HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1911-5-11, Page 8IT THE EXETER. Ai7TVU GATE' THURSIIAY, MAY II, 19111 THE The spring trade this year promises to bee. heavy one, and we are prepar- ed for it with a full, supply of the Finest Clothing Materials in Tweeds, Fanny Worsteds, Ete. Our workmanship is the hest and cannot be excelled, Try its for your new Spring Suit, ercbant Tailor, Ontario EXETER MARKETS. oaANGEI) EA.0I Wl DNESD4y Barley, P�„.... 64 Buckwheat,,48 Oats, „xRR,„TkMn 64 76 Potatoes, per bag . , . , a0 Ray,per ton. x...*144w,4 0:;,b cure per cwt., faraily Illogr, low grade peraw 1 4 A se‘ 17 riraia.Dge,,psr GWir Shorts per tori. . -, 78 60 aQ 64 10 00 411 7 17 4 06 ;; 00 2001) Teo Areae at les,e gat t re i-av i e. encs tae+ owners stave fasfruet SS eekteein ;o sell proper'S. Te ;.dery t' received Uy Urn n up to tux POssesstarr .given Sept, let, FLOUR AND FEED.--11avir:5 put in a stock of Fleur and Feed ,I solicit your pat:Nragc. Stand ono door north of ,I3ea. na„ r Hardw.►re—rovers' old stalrA. ,hos. Davis. a, it LOCAI;. IX)IN(s- 1' iI t5 '24th is only two weeks' away. The baseball Hanoi: 'on the school. grou ld has been skinned, and practice has comrnenced, Coal rhes Any persert ashes. can have a' quantity the Advocate Office. Phillips witl Peeve thus week ,tnt0 the residence he purchased, £turn Mr. T, May big, William street. Mr- John A, Newell ell Saturday- rook possession of thb Commercial House«, althou;ia the 'transfer of license will not be• made until the 19th, Dr. W. J. Knight, whorecently Passed Mals fourth year ;'n, iredicine, has tin appointed blouse 'surgeon at St, Jos- eph's os-ept' s 1:Ioshita1; I.sandon, and leas corn - :neared hits duties. Mr- and Mrs. '^ G Lamport o Clancleboye moved into town last week and are occupying the house they re Gently purchased frotrt Mr, S. Hardy ora Simcoe Street. We welcome them to< Ea`Q.er. Mr. Wellington Jahns has been ap l pai(ttecl r3rgarcizez for the Canadian Or- der r•-de • of 'Roresters and started on his' dut- ies Monday. (Organizer Trine of St. Georges lits been, here with Mr. Johns during the Week, The fir, Pais off. of sky ;rockets, fit's era kers. etc„ le all well e¢toualx £or ala, =4th: a;i July let. aaad a few other a ofi .oelebratltarn, but there is little as 3¢a.having that kind of thing r 3Th ea;a e cry: evelaia (a Ila to n. ause y1,4 see.4 l•aC of .women with tsroir 5ieade wrflpped around in cloth, do.r't Iutnl7 to the conclusion that they Stifferlag front headache. Tile we- rii ca arra realli etx,loy ins ttl3ernsevles I is Is; tars:r Intoha .ds, who surfer wishing coal' by calling at ah htltdsorne driver had rpa .an Saturday last. when to the lower jaw by, a pig, ¢early tiled to death. The flaw of w.ns £1 iv stepped, however, and at ,gives prozitis> of recovery. e 1c;r will pro 'return to the SOa •this. year, Last year the Yrr tried theZr Streets ne dust and round it did the. orIt. well stud at a reaslaaable east, at triu;td the rail fatal to rubber tires. Tee Huron: 'Weather 7futual Camper*” Id Meeting at the Central Hotel ion xtt,esday, „fay .Mrd, Considerable bus - ss was transacted in trel „way of ad- justing claims and receiving applications dor insurance. The company is In a dlourishing (audition. A reader laafornns ,us: that there has been morn or lese snow on the ground every 2nd and 3rd of relay for -.the past four years: Tw'a years ago on the 2.14 there was a -snowfall of six Intlhee of "the beautiful"' It is coring so regul ar that we will..edxa begin to 'lookler It. Cavan Presbyterian church will: cele- brate their fiftieth anniversary on May 21st and 28th, when the following min- isters will take part in the services, Dr. Jae, Ross, of