HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-5-18, Page 5"Heavy work, severe strainingand evil habits in youth brought. on 'Varicose 'Veins. When I wored hard the aching would become severe and I' was often Iaid up for a week at a time. My family physician told me an operation was my only hope -but I dreaded it. I tried several specialists, but soon found out all they wanted was my:. money. I commenced to look upon all doctors as little better than rogues. One day my boss asked me why I was off work so much and I told. Jemmy condition. IIe advised me to consult Drs, Rennedy & Kennedy, as he had taken treatment from them himself and knew they were square and skillful,' I wrote them and got TRE Nary blEraaon TREATMENT. My progress was somewhat slow and during the first month's treatment I 'was somewhat discouraged. However, I continued' treatment for three months longer and was rewarded with a complete cure. I could only earn 81.2 a;w,eek in a machine' i e. shop before treatment, now I am earning See and never loose a day. I wish all sufferers knew of your valuable treatment, HENRY C. LOCUST. l'wfterttrioz;al C#1'ss. air, Stet HA a S _D,D fl.• Fr es .. D NTIST, Roto extracted without any pain, or eny Iodated* Ogee oyerelladwan. $tenbury'e office, Yainetreet legatee Miami - R,' BRIGHT, 34 D , SI.O. I Ic 8„ HONOR, s 'GreduatQ of Toronto University, Two years, resident Royal nd a . Hospital, etc. Once and Residenee,Dr. Awes' Old Stand, Andrew tree,&° fi,F,.TER. DR. QUACKENBUSH. Physician, Surgeon, Ac SGreet. eteeidence, corner Jaynes and Albert streets opposite James street 3Iethell t parsonage, Phone ()Mee, 39 a; Residence 39 7a, I4e Y.al iOBSON & :CARLINO, BARRISTERS, 80LIOI kee to ,. Noteries, Genuey,.,cers, Commie -see -els i Masons 8o!t c torsfo r 3f s s Bank , etc tc money to Lott* at lowest rates of steres n Offices, MaiStreet, Exeter„ a. opTGi e, B.A., L. H. DwcwsoN eouelieur, , Oelee, lir, Rolling old office slain MONEY TO LOAOI, We have Alamo amount of ,private funds to loan a farm and villsgeproperties atIOW rates o inter alt. (IL ADMAN & STANBURY', Barristers.Solie tore.blaiest„Exeter On J. SENIOR Agent Confederation Life Assuraxlce Qompauy, also Fire Ingnranee in lead, hag Oauadian and British Compares, Mair, -St.. Exeter. MUSIC ,SINS DELIGHT HOBBS, Vieth struchor, Janes Street Parsonage,: LICF.ZNSED AUCTIONEER W t, ANDEI[SO , Licensed. Auetleneet^ for r'lurot.'r County, germs reasonable, Dates can to blade at the Advocate. Exeter. er henry Dither's Office, Creel icon, T R. 4`AULINGI Life, Fire, Accident and Plate Glass Insurance, Collecting accounts. and con- duwline auction sales, .-, Exeter, Ont. C, A,. f30UZEl, V. S. Graduate or Ontario, Veterinary Col- lege; ;Member Ontario Veterinary Med- ical Society; treater all diseases Ot do- mesticated aniptxals an scientific prin- cipJes ; modern surgery a specialty. Op- erations on Lump Jaw guaranteed sat- iyra,c't4lx:, Culls by day or night promptly attended to. Office -Main -at., Exeter. Dr. itslmaaya old stated. Phone In Mullet:Wm. dtl11'8Cf, Ll, s.tlat rc TE.A1cFIFII W 1NTE S. N,a. 4. Vets -one. holding, 1ti's certificate. Duties to com : midesunurwer holidfars. Sia tp6tl i to W. U. COATES, See., Trea 1E61 >arote: TI ACIII:13 WANTED vor S. S, to 1, Stephen, pending rice, o td class certificate. Duties to cqm- nt'a.rce after midsummer holidays. State Salary. Apply to Wbt. J. BOWDEN, Crediton Eat P. 0: E Q1I RENT " Thirty acres of land, ready for crop. Privilege of drawing crop off the