HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-5-18, Page 6THE EXETER ADVOCATE, THURSDAY, MAY 18, 1911, or Tea You Can't Beat Lipton's" From Our Own Estates, to You, Specially Blended and Ledpr Canada, Fragrau,t, Delicious and Invigorating Over 2 Million ckageS Sold Weekly,. TSE FESTIPAL JiltE NEWS IN A PARAQRAPI IIAP BNL\GS FROM ALL OYEZ TIIE GLOBE i IN A NUTSHELL. Cenada, the Einpire and the World_ in Ceueral Before Tour Ey ee.. CANADA, Brockville is to have a free mail delivery, Parliament' will adjourn either on )Slay 23 or 19. Earl Clrey ss ill unveil the statue to Queen Victoria at Berlin on the OF ExpiRE 29th inet, A gas well has been struck near Y'enna Ont. ` - n , yieldin sr,, milllo feet a daY. The Brantford Y.IiL,C.A. cam- paign closed ee Thursday, The sum raised was $117,000. The Guelph Jaanetion Railway re- turned$6,439 to the city for the quarter ending in March. William Carroll was sentenced at Sauit Ste. Marie to_ be hanged July 26 for the murder of Joseph Tallion, Mrs. Angeline Nepolitai o was sentenced to be hanged at Sault Ste. Marie for the murder of her hu ;band„ The contributories to the Farm- ere' Bank of #.anada have beery dir- ected tQ pay the double liability, as well as return all dividends re- ceived. The Canadian and New Zealand Governments have signed a con- fraet with the Union Steamship - Company fora direct service be- tween e-tween the two countries. Albany Derail, a twelve yeer old bay of IIa11, was Browned in et -I tempting to save his younger broth -d er, who fell into the river en Frisi day, The smaller bay was eeseued, The Dominica Railway Beard has ruled that the independent tele- phone lines mutat be,givcn long-dis- tance connection by the Bell Com - pans, as an experiment for a year, ]lir. E. N. Lewis introduced a. bill regarding busks in the House of Commons, and in the diseussio the treatment of bank clerks by some corporations was roundly de nounccd. Constable McKay and Mr. Gar don; were . bringing two ' prisoners across Cobalt Lake in a canoe, when one of the men stood up and the craft turned aver. They clung to the canoe and were saved. Great Crowds Greeted His Majesty and the Queen at the Opening "despatch from London says; perfect English Spring day, such as "estival of Empire, a conxbizra,-� was alsually referred to as `'Queen's ltioaa of Industrial. Exhibition with weather" in the time of the late a ea:ttry illust1'ative of the sti•ik- Queen Victoria. Thousands of ng periods andepisodes in the his- flags were displayed along the Ory of the different parts of the eight miles of the parade, and how tBritish Empire, was opened at the the thousands of people who • had Crystal Palace en Friday by King assembled did cheer his Majesty George and Queen Mary. It was adding to the steady, oft -repeated the first public eerenrony of thein call of "The Xing," "The Xing,"' il4'iajesties since the Court mourning The Monarch bowed gravely in're- f .Xing Edward was ended, and sponse to these denionstrations, and the first of a long series of funs -'the Queen smiled jnyQatsly. The bions 'which promise to make the King was iu ordinary dress, and '+Coronation season memorable. The the Queen wore a lilac gown and a ttveather was beautiful, It was a hat to in.atch. TIIE CROPS BANE DONE �V�Z So Says Seed Expert at the Ontario Agricultural College 'A despateb from Guelph says: `The Winter erops have come through very well all through the pros -ince," said Mr. Squirrel], as- sistant to Prof. C. A. Zavitz, of the Seed .and Experimental Depart- anzont of the Q,A,C., on Friday. There are a few districts scatter- ed about the Province 'these 1 e crops sown last Fall have not win- tered very well, but these are much in the minority and the winter craps generally have come through. tl.e winter splendidly