London, Drr Ramsay of Ottawa.,Eev. Peter Strang ot Virden `tan., Rev. S. &i. Martin of London, and the ,pastor,. Rev. S. F Sharp. IS you want to shut out the view from any window, you can do It ,very cheaply by dissolving In a little hat wat- er as nruch.epsom salts as the ,water will absorb. Paint over the window at once while trot and when dry you will have a very giyod ;imitation of ground glass. , Messrs. T. Baker and Wese Snell went to Landon Thursday night, and, came home ,Friday; .int the Ford auto, widen 1Ir. Baker had purchased. It le a haled - some, black car, tw`o-seated and covered, and runs, easily and smoothly. Messrs. T. Baker, D. Kartleib, Spackman, D, Russell and L. W. Palmer took a run o Gaderich in, the car on Sunday Rey. Mark Turnbull of 'G•oderich preached two strong and impressive sermons on behalf of Missions for Caines in the Trivitt Memorial , Church on Sunday last. Rev- Turnbull has ac- cepted a call from a large Anglican church in Mexico, where he will move shortly with his family: The reverend zio ntll man is an earnest and devout worker in God's great cause and doubt leas his efforts will be crowned with success in Ms new field of 1aloor. Now that tlu+ bard wank, le to be done you need Sand bread. Model flour will. Produce, it. --Harvey Erma. R to The Adv Lieenees. Office for 5'arri- DENTAL OFFICE CLOSES KINDLY TAKE NOTICE that my of- fice is closed every Wednesday after- noon.: DR. ROULSTON, FOR SALE.—The Mansion. House, Ex- eter, for sale. Wel1 Turn. shed. Good stable and drive shed. It not sold will rent. Apply to ROBT.LEAT1-iORN, Ex- eter. t ' ammismaimmussamm Lots of Face Creams e haveall kinds of them in stock and some of them are some good. But for a bright 'Fresh cont- plexiottand a 1eelitl[{ of cold- tort—the best thing we can buy is 1diyat's Face Create. It cost you only a quarter and is a .lot better than some selling at four times the price. The Ozygen in it simply re- news the life of the skin. It wont grow hair—it is not greasy and the po is a real ornament. W. S. IIOEL P111111 INSINSINERMIESIMBRIBINESSNIMIN Something New Something Good. Red Ceaar Elates (The best moth preventative known Made from the wood of the genu- ine Red Cedar, re-inforeed by a com- bination of the best moth killers known. eeable odor Easily Removed Sure in its results. e most convenient, economical and et Moth preveaotativ a on the mar- t°. .ity. ackages" 25c. The usual sanitary notice, asking that all property 'owners clean their prem- ises and put same in goind sanitary con- dition, has been issued. This is a very important matter and shiould in every respect be complied with slo as to pre- vent disease and epidemips. There _ac- companied:this notice pamphlets, issued by the Provincial Bloard of Health, con- tai,ning general precautions and hints of a ,very important nature. These should be .rex . theadvice and f oliovred by everyone THERE'S A DEFERENCE-Runsung a newspaper is just like running a hotel only a. little bit different. When a man goes into a lhdtel and, fihd.s something o,nthe table which dloes not raise hades ,with Abs., Landlord and tell him tlx stop his old hotel. We1L hardly. He sets that•dish to one 'side and wades into the many dishes that suit hihi It different with some newspaper readers. They find an article occasibnally that does' not suit them exactly and with- out stopping to think it may please hundreds of gather readers, make a grand stand play and tell the editor horw �a newspaper; ishoud be run and what should be put in it. But such people are''becorning :fewer' every year. CARD OF THANKS—The family of the late James Gould desires to thank the fiend and neighlbors iOr their kind- ness during -'the time of the: illness and death of 'their late father. RETHEESDA CHURCH FOR SALE: Tt:e Be!iesda Church and 'contents will _'be offered"far`, sale b'y, public auc- tion ,"ori "Tueeday 'afternoon, May 16t4i, at 2 p.