place. nunxbsr or acres of pasture land to rent; also a number of cattle pastured by the, season. W, M. BLATCHFORD Ir011 SALE Sealed Tenders will be received by either of the undersigned up till May 2701, for the following, either unitedly o separately, -Frame Cottage, pump; 1-2 acre of land, situated on and being part or Lot $, Second concession of Hay -residence oT the late Henry O Brien,' deceisod. Terms -Cash, or 6 months- credit on approved joint notes, with 6 per cant. interest. H. D. :HUSTON, WM., O'BRIEN Exeter P. 0. t Hay P.O. Horses wanted Having taken over the business of Mr. T. E. Handford, hprsebuyer, I am pre- pared to purchtise all kinins -of horses that are sound and in good 'condition, from four to ten years of age. I will keep constantly on hand 'a num- ber oe young heavy and light horses for local trade. Parties having horses for sale will do well tie call or write the undersigned. Phone 41. M. M, DOYLE, Exeter. Cream Separators For Sale We are agents for the Tubular, Cream Separator, one of the best' separators on the market. Now is the time to get your beet fertilizer. Wm. Schroeder, Dash wood Ontario eeeseecetacceocatez Flour d. Several Brands. a specialty. Manitoba " A good stock always on hand' 2 1 e 1u'': Exeter _ i3, �,®I', Cement Durham National Cement is the best. t Partlan d IL you want ter' sell er house' or 'farm adverts 'Pelt ea:teecolunins iJ,%d,zt tm rent ;you tl to The Advo, r ceries We are now well establish- ed in business and we belieir on the best of authority (nam - el that ofdaily a Iaezeasrng business) that we are meeti a n�,, a long felt want, andb0' ivin�.� t^r the best of satisfaction. Remember our motto- "Fresh Groceries all the time': All kinds of produce taken in excbange, JAS. Biy eedIng Horses SOUTHPORT, 347, the celebrated ire, ported, shire stallion, hoe a choice ped:, %;rr p and record, and. le a sure foal getter. He will stand bale season at his own stable, Crediton, for a iltnited number of spares. ,„ i ; • JAMES, C0OKWILL, Prop. &. Llarrs'xt d YOUNG 1'•IATEl3Y PUNC>a is a. fine type of shire et:lllCost well-bred and Sound.. •ltoirday will leave home,. Devon and eo tp Wm, :Brook's, Usborne, to Hae/sett's o ; Sauble Line; Tueaday do L Lambaral'e and Jim 'f 'elle; Wearies -1 day .to J;a]t;r Whitetord's, to Wm. Hod' gins"; Thursday to , Lbses Simpson's. horse; Saturday t,;2 John eeitchellee, at Crediton, end Monne, RICH, C UL'BERT, Prop, arts .RLf1n'r,. ELECTRIC E„ tlo. 0612, trial .261-2 at 3 -yr, old, is ann imported istandard. bred Stallion or finest pedigree' and excellent record. hl'onday will leave his' own stable at Clandcbaye and proceed to Penfield, and i;a Ilderton ; Tuesday to Eire and Lueen; ai'ednessiay t;a Jos. Armitage's and Klrkton; Thursday tet Eiinrville a^'d Centralia; Friday tar 1de own 'stable. GEO, & ED) SCd.PSON, Pro- prietors; It, SIMPSON, �lartager. PEARL GIFT, 1364, da ;t pure-bred Imported Clydesdale stallion, of good pedigree and tine record as a breeder, Mo :day leaves D;onse a3 2clriet.on, and. go- es to john. Puneara's and Farquhar; Tuc'sd:ay to Pert Ru tdle'e rend Richard Lingard'e, llallahard ; Wednesday to 1'rrat:k Parkinson's and Granton: Tlaure day to David tr:ry:nter's and home; tort-° day to Wnt, Ifolibngsread s and .,Tattles ltobtrtsott's; Saturday home. JOHN :HANNA, 'Pt'oprieeor &Ztan'r CLAN 1tM2GRFGQf, 5506, 10128, is I pure-bred Imported C!y desdale stallion wins citotce pedigree and a brat -clouts 1•eeord as a b'en'der. Maeda} leaves is ow.r stable at Clandebaye ^to Alex Cr'Nei1'e, McGillivray, to i'h,a% Eean'ts; Tuesday to J. Aorsan#'t , to David Asia - worths Wednesday to T. Morkin's, Iliddulp'g, to Lams Thursday to 1i.. Flynn's, 131ddulph, to 1` Hodgins ; 'r'rl- d.