HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-5-18, Page 445Aseetr buoratt, SaladSee de Creech., Propa. -THT.TR$DAY, NAY. 18, '11 New Zealand seride all persona eollvieL ed .0f drunkenness /on feur different Cc- aeion,e, to anja Where tliere ie lie aetti eel:ere every £3 eceePled raising fruit, A nateph more. eensibie -way ot dealing With the eirroMe drunk "Meet OW ONT•11,, Thc Gtwerhinein's majority in, the ias agath i,efused ta Mr. "Fieldizi's liegligenCe hi the matter the Fares' Qak WLS eaeried such great distrees to tbe people -ate Oe:arie. Net teidy tictee the Or:vet ' me:It seeni ind,ifferent about this per- tieeler ease but It neglects, to. Pelvide for ti s future in 4 glenetell way ;by a - Mending the Batik Act, The schema seems te be 10. held tbe .revision, a club over the Bankg., until a tiene, ear - r the gemeral election, T e the meed chase for the nimble „dol- e, the eettieees of. Exeter are levee to - the real satesfection whieb Ls ertv ri tree planter:a', and gardea suj, omerally. Eut there is uo ter evideeee elated team than ereinpienting, caring' eor and. nour- iseeees trees, ehrube aed flower. Es- pecially la this tree Le die reeidentret parts of tewa, where &eery resident, here aWeee terteet, eneuld tales the decorate -0n et hie pre. aoregiumeehip has euter. hing 'tram the develOpemeet of electricity, ple, trol aled Stearn., If tbes es the, age or the elite, and the aettePleale, .Nit is tue leas tito reel gra, ot the glees% eleellete- -ery eiay replace hien. eea. Illoteve end treetiom pewer, 3ust as it replapm ilAna leborL tiw teeters' and Da the .farin. The status o tii14beree ta a a weltered ire; frem the exalt:tient. Hie Peek thxe. is vastlY better than it ever wae when the letroductien ot (Inger:eta arid leo:lee first filled bee natmd with ap- pmeteesten, Whet progreee, leet loe these eeer-eitee, as done tor labor. ie also being dente tor horsemanship. NOY" 11421,8 t,h'erf; 8110; Enrcer,.3. ineentlYQ ; elligent•enterprise let heree-breedieg the preeent tittle,'Ween road% are r And when steam plowe them capable ,,et plowirte 44 e quarter eeet1011 per week, Are d " tele greet wheat fielde t whether rre,er e aeid age al 1 eetelloiie relieeel oe lerti lune nnes- ATM h pereert lualeItatt CM, re•-% faltillY or house' :tarried. wdw- ✓ onth qrtlider. Tha e"/ :sees:Op. eeastree r OT hue' eda it nu erunle-erele allzation if fernsere 4'aC141 or tribal, etelgen, ▪ 0334 relin Melo oceurititioa rode empleyment, employer, em- ployeteer workins On 'your owti account you will be asked where, you are enel alloyed, it y3u are a Wage earner, what Tee work at, by the day or hour, whet wages you receive, you total ear:de:gm Ti you are insurcd, the amount on your lite and (against accede:de and sick- ness, and what it cost, you. Your ed- ucation wilt be looked Into, and Mao your physical eareeltion or disabilities. The census man will not be satisfied sewn you give him all the particulars, - but e"ou can rest easy as 9.2,is swain to secrecy. A bulierie of the Census 0 lice makes the following report on the crops and live stoek et Canada. Tee seeding and growing seauen Lor the 'allele ef Caneda has opened late this year, and the month -et April has been'marked by hard frosts. But May •has been favorable to cultivation of the dand, and the rainfall has been suffl- cleat tor healthy vegetation. Fall wheat, which is grown, eleeefly in Ontario and Alberta, showed an aver- age -condition of 82 per cent. at the end est April, beLeg. 