•m. SEED POTATOES FOR SALE: About '30 , bags• 'of > Deleware Potatoes for ,:seed for : sale at George Mantle's Feed;',Store, _ Ezeter If ;you •want. to sell or to rent -,your house o farm advertise it id The' Advo' ca.t oluaina; BUILDERS SUPPLIES MECHANICS FINE TOOLS NAILS, 6LASS,PIUTTY IRONPIPErfITER P'hone 29 ruces' Seeds! Field. •Root Specialties THE`tARDEST AND REST IN RIME SOLD IN I, POUND PACKAGES Giant eirbite Feeding Sugar Beet Gant Yellow Intermediate Mangle Gate. Past Long Red Mangle ,New Century Swede Turnip Selected Swede Turnip ;.+,f.uuoaoth Ifte:mnediate Smooth White Carrot This variety we also sell in, bulk ALSO Bruce's Famous Hamilton- Lawn Grass Seed Bruce & Steele Briggs Garden Seeds Prepare For Housecleaning '1 'iNDERSI: INE •"nis is the quickest and best. Silver Polish made. Just a dip and a rub a Id the work is dyne, '25e.. LAWN MOWERS Ia et{ .,, P \ 14" t.17.3E'r.1 0 4<4.4444 LIQUID VENEER Two size battles CHAMOIS SKINS Extra large size and quality. - and 50c. Y tine 40e. nits. POTTS SAD I.ILONS pull plated, three Irani, handle and stand. Per set 31.00 ASK ROW TO GET FREE STENCILS WASH BOARDS We offer an extra good quality full size board at 25e HOUSE BROOMS We have a fresh lot R3Y ; ',leve ~ corn bro,ams. A very dine assortment 315e•, 40c, 45c„ 50c, MOP STICKS Self wringing 35e, SCII Uil 13Rt)SHES .Ali free'', glade, 10ee 1:5e„, 20ee 25e, CAItPI1T swEEPERS We handle only the Well-kniewn makes. Hissers Grand Rapids, Na- tional Sweeper Ca., Newark N. J. We i,rve these a� $3,1l1 ET BEATERS P, dau aYe extra strong w it e velu'sr_ 10e, ar,.l 15e. Cly` L CANADIAN WRINGER. This IS the test Kealy wringer on the market. Solid rubber relle, war- rarrted ftar ohne year. $3.60 ,1LVANIZED IRON WASH TUBS No :hoops to loosen; will not be- come foul or musty. Light to han- dle, Three sixes, 70c, 80c. 00e. STEP LADDERS •Sete;ted woad, very strong and 'light 75c., , 1;1.00 1 T. Hawkins 86 Son "We deliver promptly” 1 Mr. G. E. Anderson was Lit F'Ingatrpart of the week, leaving Friday evening. Miss Johns lett last week tb spend the summer with her brother, Alvin, in Saslea'toan. 51:r. J. J. Knight attended the convo- cation at the Medical Sehool, London, last week when. his nephew, Dr. Will. Iniyht, graduated. '+ 'Firs. Peter McDorlald •of Wallaeeburg, fir. Fred Gould of Strathroy, and Mrs: HilderIey of ,Brookdale have returned to their 'Ionics, after ai.tending the 'funeral of their father, Mr James Gould. Mr, Harry Parsons returned from London Saturday evening. He has the contract for the watering of the streets of. Exeter this summer. POWELL'S BAZAAR EVERY DAY SPECIALS WITH THE FOLLOWING SPECIAL ARTICLES AND PRICES we hope to turn over a considerable quantity—Saving money for you and! making for our- selves. Hence we live. Run over the list, then come and see the hundreds of things we can't tell you about. iugt For 5c. WRITING TABLETS ENVELOPES, PLAYING CARDS SOAPS, TOOTH PICKS, HAT PINS, HAIR PINS, CURLING TONGS, FRUIT NAPPIES SUGAR BOWLS, SALT & PEPPERS CHIMNEYS, VASELINE, COMBS NAIL BRUSHES, PINS, NEEDLES FIRECRACKERS, PURSES, BEAU- TY' PINS, MOUTH - ORGANS For 10, 15, 25c. CHILD'S TOY BROOMS, BELT PINS, TOOTH BRUSHES, WHISKS, CUFF LINKS, TIE PINS, BEAUTY and HAT PINS„ BARRETTES, COMBS, IRON DANDLES, PAR- ING KNIVES, TALCUM POWDERS PERFUMES, TOOTH CLEANERS, RUBBER AND BASE BALLS • BOYS' REPEATING PISTOLS witht 50 allots,— 15c. —NEW' BARGAINS EVERY DAY ViATCH OUR WINDOWS - Candy