*: to Harry 1leFalls to Wm. Johns(' London Road; Saturday to J. T. Simp- son's, to home. JAS. IiANDFOIID & W. McWILLL1b1S, Prop.; LEO. POSTER, Manager, LORD OF. THE ilLtsNOR, 23216, trial 9,08, is a magnitlkently bred stallion, aged has a fine record as a br,eeder h1111so1T. He will stand this season at his own stable, Llot 6, South Thames Road, I,sbor,ne. John Smoalott will also be at the barns. HALLIE BROWN, Proprietor and ,lfanager. 1 AIION IREI3Y, 9906, 1333,1, is a pure bred Imported Clydesdale +af fine build, goad pedigree and a sure foal er sett , ei anday leaves looms, Lot 16, Con. 8, Usbprne, to Wm. ilowcli;Cfe1's to Centralia ; Tuesday tae Pat Boyle to Clande'baye ; Wednesday to Con. Whehliam's, Ito John McLaujghlin'sr; Thursday to Dennis Ileenan's, to T. Morley's ; Friday to Thos. Brock's and home. G. COWARD & W. DEVINE, Proprietors G. Coward, Manager. LORD SHARP, 11413, is a pure-bred. Clydesdale Stallion, well-known in this district as a first class stallion. He has a choice pedigree. 1!i4;onday:he will leave home, Lot 16, Conn: 8; Usborne, to Melville. Skinner's, to Freeman. Dobb's ; Tuesday to Miltion, eltchell'•'e, to Mork Dicksoni's ; Wednesday to Wm. Hill's, to Nelson Baker's'; Thursday to Wm. Westcott'•s, to Chas. Dew's ; Friday to John Mei kin's, to John Allison's ; 'Sat- urday to Gea. Bell's to ltome.GEORGE COWARD Prop,,, WM. DEVINE, ?darer, Clearing Auction Sale of FARItL STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, and HOUSEHOLD s, -EFFECTS on LOT PT. 15, Con. I; .USBORNE, in the VILLAGE OF EXETER •, o n SATURDAY, MAY 20, at 1to'clock sharp the fol1owlinee-r 1 thoroughbred Jersey Cow due to calve 1st os June ; 1 th,oro1. ghbred Jer- sey cow, renewed ; 8 sows due to; farrow in June ; 2 Mose four months{ old ; 30 thoroughbred Minorca hens and roasters. IMPLEMENTS heavy truck wagon ; 1 light truck wagon ; buggy hay rack; plow; set harnaws; cultivator scuff; ler ; one 'horse 'roller ; ;seed.driLI ; whiff- letrees ; platform scale; set double har- ness ; '2 ' seta 'sinjgle; hartness ; riding, sadle set bells ; a :number of ;°grain bags; 1-2 bushel measure; sledge; crow bar ; bay knife; potato scoop ; a quan- tity: of first-class timothy hay. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE -1 wood' co5k :stove; sideboard, glass -,cupboard, 2 cupboards, 2 beds, 2 ;yells 'e:f Ispringte matress, 2 washstands, 6 cane .bottom chairs,: some kitchen; -chairs, 2 rocking chairs,' sewing nnachlhe, seine ':tables, :1 banging lamp, toilet set, a number loo pictures, tes a ; unber of sap buckets, 1 Daisy ch urn, strainer Pail' butterbowl and other articles tco: numerous to mention. v a. erre as he ro- Positvcl•..,n des z p prietor has scold his .,place , TEEMS '=Ali ieurriei at: $5 .00' and under cash • over that'anientat 6 months"'creel- it -will be given, on 'furnishing aPPi7cY- ed joint, states; oil- a discountof e5 ;per u off far cash .t� o . cent.P er annum o a n credit, amour t e. THOS ;PRIOR,, Proprietor THOS. CAMERON ,Auctioneer THO M C AS RI. A L,Ei o 3 TSI � N, $ 1" ,las pure-bred': imported' elydesdale stallion, of goad pedigree . and an excellent record He ,hilt Stand at his own,' stable, Cen_-: traria, except. be Wednesday of each week, *hc',ta he goei Josh. Hareinge„ Con. 2, Va$arne, for noon., C: Lt, 13ABlePleVeLLE Prop, and