89 per cent. In A.lberta and 81. per cent. in Ontario. In Ontario however, the April frets were destruc- tive in some eegiOns; and from 12 to 34 per cane. of thwarea, reowe, has, been reported as winter -killed. The central counties, north of lake Ontario, suffer- ed worst, the average loss as reported being 31 per cent. In the western coun- ties 2.7 per cent., of the attal, inecrep has been destroyed. In the southern court - 'ties, nrti of lake;Erie, 'the Imes 44,10 per cent.; in the northern counties and districts 12.6 per cent.; and in the -eastern counties, between the St. Law- rence and Ottawa rivers, :15 per cent. For the whole of Cantada,the area win- eee-killed id reported to be L2' per cent. axed the per cent. condition of the grow- -leg crop ist sg. About 123 per coat. of the clover Wee '.heaved out by the spring fdosts, and the average conditlion of hay and cloy- ier at the end of April Was 89 per cent. Alberta shoves better than any ,orther part of Canada, its average being 'Oland half per cent. Nova, Scotia, comes next, with 9e.75 and in Quebec, B. ;C.; Sasicatohewan the condition is over 90. In Ontario it is 86 and 4tri (Manetbloal ..85 'per cent. The percentage of fetal seeding com- pleted at the end of April was 21.354;in Quebec, 44 hi Ontario, 17 in. Manitoba., 447.30 in Saskatchevean, 66.81 in „Alberta e and 76.90 ie British Columbia. Man. and Saskatcieevran had 70 per cent. of propased area of sprina wheat sown at the end of Aprila3s1 Alberta.and BIC. 180 per cent. The Maritiine Provinces, had eic.a.rcelY ramie a beginning of seeding' eoperatiOns at the end of April, and fn. Quebec barely one eourth of, the spring heat, oato and barley were Sown. In nta,rio 51 per cent. of the spring frw3leat was in the grounde 41 per rept, te,e oats and 42YY. Per cent. of the elel, tas and Children. ou Have AlwaysBou Sure Signs THAT YOU RAVE ICJDNEY TROUBLE V your, back is oonstantly aching and if you, expereonee dull shogting IM your urine ira thick and cloudy oe your passages, fiequetet, scanty and pain ful, your Kidneys. and Bladder are Out of order. Neglect celleitlY brings on eheuenatisne, dia- betes, lumbages eciatica, etc. Boeth's Kideee Pills are gee -cell -- teed to relieve or your meriee back, They are the worlde greatest specific for kid- ey and biedder :role. All dreggista 0e,letee, or postpaid from the Propriet- ors, The R T. Aeoth Co, lemited, Fors Eme, Qt, Free trial oe applecateore Sold aaid guarenteed in Exeter by W, S. Cole. LIFE IS A FUNNY PROPOSITOIN- Mae opines iete this world without tiureeeeent attel leaves it against his wilt. During his stay on earth hie time ls epees In on,e coniireuemsround of cep.- raleee enci eliwatideratandinge bY the balance of our epecies. In his infancy ree i an angel; trt, 1 -de hoyeetiod, he is deva -his manhood he is 'every- -nee roam a lizard up; irehies dutiesehek is an utter toel; ie he refee4 "a, fatellY e is a Outran: if he relosieet eittle emerge he le a tkigt 8.,P,4 „then the tar playa. the devil with hipl, It he 4* peer lean, he is a poor manager ald etellae; if Us rfoh 11flIle i :testbut senredered 'selert; tr t fitputtc4 he la e, grafter and a coselt ir he is teot in Polities. Yon eart7t Place him, as he let an undereleable citeeea; if be geem to Chiron. he .lee a .qpneritet it he ettlYee aWaY trent, churete ile is a sinner and lekteilled it he donaleet, tereign rnieetenite, be does JI. f,' 1;04Ye; if be tdeeeett, he 14 etiney and a tIgerewatieWhete voteee Mee the world everyboaY