HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-5-18, Page 7TEE XETER ADVOCATE, T
Co es With Good Ifealth Through
the liso of Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills
Her brightest day for every. girl
aed every woman is the day when
she looks well, feels' well and is
well, but with most of the fair sex
seen days are rare. Instead they
stiffer from a painful languor, have
a, terrible weakness in the haat',
headaches filet make everything
seem blurred, and eeaseless ach-
ing in the limbs. These arid other
trials afflict girls and women
through. the, lack of rich, red blood
nature is for, Dr, Wil-
liams' Pink Pills have given the
joy of real rotuet health to theta
sands of women who are happy to-
day beeanse these Pills aetually
make the rich, redee blood that
makes weak ones Well and strong,
This statement has been proven
overAnd over again, Here is fur-
ther proof from Mre. 0. I, Brook,
Meeiton, Man„ who ay t "After
a busy term on STO.Orld class wort,
followed only by A short time of re
laxation, and A StrenliQus two nzid
half moaltis nermal course, in
March, 1903, 'began teaching
school, I had a heavy rural echoon
,with 'erne attendance, and .0QA-
SNIteritty a large number et _grades,
thus found the WQ1'17, it great nary,
nue etrain. This added to the over -
Captivadiug German Maidens'
Hearts His Spetitilty.
A notorious swindler of a high
order of taleet, whose Specialty, was
the marriage line, and whose most
recent alias was General Count
von Passy, has just made his es-
cape from the prison, at Heiliorenn,
Ona recent morning his eell win-
dow, which looks out on a narrow
lane, wee found opee, the iron
bars securing it being filed through
and the eount gone. it ie peesum-
ed that he had assistanee from out-
side, He found time before leaving
prison to write a polite not to the
Crown Proseentote begging forgive-
ness for causing this official SQ lanai
"The fact is," wrote the count,
"that I am obliged to Attend t
ettain very important /petters, and
mst therefore renounce your hos-
"Count von Passy" first became'
prominent about fiye years ago as
Major von Selliemangla An Ameri-
can major of cavalry he called
donned a uniform which
was that of the United States cav-
alry, plus several bite a gold lee
and numeroue gi1ded buttons, which
'sere net in the army regulations,
150 expleined afterward with shoek-
ing that ladies liked these
gilded additions, and that they en-
abled him to reach their hearts
more speedily. Be this as it may,
he eared on his adventures fo
some time with impunity and Wit
saki to have netted eonshitreble
SUMS hem guilelees maidens and
rk, ef study, previous to teaele. from wklows. `'Thet woman who live. xt
soon reselted le a "run c1ow=1" M wt b ma,de the acqu4int"" door, :fames," said Eliza, the you
.ndWon. When vacation time of the widow oi a naval officer, wtomarried woman, to her husband,
cane I did not pay notch attention was en the p?iut of handing Ilan 1"is the laziest, dread/Wiest, mosl',
to my connitioe as j, tnouoht, the over 300 mares as guarantee mon- aossionig aeston1 bay, met during
holidays would reetore me, but as ev, when she thought better of it 'my ieruie. she aw,
TIT.4/f THEY Sift/1;1,1) VSE
ie had Raekathe for a long time
bnt Dothl's Kidney Pills cured it
That is why he recommeuds them
Dyment, Ont., May 15, (Special) -
John Olberg, postmaster here, and
well-known throughout anti entire
neighborhoed, Is telling hie friends
that Docld's Kidney Pills are the
etre fer all forms of ICielney
euse And when they ask how he-
knowe, this ie the answer he gives;
"I was troubled with Backache
a long time and Dodd's Kidney
' s cured it. That's why I reeem,
mend Dodd'e "coney Pills to ll
sufferers from Kidney Disease."
And the postmaster is net the
ly one in this neighborhood who
bas found relief from their KidrieY
13.4 in the old reliable remedy,
Dodd'e Kidney Pills. Others there
re Oen Rbeematism has been re-
, 'whose Dropsy has vanished,
ad whose Urinary Troubles heese
an enred. For it the disease is
of the Ici'dneys, eaueed by the
t'idneye being out of order, Dodd'e
Kidney Pills never fail to eure
AIL for the asistance of the not va,p4, morning, neon, and night-,
I resumed wotk aealn I sciOD found d kdf
I am perfectly certain that she can .
Nolen I come to .1,cal„,fastelfrei.,. f4.4 tun major, and sentence of three no,,,(1. get 41.1). "work ooie,,,
thir, was net the nittli-,". Q11;M
0 OM- police, The WSItlf, was dieeetrema
Incident of the Early Days o
the Northwest.
