HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-5-18, Page 1TNTY-FOURTH YEAR. EXETER, ONTARIO. TH M DAY, MAY18,19 Local Items r NOTICE—.,4th of Muvfalling d- on 'k4 e naesday, our Printing day, T,h Advoe- ate will be issued daze Thursday after- noon next week. CLOSED FOR TWO WEEKS. Dr. Rouit n. wishes to an ow ce t a i that ,a t hs'Dental office will l1 be tl ose# an May _uar t1:. for two weeks. 4r: S. Snell has rented Mi;, „S- M. Sanders' brick building behind :faker's ' livery, for a tern tot five years'°. It will be usedas am iinplement wareroana. Mr. W. , Senior, an Exeter Old : Piay, will speak oa the I+aymen;"s`il+fissioltary^ 14Sovetnent in the Presbyterian church on Tuesday evening next in connection with. sir Golden bi th d n J u lee, The i r i T sr � n oto u 1 € o E;'d eati,ata has sent nt out a 'an b • d 1� 1 let heti a En Day t4 be celebrated ion, :kW ,19th whirl! should have beirn written the '?,tied: the schools ot the county` will be not - !lied that then -3rd and not, !the ,19th is the day At the recent reettnf; of the Quarter- ly" Board of iein, street church Rev. Powell was invited to return for another year. The follOwing Stewards were duly' 1 e tuix—JxilCagan, Telary e Y T. E, Ei`andlord, Tinos; Hartoii, W. S. I3oweY, Financial Steward, T. H. MO:Callum, Pew Steward, H. E. Idtudton, Recording Steward. T,he District visit- e-Oa, isitars, whin are lay,virtuq of their+offilce members of thauar o Q terly Board, elect- • w ed are as follows D Cobb edi Wil- lis ll l ck Vl i lis- Powell, Ed. Dignan, Henry` Passmore 1; A. Doupe, F SteWart aua i ' rsn' IA. Balk- will,Mrs, Thos. Horton and 'ilia:" W W. Howey. At the meeting of the Quarterly offie- lel Board of James at. I,Sethodist church Oa Monday evening it was reported that there were during the year 36 removals, byletter, 10 ceases, deaths; 3 6 rtr v letter, 14is deco cel ed'by ie ea trial, a ease of 7, total anemberehip 036, with the cataehuxneaia, 81, The pastor was grant- ed one month's holidays with supply.' and a second month; provided, he furn- ishes, a supply. The fin ancen''were found to be in good condition, all Lunde being paid in full: The following stewards* were elected.—P. :Frayne, S. Martin, F. Woad, R. N. Rowe, 3. S. Harvey, S. Fitt ton, E. Shaption, W. II'$ Ketone, Dr., Rout start; Representative to' the district mectlta, John May Local preacher, Dr. Quackenbush ; Exhorters, Y. Sweet, R; %fay, M. Csaiter, W. S) Cole, ;Dr,', Roul. sten;, I!f• Southcott; Clans leaders all re-elected; District Visitors,—For the the country, R. ICdrslake, 3. Frayne, Ed Shapton, John Rowe, John Kerslake, For the town 'ft's. GI Snell, sr., !OS e Johnston,' nfiss Lewis, Wm. Prout, F ¢ Sweet, D. 'Wynn, John I?,edier. ONIIIIMMINNIMISIMINIONNENIONIP Mr. Geo, T,homaa is slowly improv- ing from the effects of his, recent ac- cident. Mrs. Ch as. Knight is again,„in a very low' state of health and her recovery is very doubtful. Mrs. J. E. Ellis, of Ellisboro, Sask, delegate to the W. F. yw?„ S. gonventlou. at Chatham, visited aaus' r� , T Kornick the early part ot thisweek. D^. Oaten? of Brussels spoke very in- terestingly on Sunday last in Main st church, the occasion being the. League An aiversary, Large cengragattonsi' were e nt p se , ., , At the nleetttag of the Presbytery of Huron, at Brucefield" last week the hood- erator was appointed to represent the Presbytery at the se i-co::tenary cele- br a At' on. at; Caven church, Exeter,. oat the „ . a,d .8th of Ail ,the evening, f a same the le z n dry the P e g r s y tery llicvt sin in St. Andrew's ohureb, EaYfi<e14 for the induction of Rev. A)tred'y[e'ar- lane into that charge. Consiaeralale alteration will of asses- sity be made in the east end 'sof Cavett Presbyterian church to acaotr nadate tile• new pipe organ, ta'r the purchpse of which Miss FaanY 