wanta to icias lqi,ro beeare he gO4 Ont, theY all want to kick bint, It he tilw You -13". thetb was a great _future betere Ite livea to a ripe eld age' he tply ei the way And ltving tee eave fu at ePetteee, All CREDITOR, via of newer anti Vegeta ' Day's, Exeter, Bare the new peetor a cturch fieuverco Ids fire Sunday mender, v atedt r Ile Made A Very faVer- en:peek:aloe. being an eloquen aad oee, wha beide the attente lee lie:sees thretegieQut the ser- We eleettel Rev. and, Mrs: Bele ^ Midst Mad. trust field Of leleer CENTRALIA The baseball boYs JeuelleYed to.Atli' ie on Felday 'and played seven inning -0 to a tie, 9-9, This le .the firest,gatee ot the seasoe, e.nd the ehlewingis conelder ed, a goad one, Tee following is, the line-uie-lett H. Duplae, 2nd, C.Duplan; e- so wee a -Tiede -hese ard, B. Miteleell; p L Swarm°1.e, P.% EnYle; 15f.,, A. De - plan; c.t., 14.' : Duke' Spring grain is eopking filte end the 5r.s4s is growing eapielly.-Meser s. Trotham and Hadgies etill remain, on the stele liet an not. anueli hopreweinent is reporteds-The ()Meal Board meet- -Mee of the efethediet clench was held lest week and the finanees were re- peried as being in eNcelleet sbape, The °Mime: is belett for the future of, the ceurch„ John EsserY was eleCted eelta gate to the District, reeeties, and committee wae appeinted to secure reeeher foe ne:s...1 Year,. " (Frain Apottier Source.) Some of those on, the sick liet are gradually improving since the warm weather set in --Quite a large llienber of the ladiee attended tee W. ', M, S. convention at Exeter this ere -Oa -Mrs^ Grovenier and stele ett Strataney ere vise Ring her pareate, Mr- and Mese John Wilson.-eir, and Mrs. E. Colwell; spout e cenePle 0f days visit/eel' Bev. Salton at St. :lob:Ise:Id at Londose-Lerge num bers of cattle leave be taken behere he past week, some Or the gree and several loads tor Toronto. --Mr, Clarence Puplan and Miss Esse*, spent Sunday med edree $id, Andrew Sunday- at glimville,-eMee aed C, Beekerville eteent. Steaday releitvee3.tDentteld. BxpItTII O Surele,Y, 'MAY 2dth, Ilev. Hobbs' ot Exeter will preaoh here et 2,30, and e nitteleal eerViege evil, be gieen, d.onday evening eellowilig an entertain- , t will he gleell 13' Rev, efilleerd of 41841, fol1ow-Ye-7r which refeeehreelitet wilt be eeceed, The ma.ny friends ot Mrs. Fx13k 'Carp. '911ritam be glad te re, covering' trent her severe i Q U fleet Inti little hope was, oat rtatned„ —Mies Malltd CunainglminliaS beel 11 • ; from leeteelon to neifeeter elek teleetel. Mrst. an1 ueningbaneee The ; eary •servieee held 'in 'St.igarva reh PA:Island, Brineley. on SunriaY great. etteeesta, XieNN NO100103 eend,ucted the tierviees Very etieette Were present and. Infpreselve taeleriene, Tee • fleet Aintivereary or ^311 Li butetlerit; ewe e.: tidier; Celle are supposed t3 ring • initieT ttext Wetilieeday, Vieteria, More particulars later. ; bunt a frame atidtt Leeds Wel.a.,:e health hetet the beet. At preseat he finds it very difficult to. wale around, We aro pleased to learn, that Victor' Nestle passed through the operation for 'aPPendieltle 11; St. Joeepetes Hospital, Loaden, last week successtully. The stereoptica4, views EityWn In the Methodist church Joie Monday night by Rev. Millyard or Hensall vere very good and much apprecia.ted by those in at- e. Clnrk hive betel quite busy the past week paleiting and paperlog in our midst. Milton Harris of Woodstock epent ew days in town last week renewing old Acme's:eta:ices. I, R. Carliay ine.de a 111;a1ROBS trip to town on T-uesday. Tee thousands et4.