linger A good tonic to'build 'wine up .the;?s .stem •'en lei= • system. , r.,>. Cad Liver the blood and hums OMI tinbottlee weight $100 f4`s 1VIarchand's Jewellery ., WATCH THE RINGS in our display, See how they glisten and glitter. No wonder they make the most accepted gifts, as well as the most enduring. Our Jewellery Display contains rings of every description. There are baby rings, birthday rings, engagement rings: wedding rings and rings just for adornment. We can supply you just as GOOD GOODS at just as REASON- ABLE PRICE as can be had at any place in Canada, A. Marchand, Exeter Jeweller & Optician Brighten the Home This is the time of the year when theLtcure C JigNi ill be done. There is no better time to brighten up the home with a little Furniture We invite,you to inspect our showing which is the larg- est and best in the county Perhaps' A New Parlor Suite, New Bedroom Suite, A Couch or Rocker, Something for the Kitchen or Dining Room.' will be in order. Vire +can suito y ur taste and; price in anything in the line of furniture, ROWE & ATICINSON The Leadine Home. Furnishers and Funeral Direatore, JONES & MAY PHONE NO. 82 HOT WEATHER WANTS The hot weather is here. It Was slow in coming but now we have it and are not ready. We are showing all the summer goods in the best varieties of textures and colors°." WASH GOODS We have them all int Prints, Ging hams, Chambrays, Drills, Ducks, silks and cotton voiles. A very large range to chioose from at low prices: FANCY SILICS Another lot. of those fancy Silks just to -hand in all the best colors.; Linens,' Vesting°, Repps, Muslins, Jeer/turd ,and ''Tokio .Silks are very popular this season'. FOULARDS That very popular goods with a. tasting silk finish. Every color to pick from, int the very fancy pat- terns, all gdod washer's. -That make a very popular and aervIceble dress'. SUMMER UNDERWEAR For ,Chlidre , Ladies' and Men's in the beet values we have ever shown, Dia not' teiiget CO, buy y'bU1 summer underwear at Jones lE May's. Ready -to -wear -News A big clearance of all our Ready-to-wear gar. ments, We have had a bum er season and want to h clear them out early. LADIES' TAILORED SUITS $7.50 Only three . left but to clear are offering our $11.00 suits only $7.50 ws for LADIES' SPRING ,COATS $3.75 & $7.50 Only a few- left, but all • 5.50'' coats' for $3.75. Our $10 & $1.1 coats fbr $7.50,., Milliner; A big range, of Girl's,?'ready-tp- wear school hate at '5Qc. each. All our millinery' is . right up -to- date., It will pay you, to leave. your orders early for your summer hats. Mouse, Furnishing We are doing ,the trade. Busi- meas is good in.th s litre." We must, ]gave the °goads 'to ' make It ltags, Carpets, LLnoleutne, • ' Oil -s:'. cloths; Curtains, Blinds, 'roles, are here in,.a. large variety. 4i hfi fr ld,tti3ii?di! rs for the E. Sank 4e,P 151 ri ti "fx W>ir ••t