Manx ZURICH; Axt pf s,t oMvi tte ` fern - Re', I -e nd >Yt s . d kits ase:- i here e y a , ze loot xveek �l*3s'; Adam Faust nttld son It^oy, lett on Tuesday fot-t l3ater- voile., int where .they will reside ; n fu- to e.H1rA Abraham Geiger, has partial- ly recovered room lata fall, and le able "o Strove about on �cruteioes. efx. Leo,; pa-'•te, ax's of Mr, and Mrs', = Join pone, of Dryede,le and Miss 'Seiseloans of Ottawa were married at Ottawa, oil Tu sdey,-Mt. Cyrus Scgtoeh. of rhe 14 Coe, has aei;ipteled the deal with lir.. Peter ilopp of Michigan., for an etechange or their farms, Ji'. Laois Mero see of err. mid firs- David Mero, of the Sauble Line, Stanley, died, on Thure-. day morning, after .a few days M- ess from pleurisy. He was about »0 years ,of aAe a:yi the loss will sere .felt very keenly' by thee parents`,-efrs . Jatiled Cade Or the Brian&on Line Stanleys. died, at St. Joseph's lapel -eta' London on Wednesday merniaag, t'ollowing app. operatten :for tumor. Tete death was' 4lutte u ,expected es her. conditkan had been reported eaysorable from time to time aid the announcement eatlr has cast a gloeill ate +;erg Many friends in the eeetSon where alae llwcd -»Mr, Peter Reetweeiel. tat, . the Blind L,s:e, onelet the early settler • of tips Towaship, died ran Tueada 1, ha.v- lag reached the age of nearly eighty years. He had been- ailing more ar les,s for some yrears. although able to bre around most of isle time, and ,hid~ death care rather w t:,-pectediy. The tunera.t to:ik place tap ` euraday afternoon, KKi11KTQt3, et. K.irkto;a Ord Pyy was happily alar- rted at fder;at ,n May 10th, whet 4r. Homer n2 r E Da , .iPe of Petrolea-arnci Lias Gertrude M. Cottrell et Centralia were' joined in the Moly bonds, of matrimony by Rev, Clayton, georehouge. The Young duple will have the best wishes T their, lx*. er' ma• rp' y friends tor a lite o 1 f happiness and Prosperity. HENSALL gra. : Vii, 1;', v1^arreaer is visiting in G c odesi h,- , Reeve Geiger .went t;;a Toron- to . a p: Monday. -sirs, Cu meDonell went to Chattier -a Pots efeeiday to visit fi'iende. -JI. 3. D. Cope left for Pon'iae, Mich o„ Wednesday nn;arnin ,-etre, Joe Case of Ta onto,- spent a few days lwith her etherand little da"u; lttez Marlen. -'Ater, Jo, met ala, of Velma conducted the Pre- p tete-tory Service in, Careiea C;zstrclt ieridey aetersecie nseellee Rita Davie Rre- tureed from Toronto last week, tecpm_ Peeled. ley two ter the children or the Laze Toms, Hiegl: r. -JI 13; McArthur w -ho has been, ie business here :for 20 Years, and John Welsmiller wine has been, 'connected with our ,carrel for al-, most a like ,period, Will be leavl'ng shortly, the former for V areouver and the latter for Beverley, Sank. -The gel- sell bowlers met 104 Tuesday evening and re -organized for the seasop. It was arranged that the ladles could bawl tree of charge. It was else decided to ereot. a ei atdsoree elubheause. The following" offlcers were elected; Pres. Di' Sellry, Vice Prea. G. Gl Petty, Sec.-trea,; 'A. Ilesaaphill, Busnaees Com; H. Artnold, Jai Steaey, Dr. Alketlhead,' 0, A "sicilonell, Lora. Scatt.Tr.. Sterling wile las been. working here s;nce etareta lege Thursday Cfa^ Det:elite, HO .tau beep; Sante Poo. � pvr'e torula, for four years. Mr. Todd fuze purchased ibe resldence of Thoptas `ttelah, adjoi:litag the school house, and ;textda to rn ve Into lr attQrtry.