‘fasr bugs welch tve been flying around these nights ate: attacking the blossains an. the trees aed in many inetances nave ruined the crop for this year. Some of our people have been building fires at night and destroy them In that way. Is Victoria Day ep pass oft .vithout some celebrattlea, or even a ball game? If we can't work up a game with out- siders let the home team get in shape and work up seem excitement. Chas. b. Brown, left for Colorado last w -eek, where he has some mining in- terests. Chas. is a bright young man who, is making good, ad we wereh hirn every success in his business ventures. Fred. Kerr is doing considerable cus- tome sawing vvitle his portable sawmill. The cement foundation for the new church sheds have been laid and At LS eetPeeted that the blocks will be laid ir the near future. The last meeting of the four W1s took place in the home let Mies 'Mareha Wind On Monday evening. This organization is cornp3sed_ of the tow's fairest lad- les, who meet once a week' during the winter months and work their fancy work and other articles for the "Hope trunk!" A splendid lunch was served and the merry company broke up in the small hou.r.s, singing their club Song DASHWOOD E. M. • BROKENSHIRE, Dashwood, Conveyancer. Deeds, Wells, Mortgages and all legal documents carefully and premptly prepared. Charges moderate. tssuer of Marriage Licenses. Mr. Chas. Stephen of the 14th con. Stephen lose a valuable brood mare It Week through death. -Mr. Ezra Tiernan. ,"ias been appointed census enumerator Cor Polting .Sub-clivision No. 6 Ste- , e, peen.-Joim eller of Parkhill was in • • town Sunday. -Me. Jonathan Merrier of Zueieh vieited his brother Gdarge here on Sunday. ---dr. Ezra Brenner and wife and Miss Mabel Ilse of Grand Bend spsit Mondae,- in laur burgh. -Mr. J. E. Fidfirnan was in Greed Bend Tuesday on busireessee-The many friends of Mr. Christopher Mueller of tee 14th con. 1 -Fay will be glad to her that emeis able to b 011.t again attar* his recent ilinees. • , . Jos: artless hae ,recovered eceet ill:lees arid is ableto attend dieeiee -N*ldrStl, :ctaxe, this ,week for Sale,neie vileat'' her eata' 'weelesee' Ms, mouNT MM b vr.ni if; hue)* erecting W1131.. nelgeborbertd. Joe is 1130 le tin e the witeel gd. 11 De'r111 Ia vieelle" friends Cory negants It seriously ill at her Wattle. her a +veleta' recovery.- Idre. rd Waieb or 1.-aation la visiting , Hoary Doyle.—J. Quarry and elites Atette; iMent Sunday with friende 'I P,110(1)111.-4Mi&3f, NOM, Lenn 1.1't3 many friends are pleased to hear ehe IS able to be out agate titter her long andi seri- ous Illeess.-Mestare. M, &P. Regan Pas sed throu.sh here this week with a large drove rat fine cattle for the grass. -The Et:macre bave fLeished seeding. Death -The death occurred Sunday evening et Mrs. Jas. Flynn, aged 51 years, on the Inth can. ot Stephen, Af- ter several months' illness. She le sur- vived by it husband and two children, else 1= ;nether, two sisters and three brothers, Frank Clark al the 8th con, Stephere Newton of the 14th, and Wm. Of Lucan. Much sympathy is extended to the bereaved family. Fatal Accideet.