1ga,wden last week gave a cheque for $1500. The gift is G ta memory of slaer grandfather and grandmother, ),,fr. and bars', John Ander- son and her parents~, Mr. ; and Mrs, Wil- liam Ela' den, all, or whom were long- time ongtime members of Cavell ch'ureh. The eon >regation are celebrating 'their Golden Jubilee next week and have special se r vi ea arralaged tor. Mr. Tilos, Fisher of Usborne had two very unpleasant experiences. last week. Dorinr the rain storm on Thursday, ti i laby a wasaccompanied,cailsld table v ac p 158latning, he happened to have held of a strand of barbed wire on a fence the lightning struck it, severing the wire in two and ,at the.eaxlle tinno giving' Mr. 'Pleher a severe shock. Fa a idav ,e was- eagaged d iri rolling Friday 1's � e g, Piece of land and the bolts in the roller' seat givinag away preerpitated him to the ground, at the same time tighten - the lines and causing the horses tka back the roller on top of him. Luckily however, he managed ho escape not much the worse, W. M. S. CONVEbiTION,—The Went - en's Missionary Societies of the Lon- don,. Methodist Conference ,are thio week holding L Can,vcntion in James Street Nrethodist Church, Exeter. The eonven Ilan is attended by abut 150 zealous missionary ladies, who are billeted wit)r the ladies ot town. The convention op- ened on Tueaday'aiternoon and will eOn- elude Its labors to -day, Thursday. The imgram at the time of going to prestr is progressing most favorably, a report of which we hope to give (nett week. CARLING'S Great Bargains For one week we, are offering some exceptional bar- gains in summer dress goods, prints, ginghams and suitings, "wall paper, carpets and rugs. Shansu Repp in three colors Regular 25c. for 18e. -Shamrock Jacquards Regular 25c. for 20e, Shamrock' Stripes Re- gular,15cr for 12e. Ribbons—In the line of Blue, B1ack, Red and White at 10e, Gringhanas and Suit. Ings Regular 20c. for 15, and 15c, for 12c. Mercerized Gingham was 15c. now 8e. Re- gular 20c. suiting' at 15c, Regular 15c. suit- ing at 12e. 17 pieces print Reg- ular 12c to clean 10c. A discount of 15 percent. -on all rugs,- carpets and wall. paper. Don't fail to see our stock which is second to none in the trade. MEN'S TROUSERS Regular $1,75. for ' $1.40 $2.00 ai $1:60 $2.25, $1.85 $2.50 $2.10;; $2.75 k $2,38 a !t MEN'S HOSE in silk plain and fancy lisle and cotton. Regular 500. ,:for 40c. Regular 25c. for 20e. Djuncr. Sets ---Regular 88.50to clear at $7r0O, lila ' $10.00 to clear at $ 8:50, 3 sets to clear at $5.40. aid for all kin � p da a f 1'roduce, iGm 9srl'?azt Mrs. 1Vrn. Bawd Sunday, Wexler VY r ewaa wasLondon Sia d in, d n a .and y NLonda . , y Mr. S, G. Eawden was in Londgll =.on Wednesday. Mr. W. W: Tamara Monday ni,aht, 1VlMr. . PalmerI al ie was ! ', in am o•l. L.l r A Rt S a 'Sy` r d s evening. e -e da•Y fir Dott,la$ Stewart of. Toronto is here visiting his parents, ;Miss Lily Huston, with "a friend, vis- itedparents hethis her r re k, p ngweek. ,a Miss Iair of G�sdertch visited ..Liss Bertha Cobbledick over Sunday, i'.fr. Leroy Gaultis of Goderich vis- ited at his home here last week, Sr, Geo, K-tisht of ilderton visited witn 's mothere n h. hereS a n a titOver d d y, '+ire. (Dr.) Medd and her sinter of• G t rCoutts Mrs. (Dr.) Halioway of Peterboro is visit1 g at the home of Mr. "tib',. sett. Mr. and Mra, qt F9. Handford visited. with Itev. Mo, Cowin of Piarkhiil last week, Mr and era; Wm; riolr and 'hiss 4. of Herman visited at l•Z:r. Thpnlae Ker- nick'a Monday. biCyr 1 Mr. and Mrs. I?avid. Afl ilio at rat and o a , 'wit G non spent Sunday n A7r nd Y h relatives here, Mrs, Cunningham atad Miss Cunilirag a;aan oe Cl;indehoye are visiting with Mrs. Sager here. r �w Mr. Port 'a. here IoM .Barbour ofElgin a Ae S "L Monday with a view to purchasing the S. P awde;i stock, 'it's, E. A. Fol}ick was tn• Guelph last week to Dee :Airs. C. Sautheott, who is proaresairg favorably,. Messrs. Joe, SetiAar and Hx Spack mat, accompanied Dr. Quacketrbuten to Loads!! Friday la his auto, " Mr. J. W. Welsh wee] in i and it Sat- urday to at-urday'to see ilia daughter, Mrs. 