-T FS.. ga';artd shooting tournament will take Place .here Oa the 24th,, -.Jago, Welariller returned from the west after ,8pen ttpg satix:, weeks, IMPf #eetlllg, e ittx? aAr-We serarxsernextte tin i,aeate at Bever.. S'ask„ About f40 annex west of: ;,lease Jaw oo the tut #lite -tat tlxe C. le, Itr According to Payor Jeo., Yr Mlle -hell of owtnenville, Ont., who was tater- viewed recently, Bewmanville is ex -per- enelog a very lively industrial boom. T c Goodyear Tire A RR? ber Ceeleany p's+rrPt n� e Lacii.ties and f is need of 5ie addittertal hands. The Dominion Piano & A:"gen Company, also other' ee:eeerhs- are en ,geed of male a.'xd Jem310 .heat,. LV,*,CAN-Houseelesain>' time reveals: mane' spy teries, tel t_hts :case e $10, ;;.old piece Seine Months ago Mr..- and Mrs. Janne Kelly celebrated their tyol- dr: wedding and among the gold pieces was -a ten, which dtsapPeared sudden Y. Siad diligent seayeh, failed to find at nevertheless the recipients' had too x:3".1:.^:1 ealfidence itt any of the gaestsS eeerie to blame them, and tele Titter-' i Wee discovered last week Bitten •'?lice cleatling. WOODII :'.til: ears. Edgar Mills was exiled to Taranto owing to else •serious t nFge of her mother, :etre,' t%tefiell-- Josep'rp hint, ref the Base J ine Mas, pur chased, Wesley Shtezt's house and lot by the sawrnifl and will move irs it/saled tatelY.. SEAORTH-.The marriage, o Miss Jennie Pearson Chesney, daughter o£. Mr, and Ydre, Wm, Chesney, Tuctersmith and Matthew 0, Liddle, of Niagara ];'ails N. Y. was solemnized at the manse, Et mpedville, on Wednesday. A reeep tion was held at thq home to the ,ride en Wednesday evening. III4Ag4E--Tbe death occurrent i Joseph's Hospital on Wednesday 17th,. of :tors. Jas. Carbie, of filmes, Mrs. Cat'nie underwent an operation oa Thursday last for tumors. She was •k6 yearn old, and 'besides her husband is survived by her rather and mother, Mr. a;td bars. Doneldsian, of Eayfietd, arid, two "brothers', Messrs Charles, or �wirtlaarn, and James, of the Scot), Tile rcmains, were, taieea to Brucerleld the;. ea,ne day, and the funeral was held ant the residence tat Mr, and Mrs: I3onaadsan, at Baytleld. S.1 Ric9 ' as'Cr Make a regular meal- time habit of this palate -tempting beverage AL Absolutely pure, m:ld.meliat r and delirious. It ourishes, and is especially good for people who don't sleep well. Order tome to -day,. At all J e A OF LONDON CANADA o The Advocate OLfiee fo teensee. THE WONDERFUL SIGHTS OF NEW YORK CITY Have you ever visited New York, the great Metropolis of the new world, if not, you should do 80 at ;the, veryl•first opportunity' as a: trip of thee; nature, besides beinghighly interesting, is also an education. The Grand Trunk, Lehigh Valley route Is the scenic line from Canadian paints'. Convenient train service_ and excellent equipment. Full particulars and tickets from any Grand Trunk. Agent, or address A. E. Duff, District Passenger Agent, Tor- onto. Ontario. BRINSLEY. Mies Mabel Cunningham of London is home' -en a visit. -Mrs. Darling, sr:, is spending a week orels with her 'sister Mrs -Molloy ' of Thedford.-Mrs. Buckley has returned to Saginaw with; her daugh ter Mrs. MCPeak: Mee. Buckley has 'beerl in very poaorhealth and we Nope the change and rest will be beneficial.