-A very sad accident oecurred an Tuesday of last week to Jas aleiCtever. Willie he was engaged In teitiling out nmenure an the farm his; horses took fright and ran away, throw- ing him off the Wan some twenty feet breaking his right leg and left thigh, and inflictIng other injuries, causing his death the follawing Thursday, aged 45 years. Mr. McKeever leaves to meurn his demise a sorrowing wife and aged mother, three sisters, Mrs T. Lane, Mrs; Ed. Ryan, Mrs. D. Morrismi of Detroit, two brathers, Frank and Joseph, who have the sincere sympathy of their many friends here. The funeral took place on Saturday morning at ten o'clock and was largely attended. Those from a distance who attended the funeral were, Mr. John Dunn and da:ueliter of Port Huron, Frank Shannahart and mother of Windsor, Jae. and Geo. Graham and sister of ,Ilderton, Mr. Flanagan of Stratford, and D. Morrison and son of Detroit. , 1 A WINDSOR LADY'S APPEAL To All Wornen-I will send free with full instructions my home treatment which positively cures Leucorrhoea, Ul- ceration, Displacements, Falling of the womb, Painfull or Irregular Periods, Uterine and Ovarian Tumors or growths al sio Hot Flushes, Nervousness, Mel- ancholy, Piens in the Head, Back or Bowels. and Bladder troubles, where caused by weakness peculiar to our see You can continue treatment at horne, at a cost of onlyesthout 12 ceete a week My book, "Wm -nail's Own Medical Ad- viser, also sent free on request. Write to -day. Address, Mrs:M.Summers Box. H. 840 Windsor, Ont. SAINTSBUR'e 'Mr. and Mrs,. Garfield Needham of Ballirnote vieieed 8.e the, home of Mr. R. Hodgins ,3e Sunday.-Messmie Har- old, Albert and Earl Berry. toe ,Berry- , _ Berry - land visited at the homee.lif NassauDa- vis cm Sunday. -Messrs. Henry and Prank Hod:gins "raised their barns and are now putting cernent foundations un- der thene-.,--Annieersery services ef the opening of • the Racey 'Memorial Hall," rill be _held on, Sunday, May 21st at 11 a.m. and 7. p.m. The Rev. Archdeacon Richardsot, of St. Johns will ofCiciate at both servicese-Mr: aed Marshali Miller of McGillivray visited at the home of Mr, 'Wm. Davie an Sanday,last. -Hy, , Culbert had tee roof ,blosei, elf ells stable Teurseay lase. Teere wa urence. STAT4or °OW, C1TX Or TOLIMA), i8E1 L'OOA. COMM,' ' Freak...I-Cheney makes eete that he is senior Ipartner el the arm of F. .1. Cheiley. Co,. doingleusi. nem in the City of Toledo, County and State afore- said, end thatraldfinei Ind pay the sum of QNE IIIINDIIED DOI,TARS for elieh and eery cage of caterrhtliat cannot -be cured by the use of lialre Catarrh Cure, FRANK EEENEY Sworn to before me ed eilbeeribed in eV' Pre3 ence, this 60; day of December, ,LD. Woe (3m) 4.W,411.EASON, N9TA0TIStatie Hall's Catarrh Cureie taken beereally, aed _ads_ directly on the blood mid mucous surfaces ot the system, Sentifertestimoultesiree. F. l, CHENEY 400., Toledo, 0. Seld by all Druggist, 7ec. Take Rail's family 2111E410r eonAtipatio4. TI-1EDV(M17-On Monday, tite let, in -- Steve. William Wills, pt Widder, a skthUrh of this Place, lett hie Immo JO pan, a.nd hie whereaboute bad been a y tery until May 14, Wien hiit dead wee teeeed in the been Otair. Vet, non of the Time eoncession o Desae- Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Ti1C-KERSNITH,-7A pleasant "mat-. moaial eveet was rfolemniZed itt the Mar.Se- in gniondirfte on Weineeday. when Miss Jennie Pearson Chesney, dau girtlee of r uad Mr'. Wpe Chesne31 fifth coaegpslon of Tackerarnith, was ueiteel 13 pearellge with afr. afatilapw a, Liddle. of Niagara Fafl,Nev., York, DIWCEIIDLD, May 12 -The schedule games to'r the Seafoella -Brucefield strict of the Ileteratediale W. F. Ar, hitve been atmoulleed. There are but 2 Itranl#3 in the district-Brucetisid Ilovere and Seatorth Intermediatee. The