The Canadian Pacifie Railway, it
is announced, will open up in the
spring fifty.new towns situated on
branch lines, The great Northwest
is beeoming one of the settled
countries of the world. The neeee-
int; less. To -day age travaelrleergfirQnwd;
a far different country from that
described by 3. A. Lees and W. J,
Clutterbeek in "B. C. 1887."
Among some of the anecdotes re-
sted by them is the following. It
is the old story of the tenderfoot,
but with a new ending,
A Britisher, SOttIVAI nut there,
appeared one Sunday in a "stove -
fa -t sea sickness and eon-
+, comp.
pipe" hat. The citizens expressed plaints incidental to ehnneen teeth,
corners and °titer places of van- ,t
ateget'veaauri'e'r.b°Tnhneetfiinr,sgt t"Itleop'unnerfa"rtna-ans' itnh(TEeteu°n in eating nnriPe
sn, g rose c e ee
thus reduced to pulp. However, cumanhers, etc. It acts with won -
OW undaunted nroPreetor appeared ded41 rAPiditY and never fails to
one, whieh one of the "boys"' fear ehelera if they have a bottle of
marked as his prey when they came this medic convenient,
out of church.
-meg his hand aloft and brought OWN DEl.;'ENCE
The joker was a tall man, He IN JJS
flat down en the bat with won-
derful emphasis, The pcpulaee
Yaled with delight, The joker nel.
led also, but from a different cause
The wol thy stickler for "stove-
pipe- hats had skilfullt' inserted
tacks b,,cfuellaitshiwaadm-Igefttilirionuslui elt$hae
croy that they stuck upward
lirovgli the nap. Now, if he
hooses to keep his hat nil during
f sonless PO one remonstrates.
A New Head In 30 Minutes
Excinaa that ataldft, ,robbtiT, tailoring, muddled head
for a deer coo covitAirtavg mot). Wang a
NA -DRU -CO Headache illafer
25e. a box at ma' dreagiale or by mail fsoca
wor-at Drug lead Monaca co. of Canada,. Linititift
R. W. DAWSON, Ninety nelberesStrec
sitiee for "roughi "t,"
paid for!"
eoueak that's a eign they ain't
Mrs. Hashehou.se-‘'Your boots
E you want to iavnsit Albetts,
.n .0,ketehewari or Ilan toba Land$,
elimdiet--"If there's anything Pr 'tat or nnimproved, it will p t
ay you o
that siglit why don't my eget, vest, witsult me"
ThirtY-five _Hundred.
pants and hat squeakl"
Dr. 3, D. Kellogg's Dysentery
Cordial is a speedy euro for dysen-
tery, diarrhoea, cholera, summer
their appreciatien by pouncing out „Itt It gives immediate relief to
the next Sunday with a lovely new e<mq111'" the disease. IC° °lee Pee41
thing reeled before me and I tautest years unprtsonment WAS W04010
fainted. away. 1he 10,4 With Wil01n of the manner in which the Court
I wan bearding advised me te take or +Justice viewed his enterprise,
Dr. William' Pia 411- Last August be was liberated from I
ways spoke very inghly of atom, her jail, and it seems he at mice re.
daughter -having used them with sunned operations in the same fe
the most beneficial results follow- tile Acid, After several small itt-
ing a severe attack of inflammator,y fairs he hapr.ened ea the daughter
rhournatim. I decided to take her of a rich eitizen o Heilbronn and
advice, and bad only taken a few introducd himself as Count von
boxes when 1 bean to improve in Pali**. On the strength of forged
health -and %IOC= appetite as 1 documents lie became possessed of
had. I rapidly gained health, nry the fine old castle a Stett011theiffi,
face had a healthy glow„. and I in the neighborhood, and the weal -
gained in weight. I have smee Dim thy yonng woman, having ambitions
ten recommended Dr, Williams' ,and„, desirous of becoming Countes
Pink PIM th 0+11OPS who WO used VOA PaliSy ef Stettenhenn was
in -
them with eonally beneficial results, tduced to fly with her count to Ber-
aud 1 believe the Pille to be a:lin, where he put her up at ono of
standard remedy for the ills for; the best hetels of the eapital„ It
whieh you recommend them," 1 WAS at. this point that the young
Yon eau get these Pills from an,v1lady's father took action. The
medicine dealer or by mail at ne'count, finding Berlin to hot or
cents a box or six boxes for $9...rlo him, fled to Frankfurt, where Ne -
from The Dr. Williams' Medicine 'mesis overtook him, and he was re -
Co., Brockville, Ont, moved to Heilbronn.