-Mri led Mrs. P. Flannagan; and family of \liitan, N D are spending some• time With Mrs. Flalnnigan's brother, Yr. P. Buckley,-Lanne Corbett is on, the sick list. -Little Fred Darling has been 'ill but we are pleasnd to hear he istrecover McGILLIVRAY Thos. Kcawn, who :died at his resid•' ence ire Ailsa Craig, bLay ,9th, after- an illness of atyut six years, the immedia- ato.cause of death. being paralysis ,of the kheoat, was a salto 03 the tains John; Keowin r , t e a#' the pioneer settlers s,. an px n oi McGillivray, was born in York Co to 1,•83a, and the family 'settled in 'Mc-, Gtllvray about 1852. Iirt additiion to. his widow and only son. the deceased is survived by his brothers Joh {Cs qwn Jr.;_ and .Robert ' Kereven 'bf McGillivray, and James Keown of Lateen, ' and by. four Of his :five sisters, :Mrs.'BGilaiam" Gilbert and Mrs. John Oorbett andthe Mary and Bella .Keown, all :of, IaiCGilh 1 ' • ' `� i'i ' s HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS To Western, Canada (via Chicago), in - eluding certain points on Grand T. Pacific Railway, .May 16,'30; June 13, 27 July 11, 25 ; August 8. 22 ;; Septem- ber 5, 19; Winniipeg and return, $33.' Elm ant'an and return,:.$41..00 Ticketsi good for sixty days. Proportionate rates to 'principal paints in Manitoba, Sask- atchewan and Alberta. Hohneseekers' ex- cursion tickets will also be on sate on certain dates via Sarnia and the Northern Navigation Company. Secure tickets and illustrated literature from any Grand Trunk Agent,' or address A. E. Duff, District' Passenger Agent, Tor onto, Ont. FARQUHAR. Allen Stratford ds' here at present.- Canxer,oant attended lather's uncle, Mr. Do ferment; took place cemetery on baseball at Mt rendes. and lose, defeat, fats, 5'to 14, in. doubt awing to the nig short. - ' Grows Thin PARISIAN SAGE IN TIME AND PREVENT BALDNESS If your hair is growitng'. thinner and taint er and causing ^ you anxiety gto W. S. Cole' to a large 'bet- tee-dwy and get r :oL Parisian- S ar on] v0 ants. a„e f � y c It is such a delightful and refreshing d••e si,ve that v w Dee use 'i .s you will to s t ;reg:ulatly. Parisian Sa;ee is'guaranteed to stop ISP,.. c t rad- a�l �' hair anditching_I a e f l>.n„ sap, ica€e dandruff and make the hair ` lus- trous, and radiant, or motley back. There is riothing;Just as good as Par- -Islets ,Sage:._Seeyou get the package .. which contains the girl veils', the Auburn Hair . mi. Miss Ettieis vis- iting PrlenMr. and Mrs: Thos the fun eral of the i;, near Kipprei. Inin the Rodgerville Sunday.- Our boys playedPleasant Saturday e t, tea, score ,standfavor of the Mount , no time for practice bei Hair A VARICOSE VEINS CURED gife NO NAMES USED WITHOUT, WRITTEN CONSENT. Confined to His Home for Weeks. HAS YOUR BL006BEEN DISEASED? BLOOD POISONS aro the most prevalent and most serious diseases. They sa the very life blood of the virtim and unless entirely eradicated from the system will cause se'rieus.bomplications, ;hntvare of Mercury. It may suppress the symptoms -our NEW METHOD dares all blood diseases YOUNG Olt MIDDLE' ACED mEN:-Im rudent acts or later excesses have broken down system. You`feel the Symptoms s,ealing•over you. Mentally, physically and: vitally you not the man you used to be or'should be. Willyou heed the danger signals? REcc(� Are you a victim? Have you lost hope? Are you intending' to marry? Hes f1C�QL11 your blood been diseased? Have youany weakness? : Our NEW :MEreore Three -merry will curs You. What it has done for others it will do for you. Consentntie Free. No matter, who has treated you, write for an honest opinion Free of Charge. y , (Illustrated) on Diseases of Men. Books I'reo- `Bo .hood blanhcod ,I'athorhood: ' I NO NAMES (USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. PRIVATE. Na mimes on. boxes or envelopes. Everything' Confidential. Question List- aad Cost of Treatment FREE FOR HOME TREATMENT. DRS.KENN-EDYL..Cor..Aichi