first the and home games for z district ehamploRshiP i'd4Y , Seatorth, The ester* gaine will e I at Brucefield, ----- "CODI-tAel-May 24 will be celebrat, ed , Wo.ditnrn b3rg pienec held under euspicee ot the lieoodharn Sunday. abetel. Zee 13r:egre313 wihleensiet of eeelme and niteale.. Teere will he a ehell tovirperneest between aetitrAlia S0)0n1 Mt. Flee/aerie and Woedbeni, Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA 'ORTU-Atter a lingering illness t cas44 milet 4;4 the „late (Ad 410 here In Suatelay at P10 831 James street. Mrs. Wow ao years of ae, ad l narviv ea by two seee, 1.,1111am and Harvey, of, Detroit, and one dai13tir,Agnes, Lome. '3VERED W1TII EQZhid.t CO %A. by TwoBe.tt3 p ID, D. D. Q. March 21m, 1910, gr. eMillati at Port lcood, vvroie us, llttle boy, three years old was vered Croin head 0 foot with eczema, tried over twenty dieferent kinds ot alves and w"a she's but could pot sec anY Improvement -in tart It seemed to bo lretthtg worse. I Wile about discouraged and liad lost folti: in all kinds of so-called eczema cures, whon I saw an ad. telling about D. D. D. Prescription. 1 seat tor sam- ple bottle and the third applica.tton con- vineed me that I had at last it sure cure." eVeat D. D. D. 'did, Ifor this little boy It will do for any BkIn sufferer. A mild, soothing liquid made up o1L011 of Win- rgrete, Thymol, Glycerine and other logredieets, It penetrates to the root of the trouble and waehes the dlseaeo out. \Vhy not get relict e Simply write to-dto the D. D. D. La.bomberlee Dept. E. A., 40 Colborn:e St., Toronto, and they wili send you, a free trial bot- tle For sale by W. S. 1-rowey, Exeter., GRAND TRUNK SYSTEM vIcrOnLk. DAY SINGLE FARE , • FOR ONTRI RUD P (with minernum charge of 23 cents) Between all stations in Canada, also to .Niagara Falls and Buffalo, N.Y., and Detroit and Port Huron, Mich. TicKETS GOOD Going May 23rd and 2,4t33,, Return, limit May 26th, 1911.1. , 'ROUND TRIP, - HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS TO THE:WEST AT LOW RATES VIA SARNIA on 0111- C AGO. • Literature and full information from aey. Grand, Trunk Agent, or address A. E. DUFF, District Passenger Agent, at Toronto, Ont. , Chance for Piano Anew upright Grsand Piano Reg- ular,price$325 Sale Price $229. Only one instrument will be sold and that to the first buyer. Call early and let us de- monstrate its tmei.its -to you. This instrument is on ex- - Ilibitoni at our store the bal- hrice of this week. -S. MARTIN &SON number of good organs or sale $12 to $25no 'higher. ayable 50e. a week. SIR EDMUND WALKER, C.V.O., LLP., D.C.L., PRESIDENT ALEXANDER LAIRD, GENERAL MANAGER CAPITAL - $10,000,000 REST, - $7,000,000 FARMERS' BUSINESS The Canadian Bank of Commerce eNtends to Farreera every facility for the transaction of their banking business including thn discount and collection of sales notes. Blank sales notes are supplied free of charge on application, BANKING BY IVIAIL Accounts may be opened at every branch of Thi Canadian Bank of Commerce to be operated by mail, and will receive the same careful attention as isven to all other departments 4;lf the Bank's business, Money may be deposited, or withdrawn in this way as satisfactorily as by a perSolial visit to the Bank. 231 Exeter Branch -W, II. Conine, Ianager. Breech also at Crediton. The Molsons Bank Incorporated 1$55 Capital (paid up) $4,000,000 Rest Fund - e4„4001000 Total Assets Over $44,0003000 Br riches in Canada, and Agents and (.7orrespondents ha an Principal Cities in tile World. 