and promise a good yield. almost ever3 whsr.e in Ontario. At least a very satisfac- tory average may be ;oafieently looked for. "'No less encouraging are the indications with respect to Spring crops, according to the reports re- ceived by this department. Tho Spring wheat, barley and oat crops are just nicely getting through the ground and an average of the re- ports received shows that there has been a good germination of the seed and the fields look healthy. The weather in most districts has been favorable for seeding opera- tions. There has been increased quantity of alfalfa sown this year, but it is too soon to speak about the root crop." CIII.RCOAL PLANT EURNED. Five. Hundred Men Thrown. Out of Employment. A despatch from Sault St. Marie, Ont.., says: In a disastrous fire at the charcoal plant of the Standard Chemical, Iran & Lumber Com- pany, Steelton, on Saturday night the entire retort plant was destroys ed and is a total loss. The damage is covered by insurance, It is claimed by one of the men em- ployecl that the fire started as a result of an explosion of gas in one of the old mains used before the - reconstruction, but the manage- ment states that the blaze started the charcoal loading sheds. ' The 1 "ler house and by-product plant ;Ise, n saved, bet the manufacture of elle; coal is suspended indefinitely. Five hundred men are thrown out of employment, besides a number in the woods cutting" to supply wood for operation. The plant will be reconstructed upon advicefrom. the head office, Toronto. TILLED IN GRAVEL PIT. Falling Mass of Earth Struck Lab- orer at Ottawa. A despatch from Ottawa says: >While working a ;gravel;. pit at i$ritannia Park on Thursday a ,fal- ling,`mass of earth- struck Rose, a tworkman, and he was killed. He leaves a widow and five children. in • tOttawa. INFANT KILLED BY BEAR. Animal Kept in Yard and Chile] Went in to Play With It. A despatch, from Cargary, Al- berta, says: Lucille, the twenty - months . old• baby of Mr. and Mrs, Morley, Albion block, died on Sat- urday night as the result of'n maul- ing aul ing it received from a bear that was kept in the yard adjoining fire- men's headquarters, during the af- ternoon on. Friday. The child strayed to the Firehall Menagerie and was pulled away by the big bear. She was trying to play with the animal. The firemen took the baby home, and left a warning that it was not to be allowed in the yard again. Somehow it strayed in again, and no. one saw it until the firemen noticed the bear mauling the helpless body. Chief Smart had the animal killed at once:. ORILLIA GROWING. Assessment Roll Shows Increase in Population of 775. A despatch from Orillia says: The assessment roll returned on Wednesclay.shows the population of Orillia to be 6,478, an increase of 775 over ;last year. The total.. as- sessment is aver three` million- dol- lars, which is a round million mere than Iast year. is E mong Ter York Paper Publishes Alarmist of Her Condition rA „despatch !tom i:ew York says: 5 Che A ext cream published a cable rem .:"London oat. ,Friday' morning vhieli says that g1e rlllnorS ase' n eircuiation in regard to Queen )owrager Alexandra's health, The La.ch sa's •that'th es t p y e u�rnost; en ay, r is being _ made'to keep tho z; secret, but the fact`that. ,hr ;a•s been .in..danger gexfor ..`,.,011:10inc est has percolated, down ;to ee•pers and others. 9,'11is ltecl, ih •a xnsh to•, 1::10 d s 5. 1nsuianee:- against f nen zn ''t1!e event] th . vowk cedes•dea anin>~>,`tlie' e :JO "Ten. guineas :` per cent.;' despatch :continues, "for thr months'' iniltra.nce on ,nd ' life,, is t;le-;�prc crt z lllir g rant;.'' Although the c.v. a :sten' is eilly. six weeks away, can ;meas pe -r, cent. is, also cili ted as the rata. a riust tiropost:onc er 1 r in.rit of that event.. Twan'Cv itha s - t �nu" .,hy rate wwaS :i.