an Ave. and Griswold id St. Detroit, tl lt9lch NOTICE All letters from Canada mustbe addressed _ , to our Canadian `Corzesp'oncienceDepart l ‘menf in Windsor, Ont ' If''you.desire to see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see andtreat; So patients in our Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and Laboratory for Canadianhiisraess only. Address all letters as follows: DRS. ICENNED'W & KENNEDY Windsor V,rlte roe r one• ,rtivatee ` >a addres j'. , Hyl 11111111 1 11 IA 1111111 1 1 11 RI III !I ! I' ILI Sotl e��111 1 ���{, a, f1 _ ,, 4 rCf . - ri A :` ,, 1t to i ( Note the Color , dte Br elicatel'ci.'Ti gne Because it is not >;',r`. Clear- a ullw� trt,�rte liflanftoba .?, i bleached, wheat yo .; psi RL flour don' -FIVE you yyy r 1 t at: P a I^ l �'� 1 :11 < ~ '" • ..,. nY a a •t� ' Y ... e . � ' i :. 4 ' r"�li� � � .. �� i� 14 l l 9 4 t i � iTln . > { ROSES. And, the a sun h alto gun berries acre n-ihiratly t And tile: rraea IzezzrE is creamy'. Milled frnt this cream, creamy." only rtatartd £lour Which �cis whiter ttmd:winter , a4av<t,idd:itr'brcar'�ismaatS�patiziaj�,unusuultyttttrrsetiva in a/p_ i.lervace. ;,Velli. ' , ••- , • t runUotteftst'dflotzr. from -ripened ofa, o FIVE etl golden nils ROSES Manitoba's � you s olI' polished d1 seta wheat glow. k kernels is, delicately pilule wheat. exd it. g 1 0 P' I it F 1 Y I 1 11,, X^ immuloommt {one I 40. gilliMilllithiM11011111111MMIIIIIIII , ill attaI '11111' tl llmIIIIIR( Dmo iIIIUn{IIIIIIE�IN{IIIIII 1 i t�I{npINmt11nM 11� 1114 �llillillm� i nlUi1 !ii I"" f' n, �� I I "may 1 1 1glieCtellEI< .'�.X + �"� %1241,Cle(1. ► . � I 1 1 �� . 11//111111 �, � 1� �{ i ISI 11 7lttl (�,t�,,,��r t i 11 1I)I� 1 1 III 11 , 1 ,�1x1.111 I ill 1111 1 11 1.. Ilt, � 1B .xI- w�Iooa�.I,...,ol �rij. •xe� a<,.,e .�PI._II THE WONDERFUL SIGHTS OF NEW YORK CITY Have you ever visited New York, the great Metropolis of the new world, if not, you should do 80 at ;the, veryl•first opportunity' as a: trip of thee; nature, besides beinghighly interesting, is also an education. The Grand Trunk, Lehigh Valley route Is the scenic line from Canadian paints'. Convenient train service_ and excellent equipment. Full particulars and tickets from any Grand Trunk. Agent, or address A. E. Duff, District Passenger Agent, Tor- onto. Ontario. BRINSLEY. Mies Mabel Cunningham of London is home' -en a visit. -Mrs. Darling, sr:, is spending a week orels with her 'sister Mrs -Molloy ' of Thedford.-Mrs. Buckley has returned to Saginaw with; her daugh ter Mrs. MCPeak: Mee. Buckley has 'beerl in very poaorhealth and we Nope the change and rest will be beneficial.-Mri led Mrs. P. Flannagan; and family of \liitan, N D are spending some• time With Mrs. Flalnnigan's brother, Yr. P. Buckley,-Lanne Corbett is on, the sick list. -Little Fred Darling has been 'ill but we are pleasnd to hear he istrecover McGILLIVRAY Thos. Kcawn, who :died at his resid•' ence ire Ailsa Craig, bLay ,9th, after- an illness of atyut six years, the immedia- ato.cause of death. being paralysis ,of the kheoat, was a salto 03 the tains John; Keowin r , t e a#' the pioneer settlers s,. an px n oi McGillivray, was born in York Co to 1,•83a, and the family 'settled in 'Mc-, Gtllvray about 1852. Iirt additiion to. his widow and only son. the deceased is survived by his brothers Joh {Cs qwn Jr.;_ and .Robert ' Kereven 'bf McGillivray, and James Keown of Lateen, ' and by. four Of his :five sisters, :Mrs.'BGilaiam" Gilbert and Mrs. John Oorbett andthe Mary and Bella .Keown, all :of, IaiCGilh 1 ' • ' `� i'i ' s HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS To Western, Canada (via Chicago), in - eluding certain points on Grand T. Pacific Railway, .May 16,'30; June 13, 27 July 11, 25 ; August 8. 