'Whiting wi.?o has tree iii, bat is Improving. 1iir, T. E. Handford left yesterday naorninu far Winnipeg, M.ra. ];,landlord accompanying' him as tar as Landon. Dr, Follick, wire, and sister, Miss Mabel, with some friends autpcd over from S. Marys Sunday to' visit reltattved Mr. and Ire, Janice Finer and daughter, who have been, visiting Mr. and Mn'. Peter Fra,yne left on Wed- nesday. Mrs. Fraync accompanied them ea tar as Loudon. in i,ond:ota over,! EXETER SCHOOL BOARD April, 15, --Special was In London TENDERS FOR COAL, 1911 Sealed tenders addressed to the Prov- incial Secretary, Parliament Building's, Toronto, marked "Tenders for coal," will be received up for noon on ,Saturlr day, May 27th, for thea delivery ;Of coal as required in the sheds of the S4)1owwnS' provincial Institutions, oa or before the 31st day of August net, viz, Brockville Cobourg, Hamilton, Kingston, London, Mimico, Penetanguishene, Toronto, Hos- pitals, for the Inisane, Orillia Hospital! for Epileptics, also the Central. Prison' and Mercer Reformalbry. ISpecifIcations of the qualities and quantities of coal required, and foram at application, may be obtained on ap- plication to the Depairtnaent, or from the Bursars of the respective institut` ions. Tetnderers are to specify the mine of origin and the qualiity of respective kinds of cOaI, aridto furnish evidence an delivery that the epai is of origin! 'specified, fresh mined and up 'to the standard of .trade grades. Delivery subject to satisfaction of Officers of Department of the Provin- cial Secretary, who may require aadi-+ tional deliveries, not exceeding 20 per. cent., up to the 15th July, ;19,12. Tenders will be received for the whole .quantity specified, or for the quantities required in each .institu- tion. An accepted check for ;.500, pay-' Fable to the order of the Honour- able the Provincial Secretary, must - be furnished by each tenderer, and two sufficient aureoles, or the nand of a guarantee company authorized to do business in the Dominion of Canada, will be required for the due fulfilment of each " ealntract. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Newspapers !inserting : this advertise- melnt without written authority from the Department will not; be paid Lor it. W; •J. ,HANNA, • Provincial Secretary. Parliament Buildings, Toronto, Nray 12th, 1917: Ontario Liquor License Act License Dae•trict of South, Huron. Not, ice is hereby given that Jas. Coxworth of Hensall, has made application fon Permission to transfer his Village tai- ern license , (Queen,$) in 1lensail; to F. Carlin Of Scatorth, and that the said application will be considered' at the meeting `OS the Board of .License Com missianers, tlo' be held at the Ouee7.y's. Hotel, I3ens.all, on Friday, June 2, 1911. at the hour of 10 a. trip All person interested will govern them- selves' accordingly. John Torrance,License Inspector. Dated at ;Clinton, this 15day of 'May, 1911. Ontario Liquor. License Act License 1)istrict of South Iluron. Notice is here- by given that /dr. L. w. Palmer of Exeter, has made application for - permission to . transfer his Village tavern. license (Corn erciat) in Exeter° to John ;A.. Newell•; off Parkhill, 'Ont., and that the said application will be considerer! at the meeting of the Board of License ',Cominiesianers, to be: held at the Commercial Ilotel; in Village; of Exe ter, on Fridav, the -Web dayi;:ef..Mao, 1011, at the hour"of 1 a.m. h11 platensinterested w313 govern bheu cl}es ac- eardmg3y, � �+� John �Tcerance,'I anon -r lnape4 l Dated at Clinton this 3rd day of May,10'il ' ,'' session. ed lathe _ the Tow: ,i IIa3 lcal a t consider an .a lies pp ,tion trent tSrs Exeter Base 'S3stt Club for tle use of tine scb,ao1 grounds for game ,and practice purposes' for the current year. Per S, Marie and ?". Wood—Thar the use of the gnau,^ids b, granted subject to ,.he following cOad t! Dls —1 «th at Too a ne ap practice v held ddu*x ag toe se„*; hours' of the school ; tit! the Club become .espanetble for all damage done to senaol property ihroogh such f t. fi se o ,e groandso May 8.