4 01171E1414 BANKING BuSINASS TRA,N9AcTRO, SAVINCS RANK DEPARTMENT 11111111111111111111111111111111101111111111111111111114111111111111111111111111.11.111111.1111111111.1111111111.111111111111111.11111111111111111111 at ail Branches, Interest allowed at highest qurrolt rate, EXETER BRANCH Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government. OitsoN & CARLING, Solicitors. N. D. EURDON, Manager; The general public will take notice that am doing business in Bxetet' in. e of purchasing all kinds of scrap. Highest Market Prices Paid for SCRAP IRON, RAGS, RUBBERS, COPPER, HORSE Tuan, Etc. All purchases to be delivered to T. HA WKIN'S HARDWARE, EXETER where the cash will be paid or trade given. Orders for collection of scrap may be leftitt tne $1,1111V %store, prompt aWntion will be giVen. M. "'Wexler, — Junk Dealer, Exeter 11011111u Are in full swing. Spring Bargains in furniture We have it beautiful, selected stock of all kinds or Furniture. 1 really think you would enjoy a walk through our store to see t nice stock we carry. Everything new and up•to•date. There will be the usual amount of discarding and repldnishing. This store shouldhe kept in mind, because to forget it, is to lose money To buy here is to be sure -sure of right Treatment and sure of tlie most for what you s,pond. We have the matresses that will surely please you,—beautiful art ticking, cotton tufted, Regular price $4.00 for 2.75, while they last. Also the Os, tertian and Banner Spring, Springs $2.50 up. All manner of bedsteads in Brass, Iron, Enamel and Wood. JAMES 13EVEI;thEY Undertaking and Embalming Purchased BUS and DRAY Business Having purchased the BUS and DRAY business of MR. WM. ARNOLD, I desire to announce . to the Public of Exeter that I am prepared to give you the best of satisfaction in work connected with the business. For the pres- ent orders left by phone or other- wise at THE ADVOCATE OFF- ICE, PHONE 25, will receive prompt attention. T. G. Creech LOTS, For Sale Lots, First class lots in' the Great Northern addition Within the city limits of Calgary. This is what the C. P. R. states. -- “You can recommend this property to your clients as a good in- vestment both safe and profitable. These lots are selling now at 175.00 each. One-thirol down and balance in six, twelve and eighteen months, per cent interest.”. If you want to istalte some oney don't delay in looking me, up as this es a chance of a lifetinie. Don't for- get that we have farm lands to sell as well, of the very best and splendid ly situated. B. Carling' A LARGE SCHOOL, A GOOD SCHOOL THE BEST. This School has a continental repte. iation for high grade work. and for the success of Its ,students. We have three departments -Commercial, shorthand and Telegraphy. Ambitious young men and womenshould send at once for Our large free catalogue. Write for it at °nee and see, what our graduates aro cl,oing. This is a good time of the year ifor you to enter ,our classes. Students are entering each week. Commence pour course at once, , D A. McLACHLAN, Principal. The Business World Is calling you, why not prepare now? The leading mercantile houses of Canada and United Sta tes recognize our efficiency. The Spotton Business Colleges Have given thousands of young people a good start in life. We can assist you. Our Home Study Courses Offer unexcelled advantages to those who cannot attend college” Full pal ticuleis upon inqUiry. ,- CLINT014 BUSINESS COLLEGE I11310. spoTT9Dr. PRINCiPAL Itt