[r� t;vt i� cent, �.f.air.i eoar•,e •,-a �' v' r ti�e irnrarrww%rite�x are'nbw rettkaing `to acce t s� rlrex it k S s b i - tr l t{, iL1JlJlf'ti Has been Canada's favorite Yeast; over a. quarter of a century. Enough for 5 ets to produce 50 large loaves of fine, wholesome, nour- ishing, home-made bread,+ Do not experiment—there is nothing "just as, good.". E. W.OIL'LETT CO. LTD. winnlpeg TORONTO, ONT. Pe7onYr a• e Awarded hg),�est hoiior� at -e o ....- : ail Expositions.. •;,e PRICES OF FARM PRfillucTsIRENOYATING REI"oirTS FRO'], THE LEADING TRADE CENTRES- O AMERICA. e ices of Cattle, Crain, Cheese ani1 Other Predate at.:Ilome and Abroad BREADSTUFFS. To onto, May G. --The Markets' weret �atiet today, with a slightly l?etker feel.ng. Export demand ii active. Wieeipeg firmer, up some Coarse grains dull,' with oats firm Flour.\Vinter wheat 90 per cent patents, $3.40 to' $3.45, Alontrea freight; Manitoba flours --First pa, ents, $5,10; second patents, $4.60 and strong bakers', ,$4,40, on track Toronto. Manitoba Wheat. ---No. 1 Nortlrcaa• 9th, Bay ports; Nn. 2 at O9;fet and; No, 3 at 94e, Ontario Wheat—No, a red and white, &5 to See, outside. Barley ---Malting qualities, t;;;G, outside, Oeti;—Ontario grades, 37' to 373 e, e for o. _ RIDEAU BALL Commons 'Vote Fifty Thousand Dollars to ry t Prepare for Dues Coming A. despatch from Ottawa says: sentatiM f 1°n Cornet`sc o- the Duke of C aranaaeglat, ittee of'Supply in the Corn- and it had been decided to tear mans an Thursday night a vote of down some portions of the present fifty thousand dollars for improve-_ premises and r•e a .them.1. rnents to Rideau Rall, preparatory tory r p1 GeIt was ., 1 l .r . proposed tq expend this money in y to the arrival of the Duke of Con- the erection of two cottages for ser- - eaaaglat, was passed, vante, a Rai• geto Hon, ,_ _ � , _ � at, , Trove the 1 , Di_. Pugsley said his Royal st;ww°eta e system na oi' the )fall, and . Highness had sent a message asking 3 to decorate some portions of thein- . than no unnecessary expense be `terior, 1 I gone to in making preparations for., "1t would be a goodthing t- his a t u g to tear _a arrival, .However, it Ivesdeem- i , � the present biailsdrng, down and build , ed wise to make sonars iurprave- : a new and more suitable one,"' re , ments. The Chief ;brehiteet had marked Mr. Bordeu, gone over the ;place, with a repro- Dr. .Pugsley agreed, Northern oartsid , N2, and 3A 4 to 40c, on track, Toronto, No. 2 W. C. n oats, 30,'_jc, and I\''o. 3, 38%e, flay ports. Corn ---No. 3 American yellow, - J5X to 50e, Bay ports. Peas --No, 2 at 80 to 81c, outside. Rye—prices purely nominal., Buckwheat ---Ne, 2 at 52 to ' 53e, outside, Bran—Manitobas, $22, in bags, Toronto, and shorts $23 to $23.50, in bags, Toronto. Ontario bran, $22, in bags, Toronto, COUNTRY PRODUCE. Beans ---Car lots, $1.70 to $1.75 and small lots, $1.90. Honey -Extracted, in tins, 10 to llc per lb.; No. 1 comb, wholesale, $2 to $2.50 per dozen; No. 2 comb, wholesale, 81.75 to $2 per dozen. Baled Hay—No. 1 at.$12 to $13, on track, ;and No. 2 at 9 to $10.50. Baled Straw -$6 to $G.50 on track, Toronto. • • Potatoes—Car lots, 80 to 85c per bag. Poultry -Wholesale prices of dressed poultry :—Yearling chick- ens, 15 to '16c per lb. ; turkeys, 19 to 21e per lb. Live, '1 to 2c less. LOCAL -DAIRY MARKETS. Butter—Dairy prints, 18 to 20c. inferior, 16 to 17c. Creamery, 23 to 24c per lb. for rolls, 22 to 23c for solids, and 223' to 23 4c for separa- tor prints. Eggs—Case lots, 18 to 19e per GREAT BxtITAIN. King George held his first Court on Tuesday. Glasgow has ofkred the freedom of the city to Dominion Premiers visiting England for the Imperial Conference. Four hundred British Members of Parliament met on Thursday to ad- vocate