—Meeti..g of t'te Boare in the rowan Hall at 8.30 p.m/ Absent F. W. Gladanaka, T',ae followla+g is the order of b.isi: ese duly subncitted and approved. per Chair E' ]ic uie t f 7 $ previous of r Y Oita p to ee Reports r' c o, as p f Doan t # — , C a e t � $ ood that a tfur, titer supplies Wet'V probable during the current session. Floral -_F.. Weed, that help was pot at present procurable for the improvenxtrits required, Per Secret- ary, that the s * r sial 0 4c3,¢0 a ,�. bad been paid aver VO the corporation on aceoun of tees, Per S, Martha' and. IL" Huston that the fol)awin:; account be paid, sub - pet to the en,i,arsenaont of the principal Times printing Co,, blanks and cards. Y all. Pti r �`l Woad and S. that shags Robinson belar granted the use or the typewriter, eubjtct to the pay�- ine:Xt O,�, tilC usual, fee... Quite the hest report received Peon the 13a�.rd's a emual delegation #o . the Educational tia.�l A,asociattan at Termite, i t w IuR an a a thenpresented.—After art iAatroductian to the preolderit and Col Sam l:Iu ;:Ase in, which the latter .changed frOnl 'i share: pugrry fiery 'little leader, of OronOetsail to a large well - trannedr well l t. ! ria ar 1 p eaa a d P cd r tna 1 • leader a n}of rases!. t,e follywed up with a descripiloax of the work or l)r. %ubiaa, Medical Sup; eri;iteaade:at; ot the l irealhghant, :Eta., schools with an enrolment. of 98,00e ,pupils. Tile principal ideas 'introduce'd and '. as a a„ iw ip rsze'd wfallowing,— Than were the 1 —x icil i Haat where Intelligent human We exist e'4. no matter haw weakened, dulled, or diseased, it could be much :improved by careful treatment and trailing, and that it watt our duty to provide all necessary facilities tor the accomp)islunent of iris ,hood. ", That every capable bay and girl should be taught tat •swim and given thorough k, aow)edge of the beat means Jot reausettatron. )rd, That the best training' in Agriculture could be recur- ed not th the public aclyaols', but byj us- ing- on the farm tho demanatrators and lecturers appointed by the governn7ent and available tor that purpose• l� ear he introduced the (tuetition of social purity .,u presented to the trustees ace tlo„i, .nlainlY as the 4utaomo of. the Tnor.nly London episode, and endorsed the decision of that section, that government lecturers should bo ap- pointed to visit all achoots that our children may grow up with, a full know- ledge of their physical responsibilities and care of life. In the after dlacussien that followed the following recommcnda- tions receive general approval and aro published with the full authority or the Board. '(1) That all chldren should be'taugiht that life is • a 'sacred gift from :our Great Creator directly to our Bret par- ents, and .that it was given. with, the power and command to transmit to suc- ceeding generations to the end of time +(..) That this :power is theirs and of. every healthily born child and their sacred charge to keep untouched until the time when in, the, order ,of our Great Creator as the head of a Koine it should be transmitted as' the lite of a new' gen- eration. .