The atonnt tescubet as a
man of the most engaging persen-
SUCH A SIMPLE MATTER, ality, with the frank and easy bear-
ing of a soldier. He is at his best
A benevolent old gentleman stop- when narrating his military experi-
ped at the sight of two similar -look- ence in the phinipines,. which he
may have seen on the map.
ing infants in a baby carriage,
"Ali, twins!" he said to the
nurse. "And how do you know
them apart? Which is whielti"
"This one," answered the nire
pointing, is this, and that one i
"Quite so," said the gentleman. Mrs. Aime Onenette, L'Immaeu-
.."But"--indicating the seeona one-+ lee Conception, Ouc'o writes: "My
"mlittle boy suffered greatly from
"might not this one be this also 1 gave hini castor oil and
"It roight," replied the girl;
then that one would be that." «btl colic.
medieines 'without helping
"And how do you manage to sop. bita in the least. One day I saw
arate them" Baby's Own Tablets advertised, so
"We put one in one roona an
the other in another."
"Indeed I And which one do you
put in one room?"
"Sometimes this one, and some-
times that." "
"And how do you know which one
yeu're petting in which rooml"
"We look and see which one is
in the other room, and then we
know that the other is in this
room." -
"Good!" said the gentleman.
"But if one of -them was in the
house, and the other was away
somewhere, would• you be able to
tell which was inDthe house?
"Oh, yes, sir," replied the girl
'earnestly. "All we would have to
do would he to look at him, and
then we'd know that the one we saw
was the one in the house, and then,
-of course, thc one away somewhere
would be the other. There are only
two of them, you see, which makes
it very easy."
Anybody eau buy a horse, but it
takes a rich man to get it paid for:
good that I always keep them in
the house and would use no other
medicine for baby." The experi-
ence of Mrs. Guenette has been
that of thousanas of other mothers.
Not only do the Tablets cere colic,
but they cure constipation, vomit-
ing, indigestion, make teething
easy. banish WOrMS and make baby
bright, active and happy. The Tab-
lets are sold by medicine dealers
or by mail at 25 cents a box from
The Dr. Williams' :Medicine Co.,
Brockville, Ont.
Husband—"After all, civilization
has its drawbacks. People in the
Las its
state seldom get ill." -Wife
(sweetly)—"I wonder if that's the
I reason you are so healthy ?"
Keel) minard's Liniment in the house.
Wearily Ferdinand the frayed
trudged up the 'garden path, and
;took off his hat lo the woman at
the door.
' She eyed him keenly, and a quick
flash of recognition pased ever her
'Look ere', ' ' she aic1, 'you
called at this house in the depth of
last wirier.
"I die, ma'am," lie sorrowfully
admitted. '
' "Sind 1 gave you a g6od square
meal on condition that you swept
the snow out of my backyard.'',.
"That's right,i.pat'am."
"And when you had the meal yo
sneaked off without doing it."
Ferdinand passed the back of his
hand tremulously over his eyes.
'Yes ma'am he sabroken1'
nc ray consCience siriqte me ft?
-be.niesn trick:74Thaf;?' 'ekur,
repited her hwhand,
ought -she was a elietterbax. And
whom does she talk all day
nse," vas the reptyal„he talks
use over the nardnn w
The sebeolrnzmster was explaining
the circulation of the blood.
were to stand on my head, the
blood would rush to my ilea
wouldn't it'?" No one eontradicted
``Now," he continued, ''when
I stand, on -my feet, why doesn't it
nth to ray feet ?" "Because," the
right bay suggested, "your feet
in't empty !
Trial is In
who suffer from
tion, 'hernntism
aristag from
system, nal o P8
Vegetable Pills recom
d5 should the sufferer be nune-
tuuiated with them. The trial will
and the result will
e another ustomer for this excel -
medicine. So effective is their
etion that many cures Call certain -
be traced to their use where
r pills have proved ineffective.
'm peribin' ler
'There's th
'1 saW a drink,
To tho
man never knows how many
ds be has until he strikes it
steo 1:ti _ 09 oil multab.,, gird mob Inard's Llnim by PilYsicians.
Mr. Tyruid--"I asked your father
for his consent over the teliphone "
Miss Chance -"What. did he say 7
Mr. 'mid -"He said., 'I don't
know who you are, but you can take
Why suffer from corns when they
can be painlessly, rodted out by us-
ing Holloway's Corn Cure.
Small Boy -"Pa, what is an opti-
mist?" Pa -"An optimist, my son,
is a man who doesn't care a rap
what happens, so that it doesn't
happen to him."