the Anglo-American arbitra- tion treaty. UNITED STATES. United States Secretary of War Dickinson has resigned. GENERAL.. The Legislative Council of Egypt is said to be a failure. INCOME OF INTERCOLONIAL. Corrected Figures Show Grose Earnings Were $9,863,783. A. despatch from Ottawa says: The corrected figures for the opera- tions, of the Interco]onial' Railway during the year ending March 31st last, show that the gross income of the road amounted to $9,863,- 783. In addition to the ordinary general and operating expenses of the railway, the Government paid out of this sum $600,0„0 on equip- ment account, $25,000 a month for renewal of equipment chargeable to revenue, $76,000 to meet losses by fire at Campbellton, N.B, and $5,000 a month for a new fire pro- tection ,system. After making these expenditures there remained a surplus of $272,712. MUST ILAKE DECLARATION. Iinurigration Regulations Apply to. Canadian Citizens. A despatch from Montreal ;says. Immigration officials on Thursday announced that the new regulations which state that everybody coming into Canada on a sleeping -car must fill out a Canadian, immigration form before retiring for the night, would be strictly enforced. Even Canadian -born passengers are obliged to fill 'oat a• statement, giv ' ing details of address, 'accompanied by deela'ation that they are'Cana- dian citizens, and there will be no c celltion allowved , �� `ry f� � ,ppyo' 4G.T.R S I:4, irirtiN B'UItNIA) . Tire at Riellenend, Quebec,: Does` Seri , Dame 0r.15 a ' gc. despatch from Richmond;Q ue., says: hire which broke out 'in the su ~erini,endent's office of the Grand, " .firtink hailsvayr . Stati{;n at 11.15 t clock s0 Thursday~ iiia It •,:aamoet^ : 1 7 tally destroyed that, cture;" eF.f orts, of in 3v RROLL GUILTY OF AI He Killed Joseph. Tallion With an A Lumber Camp A despatch from Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., says: William Carroll, argcd sixty-five, svho in 1902 escaped from the London Asylum upon the eve of his discharge as fully cured, was convicted of the murder of Jos. Till.ian in a lumber camp near Blind ]fiver, at the Assizes here on Thursday afternoon. The jury re- turned a verdict- of guilty, with a recommendation of mercy. Both wore employed at Waldie Bros.' camp, last November, and, accord- ing to three witnesses, Carroll en- tered the shanty et 5.30 o'clock in the evening and struck Tallion on D e 11 at. the head with a double -bitted axe, afterward admitting that he had mistaken Tallion for another man against whom he had a grudge. In the court on Thursday Carroll was tanconcorned, and dict not change his attitude of indifference when the verdict was announced. Tire defence entered a plea of in- sanity, which was not considered by the jury after the evidence of Drs. Bruce Smith and Ryan, who stated that the man was in a condi- tion to realize what he was doing.. The charge of Mr. Justice Brit- ton was slightly against the pris- oner. No. 3 white, 3134 to 32c. Rye—No, 2, $1.06. Bran=—$21.50 to $22. Flour -First patents, $4.60 to $4.90; do., seconds, $4.50 to $4.80; first clears, $3.10 to $3,55; do., seconds, 82,10 to $2.85. Buffalo, May 16—Wheat—Spring, No. 1 Northern, carloads store, $1.04%; Winter scarce. Corn—No. 3 yellow, 57%c; No. 4 yellow, 56c; No. 3 corn, 56% to 56%c; No. 4 corn, 543. to 55c, on all track through billed. Oats—firmer. LIVE STOCK MARKETS. Montreal, May 1G.Choice steers sold at 6%c,good atfair- Cheese-Large, 14c, and twins at ly good at 5i to 5;/,,e, fair at 4% to 14%c. ` New cheese, 13 to 13 4e in . 5c., and common at 4% to 4Me per jobbing - 1 g 'way- ° pound. There were a few good cows and bulls offered hi h brought 53<e5 and the lower grades sold from that clown to 3c per pound. A much stronger feeling developed in the, market for .hogs, and prices ,advanced 25 to 50c , per 100 pounds. Toronto, May 16.