(3) That the violation of this com- mand and. any misuse of its channel means the Divine dilspleasure and the loss ,of life, 'health, beauty, `iuentalvig- or and happiness', and ,(4) That obedience with. the obser- vance of the' ordinary laws, of good liv- ,ng mean the largest measure to old age of health, beauty, and all that makes physical life happy and desirable. Per. S. Martin and T. ni Carling ;that he sincere thanks of the Board be ten- dered Mr. Huston, fpr his very desir- able report, and that the expenses ind- ent to the trip be paid . The appoint- usit of a dele ajtOn if necessary to he June session of the, County Council t Goderich was lett fry the hands) of he ch'alk'. • 3. Grigg, Secretary. tx J THE COUNCIL The Council met pursuant to niaeiers a43gal- - nt hi the *owlHall. May 11. :Mem- all. tp all present. Rivers—Waaper.,,.,Irat in case Harry Parsons thra es up the street watering, contract ite Reeve and Clerk be empowered tCa ask for new tenders, as sd 'he still11 holds aa contract i�.rae the Clerk ite lost �s G r c..ed raw p an aarse ie a« governing .n 4 3 f and .o he I signed � d �! 13' r. :S .aBper-P,lveA-s—Ti:ai the Coann a6toser a bo irzstruc:te1 to open drain in front of Cfeae z t 1,•"- Ca :Tied. ntectiutz of +?:e Council 3zetd- g t.,t. Town Lull it._,- 15, ' ti r, r_.? s .r,ifl preseat, vonit inzakr e cel 2O of Mr. Riv- ere. Coimaanica.t-!ort frons tate Creed Trunk relative to. the ,offer' of rho A illag: it of �t• to furnish tkse CtBnpanx water at the rate Of, p "a9;trIlt. ,Wa. dead,. They mated if Che Couezeil wa prepared to make a little More reason able otter, say about $425 per annus clad if eta' they were prepared i;i,l eon-: stder the# ritat er.. Levet ^f\F' r.-- 1-, t a•} � t ,pe a , we ;hake thertr ant offer,of .'350 to sup ply t=hem with water—flat rate ---for a, terra of tutee years, the same subject to lnzntediate acceptance, --Carried, Wa)per-Day--That we order 34 ,err;. v' 1 a boxes r uee the v+ater work system. --Carried, pay,Wiper—That the Fire Chief lata, pate an extra sum of. $50 fix .looking after tike hydrants etc., and to 'ba pe u Save Money On The °Rowing Lines At Our Selhng Out Sale apo rsib)e t a ate Ceuneil ter ,the working of, the $a zAae,--C 'rr i . H z, ed eft • E'?as what the Arat et i ^o y6 trig' f the Court 'f'at' the revistionkof the amass, - eat cess, -est sell Tar 1011 be held • at the Town __ ... Thursday, 4une° Sth,.A,t 7.30 wet. n a P. S.—It would be very gratifying 'no the Bdard if the suggestions for in.: struction in ' s,00ial purity as mention ed above be published by every exchange of this paper. ; It is held also that this i,nnstruction: should be given to ev- ery child at a period net exceeding ;12 years of age. NEW TRAIN SERVICE TO "LAKE OF 'BAYS? ' An important' feature that will be inaugurated during the corning seassori will be a new train service to the} "Lake of Bays” district A standard Grand Tsunk passengers train will leave Tor- onto 'withthrough coaches', parlor cars -uric! dinin'7 car at 10.15 o'clock in the morning, daily except Sunday, for Huntsville, reaching the "latter. "point at about 3 Otcha'ck in the afternoon, con- necting with the steamers for points 'in the "Lake of Bays" district, and af- fording passengers f-fordin;:passenggera the opportunity of reaching their, a, atination in time for dinner. The Sunday evening boat service from the ',Yaws hotel, Britannia,' Point 'Ideal Portage,: Deerhurst and; other, important calling pointe oh "Lake of Bays" to Huntsville '.i11 br :0, or same,'schedule s for seasons 11)10, airing the menthe of July; and August, :' and which will be a •boar! to .weak -enders, de,'11 r , to n•eturt, to the city for business' on Mondays. Mies Bertha Mack, iwho •,has been L' ek keeper • yit,h the Gartiafi-.Macka'y Ca„ To ^o:ito;' for the' past two years,' Inas' re- sa Wed hes p st,t}on 'anti has ao spied p i- w.lfli �,tts�el'1C�ailada 1u.na,1-, n G' n , Tor- oSnto a se oL ;calory, a: rs' T. E. marling. Cl+;rl US ENUMERATORS Ina. are thee,:n '° u a un as p Mated a. f r1 th a immediate d s- t , l sir duties to caraune ;ce June 1, etee,—Wna. Prout, .Alen. Pardon, ebciritc,—Joehua Johne. John }!organ' n, Smith, Robert Oardisaer. Siephcva,-Chas. W. Christie, U.