These Pills Cure Rheumatism, -
To the many who suffer from rheu-
matism a trial of Parraelee's Vege-
table Pills is reconnnended. They
have „pronouneed action upon the
liver and kidneys and by regulating
the action of these organs net as an
alternative in preventing, the ad-
mixture of uric acid and blood that
catises this painful disorder. They
must be taken according to direc-
tions and used steadily and they
will speedily give evidence of their
beneficial effects.
Pretty tough on a man with a
hole in the side of his shoe when
it's too late to buy high shoes and
too cold to wear low ones.
"SNAP" is
a wonder -
worker in
the home.
Try it on
those pots,
pans and kettles that soap
"won't clean.
People are discovering new uses
for "S'N-A-i'" every aay. Try it
yoursell. 15c. a can. ,50
And vanity may be thinking
thing S about yoarself that other
people would never think of think-
for Red, Weak, weary, Watery Eyes
and Granulated Eyelid s.lturine Doesn't
Smart—Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists
Sall Murillo Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25c,
50c, $1.00. Murine Eye Salve in
Aseptic Tubes, 250, ;1,00. Eye Books
and Eye Advice Free by Mail.
IMuthie Eye Remedy CO., CbleagO.
Assistant -"Mrs, Wenglebob com-
plains that her photographs don't
look like her." Photographer --
"Complains! She ought to be
Minard's Liniment Lumberman's Friend.
A man isn't necessarily tall be-
Teause he looks clown on his neigh-
Nearly all children are subject to
worms, and many are born with
them. Spare 'them suffering by w-
ing Mother Graves' Worm Exter-
minator, the best remedy of the
kind that can be had.
The prisuner at the nee_seow
asks yer, gents 0, the jury, if Ind
got away with all Chet swag like
they say 1 did, d'yer s'pese have
hired thio here little fifteen -dollar
lawver V' defend me?
"I may look likea tramp, ma'am,
but I ain't. I'm a sailor, I am;
was wrecked and washed ashore."
Said the unsympathetic but 'obser-
vant woman: "That must have been
a long tinle ago 1"
West Fort Williaro, Nov. 7th, 1908.—"I
have been troubled with a lame back for
the past twenty years and have used
plasters and ointments 'evithout effect.
At last 1 tried Gin Pills, which proved
just the thing, and I would highly re-
commendthem to anyone who has a
Strained or Lame Baelf."
Gin Pills act -directly on the Kidneys,
relieve the pain, neutralize Uric Acid
which is generally formed w -hen there is
Kidney Trouble. nbt in
the regular 50c. boxes. Write National u" er `.`"—
Try Gill Pms yourself before buying' • tv.,:r Inittighth socketsenssa
"Drug & chemical oo. (Dept. W.E.) Tor- of the wires 'down to the lnstru-
onto, for free sample, ments in the hull of the vessel.
cured a horse ot the e
'A itl:)-$ tattIURNT.
ItIsTopuge, s
orst, badly torn
tatuneb, .
4. Petsrs, C.& ow. Vt.li
ured ,« lli
of a bail swe
Voice Below ---Harold, yo
ustn't fntenut the plumbers
heir work, dear,
y tIat'ilisinagli to
on the stairs and d
Idas.littnatowls Soornine, 'Svum. bas tweu
Loyd tor ovor SIXTY VAARS by -,*IILLIONS of
SIOTUERS for their
TEV,l'ITIND. with PliftiliOT SVCCItSS. It
SOOTHItS the 1;Orl'ENS the clUNtii.
it, the heat reinedy for 1IAItIt.110;A, It i4 rib^
gamely harmless. Ise awe jilacl WO< rec.
Wirolove5 *09thilli; SYToli." and take no oilier
lath& Twenty.five cents a battle.
"Is your husband even -temper
answered Mrs. Wur
y "he's even-ternpermi enough.
e'a just about as irritatile ono day
s another."
Ask for illinard's and tao no other.
Algernere-"You say elle has only
artially returned your affeetionl
Clarence-"Yeaand that's what
I'm grumbling nt. She rdturned
all the love -letters, but retained all
the jewellery,"
Do your feet feel tired, achy, and
sore at night.? Rub them with a
little Barelins Wizard Oil. They'll
be glad in the raorribg and so will
"What is it, do you suppose, that
keeps the moon in place and pre-
vents it from falling?" asked Ara-
minta. "I think it must be the
beams," replied Charlie softly.