22 ;; Septem- ber 5, 19; Winniipeg and return, $33.' Elm ant'an and return,:.$41..00 Ticketsi good for sixty days. Proportionate rates to 'principal paints in Manitoba, Sask- atchewan and Alberta. Hohneseekers' ex- cursion tickets will also be on sate on certain dates via Sarnia and the Northern Navigation Company. Secure tickets and illustrated literature from any Grand Trunk Agent,' or address A. E. Duff, District' Passenger Agent, Tor onto, Ont. FARQUHAR. Allen Stratford ds' here at present.- Canxer,oant attended lather's uncle, Mr. Do ferment; took place cemetery on baseball at Mt rendes. and lose, defeat, fats, 5'to 14, in. doubt awing to the nig short. - ' Grows Thin PARISIAN SAGE IN TIME AND PREVENT BALDNESS If your hair is growitng'. thinner and taint er and causing ^ you anxiety gto W. S. Cole' to a large 'bet- tee-dwy and get r :oL Parisian- S ar on] v0 ants. a„e f � y c It is such a delightful and refreshing d••e si,ve that v w Dee use 'i .s you will to s t ;reg:ulatly. Parisian Sa;ee is'guaranteed to stop ISP,.. c t rad- a�l �' hair anditching_I a e f l>.n„ sap, ica€e dandruff and make the hair ` lus- trous, and radiant, or motley back. There is riothing;Just as good as Par- -Islets ,Sage:._Seeyou get the package .. which contains the girl veils', the Auburn Hair . mi. Miss Ettieis vis- iting PrlenMr. and Mrs: Thos the fun eral of the i;, near Kipprei. Inin the Rodgerville Sunday.- Our boys playedPleasant Saturday e t, tea, score ,standfavor of the Mount , no time for practice bei Hair A VARICOSE VEINS CURED gife NO NAMES USED WITHOUT, WRITTEN CONSENT. Confined to His Home for Weeks. HAS YOUR BL006BEEN DISEASED? BLOOD POISONS aro the most prevalent and most serious diseases. They sa the very life blood of the virtim and unless entirely eradicated from the system will cause se'rieus.bomplications, ;hntvare of Mercury. It may suppress the symptoms -our NEW METHOD dares all blood diseases YOUNG Olt MIDDLE' ACED mEN:-Im rudent acts or later excesses have broken down system. You`feel the Symptoms s,ealing•over you. Mentally, physically and: vitally you not the man you used to be or'should be. Willyou heed the danger signals? REcc(� Are you a victim? Have you lost hope? Are you intending' to marry? Hes f1C�QL11 your blood been diseased? Have youany weakness? : Our NEW :MEreore Three -merry will curs You. What it has done for others it will do for you. Consentntie Free. No matter, who has treated you, write for an honest opinion Free of Charge. y , (Illustrated) on Diseases of Men. Books I'reo- `Bo .hood blanhcod ,I'athorhood: ' I NO NAMES (USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. PRIVATE. Na mimes on. boxes or envelopes. Everything' Confidential. Question List- aad Cost of Treatment FREE FOR HOME TREATMENT. DRS.KENN-EDYL..Cor..Aichi an Ave. and Griswold id St. Detroit, tl lt9lch NOTICE All letters from Canada mustbe addressed _ , to our Canadian `Corzesp'oncienceDepart l ‘menf in Windsor, Ont ' If''you.desire to see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see andtreat; So patients in our Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and Laboratory for Canadianhiisraess only. Address all letters as follows: DRS. ICENNED'W & KENNEDY Windsor V,rlte roe r one• ,rtivatee ` >a addres j'. , Hyl