Chocolates (Bananas 20o. doz.) Grand rant nuts. k w' o,attlith our e>ea Come in and look around anytime. You are welcome. Ask to hear :.the new :Edison Phonograph and the new records:. PO'EL¢L'S BAZAAR J. Willis Powell, Prop. arm Implements We are now busy re -building our Implement Warerojcma, and we 'wish to draw your'atten,tilon,to the fact that we handle a full line of McCormick Implements FOR THE INTERNATIONAL-1L1.RVESTER•.'COMPANY Binders, Mowers, Rakes, Manure Sprdaders, tilling teals, etc 'ckshutt Plows A full lice of Cockehutt Plows •a Repairs Buggies A Carload of Fi-uggies, manufactured by Gray & Son o£. Ohatham, arr- ive: Saturday, ,a niirnber of which are specialty suitable for young men. Any intending',',purchaser will find it worth", while to -call arid see these bef ore pun - chasing. • We -Pay ; pa,rticnlar ments handled by us. Mr. John Idun`er siill' remains Repairs enation ti:e "furnishin; he businees: for all imple Marchand's Jewellery «ATR THE RINGS in our display. See bow they glisten and glitter. No wonder they make the most accepted gifts, as well as the most enduring. Our Jewellery Display contains rings of every description. There are baby rings, birthday rings, engagement rings, wedding rings and rings just for adornment. We can supply you just as GOOD GOODS at just as REASON- ABLE PRICE as can be had at any place in Canada. A. Marchand, Exeter Jeweller & Optician Brighten the Home This is the time of the year when the E c uh ill be done. There is BO better time to brighten up the home with a little Furniture We invite you to inspect our showing which.is the 1 «- est'and best in the county Perhaps' A� NOW Parlor Suite,New Bedroom Suit A Couch- or Rocker, Something for the Kitchen or Dining Room. will be in order. We can suit your taste andp p rice in anything in the line of furniture. ROWE 8G ATKIN$ON The Leadine Horne Furnishers and Funeral Directors. ..........e.t...,........................,........._.....e JONP,HONE NO. 32 ES &MAY HOT WEATHER WANTS The hot weather is here. It was &ow in coming but now we have it and are not ready. We are showing all the summer goods in the best varieties of textures and colors, WASH GOODS We have. them all la Prints, Ging hams, Chanibrays, Drills, Ducks, silks and cotton voiles. A very Large range to choose from at low, prices. FANCY SILKS Another lot of those fancy 'Silks, just to hand in all the best ciolorsa Linens, Vestings, Repps;l Muslins, Jacquard an Tokio Silks. are very popular this, seasons FOULARDS That very popular gioods with', a lasting silk finish.. Every colon` to pick from, in' the : very fancy pat- terns, all good washers.—That make a very popular and servicable dress. SUMMER UNDERWEAR For • Children, Ladies' and Men's In the ., b est values we have ever, shown. Do not fail'e`t -t 'Tony; yob' summer urn e'dw'eaar at' Joale;ei 1Say's. Ready-to-wear . News A big clearance of all our Ready-to-wear gar- ments, We have had a bumper season and want to clear them out early. LADIES' TAILORED SUITS $7.50, Only three left but to clear • wt are offering our $11.00 sults) 3Or only $7.50 LADIES' SPRING " COATS 53.75`& $7.50, Only' a few left, but all 55.50: coat, fpr $3.7,5'. Our $10 & $11,,. coats flair' $7.50., iliinery� A big range of Girl's.; ready-to- wear school hats at 50e. each. Ali our' millinery is right, up-tp- dare.' It will pay you to leave your orders early for your summer hates. ouse Furnishing We are doing the 'trade. Bust peas is geodin this line. We"must • have the 'ggads to make ` it so:— Rugs, Carpets, Linoleurris, • 011 cloths, Curtains', Blinds, Pioles, Etc. aTe here in a large variety. di Headquarters for the celebrated W. E. -Sanford Clothing