It Rubs Pain Away„ ---There is no
liniment so efficacious in overcom-
ing pain as Dr. Thomas' Eelectrie
Oil. The hand that rubs it in rubs
the paiR away and on this account
there is no preparation that stands
so high in public esteem. There is
no inter pain -killer procurable, as
thousands can attest who have used
is successfully in treating many ail-
The British Admeetay has eisind
ed to equip eertain classes of sub-
marine naval boats with wireless
telegraph apparatus. Experiments
last year convinced tl,e officials
that the plan is fea,,nhis,, No dif-
culty was found in receiving mes-
sages from a distanee of ffity miks
in every direction but thero was
considerable difficulty in sendingsendin
messages from the submerged ves-
sels. This has been overcome, it
is thought, by the plan of giving
each boat a mast and gaff for sup-
porting the aerial wires, means be-
ing provided for lowering the mast
to the level of the upper deck when
HUNPUED -,X0ft,S, County peel,
Film Thousand Five Hundred.
looking for .Pruit Farm, T can
satisfY you a$ I have Fruit Farms Of
l sizes from three acreup to two Pune
dred acres. Prices are according to
locality and improvements. IT yr
interest to cOustat tan«
"ITETY ACHES, k„,luunty York, TWO.
Slx llundrnd,
RIffittE HUNDRED ACRES with Iola.
(Art* acres nher, co, l4alox4
venty«niun Thousugd„
)1..,,,re over four hundi'ed
iist suttglft tor $Mck. rousor
airy Parms, 1 way have tist, the iarm
Yon want.
33-krtvON, ,Ninety Colbrirro
• • street, l'oronto.
brs amt hordays 14e -aLo-n;
TS y,ra
ANTED ti.C.Plbi`
sex. 5onal3Y, oa goods eesssauzy
rt. Salary dotilarel per clay a
, perise unnecessary. J. b.
Co loimited« Toronto.
Ts' 'A-
y !of
oney propeattiono Cflavuicea ani
nous can egual, ours. l'ou will al;
aya regret it if you de't apply for
rttelilara to TritvoIlr. Dent., ;,',25
Albert St., Ottaivis,
la I SPE I -LAN en S.
ANT41).—Ont4ria Veteran
located. A. N. 'lett. Beilli
LES, speeial price. Wilson's
rks, 9 „li,splasiatle, Termite..
t/ ef -erfwi. Cr,rinaralleted,
ores Yor Zan& write
aris,r a
ti ire — VAVVI
ote vourss,
ee to
rmto for
. Queen
gel a
anti eernnt, cured
11450 by eur tome treatment. Write u
tO 500late. or. iirlimuu Medical Co.,
llinzwood, (Jot.
SCAIX, 4e0714
le Works, 4.planade, Turoen
IBN WANTED to take orders in
aro time. no experumor neves•
sary. Ocr lines espeeiollv used, by
mothe and girls. Apply Dept, A, Brio,
ish Co. mitten Industrial CoramanY, V44
Albert St.. Ottawa,
QmcrALisTs ADVICE FREE. Consult
its in regard to any disertee. Lowest
micro in druga of all kinds.
Trusses fitted by mail. Send measure.
meat, OlesSeS iltted by age. Write to -day
or anything void tn tiret.elass drug
stores 50 ))r. Delirium, Calling-wool:1p Out,
Aft' oTnED ILN('ONAS. Oreateat Tal.
ors. Fertile Eggs, $?. for thirty. N4
W. 'Wardle, Corinth, (*r.
Vay ETE pthe express in Ontario. Forty,
V!' 8 weeks Yorkshires, registered, ton
dollars eiteh. Write for what you want,
Thos. N. Ravens a, Son. Aldboro P.O., Ont.
ClIFIAP LANDS in Saskatchewan Val.
Dood openings for tradesmen
and farmers. English ,,spealiing settle.
rnent. Write for illustiiited pamphlet to
Secretary, Board of Trade, lfarshall,
Tho Heartof Piano Is the
Action, Insist on the
Piano Action
-5u� lu0intuel4
‘.15 *sots ra
90.1a .1110 lar.) 'itatiOn nox ears
us.u.ns 'SS1300V-I NOISN3.LX3
NO S53Incl %TOO
"How can one tell a mushroom
from a toadstool " "Eat it. If
you live, its a mushroom.; if you
die, it's a toadstool."
It's a ehame the way socie
shocks the people who are not
Cold in Head.
IzVaseline ROfftedies iratibes.
Camphor k$orated,
White.Oxicie of Zirtc.etc.
Eachfor special purpose3.
Write forfraaVasielineBookb
hc.ntal bagm ; host
lev the tentie.r &Zane el,
Childr3h9 yet powerful enoughi:
to !heal an' adtat's chronigcisere
highly antiseptic ; eao,ps ,pak
and.smarting seen as a
that is Zara-Suk. e
It, is purely herhal741
ad; na raftimei
ani, n
An amnia, *ad itt,t