—Goocl heavy choice "steers and heifers for butcher tor export purposes sold from $5.90 to 86.05, with medium cattle from $5.60 to $5.85: Cows were firm at $5 to $5.25, and bulls steady at $5. Sheep and lambs were steady. .flogs were 5 to 10e firmer at $5.85 f.o.b., and 86.10,fed and watered. HOG PRODUCTS. Bacon—Long clear, 10% to lle per lb. in case,lots, mess pork, $20; do., short Gut, $23 to $23.50; pick- led rolls, $19 to $20. Hams—Light to medium, 15c; do., heavy, 12 to 13c ; rolls, 10 to 110; breakfast bacon, 15% to 17c ; backs, 18 to 18�/c. Lard—Tierces 103/e • tubs 10 /e • BUSINESS AT MONTREAL. Toronto, May 16.—Oats-Cana-- dian Western, No. 2, 42 to 4214c, car lots dx store; extra No. 1 .feed,' 1 3 41 4 3 -to 1 c• No. Cana is /_ /.CanadianWest- ern, s' k ,e t ern, 41 to 413/4.e; 'No,-' 2 local white, 40 to 401..4c ; No. 3 local white, 39% to 39%e ; No,. '4 local white, 38j/ to 3S,4c... Flour—Manitoba •Spring wheat patents, firsts, 85.30; do., seconds, $4.80L, Winter wheat pat ents, $4.50; strong bakers', $4.60;; straight rollers, $4 to $4.10; do., in bags; 21.80` to 21.90. Roll ed oats —iE er barrel, $-1.35 ; "bag of 190 lbs, i, Corn-- Lme, lean 'iNo. 3 vei- r &,,‘"w60 tie 6fc. Mill f,aecl--Bran, 0n. tac. i0 23 `^ it zrl 22 ; , d1 -tags, Onarlo 24 ?leiti, Mani- to`ba 823: rnotti!,i.,, ,.42.E to $30 Eggs --Fresh, 19 to 2Oc, Cheese—West- et n, heese—West-etn, •11 to 11 7Sc. Butter=Choic- ,secon;1S, -le, r,r+ , UNITED TT _-1;3 ST_11. tip, 7-8 to 93c; 01.G41'/,L'; No. 1 worrhe9 rn S'/,'' T. & N. O. TRAIN MUCK ROCK -- Engine Damaged in au Accident Near Dale. A despatch from Cobalt says: A little south of Dane, on the T. & N. 0., No. 2 train on Thursday af- ternoon ran into a rock slide, smashing the cowcatcher and one cylinder on the engine. The train was rounding a curve at the time, and the engineer could not see the obstruction till within a few. hun- dred yards. It is supposed the rock was dislodged by the 'violent thun- derstorm winch' swept over the country. MINERS' STRIKE DEAD :LOC3i. Effort to Settle the Western Strike is 'abandoned. A despatch from Fernie, ` B.C., says: The Dominion ' Conciliation Board which is trying to settle the strike of ten thousand miners has declared that nothing can be, done at present, as the members'are so divided in their views, and the board has adjourntd s2ne die. i.1Al) Ell O'S ULI IM_A.TU3I. Gives Prosi..c�ieilt Iia, Fifteen Detre to Conic to Terms. A despatch from Juarez, Mexico, Hon. Rodolphe Lemieux introclu- 'say's: Francisco Madero, jun:, gives ced his bill in tlr . e Commons s on President Diaz fifteen days to come Friday to increase the pay of Post to terms of. peace- or he will march Office employees. on Mexico City. C • 1I I � u 11d at . G11tI e�,I One A despatch from Montreal : says ` ,i .Y pac.ty of - 25 000: tons siifflcient to Hon, . L. P. Brodeurr oc..ul, whoI.tt °on,�: aoc6mrr.oc,a.Ue any vessel likely to t1 G..:Vti-inion .: •i on; Thursday. night. use the St. Laivicence route tot•.. stated that the . contrae`for tile e dag- many yeas.to come. Nothing othiisde-doe at !i oii tttal.hacbeendefinite: finite settled has til �� - se ,ed as t i, au :zrcled- to C,., o the cs � �'lessi,. 'vicke� .,tablxshn �,_, Sons , .,.� >ix, lent. of� a, dr -,do_� at '; ue o s iii t-�>in. T11 sibsd, ,. ,t b t the caxitia ,,. l. Gt(7 ,•, ... li•1 e! Laalier . Srl l+'t ederick .:., e:..cial .Gow-cram ri � � ,; � e t will' tlre� L'rai�clen G;ol rr , i�.,, a ,;-:m , Soni'; Ii.u�,hc, , Seiiat#��eK to 'et 3� � p i cent cis ' apitallvris n ,Terve' anal` i\lr H A til : �ttlav of x3 000 0001 0 f a, sr� xwrrC�tiv a 1 t, .. rr ani, • ext �iG'd y do l; w>11 hlzyk' a*1 oa-x�u to wet' i� x,..,. ;�l,i�t,.o�fa�,cln��ceremonlos 6r. sf, 1