-^ Mit wi A. Swettzer, Timothy Canine, Ezra Tteman, 3S. Sweltaer, Isaac Sharrow, 3AT—Jolaa M Mahon, Donald Burma Chas, 'Fritz, Win, 1lesa, Hy Krueger, J. K. Gaeta, Jas. IHagap, alarslutll Cor rlvearl. , 1 -renal', --1i. 1i,' Ingram;,• CARROL. TO BANG • SAULtT STE. arATUE:, Oat. May x2. Tata mottling Jahn Carroll, a shanty man, was sentenced to bo hanged on July 26 tor themurdhfl or a. compatilon !turned Talton Aa ai catnp near Blind. River. Justice Britton only said a few worda in pronouncing the death sentence. The jury had 'brought 'Iii a recomnxsndation for mercy, and the Judge said that while this would be. forwarded to the proper authorities, Caroli should not be given any hope Real. he would be shown aaiy to"Crcy, The 'prisoner took the whole matter quietly. Carroll formerly resided itt North 'Middlesex a;nd. has :relatives residing there. He was confined in the London Asylum for some months in 10,08, and had several times attempted to commit suicide, but was never known to try to injure anyone else until he murd- ered Tailor last winter. BIRTHS no1L1ts—In. Exeter, May 14,01,: to, and Ctrs W. H. Collins, a Son. Bright—In. Exeter, ;Nay 9th, to+Dr. and Mrs. H. It: Bright, a son. .J Tieman>--In Dashwood, on .fay 16th, to Mr. and Mrs. David Tiernan, a daugh- ter. Becker—On the Bronston Line, Hay, May 9, to Mr. and Nino 'Cha s, Becker, ,a eon? - Norris—In Fullerton, on May 4th, to Mr. and Mrs. James Norris, a daugh- 1 ter. BayniNi.m—In Stephen, on May 8th, to .4r. and Mrs. Thos Baynham, twin' sons. ; Hackney—In Fullerton, May 5th, to Mr. and Mrs. Alex. hackney, a daughter, Rollins -In Detroit, to Mr and Mrs:. Fred Rollins, formerly of Exeter, a son' MA RRIAGES Cameron -'McDonald -3n Tuckersmibh, on May, •17th, Robert Cameron; of lien - sell, to Miss McD;on Old cdaaighter of Hugh McDonald of Tuckeramith.. Doupe—Cottrell-At Ilderton, on May 10 by Rev. Clayton Mioorellouse, Miss Gertrude M. Cottrell of Centralia, to Mr. Homer: E. D;'oupe of Petrolea, for- merly of Kirktlon.. ' 1! Fa:u1d's—Randall—At Parkhill, M'ay 10, Mr. 'Ennie Fauldet to Miss Bessie, dau- ghter of Mr. aln,d, Mrs!. Arthur Randall.. Cardno-Elley-At Coleman, _Alta., : on May 2nd, Mr Fred Canino, ilormerly of Seaforth, to Miss Lend. Elley,: o1 Colern an. Liddle—Chesney—At Egmoildville, on May 10, Mr. Matthew Chalder Liddle, of Niagara Falls', N. Y., to' Miss' Jenn- ie Pearson. Chesney, youngest daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm ChbS)ljey, Tuckersmitlhl;. DEATHS Flynn—In Stephen, on May 14, Mall.,Ja'g: Flynn,aged 51 years. McKeever—Ln; Stephen, May 11, James, McKeever, aged 45, years. ' Keawaar-In Ailsa Craig, on May, 9, Thom as Keown in his 66th; ealt> Coles—In Fullerton, May 8', Jonas O. Coles, aged 84 years. COBII:T OF REVISION c. j;T3j13 VIi 3iAGE OF, EXETER NOTICE is, lhenticby given that,' a Court of,itevtsi•ot- for tlhe :issessnent .Roll 'of. the Village of Exeter will, }lipid its. first. meeti,iab for the present year in `' trier Tows Mall, ''Exeter, aan Thursday,. June 8`n, 1:911, o.t 7;:30 • T. 13.`,,CARDING, 5o.1$1 ter; a May MEN'S SUITS f BOYS' SUITS ikota • tl > . SE:Ii l3TS, 35c., 50e., tv $J,00' ODD PANTS r $1.00 up OVERALLS & SMOCKS, 50f , to $L UNDERWEAR from. 20e, to 40c. 2 pr. WORK SOX, wool, gilt. WORK, SOX 10c 8, pair. I3LACIC CAS' 3!ERE SOX 20e a pr.. FANCY COTTON SOX 20c. a pair FANCY .SILK SOX 40c. si ptaix STIFF HATS at $1.50 FELT :HATS from 50c. to 4.1.25- $4.0Q SHOES at $2.95 ;45.00 SHOES at $4.00 - 'WORK SHOES, all kinds, COST Pried! CHILDREN'S JUMPERS at 35c. it will pay you:. in to come and see thevalues for yourself. Quitting Otl�ier